Wt iarotmg Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER rnn-irvff-nrjnf-uiti r.tnr f-"T""-" r t r- t t v...J-.-.i.- r.i-fJ- .-. n-m. .rj-.n-. .-.-. - - -. .-. .-. --.- - . ' ""' r .f-l- - Eleventh Viir-N. 3.1SS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 19 Price five Cento SAYS GERMANY HAD ADVANCE "DOPE" .1 WILSON GAVE PEACE HINT TO NEUTRAL POWERS i Neutrals Told to tJM"M""""""-"T-"iJrrrYVYy J Charge Germany Pot One Over on the United States Francisco Villa, Who Routed 8000 Carranza Soldiers in Battle FRENCH AND BRITISH DIPLOMATS MAKE CHARGE Saya Advance Information en Prest. dent's Nate ta Belligerents Reach ortln, Caualng Kalaar ta Make Peace Oflara at Opportune Time. Wanted ta Engender III Feeling AHlea ana" America. WASHINGTON, !. C. Jan. 1 French and British diplomats (old the United Pmea that Germany waa In formed In advance of the president's Intended peace note to the belligerents. and that Oermaay therefore proarul- sated her peace proposals In order to 'make It appear that the president wa hacking the German peace plan. They declare that Germany achieved - t-ii'i-a'n-tt-wynfityttnflfifTifljfuiffiAfi sut $100 IS PAID FOR COYOTES TWENTVJPyVe HIDES BROUGHT IN MP6RE FIRST OF YEAR TO GET LARGER BOUNTY BEGINNING TODAY BOUNTY IS ONLY 3M To take advantage of the ft bounty offered until January lt. Klamath county trapprni Xatanlay bruuxht 3& coyote bide to fount y Clerk IVljip. Beginning today the bounty will be only : Go. The twent-Ove hide lcldrd 1100 li) "" uremr" """ ""y "" 'th.. trnoorn.. who wrrr I a -clever diplomatic victory over the! . .. .. . ..... . , . !. u . .. .u.. .... ...... I " I'nurrniii. .- nm uunni ciaiw. uu uvj luinft wj mi. maneuver that Germany expected to atreoRthen her own peace offer on create an III feeling between America I, hide. Ilauph Vaughn. K hide. Hay llobblu. lu bide James Mci'liertiA. I hides. GERMANS CHARGE ON RUSSIAN LINE IN POWERFUL OFFENSIVE ALONG DOBRUDJA FRONT, RUSSIANS ARE COMPILLEO TO WITH. ORAW TO SAFETY Milll.tK. Jan. 1. lli-Miria from Ut frtiiit announce Dial ilie Hm.tnnn bate bmn rrrtilmHl numb tit tlm Klpa nod in tlm iltiYcitt if rimaraon. 'Hie German stormed two lUuniaa tjtolllun nrar 1'iask. and the allien. It I their belief that German diplo mat In tbi country In noma way ob tained advance Information, and then wirelessed it to Berlin. I'l.TltOGNAU. Jon. I.-lt Ix n.v i.jmtcl that the Germans have started tinge offensive moternenl along tlm WtmtdjA front and have compelled lb ltuianii lo withdraw. went three German battalion am said to have pnrtlilpaltsl In the assault HkntiiHl lliu tttuAlan rnlr GOVERNOR-ELECT OF ARIZONA IS DENIED OFFICE COVERNOR HUNT REFUSES TO OIVE UP OFFICE Tom Campbell. Governor-Elect. An. pears at Capital and Makea Inaug ural Speech, Rut When He Aaka Ad mission to Executive ' Chambera Sheriff stopa Him Guarda Keep Or. aer Among Throng That Oa there. wwxi i pi ,!! ........, .,-,,. -,B , m-inr-LrxrunrLrgxruxrij-Lru-. .- Looking a Year Ahead . -.. - - -r-yy- -j-inrairarvvvvvxnAAruijLr jki 3HAT will the year 1917 mean te Klamath Falla to thle community The I'HOUNIX, Arlx.. Jan. 1. Thomas Catniibcll, who clalma tho Kuvernor nhip of Arlxona by thirty volea, ap peared at the capital at noon today fid demanded admlaalon. He entered, delivered hla Inaugural apeecb, and demanded admlaalon to the executive chambera. The akertf refueed Ihla. Ea-Geveraor Sloaa boob afterward filed mandamue preceediaga to compel Governor Hunt to give up the oflce. Several tlmea the throng otttaldn teemed determined to do violence, but Campbell appeared and appealed for order. The crowd Unally duperaed. Governor iliutt haa promleed to ap pear at the capital tomorrow. Special guarda were placed to pa iiol the capltol grounda thla morning wbaaj trovble waa anUclpated between fiovarsaf Hunt and Ooventor-Elect Campbell. iMMOcrsilo Chairman Sumeman la- rued a atatetueat repudiating HubI'h lietormlnation to retain the oaDce In bf inierrjt of prejudicial pftrtlf. ..to tMa people 7 What will be your peraonal attitude toward the making of a better town, a more preaperout community a more open-niarted people 7 Tne efferte of the individual cltlien may accomplish aemeMng. caairatlon ef a collective people will produce notable rheuMe. 