Mi J"' ., -f S i INa . 73m w. 'JA ' itA-i 1 r--. u. rnatitl i.fi A- It. Il If Is ,' u 1 I KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER k , " usaataBKEuannaKCMiM wMwnuainrjiiriiTTt inmase Cly Euninn Iteralfc KLAMATH t&V "V .:. vv"2V tA2 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKK : ? eleventh Vf-N. J.W ALLIES KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1916. PrlM Pirn Cm. REFUSE TO CONSIDER PEAC1 MB" ajijWinnT!-""" -.. -i-i-rrunnrijiTLr-rLru-ijtAAXijxji MjtjUKni"HrT' --- -rr-rnnr-.L.uraru.unn WOMEN HEAR FACTS ABOUT THE RAILROAD SITUATION t - First Monarch to Ask Peace MILLIR TILLS OF TRAFFIC FOS- SIBILITIES I I (torleln Ksalalna Legal Phases Re are's Owtlti ef Ctuncll and Cltlttn. Iltmtne Telle What May Bapecl. 4 In Return far Monty and Tim ecried by Klamath Fall Toward Railroad. Tt. Aral IMMtlnK of Mix Women's' 1.000 Railroad Club alnc lu orxnli Itoa showed lb InleroM of hr wumen of Klamath Fall In I be Htrahorn rail road. The meeting waa held al Itir Hall hotel yeelerday afternoon, anil aa a mighty anawrr lu iba talk. that woewn aren't Interested In builnes and pollllcal affair. Tbr women filled the rowanlne floor of Ibe hotel, and tUlenrd with eajwr neat to ibc remark of all tbeepeakera. Cbarlfa W. Kberleln eiplalned In de tall the eaact eltuatlon regarding be Muahorn railroad, a regard wbat Ibe council roui tin. anil wbat ibe rllUenn PMl Uo. financially ami otbrrwUe. CkatlM It. Millar, who recently made a trip over the entire territory to be rotrrrd by the Oregon California a KaMvnt. told Ihe women what he taw on that trli. He made It plain thai ftntral Oreann ha traffic poftslbllltlea to make Ihe proposed railroad a good builne venture. Iter. O. II. IJenneti aim, upoke briefly, The, main addrea wa made by J. W Hlrmen. head of the cltlienn" rominit lee named at Ihe man meeting laM fall, and ww a follew: In dUcunnIng Ihe aihantitKen of tin B9W Htrahorn railroad to the rlty of Klamath V, Ihe magnitude of ben et from aurh a development am mrrwhrlmlng and no Important ai to make It difficult to know where in com mence. A picture of n ail raft of log floated through our Link llher at ihe weal end of town and raught and held b one or two front log between rock In Ihe ranldit. It aroma lo me In ghr ti romparliion lo our prrent situation in Ihn nroarr of our rllv. hinmaw rtll clllirna bonded a n raft h alartrd toward the goal of a g,reat rlty. wlih the power of the rrnnurce be bind tbrm, a certain a the current of Ihe river In bring about Urn end roughl. Junt at the lima when Ihe city In going forward by leap and bound, when our raft la In Ihn middle of the rapid, If you plraar, Ihe Southern I'.v rifle ceaaea ronat ruction on the Natron cutoff, leaving Klamath Knll nt Ihe eml of a atub Una and our raft Jambt In tlm rock. Uy commencing the Htm hum railroad, In uiy eallmatlon. we loMon Ihr key loga, which havo wWed tight and bald the community hark to a marking Mnw alage. mid w will put It In a iwultlon tu go on nu bforo. Wr who havo lived ao long In our cllv and am aeeuatomed In ItH alltnll Mr, find It difficult to rwilUo that It IHialilon mark It aa one of thu cuuu Iry'a hlu center, and thnl except for pw;ullar chain of clrcumatancea it would have attained thin noaltlun long aw. With the conatrucllon of Urn Hr-nhoin railroad our momentum will Unr, and we will go forward with i-UNh thul nothing can atop. Our greateat handicap to cllUen of Khimath Valla la the high coat of llv Inn hare aa compared with many other Kectlona. cauied by the esceialvo freight rate to which we are at pre est Mibjectad. The