KLAMATH COUNTY'8 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER fflitmmi3HMpg!wg3MMiMmniMi Eleventh Year No. J. 190 LANSING NOT RESPONSIBLE SEMICOLON KILLS INDICTMENT AGAINST GERRUE AAaa Is Exonerated From Blame by Senator William Stone MEMBER OEFENSE COUNCIL 16 NAMED Bernard ruch Said le Be Official Who Profited by Advanca Inform, lien en Wilton' Not le Belliger. enls Charged With Selling 15,000 Shares of Steel Sleek Thirty Mln tilt fere Crash. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jnn 3, Sen nlnr William J Stone of Mlaxnuri, chairman of the foreign relation., com mittee, today exonerated llnlwrt I Jn xlns, xecrrtary if Male, from all blame for Ihe alleged "leaks" from I tin Mate department, thrtitijih which offlrlnln of lhl department nrn supported u Imvr profiled. In a speech In ilii limine of reprexen latlve today Itcpreicnlnthe llenuclt named I lor nurd llarurh, a member of tin council for nntlminl dcfenne, as one who profited largely through advance Information on l'rrllrtii Wllium' note fo belligerent power. Bennett rhnrged Hint llitriirli Mild J5,lH0 share if xteel rnriHiriitltm stock on the rMn market thirty minute before the mite .wax announced on the New York Hock exchange. ILL FOR MEALS IS CUT BY COUNCIL The council lint night voted to ills- How the bill of the Hex cafe fur Heal nerved to election board In the bum of in. The bill wait for twenty iteala nl 75 renin n men), and the mined shaved It lo SO rent n meal. The.ltem for $3 for Jitney hire to thfj licet Ion booth wux til lowed. lulld Will Meet. The local Bplnro.ml (lulld will meet nmorrnw afternoon nl the home of Ira. II. II. Harrison at Si30 o'clock. .11 Dogs in Must Be Muzzled tabies Scare Causes of City Dogs and Quarantine Against Outside Dpgs Tim council enacted an ordinance laxt evening designed to prevent the Introduction of rnblex in Ihe city by declaring a quumnllna ngnlnat outside Jog nnd requiring all dog within lhf city to be muulnd. The ordinance tarried un emergency aectlon, and Ix In force Immediately. Section 4 pro- kldeena follew: "A dog shall be deemed to be "muz- lied" or "effectively muisled" within Ihe meaning of tula ordinance when he dog'' nose and jaw are encased vltb wire or leather murtle, no mean If 'which' Khali exceoif one aqunro nch. The ordinance make It unlawful to ring within the-elty limit any dog ulcus he ho muzzled effectively, and iUf? lEunfnn Herald Btaiiru!m.'n-Til-7iTWnTIiTT ii !" "riri-i,"'i-',rJ,i- - - - - -rri-rv,ii-i-ri-i-i-rirBi'v Exports Increase Greatly WASHINGTON. I) C. Jan. 3. The department of commerce, announced that the American export during the eleven month mdlng with November 3QHi have shown an Increaso In more limn it billion ami three quattcr dol lar oer ihi same perled'of any pre. violin year. Thr total value of American export In 1010 amounted to almost Ave bil lion dollar. AMBROSE NAMED AS FIRE CHIEF WILL GET SALARY OF 175 MONTH. CITY NOW HAS TWO MEN FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT ON FULL PAY Klctli Ambrose Inst night was ap pointed by Mayor ('. I). CrlNler. chief of the volunteer rite .department Ht u xnlary of 75 n tnonth. The appoint ment win upprmeil by the council. j Before the appointment wa nmde ihe council voted to place the fire chief on full pay, thus giving the elty two men who shall give nil their lime In keeping the city hall nnd all fire ap paratus In perfect order. City Edict for Muzzling the police are authorized to summarily kill any unmuzzled dog found within tho city limit. Chief or Police It. T. Ilaldwin Hinted till morning that he will enforce tho above ordinance rigorously. However, he snyx he will xhow mercy to dog wearing their IIcciiho tag. If the dog urn luken out of the pound at once. If Ihe dog l licensed but doea not wear It llcenxo tag, It will be con nldered an unlicensed dog, and ahot without notification of Ihe ownor. The ordinance wax passed by tho council ..beeaudo'of ithe presence of table among coyote and often among doga Townee! by farmerH. It ,'a h pre cautionary meaaura against Invasion of Klamath Fnlla by Ihe disease. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 191 7. -nmnf jTruT-njrj"uvvwarvmnjxixftnni iyvv'mnranrryvyvvViirvvvwiaor1run DOTY WOULD PUT CITIZENS BEHIND BARS Of PRISON DECLARES HIMSELF TO CITY COUNCIL Refuses to Second Mellon to Receive and File Resolution Requeuing the Passage of Keno Power Company Franchlte Resolution I Not One Voted by Clllient At Mate Meeting Short Time Age. I "Why don't they put the rent of that on thete. I won't second It because I w nut lo gel Ihe rest of those fellow, I would like lo put them behind the bars," Thl declaration eame lat night from Councilman M. It. Doty, after Cuuncllmnn It. J. Sheet had moved to receive and place on file the following resolutien: "We were requested by the citizen In mass nieetlnc nembled on Decent her 19. 1016, to prexent lo your lionoi nhle body Ihe following rexolutlen: Itexolved thill It I the enxo of thl tueelliiK Hint the Krno franchlxe xhmild he p:ixed n voted by the peo ple, n ml we rexpeclfully petition your lionoiiiblc body to rrconxlder your ro cent notion by which the frnnchlxe wn defeated nnd pax 'the xnme." O. A. STKAHNS. II. 8. GltmSIIY. V W. II. MASON. Thl rexolutlon waa carried to the council chamber December :6th by the nbove nnnietl Kentlemen iind held In the pocket of O. A. Stcarnx until nfler Ihe council adjourned. Then It wax Riven to the clerk of tho council, with tho request that it bo presented. Mr. Htenrna forcot to Rive it lo the clerk before council adjourned. It I not ihe rexolutlon paxxed nl the mux meeting December 19th. That rexolutlon demanded pnxxnRO of Ihe franchlxe or resignation of Counclltuen Doty. Sheet nnd Mnthowx. To hnvu prexenled it would huve laid Mcxsrx, Stern, Grlgxby and Mnaon criminally Continued on Pat 4 Minister Talks to Hollweg BERLIN, Jan- 3, Ambassador Ger ard cabled a, lenitby- resort to Fresl dent Wilson after a conference with von Betamain Holweg, QermMs chan cellor, , ' j?, a Upon being asked what the chancel lor said, Oerurd replied, Vlota of In tel extlng things." .i.aiiiilii J Two Republicans to Be A rvrvxxbAcxrsst. ARIZONA STILL HAS A SURPLUS OF RECOUNT SEEMS TO SHOW HUNT IS GAINING Ex-Governor Hunt Offers to Meet Gov-ernor-Elect Campbell Half Way to Secure Speedy Adjustment of Mst-' M I yi ters, That Business of State .Not Be Impeded Campbell Appoints Man to Represent Him. PUOKNIX. Ail.. Jan. 3 In a signed exclusive statement to the United Press today, (leoige W. P. Hunt, gov ernor of Ariroua, liiltes Tom Camp bell, gnveruot'-elect, to meet him half way, to secure a speeuv adjustment of the dispute over the governor' oflice. Governor Hunt asserts that the re count of votes thus far ha showed a net gain of ninety-eight for Hunt, against Ihlrly majority for Campbell In the ofllclal returns. ) Campbell today appointed a member of the Htute lax commission to take hlxi place, but said no business requiring definite action will be transacted until the mandamus proceeding tomorrow to nettle the trouble between him and Hunt. Would Enforce Law WASHINGTON. D. C Jan. 3. The railroad companies' committee today asked Judge Chamber of the federal mediation board to prepare an amend- rr , - I ""c?r I J. g. WANN-1 i , i I GOVERNORS ment to the Adamson law, giving j tured 482.7S5 Teutonic prisoners. Rus courta tho tight to Interpret and en-lata waa In the lead, with a total of force decisions of mediation board. 'tOO.OOO prisoner. Want Speaker ot Home I bt iRVlHe L. ttNROCFTr Juiurs K. Mann, long Ihe astute hnder of the Republican minority in the houxe of rrprexentaUves, expect to be the party candidate for speaker in the new congrex, which comes Into being March I. Dut Representative I. U l.enroot. Insurgent, of Wisconsin, nlxo roctx the honor. He ix backed by Ileprexcntntivo Augustus p. Gard ner of Massachusetts. Neither the Re publicans nor the democrats have n majority in the new house, the inde pendents there holding the balance of power. BUSINESS MEN TO TALK ROAD IMPORTANT MEETING OF BUSI NESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION IS CALLED BY PRESIDENT ESKEL SON FOR TONIGHT President O. J. Kxkelson ha called a meeting of the Business Men' Asj-o-elation for S o'clock this evening at the city hull. This is one of the most important meeting of tho year, nnd eery member of the association I re- quested to be present. ' The report of the railroad commit- lee will be presented and acted upon by the association, and a these gen' tlemen have worked faltbrully for the