4 Collective co-operation la only potelbte Whore confidence and good will wxlat, and where there la a determination to utlllie thle combination o the ultimata good ef all. The man who hold a grouth kgalnit hie nelghbee cannot aucceaafully pull in harneae with that neighbor ao long ai thai groucn exlsta. Lose the grouch. The man who disparages and undarmlnee the reputation of another can net expect the community In general te think well of the assaaslnator ef character. Speak gently, and use the eeft pedal. The man who aaya "ge ahead" cannot expert te heap pace with the huetler who aaya "come on." Step lively and get there. And one man who aaya "I will" Is worth a hundred af thaee wha ay "I caV Thle la the time of the year when the hopper of time la filled with new revolutions. Rut It is more profitable te act than to resolute. Let ua make thle a year ef actlen, of deeds, and af results. Let us make Klamath Falla mora than a collection of Individuals. Let us make It a community of people with one aim, one ambltlen, and ana great purpeeo In life, and let ua make that purpose the good, of man and woman kind In general, and the growth, prespsrlty and development of thla com munity In particular. If we work collectively and earnestly and energetically, wa will achieve uccess, but if wa labor Individually wa will accomplish but little). The read of life la long, and atermy, and barriers bar our way. Sut many handa make light work of the heaviest burdens, and eollsctlvs might may roll the heavleat barrlere away, We may each pursue our own cheaen vocations, and yet all labor In thai """" -"- - -""" " " prosparoue tewn and ceuntryslds. Two hereea pulling in one direction will get tho lead there. But whan Will 1"" nd ue a community of Uysl pullers, or n divided aeareeatlen of pullera and balkare, who accempllah nathlng but ta stand atlllt ,t -' '-rt f t, -- IL Hi INI II "' ggrJKgfgggkgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHsmr LLjLjR . ' V', - TLggggggggggggggggggggi, iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSr JnEBaeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV - , MMr "PVSsHlaaHljEeaH l.nB ittmdKEm: EHl..Hi.lB 'EEWBEESn IfofdBBBBBBBBBBBBRBBBBBBBBBr V9afJKfJBfgfgVMlffgfgfBBal -LH" flHHgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggfll BBBBBBBBBBBbMVKi 4BBB eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl4, HLT tS , ; naaMaaJ l T aTaaBBBBan N'WiggggggggHiggggggggggggggl TLTILuHP' ': Jajgggggggggr gggggggggggggPP fltlll.....Wkl tiiJ fltV5. dajgggggggf!ai?afW Act lor Peace Now aavMwoiaaVMPPeeaaeS aeaMaatvnjeaaefaeeV muTXu"mn Wl" " "" ,,0ry' an" y,U '" FMl IM "" ,B " What are thaae worda going to be 7 Will they bo leyalty, cahealen, Mlrsislvsnsss, success? or will thsy be dlelavaltv. iuukii. diMu. j .... ' '"' "" A year ef pramlae la ahead, but premise never makea feed unaided and JXitJiJT '" -'-r-li'- within riZil X We must grasp the opportunities with .which nature haa pravlded tie' and turn thaaa opportunities to Individual and collective weal. To do eth.rwlse will e.te stand still whNi $rt faH en U vleferV and auccaaa. vmerjr( small we stand, or shall we marsh 7 , ' New County Officers Take Office Tuesday Oath is Not Administered Today Be cause it is Holiday Many Officers to Take Oath Are New Ones VILLA CRUSHES CARRANZA ARMY IN SHARP FIGHT OUTNUMBERS FEDERAL TROOPS Y 1,000 Ocfeatsd Column Was" Sent by General Carransa to Halt Bandit's Uttth en Tamplco Carranta Wounded Are a Arriving at Chihuahua City Battle Took Plate Near Santa Rosalia, Says El Paso Dispatch. HI. I'ASt). JdH f" American aullior Itlr.H uin initinid llnV rirnlnB that k.ooii turn under Villa met auu r. nl'ly rffTeelpil 7.000 Carrnnxlittn u licrtu, nlilrli fn iTirar 8anln Uoitalla. ' Tin' delealrd column" ent by General MurKUla In a lal elforl o halt Villa In hi man It toward Tanii'lco. l'rriinM'ii tioopi ar reported hh lultlilu be-ll repuNcd nrar Cblhuahuu I'll)', vkberii IUHnr of their wounded tunc In en arrhiiiK. SUGGESTIONS