- ii" "5,v " sr?pipv7 "nmMiiAY.nwuKMB,,... THE ttVEMINQ HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Hi1 IMHUUllElijjjjJI A NEW LOT OF THOSE Celebrated Oregon Cassimere Suits $17 With Two Pairs Pants for Seventeen Dollars Just Arrived sssasaWJ?,.' " vv".l , 'vb. 'J..;- B 5.M st'OtMMI MM - " f - '- -' '" ..-;, ;-sbssbssssssbsbssbsbssbsssbssbsMM 'Ijj? Vl' I ' V y f s F. litr Bh BHHVUBk , V H " AbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV T BBS . BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSfBSKSSi 1. MBaBaBKfaBaBBBB f .""BPS'EBm 1- .afSW easm '-'t I 6fk $17 r r- ! is; : s. I ."., IW ' r 45.-. 4? . teak t.?v mu 8WR Y '-T. 23, Six ,J Mm sm.4" VB tV&l bbsbbbw&bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW'-SJsSJSjhsssVi Bl x BBBBkBbmBBkBmkBh 1 X. bbbbbb1BJbsssw3BjPbpbbbbb?bbb1 Bb - x. BBBIBBBiMMbvBTB Bb . I sKbbvBbIb9 HBMBMinillllllllllllHi "MM'MW'"W'' " ; Some choice hew browns, grey., blue, and other.pattems in winter weight all finely tailored with two M.v. n.nt. for the exceotionally low price of $17, exclusively at wwu w ww - - m - - K. K. K. Store-Leading Clothiers-Hatters J ""BBam WOMAN QUIETLY ENDS UFE IN HER HOME Ualted Preae Servlea SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 7. Mrs. Ha Adame, age 46. today penned her will, taut herself, in the kitchen of her home, and tamed on the gas. Bar, husband discovered her body when he returned home at noon for dinner. No cause for the suicide is known! . Christmas Is almost here. You will have to spur up a little bit if you get your picture iak- for Christmas. We are irking some very rlacsy jreric,.. Me Bend. Studio. ReaMsaber we have the only Photographic Skylight in the cky? which alone as sures you of the heat work. Then, too, our years of ex perieuce esafales us to give a piciate that HUle artbtlc touch that aaakea it beau. tlfuLy Doa't forget that. THE Bend Studio 1125 Mala Phone 27BW Grllllths ia Town. D. M. Griffith and wife and Johu S (;mth of Eagle Utdge came dnn (rem this summer resort yeitaraay, Hiit; fxoui Reservation. Joe Ball and John Lee Ball of the reservation are business visitors in Klamath Falls. Record headquarters at next door poetoflce. 17-tt DR. J. G. GOBLE The welUknown optician, is now in the city for an extended stay, with a view of locating in Klamath Falls permanently. If you wish to consult him, his temporary office is in the Jacobs block, over the Ashland fruit store, corner Third and Main streets. He will call at your residence if you wish. -tf FROZEN? HOW ABOUT YOUR STORAGE BATTRIES ' BETTER BRING THEM IN link River Electric Co. ARTICLES ARE .DISPLAYED The ladles of tho Presbytorlnn church have bsd on display their fancy work and other things which will be placed on sale tomorrow mor ning, at 10 o'clock In the room on Main street. Just east of. the West End grocery. Fancy work, hand painted china, oil paintings, colored Klamath county views, aprons and many other useful household acces sories are shown. Cooked food and candy, made by the Isdles. will con stitute the material to be found there. In the tea room the ladles, whose namea appeared yesterday, will be assisted by Mrs. J. J. Stelger In -serving there. Whv aot buv your Christmas Rec ords at Shepherds? 7-tf SOME CHEAP LOTS, -j Well, I sold that five-room house, hut have some very cheap lots. One on Eleventh street.apavement 40x120, for f4l5.0Q.aad a"; great big one on Johnson avenue forlMO.00. Terms are so easyVyou-'lltnever miss the money.. Better" act ow if you want one of them.. t-6t - CHILCOTE. X in TbajMostin f I CR7 Th. Bt Valu. ! Jm ILIXaCj Quality Your Christmas buying can be done with the most satisfaction here. Because it is the most convenient store, where you will find everything you want Find 'it always at as low; and generally at lower prices, than elsewhere. Where Christmas stocks are unsur passed, and you are served promptly and courteously. We are ready with a large slwk of CliriMtinas handkerchiefs and dolls. Children's' fancy box Handkerchiefs with- colored hemstitched border and "embroidered design in corner, at ISc box. Ladies' flue sheer lawn handkerchief colored roll or cord edge, some have embroidered corner or imitation tatting edge, 16c, 20c; 25e Ladles pure Unites handkerchiefs wiith hemstitched border, 28c. Ladles embroidered handkerchiefs la gift boxes, 25c box. Ladles pure linen lundkerchtef s with embroidered corner la .gift. Iwiwaa RJIn fwkV ' New creation fat, Character Dolls; all with bright features; beads and bodies that will stand liard usage. Romper dolls, painted features, 10c and 25c. Romper Girl or Boy. dolls, with unbreakable head, painted feature, novelty ngured rompers, 60c. GUIdolls with cheerful features, neat dresses, composiUoB haada and ii twmi asm nwhwiuhi hohiii wi dot), m Mght plaid, trimmed with lace, has attractive features, ,..' jMhjiad hair iuxd hair ribbon, S1.25. A r Al Ibjl Orders Are Filled Promptly w KU. A; - fiT-'lffft '-"" . 