, :-;: ' - via Klermth Yn-No8,li KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1916 ?s Price, Ftwf CARS ARE HELD TO BOOST PRICES FREIGHT f ILLEGAL COLLUSION CHARGED VAMAMN'G EVIDENCE OF WIDE. MIIIKAD PLOT SECURED v ttrtala tativrwts are Charged With fmwgm . MBvcwmet of Freight Caw That Would Carry Food to Mark. Heece Keislag Irice of Smell Supply of Food Already Available. WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 8. Tie federal government bai posses- ties of dsmsglng evidence of a wlde- etrsed Illegal speculation la food la practically all ajarkeu of tka seen- try. according to aa oticlal kgb la ra service of tka government, and (iloJi closely' coaaeeted wlji tke Icdaral food probe bow belasj eon- dutted. J II declares tkat tka Investjfetfee thews that certala Interests. Syhjch cmtrol to some eiteat tke movement r freight can, kava been acting "in i vicious and Illegal collusion" to withhold food from the market, 4. The oHelal says the Information hbt len laid before President' Wil ton. KLAMATH WINS GAME 34 TO 27 MKIUIIMj TKAM ih defeated I.AHT NIGHT ON MERRILL vuHin nv pickup mi from "XCAMATH FALLS. v The basketball, game. Uat. night at Mrnu Between toe Merrill nign school and a pickup teamirom Klam ath PalU wan won by the Klamath Mil boy. The score waa 34 to 17. The game waa piayed aa a cubsti iV tuilon for tbeLakevlew-Merrlll game? ?e lakevlew team got atalled at Bly tad phoned from there of Its inabil ity to play last night. The Lakevlew bey i arrived In KUmath Valla today. The local boya who Invaded Mer rill last night' were John Hous'loa, Clarence Montgomery Clarence Len , Maurice GrAves and Jake 8tel lr. r " Hhlpped Yeatawday . . Two carloads of hoga were ablppid 1 the Portland markets ' yaaterday local atoekmea. Lpsla Berber hipped one earloart nad Oearge Of Hd the other. i First Forensic Battle Will Be Fought Tonight ttenlth Insurance, a subject that '"n year Is nttraotlng more attee,; '" In America mnd already itaui. n tried In Europe, will be debated l evening by the debating teams - .TtPreienUn T.abvla mnd Klunath f Kllh anhnAl. mk. .-v.i' IU V I 'A In Housttm'a opera beaee, ba amg at o'clock. mmiio o, Qroeaveck. Rev. Charles lurd and w. A. Dalaall will ludae tte aad Fred Feteraea, coaaty ideit, will prealda, BY PROBER ..- ,,--,---, ,---, nm, ,..,, . . KMMA IILOCK IS IIKIN'G THOItOl'UHIiY RKMODKLi:i The upper floor of the Einma block bna been remodeled from Ha. former conatructlon of a photo gallery to office rooma for Dr. A. A. Sbule. The Emma block la the building In which Roberta A Hanks have a hardware, tore and 'la one of the early brick bulldlnga of Klamath Falla, being built by Major Worden and named by blm the Emma block. The upper floor haa been divided Into hallway and eight rooma. dark room, laboratorlee, mechanotherapy room, oHee surgery, etc., and will ehortty be' fully equipped and uaed exclusively for medical oHces. It. J. Sheets la wiring the building for electric heat. DAVID-LLOYDJKOROK Kaaiaad's New Premier David LloydOeorge, regarded aa the moat aggreattve leader la the UrltUh empire today, naa ooeu i.-i-.i n h.urt ihn new cabinet which will repUce that at which Herbert Atqulth was the head until a few ilara ago. He will have a cabinet of aggrewlve men and goea Into omce 4uinui' tn Droaecute the war with far greater vigor than that die ..t.- Krf th Aaauith'a coalllloa cab Inet. Lloydaofgfwill hate .'the aupport of the waeraia aao w Forty. r Mualo will be furnished by the high chool orchestra and by the h gh school chorus, .which probably U the largest In the state, being msde up of over any voices. The Lakevlew high school will be represented by Breynton Finch; Ruby Currey and Toalngsen. Warn aths debaters will be Emma Honalk. Beatrice Henaley ana . uirow. - BTha contest thU etealBg la tte ijft cbsmpleaiklp rthtr diatrtstr- " ! 'eB ':- I "m mm. I I ssmttmml "' " mllllllllllllB' I' ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Bfi 1 mmmmmmKc Jammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi f VJ M HUsaHRI limlVl Faammmmmmmmmmmmff 11 IV 1 ammmmmmmmmmmmV Vi smf H I' vM , mml k naKBma lammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' , smmaamWmimmmBmBmmmV ' WW,WNWAWW,WW,,,,,,, Mormons Elect Jew SBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfe I BBmmmWsBBBBBBBBBBBBsmamlmmmwmi i SBWSDmQsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBiMlgaV'gal aa BB9asllUiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBnx''-'':V' saaBjaau 'BfgAmmmmmmmmmimfgai aWlmmmmmmmmmmBBWpi?