i KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Tr.n-rT.ii,rrr:-nmrr,a n ;nTKm-M ii.jj MCT Eleventh Year No. 3,1H GEN. CONGRESS MAY REGULATE N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE WWWWWWMWWMWMIWWWMWWWWMW Mexican Bandit Defeats Army of Carranzistas at Torreon TWENTY. FIVE AHE KILLEO IN BATTLE Many Carrama Soldier Otitrt lo Villa tcauM Ht Pay In Sllvtr, Say Ref. ugft General Murgla Recapture Supplies Taken by Bandit Chief al Chihuahua City Soma Tima Age, When Ha Sacked City. Kl. I'ArtO, Jan. :-Thn Catmnirf consulate hern announced today thai an army of Carrantlala -rr defeated yesterday by 100 VllllMa- near Tor mm. Twenly-fhe emu were kitted In Hi halite and 110 prisoner taken In lh flKhlliij; were- later executed b Villa General MurRla tin Irli-Kmphi-d that he bait recaptured a quantity of up. plies taken by Villa at t'hlhuatiiia til). Itefugce arrltiiiK heie amu-rt lliui Carraiulnlw soldier frequently are ! rlliiK ) VIHn brcaune Villa In p)lnit hi nii'ii In sller. AMERICAN FORCE WITHDRAWN SOON PUNITIVE EXPEDITION UNDER GENERAL JOHN.PERSHING WILL BE REMOVED FROB MEXICAN SOIL, SAY OFFICERS Ill, I'AHO, Jan. 2. Army officeis here Mated today Hint preparation uent proceeding In llm army supply depart ment for I lie withdrawal of (Jen era I IVisIiIiik's punitive forte fnun Mexico. All ptoperty cleiks have been or tleretl lo proceed to Columbus, N. M, Tint duties of these clerks lire In re cord and cheek equipment sent Into or ruining from Mexico. San Francisco is Watching Klamath W. Paul Johnson Says California is Anxious to See Klamath Falls Rise to Opportunity to Make Itself "San Francisco la talkltiK about Klamath Fall and tho Strahorn rail road," aaya W. Puul Johnaon, who haa Juat returned from San Franclaco, where be apent Christmas with Mra. Johnaon. "Business men especially ate closely wntrhlnK development In the situa tion hero, and are wondotinR If Khun nth Folia la koIiib to 'come throUKh.' They declare the town will bo ntado by the new railroad, and that the town attj - iTi - .fiTnr,ti - mr. - - i; - 1i - - . f-- VILLA kNASWViMWyMWAVWNWMWWMWWMV TWO GOVERNORS NOW RULE OVER ARIZONA STATE STATE HAS TWO STAFFS OF AP. POINTIVE OFFICES All Stale ualntaa It Deadlocked Lag Itlature to Meat Mayday, tut Will e Atked to Adjourn 81 Weeke to Walt for Muddle to Bt Settled Cap itol It Ouarded to Prevent Rlott Among RlvaltM Conttlluentt. i PIIOKNIX. Arlt.. Jun. 2. ArUon.t today hen I wo Kiitcmorx anil two staffs of nppolutlte official. Atlorni'n fur Governor Hum ami JGntrrutir-elccl Campbell today agreed not tu pri-st-ni a petition outslng Hum from the Mate house until next Thum da. Ai n result, all utiile IiUsIiicsh l deadlocked. Tin' legislature convenes Monday, bill pwbabl) will br nuked tu adjourn six Weeks until the muddle Ik settled. Tlie ruiol Iri being guarded. Land Being Clatalfled The work of classifying and open Iiik to houieittend entry such lands ia-i the uallonal forests as nre chiefly val uable for iiKrlcullure Ih progressing nipldly. Already ocr 70,000,000 acres hae been entered by field examina tion and the Dtuil teportH acted uihmi. Can Ute Tanbark Investigations by the forest products lalxiintory al Madison, Win., have re- Milted In I he unit of spent tanbark In the luanuf ad ur of asphalt shingles to the extent of 160 ton it per week. The nluit nf the bark him been thereby In creased from 60 cents to $2,i0 per ton. niuat dhow ItKi'lf by helpinu lo gpl thn ronU. "San Franclaco Ik unxioua. It feelH thai If tho movement for the railroad falla turouKU thla community la done far. Am far ua Sun Frunclsco la con cerned. Klamath Falla never will ot a new deal if ahe doesn't win In thla ahurrio." Mr. JohnHon anya Klamath Falla la woll ndvertlied In California through the Slrahorn railroad talk. Unletting Mvvalb x-r.f ...,...