CARRIED BY AMER ICAN DIPLOMATS Co-Operatlen In Move for Peace Waa Asked of Neutral Natlene by Presi dent Wilson, But No Information en Note to elligerente Waa Given to Anyone Before the Mesaage waa For. warded to Various Countries. WASHINGTON. I). C. Jan. 1. If wa learned today that a bint to alt tbr neutral that the "time U opportune to net" toward bringing peace waa couvejed by American diplomat al the UKRetin of till internment. The hint" In the "lntructlon" wa cent to the American representative ntio.itl. Tlic male department indicat ed today that Hit- Instruction carried the impreHtilon that If tho neutral de sired a move toward peace, now was the let lime to make uch a move. Co-operation In (hi movement wa not nked. It wh officially stated that no government wa Informed of tho I ieldenf Intended action before he took It. Christiana Makeup I.OS ANGKI.ES, Jan. l.-Superlor Jiidae Jackon'H reminder to two dU eiitliiK lnrt of it local church that they were nil ChrlMlan. and It ha not becn'n week nlnce Curltmn, went a Ioiik way toward unltliiK the congre- Klltlolii Wilson's Daughter Marries ltlVKUSIDi:. Jan. 1. Ml Violet Still Wllnon, dauKhler of J. Still Wtl ..... r... mi..i- inwlnlUl mat or of Oak- land, wa married heie yesterday to IrtlnK rlckcl. a ltunaru grauuaie n leadlitR man In tho Mock company In which Hho I playing ALEX DAVIS AND MRS HUSON MARRY At the home of the bride. Alex Davis ami Mr. W. O. lluon were married !.. .oninL- at a oulet wedding. Only n few Intimate friend were present, ifr. and Mr. Davla will live on Kast Malil Mrcrft, lit the old country club house. Mr. !al In a dealer In utcsiock, and own conlderabIo land. f m ' Give Dance Thursday. Members of the bltth school banket ball leant have arranged a danclitK party, to be sit en at the opora house. Thursday evening, January 4th. All students of the high school and alumni arc lntted. Tho dance la for the ben efit of clearing the deficit In the cost of basketball suits. The music will start at 9 o'clock. A new set of uAker will run (he official uuxIiu'hh or Klaumlli county, be ginning tomorrow. Home llino tomor row County Clmk O. II. Di'Lap will nd mlnlblei' tho outli of nfllco lu nil ofll- rial elected lust November, cxrepl Juduo I). V. Ktiykondall. who WH oIm'ImI to tho circuit court, ' Today, the flrnt Monduy in Jununry, la tbo legular tmu for now oluciala to take oOlce, but because, it is a holiday they will not take oce until tomor VoV. Coynly Clerk DeUp can't awear ioi hlmrtlf,,'., ho waa reelectod, but firobably wilLtaita bla oath of otlfa from Marion HaiUta. county Judge. v KollowinK uri'.inu ooieiais wnw wm assume offlco tomorrow; , Geoige irutuptareyt.Hlicilff. i'. It llel.un'li'ili W. M. Duncan, dlHtrlct attorney. J, V. l.eo, asHossor. U. ii. Henry, anrvayor. (Icorno Chaalaln, circuit court clcik. D. V. KuykendHll, circuit Judge, j. M. Holman, constable. George llaydou, treasurer. Ilurrelt Hhort, commlssloiwr. KiIiih Wells, school uperlnlrndcn. All of these nro now omdalB except "" 1 - . .. 'County Clerk DolJtp, Assrssor ie, Hnrvevor Henry. Circuit uoun iiera Cbaataln, Treaaurer Haydon and Judge Xuykesdall. i Here From Michigan, rte. Harvey Itansom Ih here from Michigan to help caro for hla father, Dr. W. O. Hanauni of thla city, who I yeij lowV E.R.CWffliamsDies After a Long Illness Veteran Farmer and Dairyman Sue- cumbt to Chronic Heart Disease After Struggling for Months Aftor an Illness of many monlha, K., It. C. WflUaraH passed away Saturday night at 10:45 o'clock at hla home, a few miles aouth of Klamath Falla. Death waa due to chronic heart dla- case. The deceased waa Bt yeara, two months nnd twenty daya old, and haa been u resident of Klamath county for I tunny yeurs. ' leuveH many usw lo regret his departure. Mr, Williams waa not able to leave hla residence since July 83, and from that time on gradually failed in heaju. A wife and seven children, Tard., ....... win u.m, i.vnt. LAtkla SM Dorothy are left to aaourh the teaa. The funeral aervlcea wm oe tomorrow at tho WhlUock chapel at U o'clock. Itov, J. ROriath. asilat .! by llev. 0. H. Bennett, will ofcVlatt,