The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 29, 1916, Image 1

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Eleventh Year Ne. J.ISe
Eberlein Explains Why Bend
Issue Did Not Include Fund
to Purchase a Terminal Site
Says Terminal Oreundt Should Nat
Owned ky City, All Preperty
euahl With Rend Issue Mens y Muil
e, Imwm It Thin Wouldn't Have
een Subject to Tasatlsn lays in
People Ar Keeping Faith.
In response to a request from the
Herald far a elatemrnt why money I
being raised by subscription to buy tor
talaal grcuads for tb Htrahorn rail
rued, aad why money far ibU purpose
waa net Included la the band Issue vol
d November 141b. Charles W. Kbcr
Ma. a true! of I be terminal fund, ban
prepared a statement of Iba reasons.
TIM Herald today la printing lb In
terview wllk Mr. Kbertela. It request-
d tM lalanrlaw. not because It ques
tioned lha wiedeea of tb railroad com
mittee Hi the termiaal matter, but br
ead II wealed to give 'he raadara a
clear MBdftaadlng of tka aiact situ
ation. Tka Ilarald'a raadara will bo
raited apan ky some of tka various
cnawaltteea for subscriptiens: Iba fol
lowing statement will give you know!
dg of wkat tka commit! want:
"II eeema strange that anyone at
IbU lata data abould b rawing the
question of 'Why Iba Cltlsens of Klam
ath Fella abould buy Terminal fur
tha Htrakorn lload?' The siralghtfor
ward raaaon I that Hip rlilirn of
Klimatk Falls promUed to do no.
They er almply keeping faith. Of
court Iker ara a frw In rery com
nuulty who ar 'frmlnUt" In anything
and vrythlng. and Hip uueilon
raised la largely their talk. Th oto
tu thr konda of Novrmbar tlth clrarl)
and f.nally dalvrmlnvd Ilia nuinrrlral
talua of that vlamrnt.
"Hut It am that a coithlilrrntilp
numbrr of Ik aood rltltrnii of thti
city bare krn mlalrd. and do not un
!rrtand all lb rraon for the prri
ant morRnt to buy trrnilnalK. Th.
raaoM ar clvar, drflnlta, conclunlc
bunlnraa raaaon. j
"Un Aujtuat IT, 1K. a iimen nirriltiB
waa kald In llouatnnV oprrn houn,
which waa attended by the who! body
of our rltlmna, and waa fully repre
aentollva of tkn cltUrnihli of IhU city
from roplUllal lo waa carnrr.
"At that maetlnK Mr. Rlrahorn madu
a -loOnlte propoaltlon In wrltlna to thv
Popl of Klamath Kail, ao clear In Hk
tartna na lo admit of no mlaunderataml
lag whatavcr on tha part of anyone.
Tha propoaltlon aubmltted by him at
that thaw mat with tha entire approval
of In wkal body of cltliana at that
martin, m la a?ldncd ky lha rcaotu
Hon lalradBoad and paaaU unanlmoua
ly rpprovlai tka plan aukmltled by Mr.
Btrahorn aid pledilnx the aupporl of
thin lommunlly. Thla renolutlon waa
pnd after public dUcunilon partici
pated In ky auck prominent rltliena at
C II. Crlalar, mayer: K. I. Heamrs. J.
W. Rlamana, J. rrank Adama. tha Uuv.
Kathar Marahall and olhera, all leaders
in the kualnraa and Intellectual life ot
lha city aid county.
' "Kack one of Ihe nanUemcn ulano
tnantiMad addraaacd tha martin and
publicly aald Ikat they approved of Mr
Htrnkorn'a plan, and each pledKoi hln
auppart Vaiara J. W. Slemena. ". H
Crlalar una . R. Rwmea wera llicro
npwt ipolut4 eicutlre eommllto
io rnrry ui tna piaaa auamiura f
Ktrakwii. They each accepted anih
appolntnanlo and ever alnce kava nil
are aUU latla In tkat capacity.
