TUE8DAY, DECEMBER 19, 1910 IMLLI M 1 1 1 1 1- f JLL UIHUUL OPEN FOR USf OlIlMMI III 1,. , ..... ... .... . l" I"ih iicioiiiiiIIhIm-iI II i, , "... IHe Mine. ' . ',,",l," "I'l'fi Klnmiitli Ink,. IIW l """ '' " lx Inch Ihk-k ,,,! V"",H "'" '""," " TIh-ip In no Ihiiku fniiii nimiliiKii ciii on tl, ,.,. tiiili'HH h wmiii k,( K10lll(, ,. M(i' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .. PAGE FIVE MAGAZINES FOR MONTH REVIEWED i.. u. i ... ... r. ,i-ini Jiai I'M 111,, tt,lh'r U r, ..,,., nninnC ACROSS LINK RIVEIl oiiin'ne.l m. ,. . '"' Nt" ' i : .....i ..,;; c ,, : ; :;.:,,,:r,,JMucH of w 0N current 18 " ,,,,l",, iw.t. nrc iiHumiy M(.ar the CROSSED THE FERRY IN THIR. M"ie. TY-TWO DAYO MANY AUTOS. POLITICAL AND S3CIAL "ROB. LF.M8 18 DISCUS8EO BY PROMI NENT WRITER8. Study and debating dub. collcm. Two Dollars for Recruit WASHINGTON, I), r. Dec. in -A Tim now ! lirlflKi' nciOMM Link law imnnid more limn half a cmtury ir ni Klniiinlli Fiillnl-wnn (iuencd!"K0 d hioiicrntlvn ninre the rivii ttrnltlr f "II "IihIh liiMt ntrnlni; at ti1 Wl"' Im '" ,,,, ''""'l V the ar de-,n ,(1 ,,1k1' Hcho0' "lu,'"'"r- MI the Ken- t(,.ock. Thin momlnic the Innl ,k ! 't,"'.r1' ", '";' rmy renult. '" ' will find much of In.crc. ... ... ,, , ,Ul n"' (,,,l M"t,11, '""'irtlK-d bv I'.nn,; llncH of current nodal imJ noil- (),,. bililR" iw ol.l.tcled. j A.julnril C.cnernl Md ,)rov rnlnr,, , , P The b,.dKe w,,n not tiHcd for .lrty-!fr ,.,.., of ,2 , nn, clvln lor " '" l" ,n"R"Z,,M'" "Th lira .Ih nml durliiK nil tlilti tltm- ped."""' '"' '' l-Muml.,, to cnllHt In , y' now th'H l'nr " e rending .KlilntiH nml imloNiobllen wen. taken ""' " j ,H,,,,! flt ,h,! "ubIlc library. ciiii llii' liver on a ferry oicinlcdJ ''em-nil Md'iiln riikrchIi'iI to Sec ''"'' numberH contain, besides tbo L liny Telfonl mid Kiwi Mnrley. (H'tiiiy Maker that uuiKreHM be anked uvular ni'wn and book review depart- IwtliiK the Ihlit) two ilnyn over BOOrt '" 'll'oitlato not moic than If.fl.OOO menln, an artlcln by our Hcrretary of irilcidilmi weio hauled on the fi.riy.j1" l'n the hommcx h ii,,M war on "National Ideate," In which ho juO.'i iiutoinoblleH were lintileil, nnd SLT, ' ",lll'lt mniltK mainly through te- dluiKHCK penen rather than munitions iniiin Thl nliiiwn the tie Hint ) ,h"' enisled nun and he beleen 'mil Kunbunln: and "Ournrlven and nunli or Ihe hild;o In ordlnaiy tliiien. "I" l"ieiit would Indie them to Kuinpe," an analjKlH or International iMite ciiimiMK of men llke to join londlllonn by I a ward y I)elne, con- .the lirillV lllltllm: thlollL'll Mfleinl iKHllmt n,. ihliif It told of San KianclncoV lahor tumble and the I.ihor Mtuiilinn of the lotmti lecehei attention In earh.J niimbi i Siiiilenln of nodal ritu-tions dlriii'i Thoin.iH Molt Osboin's prison DRIVES AUTO ACROSS LAKE Lake Tax Twenty Mills The iiiiini) i urn i met In icKtilnr moii iiim Mck al whldi lime Ihe i.ix liv for the eiiHiilnn enr wan Hindi1 ili' "loial ev thin )t'nr will the id iiiiili v- - tefonn meihodii. The December 2 number containB CLAHCNCC WHITC DRIVES HUD. fiON CAR OVCn UPPCIt KLAM. ATH LAKE ON ICE WITHOUT MISHAP ICE IS THICK. Tiilti I tu'riniu,! mi iix Itn, ..... "" ",r" ',IU I' tiflll miL'L'iHllmiH nf lmrilti. rm m..i. .". to Ihe ,,, ,,h. p.odM.m had lllit hUll,,p lm nilBtnB Km u lii tii.ule ror the payment of nihiilt I. mil The conn. takliiR the flKUiet of Ilntnev county, etliuntcd th.tl J II mm would be neciiintiy to pn nib bit boutitleN for Ihe ioiiiIiik )eur and In or lr lo niln' thin niiiottni li u.ih neiehHiiiy to make n Mpidal ey of ,, t ppcr Klamath lake In nn "ut" ' ttl,en the n, ,. was 2'j tniiix uu,e futility i.Miiiiiiier Christmas Certificates Issued for any amount K. K. K. Store. 