-.. KLAMATH EXECUTES 1000 Club Will Meet Tomorrow A UleelliiK of tho Women's l.'tVU li.iilumd Club has turn railed by Mrs. Charles V Kbcrlcln, chairman, for 2 "ii n'cltM'k tomorrow afu-niotm al tl.e Hall hotel. All members of the club and women who wish lo become members ate urged by Mm Kberleln to be prnteni, ua Important business Ik scheduled. The Women'' l.tmO lUllnwd Club, Is doing Kieat work In getting siib:rll Hon for the fund lit huv terminal for Hie Htrahorn ralltond. Watch the llxt of subscriptions each day, and Kite how It grows, GRAIN TRUST IS ROBBING FARMERS ARGENTINE FARMERS LOSE $200, 000,000 a Year' to Thlt Trutt, 8aya Cereal Expert of the South American Republic. lll'KNOS AIItKS. Jan. 2. "Wake up. Argentina, and build Rraln elevntont," tirccd Cert T. Holm, a Swedlnh-Anior-lean, ami foremont cereal expert In the Himiliern republic. In nn appeal to thu countij'K farmertt. Holm ehtlmnten that thene farmen lone $200,000,000 annually to tho "Rraln truKl" throuRh lack of ntontRo fnclll lien, which compela them to market their products in u hurry and on what eer tcrniH tho truat dictates. Ho places the members of the trutt at not mine than tlvtt concerns who 'do hae Home elovatom of their own, but who one them, ho nttaorta, entirely for their own benefit. The plan ho favors ih Rtier,nment conMructlon of elevators. GUN SHIPMENT TO BE PROBED CONGRESSMAN KAHN ASKS FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE SHIPMENT OF MUNITIONS, DES PITE PRESIDENT'S EMBARGO WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Congress, man Kahn thla Afternoon introduced u loaolutlon requiring Information on the exportation of munition to Mexico "in violation of the president's embargo." Mexican Ambaaaador Arredondo an nounced thai he was going to Mexico hood to confer with Curranxu regard ing Importation of MuatUona. American Ambaaaador Fletcher alto will tot urn to Mexico, FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, "Let Hindenburg Answer" jSbLbw' bSSSSSSSbI faBSSSSSSV SBBBBM ISbbVPBBSBSb BSSSSSm bBT A BBPlkSBBBBBHSBflwBK6- t VbBBBBBBBBM( BBKrX?BT f HeTBFHfiaaHP ('' jjKlsHjL JBbV bbbbbbbbI TSk bbbbbbbHbV bi vk IbBB wi: NBbbBH m vv- -fevr-. A.9BBBBBBBEIM V fi my"' ABbBssIIB m ' . s- vBBBBk'jbm THBBTiJ!Slfy'' 1 rzzzzzzznai i 22S3E?C3ES IIKItl.l.N, Jaiv. :. Ciuuiuunta of Her III) newKpapem Indicate the belief that (crmatD'a peace hopes have been dis persed, and that the sillies' reply to the propoxalM dieres no written re Joinder. PAID FIRE CHIEF TO BE PROVIDED a& taarr rsv CLya i mii ! COUNCIL EXPECTED TO PLACE j COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, CIRCU FIRE CHIEF ON FULL PAY.! LATORS OF ROUND ROBIN, SAY MAYOR CRISLER WILL NAME THEY WERE FOOLED REGARD KIETH AMBROSE CHIEF ING PAY Alliance finite on the rmimll meet Iiik tonlRht tns the lire committee' will report fawn ably on thu question! ol placliiK Die chief of the tire tlopait ment on full pay nnd requiring him to che all his time lo the job. It is also expected Hint the council will pass at iCHolutloit prmldlnR this. Mayor 0. It. Crisler is expected to uppolnt Kiel It Ambrose ns tint chief, succeeding OM'.ir Ilteunemnn, who wus unable to continue tho poKltion on ac count of other duties. rutting tilt' lint chief on lull pay. th uk disconllnultiK the oluuteer chief sjstem, was terommended by I ho mem bers of the tire department In u repot t submitted to thu council December 26. Forest Yield Much There were cut from the national forests In the tlscul your 1916, 601,920, 000 board feoL of timber. Of this amount 110,48:1,000 board feet was cut under free use privilege by 42,055 in dividuals. In all, 10,840 sales or timber were made, of which 97 per cent were under 100 In value, indicating the ex tent to which tho homesteader, ranch er, miner, amull inlllmau and others in need of a limited quantity of tim ber draw upon tho foronln. JANUARY 2, 1917. 140 The new spatters beliee that Ger man) must now- fight to a finish. "Let on Hindenburg answer the allies." is the cist of the German opin ion. SOLDIERS WERE MISLED CHARGE SAN FKANCISCO, Jan. 2. It wa learned today that members of Com pany A, California engineers, now serv ing at Nogale8, circulated the round robin among the soldiers, charging neglect caused the death of one sol dier. The men claim they were misled when they enlisted, regarding their term of servico and pay. Most of the company was recruited f i om Northern California. Robbera Get $300 SACKAMKNTO, Jun. 2. Two rob bers this morning dynamited the safe in the ticket office of the Oakland, Antloch & Kastcrn, getting (300 in cash. A restaurant cook, who said he saw two men leaving tho office at 5 o'clock this morning, furnlshea tho only clue to the robbers. Fertata Protected The national forests of