.T TT-TV-SREW e..K ASfeS , Pdi v 4ih&.W. zrKn- - j 3fo ugJto fetetf .''' .2&&Mv .-fe.5 .i,?-Fv . K n? . " c i iiw -. e r ' A4 VE... 'WW KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER auM4&taiatgr$H N R 1 OFFICIAL NEW! DT5TO AY MmaMMaKMAm.latft-?' K W ' .; """' & -ft"-" M llivtnlh Year Na. 3,174 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGdfr, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1916. ... " aST -!. T.t. ' vsmE&j&m " 7 ' VV' ' 7. vrtii c7EJt 1 1 i- iTt A. CC ENGLAND DEMAN British People Want Terms ot Allies Told to Germany Hm- T rjHT-;jiii "". i S-SSi ,mmi. ww w wb. w-rm. a ,bj-- avr.am BBBBa vbbbi iihv' naaaaai bbbb' bbb aaaaaai aaaaaai bbbbi bbbbb Sanaa bbi Sanaa sbbb bbbmi aBBM -.bbbbw aw aaaaaai aaVtSaaamanaaw aaam mu" viin.'U i I IV 111 I I ;-Vb 'If All A -I II HH BBM .BB?4 "BB.L? BBM BBB SI BBB BBB BBM VMS. BBM" MBBI MaaaaanMMaV MHI V SMaansaMHs. BBM MBfl MBM MBM BBnMMBBlr' MB MMf aauBMiMMi") BMfl BBSS BBI BBSS BBBH BBBS MMt BBBfl BBBB - SBBBBBBBBm BBBS MBM SBBBBBBBBm BBBS BBBHV MMB r BBMaVMBaaMMBMaa BbV MMr Sbbbb-! MbTJ aMM BM BsV a BbS BMSl TaffM aMM ' Sb)bMbI MbTJ Bm kBsl BbsI BBssL-BstiBBuBiHiBBssssa JW BsssssW .' Bssl I ! 1 Bssl M Bssl A Bssl .si ? Bssl sff H BsBrBBrfSBssKpBssl iH k bsb bIbsbbbbbIbsbbbbbbbI bbbbb) VBltssBaBflsfiflBsBl bsb BsBssWHIl Ibbsbsbb) Bsssk sssBsi bbbbb) bbbpbbbbIv -w r3T t " i(.fci fV-? 1 r - 1 . ' ." li . j- ,rv A J ...S&'.iA " .i; ' ? - I-!! ' r T ? J. . . I , ff J wn CHIDIT OF 400,000,000 POUND AtKEO r Uw mmw iiwi nmmgni ni (cum PM PrtpMlt ntimnt Fr FullMt Statement of Ptaca Jtmt AeetptakU ! AlRtt Is In crMtlni In tnglan', tay London Olifaich. LONDON, Dec. 14. Donar Inr pur Utlly anaworad .Oormanya' praco pro yoMl In the hottao of commona today wbto aakmi; on behalf of the premier, a lut war credit, and aald terma of ycaeo acceptaoU.Jothe allien iniml alto adequate rejaratlon for the pant tad adequate aecurlty for the fuluro" II requested the house of commoriH to retrain from dtacuMlne; the peace mBoaalaa HrMd In unQBclal bh at. he,afeMMiMlaiMyg .Bet hern foraaaily ronaiaad hy-ike KnaH Ilia government yet . r He ankeMiat'n war' credit of 100, W4,00 ppunda- bo voted. KnalandL r debt now In nearly 119,000,000,000. Ptople Want Terma Stated LONDON , Dee. 14. There Ih a rrowlnR nontlmont throughout Kdb land In favor of Enxland atatlng In ar anxwer to Oermany'a peace pro 9Mln nn explicit definition of the Itrnu on which the alllea will arcpet peace. Thin la taken to Indicate that (he peopln of the Dritiah nation wnnt eac now If It can be obtained with dftnnt to KnRland'a nrma and political preatige. PELICAN IS OPEN FOR FIRST TIME OUTHERN ORCaON'S HOTEL WILL JE OPEN WINTER FOR FIRtT IN THREE YEARS. FINEST THIS WINTER The Whllo Pelican hotel haa not tloaed for the winter, Oueata may ob in accontmodatlonn there at any tlsw. TbUi Ih tho Init winter for three THra that Manager B. W. Hall haa not cloted the hotel. When the Strahorn railroad bonda carried he determined o keep open all winter and waa all the more dure of.hla poaltlon after the council panned the ordinance calling for nalo of the 'bonda. Mr. Hall expecta considerable buai In the late winter and early Pring, itobert B. Strahorn and wire IH bo here; 8, O. Jobnaon and many othem who wlah t9 atay at the White Mlcan. Alao many outalde peoplo "no want the very beat hotel accom oaatlona are expected In Klamath nils. ZAAR FANCY WORK DISPLAYED AT VIRGIL'S The fancy work to tbe aold at tho Jwtbodlet church baWar next'Satur- y ia on display today and tomorrow " me virtu furniture atore, Fifth ana "In Htreeta, The