mm areas. iM P !.r "a ' v Qqt&vtidna l&rati. KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWIFAV1K ' ; isssnajsswaaauiaaBj..-.ji Eleventh YearNo, 3,11 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1916. Price Five Canto 1 GERMANY ANSWERS PEACE MESSAGE ASKS MEETING Germany's Terms Are Not Recited HANOI NOTt TO AMERICAN Oil' LOMATS TODAY tiyt Work of Preventing Future Wr Cn Begun Only When Present, Cenfllct Is Ended Bays Most Appro- rials Tlma ( Oet Results In Immi. I 4'Mt Conference of Power Involved In Present Struggle. IIKHI.IN, I". :. In,nirr to the' tt noli from ltldrnt Wilson of IB I'nltH State of America, tier irany hUy proposed a tun-tlni; uf nil MlllvfrnU lo dUcUM Irrmii of I'rarr, Tbn formal reply was made In note tacJrtl to American diplomats In Her 111. Vttnna, tontantlnople and Soft. frnUhly Hie ioi aiKnlflrant part of the imte ft that which hlnin that "tho ttvAt work of prevrnlinK future war rati U brcun only after the end of the ftrrli( alrURRle." Ttir role declares that "when thai moiiirni cuwm" German) will Uf revly "with pleasure lo collaborate entirely With the United Wales In this nailed talk." Germany in her formal note lioM that I he "moat appropriate road lo rr-arh Ihn desired result" I n Itnmrdl lo meeting of delegates from Mile erent Hates at a neutral place." Tie text of the nolo was transmitted ly wlrrlrM, ami contains no terms of Hate. VARTIN tUI ON PROMISSORY NOTE Suit lo forri'limt h inarlKaRd on ' rral nhnrrit of Mock In th AllNtiniiit lutmlmrnt company wan romiwncwl. ti rlrrull court Iwlay by Alex Martin Jr., iiRisliiitt N. 4. C!hinmn. Tlir inorL, m waa Riven nit ni'rutliy on n note for I'lnlnllff Ik lnK for 11,133.33, being irlnclml mul lnlennt. Kmlth ft llyaon of Kunenn bio iilliir- i'eyn for Martin. Klamath County 1917 Tax Levy Klnmutli counlv tax najern for 1017 iii'iM pay n tax of mlllw on nil; l'ioerly arHneil lo Ihem. Thin In thf Ifvy fixed by llm county rourl Hal. uiday and Includea aU'llrma for which ill Monerly owner muni my txen. I lint year thn levy waa 87.7. Tim alala lovy la 2.4 wIIIm, nnd Mm rounly lavy covering genfrul nxpenHiw, reilorjipllon of oulalandlnK warranlM Intaivat on oulalandlng Kcnoral fund runla and achool ubraricH, Ih 8.f nulla The apeclal IovIoh arn divided ' follow : Crammar achoolt, i mill. County hlfb aebooln, 1.0 mllln. AKrlculiural aitanalon work, I mill. Nan eaurt bouia construction, 3.3 nllla. Knads, S rollla. County library maintenance, .1 mill Tho cy of Klanwth Palla general ! h'vy u H uillla, Willi .0 mill for Pf is AiwwvwvyvwV To Investigate the High Cost of Food fltO. M?AHDM9QH. li.niKf M Andemon. I'nltnl SMliv nliorne) nt llimion, hehl n ioifi'ri'm llh WIImmi nt the Whllo lliiui-r. nml thin hi-Kiin im lnenll:utloii lor the IVi'iirtmi-iit of Jtwtlce Into Ihe hlKh oii of fouil. In tin- imtT.e of Iik woik ho tl.-cliliil he onhl unit m .so. l'lreliiml nml IVIrolt. Ho l" riHiit lo the ileimrlment XmtH on Mh It'll U'KiH nclltin limy he lunen. Mm. Joe Mooie It'll etleitln for Kim I'nimlKCO to Ult her ilimtshter. Mrw. It")- Court. t . 2. Aaw v? b ? 'jd ? aaTaTaTaTaTat kikikL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaB aaaaaaaaaaavaBBBaa'BBBBBBBX aaaaaaaaaaaTj "aaaav1 LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV I JLaaaaaaaaaaaaH '' ' r iiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH V'aLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat f 'aLaaaaH aiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl LbBUT aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV aV aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai F is 25.6 Mills i.i,i hohi'm. rhiiMi'iiiiiiMyi"i"b nml llminnin 10 iiiIIIh. .1... inw uiiH llimllv tletei T lll'll !"' ... ...... .........i,..