KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER aaaaatBaasxaaasssenxBBextKiteKi Eltvanth Vur-No. 3,191 "LET SENATOR EXCORIATES W(MWWWWWWMWWMWWWWWWW Next Peace Move to Be Made Soon DETAILS ARC BEINO WORKED OUT NOW Nail Mova of United Slalta Toward ringing Ptaee In Europt Will If Madt After Official Toil of Enltnlt Raply lo First Communication U Nocclvtd Colontl Houat Is Assist. Ing In Now Effort WASHINGTON, , (', Jan. l.-1'tw Mrnt Wllaon and Colonel limine, hi Itormmat adler, today art w or kin out I ho detail of IliU KOirniurnlV neat peaci move. It U expected In rome nhtirtly after America revel, m the official text of the enlrlltc'n r"lljr lo I'rraldrnl WIIon' flmt comiiiunlcn tlun, Colonel IIiium ruiifrrrnl with Sec retary of HUlv Unbelt l-nimlnK tlilo morning. GOVERNMENT TO OWN WIRELESS NAVY DEPARTMENT IS ANXIOUS TO OWN WIRELESS SYSTEMS, ESPECIALLY ALL THE COMMER. CIAL STATIONS WA8IIINOTON. II. C Jan. I. Hit. ii'lury of tin Niivy Daniel today de- rli.red Hint the navy department will, iui!i Hid measure providing for gov- i-itinienl ronlrol of nil wireless teli. Jack la Happy. Kruph system In Hip United Hlote.j Juck Horner In wearing u bnmd Till nii'Hiiurn imw In before congress, smile, today. Mr. Homer hint evening Secretary Daniel In especially nnxl-i presented hint with a flue buy. Dr. K. out tbut tho government purchase nlljD. Johnson attended, mid reports baby roiiimercliil HlntlonH. iinil mother lining well, State Buys Crooked Creek Hatchery Site Thirteen and Fraction Acres Are Pur chased for State Trout Hatchery to Supply Whole State llilrloen and forty-four-hundrodlb acres on Crooked Creek, In Klamath county, tbla morning bocamo property of (bn state of Oregon mh a silo for n state trout butchery. The land was deeded to the aUto by Walter Dixon and wlfa of Fort Klamath for $1,000, and la In section 1, township 31, range TV4 east. The hatchery on Crooked Creek, which la a few miles from Klanmth Agency, will be built next aprlnr. and will be the one main trout hatchery for the entire Mate, supplying trout fiy JEz iEuemng UltxnYb EUROPE MAKE MWWWWWWWMWSWVWV GERMANY WILL ANSWER REPLY ftf-ATEMCNTS 8V ALLIES REGARD. INO CAUSED AND DEVELOP. MENTS OF WAR WILL NOT CO UNCHALLENGED AMttTKItl'AM. Jan I -Ib-rllii n (hum Hint (ierni.tiiy li preparing tin Xplhlinloty liDlo.tl JifUll'ilx rebutting1 Mini iilnlcltli tlti l.l.iile by Dip allien altuit tin" ratiHm u( the war ami ! M'lii.nniii ilurlns li. I.ortiinuy I Mrnijil,i nd,'ri lo per milling the nlllel claims in go on i hnllc nged In (hi (,'ilrlal iih iiuicuix, CRUISERS COST MILLION MORE ONLY ONE BID RECEIVED FOR) THRCE SCOUT CRUISERS FOR NAVY, AND IT IS $1,000,000 TOO HIGH WASHINGTON, I). C Jnn. I. The IiIkIi to" I uf battleship In Interfering greatly with tin navy program. When bids were. uii'iii'il I oil ay loi connt ruction of llireo scout cruisers, mil)' onn bid was prescnlcd. It was nrnrly n million dollars over the limit fixed by congies not only for Kliinmth county Htrounm, but (or all OroKon. II will tnko tho phicti of tho hatchery nt Uunuevlllo for hntclilitK trout kk. but other ttah will bo hntrhrd at Ilounnvlllo. The Htuln fish and gumn commlsBlon will make the new hatchery tha beat known to modern times. It la on what Is cousldored the bust stream In tho state because of the uniformity, In both summer and winter, or the tem perature of the water. Tho ground Along Crooked Creek Is Ideal for hatch fry bulldlnfiA and ullir iiilmiii, New Swiss President f-EPMUHU XWRTHgsSEI IM,..llllil lil-l.tllf ,.1.14 1m k 111 m-u tiril. .l.-nt or Slt.-rlnn.l. wlm will M-no, .lurliiK 1317 He lll In- ronfmnli-d with Hie blc robleiiin nt peacn Krn. Inp out of tin- war, und If muce nhniild I rtune In 1117 ho "III hni' liltirb to do wllb Hip negotiations. Leak Probe Will Begin Tomorrow WASIll.NV.TON, I). C, Jan. 1. Tho ImrntlKaHnn by the lioufi or n.inHin. I nil ten of TIioiiiiih W. IwmiiiV cbarKi'i of leakh" (mm tho nlnte parlttiont will bCKin tomorrow. mp M'Kciitntho Wood will bo the first wit nesH. THREE WOMEN DELIVER VOTE FEMAI li ELECTOR6 WILL DELIV ER TO 8TATE SENATE PRESI DENTIAL VOTE OF THE STATE FOR LAST INOVF.MiER KUUKKA. Jan. l.