laboring ma inda It difficult lo live and auppori a family oo the average wagea paid here, which would take care f them comfortably In mitti;- plact. One Immediate bene ni htuu the itrahora road will be re lief from IhlM lluallaa. aa all freight ' rattH t.re baitd or conatrucllon and operative vxpennea of ralironuB, nuu llio iii--.i line lii to be Im III nt a froc tlnti ut Hie i-iinl nf Hi.) une mlilcli now fiu u. .m hit are iill4iittirtiicnlly In ilinrtl, who lh to alii the leu fortunate- nr our tommunlty, can flml no unlctri or Mirer ny to lUliIni t tti-ir titltlliM liiail Khe uur llllilie) in tniiM- wlilcll lll tuilllali Hull lU-rt'n flt.cn al teuoiuble lirUen. l.owcr Citri l alnil mill wonderfully lo tin l'rtvrlty of our tributary fHrtnem Vle trerit condition vtliliti triijucnl 1 inunrii ltrl!irndoil (Mitalo ctupn to ttt In Ihn field becaune the firlgbt raien are loo tilcli to at 11 1 tlu-ril out, khlcli taken i-normuun tribute from in- ciy Lunliel of wheat ililii-d out, which CK.IM ntocktlien to lore IS b hrlnl: tise mi er) nteer ihllied to Port land, will be alleklntcit The iroionrd ilekelopment by Mr Hnnlioni l ure. In the opinion of all bli bunlnea men of the alate, to force ci'ini'tcilon of Hie Null on cutoff and the Modoc Northern by the Southern I'arlAc. which would- result In placing l.lamath r'alln a the midpoint bi tween Kan Kranclaco and Portland on tin. main line, and furnlnh a direct notern outlet fur our lumber and man ufactured product. Advantage from IhU are too obvlou lo require dlncu Ion, t)ne of the Ihtnga which iippenl lo tie atrongly I the almont lnlantau iu Imtielun which will be eh en lid dhlrlct by the arthlty of conlrur- ne and linn. Not a uemon here but hut s rriinrlnco. if allien what our preaent pa) roll DENVER LAWYER SAYS STRAHORN IS RIGHT MAN HAS KNOWN RAILROAD BUILDER MANY YEARS Andrew Whitehead of Denver Say Man Who li lo Build Railroad for Central Oregon Can Be Depended Upon by the People Say Denver liuilncta Men Will Endorse Him Freely. Ventral Oh-kuu could not gel n bel li! nun than Kobcrt M Strahom to build It a railroad. Ho I booster. an orpanlwr and a financier." This I the declaration of Andre Whiitbrad, Ivmor attorney, who waa In Klamath Kail Int nlsht on bul- left thin morning for San Mr. Whitehead I on the l-ai-lfit CoaM In the Intercut of aonie mean to the city. In what KMlllon would we. n a city, with lant aeamin ti.ttti emu, now be lit without It. Hy Kncllnh here I knew lieople who have holdings Hubert B. Strahorn oer r,::-,; m; ;;;;;; comrihiny , r .. zxz he w... proMile a ,,roll w.th.u our waa TlJZl "l ,,, boundarle alrno. double the Kaclfie Jd NU vW dfc h le of the one we now hne. ami un.M-en mm uun - -- - Me 01 ...iin.i- fnr them, and know he Is it net ear. He w ill no n in unci i.iiii- . . It,. con.ruc..on of the 8r.. right. There are any " ho,,, railroad will mean the eMH-ndl.HH,nalMe men In Den er toda who "if me and onr-ha.f million do.-'vll. endorphin, unulwc 1J .' ... u-i it. muniv next tear, alll "Untll'l reached hlamath rail Mai lilin ,11 r., n. ....... . - ... .... I....... . Ill, Hill 01 Whirl! Will oe eili " exception of Ihe rot of rail. An tsiual amount will tm Invented In new emlll. Ihix faclorle and a consid erable amount will be spent In building new hualne block ami dwelling llOIIM'.l. . .., iu..ii,iit iHutltlon we in our iMenrn. ii-"- n i tiwixt illltlcull to Interest east ern selllcr on our unoccupied land. Munelhliig oer four square miles no-. ,-;.lst fur every fanner In Klamnlli .'