" 5 .wis, J&S jS3i. J rv' " E Jjvxi?' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER j-rmcwrwuai immiawTMajut urn miM.-aayaBcgaT . Itvtnth VMf Ne. J,M KERNS BROS. REFUSE mmdmmmmmmm wihi WOMENORGANIZETO "Sa WOMEN'S 1.000 RAILROAD CLUB AFTER MONKV Will Take Subscriptions of Five Dol lar and Up With to Much Down and Balance Monthly U Buy Termlnsl lit and Othar Oreunds In Klamath Fall far StraHem Railroad Work Atllvety Started Yesterday, The ml, live, public ajilrited. ldo Itilie women of Klamath i'alU have taken over the matter of helping to rale fund fur the Hlraborn railroad at Klaaiath Fall. They hail meeting Jul before Cbrlatmaa anil reviewed la situation, and now that t'hrUlma U psat they have begun acllve wmk nf "setting the money." The women hare organised Into whet tbey terra "The Women' 1.000 Railroad Club." and will take aubtcrip thai of any amount from IS up, pay able II down and a dollar a month fur Ike balance, larger aubacrlilon pa. aWa In proportion. The idea l to ( artac In Juat a many women a itl- Me: tbe work actively started yeater day already la stirring enthusiasm and brlaglng reaulls. Tbe Mowing prominent women are bowing their teal and patrlotUm an leader, and constitute the committee of women whlrh la actively taVInc allb-l rrlptlona for the new railroad ler mlnal: Mm. Charlea W. Kberleln chairman, Mr. Klbert II. Hall, Mm. F T Hander on, Mr. A. I. Miller. Mr. W II Ma. mm. Mla Marin McMillan. Mm Percy Kraa. Mm. Hyd Kvan. Mr. W. K. rauiht. Mr, George Walt, Mr Hon at Torrey. Ml Alice MrCourt. Mr. J. C Brockenbrougb, Mr. H. K. Martin. Mr. It. K. Wattenburg. Mr. l.olil Nartln, Mr. J. J. Wrlgcr. Mr. A. J Lyle. Other women ant going l Join tbe committee. It la particularly urged b lie committer tbat aa many women Join a poaalbly ran. a tbe flidd Is Urge and the time la limited. Mr. W. Kberleln and Mr. K. II llall will be at the Hotel Hall dallv from 2 to 5 p. m. to receive subscrlp tlon. Tbe tint of the subscription alrrail liken by the "Women1 l.ooo Railroad dob" I published In another column of today's Herald. - HI'HINU MKR IIRIITIMJH - - Hanta found the alelghlng KhkI, nnd h waa with ua Friday evening at our Cbrlatmaa program. Thn ladle of Iba I'. T. A. trimmed a very beautiful Irre, and the acnool nave a ahort pro tram. At the cloae of the progrum Ranta arrived, and prraent and rnmly wered dlalrlbuled. All prcNvnt enjoyed Mm evening. Carl Rbuberl Jr., who Iibh been vllt Inc. home folk, returned to Klnnmth rati Monday. A large crowd of the BprlitK Uko young people attended the Chrlatman lnce given by Wm. Tingle)'. All re port a very good time. Ulna gelma Foleom and K. II. I'nrker L.re married In Klamath Full Hun- y. Monday Mr. and Mr. I'arkor , re given a vary Ine dinner by the artde'a parenta, Mr. and Mr. K. A. Maorn. The following reUUve were raaant: Mlko Oalarlneau and family Una Plaa. Joha Mataey and fanv V Mr of ralrvlew, and Mr. JUcbardiion I' aaa f.nuf.. .. ... . .i r l'r)ag Uka strt (a tka. bride and ; the bait el wtoiM. ! 'Mlaa Luellle Btawart apent Chrl'at I with frleada near Olane. --,-r-ffuto, !! Princess Chimay is Dead in Italy Ik rtiHCti CHiway .-J tS f I'rlnre Clillnnt. oiiceVlara Wurd of iMrull. irrliai Kir nrt American woman lo gain audi a peculiar interi national reputation. In dead In an ob urure town In llalv Kite via one of (he iiiimI hamtromc women of her lime llrr greater nraiaile m her mar Ue' ( IIIko. tin HiiiiRiirlan km)' vliillnlnl, who lir M her nflrrllimi fur man) )rnr. When he died lie illnnp-ii-.iird mid cnliii' to llglil occiiKlonnlly New of her death n wired to rein tli" In America b) lirr latent liuOum! 