"Hera la the written prepoaltlon aub
Hte4 kr Mr. aHrthwa t.tat M(ln
ai wihlnwiely approvad ky P-
pm,imhI ' v
' rirat-Uht ef wy to k furnleh
ad (Rakart . ftrUarn) free, from
Ihe tower end of; Upper Klamath
lika threw Ua city of Klamath
FarU, via Oke Md Yonua Vulley to
"" ""
May Have
to Return
V.'AHIIINISTON. I). C. l)-c. 5J.
That llm United Htate noon relax
In Hit follcy lowanl the Mexican ultua
lion, even lo a ronreaMon to I'rcxldent
emails uf wlllidrnwnl of Ceneral Per.
iIiIiik'h puntllhe fotre, In a growing
. belief in oltlcUl rlrclrn.
j The hUKKrnllon ti In-en matin In
roncrenMonal circle Hint I'erahlni; and
bl oldler oucht to Imi withdrawn re
Kardlm of tlm iimimol drawn by the
Joint rtiinmUiiloii, hut et unnl;nct by
Army men my Hirrc I no military
remion fur k.plni I'emhlnE In Mexico.
Hpraaue Klirr Valley, a dUlanre of
about fort) (10) tnllcN.
Kecomt Hufflcient xniiind In nm!
mar the IhU city (KUmatb Fall)
for paxenaer and freight icrmlunh
di'UMi. round koiue. itockyard and
other neceniiMry rnllwa) facllitlm
"An) one can ce that the cltUen of
IhU city are tuc:l) doing their obtl
oua duty In carrlni! out Ihe plan ap
prnvril by th.'tn Unt AURUit.
"Il In unelenit nt Mil lute date to In
quire n to h the city did nut make
a larce ennucli bond lnuo to coer the
Cul of pannrnKcr termiliaU. etc. II
n Ri-nrmll uiiiIitkIcmhI nt the time
of Hie bond flection mul ut-fure, ttinl
Hie clt) wait iIoIiik nil It nhoulil In tlio
vny uf a bonil IkhUo. mul aHuuninccrt
were ilctiinmli-d ami slen to n InrKO
bud) of our utern llint i.' further bond
in Mien would be made to buy lermlnnlit.
Iurther than llilx. ery law and In-li-lllKenl
'rl of our Hipulatlon de
manded that Mr. Htrahorn ahould nut
come bntk un the i-llUen anklnR nn
other Iwiie of bond to buy the ter
minal. It I mil ncchnry to ay that
.Mr. Htrahorn ha not and will not nk
nn auih thing. Ill original proposal
htnnd. We have accepted II. and mut
tulflll our part of the agreement, nnd
Member of the .
President's Cabinet
gtnmllllllllllllllllH v
'-' gtgtgtH'";':
yi aaaaaaaaaaaaaamV'
LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB v s-
' jw-gB
mmmmmmj .,"vv
' ananamaamV i- sS
. nwanwanwami
namammmaT 'i y
namam ;
fi naaaaaaamViLLvK -n.
HakamaaC 'K
n I iu.iuji
I that Ik to buy the paiaenger terminal
J by ttopular aubacriptlon, and turn tbt-m
over to Robert K. Btrahorn.
"The Idea that the city aboutd have
bonded ltelf to buy tbeaa terminals In
addition to building tka rail line la very
ximrt aighted. ami will not appeal to
anv taxpayer after he once under-
Miindh It. When the city authorized an
lru of 9300.000 bond for rallrond
Pttrpoiie. it Incurred an Intercut obll
gallon of perbapn 118,000 per annum.
If the city had bonded Itself for 175.000
u.ore and lncted that amount In mil-
renil t.-rmlnat. It would have Increased
II (tiierevt obligation by tl.500, and
would hc withdrawn all this vhIii
ble property absolutely from taxation,
fri ihe city property 1 not taxable for
clt) obligation. On the contrary, the
city toeeeitcd upon the only business
like plan. It will Invest Its 3W.0v0 In
t. man: line raltrrad that will connc't
the heart of the e'Ay of Klamath Falls
with the town of Jlonanza and lonnctt
llrectly with Klamath, Po. Von-u.
Ini-tll. Swan IJike and Bpragu-i Kit
cr alleys.
T't man or woman who cannot
M'tuie the utupenuoua algnilcanre "f
f"!i a pro'iH-i to the people of this
city ind (ojnty must be dull Indeed.