-Women will di liver Callfornla'H prcvtldenllnl vote to tho Hcnuto when tho senate ennvuHtu-H tblio olllcliil returns. Thin announce. mrnt was liiadn today by Elector I'uter after u confeienco.wlth tho other elect ors, Tlui'c women me amoiiK tho thirteen California presidential electors. CARL ADAMS WINS POOL TOURNAMENT Carl Adams won llrst pilze In tho weekly rotation pool tournament lust night at tho Mecca billiard parlors. Dick Purker won second prlzo and Johnnie Uutler third. There were 36 entries In the tourna ment Inst night but by elimination the contestants Anally were reduueed to the three winners. Tbo tournament Is held each Wed nesday night. Dr. b, F. Dcmoreat, a 'deatlst of rill, Is a business visitor lit the county swit. ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1917. ADMINISTRATION'S SECRECY PETITION IS OUT FOR ELECTION ON NEW FRANCHISE CIRCULATORS BEGAN WORK AMONG CITIZENS TODAY I New fianchlte Wat Prepared by Stone & Crest, Attorneys for Keno Power Company Contains Some Provi sion Not In One Voted by People end OmlU Provisions Offered aa Amendments to First Franchise. I Circulation of the liillhitlw tlllioii iiillliir for n Mit-rlal i-li-rllon on Miiv 7. ly IT. to otr- on a fmncliUe for the ,. ,.,,,. cwll,aiiy ,,,. ,,, u,r,ip Tbf petition In addrraxed lo ,,lo Ju.Ikc A. 1. Lenvltt. and directs )-ni lo plncit thoVr.uicblHi' mwumm on the ti.illot. A topy of the nrdlnancp to t be Mitnl on l .-ittachrd to the petition , and limy be read by any pcrnon. iTho frnnclilni' iih prepared by Stone t"ri'in, attorney! for Keno Power i-ompany. ami lh inol p.irtirulat In lll.e the fninehlhe votiil by tin people, of Klamath Palls Dei-ember 5th. It iinnlili-s I hut Keno I'nuer romnnnv ! hall p.ij fr.o nt rompeilMilloii for the fram-hlfe, ami that Installation of the I illxtrihtitlon M.tem nnt bo com- inenreil williln one )inr. It tloe not Include a provision u lulling tin Kenu Power (otnpany to put lip a hum! to guarantee rotitple- i Hon of inntiillntlou within a certain J tlnu. The elt. loimcll now has on lt ta- de-jhle a franc hl-e ordlnanco p.ird to necond teailln1,'. NotlllliK I1 expect ed to be dune with it until Keno Power company accepts it and agrees to pay for Its publication. It Is known that this i-oinpnu. will not accept tho ftauchlsc. This piobably will mean Hint Keno Power company will be Krant'ed the finnchisi pin.wtl for in the Inltliithe petition being circulated, or will get no franchise. Strahorn Sends His Greetings (lootings and i-imgiatulutfons to the people of Klamath Palls has been ie celved In a lelegiiim from llobcrt K. .Slralioiii, builder or the proposed Oregon-California & lCnstern railroad. The telegram came lo J. V, Siemens, but Is Intendetl for the, entire, city. Mr. Strahoin's telegram follews: "Please accept and kindly coney lo your many good citizens my hearty congratulations on the very auspicious opening of the New Year for I ho Klamath county, ami also' my deep appreciation of tho splendid and un selfish work of our many public spirited men and women In behulf of the project so near to our hearts and In which I am proud to bo associated with them. Whllo aiuiin pledging my best efforts to Its eaily completion, besides usual New Year's cieetltius. I offer the belief Mer-'that with their persistent efforts and , loyal support we will get further along IdurliiK 1H17 l huu mfiiij now expect." PEACE"-LODGE He Attacks Secrecy Henry Cabot Lodge Business Men Give tor Site The railroad committee or Klamath Palls Ilii!-lne.-s Men's Asociation last tiiKht icpoited to the association, and was directed to turn oer to the trus tees of the Strahorn railroad terminal fund all contracts for subscriptions se cured to date. The committee has t-ecured among the forty members of the association a little more than $5,000 to date. IS GIVEN 30 DAYS PLEADS GUILTY TO PETIT LAR CENY, AND IS SENTENCED TO A SHORT TERM IN THE COUNTY JAIL BY JUDGE KUYKENDALL Thirty da) a In the county jail was the sentence imposed by Judge Kuy Kendall yesterday afternoon on Frank Worthlngton for stealing a saddle from J. II, Ileckley at Klamath Marsh last fall. Worthlngton was indicted on a charge of larceny of tho saddle, but agreed to plead guilty to petty larceny. This was acceptable to tho court. Attorney W. II. A. Itenner repre sented Worthlngton. Worthlngton has asked for publica tion or the following expression of thanks to cx-Shurlff C. l Lew: "1 wish to express my thanks for tho kind treatment and attention given mo by ex-Shorllt C. C. Low, and wish him success In his new Held." AmbatMdora Confar BERLIN. Jan. 4. Newspapers here announce that the forelkn ministers to Germany. Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey will assemble in Berlin soon for un Important conference. --T3BLBbw .aflHEJES-SaaW S9 SSLV f $&23H ilSjEp(&H iHHjftJfti'LHV WORTHINGTON Congress Shouldn't Have to Act in Dark 0W0W0WWW00A PEACE OFFER IS CAUSE OF DEATH NATIVE GERMAN COMMITTS SUI CIDE IN UNIQUE WAY BECAUSE THE FATHERLAND OFFERED PEACE TO ENEMY SAN KKAXCISCO. Jan. i. Despond ent because Germany made peace ov ertures, Phillip Kerna, a native Ger- 'niariT last night uniquely committed suicide. He lighted a tamp, turned on the gas and cotered himself with oiled paper, apparently hoping the gas would as phyxiate him and then explode, burn ing all evidence. He died from the effects of the gas, but didn't bum up. GREEKS REBEL AT ENTENTE'S DEMANDS LONDON. Jan. L Athens reports that King Constantine's government is iialtig diOiculty in completely acquies cing to the demands of the entente low ers because of public opinion. The blockade of the country' is still In force. Wilson Has Peace Terms MSTI.!tUAM. Jan. 4. The Cologne Voll;s Zeltung today confirmed the biatement made by Count Andrassy of Austria at Btuapesth a few days ago that President Wilson of the Unit id States knows Germany's peace 'emis. Mr. E. B. Hall Gives $500 for Terminals Makes Largest Single Donation by Any Person Secured by Women's 1000 Railroad Club Fhe bundled dollars, the largest Mittita subscription collected to date by tho Women's 1,000 Kallroad Club, wan iec:Uivd )esterduy by the club when F.lbett U. Hall or the White Pelican Intel subscribed $500, Mi. llall'H subscription to the ter minal fund raised yesterday by the Y omen's 1,000 Kallroad Club to a neat S2.".. Dr. K. I). Johnson of the firm of Johnson & Cnthey, gave 1100 and Pave A. Kcnyon, proprietor of the O. K. blacksmith shop, gave another 9100. L)!fi O. Mills put his name down for $50 )esterday and G. R. Manning gave 15 more. Several other persons gave f-S each. Tho total fund raised to date by the Women's 1,000 Railroad Club to help buy terminal grounds tor the Hti attorn railroad la f 1,683.50. The club has been actively at work about riiiii week. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Viet Plva Carta A'JLZ'XZ. I J. HAM LEWI9 TAKES UP CUDGEL FOR WILSON Lanaihg'a Firat Interpretation of Wil ton Note, in Which Ht Virtually Terrred It a War Note, la Declared Sincere by Lodge Saya Nobody Knowa Exactly What tho Note " i:&Kii WASHINGTON", D. C. Jan. 4. Sen ator Henry Cabot Lodge of Maaaacbu sett spoke again this afternoon against the resoluiicn endorsing Pres ident Wilson's cote to belligerent p.V'i ;s. "The people who are fighting the war ought to make their own peace, declared Senator Lodge. He excoriat ed the administration for seeking a "blanket endorsement" of the entire negotiations, and attacked the admin istration's secrecy concerning the ne gotiations. "Congress should not be asked to act in the dark," said Lodge. Senator J. Hamilton Lewis took up the administration fight for endorse ment of the president. In an interview Senator Lodge de clared he believed Secretary of Stato Lansing's first Interpretation of the r.ote was sincere, when Lansing vir tually called It a war note. Senator Lodge reiterated that no body Knows exactly what the note mean.--. 500 Germans Taken PETItOGBAD, Jan. 4. The capture of 500 prisoners and cannon and mor tars from the Germans In Rumania la olliciully announced. Following is a complete list of the t-ubscrlptions secured by the club yesterday- On page three will be found tho list of subscriptions up to Tuesday evening: L. II. Hall $500.00 l-r. K D. Johnson 100.0Q ). A. Kenyon .....100,00 f . O. Mills SMO 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.W G. It. Manning . .. . - Mrs W. E. Townsend Mrs. Agnes Eskelson - Mrs. C. E. Jay Mrs. C. K. Brandenbur..g Mrs. I. D. Whltmore Mis. W. J. Roberta Mrs. Chas. Martin ' "77,- ... . ,i . i ' W. airs, ueorge . wir ........... - wi. Mis. D. A. Kenyon 1 k ',,, .... n n VI k.ll ' KA V. C. H. Iialvert M $ Total for January 3 ........ ..fiW.M m m 14 At ,,