...Hi,-, unit while much of ihla land Is inm-lllnble, the propoiilon I fr ""', great and wo can nect lewiop h- ilculturnlly as we should until an army, of progtraalvo fat mew arrives. We! know tm well from our past expeil er.re I hat they will not come until our .Km, fnellllle are remedied. 1 ... ...I ..lentil. In giving an opinion oi n. i ...... i.i imiii.t Khun urea the new roini ..-.. nth Fulls, I will iisk linn "" '" '" Klamath Kails with Merrill, wmcu .. not at present senod by n lallioad. thu city of Merrill, with only tnw , w.iiniiitlnn. bus Imrtlly one of thu municipal iiilvnutnge w enj. nml yet Ita lax rale I materially ...--,-r Our gteater population secures uj ,.,,.nter advantages at lower pile. Hven thai the- Hlrahom " Increase our population, me ... : U1. f,y will mean construction , iuful parka ami dilvea. devrll- 5r Z our wonderful boating --ml rrliq..oopporun.eH:o,di:d; eliurehM, and tnoawa, - cosmopolitan cenlew. I ' " Klamath Kail .l7":f, look forward to rearing your child, n With all tho advantage nnd rcllnc menla afforded In largo cities The incroaae in the value of u p.operly will enable ou to . tl 1 ..'.. ..li.. Th Increase In popuuv Sn-ucodbytho'vallroad ,. more han take care of Mb co?t. and mo ISaKallaof lomorroww. M much more .....- "" tendered t -" " $peech oMouay.aawuu.-- 0 .' a rand U J. " continued on rage t "' i - m , 21HBiagHBVglBlaglaBlaH & I 9BPlaBBBBBBBBW'SB9eBffiBBffiBBBBBm 1-, BBZLSaV.BBBBBBBBBBBBaM.'-'SBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ri? ! ' 'BniliHi ' CBBaagSaKgFDgBfcglB.glBBml -U ' itggaVnRgaHl Wtv- jiir.i -..-aw ) ,y i -w ' gflgltgaT- K&MPMi'Vm t-J ' ' gagBgageF a gemgrrtfikgi im -. clegBgBgBga &-- migaVyr t I ggaggaW rLVI mmmn'4 glaB 1 . KlffH .glagH - IBmiBVT I BBBa L3BBBBBlt(d:&IBFBBBBBBBBBl m 1 gBWlJBBBBlr'l' b1bbbbbS 23 l I gBV-gH''J 'S'bbbH v3 I gK JBbH 1 'V':Bf':gBgB &- v - ml J T bbbbbbHPM A'bbH M ;: m i i IbbbbH'bKbbbbI m i - LV M i gBBBBBBBBBK''-K!BK:BBBBV iM ' M I nBBBBBBBBBS'-giiPBmBBH - 4 igBBBBBgHfgBBH W. M m '- i -bbbbbbbbbbVKVb1B:!4 f l-! gL Xm gBBBBBHgBBWgBH "it MMhL-. aBgBBBBBBBlB rPaffil M h SIHigBgBgBgBgBgBgBfl 8' '?'' BVHHIagBBBBBBBBBBBBBH W k gKl!p9rgBgBgBgBgBH )! ns, mKmma.JiJrim i-r,- fe. jLi Answer to Peace Offer is Reiectk tMWWVwMMWrewry ENGLISH IN IHE TRENCHES DON'T CARE FOR PEACE GENERAL SAYS ARMY IS PRE- PARED TO FIOHT President Wilaen'a Peace Note Fell in Trenehea of Fighting Men Like Bombshell Balleve Conditlona in Germany Are Growing Woree While Allies Are Jurt Getting Ready fer Real War, -r'.'Si NEUTRALS WILL TRANSMIT THK ALLIES' ANSWER Anawer of Entente Power Says'Peace Negotiation Cannot Be EMeeedlnU Until Germany States Terms m Which, She Will Accept Peace Re- pensibility fer War Not aR'Amee" Shoulder, Saya" Note.. l h .&i$ . "Am. iiL.l.t At-jOOSi PAIHS, Dec. 30. The ailed oeweflf have refused to eater jeaea mWJm-h at UU nrM.. nttrtKtkWtrmaW S-i-ht i..- ..t.. MMitilMa Biira bb fmuJj .1..(rfr? JUOt, WUV IrUUUauvw w iet waw w tons propose. The answer of the eeK Unte was banded to netttral dipkeaaU . ...... i.ii.i ....I Vnnw ho wa Interested here, although 1 heard In 1'ortland that n man by that name wa to build a tallrond In Central Oregon. 1 have not seen him fur twenty-five ear. al though we were Intimate menu u--fore that time. You are fortunate. Indeed, to get a ,- of ich optimism nnd rawlghled. ,.ess as Mr. Strahnrn. You can tako his won! fur as .m.ch a hi signature ,,,,. know who is behind him In tWj . ........ 1...1 .... mnv bo surn that !,n,:,r,,r":.. Z.Uekln.orhewould " . i...i.bit.v nf such tiro- never start an "- -portion." f)h. When asKe-l wna "....