- K..v..nil allcea wero llllllltl nun ( - innCo from Ihe hmlKi't. I ho i I ltl fill 4lll Hlutu levy wmh nniiiceii i .ir.mirt i.. ji:i.o00. The Hfhool ,,, .-xpoclcd recoh,S front ho huIo of Kovemment iiinun. " ; houi.o comtlruction wx f ;;- . .,n.i feii.. Iwn HeillH of f0. POii for the icilrmptlon of onlaland .IB ViiniiinlH nnd 2". '' "" inieit al em aame waa put Into one Hem ir.0,000. Tho budKi'l cam"" "' " 1"v'" , ,i,n rniinlV. OOi) for nil Jneo ruui.n ,v:; I, ,i an tho com for 1916 were under 2,000, the lovy for Ihl. P"'0, '. '. .- tnnnn Tho extra 1,000 SSiV-.,-JiJS over, but will he Pi' " " r,-"" fm:d for oxli-rmlnullon of l''"l. FOR ALL POWERS TO TALK ftJKl GERMAN REPLY WASHINGTON OFFICIALS PESSIMISTIC ARE Staled Allies Don't Particularly Care for Peace Conference In That She Hat Not Answered Request of This Government for Specific Peace Terms, Germany It Held to Have Dodged the Issue. WASHINGTON. I. C. Dec 26. A hunt) examination of Germany's reply to 1'ieMdcnt Wilson. i peace kiirri-s- iIuiih. In the dpntihes from Ilerlln. hate lid the fnrcmoxl ndmlulstrutlon oIDcIuIk to hi-llete that the allies nre not fuillnlleil lo meet the Teutonic pro- ptlHUt. It Is Mated that the i;;es are dN- Mitlnneil In mi far ai anaiiRlnR a eace conference. It In held that Geriuiuy Iiiih directly dodeed the ruilt'ht of the United State tor iiometuInK speelllc In the ) of peate terms. WASHINGTON. I). t. IVc. 26. German 's leply lo I'rcsident Wilson's note does not tiURtir well for "tery rapid mlwinccnient toward pence." nc- ronlliiK to ottlclaN of the llrltlsh cm- Iwssy here. One olllclal states: "There Is noth Iiir new In the messaRe. nor does ll answer President Wilson's or LIod GeorRe's riiiuest for n t-peclflc defini tion of German) V terms. The siiRResllon that the iiiesllon of orRaiilation to prevent future witrs be not eonclilered until peace is conclud ed iiIho met with dlsfnor In the llrit-l.-h cmhiiHsy. This tiuestion Is said to be one of the most ltnl of the whole situation, and mint be made the InU'Rrnl part of mi) peace parley. FORMER LOCAL MAN ARRESTED M. H. McCALL, WHO RUN BARBER SHOP IN THIS CITY, KILLS MAN IN PORTLAND, ACORDING TO A BRIEF TELEGRAM Information to the effect that Martin II. McCnll, formerly of this city, jes tenlay killed n man in Portland, wnB received here this morning. Details of the killing were not learned. McCnll lesldcd In Klamath Falhi fiom nboul 1905 to 1908, and while here married Miss Kdna Fish. He had no trouble while here, and waa looked t.on as ii respectable citizen. Ho founded the O. K. barbershop, near the American hotel. Are Married Sunday At the home of Mr. and Mr. Frank r. Matt, Miss Zeltna F. Folsom of Spring Lake and B. R. Parker of Bly wero married yesterday morning b Hugh J. Marshall of tho local Catholic chuich. Only rolatlvea and Immediate friends were preaent. Mr. and Mm. I'niker will be nl home after January. IBR WASIIINCIUN. V. C. I)cc. 26. The Hfttlement of difficulties between Mexico nod tho United States by peaceful meitmi depends upon what an hvmt I'nnirilonal President Carranza 'of Mexico rIvch on this, the last day Wet by the American-Mexican peace (oninilnsloii for blm to Mru the with ilrnnnl of troops as Is acreed In the protocol ilrnwn by this commission. If Cnrrnnza does not sign these mensures the sessions will come to an end. LAWSON MAY 6ET CHANCE ID SHOW WHERE LEAK IS HAS CHARGED GOVERNMENT IN FORMATION JtCTS OUT Chairman of House Rules Committee Declares writer on Financial Ques tions May Be Called Upon to Tell Committee All He Knows About Leak In Important Government Moves in Washington. WASHINGTON, I). C. Dec. 26. If it Is possible that Thomas W. Lawson can prove "there Is always a leak on important Rovernment moves in Wash inRton," especially in connection with European international affairs, he will be Riven tho opportunity lo bring forth such proof in person. Chairman Wood of the house rules committee Indicated that Lawson may be Invited to tell the committee all he knows. lnvson first Rained prominence his articles on "Frenzied Fi nance" In Kver body's Magazine. Special Service Sunday. A special service for elderly people will bo held next Sunday morning nt the Christian church. Old songs will be sung nnd tho sermon will be suit able for old people. Luncheon will be served nt the chuich nfter the service. R. W. Tower Is n business visitor In ihe county sent today from his ranch between Keno and Worden. CIGAR EXPLODES INJURING FACE CIGAR WAS LOADED AND SENT TO SHERIFF, WHO GAVE IT TO BOY TO SMOKE-SEVERAL TEETH BROKEN BY EXPLOSION AUBURN. Calif., Doc. 26. Eugene Bell of Rono, while smoking Na cgar vhinh wan loaded, had his face badly cut and several teeth broken by the explosion, of the cigar. The clgarW mailed on the train between Loa Angeles and San Fran Cisco on pecembc' 32d. and was re ceived by ex-Sheriff Conroy. It la believed that the cigar was mailed by some ex-convict. GERMANS MAKE PRISONERS OF 5000 RUSSIANS ALSO TAKE A VILLAGE IN LACHI FIGHTING WAL. Austrian Destroyers Raid Straits of Otranto and Send Two Patrol Boats to tht Bottom; Also Rout Six Enemy Destroyers Ruaalant Admit Evac uation of Fltlpetci in Rumania by the Combined Allied Forces. BEHL.1N, Dec. 23. The German and Austro-Hungarians have stormed and captured the village of Fillpestl In Wallnchl. In the last few days the Germans have captured 5,500 Russians. the city of Rlmlcult and have advanced into the Sarat mountains. Tcaraini: "Russians" were" rcputsedTri the Keagra Valley, and also the Brit ish on the western front. Artillery Are has been increased neai Yprea and Lab.tssee in the west- BEHL1N,. Dec. 26. Ileports from Vienna state that four Austro-Hungar-Ian destroyers successfully raided the straits of Otranto and sunk two patrol boats and routed six enemy destroyers of a more powerful type. One member of the Austrian crew was killed. One of the enemy's de stroyers was fired and others wero hit at close range. l'AUIS. Dec. 26. Infantry-artillery duels nre reported In the Cerna region at Monastlr. and artillcrying along the Somme on Christmas night. PEltAOGRAD, Dec. 26. Tho evacu ntion of Filipesci In Rumania has been admitted by the Russian officials. MAY SURVEY THE CALIFORNIA LAND THAT PORTION OF MARSH AREA ON CALIFORNIA SIDE OF STATE LINE MAY ALSO BE OPENED TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY A letter received this morning from Congressman John E. Raker of Cali fornia says he Is trying to get the marsh lands on the California side of Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Lake surveyed by the government. Tho lands on the Oregon side have been surveyed, probably as a step toward opening up the lands to homestead entry. A letter received a few daya ago fmm nnneressman N. J. Slnnott of Orecon says he also Is trying to get all the lands around the two lakes sui veyed. Both letters were received by Klam ath Commercial Club. Soma Word rwioAnn. Dee. 86. Do you know what a "brachydlastonalolhermumma dlcascareaiU" Is? You dont? Well, it's an embryo spabenifanalUt ska ila forld pellceped of the paleoxio age. the professor of geology at the University of Chicago told his open-mouth stu dents. No one questioned bta statement. Reported Transmits Terms fMmfwmwMffmwwA New President Pro Tern of the Senate W)F MMawiBfe't Senator Wlllard Saulsbury of Dela ware has been chosen president pro tempore or. the United States Senate, succeeding the late Senator Clarke of Arkansas. His selection was partly due to the fact that Senator Ollle James of Kentucky withdrew from the The senator Is a member of ths democratic national committee from Delaware, and he was active in the western headquarters during the presi dential campaign. V m MATT IS SAVED FROM A WET RESTING PLACE Only quick aid saved F. R. Matt Sunday from going to a watery grave In UDuer Klamath Lake. Mr. Matt was on a long plank on top of the Ice i ear the boat landing at Shipplngton when he missed his step and put bis v.plcht on the Ice. Thn Ice cave way. and Mr. Matt vent Into the ley water to bis neck. Hi! is a heavy man. and was dressed wnrmir. DesDerately he clung to the plunk until with the aid of a rope Ue was pulled out. ISlaBaaaaaaaaB "j- m.