'Iff &CU' : , " s ,4t' W ,!,? v- nr v i V JH u.a ,i..-Ui2L n. -- J. 5y H" -j r 14 -f?H t :-1 '- -rSr wft i ' . wh?j, j iifftj fe i. " -w .i 'il If? lEiummn Iter aid KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER m. KLAMAtHtFALLrl 3.f OFFICIAL, NEWSFA1 ijfe&-?5 itfr? Jft t 3VJ v Kle"",t" W" ' " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1916. imm.Vm $Tf 70,000 RUMANIANS MADE PRISONERS "$ , Vm -.. .v asi v,A V .1 "WK v."? ENTIRE ARM Y IS DEMORALIZED BY GERM AN TROOPS CARPATHIAN FIGHT GOES TO RUSSIANS MMMMWWWWWWWWVMW TMTO.NH M)MT GROUND DEARLY All) FOR IttiMlniw Make Claim if Taking .MM) 'rl"iHT on Tmw Height" In MuuiilJtlii lUttl" Fighting Be tween Girek Ioynl to KIiik Con stantino mill Alllew In Relieved to I ll Imminent. IIKIU.IN, Dec. 9. Seventy thous and Rumanians have been captured by (ho right lng or the German army ud tbe Danube force. Tho prisoners vera taken whllo making a complct rttreat before tliu advancing Ger 'cmm. Besides 70,000 men, 184 ran bob and 120 machine guns were cap- LONDON, Dec. 0. The powerful KuNltn offcMislvi In the Carpathlans li continuing today. In today's dis patches Berlin ndmlta that the Tcu tou have lost ground they dearly 'paid for In liven and money. Tho Russians havo dislodged the enemy In two height and taken COO u prisoner. i Dispatches from (5 recce, nil greatly delayod, Imllcuto Hie Imminence or hostilities between the allies mid Greek ronIlHtH. JL'ltOHH AUK EXCUSED UNTIL JANUARY All JurorH ou tho regular panel for service In the circuit court this win ter have been examed until January 8th. Judge Kuykcndall announced thin change thin morning. A row daH ago ho excused nil Jurors until December 18th. This order U changed to January 8th. TO FIGHT HIGH COST OF PAPER CALIFOK.MA KDITOIW AD WB t MBHKItH HAVK THBKB rROPO- "- H1TIOXH TO CVMUAT IU8INO COST K rilINT PAI'KB tt)ACH DOllli: Wil.Ii NOT UK UKIIIUKD SKAITIjK, U. Kiiioiildeilisg 'f;w or (llH.itlJ.V.ctlcn between Conch Cintur Doblo )r the tlnlveinlty of vfhltiKton .''a: nil ttMin nud In ,1k rrj (luzzalli, icoxlilenl of 'h mil y 'ilty, burnt .ii.i ;i (Umu Imlny when l,r. (itizznlo nu .oiiiiii'il that ho did '! it tend to r.trj Doble to conrlt tho i.:u next your, Iates for Imn. Joseph II, Kmlth, n furmor or tho iMcri-IH country, lo thlH morning for urentcn, Iowa. Ho nho will vIhII In llho and Colorado, SAN FIIANCISCO, Dec. 9. Cali fornia editors and publishers today began n right against the high cost or print paper. Unusual means will be taken to meet the unusual cost or this commodity. According to Friend W. Richard son, president or the California Press Association, which opened n two days meeting here yestorday, threo plans will bo presented merabera for consid eration. Tho first plan discussed will be tho ndvUlblllty or rormlng a combination of members of tho California Press Association to buy pnper direct from tho mills In hugo quantities. A second suggestion Is tho estab lishment or nn Independent mill by tho nssoelnilon for tho manufacture or Its own print paper. Tho third suggestion Is to raise tho bdvortlslng and subscription rates. Open Mldtwiy lmrn. J. D. Morgan and Estill Wlrtx have opened tho Midway bam In the west end and will conduct a feed and liv ery buslnoss UUTUIt bUUNIT MAY BE ABUSED INTIMATION IH NOW MADK THAT KLAMATH COUNTY MAY BE PAYING BOUNTIES ON COYOTES TRAPPED IN CALIFORNIA. An intimation that trappers over the California line are bringing coy ote hides to Klamath Falls to collect bounty was made this morning In the office of County Clerk DeLap. Klam ath county pays a bounty of $2.50 and the State of Oregon an additional bounty or $1.50. which would make It lucrative for California trappers to bilng their hides here. . County Clerk DeLap must take the Mkorn word of persona bringing hides before him. Ho has no other way or tolling whether the coyotes were caught in Oregon or