7 -A Record Talk Victor Records are conced ed the best In the world. The world's greatest singers, violinists and bands make records EXCLUSIVELY for the Victor company, and aro continually renewing their contracts, upon the same basis. A visit to the homes of these great Internationally " known artists always finds at least five Victor Records to one of any other make, re gardless of auperlor claims made by otberc. To show you how superior the Victor Record service is we have only to give a state ment of tho number of new records brought out this month by three-record man ufacturers: a 7 Victor Records for De cember 41 Columbia Records for De cember, y 11 Edison Records for De cember. v For a soft sweet tone and freedom from foreign sounds which are great Items In the home of ordinary slse the Victor Record always demon strates Its superiority. Last, but not least, many records made by artists who produce for all three compa nies are priced one-balf to one-tbird lower In Victor rec ords than the others. It la now unnecessary to in.Dge needles.for Victor rec ords, no matter what ma chine Is being played. The new Victor Tungetone point has solved this problem. For further information ass a. complete demonstra tion visit Victor Record Headquarters at SuTKRHERD PIANO DEPOT Next door to Pottomc SHASTA VIEW NOTES Wednesday evening about fifty guests were entertained at the home of F. H. Jobes. Music and games formed a large part of the evening's entertainment. We trust this Is only one of many such gatherings, as they help to break the monotony of tho long winter evenings, and bring us closer together as a community. Saturday evening there was a large audience at the school house, antici pating an Illustrated lecturo by Mr. Dunbar of Klamath Falls, but as Mr. Dunbar did not reach ua tho evening's entertainment consisted of vocal and Instrumental music the latter by the orchestra, election ot officers of tho Literary Society, and the young peo ple spent about half an hour playing games, much to the amusement ot the older ones present. Harry L. Martin autocd to Silver Lake Thursday, returning Sunday evening. ' a. E. Hunt, and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of an eight pound girl afttielr home, November 26th. Henry Voss and family ot White Lake were auesta at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ben Dahtci, Thursday. Ollle Martin Is homo, for tho winter. afterspendlng some time working for the -Pelican Bay Lumber company. 5 ,fj - 1 I Mr.-and, Mrs. Alexander Garrison leave soon to spend the winter with their children in Southern California. They will be Joined at Klamath Falls by C. C. Miller and wlfe.'wbo will also spend the winter in and near Los An geles. Vlasta Dobry, who is teaching at Henley, spent Thanksgiving vacation with her parents at Shasta View. The Clover Club was entertained nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8, Barnes Friday evening. The ladies of the Helping Hand So ciety were entertained by Mrs. Kdua Garrisou Wednesday. AMERICAN TAKEN AGAINSTPROTEST RICARDO SOUS, AMERICAN ClTI-j ZEN, IS REMOVED TO MEXICO FOR MILITARY TRIAL, DESPITE CONSUL'S PROTEST. United Press Service BROWNSVILLE Doc. 7. -Rlcardo Soils, nn American citizen, was ar rested today nt Motnmoras on n triv ial complaint and ordered taken to Victoria, Mexico. Ho will bo given a military trial there. Soils was removed over tho pro test of United States Consul Johnson. Johnson reported tbo affairs to Sec retary of State Lansing. i-inrinnnnririrrr-i-i"-r ' ------------- Moving Pictures atialo Fine Arts production, '"Tho Kdso of the Abyss." n powerful drama directed by D. W, Griffith who made "The Ulrth of a Nation" famous. Tht other half of the program Is far from dramatic, as a matter of fact patrons will see ono of the greatest mirth-li-.i.voklng coniiiltts thnt ha rver been thrown ou tho Star screen. Tho title of the picture Is, "The Sub- marine I'lrnlu," th c,vf