1000 Club Will Meet On Friday All member of the Women- I .two llnllrond Club, or any women who wiint lo belong t thf flub, ate tit gent ly reijiiexled b Mr. C W Kberleln, rhalrmmi. to be prehenl at an Impoit ant meting lo be held tomorrow after noon on the meznnliip floor of the Hull hotel lit 2::iU o'clock. Till Is a meet ing of which big thing may come, nnd every woman I wunted. The place of meeting ha been changed from the Whltn Pelican hotel to the Hull hotel because the latter Is more centrally located, ami will ac commodate moie pcrHOHH. Too Late for Chriatmai. A on wim born Tuesday afternoon lo Mr. and Mr. Jack Hale. Ir. 1 M. While, who attended, icpott all doing well. Here From Fort. J. H. 8lemor of Kott Klanmlh I In tin county wi'itt for a few day on bualneaa. tv...nu, ..r Midiiiitit were man led In Klamath Full Tueday eenliiR. The brldo nnd Kroom tole u murch on all their friend, their marriage bctttK urirle to all. Neerlheleaa all extend to them the beat whiich poioie. r... C1..H.1., mill Ml Mary Hhubert atende'd the community Chrlalniaa treo In Klamath Fall Sunday evening. gcbool wbb oloiied Frldoy evening for the holiday. Wo will open school again January I. 1917. Mlaa Maud Schrolnor vlnlted with Mra. Ward Dolan taut Wfdneday and bbbbbbbT1bbbbH BBBB! fiAX.V.vt!aBBBBBBBBBJ lEunmg KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECLARE PEOPLE ir.irninri.n.nri.njuuirj COYOTES RABID BUT BOUNTY IS CUT BY COURT COUNTY COURT REDUCES THE BOUNTY 1140 Dog In Pot Vallty Bitten by Ceyete Btcemca Sick, and When Oaad Will Be Examined for Rablta Ceyetta In Many Other Stctltna Already Have Bctn Proved Rabid en Exam ination of Htada. Kurthi-r evidence of rabies In tbe c)ote of Klamath county and reduc tion of the bounty tin them coming at the same lime ha begun to cauae no little concern among stockmen of tbe count). A few day ago the county court declared It Intention to reduce the bounty 11.50. making It !.S0 after January Int. lleglnnlng then the latc will ny IJ.r.O and the county tl bounty on co)ote. At present the county U paying ZM, making the total bounty MOO. That ciole In Toe Valley are af fected with rable wa discovered on Tuesday, when II. U Holbrook. who I le-iKlnc tho Griffith ranch In l'oc Val- c), aw hi dog become lck. Three week ago he aw the dog bitten by h nihld cojolc and awaited devclop- inentK. When the dog. which wa bit In the nose, showed sign of rable. Mr. Ifolhrmik brought it to Dr. G. C. Mit chell, county veterinarian, for exam ination, lir. Mitchell ha tho dog penned up .mil Is waiting for the diseaso to run It course. When the dog dlea tbe bend will be sent to 1'ortland for ax- mnlimtloii. Previous this winter and during the i..i.. full rntiiil covotes were killed in the Merrill and llonania sections and i,. swan Ijike Valley. In each caao an 'examination by Dr. David Hoberg. stato health officer, showed the presenco or negrl bodle or rabies. It Is reported also that rabid coyotes are In the BIy country this winter. The situation Is looked upon by own ers of livestock a critical. If the dis ease spreads among coyotea and dogs, or If II gets among cattle loaa amount ing to thousand of dollars la certain. An affected cow willl leave her alob ber on hay he roessea over, and later u healthy cow eating this hay will be come diseased. County Judge Marlon Hanks stated n.ia nmminc that the bounty on coy otes was reduced because other coun ties surrounding Klamath, both in oro son and California, are giving a bounty of $i in addition to the atato bounty of $2.60. Tonalle Ramovtd. .... urn. .mi of L. D. Hurt under- AMI' ' --'" went an operation Tuesday morning for removal of tonalla and adnoldB. m ICKfl Vllin. a n ik. nt Ran Francisco, partner " r "".. - rL : " . .