;"si!p)'" !." jri-fcii .-:': -a- a . KLAMATH COUNTY'S . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER "T PWfOl ?ife. KLAMATH FALLT aO' OFFICIAL Nl gwfci? 5$ '8y$ gltvtnth Yr No. 3,173 t i - .- awt -rfA KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1916. "-n, .''W Prlaa Fhn CeMa ..y'JLS.-i iMii? viifPttitin fprtiii aaaBSl BIBM BaBaBVBBaaaaaF' BlBarBBaBV - .BBBl .BV tm .A. A. . BBSM BiaSM BBSM -BBaaaBW &l I 1 " W-Vffig , j JE gg W. a W BB Be a BB eSB aVeBjeBk fBBBr BBBV BBBW aVBte VBtBw BBBfcBW BM ' "' r , . : v t " rppwpiipii 'tl -H-yOliUKi.'V.. TJ PEACE PROPOSALS NOT ACCEPTABLE France and England Do Ct'j MWMWWIWWWWWWWWWWW Not like Terms Offered Won't Affect War, Says British Paper PREMIER BRIAND SAYS FRANCE! IS NOT EXCITED AAAAAAMAAAAAWWWMWVmwumuum KAISER TELLE SOLDIERS HE HAS ASKED FOR PEACE Lloyd-George Will Make Forma! . Antwtr to Von Bethmann-Hollweg'o Announeeinent In Home of Com ment' Tu today Premier of Canada aye Ftople of rlileh Empire Do Net Want a Truce Now. I'.KHI.IN, Dec. in -Knliicr Wllholm'a peace order In the unny wan: rioldtera. ciiprloti.i of tho vlctmy trained li your trivcry, I and tho run-is or our sillied stntcs have Ui'i'r a imiui i' nfli'i lo thf enemy. Wh 'icr .:. nt the nlnit lon'ucted with I. v fit lit- i curbed ii urireiti.ln " - 'rnctlc.ilK il:' same, redress .was glu-n lo the navy. Action of melhase will 18 being tried ' iJal of the uj;io to break the will ot (he lute Fred Mclhaxe was begun before Judgo Marlon Hanks, sltllns ax Judge of the probate court, ycater day, and In continuing today. Hen Helta Mclhaae, wife of the deceased. Ik plaintiff and (iUH Mclhnse and othtitt arc defendants. .lidge Thomim Drake and Charles 1 J'erKUnon are attorneys for Mrs McHuihc: C. V Plone and E. A. Cress 't;iear for defendants. .'Af l.-nn-,innriri-Ll-Laaa-u.J1rLrL. Suffragettes Who Heckled the President at Congress Opening , LONDON, !m. 13. "No. wo ilo no'. want pence on tmch n bnnln an (ler many ropoltl.,' Thin in the nnawnr of the llritlnh pwple lo fjcnnany'a iirooiial for pnte, enunciated yvxterdny by Von rielbmnnn-IlollM'CK. Tbnt iiiiswerulrcHdy In ncrfeclh apparent. It lit reflected not only In' the neM.iicn but In the cxiri'nloii of the .eopln on tho nt recti, Llo)dCcori:e. premier, will niiilie the foimal i nawor or tho llrltlxh n.i Knn to the propoaala when ho ml drewieH the IioIiho of coiiiihoiih Tui l) of next week. ( SASKATOON, 8ak.. Can., Dec. 13. "It Ih the determination of tho neoplu o( the nrltlHh cmplrn that Ihcro will be no iriico nald Premier llorden of ''ana.la today, In commenllnK on tln .Cernian peace propoaala. IF PEACE FAILS GERMANY FIGHTS CHANCELLOR DECLARES TEU TONS WILL DECLINE RESPON SIBILITY BEFORE HUMANITY IF ALLIES STAND OUT. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. 13. "Ah for uh, wo are not oxclled. Wo do not think tho war will end hooii," nald .Premier Hi land of France. In n mes. "He lo the French ombaaay here. Jrlind nald he wna apeakliiK for Franco and tho chamber of deputlea. ' LONIX)N, Dec. 13. The KvenliiR 8tar, (ho flrat EnKllah ncwapaper to comment on Oermany'a pcaco pro PotalH, anya tho propoaala nro not likely to affect the war, Oont to the Bay. MIkn Urn Tultlo loft tho flrat of tho ck for tho nay Cltlea, whero aho J" vimt until about May 1. IIKUI.IN, Dec. 13. Von Ilethmann lIollweK. chancellor or tho Cerman enipiri', atiited: "If, dcapllti our offer or peace, the alriiKKl" contlnucH. Germany and her allien are reanlvcd to continue tne war to victory, but aolenmly decline cxery reHpoiiHiblllty before humanity and hlHtory. "(ieimany In carryliiK on a war ror defeime aKaiiiHl the euemlea almliiK nt nur dCHtructlon. Wo aro flKhlltiK to itiHiirn tho Integrity or tho Gorman nation." IIKIILIN, Dec. 13. If (Sermaiiy'a bid ror peace now Ih rejected by the entente powcrn, It Is certnln that thu TiMiiniiH and their allien novor ftTOtli will take tho Initiative to end tho war? Tho Gcrmnn public haa completely endnrxml the warning of Von Beth ih' n-Hollweg, chanci Uor of the em il re. "he public l !ni,..