--- eountry, Mr. Wblteheaii -7- nol had 11 chance i" -,- ended to rot urn as ean " i1" SHERIFF-ELECT GETSJHE PEN NOT FOR PUNISHMENT. HOW- EVER. WT AS A TOKEN OF ES TEEM Y HIS BROTHERS IN I. O. O. F. LODGE ... ... n,,riin Humphrey was jztsjs.-jss ,,..."- ,,,, KW-tt--5l- ful service or u""0" "" rocretaryofKlamatbLod. For fourteen "" "."iwier tendered tbl token o,--"-' Ik-cause of his proposals of peace, Kaiser Wllhelm is the central figute toiluy In the world's diplomatic game. The success of his move for cessation of tho war Is uncertain, et the allies toilato have not Dally refused to ills- cuss peace. - At the same time the kaiser Is prose cuting the war with as mucb vigor as lor months. His latest offensive, as announced In London, is against Odes sa, Kussia's most Important port on tho Black Sea. CARDWELL DIES THIS MORNING DROPS DEAD SUDDENLY IN FORT ut imitH. ACCORDING TO WORD RECEIVED-BODY TO BE DURIED IN CENTRAL POINT NEW. EMPEROR IS CROWNED TODAY CARL, SUCCESSOR TO FRANZ JO SEF, TAKES CROWN AT BUDA. fE5T ON EVE Or CRISIS THAT ROCKS DUAL MONARCHY !,,uea Caidwdl dropped dead at J IIEHLIS. Dec. 30-The coronation '" ' . ... r... iv ihu r i-mwrnr Carl of Austria-Hungary. nilng-ncWrding to word recehed tool; place at Budapest today on the w UflLLIAM PHILIP SIMMS J (United Preae 8UvCorrtajatanm WITH THE BRITISH AKM1BB in FnANCE, Dec 30. "Never baa the British army been o prepared to flrtit: why should we talk peace?" vnii ran Mfdr rive that as tne British army'a answer to all peace talk - declared a staff general today. in answer to questions as to what he and his men thought of President Wil son's peace note. To say that the American note ten like a bombshell here Is putting It mildly. Bombshells are always more or less expected hereabouts, whereas .t, .ion ah that taken by the Amer ican president was remostet from all IIiaii rrVtta The move was variously commented upon by the ngnung men. doubted for an Instant tne presiuei good Intentions In the suggestions, but the feeling was that strong Influences ha succeeded in Inducing htm to be llcve this was an opportune moment to act. Such action waa regarded aa smoothing Germany's road nd en ablins her to take the second step In !. noann limffrfliTl. MCt P.-v fe-" Sentiment at the rront is uucouui- tlonally against peace now. Every to ,,.i..i nnints to much worse condi tions In Germany than the world even suspects; on ther other nana, tne aiue are daily better situated to wage a successful offensive. this afternoon for traMBrtaataet to Ger The anawer that the Germaa pro- poaala are more-like. a war; OtamapeMoprcUaau ;msi $& k'S,""- AiH I the etort of Qermaar to rtaeo on ihe &$&. nit-Eos-vjTjCT by his sister. Sirs. J. l-'rank Adatlls or this cltv. Mrs. Ailnma nnd Earl Whit lock, undet Inker, left this morning for Fort Klamath to get the body, which will be bhlpped to Central Point for burial. Tho deceased was 16 jenra or ape and leuu-a " son ' 'J ' lwo uroth" era and two sisters- The sisters nre Mrs. Adams and Mm. U I. Whlto of Chlco, and tho brothers are E. It. Card well of l-'oit Klamath nnd 1. S. Caril ...11 ..f Fresno. He was n member of ..... l.i.. t ,l. of Medford. For sev- Hie r.in ....o- - oral ear ho Uvea in uoiu iu. Inst spiliiB moved to woou .-, ,... ley. . Woman Kllla Fox SANTA ROSA. Dec. 30.