- ..ir with J. II. Wise in we om ni' - ranch In Poo Valley, arnveo iaai er ing to look after bualBMBaaattera here. , Growth itimaved. s ' ' John Jannion of Bwan Uka Valloy yesterday brought nla daughter, Marie, to Dr. P. M. White, to have a growth In the nose removed. IT IS NOT WHAT OFOTY KENO POWER COMPANY Wilt f TAKE CASE TO PEOPLE Now Having Drafted a New Franehlao Which Will Be Submitted to Vetera on Initiative Ptltlerv-New Company Declares Amendment Offered by Sheets and Mathewa Impose Untol arable Burdens. Ou the ground that the several amendments In the new franchise Im pose burdens not Included in tbe franchise voted by tbe people of Klam ath Falls at a special election held on November 14th. Kerns Brothers, own era of tbe Xeno Powder company, re fuse to accept tbe aew franchise. This announcement waa made today by Charles P. Stone, attorney for the Keno Power company. - "A franchise is being prepared to be submitted to tbe voters of Kbonath Falls by Initiative petition, and Kama Brothers believe the-aime-wiM be ap proved when tbe time cornea to vote on It," aaid Mr. Btone. Tbe new franchise was Introduced at the city council meeting Tuesday evening- by Councilman R. J. Sheets. It is the same franchise voted by tbe peoplo last month, with several amend ment added. It is these amendments to which Kerns Brothers object. "Had these amendments been pro posed at the time of submitting the old franchise to the people of this city, the Keno Power company would have re fUKed the franchise at that time," said Mr. Stone. "The amended franchise is not w hat the Keno Power company sought, and not what the people voted on." Tho amendments referred to were printed in )elcrday's Herald for tbe Information of the readers. SUFFRAGISTS ARE YET ON WARPATH ARE NOT SMASHING WINDOWS, BUT ARE FIGHTING PACIFISTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE BRITISH ISLES LONDON, Dec. 17. (By mall) Eng land's militant suffragettes are atill on tho warpath. But the battle of the mil itants has turned from smashing win dows for vote to an energetic cam paign against pasive war makers and pacifist. "The suffragette urmles are princi pally fighting for big battles," Miss Jessie Kenncy, one of the leaders, ex plained today. "Most important is our campaign to force England's ministers to fight the war to a finish. We are fighting In South Wales, where peace cranks abound; we are fighting on the f 'lvde. in Scotland, where pacifists are 'interfering with tho workero, and lastly we are sending our workers Into muni tion factories to help toward victory b;- making abells. i "We are fighting Lord Haldano and Viscount Grey because we think, they are- mainly responsible for a pro-Ger man atmosphere wblch still pervadea the foreign office." M1b Kenney was recently arrwted far eatiiB Lord If aldAM. torn war minister, a "traitor" In public. Tbe suf- fragettea blame Viscount Grey for rtritatn'a failure to recognlie the pro visional government of Venlialoa at Salonlku. Herald DECEMBER 28, 1916. NEW WAMB jpAAAAAAAA0AAAmWWWWWWWW mm mail THIS YEAR IS THE HEAVIEST PARCELS BEGAN TO ARRIVE TO . RECIPIENTS EARLY At Average ef Fifty Pounds Weigth to Each Back ef Mall, That Handled by Klamath Falle Peatefrke Thle Year Totals About Thirty Tana Thle Fig. ure IncJudea Mail Handled an Star t Reutea. ., f From December 17th to December Mia. tea daya, about IM aajdai of mall were' received, at, Uie. 