-Mbly,dolermlnol lo flirht to tlu bitter fjid against dla niemherment o' thu fatherland. RUMANIANS . FULL RETREAT i w RETIRE BEFORE ADVANCING TEU TONIC FORCES UNDER MACK. ENSEN RUSSIANS'.ENJOY SUC CESS IN CARPATHIANS. I Farmers Begin Campaign to Poison Jack Rabbits 1JKKL.IN. Dec. 13. Full retreat of the enemy to the northeast In the flooded Ynlomlta river district, where a stand wan , made, is officially re ported. Itussian cavalry has reinforced the Rumanians. On tho road to Duzeu, more than 4000 Rumanians have been captured by the Germans. PirntOGHADn Dec. 13. Repulsion or the enemy with great loshos to them In the wooded sections of tho Carpathian mountains la announced from the war office. Kant of Chlbcnn the enemy also has been turned back. Many prisonora and a acrlea of ti cliches wero taken south of Agu bulla by the Russians. SMITH INVOLVES GERMAN CONSUL Says consulate at new york 1 gave him implements to i OPEN CARS LOADED WITH HOR8ES FOR THE ALLIES. ' S l1A.Mw M MHMiiti v.wmpmmmf "" ''''mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmj 4lJePP5' J, MRS JOHN ao5RS.v ' . SSPJEHFT ' 1 I- t.BBBBBHk&i.iu.w No Success Seen for Peace Move 5- AAMMAMMMWMWMMMAAWVMVVMll GERMANY'S LOSSE8 OVER THREE MILLION MEN LONDON, Dec. 13. The Germany losses In, the war up to November 30 were 3,921,869 men, according to tbc omclal casualty list. This number in eludes 946,027 officers. MRS lOWfteCND SCOTT MISS MABEL VERNON, MRS. WM. L. COLT eM'VaV TRIAL OF HYDE CASE COMPLETED CASE HA8 BEEN TRIED IN SEVEN DIFFERENT COUNTIES IN ORE SON IN WHICH JHE DISPUTED LAND IS LOCATED. Here are some of the ladles of the Congressional -Union who unfurled a suffrage .banner In, the nouae.ofrep- resentatlves when President Wilson was delivering his annual message. The banner bore the words, "Mr. Pres ident, what will you do for woman suffrage?" A page tore-down the ban ner and the president went along with his address. Mrs. Townsend Scott of Ifaltimore is chairman of the Mary land branch of the' Congressional Un- Ion; Mrs. John. Rogers of New York is chairman of the national; advisory council of the union; Miss Mabel Ver non of Nevada Is secretary of the woman's party; Mrs. Florence Bayard Hllles of Wilmington, chairman of the Delaware branch, is a daughter of the late Thomas F. Bayard, secretary of state under G rover Cleveland, and Mrs. William L. Colt of New York is representative of the advisory council from New York. TERMS OF PEACE ACCEPTABLE TO ALLIES STATED r WASHINGTON DOESNT tXPECT -' PEACE NOW - -..- ' v Although Admlnlttratlon Officiate Oi, Not Look for Germany to Gain Ce- ation of Hottllltlta Now, They O Believe Seed That Will Haeten Peace Have Been Sown by Chan cellor'Von Bethmann-Hollwea. .UNITED PRESS LEARNS ALLIES WOULD DO WHAT Evacuation and Restoration of All Oc- cupled Territory la Main Contider- t. . - tatlon Russia Mutt Be Given Con- .. '"tantlnople ana) Fn?e Mutt ls? AUa M ! A dill latalkHBiiu wv-i,.1i.. ran iunini7 1 nity for Dettroyed Shlpt Demanded. 'or wn of tho farmora of the South- wt Klamath Farmora Doyelopmont wague, H. n. Glalayer, county agtl- eulturlat, thla morning received a con- pwmtm of atrychnlne. w)th which to Iwn Jackrabblta. , r " 'ihT il lea8Ue '? HnauiuraUjig, .under. m direction of ainlayer- a campaign " Polhonlng rabblta In thai district. W 'i " '" tobulw a crrl to koop n -w):, la place pnlonntd ofit nml nlfnira hay In tho corral, and kill the rabbltH. Tho corral will bo bum aooui n huyatack fiequontod by rabbits, or In a gulch whoro thoy gathor. The campaign will bo carried on wbllo the ground l covered with anow, do that the rabblta wlH bo forced to come to th$ hay and oala. Tho corral Ih used that stock may not get at the oata and hay. Mr. aiahiyer nays the plan hnu" worWd wondorfnll)' well in other pldcea. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 13. The German consulate at New York waa involved In the alleged conspiracy naalnst the allies, according to the testimony given today by Louis J. Smith In the Bopp trial. Hnilth said he went to the German consulate In New York, told his name ami the nature of hla business, and mas instructed what to do. He de clared ho waa given implements to break open freight cars containing horses for the allies so explosives could be planted in them, but that a man followed him aa he wont to open the cars, causing him to suspect he waa being watched. Wilton Wantt explanation t WASHINGTON, p. C-. Dee. IS. The etnte department, today stren; uoutly represenwionea rovwionai President Carranta of Mexico regard ing, the arrest of Itlcardo Solfa, an American, nt Matamoraa ana ma re monl to Victoria for military lilal. Trial of the caso of tho State or Otegon vs. F. A. Hyde and others was eoT.pIoted In Judge Kuykcndall's court yesterday afternoon and this ripinlng the attorneys In tho cao left for their homes. r ha case Is one Ir equity, the state attempting ieover school inr: hPld by Hydo. ri; same ttial !.' a been held in .nix it her countte.i, !;' in no instance has the court handed down a decision. After the decision ait made, the ceie probably will be tnlijn to the sta'e supreme com1. Tho hods Involved in the sulM lie la seven different Oregon counties. George M. Brown, attorney general, nnd J. O. Bailey, assistant attorney WILL PLAY WITH L M AY LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL BASKET BALL QUINTETS WILL TAKEON ALFALFA TOWN TEAMS ON THEIR GROUND THIS WEEK Klar.:ath high school vs. Merrill high school Is the basketball card for next Friday evening. The game will bo njayed nt Merrill. There will be two games, one for the boys nnd another for the girls of the gtneral, appeared for the stato In lh j two Institutions. The trip will be trim here. A. C. Sha.' of Tortl.ind. made In automobiles. ro;.i esenta Hyla. "" I Because he Is low In his grades, m l Jake Stelger will not be able to play Neutral Shlpt Are Caught BERLIN. Dec. 13. German son forces haT) captured the Dutch' steamer Caledonian and the Brazilian steamer Rio Parda, loaded with con-i traband en route to England. Smith Blew Up-Shlpt SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 13. Louis J. Smith, testifying in the Bopp trial today, said that Lieut. Von Brlncken had hired blm to dynamite munition' ships. for Klamath high Friday. His place will be taken by Dow. The lineup will be; Forwards, Graves and Dow; cen ter, Lennox; guards, Houston and Montgomery; Perry nnd Elliott will go along aa substitutes. The lineup or the girls' team will be Forwards, Helen DuFault and Karle Montgomery; centers, Dorothy San derson and Erma Bamber; guards, Clf-flttftt nnti'milt ntwl nillh Iflim. phrey. Ida Brown and Feme Hoag- land will act aa substitutes. Ka'lier Telle'Traept BERLIN, Dec. 13. Kaiser Wilhelm today notified all German troops that he had made proposals of peace to the enemy., , Submarine Chastr Lett OTTAWA Ont.. Dec. 13. The Can adian scout, tboat andv submarine chaser Orllse la' believed lost 'off Sbcl burne, N, S with all hands, the'mlnia- tor of naval service has announced. LONDON, Dec. 13. The United Press learned late thiB afternoon from various sources that the terms of peace the entente powers are