baiaaKwIII be" held ' the Womon'a 'Library Clubrooma. mce meat, plum Budding, fruit eake, we-mado candy, aalada; and many WWWMWWWiWWM WIWWMiIWWWWVWWMVWi TAKING OF TESTIMONY MELHASE CASE COMPLETED County Judge Marlon Hankn, nittlnR an Jiidxe of the probato court, yenter day afternoon completed taking of teatlmony in the case of Henrietta Melbano against Gun Melbase and other beneflclarien of the will of the latu Fred Melhane. Judge Hankn han the case under advisement. It In re ported that no matter which way he decides, the cane will be 'appealed. Mrn. Melhane in attempting to break (ho will of her deceased husband. RED CROSS SEALS STARTED IN 1 907 IN 1909 THE FIRST STAMPS TO FIGHT TUMRCULOSISWIRE ISSUED IN THE UNITED STATES. STATBDN NORWAY Over 13,500,000 has been rained by lied Crons Christmas nealn In the lant eight yearn, and yet many people who will buy these holiday stickers at this ninth annual sale do not know how the Idea originated. While lied Cross ncaln really dato buck to the Civil War. when "Charity StnmpV were nrnt used, the first cam palgn to nell holiday ntickern for the tuberculosis right wan only nine years ago In Delaware. Minn Emily P. Din noil of Wilmington read an article by Jacob Itlln, dencriblng stamps used for tuberculosis work in Norway, and she conceived the Idea of a nlmllar plan here. 81ngto handed, she launched a nalo which resulted In 13,000 clear money. When Mins Ulnnell tried to convince the American Red Cross that the Idea should be made national an a peace activity of that society, she met with opposition, but finally persuaded the authorities, with the result that on Reinvestment of a few hundred dollars $135,000 worth of seals wan sold In 1908 and (ho great national campaign waa launched. Slnco then tho sale has gone forward by IcapH and bounds, until now the lied Ctohh seal In an In stitution In the United States, and offcrH to everyone n chnnco to help In the people's fight against tho people's illseane. Lost year over 76.000.000 ticaln were sold, and thin year tho American lied Cross and tho National Association for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis, who conduct the aale, are out for a 100,000.000 sale, or 11,000,000 for the tuberculosis war. The policy on which the sale is con ducted Is that tho money, except for the deduction of legitimate expenB.cs. shall remain In tho community where the seals are sold. . - FISHERMEN ARRE8TEO MAY BE MURDERERS STOCKTON. Cal., Dec. H.-Four Italian fishermen, one wounded, were arrested here last night. It Is believed they have knowledge of the murder or Game Warden Raymond a Hwcoek and Richard Squire In a midnight duel In tho fog on Douldln Island Monday. The men were captured in the out. aklrts of Pittsburg, sleeping In their clothes. . Villa Takes Santa Rosalia VI. PASO. Dec. H.-H "'N' officially reported here tha,t Pancho vain LclTt chief. h captured S.nh Rosalia. SAYS AMERICANS SHOULD ACT NOW SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA BRANCH OF AMERICAN NEIT- T TRAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE URGES PEACE WORK NOW BAN FllANCI8CO.-pec.