'Ihe terminal l I bought whlca now
htittx Utile lexi.uc to the city, yhen
tr the pihate i.vfucrshlp of Ilobin V.
Htrabqin. will lie taxable at ikeir ;m
prued value, for Mr. Strahorn will
proceed to spend a large sum of money
In building terminal buildings, yards,
appliances, etc., which are necessarily
very costly, and all this property, with
other Improvements Mr. Strahorn will
build, such as the line to Sblpplngton,
wilt make a very large and altogether
new body of taxable property, bringing
enough new revenue to this city to pay
tbe Interest on the $300,000 bond Issue,
a thing that would not be possible had
the city bonded Itself to buy these ter
minal and was obliged to own and
hold them, and thereby exempt them
I mm taxation.
'As it Is, If our people respond
iroinptly and loyally in carrying out
their promise to buy the passenger
ternilnuN and If tbe mayor and council
net promptly en January 15th, this city
ill i,priiig li an Incredibly short time
lo be the second city In Oregon in pop
ulation, In business and In Influence.
"Far from being a mistake not to In
clude the cost of terminals In tbe city
bond issue, It would have been an in
excusable blunder to have done so, as
It would have withdrawn a very large
body, of taxable property from taxa
tionIt would have Increased our In
terest burden Instead of providing new
revenues to take caro of all Interest on
the new bond Issue, and laatly, Mr.
Strahorn could not have spent a sum
which in the end must equal or exceed
our total Issue of railroad bonds, to
lulld costly terminals on ground that
did not belong to him. and over which
he could have no control.
"Certainly, tho city could not possi
bly stand the burden of buying this ter
minal site and In addition go to tho ex
pense of from two to three hundred
thousand dollars addlUonal to make
tho necessary Improvements to roako It
a lallrtwd terminal. 8uch a proposal
would never have met with favor by
i.ur ueonle. because It would bo clearly
hej nnd our means nnd would also hawt
been n blunder to sink all tnni money
in n inllroad and a railroad terminal
and at the same'tlmo Increase our tax
burden by exempting all thai property
from taxation."
Oaneune Administration.
WASHINGTON, 1. C, Dec. 29.
aimfttors weeks. Polndoxtcr and 8uU
ori-mi today denounced too recent hsb'
tiling of International anaira oy n"
United States as reversion to aecret
Villa latlelei Tewne
KU PASO. Dec. Jl.-General Villa
.u the two railroad orth
d real from San Luis Potoal. Uolat
in Temptoo. Saltlllo and Monterey
from tU south. ...
Scientists Return
w'.KKfWL'WIBIf,M'iKSmWim7. naBK;anBnBv
ra1rTaamnTif it BlaTanaaaaaamnaaalaTafBanM
nanrlnBnBvanBnBnBmnBnBflnBS .aBnanaFOSiSkBVnBm
SaaRiiUHBnlRBaaaaalBaH' V aflaamaaalSEr I
(PHaHnaWaHilaW? 8
Tbe notable commission of scientists
jhcaded by Major General Gorgaa which
was sent to South and Central America
by the Itockefeller Foundation somo
nontha ago, to -stady 'tropical diseases,
hnt just returned. Tbe results will not
Deep Snow Makes Good
Jack Rabbit Hunting
The fall of tbe deep snow has
brought another delight to the hunter,
the sport of Jackrabblt killing. The
deep snow makes it impossible for tbe
Jackrabblt to travel at his usual rate or
speed, and his food supply being great
ly eliminated, he has to depend upon
the farmers of hi Iclnity, to a greater
extent, for food and warm shelter.
Many hunters novo left for the jack
rabblt districts, and many are prepai
Ini; to leac Sunday to Indulge In this
sport. Along the Keno road, through
the Plevna nnd Orindale districts, the
mbblts are to bo found In large num
bers. They can bo easily seen In the
snow and their hiding in tho common
sage brush is to no avail. Also, tbe
ronu.v haystacks of'tho farmers offer n
warm shelter and a nice meal to these
pests nnd they are found often In large
cluuters not far from tbe farmers'
doors. In Poo Valley, in different sec
Uonn of the Merrill Valley and alonj;
the Midland road the rabbits arc being
Tho killing of these animals has sev
The dog bitten by a rabid coyote
on the II. L. Holbrook ranch in Poe
Valley, died yesterday evening. Death
came about iwenty-two day after the
dog waa bitten and about three days af
ter' rabies developed In the more ad
vanced stages.