runmikM Is none uthur tlmu Hjtl chaplio brother of tho fiuuoui Charlie, tk eullro four r;U nro brimful of t. tlon. In "Thu Submarine I'irate" Chaplin mid nu nlUtur bunch of comedians put over one of the Wit Koyatouti commlte ever featured og any proicntm. Tim doublo bill m be proMCiited lit luunl price. Tooth Paste Society (Tnltad Press Seme NEW YORK, Dec. 7 For $5 any body may see New York's choicest society girls representing tubes of well-known tooth paste, fancy hos iery, boxes' of chocolate, Ico cream freezers and what not. They will thus appear at a charity ball. The list of patronesses includes Mrs. Vin cent Astor, Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Jr., Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt and othern. ayVMMWMWMVMMWrWAi "Black Friday" will bo seen ot the Orpheus theater today and Friday. It Is a five-reel Red Foithcr feature) production and tho plot Is n stirring romanco of loyo and tho stock ex change. The enemies of Richard Strong, a power on tho street, plan his downfall while he Is away on his honeymoon, but the plot docs not sue-! cecd. However, one of tho plotters Is' not entlsfied with trying to rob Strong of s fortune, but tries to tako his wiru as well. This plottis more success ful than tho other, but In the end tho two lovers aro reconciled after a thrilling time In Purl a during thu rev olution of 1871. Ono of tho biggest and best pro grama of tho Hcaxon will lx presented ut the Star theater tonight. The pro gram has been selected from tho best offerings of the Triangle output. Mary Uolnud, ono of Filmland's favorite screen stars, will bo seen In the Trl- SSBSSBSSSBSSSSf Our Perfumes For Christmas Bottled perfumes, packed in extra fancy holiday boxes especially for gift giving. Dainty and alluring, in all the many popular odors includ ing the latest productions. Also in sets of different odors. 25c to $5.00 iffiderwoo ww iWv KLAMATH TA1JLS OREGON rwiQf whcrc najrricuuut koplc BUY THEIR DRUGS (AcruUcvi Watch Repairing AT CUT RATE PRICES Watch crystals 10c Main springs , GOc Watch cleaning f0e jewels ....... ..,,.,,.. ,7oc Two expert watchmakers and en gravers employed. Railroad watch repairing a specialty. All work war ranted for one year, Give us a trial and you will be convinced. T. G. McHATTAN, ORPHEUS THEATER THURSDAY ANDFRTOA Y Emory Johnson a4 Dorothy Daven port m "BLACK FRIDAY" A Red Feather Photoplay in Five Reels "AMERICAN BLOOD" ' Third BplMdtxf "Lwerty" EVEN REELS GOOD MUSIC Admlssioaj, Taa Caata "UBtfftTVf - v livery Thursday aad Friday H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DECEMBER Iftth and 10th "THE LITTLE GIRL NEXT DOOR" DECEMBER 18 KlllHOn-Whlte Lyceum "THE ORIOLES" Miss Orah Harkncss, Reader. Miss Ethel Boyd, Soprano. Miss Madge Becker Whistler. DECEMBER 3S KKOVGAARD Denmark's Greatest Violinist and New York Metropolitan Company. STAR THEATER Thursday Only Triangle Day Big Doublo Bill "THE EDGE OF THE ABYHH" Starring Mary Hols nil Flno Arta Drama In Flvo Acts "THE SUBMARINE P'RATE" Keystone Comedy In Four Parts, Featuring Hyd Chaplin No advance In prices, TEMPXE THEATER "The Private Banker," Sellg Drama In Two Parts "The Mysterious Double," Kalem Comedy "The Intruder," Essanay Drama In Two parts MERJULL OPERA HOUSE ' MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Marrlll, Oiaaen ,,:A H Chests of Silver And Other Gifts for the Home For the mobwm who keeps house there is no lf unite mi welcome" a chest of Silver Flatware. Her pride hi this prmiit will nctcf esd. She will use It with extreme delight on occnMon when "h k "" particular about the settla ot her table, and show ll wllh rdoel pride to ail her friends. Moreover, It Is a pro. ' l,ok' umlif will enjoy. TIm quality of silverware Upp sell I '"' ,0 te ,""' turned than Js the quality of a government coin. r Chests of Community Plate $17.50 to $75.00 There are many exquisite patterns to choose from. Silver Hollow.ware, Mantel Clocks, Cut GIsm ff'rl llrrUB f select distinctive gift for the home. Wide rholc I off"1 ,B at Upp'n In the newest products of the forcmM nlufwt,t, Ifand-palNtcd Vases, SI JO to T8llver Sugars mid Creamers, llanil-nalhted Plates, TSotefS.00. to f I.OO, 8(aa. Hand-painted Vaaes, Sl.M to T.MMantel Clock, f;',;"'wV; V (ut Glass BowKM.SO to flB.eO. Alarm Clocks, ':'w ' Cut Glass Baskets, S1.00 to SS.SO. Kitchen Clck, fi.w. '.. FRANK M. f TDD bmtm TT T Jeweler 433 Mainf J 1 'ST psssaaaaaaal.' V'lv-ssbb1 ''..-W wrv,: ES5vjjysj