4-VW, vr &! :fe 5i5 .' -.v: KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .--inm frr """""TfitTririS-n.n r Eleventh Year No. 3,14 C l3UO. S-mn-v ,.. OFFICIALS Name One Official Said to Be Known CHAIRMAN RULES COMMITTKK MAKES CHARGE Sere Relative ef High official Told Him Thai Advance "Dope" en Wit. an Peace Nolo Enabled Official to Otl ! Rewards Following Panic on loch tichange Whtn Note Wat Published. WASHINGTON. I C, l ST -Chairman Wood of ihe rule commit' Ire of the house- of rrprrcrntAlhm lo day deflated lhal he han lhr trail of thr reported "Irak" on 1'rr.lJrnl Wll-I ...,.". ... I.. tillrrnl n.llnt.. whirl. raurtt thn vvr panic on the Nrw York ttock racbanicr. l am Informed by a relative of an otMrtal HIkIi In Ihe nrlrr of the na tional o eminent, now In the broker ( bualnrn aa a alien! partner, who U alleged la hatr profited Immensely b) lb advance tnfurtiMtlon on the presi dent prac note," paid Chairman Wood. "Itlxhl now I am not In a ponlilon to letral thn name, but may .1 at any'"' """" ,uu" "Mm.imeu mo naio vauii lime. "I hae Iraritrxl altxi lhat Dili. Km rfnnuinl'a rrorrarnlallvm In KuroDe :,ae pronird by advance Information . on niplomatlc movr to be made b) the I nllrd tttalra." SHERIFF LOW OETS SSO WATCH FROM OEPUTIES In alncrr loken of their ealeein for.h,iu) here, two lmhe.i already hnv him. thr drputloa of thit office of Hhcr If? V. I Ixiw pmentetl bint on ChrUt. man llh a ISO old watrb. Thlo It thn liiat Chrlalmaa they will upend a hU depullex. aa be In Miccceded Jan uary.lal by Oeorae Humphrey, ko ihoy ilenlrrd lo Irovn hlm n remembrance. tacitly Mtttt Tomorrow. The. Udlea Aid Hoclely of I lie I'ren bylrrlan church will meet on Thunulajr, at 3:30 p. in. ai Hie home of Mm. II '. Thornaa, 313 IMne alrret. Shlnn Ltavtt. Neal Hlilnn. who hna been enipln)ed lit I he Itricnt Shoe Htore. haa loft for Anhland, Ida homo town, where ho ex pect a lo remain. Open Bids Construction of Railroad on Jan. 15 Although laat nlxht wum the lime net ..... nmnlclnal Vallrond from Klnmuthj Falla to Dairy, Iho city council by a I Mri stra,0rn hoped to bo bore to-Iwo-tcHma voto poaluoiiod Iho tlmu for nght, but Important bUHlnem Imn do-reoe-lvlng and oponlnK of blda to Jan- luyed I.Ih comlnB until J J! ary 15, 1117. Councilman A. D. MIL II. will arrive that evcnl k. but wlatafa lor and I. H. Rtrublo voted for conlln- lo confer with the council In execul o uaac. f th. ..mo. Councilman M. R. Doty votfid nn. and Councllmen II. J. Hhecla and O. D. Matbewa didn't vote. Mayor Crlalor remarked Uat only three voted, and Btrublo called for i yet and nay vole. Miller objected, aaylng a Majority of tboae voting voted yea. Mayor Crlaler then declared the motion to continue carried. mo requtni ror poaipontw" """"--T,'I m" Ehrleln explained January IGlh of Iho time for opening calved," Mr. Bberiein expi Tho requtnt for poatponeinont until II 1-VmrC I -vim i. ji. J.... VILLA MAY TAKE I HAS TOLD FOREIGNERS IN CHI 1 HUAHUA CITY THAT HE WILL TAKE COAST TOWN TO FORCE COMPLICATIONS 1:1. I'aso, itc. :t The oujiniw of l'anrhu Villa l Tamplco, Important Jrraport on llir rant roast of Mexico. "" """ '" """ " "r,,,nB ,ne 'It. ft. -a... I, .!.!. u Itf.l.. I ..I "" ",r "" ",,nc" un mpiCO. Villa ha lold fort-Icier In Chihua hua niy that he U going to take Tnm- r-.'ro to form International complies llon anil anion by the United States MKaliixt the Carranza government. Itrpnrta reaching fcrre iay Vlltn'H lati-t town to rapture In Han l.uia Po- l.-ll. Robber O't 13,000 T'.'MI'U:. Ok'a, He. 37. liot.rrr I or mr riuoii. u.;ui., lAnK, nnu eitcip'M lib ::.tiM) TornadVa Tell I. Fourt,n I.ITTI.i: 110. K, IVc ST-Kourtim !ute iirmi nnu suten injiirvd uh iiic ro- Milt of ii toritiuto whlrh hHept thruURli .totitli reiilrnl .'