'alfVaaaath Falls noatoflce. accordb"to W. A. JDelxell, postmaster. At anaverage weight of Sfty pounds peraack, this j would be something over thirty tons 'of "mail. 'Included In this total la the I mail which la seat out on the various !star' routes which headyat Klamath Falls, all of which paaaea through the (local postofnee and adds no small ' amount of work to the office force. Five atar routes head here. The route to Lakeview, 110 miles, having dally service: the route to Merrill and Tule Lake, 40 miles, dally service; the toute to Fort Klamath, 47 mites, dally except Sunday; tbe route to Swan post- j office, 13 miles, weekly service. Odes 'pa, 28 miles, will be In operation dur ing tbe winter months. During the j summer season Odessa Is served by boat from the Fort Klamath route. Christmas parcels arrived In unus iiially good order this year, very few parcels arriving in damaged condition. Delivery of all parcels waa practically aroomptlabed by cloae of Christmas day, the carriers and substitutes mak ing extra effort and wagon service as sisting them. Parcels beginning to arrive so early before Christmas la evidence that pat rons have learned the value of early malllne. Some delayed malls are still bringing In a few parcels each night, I but this week will doubtless finish tbe I holiday rush of 1916. NO SERVICE BY CARRIER MONDAY CARRIERS WILL BE AT WINDOW FROM 9 TO 10 O'CLOCK TO AC COMMODATE PATRONS GENER AL DELIVERY WINDOW OPEN New Year's Day being a holiday, the postofnee will be closed. The general delivery window will be open from 8 until 10 a. m. No delivery by carriers will be made, but they will be at tbe oJBce from 9 until 10 to serve such pat rons at their window as may wish to call for their mall. Tbe mocey order ad postal, lavinga departnMBt is to allow all darks sa amen Ubm off. on New Tear's Day as possible, since all clarka served the public ra atrenuoaaly on Cbrlatmaa FRANCHISE ' aia.Mai..v.V)YVnnnnmn ALLIES TO DEMAND REMOVAL OF FORCE AAWWWWWWWWW0t German Peace Offer is Dae to Famine rCHAikt'FUwrni Charles R. Flint, banker and mer wide International rata- Chant, wilh trans aad'esperieace. bellevea from In- r-v tonnatJoaJnWa. possession-that tea peace offer made by Germany was due to tbe fear of famine. He said that while Germany has highly developed agriculture It has been by means of fertilizers. These cannot be made vitbout nitrate, which the Germans cannot now- Import from CblU. One result bas been the decrease of the po tato crop by 40 per cent of normal pro duction. Strahorn Railroad Honor Roll The folowing is a list of tbe persons who have subscribed, through tbe ef foils of the "Women's 1,000 Railroad Club," to the fund to buy terminal ground in Klamath Falls for the new &i.-4hoin railroad; tbe list wltl be added to from day to day watch it grow. Is your name there? Mrs. B. A. Leggett $ 5.00 M. Cook v ... 10.00 Lee Simons 25.00 Miss Almee Wolf 5.00 D. K. McDonald 12.50 living I.radford 10.00 II. R. Barry - ... 25.00 Mrs. 3van R. Reaaies . 25.00 Mik V. B. Hall 25.00 Mr. Chns. W. F.berleln 25.00 Mr. litt!e Martin 5.00 Miss Mabel Martin 5.00 James Lytle - 5.00 William Ttmms 5.00 Mrs. C. C. Low BOO Ely Nlckerson 25.00 Mrs. T. H. Lynch 5.00 Mrs. W. Dalton 5.00 Mrs. K. M. Patrick 5.00 P. B. McDonald 6.00 John Corey 10.00 N. E. McClory 10.00 Mrs. Chas. Ferguson 5.00 Mrs. Mary Wlthrow 5.00 Mra. Don Zumwalt 6.00 Mrs. M. I Allison 10.00 Mr. Alice Goeller 6.00 A. Carlson 6.00 Mra. Harry Richardson 6.00 Mrs. Emma Mason - 6.00 Mr. Carl,Cummtngs WO Mi Festoria French,, k. .6.00. Mrr. Bd-.artin : - 6.00 Mrs. T-oim Garter 10.00 Mrs. Karl Wbltlock 6-00 Mis. If, J. Winters 10.00 Mrs. Siim 8mith .