The head of tbe dog baa been cut off
and will be mailed tomorrow to m.
David N. Rokerg, atate health officer,
for examination
America Studies
be (then for publication except in the
form of a mxnt tn thftfouBdatlna. IU.
sides Dr, Gorgaa there were Oil Ivmt
H. Wrlgbtaon, Lwter, Dr.-i:
R WhUmore, Dr.-H.-Rz-70arter-ad
lr. i. Ouiteras,
eral advantages. It offers ideal excite
ment for the sportsman, it helps to
eiadlcute thin pest from the mtiny
fields of the farmers where they do un
limited harm, and the skins are in a
wit) valuable as furs.
The Klamath Sportsmen's Associa
tion has attempted to get the county
court to take some action against jack
rabbits, such aa offering a bounty,
which will help the farmer to get rid
of his small enemy. As yet. It is not
known whether any action will be tak
en br the court.
Large furrier concerns in the Eait
and Middle West are attempting to es
tablish posts where the pelts of these
animals may be shipped in sufficient
numbers so as to make the trade profit
able. The skins make excellent bat:
nnd this trade can be atlmulatei
ihrough the Eastern and Southern
pans of Oregon, where the jackrabblt
abounds. There is a profit for traders
ho can collect these skins in numbers
Kivat enough to send them to the large
tattlers of the East.
Fire of unknown origin at midnight
last night consumed the McCabe store
building on 8lxtb street Four men,
vho are batching In the building, were
awakened by the flames, and escaped
with practically aethlng but a Ford car
which was stored in the structure.
Tb alarm was received at the city
ball at 11:85. aad the Ire truck was at
the fire in less tkahiltirpe minutes.
Huwover, the building waa abhuw
when the alarm waa turned In. and
could uot be saved.
m LM
H H w M w iBIHiB.E.B'3
aTBl . aWM "--BWSm'aW'Sf.aV'SHe'?;-'
Club Head
For Help
'As president of the Women's Libra
ry Club, I want to thank the people
who have contributed clothing and oth
er things for our philanthropic depart
ment. We appreciate very much the
generous contributions of money from
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Johnson, Mr. aad
Mrs. C. P. Stewart, Dr. Fred Weater-
fehf. Rev. C. T. Huid and the Knights-
"Through these contributions we
have been able to purchase a ..great
many pairs of shoes and stockings for
children that would otherwise be suf
fering during the snowy weather of
our holiday time.
"Through the kindness of C. A. Plata
of tbe Star Drug company we were
oblc to distribute a large number of
toy the day before Christmas. Our
thinks also ara due to the Sunday
f-cbools of the different churches for
their assistance la numerous ways to
provide Christmae cheer to many wor
thy nmlllee tkat might otherwise have
gone without.
'i .
With Horace Dunlap. H. C Merry-
man and C. B. Browne aa lncorpor
mors, the Chelsea Lumber company of
K'ainath Falls has been formed with a
capitalisation or $50,000. Articles of
Incorporation have been filed In Salem.
It is the intention of the company,
uci-rding to Mr. Dunlap. to build a
lull! next spring, possible on Upper
Klimath Lake, although plana as yet
are indefinite.
Lassen Smokaa
REDDING, Dec. 29. Two columns
ot smoke are arising from Mount Las
ptn In a freak eruption today.
Chinaman Fires Town
RENO, Dec. 29. Eight buildings
were burned at a loss of about $70,000
at Wlnnemucca yesterday, aa the re
sult of a Chinaman trying to start a
fire In his restaurant with kerosene.