past three weeks, they are entitled to receive united action by the nssocia tion in their endeavors. Owing to recent development in the railroad situation, a great deal de- I pends upon the action of the ussocln I tion this e enlng. In addition to this, there are several other Important matter that will come up fur consideration that no member can afford tonlss. JOSEPH S. KENT. Secretary. Entente Captures Many Men ....PARIS, Jan. 3. It is offlclslly an- nounced that last year the allies cap- mr' i , -ill WNm;'' ii i sW f -,SZ "xJ&rM & BbbbVLMI d lKw ': FOR Demurrer Upheld By Circuit Judge I WWWWMWWWWWMWWMWWWiy President 1 Has Terms ot Teutons LONDON, Jan. 3. An Amsterdam dispatch says Count Andrassy deliv ered a xiieech In Budapest yesterday in which he declared President Wilson of the United State has full Informa tion on Germany's peace terms. (SPORTSMEN ARE FEEDING QUAIL DEEP SNOW HAS MADE IT DIFFI CULT FOR QUAIL TO FIND FEED. STOUT IS SUPERVISING THE FEEDING Feeding of quail in Klamath county j li;is been begun by Klamath Sports 'men'h Association. The deep snow ha tir.ile It practically impossible for thej instil to find feed, except as it may be 'p hen them by the farmers and the Sportsmen's Association. ' The feeding is being done under the' diieitlon of Henry Stout, game war-! ilei i Larkin Is Back. ' Jim Larkin has returned to Klamath', Palls after an absence of several j months, dui ing which time he has been In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Go wen Has Big Lead in Year's Marriages For Third Consecutive Year Local Jus tice Marries More Couples Than Any Competitor Again K. W. Gowen, justice of the peace for Mukvllle precinct, ba won Ihe distinction ot solemnizing morn marriage than any other person in Klamath county with authority to do so. This Is the third consecutive year he has gained thl honor. A careful compilation of tbe marri age statistics for Klamath county dur ing 1916 shows that Justice Gowen tied the knot that made man and wife of 37 different couples during the year. In 1915 Justice Gowen married 27 couples, mil stripping all competitor;! that year. Four years ago he loat by a small margin to Rev. George H. Fecxe, now or Portland. During the four year Justice Go wen KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price Flva Cento LEAK . 1 a . isttHsmM GIVES ADVICE TO DISTRICT AT TORNEY Because a Semicolon Appeared In Copy of Indictment Where Comma Should Have Been, Two Crimes Are Charged in Indictment, and Judge Kuykendall Is Compelled to Sustain Demurrer. A semicolon in the indictment against M. C. Gerrue, charged with rape or his daughter, today caused Cir cuit Judge D. V. Kuykendall to sustain the demurrer of W. H. A. Renaer. at torney for Gerrue, to" the indictment. Gerrue. however, was not liberated, but Judge Kuykendall directed the faulty indictment to be returned to the grand jury for correction. The semicolon appeared where a, comma should have been. The comma made the Indictment charge but one crime. The semicolon made it charge two crimes, asault and rape. Tbe orig inal copy of the indictment was correct but the duplicate served on the defend ant contained a semicolon where there wax only a comma in the original. The statute in such case Is clear. It provide that only one crime can e charged against a defendant in one in dictment. In the back of tbe code is a form of a correct indictment. After Judge Kuykendall had sus tained the demurrer of Attorney Ren ner. he took occasion to remark that district attorney can find in the back or the code a form or indictment, and that if it Is followed exactly the In dictment will stand. Battleship Torpedoed UEUUN, Jan. 3. The Zuericher Post reports that a German submarine has torpedoed tho French battleship Verite near Malta. ha held otflce he hits solemnized 115 marriages. The figure for 1916, showing marri age performed by all officials and ministers or priests, follew: E. W. Gowen . 37 C. T. Hunt 17 E. C. Richards -14 J, B. Griffith h 1 I II. J, Marshall r?rz J. V. Jenklnt. .....,...-.r. W. W. Havener, ' ..--o3 O. T. Morgan r S. W. Hall . - .--;, L. VI. Anderson.-- t- -vf 7x, F, J. Brady -,-.r rf. -;-,- W, E, Rambo.. J, T. Bradley,, V, M, Cleaves.. -.1 p. t l l' W'l M 21 Ji T m .Afl VifM firrt , j t "' ' -. i