Oregon and Washington are being protected, not only from fire, but from the ravages of insects. Occasionally barkbeetles become so destructive on certain areas that the Infested timber must be promptly cut and burned to prevent further damage to valuable limber. TA BBkaBaBBlBvlLl BB PRISONERS ! Lawson Won't Be Called WAMAAWMMMtAMNMIAAAAAAAAAAMRAMi Rear Guard of Rumania i Is Attacked UEHLIN. Jan. 2. The German ninth army is closely pressing the Human-' lans. repeatedly defeating the reari guard of the retreating army. In the! . . . . . , . I iuhi iew uas uter l.uuv nave ueen cap tured. --On the west front German patrol de tachments bae entered the French trenches al Champagne and returned saft ly. Sofia announces that the Bulgarians! hae captured 1,500 Rumanians. OFFICIALS TAKE OATHS THIS DAY SWORN IN BY COUNTY CLERK DE LAP BURT HAWKINS WILL BE IN OFFICE OF SHERIFF GEORGE HUMPHREY Mrs. Kose Torrey will not be the office deputy for Sheriff George Hum phrey, who took office today. Instead, Hurt E. Hawkins was sworn in as dep uty. The other deputies are Austin Hayden nnd Tiz Griffith. The utriou county officials took the outh today, as did their deputies. County Clerk DeLap will be assisted by Charles F. Del.ap. Miss Vera Hous ton and Lloyd Del.ap. Assessor J. l Lee will have In his office Miss Agnes l.ee nnd Mrs. A. J. Voye. Fred Combs' Widow Gets $23 a Month Widow of Workman Killed at Ewauna Box Factory Given Settlement by Industrial Accident Commission The State Industrial Accident Com mission on Saturday settled the death claim of Fred Combs, thus making a New Year ptesent or considerable pro portion to thn widow or this deceased workman, who died December 10th. 1916. ns a result or injuries received while in the employ or the Ewauna Box company. The widow, who is 23 years or age. will receive $23 per month for life, tho daughter and the son $3 per month each, until they have Teached the age of 16 years. To make these payments the com mission has set aside into the segre KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Prle Plv Caata on Carpet MAY BE HEARD IN OPEN MEETING ON "LEAK" Senator Stone Dcniea Having Profited From "Leak" on Wllton"a Peace Note to Belligerent, But Admit Se cret of Government Move Have Found Way Out of the Department of State. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 2. Chairman Henry of the house rules committee today refused to call the committee together to Investigate the alleged "leak" in connection with Pres ident Wilson's note to belligerents. Instead be introduced a resolution empowering congress to regulate the New York stock exchange. Advance information on the note reached the exchange before the note was made public, nnd certain government offi cials are alleged to have profited great ly from the "leak." After conferring with Thomas W. Law-son, who declares he knows who "leaks" on important government motes are common, Congressman Campbell demanded that Lawson be heard in an open meeting. Senator Stone today denied that ho profited by the news "leak," and bit terly denounced Lawson. He admitted however, that "secrets have found their way out of the state depart ment." Banka Muat Report WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 2. John Skelton Williams, comptroller ot cur rency, today issued a call for a state ment or the condition of all national banks at the close of business Deceat ber 27th. Senate Won't Endorsa WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 2. The senate again today refused to vote on the resolution endorsing President Wilson's peace note to belligerents. gated fund the sum or $8,397.01, and In Btrttcted the state treasurer to Uveal the same in state or municipal bosds ror the benefit or this widow. TWa money Is not nvailablo for any other purpose, nor can It be reached by aay process or law'jor by the legilaUre, and has the guarantee or the state be hind t that the funds will be pahf aa stated above. ' ir the widow Uvea to the ae of ex-.. pectanry, ne win nave reeeiTea rpr'- .. . ... . . . . .... A..J .W:f;. ints runa a toiai oi n,w.;f(-TOrv ii..,.., innuM aha loin hIh tatimmUHt A )ii fIVCD ,WUV, muv -i, ,".w--- she dies sooner she will porllonately lets. TTTr-.-sUft niltavwajit,S'-' i. . '. -7-T . a.TI'tfe I . lIC-vS" .,: w im.'s