.iKimnnit lant iiIrIiI Snow in California lli:i)IHN(i, In-.. ST. It Ix miohIiik Iiik fallen, Their l n fool of miiow hi tteinrnllle. and l.wee frel lit Iur niulr, nnd tiinity oilier nod Ions of Noitltern Calirornl.i Inttallatlon tonight All MitKonlr ordem of Klnmnth 1'alN ulll hold n Joint limtnllailon IoiiIkIiI In iht Miironle hall In the IawiiiI.i build- liu- nl 7:30. All Manonn und their vlM-h nml all intern Stars and thrlr hutbiindA are Inxlted. Sweden Stndt Note LONDON, Dec. ST. Sweden today Joined the United Slain and Switzer land In dlHpntchliiK lo bclllKewnti n note in Hie name phraaoloK)" na the HwInh rommunlcution. Ibldi came frtim Hubert K Htrahorn, nroMldent of tho Oroitoii-Callfornlii & ber- aitalon on all dclalla of iuo munc. pal railroad, and particularly on w contract between him and tho city of Klamath Kails repardlng relation of tho municipal road to tracts. nn way and terminals owned by blni. Af ter those conferences ho will eubmlt a bid Cor tho construction himself, and the council will be fully prepared on January lh to ct on the 'd. re- TAMPICO MEXICO iEu Ptmtg Hrati KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, PROFirFROM NEWS "LEAK - -iWYVVWmAIU JVe! 3,000,000 Men for Defense -Major General Scott, chief of Utf ol the (tnlled Stalea army, told tbe M-iiute mlliiHry committee the United Siairn ahould hate 1,500,000 men ready to take the field In caae of at tack, and that within ninety day 1.500, (KM) more would be needed. In low of thin lemon of the great war he ratored uniterxal military training. ICC SKATING RINK TO OPEN TONIGHT The new Ire rink nl Modoc I'ark, iii'.Ior the maniiRenient of O. K. Willey nnd Ilnrry Peel, will be opened to the I'.il'llc tonlKht. Since the Know Satur da, nlpht the park has been flooded, nnd thin water frozen into clear, slic't Ice. .Skate ran be rented at the ice rlnU. Carranza Ignores Protocol WASHINGTON, D. C, lec. ST. The United Stnlea government will unit n day or two longer for the an- mo i or lrolilanal President Cnrranzn of Mexico to the troop withdrawal pro tocol, although yesterday was the laat day of grnce. AilminlKtrutlon official will refuse to Inllc of a new policy until it la certain ("arranzu has Ignored the present pro tocol. IS SEEKING PEACE LOS ANGELE8AND OAKLAND CITY COUNCILS INVITE NATIONS AT WAR TO SEND DELEGATES TO CONSIDER PEACE 1,08 ANGELES. Dec. 87. Tbe city council of Los Angelea last nlgut rem lullonUcd to Invite peace delegates from belligerent nations to Los An soles to end the European war. Oakland Ftlltwt Suit OAKLAND, Dec. 37. The city coun cil of this city passed a resolution laat niiiht Inviting delegates from warring nutlonn to Oakland to arrange terms of pence. W EfHHHIH r am r-'' sj2aaT4illlllllllllllH t Ev A j . SiflREvllHHHHH IS 'iiaHEfllllllllllllVl i, WmLwLV ' EfHSEfiiiiHEfl EaEaEaEaHEl v I CALIFORNIA AMMMAMMMMMMMMMMWWMMWWM COUNCIL OFFERS NEW FRANCHISE TO KERNS BROS. RELIEVED ACCEPTABLE TO MA. JORITV'OF COUNCIL V New Franchise Ordinance Introduced Last Night It Old Ont With Amend ment OffertdjOectmbtr 18th Added to It Makta Keno Powtr Company r Pay for Election and Put Up Big Bend to Guarantee Service. The city council lant night Intro dured and passed to Itn third reading an ordinance granting to the Keno Power company a franchise to distrib ute electricity In Klamath Falls. The ordinance Is identically the same ono voted down on December 18th, plus all amendments offered that evening by Councllmen It J. Sheets and O. LI, Matthews. Tbe provision) of these amendments are Incorporated Into and made a part of the new ordinance. The new franchise ordinance Is ex peeled lo be passed by tbe council, if nceplable to tbe-Keno Power eompmn. an it is understood to have the support of Councllmen Sheets, Mathews and nnd M. II. Doty, a majority of the coun cil. It contains In the additions to It certain features that tbe Keno Power company may object to and refuse to mcept. To