-14. "Now in tho time for Americans to get be hind the American Neutral Conference committee and work for lasting peace said Profeasor Arthur Pope, secretary or tho California" branch of that or ganization, when told of the peace pro-. posas Of the German government. "We are very glad to hoar that such j a movement la afoot," said Pope. "It looks very hopeful, and we are both'; gratified and delighted at a concrete! HOTvrriRa5ijw be no peace for weeks, or.even months because of the various, warring gov-" ernments must first consider the pro poxate. Then, too, there Is danger of a deadlock on the terms essential to a tnstlng peace, and to the future of neutral nations. These principles are Hound and vital, and all neutrals should support them. "Instead of the peace proposals deadening the efforts of the American Neutral Conference committee, they will only spur our committee on. "A conference of neutrals should be held not only for the protection of peaceful nations, but as an aid to war ring nations to establish a firm and lasting peace. Bepp Likes News "I am amazed, but I am pleased be yond words," waa the statement of Franz IJopp, German consul general here, commenting on Germany's peace proposals. "I am convinced that Germany, from her position of advantago In the titanic struggle, has taken this step with the same confidence of success, that she has placed in all her military moves. It Is glorious news. Every Germnn heart will rejoice, and I believe the whole world will rejoice." Dopp ventured the opinion that aome or the allied nations may be more willing to consider peace than Is generally known. MILLS IS HEAD OF COMMANDERY ELECTED TO HIGH OFFICE IN THE MASONIC ORDER LAST NIGHT AT STATED CONCLAVEOTHER OFFICERS CHOSEN. ' Lyle O. Mills was elected eminent commander of Calvary Commandry No. 16 at a atated conclave last even ing. The other officers choaen for tho coming year were: E. E. Magee. Generalissimo. G. P. Van Riper, Captain General. George Humphrey, Senior Warden. E. B. HU. Junior Warden. ! L. F. Willits, necoraer. Charles Graves, Treasurer. O, J. Walton, Excellent Prelate. C. !!. Underwood, Warden. J, W. Bryant, Standard Bearer. E. R. Reomex, Sword BeareV. Arabia Passengers Loaded Into . the Lifeboats on a Stormy Sea br : SMBBBp Bat iriwumm rtfBBBBBBBBBB wz,, mK's SIHbbbb9bbS -: - BflBBSaVBSSSBBraaVaBlMBWJSBBMSB TaianlaBraBaBBBBBrSBnrWiaa ' J ffrJllfJBjBJB1 i PJ y I IBkJi I Hi, i igUnJP -tajfll MMHHHPBSBBBBBBFPBffiflp EMWsNmE&&i i BafafeBBBBBBBBaTiSBBBBBBBl ' mmSmi Tfmtt lQsTaW VBkBalBBHLX laVaflBflBBBBaWSLIBBBBBt fBatlsBlSBKSiRSSSi?. aiaiMBSBBinBalBSlJBBT BBk?BBBBBS"I7BBBBBB)BjBEMBJBBBjS S-aBBafPaVWSsliSia ? -if .-BBBJaa2BjJBSfm BBBBSKjBaKBaBJaSlSBBk m ' xr tVIB9aE9aEflBBnEaaaiiiiiiliiivl .'! 3BBBBBBBlK3JBaBBBBBB9BaWaBBBBBatBBVa it IsMBXgsBBBHBflalHBalalBBBBaR X sv 'z&zmmeim&BimKEBm ... .KBBKUKSBKB. &E3m2?n?F&&?$KBIiKBiB 2 BBlllKSX9'StX'V . j- . , -J. S 'lEiBllllllllllKTBjBallllllllllllllVSlEiallllllllHEiBlBBlllllllllllllllllllV mW-r?'-.v- - ';.:''vBBBsM3BBBPPBBBBBBBBBBr ' v laMaBa)sMaaaMiaSBMBi America Takes Full. Step lo Bring v if rs-.- .wi - i rWW 4 tiT!rtiy .1 &&&&. J'4 vyr" JV OS. . ..? WMMV-VMVMMMWWMwt-Wfl 8AUL8BURY IS.PRESIDENTr . , i PRO TEMPORE OF SENATE a - WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 14. Senator Wlllard SauIsburg of Dela ware, democrat,' today was elected president pro .tempore of the senate, 8ucceedingvtbe late Senator Clarke. Unexpected opposition to his election developed but was voted down. SUBMARINE IS AGROUND; CREW ., MAY BE KILLED POUNDED BY WAVE8 IN 1 SURF FOR HOURS THE - F- T n i iT3&!y2.- PRESIDENT WILSON 'QUfCN4.V'rNJ ROLE OF COURIER H 1 ? ri. V9 &. s Di recta Secretary of State to Tram?. mlt Germany's Peace Proposals) to Paris London. Petroarad and OtwrJ n 3v "'. J- 1f; f .- $! Ut. Coast Guard Throws Line to Dia V ;trssaed Divsr.lrt Humboldt Bay, Bt Ws&msmm Z HweioatTTbTwIinSaW the Vessel Dry When the Watlr t Allied Capitals, Jl Hi Wthw? Canv; rnent or Suaf estlon of Any Charac- ' ter Whatsoever. - WASHINGTON. D. C, s Dec. 14. American took the first oBklal ste toward peace. Within afewCkearm K after receiving the. peace profassli- ' from Geraany,8aryttof'Wt ?