ggVfaf,fgtTaWasmMEvj ii'ww,w.tyy.jyc IKi - tfi v Mhr ggaBS - . i::. vA fi:fFf II ht y i.. , (Hhr : . -U V ,dtV if , Eleventh Vest No. J.tat ff KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1016 "V. r. frlep PI Cewto -v M t i I' WILSON'S NOTE EMBITTERS GREAT BRITAIN ' , .i. .. Wl wwtM,,., WW'r'l'li'i'OAIOIXMlWXWWXWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWWWIW MWWMiWWwWWynrvwuxn - -i - -n I 1 1 riJUIJL I? THE OFEICIAL BRITISH ATTITUDE IS NOW UNKNOWN MUST COMMUNICATE WITH ALLIES FIRST Germans Realize Dream of Railway From the North Sea to the Orient PAPER HOPES PRESIDENT WIL. ON IS NOT ILL 'SINNOTT TO SELECT TWO FOR WEST POINT tiilUH Public Resent Autrtton That Beth tldta Refuse Wltsen Nets for 8vtral Viry toed Reasons. WASHINGTON, I). (' Uif, Z2. Iifpfrfrnutlte ftimiotl l haw two MlMtlirnt of Wrxt I'olnt cntlcfH I treu. Conn.ct1!;,n:,;,.tnf-n,k,,1,a" "1 for pro-' Ilitilnary eh II -nlc- rianilnutlonx lot Are Striving for Same EnJ-,Wh. "I'l'Ucnntu m IVtirtur) I, at Klamath fall. UketlfW. Oiuailo. Iloml. ItaLer.l Ingt.n Officials Say England Won't u nnn4r, IVndlrlon and The Dalits. HiuriiiiK Garrni and Ion Holler, both of Klattmlh rounly, now an al Annapolis a appolntr- of Ili-presctt-lathe Hlnnotl. With the war on mad Turkey an alljr of Germany, the line has been almost completed. The road, which la ulti mately to end at Bagdad, now runs from Antwerp through Berlin, Vienna, Budapest and Constantinople to the Taurus mountains in Asia Minor. There the great obstacle waa met, but a tunnel baa now pierced the moun tain, and soon trains will be running on to Bagdad. The Persian Gulf is not far distant, and the way toward China must be blocked by Great Brit aln and Russia It the Germans are to be kept oat. 4 A I4 MiNfKJN, I. 33. Th mote Knic kad dlgeel the noli from I'rwIJctu V.'lUon of the United Malt the more enter It feels. The afternoon paper, iiiay exceeded even th denunciation 6( the morula paper. President Wilson's artlon ibatj tMh side In th treat war art alriv. t-t for I he earn ebJVcla l mot bit-? .rrly reseated. SELECTED AS TEMPORARY SKAT -We moat sinter!, ht lht pVnl nt U not III." romu(nla th twunilnti BEND IS COUNTY SEA! DESCHUTES V NEW DE8CHUTM COUNTY COURT OFFICERS ARE NAMED b 1 i Q' c4 too aco apo unfa J S.C5v -' ? CCffMANY ano 1 1 rf'CiujV' HCR ALLIES I VJl .1. wiajwaiiTWiii , w optiiA. J 1r ff uMlaAik i.- i fD China must be blocked by Great Brit- ITALY Tm ' V Jt-& if v C a,n n1 RuM' " 0rmans are to V. - f . f AJ.Xilllirial'1 V i be kept oat. AFRICA C rw 'Ss'LiVu S''1SiS'VliyIKS '. r---.. s mmw&z&&Mk. 1 - M4?xiiftSBsB L. A.akfVfaaW AW- W -'' n, 's- - s--'-v sVaaamV- 7 AXmjrw:rmm, ""w V "K Xi'V&--3W-rfJ X'VS f I GROWTH KLAMATH FALLS IS SHOWN THROUGH CENSUS GRAMMAR SCHOOL -HOW HOLO 47S CHILDREN Although City Haa This Number, 0 11 of Them Were Barn In tftamaHr Falls, Showing Influx ef TTuHKa, Pepulatlen Thlrty-two DrfferaiW SUtea Repreaented ami Threa Far eifln Klnademe. , .5. i Tti German dream of a railroad from the North Sea to the Orient Is so nt-arly reallted that the Ilrltlnh "re ; f rlxhtened for the safety of India, For )rm I hi- Urillsh goernment opponed ciincpimlon by the Turks to the Ger man Jot a railroad southeaat from C'onntunllnople ttiroush Asia Minor. ,Tb gfwwth of Klamath FalU beyeM the natural Increase olf Its rnra