;; n rtaswrr. k -, && il'j.'j.-rftaa.K' -. r Eleventh Year No. 3,175 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1916 Price Five Cents h umiy jrcaui i ' PEACE OFFER 1UE TO VICTORIES FEWER GUNS CAUSES WHEAT TO TUMBLE w..l...l.....,.,.sww,., ,...,, ,)wwww.,w, a'.,.,.,..,, , 1 Drops Nine Points; Flour Dollar Lower PIT BEES OREATE8T BEDLAM IN MANY MOTHS .peculator In drain Haar That Ger many Will Llatan to Talk of Limi tation of Armamtnti When Ptaco la Signed Effect of Such a Thing Frightens Tham and Market Ex perlaneta Big Fall. CHICAGO.. Dec. IB.Graln took a 1)jc tumble today when news that tier many In willing lo conitltler proposal for limitation of armament frightened tfip wculatorn. The report wu only n report, but It seemed to the specu lntorn probable enough to have sttr Ion effect on the market. Wheat fell nine point ooon after the market opened. Much bedlam aa reigns today the pit hit not aeen In montha. 9 --- -ri"i-.-.-iiinnnnn.n.ri.r.anjinn N. A. Southwlck was kilted when nn automobile In which tho men were rid InK plunged over a high grade to the cIro of Crooked river. Tho car plunged 200 feet to the river and scraped the cliff. novernl times on tho way down. Southwlck was killed Instantly. Cunning Is editor of tho paper at Metollus. Ho ha been taken to Portland for treatment. Denton Ilurdlck In doing fairly well and prob ably will recover. E. Flour Alao Drape MINNEAPOLIS, Dec! 15. Flour to day dropped GO cents a barrel. This make a total drop of II since Mon day. Germany's peace proposals and her reported willingness !), consider llml-t-Mlon of armament after the war an gWrn aa causes. Heavy Selling, EMckanf NEW YORK. Dec. 15. Although there have been some recoveriea la tbe stock axakaage alnca the tumbling which followed Oeraaay'a peace prj pouts. the exchange ia atlll subject u heuvy Helling. . GOWEN HEAD OF K. P. NAMEO FOR HIGHEST OFFICE AT ANNUAL ELECTION LAST NIGHT. t OTHER OFFICERS FOft - THE NEXT YEAR NAMED. Managers of Big Cor portions Decide on New PolicylToward Employes BURDICK RIDES IN FATAL CAR HE NARROWLY CSCAPE8 DEATH WHEN CAR PLUNGES 200 FEET OFF GRADE, KILLING ONE MAN INSTANTLY. Denlon 0. Drudlck, representative elect from this district to tho state legislature, was slightly Injured, Max Tunning was seriously Injured, and K. W. Oowen waa named for council c m&ander of the Knlghta of Pytblaa 1 t it at the annual electlca of .fleers Ut night Other oBcers aamec were .. L. Yadea, Vice-Commit ler M R. Doty, Prelate. i E. Crialer. Master of Work. a C.Hogue, Keener ol JU.-.Uaad eeL C. C. Law..afaatar of rfuaace.. Oloa euiei,' MMtor of tk 'tecae- ouvr. Jasper Bennett, .Master at Ansa. It. .' Brtrwsikerlaaer auarttTT H. B. Momyer, Outer Guard. ' . GIRL'S SCREAMS BRING DETECTIVE TO RESCUE SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15, Pass Ing a lonely spot near Stow lake, de tectives last nlgbt beard a scream. They turned the headlights of tbelr automobile In that direction and saw a gril struggling with a man In an automobile. The man was assaulted and arrested. He gavo the name 'of Walter Rosner. a musician. The girl was Dorothy Guerhlng. s Runa With Binoculars CAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15. "The Fnrallones nro over In that direction," said David Vlers, concessionaire of the Cliff House, todoy, ns he handed a 40 nnlr of binoculars to a tourist. The man moved away to get a better view and failed to return. 