-tW9k$&s "-v v yf '4vsBaaal : .MkMKiXii ii,:-'-i-HMi 3,V.A TV JLBaaaaaaaaaHfi m!Vv-l . -rxs- .tiaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBm! HaWr,ijBsaaWf lantaClaus Gives Candy to Children at Big Tree With all his customary mirth, Santa Claus appeared Sunday afternoon at the big municipal Christmas tree at Fourth and Main s'treeU to delight tho children of Klamath Falls. He came on a great big auto truck loaded with bags of candy and nuts and frlut. Just before Santa arrived the little folks were given a sieign noe over town by W. E. Seehorn In bis four Ms tobsleds. This delighted them reat- ly. and they packed each a i fullest capacity. When they were brought back Santa Claus gave each a big bag of candy, nuts and fruits, and wished them a merry Christmas, Because of the coldness of tho TERMS Kaiser 8EALED PACKETS SENT TO THE UNITED STATES X. Report Has It That Germany Haa Written Her Terms of Peace, But They Are Not to Bt Made PuWIe Un less Entente Formally Resjvaoto Them Reported Germany Allow Pop to Hear tho Terms. ROME. Dec 26. Germany today handed to the neutral Dowers, whoae services she has 'asked in fonrardias peace suggestions to bar eaeaalae, sealed packet containing the ayoelJkl terms whtaheU willing to aeegttS signing peace, according to J. retort circulated here. ' s - V , The report stated that the packet was to be opened only fn case the en tente powers In peace proffers actu ally requested terms of Germany. It is reported that Germany has peii mitted Pope Benedict to read' the terms. v ' HENEY MAY RUN FOR GOVERNOR CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES. Dec. 26. Political wiseacres are all excited over the pros-, pects of Francis J. Heney being a can dldate for governor of California at , the next election. In view of the per sistent rumors that the Californlan la slated for a cabinet position, the boom for Heney started at a Woodrow Wil son banquet here has shattered the good old dope, and even the wiaeat admit they are at sea. Heney. aside from saying he appre ciated the compliment extended to bira. and inUmatlng that the boomlet might be premature, has not discussed the matter. Reports that he will not take a federal portfolio so he can run for governor are current and so are re ports exactly opposite. - i Snow In Lea Angeles LOS ANGELES, Dec. 26. The first bnow fell in Los Angeles this morning, hut melted on the pavement as soot) as It fell. i! weather a big part of the program was dispensed with. v.f fc mU waa i Vlf was atspenseo wjm. ov w "MVtJ -vtf not too great to keep huadreda of JJMg tu see the kiddies made happyjanal.lai.v jk'tm this they wore fully latUMd. fffcM - -r- ---., f ' ,'"tj .. -it XJ'Or .r1 ,. iriamatfc WaMlllftslM MBBId'Wq ... ... :j AsW. akff.h. dl'" w , -- i - 7 r ,r ,-i,jj,rn Association, wbicb arranawa ia ww-fi.ra,,ujl poors ceieuramw, ww. .... Jl'tcaj. - .a.M w Ikat r" ' " .. ... ... i ,- tk alvla .' P.-.'-i'ii.1- uianas iw i "'fc"Tt:rTVZr,?.W'-fi.l km .onnnmiita iiBawxaamivam' ?; ,.r -,'.' ,. i M,b school for atakli jfeP' J .. HUirikuia.k aata OlaMa.iataem ? s Eppreclatloa also U Kl m& lltorn.for prevldiag ,'traf S'fnJm-; sleds in wwes im ewieaw.w-i- a7- mS A i , . U. a ride '!V ,aifeL 1 m 1 f3 M fj fc E iUr fc .ut r M