&5il IsBBBBmmmmmmmmmmflkmmmmB IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSmmmmWMPmml HHnHHiUEyskeammmmml ImmmmmmmmmmmmmwPalsBBl SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBflBHMpilaBBBBa ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBgaBaBBBflBclaatBBBBBBai I SBBBBbVK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKg9BaBSaaBBBBBBBa I SBBBBBSV'' f 'IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBb9BibSe2SJ3SBBBBBBBBBBb1 ' liBKIammmmmmmmPmwHBmmmmil ami SBBBBBBBBBsaB9K-T.smmmmmVysBmmmm aB i ' E S? ' iJsmmmmmmmmmmV'sr ' Vs7 B H l 5sammmmmBmmV'-'? 5 'ami mmQmmxM&u&M&z& One of the curloua resulta of the late election vu he choice of. filmon Flamberger, ' Jew, aa governor -of Utah, which la controlled bythe Korjl mon church. Mir. Bamberger uv COUNCIL TALKS COMPETITION TO GETLOWERRATES tbirVCI. llftllllUft VUUirawClaAB BIS leWU" I'MVS POWER COMPAXIK8 OXKnty with all electrical; apparatus .u ! sTAWA tSa lv aa eatAatflaVaTr ataaVwmnwaiavA AGAINST ANOTHER TTLu " . 7 TT I both as to flguriaar.on the price and I r.r J" 'W- r- y; ' " "'"t, ' f?T' MftkvCIIroruKreof Powea pom. 'pajslvOpta;.Pt NewSeet sir tlag Syatem at "Lovr'Ftgare fore Aayoae Really Kaew the Keao Power Company Would Kvea Get Ut6 Klamath Fall. That the city council, under the direction of Councilman R; J.i Sheets, 'put one over" on the California- Oregon Power Company has been ad mltted. The council did this In con nection with the new street lighting system by pitting, t.het California Oregon Power Company against the Keno Power Company before the tat - -.--- . ter even had a franchise to operate In Klamath Falls, I WhenMr, Sheets was on hU trip to 'Portland aad the other northera cities, looking Into the purchase of our splendid fire engine, he also spent considerable time .Investigating all the latest street lighting equipment and when the time arrived to con tract' for the new system for Klam ath. Falls he waa. ' thoroughly In formed. He drew up the kind of a pontract that would be most advan tageous to the city and then quietly asked both power companies for bids! on furnishing llgh under the new system. . Naturally the California-Oregon Power Company-had to bid low to keep the business. from tne new com- nnnv. It was-awaruea tne cBrii, because It did bid lower. " " Ronalderable dlfloulty baa been ex perienced In getting material for thla mnrir hut the company waa favored h. iiia manufacturera and special att teutton was glveii to this order on ac-j count or previous is iw ri. unatnictloawrkx.alraady ac- csmpllahed-la v)sg!fiWf. H: -w- h Usl: nf-mitar lal has ad r&i$i&&teim:n 1 w. ; T as Governor of Utah wealthy merchant of Salt Lake City, where for nuay yeara 'he hae been held tn the highest, respect Ja Idaho, where the :Mormona are .powerful. wMtees Alexander was elected goveraor some years' ago. 32 per cent, so that the, original es tlmate of 110,000 for-this work will be increased considerably. The material for the new street lighting system has been purchased nn-i will begin to arrive in a week, The lights are to be of the latest pat tern and the system when completed will give to this city an up-to-date service. ' Great credit Is due to Councilman R. J. Sheets In the matter of this city 1 street lighting contract, :u bla famll II . itlry f rlghr to"be tarniahed'. URIG sssTR VPAMsVTO r '1 POWERS SaTOT OFF" FBOM I Alii 8UPPUK8. United "Press Service. LONDON; ' Dec. 8. Aa allied n1nr.w9.am' or aui nona di unices ia & ouaced 0y tne Freaoh tenreramaat. .Ti.t' i. niii'in ,ni sf Thlm measure U saaacted to cut ot absolutely all supplies from the Mag dom. ' '" Riches Almpttl Kill .Banker ru- &' United Press Service :&,- 1.O8 ANOELE8. DecjaVCThe bur- den of riches, almost kllieiAustla E Elliott, a bank teller. He was sup erintending the moving of 1960,000 from one vault to another when a ,tray loaded, with gold fell upon blm. He will be out of bed soon. WILL MAKE GERMANY HOW FAR FLKDG MACm WASHINOTON. D. 0., Dec. S. .The administration announced today that tbia government will eagae farther In brief dlploauM? negotla-rt(mrttkvOersMr:lrBe-a&iom- .