tbe surprise of many citizens at Ihc meeting last night, the resolution adopted at tbe mass meeting Decem ber 19th was not presented to the council Inst evening. Thin resolution demanded passage of the ordinance toted by the people November 14th or resignation of the councllmen oppos ing It. II. S. Grigsby and O, A. Stearns of tbe committee named by Ihe mass meeting were present last night, but did not piesent the resolution. v The now ordinance, or -rather the provisions It Includes In addition to tbe ono oted down December 18th, was prepared by R. C. Groesbeck. city Continued on Page 4 Member ot the President's Cabinet ftEIEIBEIilwS iiIEtBPii aMawaaailMMiaNaanaaaataaitaM DECEMBER 27, 1916. -.... -,-,. ""-B-iiiri'iam-LnAnfi Woman Elected Mayor of Umatilla Mrs. E. E. Starcher was not eletHed mayor of Umatilla. Ore. .Ibut kbe bad to defeat ber butbaBd tq.wtn. He had Ihe temerity to run On tbe op position ilcket. and tbe women of the city just rose up and swatted him and rmny other male candidates. Four women were elected to the city coun c i another was chosen recorder, and another brcame treasurer. "I am for a rigid enforcement of the law and lower expenses of goern cient," said Mrs. Mayor, when she was asked about her policy. Spokane is Seat Farm Loan Bank WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 27. Spo kane has been named as the headquar tent for tbe Northwest district ot the federal farm loan bank. Berkeley la announced as headquar ters for the eleventh district, compris ing California, Nevada, Arizona nd rtnh. RAILROADS Will I6N0RE STATUTE SERVE NOTICE ON EMPL0YE8 THAT ADAMSON LAW WILL BE IGNORED UNTIL IT8 CONSTITU- TIONALITY IS DETERMINED NEW YORK, Dec. 3T. THe railroads of the United States will ignore the Admiison eight hour law In making up their various payrolls and working Hchcdulea until the United States su- promo court passes on the constitu tionality of Ihe law. Notice to this effect was served on employes of the roads by official of thu companle today. aaMBtMMaaBBMalJgjVaaaataMtaaaaBaaaa1 ualntaa Man Meat. A meeting of Klamath Fall Bust- now Men'a Atociatlon haa been called by Secretary Joe 8. Kant for 8 o'clock ut the city hall. m m .. jbiIIKjBU eIIIIIIV?10keHei Bji"4 t.sVxl mBE4JEEAEJPSj Ctl EtBSSSSSSSSSSSBEtBSgSKIPBvJ BE4ilBEVE4ilBBK!vU lilHfBPiLLEti aE4B"lilBsflE3E4illlM tE4Hi"HiKBE4iH gaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaW EfBEKEfHII lilBPIllEiilHioLlRI nsraogjpilMfjr W.MMWWWWWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWW Allies Don't Want PeaceMeetingNow m0WWWWWWWWWW4 WINNIE WAMPIER IS MARRIED HERE BECOMES BRIDE OP D. M. McLE MORE AT QUIET WEDDING THIS 'MORNING SPEND HONEYMOON IN HONOLULU At a quiet wedding at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Walker, Miss Win nie Wampler was married this morn ing to D. M. McLemore of Saa Fran cisco and Klamath Falls. Only a few intimate friends were prefent. Mr. and Mrs. McLemore left on the morning train for San Francisco, from which place tbey will sail on January 22d for Honolulu to spend a honey moon of two months. Mr. McLemore jrlll Uke his, big red Pathfinder road stereo tbe Island, that be and Mrs. McLemore, may see all the Island at times conerdentho-tlrem-" ' - A One home Is now under constmci tlon by Mr. McLemore In San Joae, and there the couple will make their borne. Mrs. McLemore is a daughter of H. M. Wampler of Odessa, and baa resid ed here since babyhood. -except for the last few years, much ot which time has been spent in San Francisco. Mr. McLemore has a large stock ranch in California, and is Interested in Klam ath county with Luke E. Walker In the livestock business. Germany May Give Terms WASHINGTON. V. C. Dec. 27. If tbe entente powers send to Presi dent Wilson their terms of peace, Ger- many "probably" will furnish to the president her terms also, the German embassy here stated today. Liner la ' Hopeless" TOKIC. Dec. ST.