'Tho police have beon notified. a ,VA maaW'' tTKS Vvv ys.wt ,m''S'. a,, s',s$ JM fe? lliaiiHP- HataVsHH iiaHBaVSaaaaMlfiKSaBaB 9 v inn whwm m i. , t wKmmlWmmmKlm -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBi,aap:;'T"j,Jvk"-:: -bbbbbbi fa - i -- - - i -wanweaBaaaaaaaaaaaaMSBBBBBaaaBBBBi at t!aaaaaaaaaaaa9H?sii-?AA . ai c timmimiamtaokx-.-i-'.M si KibbIbbIIIIIIIIIIIIISHbb! 1 1m miaH I L M'LH Kaiser TeuVWhy : Peacrfe Otfered ,'S AAAAAAAAAMwVMWWWMtAVVWWVMVw WILSON MAY MAKE A SUOGE8TION OF PEACE WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec, 15. President Wilson and Secretary of State Lanisng were in conference this morning for two hours on the question of forwarding a suggestion to the al lies on the German peace proposals. No announcement was made after the conference. CREW OE K-3 IS JJWTED SI OFFICERS OF SUBMARINE ON THE ROCKS IN HUMBOLDT BAY RE. FUSE TO MAKE STATEMENT AS TO CAUSE OF TROUBLE. MAKES ADDRES3 TO TROOPS IN ALSACE-LORRAINE Says Peace la Offered' Now Baca German Troopa Have Been Victor iousDeclares If Allies Have Net Had Enough Soldiers Will (Use Slang Phrase) Describes RuniMbt as Disparagingly. Klamath Falls School Census Shows Increase rt-arr , Hera are five of tke' musters and f f oorporaUoas who net tke other day in an attempt to formulate a- new pol- f.'kjr'for'deatUg wiUi eaiployes- A.-P. . I'ortet .Represents tu, Shredded I' .. m ' I " " k " .. ;- s owi v-oBipany.; ,ntt Koseawaid r.wa..there as tbe.eostUwUlM factor. te , tbe great mail ortsjrkotaM of' Sears, .Roebuck Company; CkarlesH. Hul burd. represented" tke Bate. National Walck Coaspaay; T. C Headcrschott spoke for tke New York Edison Com pany, perbapa the 'largest Edison lighting company, and Louis A. Cool idige represented the United Shoe Machinery Company. Mr. Henderscbott said the time had come for all great corporations to have vice-president whose sole work would be to look after welfare of em-employes. BERLIN, Dec. 15. Germany has ex-. pre;?ed a willingness to' eafler tot peace negotiations because her tnafc jbuw Jirs fully; victorious, Kaiser, Wll helm told his soldiers In an' address be Alsace-Lorraine today. . "We have proposed to mediate vftk tbe enemy," tbe kaiser Is quote, aa ?ay. "The outcome Is uakaewa, hot if the war continues the blame Has with the ehemy. "If they tank they have not h4 enough, then I know you Will" Here the kaiser concluded wttk a. slang phrase which the soldiers uav Klamath Project Second Highest in Crop Value School District No. 1, comprising Klamath Falls and a until raa out tide tbe city limits, kas approxlmataly .1,108 tchool caUM. .Thla w heM' The censua laat year, alter all checklsf waa completed showed there were 1,031 chiwraa oi iw m Diatrict No. 1. 'The caaaua for this .W. (- year akowa a STowU.ltaat ;,.. .w f iris U tka. Tho highest returns In dollars and cents on any Irrigation project undo tho United States reclamation service have been won by the Klamath project, recording o tho report of Fraiilfllu K. Lane, secretary of the interior. The Klamath project, with a cash yalue' crop return of 11,200 per farm, la the second highest of the twenty three government projects. It la ex ceeded only by tbe 112,220 for farm returns on the great Bt& River proj ect in Arizona. Caplan Cast to Jury LOS ANOKLES, Dee. 15. Tbe fata of David Capias, on trial hare "for murder. Ui jijfuweuoa wttk ttj.. Following are some statistics on the Tklumath project, taken from tho annual repot t of Secretary Lane: Number of farms.., S15 Irrigable acreage . 