whether they were trapped by the person asking for .bounty on the hides. Both of there conditions must exist "before bounty can bo collected ' Mr." DeLap would give no names and said the cases he had in mind were few. TRAPPERS GET MANY COYOTES HrEHZLH OF DAIRY IIIUNC2 IN IS J INK HIDES TO COLLECT MOUNTY ATKIXS AND ALEX ANDER ALSO AUK SUrCL'SSI-VL. Grand Jury finds Four i True Bills in Report our true bills and throo not truolwlfo, who are charged with the mur bills wero rotlirnml hv thn Brand llirv jln Its report filed In tho circuit court late yestorday aftornoon, t The truo bills are: Mr. nnd'MrB. Hwry llotabs, murder, t Moses q, Oorruo, rrfpo of daughter, I, Frank Worthlngton. larceny of. 'ddle. i John Dee. h Tho nnt in. .m ... Bert Colo '"a not true .bills are: Bert Colo ijn lawrence Ragsdalo, larceny from !? Celling. ' 'l 1 III Ha.l.l. - -i kill. - -- "niu, iftrieny ni uiiid. lph Sallichj litrceny M'tn fnt. " ' expected that most or the cases dor of Edward C. Way last fall at I he Hobbs homostead, near the log ging camp of tho Algoma Lumber Company. In tho prosecution of this rnso District Attorney John Irwin Hill bo assisted by Judge Thomas Drake. Opposing-thorn will be W. H. A. Renner nnd A. C. Yaden, counsel for defendants. Tho case against Moses derrue alo Is considered Important. W. H.' A. Rennor also will defend Qerrue. Frank Worthlngton wm Indicted on a charge preferred by J. H. B .... -.u. .naH- that Worthlngton took a aaddle from Beckley'a ranch ""pecieatwt.iostorinecases""'7 - ,-. . he truoblliwjll be tried at this on Klamath Marsh i" U iillT fw-o.oourt. Y- ' one attracting aaoet attention ' lt ngatust Henry Hobbs nud Kane of these cases, r- no other case require Vs.: tried before January 8th. Twelve copote bides of high quality were brought to County Clerk De Lap yesterday by L. A. Stent and J. A. Sterzl to collect the bounty. The coyotes wore trapped during the last month In the hills above Dairy. A bounty of $4 was collected on each hide. The stato pays $1.50 and the county $2.50. In addition to this, the hides will bring from $3.25 to $3.f0 each when shipped to furriers. One coyote and one bobcat mae were brought to town yesterday by j. v. Adklns of the Keno country, nnd J. R. Alexander or uorna brought eight coyote hides. KLAMATH' WINS FIRST DEBATE i GETS THE UNANIMOUS DECISION r FROM JUDGES IN'FUtST BAT- I' TLB FOR STATE L FORENSIC CHAMPIONSHIP. ( Tbe Lakevlew high school debating team lost the championship of the south central Oregon -district last niKht to Klamath county high school. Klamath won a unanimous decision. supporting the affirmative of the questien: Resolved, That ' Oregon should adopt a health Insurance law embodying the essential features of tho act formulated by 'the American Association for Labor, Legislation. It Is believed that the decision of the Judgei found favor with the aud ience. Klamath plainly was much better in delivery and considered by - .. . i - many ot me auairoca; me equal ui Iakovlew in argumentand rebuttal. Each Klamath apeakerfcpoke straight out, with araetneaa;jjJB(JJorce, and tho three, speeches flttcainto one an other well. Tho debate was marred by 'tho fainting of Breynton Finch, leader of the Lakeview team. Mr. Finch was about half through his speech when he began to feel dizzy and was com pelled to stop and get medical atten tion. His argument was concluded by Miss Ella Thompson. STUDENTS SERVE LUNCH TO BOARO MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCA TION ARE GUESTS OF DOMES TIC SCIENCE CLASS AT LUNCHEON YESTERDAY. MRS. COX NAMED FORJISIDENT "iS ELECTED TO HEAD MISSION ARY SOCIETY OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH HAS GOOD BALANCE ON BOOKS. Mrs. W. H. Cox was elected presi dent of the Woman's Home and For eign Missionary Society of the Em minual Baptist church at the regu lar meeting Thursday of this week. Mrs. T. M. Perkins was elected vice president, Mrs. George Davis, secre tary, snd rs. u. . miner. "- urer. ' I Hm ' The treasurer's books show that all obligations of the society have i.n met and that a good balancers 5Tt m b. taMt The society votedto Prf Jury. trwii.,w "?