14-24 What will become of your wife and children, If you are taken sick or are Injured or killed? Is your conscience clear? ETNA-IZE aiit'i'iii.hilt That In the Mluiil Chu pro Will'', lout! chauffeur, h.'w nc inri i-lied cleldliy he dlOM- n Vlilts mother. Co5t, s0 jtt(e( you nevcP mss the I in i on aiitoiuohlle iiciohh thii hike S N WIII.Iiih of Keter. Cnl , lift money. But will provide for your .in In in from the t.aiuni l.umtiei tcnl.i, altera Miort 1h! with hix family when YOU can't, finiip.ti h -iiumlll nt .Modoc I'liim to brother oloncl M (i Wilkin ' 12 tf CHILCOTE, Agent. IK bill I If II 1 Keno Power Co. Announcement Wc believe that the interests of the City of Klamath Falls were not represented by the decision of the city council last night when the Keno Power Company's franchise was voted upon. It was solemnly pledged to us by the mayor and the various council, men that If this franchise was voted upon by the citizens of Klamath Falls, they would abide by the decision of the people. The Keno Power Company was glad to come before the public with their franchise and, In the open, meet any and all opposition to It. The people took out- proposition in nil1 good faith and voted to have Ocnulne competition In electric service In their city. The Keno Power Company has and does now pledge Itself to fulfill the letter and spirit of this franchise Inoofar as it lies within their power to so do. The faith of the public in our undsrtaking will be answered by un swerving loyalty to the agreements of the franchise by the officials of the Keno Power Company. The amendments upon which the city council split last night were Im material and were not of sufficient Importance to justify the thwarting of the will of the people. What action the Keno Power Company will take Is not now deter mined, but wc do not believe the wishes of so great a majority ot fhe people should be so lightly treated. It was demanded by R. J. Sheets that a bond of ten or fifteen tho'is and dollars be put up by the Keno Pow.r Company, to be forfeited If the Keno Power Company, after year, of laho, and effort In competition with the Callfornla-Oreoon Power Company should find that they had made a bad business deal, and being no longer .bl. to withstand the power of the larger company, were forced to vacate the streets of Klamath Falls. Where Is the conscience of the men that would ask an Industry to for. felt a bond such as that and under those circumstances? Ihe amendment was the chief argument for delaying the franch.se. Ju6tce cou.d not be had among such men, so we demanded an Immediate vole, with the result that we lost. The Keno Power Company shall aw.it an expression of opinion by the citizens of Klamath Falls. KENO POWER COMPANY. x I . . i .. is It i' ltewlfill dHJffift v The Christmas spirit is the spirit of giving. The sense of doing something for somebody else to whom we want to give pleasure Our Part of It As dealers in merchandise for men is to provide prac tical gifts, things that men want to receive. You'll find a big selection here for men and young men, things to wear mostly. We try to make gift giving easy for you. Should sizes be incorrect or gifts dupli cated, we'll be glad to make an exchange that's part of our business. Here are a Few Suggestions Bath Robes $5.00 to $12.50 Smoking Jackets 5.00 to 12.50 Pajamas 1.50 to Night Robes 75 to Sweaters, all styles and . . colors 3.00 to Mufflers 50 to Handkerchiefs, silk and linen 25 to 5.00 3.00 10.00 2.50 1.50 Silk Neckwear 25 to 2.00 Hosiery, silk and cotton .25 to 1.50 Fancy Suspenders 50, to 1.50 Bags and Suitcases. . . . 2.50 to 20.00 Trunks at 8.00 to 40.00 Collar Bags 1.00 to 5.00 Handkerchief Cases. .. 1.00 to 2.30 Fancy Vests 1.50 to 5.00 Silk Shirts 3.50 to 10.00 The Store .with a thous and and one things he will like K. SUGARMAN Holeproof Silk Hosiery for Men (:.' VJ.v "J 'i ," is