-. . -00 Mrs. O, K. Wllley 6.KI alSPvH WL'"h Vy' 9BBBBBBH BY-4 ' '' itSBBBBBBBBBBaWaWi "'''... '18PIBbbbbbTJ flaliliiPljiSlfl fc"JWP . .- PPtTalTBBBBBBBBBBBrBBBBl MPBsbbHpPsbtI .1 KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWtPAm i rise Flvt Cewta STATEMENT OF ALLIES' DEMAN9 IS LEARNED Note to Germany and United States Will Recite Crimea for Which Oar many Will Be Held Responsible Will Not 8tate Specific Terms ef Peace Nor Admit Timeliness of Peace Suggestions. LONDON, Dec. 28. Dispatches of tbe allies' replies to the German peace proposals Is imminent The notes from tbe various entente powers will be practically Identical. Already the Russian reply is en route to tbe ft mer lean embassy In Paris, who will dis patch it to Germany. ' The United Press today sBtborita-. trvely learned that the allies' nates will .contain. y Rejection of peace on German nsada plans. t Vigorous siirasnary of tae principles for which tbe allies are Ightlag. t Demand for removal of the rate of )llUljrijojjn,force.otejr iatejwatjoaal. law. ThesUtemehtof tiesJHaaiaMad' purposes Is expected to Include a re? eital of the crimes for which they pro- pose to hold Germany responsible. The entente note is not expected to.! contain specific terms on which these powers will accept peace nor will it admit tbe timeliness of the German plea for peace or President Wilson's suggestions. Neither will it consent to a peace conference as urged by Ger many. ( The allies are expected to anawer President Wilson's message with, the '.same note as that sent to Germany. Kaiser's Answer Liked BERLIN. Dec. 28. Public opinion in Berlin is that Germany's reply to Pres ident Wilson's note shows that Ger many has "warmly appreciated the president's good intentions, and per haps has added practical peace sug gestions." LanalnaGeta Anawer WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 28. Germany's answer to President Wit son's peace suggestions reached Robert Insing. secretary of state, today. Railroad Man Disagree NEW YORK. Dec. 28. The secret session of leaders of the railway broth erhoods and a committee of railroad - owners broke up today, evidently by an abrupt disagreement. The conferes were attempting to reach an agree ment regarding tbe eight hour law. Caplan Given Ten Years LOS ANGELES, Dec. 28 David Cap lan. convicted of dynamiting the Los Angeles Times building in 1910, today was sentenced to ten years by Judge Willis. This is the maximum penalty. Mr. J. C. Brockenbrough Mm. George Cathey Mm. L. O. Mills Mr. K. R. Hamilton Mid. P. H. Mills 13m. a. C. Henllne Mr.-. Bulge Mason . 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 1.01 5.00 Mrs. J, W. Siemens ..... Mrs. Laura Wilson .. Mr. M. A. Wilklns Mra. EUie Siemens 6.60,1 6.SS 7 Mrs. C, n. Wheeler Mm Loui BoldUher U It A Uah1l ,1.00 vaaa n2i mn. .. .Mtww....- - . ' i'irt Mra. A. D Miller .- r--rr '?? in t'.mii.inee.Mtuer- -- s.t ML. sif UeUai &f$L? 9m tub next Ulnar iu,i'iw.,iaprA Uoa of tka aaiMS'lflXlaVI hmuea that aava saaaealhad terminal fund-el'aart tiiyhm la Klamath TaHs," ftffiM- m n 4 m s 1 SSW3S m ... .-,,.. j. IV'f M J ' St f z T 7Wl &pwm SKiWtf 1 w.aro"Si 3rr?'.ti ..$ 7V i."T ' "i'"A.W' ; W fe m B-tJ-'- IK, JK& Vl 'x L'i Arthur B, Schrelncr and Mln ib Thurmltt). , . , I .