-"Kooll.b aa t fox " was the neighborhood comment when Mrs. Tom Bannell In the absence of her husband watched and waited for a chicken thief only with a gas pipe. When the thief nppeared, Mm. Bannell watted until he was well within the wire netting surrounding her 700 pul lets, und then beat the animal to death. ,.. ,,r .1 prists in national politics. I'nimt Tleza. who placed tne crown of St. Stephen on tho head of the new I Pinncror. faces downfall!" Count Zlcky Is expected to be his successor. The opposition to Tlsza Is leu oy l,oui Andraasy nnd Apponyi. The crisis, however. uiH oi mai the Mdendor of tho ceremonies inci dent to iho coronation. Spain Backs Down LONDON. Dec. 30. It is reported here that Spain has notified the Unit cd States that she cannot support President Wilson's note. n.Miih Nata Received WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 30. Ph. Finnish cease note In answer to President Wllson'a message was re- celved today. Freer Vlaits. , A , . , William B. Freer, superintendent of Klamath Indian reservation, and Mrs. Freer came down last evening to spend n few dayrt In Klaiimth Falls. Not Cold Feet MAKYSVILLE. Cal.. Dec. 30.-Cold -...,.. hnihareii Martin Baker, but a cold head was very annoying to him he admitted In the city jail today. .... .t... ,m snell here Baker lost his hat. Driven to desperation by the ..r.i ihrnuch his sDarce looks he adopted some one else's headpiece. This resulted In Martins mi. Anyway he says It Is warm enough In the Jail here to go around hatless. Woman Kllla Self LOS ANGELES, Dec. 30.-Life with out her son wbb unbearable to Mrs. D. i an tust as her son, angry over her' rebuke about bis company. was leaving with hla suitcase, never .- ... Qh hot herself. The son is crazed with grief. -. u.dMrf Pariah mill nn.i TOKIO. Dec. SO.-Three hundred persons, mostly Chinese, perlehed with the wreck of tho Sankaku Maru Uaer ff chefoo. China. CWneaa. piratea boarded the wreck, plundered tbacar- so a,nd assaulted the paengr. "allies rMrrefllfyfcrftwnr.'' It.declarea Germany and Aastria.are , directly responsible for the war hy re fusing to enter in July and August, 1914, negotiatlona offered by the alllea to prevent 1L It saya: ,? t.ii&t "The allied govenunenU are,uallad in defense of the liberty of their ,peo ple. and have decided collecUvely to answer the so-called peace proposi tion." Both the assertion of Germany that responsibility for the war reata ont the allies and that the central powers have been victorious are declared untrue. "The Teutons have refused attempts to atop the conflict," continue tha note. "Belgium waa invaded oy we Germans proclaiming treatiea were mere scraps of paper." ' AIRSHIPS MAKE FLIGHT IN COLO THIRTEEN AEROPLANBS OF ARMY FLY 15 MILES IN HOUR AND 37 MINUTES-THE INTENSE COLD FREEZE8 HANDS OF AVIATORS & $?'. u u. Mablllie ... tv. an A bill for the civil mobilization of all cltlaena between the f 17 nd to veara. waa Intro- dueud In the senate today. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 30. A his tory making flotilla of aeroplane ot . the United States army,corpa today flew 115 miles from Hempated to.tko. League Island navy yard i 1 bow nnd 37 minutes. ' " Lieutenant Coyle and Corporal SaV- wam in the first machine to land. l"welve other aeroplanes completed the trip. . .J. Durlng'the entire distance the aaas planes were compelled to trJMkllfe 1 cause of strong air ctorrenU lower down. The aviators wore fur caps and coats, but declared the cold, waa ao in tense, It was difficult to keep wt4c bands on the steering wheel. ,' uim.a fa Lteanaaa. SACRAMENTO, Dec. . llonayJWsd -.,. i .1 th. rata of ITS.eM E iNHb at the state motor veWeio atilf"U for 1917 licence. By .: week ILOQO.OWin U1T.IMMW will bo mrttFk-Mi UhkatX Clis' gt'i?u wASHiNotgir, c;$iA world's watatwarw j cent toaa thaoloJW. .199 1 ot ngrieultwronna i ed today "! ij,iJf!W iT'Mmmf -. , l'