-. ..vAhureh with a new stove. sent the church with a new stove. 'VMSiiVSMVMArfWMS 5 U.SJUSTWAGEWARON GERMANY WMWWVWMVWVWMMWSMi ELKS REORGANIZE BOWLING TEAMS MUCH ENTHUSIASM IS SHOWN BY MEMBERS OF LODGE IN THE ALLEY SPORT ALL PLAYERS TO MEET TOMORROW. SAYS CONFLICT CAN L t NOT BE SIDESTEPPED The members of tho board of edu cation of tbe Klamath Falls grammar schools were guests yesterday or Section B of the eighth grade domes tic science class of the Central school. Geraldlne Watt was hostess, Freda Blehn and Lucille Beckley were wait resses, Cornelia Robertson was cook and Iris Turner critic. The table decorators were Irene Santamau and I,atta Caldwell. Tbe color scheme was red. Following Is the menu of the luncheon served to the beard: Vegetable Soup and Croutons. Veal Casserole Tomato-Cucumber Sauce. Nut Bread, Plum Jelly. Cabbage Psanut Salad Cheese Wafers Peach a la Modi Tlmbalos Ccffff. Mints and Nuts. The members of the board were unanimous and sincere in their pralso of tbe dainty meal served by v these young ladles, and feel that Miss El mer, head of tho department, Is do ing excellent work with the girls of the grammar schools. The guesta were P. L. Fountain, C. C. Hogue, E, I. Applegate, W. A. Deliell, Mrs. R. B. Wattenburg and R. H, Dunbar. . ? So much enthusiasm has developed among the Elks in bowling that a reorganization has been" made, in the winter tournament and two , more teams ijaye been..added.JiChoiflrs.tJ luuruuiuvuir watts uscu - mo'uifeuib 'when Lennox's team took three straight games from Rogers' players. Four teams, with twenty-fourmen. nCIU CUgabLU WIVJ MB, ivuiniuviiii The new organization which will play the first games next Tuesday will con tist of six teams of five men each. Games will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday . evenings, so that each team will play once each week. A meeting of all oMhc players has been called ror tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock- at the Elks' alleys to ar range tbe schedule and rules ot the games. The personnel of the new teams Is as follews: , C. A. Hnjlden, captain; W. O. Smith, L. W. Mehaffey, Geo. A. CatUey,-Lloyd Low. ., Dave Lennox, captain; W. G. Hous ton, Chas. I. Roberts, Geo. Cbastain, J. E. Swansen. H, M. Ackley, captain'; W. L. Smith, O. D. Matthews, R. A. Mitchell, D. V. Kuykendall. L. G. Van Bellen, captain; W. S. Wiley, R. R. Hamilton. H. H. Loewo, Oscar Larson. . J. B. Bodge, captain; P. O. DeLap. F. R. Olds. Et B'. Hall, R. J. Sheets, Leslie Rogers, captain; Johu M. Moore, C. E. Wheeler, C. H. Undor wood, Herb Barry. PHrolnuui Wns Heal. Robbc 1 OS ANGELES, eDc. 9-Although he '.-ccly admitted that he Is to blame 'or the robbery Wednesday of tho .MV.N-Farco & Company exprxrs driver, when $5,000 .n gold was taken, Patrolman Griffith today de nied any connection with -the Dre.' MIlllKan murder by a robber, and .clhe?"c,rlmes. Ho a i,'d strained flnan- .v .'strattrfv&lUii-4iuiL,ve tar W- PRICES ADVANCE DESPITE PROBE EGGS AND BUTTER GO HIGHER. "A 1 T y- N0RTHCUFFE1 .M. -p. Ju.i&i& j. ft, 1Kjf?iC."' r r v?isr -a' , A-f-- KXGLISHMAX MAKES COPYRIGHT STATEMENT TO V. P. J - Declares If Allien XoaeThis' Wart Against Teutons, AMerica' 'Mast .. Take Up the Cudgel fw, Eagt- c. f. V '" JfrL r 4.M gifakjK PcopicpTxkltjir4 ;$Ig Mt. -,-, K 'i . '?H. CirritiS.T,A qeorgo As ImportaHtto tberUsdte X' ' $w m k&ki States of,. America. T 1 r Trsrhers 1st Town. c. D. Ohorpenlner. t"ocher of the Mt.Laki school; Marion Ford, teach e.' ot Spring Lko-. F W, Sexton, icacher at Henley, and B. P. Alexan- gar; teached at Keno, nra' week-.