- The liner Sanka l.;i Muiu is aground with 400 passer, eer and crew rboard off '!'iefoo 'hinn. Hhe It. it ported hopeless. Bills Must Have O. K. .Ml bills against the city of Klamath Pads hereafter must be regularly sub mitted, and must have the approval of the city official who ordered the pur-chat-c of tbe goods for which the bills i.iv given. This decision was made by the city council when it passed a reso lution offered by Councilman A. D. Miller Fire Department Asks Chief Be on A fire chief who shall give all his; time to superintending the Klamath Falls Are department and shall be hired on a full salary was recommend ed to the city council laat night by the boys composing the fire department. The deparlmlnt aubmitted a report made to It by a committee appointed to Investigate and report on improve ment In tbe efficiency of tbe depart ment. Tbe council referred tbe matter 16 the nre committee for report next meeting. The Are. department boys recom mend a chief oa full pay because the Militant chief, Jruk Hvaaaker, s aew J raVij ftiJV. AVWiff VA KTJLlfATtt VAfJbi OFFICIAL NEWWAlA WVA sr priM n ;?. MM THIS 18 BELIEVED CLEAR TO ALL, SAYS LONDON 7 Feeling It, However, That Germany Haa Given Opportunity for Alllea la Appear Before the World yVltli.State ment of Ideals and Alma In H latera Greatest Conflict Believed That Germany's Strenght Wane, LONDON. Dec. 27. Tbe aUlaa cer tainly will not accept Germany's pro posals for an immediate peace coater-, ence, aa made, yesterday la her note to President Wilson of the United BtteV -and other neutrals. This eeesne to be ' entirely clear. It Is believed' la London that Oer-.t many's reply to President "WlMett peace note haa offered a graad BSt' tunlty for England and other alwo't ,f. ar"hrnr ha wnrl hv ihiu V'taa '4l Preeldcat Wllaoa'ilt suteaaet ,coataiat;.,tyieeaie". aid Mil MaVof-the etrteata'toWwaritait W 1 more stronctv each day that flMisaaai'a .r ?.' wanlnv afrrnrth fa tkti real mattv lar '.an her proposals of peace, ' - LONDON, Dec. 27. Englaad lateaaa to tell the world exactly what' she la flirhtlng for,. Her anawer to Pretldeat llson's note' will be a clear outline of the objects which Britlan and her allies hope to attain. This sort of note is now in process of formation. Prr-ii'mably it la the business of drattini; the reply that haa called a conference of the Lloyd George cabinet. , It la known that Lloyd George con ferred with the French ministers yea-v terday. It is probable that all the al lies will send one Identical note, which v!!! he not only tbe answer to Presi dent Wilson, but the answer to the Cerman proposal also. Sterm Cweeaa East NEW YORK, Dec 27. A bUlxard of suow andileet la taking a wfBe path acrosa tbe Eat: and Middle West, tylax up traffic and telegraph service.' Tbe Ftrnn rages from Florida to the Caaa Hun border. Frost la Feared LOS ANGELES. Dec. 27. A killing frost Is predicted here tonight Fruit growers are preparing for smudging. The citrus crop was not damaged by the cold wave of the laat few days. !- Full Salary ' m$ , ! rf SJ on duty twenty-four hours a day. TMjri$ aiso poinieu out iui av iwwi iwu, w a.. of the department should be ahWtfvij j handle tbe auto Ire track teWksiUy.'f The boys recommended tOar'Bjf r-rermeanaa. ,prwejjdai, laiigBjMMI.m ., ..I. .... .J lm lk mnmmt'ml. hhi-J4' refusal to accept that Klih,Asaw :';; b made chief. . t '&-J Accompanying no inawwiMiiav from tbe departaiawf. atallwsalW; Emitted mmmmm:wm . AwmA h'lBMsllsMBliltlslBllsl tslks 'slssfcisT Sf7HfiOVW mf ffaitagBBsaiiiaBawa -wm January lotaf. permit; aiatwgi" r ilantrimtat'V ' i. VJ'P jJhSltiltv. fl j "W ' irs- -f J, 'f-s&.w i?6 , ' PI - 'if "anas- W&Sl .'.A! '.&l:- ttl ft?T. & As .- .A ; ,t ' l M I -?? i 'i, u j-, Ol w -j a(ml"7: