5, MW'Un 1M i; - v, niM wa i I s M-' ;(K 4 "". Wfr y - j jl- -.. jt. i...ir.iMi j ?:p -? "rx'ffl &, 1 1 v ' MV KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER jEwttfttn Hrrald .JfV KLAMATITFAUJfij yr-fc.. j.iLk.i -!?... y5 )? 1 OFFICIAL NEWIMFII 'tre-A-1! mtews iYs.J j.tiifciwiiiT(if i-itiit i-t-f mrwij - !8ffl Eleventh Year Ne, 3,tt? KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1916. Prt Five certo , :; ,.$. i; .ts. . p, i ,f J. j. T "; ..Tk" Aho r.-as -, f.r-j'JJI-J :r --' " 2l i iv- ., ayfjM j"ffB ftfjH V K ffjW mwmm wsfM "JEtEtafS anwawanfJ aanwal EtEtECnfJn) EtEtEtEti anwavan anawnnnan . m w-nf wr ofm E9M m fjn M m fM eJbt BF r JaV W earn sjsjp BJPBnVaiaal snwaaaaaal .anv snaes n. aaann AHIM. II A MAY HA VI. Til If. IN Al MANfE am VAnm mfbv AV m.w M.M MM MM M J M .V M M aTM aiEfl aTta 'W'IB " eanWaasn enaB V eVJaiaana Sanaa ' BBjB gjw AA v B. B.KBLBLB. AVL B jj " tii bl tT?l v, VT,V $1 LANSING MAKES SIGNIFICANT Bulgarians Drowned , I'lniMriillAIMM- 23 Tim llulr.nr ANNOUNCEMENT .Inn foire mltnfiHiu- mi i .i .. n.i.-. . 'lK hs been forced Inlo the lake mid many iltiiMiird, ncronlliiK to the if Department ef IUI Says Widen Old Nl KayrtM tlltf That Blh Sldci In Cura Wart Battling for 3am Kn4, tut SUUtf Cptcirically That Tlity lltvtrf Thtr War Sa FhMlrfl. WAMIIINdTON, l, , IH-c. J3. Tit ttnllvd MUlr may hvr l rnirr wlmt ba pntvloualy bwn rrcanlnl an tit "cataagUfli JlUac" if prramt pcaco nratrilatlmia go to thr point of lntc nallonal rnfnirrmrnl of jx-urp RUnran tmi. ThU w ofllrlallr announrrtl today by llnbvrt tannine, nrrrrtar) of Male. Bcrrrtary liitaliii: Ulnly lixllratrtl that thn IJnllixl Klatr Ktirrnnirnl rnnaldtra poaalbln nrcrlty of an Alli ance If any peace aitrreiurnl l to tr binding on all nation. If an thin tu lion alone rannut enforre nKrrriuffiti. In the event of an alliance. Hip United Htalr uniloubiedly lll link llaelf with Pan-American nation .nnl Join certain Kuropean iiwrri. The. department of Mate exprvntl ieitrl at the Interpretation by tlm ! lira that I'realdrtit Wll.on aald both aldea were Rgbllni: for Hie t.aenc Iblng. The prealdenfa note nrcl flcally atated that bulb nlrim clnlmol to TKhtlng for the aaine Uilnc flrUI Malrmrnt by Hie IIuhhIiiii war nfllrr, I ODESSA TO 6EI MAIL SERVICE SERVICE WILL COMMENCE NEW YEAR'S OAV AND CONTINUE UN TIL MARCH 31 PAUL WAMPLER SUCCESSFUL BIDDER. ENOLANO GIVES OERMANV THI LIE IN OFFICIAL NOTE WAHIIINOTON. I. i'.. I'?. ,.. Contradicting (lermany, ir-m Hrluln dly Infornii-d Kecreliiry of Kmle linking that the lorpi'ductl liner Ar nold had never been In lliu -eriie of tho admiralty. Ilowotcr. It i n.i- MlMad In the Urlllli nn'o Hml Rovcrn U rn paaaengera were ulnard (onltuaMer lelr In In receipt of ail tlce from the ilrpartment that the Mar route hen Ire to Odi-nnn linn been mtahllnhril and urn lie Hill commence January 1, 191". Mall will be carried twice 11 week on Momlnytt iiml Thur- ila)it. Koine to (lileiin, it tut on Tticsilinx mid l'rliln)n rciumlnc. Paul Wnnipler In the Miccennful bid der. 111k contract will call for urn lee from IVccmbi-r 1 to .March 31 of oarh )enr. The balance of the eur the mint mrr arhmlule will ue an formerly, by boat under the contract of Hamilton .v Calklim. Odeaaa Iibk Ioiir licodi-il thin winter urn Ice and numcrouit offorU hmc been made to ierun It, hut owIiik to the heavy enoWH and bud nmds 1 1' rough the moiinlnliiN no hid iiecept oble to the depiiriment could be .ce ntred until the one JuM accepted, lit IJiOO for the four inontha' aenice eacli winter, w' -- i-ri-i-r -.-M-i-ir v-inrii-iaiinn.n.arui New War Council of France I . r paaaaiaaiaBBBMHMaaBaiBaaaaik. -j--,,. ' BBfyrfiBBBBBu iWi, BBP"BBVk'';BBB BB7iBMBalBBWVv ir'JPflTfi'M'.BpJ BTaV - 'Ba Mr-mAiX sT. M,SliM mWi ii aaTJa - B'ix. lfi.tBBI Ml J 91 bwVbT . --' iJzmt&tiM bA. rBl'.l I WMbtMmm bVsbVbv i uMmrmm BBFfBBBBBK 'y!r ABBJ VjBjJMW 'aaBJBTXVTBU VBB BSb'bBB'H i BBF , BBBB BBBBBBBBBw: 'w7 v. .,-. .-v. .. -i aBiW4SniMjaiViBaHaWs.i;.J2 ' & ! Mh BBBHafaBM Ml iMmT -VBVJBVBW. jBVJBVJBntkUJBVJBVMBVTt .aBBVJMK. BJfwJBJRJi B1F1BBI VWm i9bPbB Li 7KC aUalaiCBM bbbbV, H :-bm V '- 'SJ'C&mSimWm r ibbIjb1 'TvT'Tr H jHSMtJiBBBl B VTH tUttr 'S Wf Vy y BcBBBBBB I Hv4VMM" .aTBBBBW ' - bVeMbbM "bbbbbBB I I J ' " I jta. ,..,.,..,..., .,,Wm..,i.m.i,w..i(,i...w.w,iw., .....?n).i,......,i..wm. , jvwinjuuiXnAiwuuuuW T IS NECESSARY IF PEACE GUARANTEES SHALL BIND i United States May Link with Americas ALBERT THOMAS Ctrl LVAUTEY Ouiikly followiiiK the British e.ct- ,ile of cIkmisIhk a kiiiiiII council to mAii.iKe the war, the French have no lected live well known men. They nre beHidei Premier llrland, Alcxandro lilbot, who contlnuert ns milliliter of finance: (ieneral Hubert l.jautey iih new war minister; Hear Admiral li rare as new minlMer of marine, nnd Albert Thnma.i, promoted to bo min- CHILOREN WILL ENJOY A SLEIGH RIDE TOMORROW BUSINESS MEN WILL FURNISH BIO SLEIGHS Children Will Gather at Big Christmas Trte at Four O'clock to Bt Taktn for Rids Behind Fast Horses and Merry Sleigh Bells Program at the Tree to Begin Soon After Sleigh Rides for Children. British Press Has Cooled Down Little ,NS 1.1 Germany Will Move Neat THE HAGUE, Dec. 23. Germany Is ready Xo disclose Immediately the terms on which she will accept peace, if the forthcoming notes from the en tente powers leave the door open, it was officially learned today. PREMIER BRIAND ADMIRAL LAfA7F ALtXANDRE RI&OT inter of munitions and transport from mi undersell elaryshi lie held in the M'lno department. MANNING WILL DEFEND HOBBS 19 APPOINTED BY COURT TO CON. DUCT OEFENSE AFTER ATTON NIV W. H. A. RENNER WITH ORAWS PROM CASE. HccauHo nf "clruunmliinceH over which I bnvt no conliol. nnd over which the defenduntH have no control," 'Alloraey W. II. A. Itenner yralnnlny aflonioon Informed Circuit Juditn V, Kuyksndall that he would wllhdruw frosi the defense of Henry llobba nnd wife, charged jointly wllh the rnunliT of Mward O. Way last full. Judge Kuykendall appointed Attor ney Horace M. Manning as Hobba at torsoy. It la expected that Tarlylo Y4m will bo MsocUtod with Man- Sg Is tltf defense. HobbH will plead JSMrrJ The eases against Frank Worthing '.ton. charge with larceny of a saddle. ajUMt 1C 0. Oerrue, churgud Ws tassst, WW continued until Jan umy 3, when the defendants will pleud. DELZELL HAS A RIVAL AS POET AFTER JUGGLING MAIL SACKS AND LETER8 ALL NIGHT, FLAN AGAN GROWS POETIC OVER LABORIOUS LABOR. The heavy mall arriving no Into lust nlKht literally swamped tho local pobt offleo force. Tho limt clerk remained on duly sail night nd at C n. m. this morning had "rustled" through with tho greater part of it, nnd left this nolo on tho poslmuslt'i s desk: "I've stuck two million letters. And I'vo drugged nlno thousand And I've winked with 'sleen parcels Til they almost broko my back; I've stooped four million different llpwa. L1 " And walked my shoe-soles thin Now I'm leavln the rest to Washing- ton. , , 'tilnco we're keepln' Wilson In.' -"FANAOAN," Flanagan is known on Ihe payroll as Colmaii O'l-oughlln. The Municipal Christmas Tree By MABELLE LEAVITT, Klamath County High School People of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, have you given your Christmas tree, which towers thirty feet into the air at the intersec. tion of Fourth and Main streets, a thought as to the good it is bound to do your city and county? If not, you should do so, for our business men have shown their fine munlcipsl spirit in joining with the city officials to give you a chance for community union, and it Is but right that we should lend them our whole support and approval. The municipal tree is not so new an Idea as it would seem to us. The feeling that there ought to be a general good-fellowship among people of the same city at Chrlstmss time has been slowly but surely coming to the front these later years. Nearly every progressive city on the coast la to have a tree for Its citizens. The blg.busy town of Los Angeles, even though It hsd to ship Its tree from Oiegon, le doing eo, for an Oregon fir fifty feet high started on its journey to the south three