aaltia bora population is clearly, showm at MB COiH BUUlTlUr Of IM ehlldren of this city. The eaaw Jaat Iwtm eaaaalated by B. tt aivcrfaitMiafrt of eHy sehoaK W, Mat of tHeHefBM; ' K W tlrf X f-i WAHillNdTllN. H. t lire. :J.ror. POR NEW COUNTY. ltr name reaoit that Orrai Ilrllaln tit) her allien did not flatly rrfuf Hip1 (iirman pear propuatt ihey hav 1IKNK. Ore.. Dec. SI. Bend as se rit Bally rrfuned I'renldrnt Wilson's Iecli4 the temporary county seat of. it tr. They dan not turn tlm door on iHvrhuir county on Tuenday by thi l"irt, , new Drfdiulc conn I y court. The x- . Irctlon wnn made without n dUcentlnR UlNION, ec. :S. The official nltl- vole. U4e of Ilrllaln an I'rrsldrnl WlUon'a Tin' touit niHilnlHl I he following tO to betllierenla raimol be drnnrd lcinKirar) rounly ernrent: Clerk, J. lull after Kngland haa conaullrd with II, llnnrr; aanemtor, C. T. Mullarkey; ir allies. Bonar Law announced be- treasurer, Clyde M. McKay; superla- U re the houae of commons thla morn- tendenl of schools, J. Alton Thomp- What Christmas Should Be tw. sen: coroner, Klmer Ulswonger; aher- li, H. B. Itoberls; surveyor, Oeorge . Young; county physician, Dwlght V L11KKV CA1K IS ataiaiai mkamd today Miller, I The new officers will qualify at oace , The prellmiaary hearing of the case a county Milnat Dave Uskay. chanted by lluih Kornnt may be set in motion n lmoa with Illicit Intercourse. Is be- soon' as possible. ' lit heM before Justice of the Peace K W, tlowen today. II probably will llmrd Sweeps Lake Mt be comcluded until tomorrow. Cl.r.VKI.AND. Dec. IS. Uke Krlo mul northern Ohio Is being laahed to- lr. and Mm. Kd Caaelieer Jr. Iiuve day by n lillwnrd of tremendous pro- w 'ived to Klamath Kails for the wlnli-r iMirilnns. Kears of loss of life and fium Ihelr home near Illy. ' shlPi'liiK ' expressed everywhere. f German Official Defends Deportation of Beligians 11' ha IAVnH, Dec. 22.Tn reply of Oen- al von nissing. tlernmn governor i.nrral In tha oeeunled portion of TOglum, to tho proleslH of-Belglun Mnnlora and deputies against (no tie- pronation "of Belgians, linn been re- '... f Ived hv t tuiclan overnmem. it 't ..' ' - -' ?" - M w uddresaed to M. Favereitu, preil- , 1H ?i .1..., ..a .l. .- .-.I llnWU' f.wt " " "' e ajinaie, nu i""' -l , w 1, . t unh In vour $ r of November Ith asking me to ! 1. .. -A ii aj fnounes the ami 01 ? n. ...... ..u ...i.ih a vou why .n- "TIUUIIIT. WBMHI BiAHlBllll " . 'M am not sMs to yiaM to your rnueat. 5 ct the.bUalag of tha war a larga &;Uaii4ftMi; work. OM.rwwos i im !$ '""-. irr:.- .wnaiisp itr hiac nawim. V W tha 44Um triftrst r tfca to work.' TM " ia lk' ''ftiM.. iL. uid. .Mustlea I V l.eWBB BBBBBBBBBIBBBBnBiBaiaBaBBl BBBH B1SBBBBB1 BSHWSa Vr admlnlstrulor of the occupied toirl torv I had duty, conformablo to In ternallonal Inw. to tnko admlnlstro- live measures. nionr Hivhied BelalaiiR In tho spring of 1915 drar my attention to the dangers of Idlenesa and distaste cap work. They showed that assist . from whatever direction It came, conailtuted Unally a burden u tha economic life of Belgium and brought with It atao Idleneaa. The re suit waa that tha working people de- terlorated physically ad morany jw that eapaeWly kltod laborara loat Uelr espaclty i ooulf ot, "J ployed is time of peseo l TAa Jffi "! LI. aaltateratlM wWi. NKHat WnlS Mtolatom , my itmii By BLANCHE WARREN, Klamath County High School Christmas Is not what It should be. We have drifted away fram. tha original meaning ef Christmas. Tha festival la no longer In keeping with the whole-eoulod Joy at the birth ef' Christ. The aid, simple Christ mas of "Peace on earth, good will' to men" haa not been headed throughout tho ages. We have failed U maintain the happ Ineea ef flvlng aa tha "Three Wise Men" Joyfully gave centuries age. Wa have' failed to reraamhar that It la more bleaaed to give than to receive. We ara mare prone to five, net fram the promptings of Joy, but from duty and' Mfcaatlafi. If wa Joyfully and more free-heartedly gave at Chrlstmaa time, we would b toe Marnier and younger for It The children have kept tha Christ waa alive, but we, Uw-aMar people, have drifted from tho original meaning and hav demeraluee) toe aairod meaning ef Christmas. Surely thla la a time when we can cultivate a mora generous, gay and Joyful spirit. RAILROADS ARE HELD TO BLAME CAR SHORTAGE LARGELY RE- SPONSIBLE FOR HIGH COST OP LIVING, SAY PCDEJtAL OFFI. CIALS IN WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec 22. The shortage of freight cars on many rail roads of the country la largely respon sible for the Ugh oeat df living; ac cording to federal omclals. They announce that readjustment I hindered by refusal of eight larga ttHrald:A Of the total earotamt'of 478 to torn grammar schools df Klamath, only U were bora In Klamath county. Tka leaves 358 children, who .havemeva to Klamath Falls from other stoaaa with their parents. , , Of the' enrollment of 478 only UT were born In Oregon. ' ' Thirty-two different states are rep resented la the census of nativity, CallfornU leading after Oregon wttk 82 childreq. Washington comes aext Arkansas. Alabama, Maasaciaaetto and Nebraska are last, with oaa eaoh. Three foreign kingdoms and ae dominion ara represented In the eca sns. One child cornea fraan' one from Germany, one from Italy one fram Canada. ' PeBowtog is the complete, em of nativity ef school children inH ath FalU: I t Chrlstmaa la an occasion when rich and peer, weak and strong, meet on 'systems to co-operate, little fellowship, a footing of common ground. Let there be a human aympathy and understanding. Chrlstmaa cornea at the close ef tho year and should ha rightly cole brated by yielding to the pent-up fttl'nge and emotions of Jay and gladneaa for living. Tho more prosperous and happy tho part year, the mere joyful and thankful should wo be. Especially at present we, aa a nation, aheuld ho supremely happy alnce In thlo time of almoat world-wide wretchedness and misery, we have escaped. Why not try to got back- a little closer and In closer sympathy with the real meaning ef Christmas? Let us start thla Christmas. , CHURCHES WILL GIVE EXERCISES PROGRAM FOR LITTLE FOLS WILL BE HELD AT ALL PROTE8 TANT CHURCHES SATURDAY EVENING. AT SEVEN-THIRTY. All Protestant churches of Klamath Falls will give their annual Chrlstmaa exercises for the children tomorrow evening at their respective churches at 7:80 o'clock. The Sunday schools of the churches will give the exercises which are Intended primarily for the little folka, although all persons ara wetoaeae to aay ef the eierclaee. ' Bsratajaea the BManuM have been grepam Otatos.arre, M law at-la .imtoa-.tola.year- UPMto. her '88 heemiae.Ue toMaeaa meers Asaeetotto will state M municipal .exercise on Main street Christmas Eve. beginning at 4 o'clock. "Grandpa's Chrlstmaa. Ouarda" a cantana, will be given at the Metho dist church tomorrow, evening. The chorus will be led by V. T. Motschan bacher and E. M. Chllcote will direct most of the other parts, CONGRESS WON'T ENDORSE WILSON WASHINGTON, D, C, Dec, 22. Both houses of the national congress today refused to endorse President Wilson's dispatching the stiff message sent to belligerents last Monday. However, congress will give the president a free band to attempt to end a, common ground fer, peace In Europe. ej toeehler Visits. , Martin Btoeshler of Dairy la a coun ty seat visitor today M hvslaeas. , v WABHJSIOTON. TA Ci Bit, 8 l.-The wf alia 'trail af til' TTiltsd" ttitt'i far aymmjmmmjam vemrasasi mm) ejaarw yastmem 'rsmvvw.awf JpVdW fWeJ VssfJM fltBwTwwWaaJfJVpi fJoEjn"jF ggal'rfMtBt gkff ' tlaUsmmttaWt AsauMWg laV JJplBBwmBBfejB?j am aBsgnmmasmwww' nraawls'eararw j, esT- iy. Oregon . California ... Washington Michigan Kansas .. Illinois .... Colorado .. 18 -Tf k I ? T i -V- && Montana . Catholic Services. Oklahoma Services of the local Catholic Ohio church will be held Sunday and Christ-, Idaho mas day in the church at Tenth and - 1ft It; U U It y Jefferson streets, at the usual hours. Continued pmn 4 Christmas Program is Enjoyed by Visitors I f A' number of townspeople were .ucitB of the Klnmuth County hlcb schorl this morning V the regular as sfi.nljr If ur,, when h "Srl;M-n pro i; hiii -am offered a.! thorouuhly en-Joyed. The work the high, school students are dotng In music surprised many. The singing by the assembly, with the high school orchestra accompanying, waa a revelation to many who heard it the ftrst time, .Aocordlag to M. SJ. Taylor, Instructor in music, 'very few people, comparatively speaking, hare availed themselyea of the oppnrtpKy of vlsttlag the musical department saw peace cannot realise what the urtto xrt cng. . J.1-... It' " Sfualc ptoya MlswetUaita ta tha erriaadato af tkoUam' awkaeiv a ammtK WlllamM Jmnmm VEtnsnmmV toBftdMtMaajjal tAXjf fJVJnyVJ J Wamw8JpJEi 'VjyvJlB eJwEfpjB- 9JWMJaJBj)pSfEtBj)l 8JBBT M, those wko ejatwt taw'svatrass taatoratof. Tko seto if Mis. V. T. nl. it akataBJk'wrta '.'"''' - ..... t ,, .. . vn- i - an -. , t cata, ChriatmaaAdreae'-V ",-,-. ClMtatftes m it 1 tj, , ;ji nhaanr J s IS l.i.' . imm anat .iW!3 yvt''Nt.Jiir !-'2, 3fV2to:XS. JXAWiW EfW,' iWtHl'iS AaseetosmVt', .R;';' a:, f,, . rs--' w .1, atamssfsmosmmm) Mi - Mf.tKchfnbacher aadthe addreat hy Rev. C. T. Hurt! were especln'ly ap luvctn'ed, although, all numbers wartj onjojed, ( The program rendered follews: Opening gong. mM. B. Asaeauty, Selection ?PWlo Benatl" :i High School Oeheatrai .al Duet, "Walts sons J: . Marie Xambo nnU';Josle fcewv, flana KnU .T.UHiara t. " WMM. m 'au l.iBB a- .. ... . . v .,.. u .' , iiZIvw W "I rifi, mf..juia tuhowi mmsv,; voosi eTeoa;.BPloeQd ,?:.r:;x:.'.,. M.,mHwrfaiM W,,,, IVVVieMBSJSSSa. SP I ff YtoMai Wki'kemlsp,.OmtowS..A' I- - - "-. .- ----- r..-.. n. 1 AKa-R WS? ". few Jvz ?!-) &tVtMp. vMwA .ti.vt ia.v. i?i ft. rot a ! 'JatT.t:heA.'T. i " jyi i Jflhltoaeoi t. rj ...-iTT' m Si vm 1 a frw -m'w ' rt' '" Coatlaaed M Paps tf "W Fmsfti tsn s -T t r "' nosMi(wawswaasBmi BW