& Robert 'E. 1iMlnthofa''5fnS-y President Wilson; dispatchrtlMfB't -J-?' TaViiWn 0a4rlWnMiaaaBaa4l rtta la aa J r tVi provisIocapIUta'of- frtKpS. KuhwnU aid Servian "" . &M The United States 'represents oWrC;7. manv In all tbeaa eariatriM" i2tv? .? i9 The German connMHaWlsawM.'lP , it . 'J-, . Jts.. vr Stiit. tt . Jier enemioVKfet easaaMKn 4S'r wmm&m. or suggestlaa;by,ttie.iWllam43 rv-- i ,- t - 7-r? '4a -t ..tt2.-, C?'iiU -Aii teZZiZiz: Xf sei $&iZW t -!, isiin - v A.j 'Recedes. This vivid photograph taken from the deck of the sinking Arabia, tor pedoed by a German submarine No vember 6th,' in the Medlteranean, nhows the passengers, men and wo men, were loaded Into lifeboats on a Ftormy sea. In the very Center Is fhown a nurse trying to calm excited women. Though the German govern ment contends in a note recently pub lished that the Arabia was a trans-. port used by the British government wholly in the military service,- this photograph proves conclusively that there were women on board the ves sel when she was torpedoed . KLAMATH RIVER ROAD PROBABLE 8ECRETARY OF NORTHERN CALL FORNIA COUNTIES ASSOCIATION SPEAK8 OPTIMISTICALLY OF PR08PECTS. According to an aitlcle in the Sac ramento Union, probability of con structing the proposed road down the I'lumcUi river grows greater. The LITERACY TEST GETS BIG VOTE SENATE PASSES 64 TO 7 IMMI GRATION BILL CONTAINING THE LITERACY TEST PRESIDENT WILSON MAY VETO BILL'. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 14. Tho iinmigatlon bill. Including the literacy test, passed the senate today by-a vote of 64 to seven. Other immigration story Is written from Redding and says ( Wlls containing this test have been Roscoo J. Anderson, secretary and manager of the Northern California Counties Association, has just re turned from a confcreivw with state and national officials concerning tho road. ' "I feel confident the Klamath River road will be built and am practically certain work will be begun on the proj ect as early as 1917." Mr. Anderson says in the article. I t A road down the Klamath river to the Pacific ocean Is considered im portant to Klamath county, vetoed by Presidents Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson. The president Is expected to eto the bill passed today. ' ITALIAN MURDERER IS SHOT DOWN BY P08SE BAKERSFIELD, Cal., Dec. 14. A posse and policemen shot and killed D. Notoll, an Italian, sought for eigh teen hours atter the murder of Mrs. D. MAIL THAT CHRISTMAS PACKAGE EARLY- NOW, WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 14. '.'Do your Christmas mailing early, and that means do it now," Fearful of a rush of business in the several days before Christmas, widen will Jam the postal, system so that some ruall will necessarily be delaed, officials today came to bat with the abovo warning. " " "It Is absolutely urgent," said one, "that mall going to foreign countries get away at once, It Christmas deliv eries are hoped for. The censorship of the belligerent countries spells de lay, and even countries not at war1 are having trouble with their mall." Postal employes are looking forward nenldlnl. a boardlne-bouse keeper, The fugitive was seen running through1 with dread toMh Christmas' parcel the brush yesterday. Tho oera took! post load, u mose wno usuany wan up the trail and round Notojl atterj until the last minute will only hurry a chsekor a mile. Notell aimed at up. mark the package "Not to be open the officers' but they shot first., drop- ed until Christmas." they will confer a series or joys, one to me recipient and one each to every postal employe ping the Italian. He was struck twice. When shot he was without bat,Qr coal nnd In Ills bore feet.s who has to-handle the package. , EUREKA, CaLj Dec, 14. Fears for the safety of Lieutenants H. R. Bo- guschand E. F. Zemke and the crew of the United States submarine H-3 are expressed this afternoon following the running aground of the diver In the dense fog Just -outside Humboldt bay- . The submarine has been tossed and pounded by the angry sea for several hours. It Is believed that the superstruc ture has been masbed. The submarine tender Cheyenne Is standing by, helpless. The coast guard crew in attempting to rescue the crew shot a line over the vessel, butt nobody appeared to make it fast. This causes the belief that the crew is Injured. It IS hoped that the Incoming tide will wash the diver far enough to leave her high and dry when It recedes. BJBBJI1 ly BPJ I ......-.. Vr BY FASI SAM V. ' t. . Y5S -W!l $ Cl3 ', &$&& jt. RONALD JEFFRIES SUFCSrV'-.v FRIGHTFUL LACERATIONOr HI8"-r '4 RIGHT HAND WHILE. WORKING r. it- IN ALGOMA BOX FACTORY, Railway Aid Bonds Sold Keeler Bros., of Denver "and Port land, have bought the. $35,000 ot 6 per cent bonds issued by the City of Bend for purchasing terminal grounds for the projected Oregon, California . Eastern railway system. The bonds went at par. Municipal railway aid bonds usually do not command a pre mium In the market. Portland Telegram. COMMITTEE VOTES FOR DRY NATION HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE REPORTS FAVORABLY ON Bli.1 FOR' NATIONAL PROHIBITION OF LIQUOR TRAFFIC. 8evere laceration of the, right. hafd, " was suffered yesterday. by' Ronald M- '" fries while he was at work la the bee . w '' factory at Algoma. A rcularjijjr4' " ' plowed between, the secoadaad third fingers well up into. the hand, an aei v!'C' '- cubthe fingers crWwlse, butil ait g ;' severe them. - ' .' "S ?: t JeSrlesica,mer to ' I'ftsdk kllfuiiiln 4miIm IUT LfUllUUUOl uaiu MiaiaaaaayiaiiiiwaaV aBaBBSBasg . i: cal attention.' He & jsT-ltbehos4ta , 1. kjFalle-aa; 'eaaata-. KLAMATH MUSI ' a ' PAY 543,128 a v JJ i , .s a- v 3.. , i K.S '" THAN THIS YEAR. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 14, The judiciary committee or the bouse of representatives today reported favor Rbly on the nation-wide prohibition bill and the national rood investigation bill. The committee reported back with out recommendation, the bill for na tional aultrage, - THIS IS PORTION OF. THE TOTAL; va , 4 . j. ... a . STATE TAX KLAMATH COUNTY V' '" MUST PAY FOR 117 M4HMt w $ SALEM, Ore., sDec.14.-rTataf , tax commission today saaoaaced ttat'; ' ,-tcf J the sUte tax for 191T,te. t4S,lSJU;VA -.3 n . w 'w This year Klamath county's .poetlaa.., .sv of the total state ,Ux waa I4S.0K, t , 13 089 40 Iark than next vear. '2 . i'' i.t'I . . ' " r , , ( iai ma AAiiHiif-nAiiM bk w ktt .wa j.. .v . '.i.' m iUC tuuui? vwm.k nn !TrH. . ; budget recently for 191T. aaUsaaiat A . that the sute tax would' be To' raise' the 43,UftMva. about 2.6 mills must beaaad. -'ttiwtm tmnmmi' ''HtfB&Q mjfM. rf ftp' v British LONDON, dltlonal men bave the BriUsh army, nmjt& i- 41.- alllJ alu a aaa llllaia Sh' RahJa' BMHHaaVg . Dec. lf'MlUtMI m bavetesiMaiiMw" w l J lB2 -' "'.'w ,'i"iHa; v Submarine atefrEa4M,?f t,,. mfwm uimriri1 .Twt.. t4' A'"1 badlV" damaaed.Ia .WHUWH .-4 r j " '.' , surt here.- The erewle Waftt,. F. "r ininiiM will be for aale. , z.. "-g'.KVv.yw..