days ago. Portland, too, will have an unusually large Christmas ecelebration with several trees In different sections of the city. Take the case of this small city: A big railroad boom has Just started which makes community spirit an absoluts necessity If the boom Is to be kept alive. Our citizens have been nursing several petty strifes and disagreements, which must be done away with. Now, when you have this chance for brotherhood offered so freely, do not let It escape. Then, too, there are many children who have a very slim Christmas, who, In fact, might have no Christmas if It were not for our tree. Because of this, if nothing else, we, the people of Klamath Falls, must stand ready to make the Christmas tide of 1916 oie of the never-to-be-forgotten dates In the history of our city. Besides the pleasure derived from It, It Is a foregone conclusion that the old swest feeling of "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men," will be once more dusted and brought to light. Today will end the great business rush of the Christmas season and to morrow will issue in rest and peace to the many Christmas shoppers and business men. . At 4. o'clock tomorrow" afternoon the municipal' Christmas celebration given by the Business Men's Associa tion will take place. Everything is In readiness to make this" Chrlstmss tide, a great success and to All the hearts of the little tots with a Joy they will never forget The Business Men's Association has received an answer from old Santa, slating that he will not fall to be pres ent and that he has been working es pecially harden preparation of gifts for the good boys and girls of this tittle city. He regrets not being able to bring his relndeerbut will have his gaily decorated auto filled with the presents. The large Christmas tree at Fourth nnd Main streets will be. in Its glory tomorrow and It will be at the dls IKisal of children and they may enjoy it to their hearts' content, as the traf fic will be closed for two blocks. They are requested to be around the tree at nearly 4 o'clock as possible, when they will be entertained by the Business i Men's Association with a grand sleigh ride and then will he brought back to meet Santa and his many gifts. The fathers and mothers and the older people of the town are heartily welcomed to come and see the Joy of Hie boys and girls so that they may hnve the spirit of this Christmas sea son reflected upon them and that they mnv partake In the "Merry Christ- tvnf" to one another. DELIVER MAIL CHRISTMAS DAY CARRIERS WILL MAKE COMPLETE DELIVERIES MONDAY POSTOF PICE OPEN CHRISTMAS .Mp.RN ING UNTIL ELEVEN O'CLOCK. - The postofflce will be open Christ mas forenoon until 11 o'clock for the uelivery or mall, but will not'be open or Sunday. Carriers will make one full delivery to both business and resi dence sections on Monday Christmas Day. Auxiliary carriers will assist them as well as wagon service If nec essary to haul the parcels. The Christmas mall so far has been tho heaviest ever received here and the outgoing mall has also been a rec-or.'.-breaker. Patrons will be pleased to know that all their parcels mailed before train mall closed have gone out on that mail without exception. Any parcels arriving after 9:30 a. m. within the next few minutes were sent to the train by special conveyance by the postmaster so that every possible facility was given to get parcels on their way. TAKES DIFERENT TACT ON THE WILSON NOTE Expresses Conjecture NowtTkat the American Executive May "Have Something Up Hie Sleeve" there Believe He Haa Secret Information Concerning Peace Tersae Tewteale Powers Will Accept ' '4 ..-!. I iy SI it.'"- ,?. -i? sH' 0 K St. press today took a different tact tnjy ngunng out Preskieat-vWUeenls ntee- -mwl sage to all belligereafs. -T.iineM-burst of udigBatloe. haa AtMaenae- wnat. ' -.t, fcv,,BrtJE, Most of the editorials In theleMBstirv newspapers speculated oa ta'aiaMef'V'' that President Wltooa "haa gent.:- "fj thina- uo his sleeve." 4' I -u -Some, editors, hellere that PresMeat Wilson haa had HgWy secret Wwiee. tlon on Germany's exact teme-lbr1 peace and believe thai the BoteVaoi an inaicnuan oi uiu-aaiy aewuBesK.t tiff LISKEY IS BOUND OVERxv TO THE GRAND JURY : s . '' Dave Liskey, stockman of the Dairy" section, charged with having' Illicit intercourse with Ruth Lemon on July ' I. 1916, was bound over to the graiul jury oy is. w. uowen. jusuee or ura : peace, laat .evening. His. aonda'tayer-ft-K Exercises Tonight. Christmas exercises will bo held at tho Ml. Lnkl church tonight. A com munlty luncheon and dinner will be enjoyed Now' Teat's Day at the church. S Leaves for Christmas, Mi-k Zo Chase, teacher In tho lovtl prammur schools, left this mo tiling for ihe llulles to stiend tho lio'.idnyi'. Here From Fort. Alfred It. Castel, a retailer of meats in Fort Klamath, is in Klamath Falls lo spend Christmas. MeLemore Here. D.M. MeLemore, a stock dealer of San Francisco, arrived last evening to look after business affairs. He la as soclated with Luke Walker of this city ill tho livestock business. QUAIL NOT HURT BY POISON 6RAIN BIOLOGICAL ASSISTANT OF RED- MONO WRITES THAT QUAIL FED POISONED BARLEY ARE NOT KILLED. j-' i That there Is no danger of quail being killed by the jack rabbit pois oning being put out by Klamath coun ty farmers, Is the declaration of R. A. Ward, of Redmond, biological assist ant In the United States department of agriculture. Mr. Ward writes to H. R. Olalsyer, county agricultural agent. ,.. He states that barley poisoned witn strychnine was fed to quail In, abund ance and that not n quail dieU Mr- Ward saw an article in .the Oregon Journal regarding rabbit poisoning and the fear of killing qualL He wrote to Mr. Olalsyer without invtaUon. HIGH SCHOOL IS RETURNED WINNER CE-EAT8TEAM OF ALUMNI STARS IN HARD FOUGHT GAME SOPH. OMORE GIRLS TRAMPLE ON THF, FRESHMEN. District Attorney Irwin renreeentM ' the state amTW. H. A. Renner' ap peared for Uakey. ' oeen pimcea i et.vuv wnnam loes,,:tfs and Ed Dufault as sureUes. , "SB !' Vri. M1 The basketball game yesterday aft ernoon between the high school and the alumni ended In a victory for the high school. The score was 29 to 16. The game was worth seeing, and al though being a practice game, It was hard fought. At the end of the first half the alumni five had the high school bested by five points, but the school team came back strong in the second half and piled up the final score of 20. The lack of condition of the alumni team aided the victory of Coach HlfgTus' quintette. The lineup for the high school was: Montgomery and Houston, guards; Graves and Dow, forwards, and Len nox, center. The alumni lineup was: Hum and Meaner, ferwards: Steven son, center, and Motschenbacher, Bain and Telford, guards. The sophomore girls defeated Ihe freebmen girls by score of 10 to S, J-uriog the earlier, .part-of the game ihe frethmen team .played snptrler ball nnd had a good lead, hut, the sophomores gradually outfought them und succeeded in a Anal victory. ,-.-:l - ' - i wipiemai-wi lawmvnw ,;,?,; WASHINGTON. D. C. Dee. -22. The 41 two statments Issued Thursday hyjSeo- w, retary of State Lansing, interpreting tne American message to oeiugerenta, g, were forwarded today to all American f;' diplomats abroad. ',.. -j . t. i-ffi yir "tM m -m .i. n r RUSSIA PLANS ON mmm '"W nH . . . tv a.Tc " t tb 'L'. "J-. 1. i to 'aa TKCHNICAL ADVinKW -.' ft Jft. BLLIfSWILi7m .. ' .iit.irJSf AYS OVER TWO I BE SPENT SOON IN FIRST, ITEPj. v i.r k?. 'i-ffiVrt. - ! ,ifi It OF DEVELOPMENT. '. -tv r. ,i--f?T,J -; " w34J lf.'B tewm K4. r3Tai 'rsanV SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 'IS. &.& Netnlkoff, technical adylser.) CaarM), Nicholas of Russia, arrived here iMktti. enroute to Vancouver. W1Cm-' Wa. -WW&EB Prof. Netnlkof saya Ruassman. wW. nmid nvr t MM.Aae.eaa.'.W.'taSinMt '-' , -. v ---"-1 -7 ,i-r- step or anventenajvnnenn.inf. cultural a4instrialt4V wfcanliir threiahaitnvaLinanaatAonr -:Sj331s3i Marejsiar?a nBann W ' jst'"wB' tPwt. t 5 by UM federal Jb. ' t!l-&t' , S,SO'.Vf , -M. r.wiiwrB'i-i' HnwanaMai