Member ot the
President's Cabinet
I jnananananaala9nam
v.:: s .aBBnaVPiiSJnnBvPli
aanamlt 'nanaMj
naB-'0 ''NhsaaawBo
! iaasssssk:'- ?' s anaa
vBamaaaV' 'VBB
rf-s . ..STssfcai
m an --- fl
MSm " ' -JU "M
lallAl '
bi wm-immmim&mwmm
v m
, i lAfXi- "Wf
p v
Advanhe Expected to te aWMtef Ceav,
ealm While FaHcenHayn SHe en Rav -ir
mania and When Rueew Can Act N; J$
ManHlana From England Semwite ft
Are New Within Ranae'ef arHafi''
Eaatern Rumania.
jqcuve oi uenerai von maeaosMoev
--- rf'Wf'
LONDON. Dec 2S Odessa, tha, meat , va
Important Russian port on' the Biaek J
Sea. la bow reported to ke the ieitt tUfyi
a. " - ti
Bm yt IIai
ot w-Mtmm-',
armies la Roaaasia nnde,aeaaal,a0j:
hat larrttOTtmaBavaJlirkiaMia
free to
ii wtatav . attulr
ww w i i -r ,.....-.. Ji-T.lirff:
..,.- -,. vfw -, '$t3k.
ralla Within -Raaee h' &
BERLIN, Dec if. Braua, tax aatera
Miimaaia. aear aiai.'txwr wiiaastvi
rente of. the Germaa, armies, .whleh
are steadily advancing. eaat, through $v
Romania. Bralla U directly,la the Ma -f
of march of Mackonren toward Odwaa. M
The Ruao-Rumanlaa line' of defeae.,
from Rimlnlcu to Sarat has keen eeaa-
pl'etely broken, aad 8.000 prisoners tak-
en. This inakes more than -10.0W prts-
oners captured la thla tealoa by thei'V
J ninth German army. , - , ,
This morning Rachel aad Dohradja, ,
the Utter tbe seat of seree ftaliuaa; '
rnr many weeas, leu awure ura - m.
tonic forces.
Rumanian Retire 1 " j 3
PETROGRAD, Dec 2$. The Rumaa--
lan have been forced to rettre ea heth '.d
oanas oi ia juwibd iuiw.
ajrmans March, la
IlKRLIN.rDec 29. Today the.Oer-
m.smk ga mmtmA twrmtwm inilAA ivas nf
WWW jriww.w ,. i i w.- -- .
the mmuucu-sarai iiae w.vmaMireaii,
and captured 1,400 Russians aad Ru-
canlans and eighteen machine gaesT ill
French Repulse, Enemy
PARIS. Dec 29. A sudden Ocratan fy".
ofraaalve between Hill No. 301 and v.
ruiii f n Hill failsd thla BaoralBZ ta-r,.W
... . ,- . --j - -rr ,- ,M
cause of laceenant Barrage are." umrxyZ
arew vermaas
reached Dead
Teuton veraieii. OMiere
BERLIN.Dec. 29Tha Freaeh
KJ .I.IbJ a - aak
Man's Hill wen peaetraieA tha atorn
ma oy.uw "-' T' .TSTP' STT "Jr J.
oners, ? , , ywf&
'The Germans held tha MW.poaltleas
sgdlnit fierce French .eaaawr ajiaajts,
i.i1aiTuni. Bank rM'u
B13RLIN, Dec 19- Tha KmkMaLV
eghUag in the Ludova gaetorthgjif
A..,ki. mmintaltu fmnt hJLvn haaat 4:
-. n?l4&
.T.I.mhai.V. . j" 'a'tW.-Jft'!'!
Ml"-" mrwmwmw ,
- French Ara ftohewad f,mU
INDON. l)ee.,ae,-rTsm aaa;
day tor oer a Wg.aHee oftorrHairir
on the west front, reaWiagtae .rjrewsaw
wAHia. iW'J
imi alLi knmianLsa I
...... .1 . VI . r .''t? i1-1V'...1
mwm m -, ' ww I n i ut. wi-tTvr
CawBa.-y;n. .ffr ; iPfc'ihR'
: .V.i- 7-i X-ml 'rV aa !L's
WAaauantwM.'7.. v,- iw
The stita-lrtmwtjMar
tha aMwerag'Asaaiipixio;,
WllSM aasaajjaj
i. -i
;. 'j. - .
ftr- . ' r.
it . , S'S
rfi iw.
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