expected to .offer as a counter proposition to that from Germany will be evacuation nnd restoration of all occupied terri tory, with full indemnity for any de vastation done. The allies also will demand restor ation of Alsace-Lorraine to France and cessation of Constantinople and the straits to the Black sea to Russia; they will demand indemnity, ship for ship and ton for ton, of all destroyed shipping and adequate punishment for those persons responsible for atroci ties of the war. It is emphasized in all quarters that tho only question ot a negotiable char acter at peace proceedings might be the disposition of captured German colonies and limitation of future arma ment by the German nation, ? a rS it WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 13. Two of the best, informed adaaiata tratlon officials indicated today, that they do not see any success for Ger many's move for peace, butfeel that the Teutons are sowing the seed .that will haaten peace. 2 l ,Z Some authorities on lnteraatleaal affairs see a clever 'move un n'ei aaaj's part to Influence' the allied auHKary situation by creating a demaad'-'far peace. C w ? o I irf HEUTRALSORLY TO I . ? 'M I IBTlai Bb M iM M at P U N' " :k,... GERMANY DOES NOT ASK THIM NEGOTIA- TO START PEACE TIONS, BUT MERELY INFORM ALLIES TEUTONS ARE READY. George W. Offleld, stockman ot Mer rill,. Is a county seat visitor today on business. BERLIN, Dec. 13. Germany-has not asked tho neutral nation -of the world to Btart peace negotiations. The general understanding, shared byMtae American embassy here, is that Ger many is willing to discuss peace, put ting it up to the allies to refute or acquiesce. - The diplomatic corps' of forelgi'aa tlons here consider Germany's'' aiova is a masUrslroke'in diplomacy. . St iratll Two Miners filled -t ANGELS CAMP, Cal., Dec'. 13. Joha Cante, foreman, and Frank Martel, a miner, were killed instantly today when the water skip plunged 1,00 feet down the shaft,' crushing both. Two other miners escaped miraculously. ' ? 7' ? En? LocalSporlsmenOppose - - - Later Season for Deer .. i tu&tt i V :M !&?' Klanatk eoiuity rf". -5H ,- I- Bbtf: lW :M ., &?m ' ft" "4; 44 As a strong feeling against the pro- the quail season in posed change In the open deer season. Increased from ten to tbirtytdayisAd .. . , the number limit increased freat twaa- wnicn may commence niieen uays ' - '. jrf-A.KV&4 - . ?&t c . u . .' ty to thirty. tffjafc A'Hift. later, September 1 and continue to ,, htalM - . WI-JLJf '& November IS, instead of November l.lfor the year, 1917:' W Tail Tthataa president, Dr. -R. R.-l was evidenced at the annual meeting ot the Klamath Sportsmen's Associa tion, held last evening, and prepara tions made to oppose the movement through the game commission and thiough the legislature. It la pointed out that the season as it now Is permits many of the farmers to take a few days for bunting in the mountains in August, who would be busy with harvest and unable to get away in September. It Is also argued that aftef the 1st ot November the deer enter the mating season," and should not be deatroyed at that time, It waa divided to have, the length-of ktaatrf.'k&yfc!: . ---- Ai"'-1' ' d president, Tom MItchel mrsAura 'mV Fred Houatoh treasurerlTfdllatl; Will Baldwin, O. W, Roertea?iwl .r Bert Wlthrow QfKIail!rtl;'iry C. Dalton, Ross Finley, '(VfltMMla,i-$ J. O,- Hamaker," RfW,Vfwr,' iM.1;H Cleaves. B. St. OeaaAaMraV-?- ' Wilson, of '.the outlyteg.dttMsjto. V Thiduet dftaa'' ducea froaa'tja, that a large- cured." A.taecial'i aers'i and .meaabtrtltfr heM at S.'o'etoaei eato CommorclaUCtat.i miMmM s ! " K7'9BnBBaBBW ..4' BteiBseMaV'VBVBJvBr s ikaaeaaaral. MB l'M "BWBB PS wpPB"WBBj TJeBJ rowta. -" n.mmr1 $m ' fitj at. i 'l &