&9mmmmm& j BU! ?.- . "lTTTuTr ' ..-- ' ALLIES BLOCKAOt ALL GRf K POtTS i VfMDBQIt VaamO HsHPS f'aiJMsesef.BB.Miji.pjPLfsjjjijj.M i tSlBmJsWiPmHsBFmm imr,, ?.ti!&&miMiSMihUyy &v- GERMANS NOW HOLD 8,000 RUMANIANS aawstaahavsastsatsasasakjsailsawjsfe MADISON SQUARE GARDEN IS BOLD FOB 8,000,000 NEW YORK, Dec 8. Madison Square Oardea was aold today to the New. York., Utt Inaaraa'ce Company for 11,080,000. It is the largest building under one roof and' will ac commodate more people than any ether atructure In the world. Many big prlseflghts, circuses and shows have been staged la It7 TWO SHIPS ARE SUNK, IS BELIEF FRENCH BATTLBBMD? WITH A 'I CREW OF .'iM.MaWHKUHVED .vomwnsm unkr also THOUGHT TO HAVE BHEN SUNK PARIS, Dec. t.-rThe Freach. hat The Suforn left Otb'ralUr'oa No- vember Itm anana.-aot aeet, beard frVW '(f KfiH7aeeofdiBg:te the Freeeh waafUp Office. &&itf$&&atifi?a&SCW LONDONjD, .SThe;' Anchor liner Caledonia', of ,000 tons', 'is be lieved to hsve been sunk. ' Witness tor Railways wmm ' Alfred P. Thorn, general counsel for the Southern Railway company, has been the witness for the railroad companies, before the joint committee of senate and house to investigate'' the railroad situation is connection with the operation of the Adamsoa law. The testimony and, -opinions .he-baa given represent he vlews'bf'themaa'- hgers brio rr ciit'ortU'rariwir, of the country. v M "" I mE ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmKK' IIliiimmmmmmmmmmGP: rMiammmmmmmmmmalll ySfMHfHSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlWW' sgeMTsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamjas iinlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnnnKf ammmmmmmmmmmmmrammlmi raBBBammmmmWE5sBBISaamHmmmmmat SmmlmmmmmmmmW Power ot Commission to Change Rates is Upheld The power of the Publio Service Commission of Oregon to tx rates of public utilities has agate been up held. The State Supreme Court' la a decision headed dowa Tuesday, a copy of which has just been received, declares that the commlasloa had law ful authority to flx rates- to be charged. This decision of the highest court of the; state weeeeeW Klamath Falm b'teaiss emm-fU tklaelt i v'J2" tosreewi ti Tiafr lerssl iTTssmmms rtmm7'jmiilwefmi$mi ,-' .A.rr , ,, ivi i THIS NUMBER CAPITULATE TO ENEMY IN ALT VALLEY Ben9 &wU0Tt&W&i&& C0 1 stir Folhrnfag Remef Frees palgB Aaaast Bethaiest He OCeeetve aa Oateethiaae. to Have Hem Heck WRh Loseof Life. BERLIN, Dec. 8. The Rumaalaaa to the AH valley capitulated today, loeiag 1000 mea aad as'cauoae.' ; The Raeslaa'eJteaslve" la 'the Car- pathtaas has fceea repulsed artly. '' PARIS, Dec; I. The Serbku.hav reaalaad the Genaaaa aad malimilmai jl Jpkgee ?atucks east of UeCeraa. ' Ian campaign. 11 1, swaCt"? ." ,"li-i -;!. SPORTSMEN ILL ELECT TUESDAY ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS IS SLATED FOR DECEMBER IB AT THE COMMERCIAL CLUB HEADQUARTERS ON FOURTH. '. The annual election of osscers pt 1 the KUmath Sportsmen's AseoelatieB. --" will be held jaext .Tuesdajr eveWicX; cccordiag to JaaMUacemeata' .hemw.s.'a! sent os(hjr- Jaaies H. SwaitBea; Jamc:'. ;JQ reury. 'The meeting' Is called for . .. J o'clock aad will be held at the rooms of the Klamath Commercial Cine. Secretary Swansea urges that j every member attend as coasMeraMei i Important business Is to be traae- acted. , ,- i ,.-. 5 Woet Carry Freight "' .. PHILADELPHIA, ..' Dec. , 8. The Pennsylvania railroad today f a nounced ah embargo- oa all fielghl west of Pittsburg, except pertsaaMea and government shlpmeats. Gear WASHINGTON,' p. C. Dee. sL Six thousand aatloaal guardesaeei re. turned from the Mexican herder Wit. he mustered out lmmediatsiy?'aased':; iiiiiiiiiff ee teeay. ") ., v the ordiaaace which, when will' provide what' rate 'are charged. te 'he- The deelalea ef the Supreme Oamrt was la the ease ot the City ef Weed' bora vs. the Public Service Oemrarn slon of Oregon. The history ef-th caae w that la October, lilt th cosamoaeeacll ef tke City ef WeeeV burn greeted by rdiaaaee and '!! UalteJSJTelephoae Cesapaay aeesfjesdl; a freaehise wUeh imwHted the eaeav ."jj i. J.t' M l i ZiZtii-itrltZr-LLL: m h - ' -V',':S v wm na .s i.Ti, i mm-wamJ '''juiia.ijiMB(aamwsEStMwssBgHmB B M mm M: Klj '.i-ii y&k, V .SJ.: .i-SSJ fill m , ViWi ! ...8&y