33,247 Acres per farm 105 Tntnl ncres irrigated.., 27,291 Irr'-grted per farm......... 87 Cropred total -.27,251 Cropped per farm ....... .... 87 ;:rcp value 1377,488 alue per farm .....,- ...., ...'.... 1,200 May Relieve? Small Paper WASHINGTON, D. C, liec. 161. X kill for the urottsxW of tfie skull aewspaDerpubllsast'iowUttkeabrer EUREKA, Cat., Dec. 15. Tbe exact Issue of the trouble aboard the United iderstood. sutes submarine H-3. which Is strand-1 i the address Kaiser Wilheha to a near Humboldt bay, will aot be known, until the official inquiry starts. The officers in charge of the craft re fuse absolutely to make any statement concerning tke cause of the direr go- mg on. ue rocxs.i JTke tatlre'crewkas beeaved, ki the Teseel is daawtai' possibly -be yoad repair. ferred to Kuaaaaia as "that wklck attempted to stick, a dinar ha tke back of our allies." Be Bulgaria by "allies." Tho klr ntthmA hla fHM u. -"' see waue aeropiaaes arciea svsiaaasi j. protecttasty. jastf AHIes Exchange Views LONDON, Dae. 15. The alUed atr- ers already have begun aa IsJafaaal ; exchange of views on the peaca atV posals announced by Chancellor Kelt weg of tbe German empire. ' s Has Cousin en Diver . Fred Nicholson of this city was much concerned last night over the safety of the crew of the United States submarine H-3. which Is pounding on I -.. ..-, -.M- the rocks near Humboldt bay, Callfor-! LEDE'" predict that nla Til. ontlaln T U r11lna la . HATION WILL GO 1 1 A A. 'j J & " uuu eieciriciBO oi uu aiver, ana ii was feared he may have perished. ' Nicholson was shown through the H-3 only a few weeks ago by his cous in. At that time Nicholson was re turning from the Mexican border, where he went with the Washington national guards. ' -r A Allies Give In LONDON, Dec. 15. Acceding to the request of the United States, the al lies have consented to give safe con duce to America to the new Austrian ambassador. Count Tarnowsky. Dtvr WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. VS. With senate and house leaders pre dicting that congress' wil act favorably on national prohibition, the postoffice committee this after voted to permit use of the malls tar dissemination of advertisement of. a toxicant?" -, v'P $ Pershing Honored WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. at. General John Pershing, command of the punitive expedition of Ameri can forces in Mexico to hunt Vilhv wad today made major-general In re ognltlon of bla services. Russians Burn Villages to Cheat German Forces DERI-1N, Dec. 15. The retreating Hussiana In Walachta are burinc the villages before they abandon them to the Germans. In the past two days, the ninth Ger man army has captured M90 priaeev en, ceai Wins, of. twlaaaaa Ksaav Russt-Rumanlana Retire PETROORAD, Dec 15. The meat of tke Russian and ft troopa from Beeett and Jatoeltaa, at oBlcially announced here. ' Greece Aeiejitai UHlaattiHs. LONDON, Dae, 11 It la esJatlBe . Vaaa -- 'laaaM eaaaehaanmamstuf !? m 'i ua juat cnajllatki by H. auajrw, li.aas aot bm eksckad by Tni ftt- .rasa, eswty al;aupriatea4eat, ;-feasibly it rfaw IkfmH mf afssaawaj ava-afasava aaaa aaaa-aaaaamsaaaaa Ntetseaaa4 aMr asMvMetujMwas far.(auaMkiJsBP'aaV, " : r L&rW'-r1 Tktro si l.aw;sfJ-tfiBjyire;,8 Miarstas). - 'p, i-i eir h is mxmtifmg -t l fVi-?'W 2' 4 I-Il . -r-v " : T .,U,WJU. -J" oc jt sKrws.aapasjiuaiieai or