-nd; vliltf-N In Klamath Falls. CHANGES PLEA; GETS FIVE DAY!! MAN ACCUSED NOT PROVIDING FOR HIS' WIFE IS GIVEN SHORT SENTENCE BY PLEADING GUIL TY TO THE CHARGE. After he had changed his plea or not guilty to guilty, James Mldklff late yesterda'y afternoon was sen tenced by D. V. Kuykendall. circuit Judge, to five days In the county Jail for non-support of his wtfe. , Mldklff has been In Jail since last April, He was arrestedthen In Mon tana and brought here on a charge ot non-support. When first arraigned ha pleaded not guilty, but after stay ing In Jail seven months his attorney, B, O. Thomas, persuaded him to' plead guilty and get a lighter sentence. He did this. nd Judge Kuyken dall gave him Ave' days. LONDON, Dec. 9. If the allieaj; lose the present war against Ger- many, it is America's turn next to wage war on Kaiser Wilhelm and bis people. r This is the gist of a copyrighted1 statement made today to the United 4M -;s?$- Vv ?' BOYCOTT . .BY SEEMS ONLY CHANCE TO AL LEVIATE CONDITIONS. HOUSEWIVES: 1ress uy MTi Nortbcllffe,. owner ot & CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Tho price ot many kinds of produce started up again today, despite the increased ac tivities of the government food probe. Eggs and butter went up today. It is believed that only a boycott bv housewives will remedy tho sit-! ualion, unless federal authority Is ex ercised. Fifteen wholesale grocers and Job bers have been subpoened to appear bcfoie the grand Jury. several of the. largest English news papers and an important flguro la the, moulding of English public oplaloa. Lord NorthclltTe said Lloyd-George, England's new premier. Is Important, to America. " Tfa florlarpH it was uij to Lloyd- George to win the present warsRi English-speaking nations ot U'pivi tlnents. ' , fM, (V Lord Northcllffe asssHed, that 'mt many's hatred for tbe-1lnlted'8tate. and her plans to colonise South Jl '1 1WI Mny Save Kje. A telegram received yesterday says that the specialist in Sam Francisco may save the sight of the injured eye of E, L. Hpsley, who left a few days ;.go to receive u'eminem. wneu rar, Hosley reached San Frnnclsco he could not see i?ro n either eye, the un injured one haiii,r become Inflnmci? In sympathy. ' Amerlea with German-sneaking men and women will be the cause of. what ho declares, to be an Inevitable con- fllct between these nations. 'Ut&y rorti uni opcuu mww j ii&i i.nnnnini T. I Tinl.A l.r.itl.- 'i'J'H net nun. 1-tJc. . -. -.j... - . fafrgsm ers makers of the Dodge motor car, ; "rMM today were granted a temporary la- -1 t,l Junction restraining Henry, Ford, fromj, M, u..iui- tin AAA AAA nt.nl MnMtia " f-&'X",'. UU11U1UK U ,1iiVv F" " , Rouge mer. m - ; rSSJWSM i-'P ..iiM Hire IUowb to, Piece r fW ALljliniunn, r.i vw, . "" ffl. BEiH men vere blown to adorns today when "Lgi .... u. friVTti esHT' m t tie Trojan powder plant explode," Business Men Declare J x 3 for Strahorn Railroad The Klamath Falls Business Men's" Association is solidly behind the movement for eaily construction of the. .Oregon-, California & Eastern railroad from lamath Falls to Bend'. This was decided last night at a spe cial I Inn Johnson and Chnrlea W, Eberleln were Invited to speak to the members of tW assqclaiion and explain the railroad situation. . m mm. - jfttHSSKt ' im$S( i ."a-' .e,- . iVrrK3 HPKSi'' .iPAWSi&r mtmm; .H Hw &$&?, ' 't-Tttor- lliuau niiuuiivM a Kff.H After these a-entlemen!ha4 and left, the assocjaUcm,pwd,frgj unanimous voie a iwiyntomn.wmtmir' ling that the j.$m'j .everything 9WM swswmbjjkw- riSSSS: .f ,VP ? o'thrurlao'tn hah'tWlt th M ..ll.j ....llnn. nf ll.o aosnpla.' in l It BMll..,-t,'ri'.., ' , ...... M.r y-"T"- - 7Zi:CTJUlm&&mtm. ',!? when W. f aui jonnsoir o. v. ahuhw wwi m pw mw-, w t i ..n o.,, rhnrlaa W. Khprlt-ln hold' next weak tafjrojshjMst AIM of iblnlahMUQ; he os j assuciHiiuu. . v ,..fv-.- ' ' . ,. :v jf i, sX 'iU Wh &'. ."4$