- VtJ-!, V ; -t i ,. .V,tf. i. I THfKSlAV DKCKMUKft 7, HUfl . flOYS SENTENCED 10 STUDY FIRES jtWlH MAKKS TMliM WATCH MM fOitKHT KIIIK AND ItKFOBT ON OIIKVATIONH ItLOAUHK T1IKV VtrnK CAItKIKrtS. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLI, OftEGON t i I'nM I'""'"' Service ' ,03 ANOW.HB, P"J!. 7.- Two boyi loictily convicted li a Urn Angeles urt of leaving n rum nil re burniii', In l!i Angeles NflllMi'U Forest wuro mntficcil to visit tin ixono of a for tit (Iro nir Nowlmll, Cnl., whore 400 icrei ' tr""' ovor ni,,l Property to the initio of $100,000 wne do troyed, nnd to rnnko luly r tbo dtmKo itono. Hlx months Intor tlioy ire to report to tlio Judgo and toll him whrlhor they Itnvo dono no nml whit Iomoiib tlioy hivo loarnod. Wnr Oddity . .. AAA . , LANUELL VAURY NEWS . ,,, On ttt uvtiiliig of November 2tb peopU of the iiilgiijjuMifuM uti,.,u.i In the old adiool houno. After im uu. ijoy.il.(, iiioKrinii by tin. nclioul .lil. dien, lunlntcd by tbu Lunged! Vulloy MiIiik iirrliPHtra, buukeU wn sold (Tlion dnncliiK was enjoyed until :!::io . m wl.cn nil went home, reporting n very pleasant time. Tin. hui.i of fTT.SD wnu made, nml (bin will U jupod for nn olUtovo nml nuierlnls for tcrviius not lunches In n. Hcbool. Tlih yemr tlio Hcbool board linn In Mailed nn up-to-dnto boating nml von tllntlnK plnnt In tbo hcIiooI. Tlioy l.nvo i.Iro purchased i until tnry drink ing fountain, HOmo oor-oll, mid nt. urgnn. Willi thcim Improvement!) In tbo h'bool boiiKD It tookx iih though vo would hnvu to pnrt wltb tbu wige brtiHh In tlio ynrd nml clnlm our stnn dnrd hcIiooI h'.oii. A very dollghtrul TliankHKlvIni; 'Inner 'iii nerved it tbu homo of 'Mr. nnd Mr A. C. Dunrnn. It vine enjoyed by nil propent, who were Mr. nnd Mr. A. C. Duncan. Mr. nml Mrs Wm. Diinrmi, Mr. nnd MrH. Kdwnrd niitirnn Mr. nnd MrH. Merle Kllenre. Mm. (leorgo Deal, tbu Mlwa Adah! nnd I.oln Ferris, Noln Doil, Frnnrls Cnnrnd, Mnrjnierlto Lord, Neva Mc New Head of British Fleet and American Wife SHEFFIELD. Dec. 7. Women eroro dilvcru mo employed In n Kront . rtt. .. ..... .. ........... ,t wotKH uore. mi7 e..r .,.:... pynnl ,, ,.,, ,,, , , Ilea drew of cbocolato brown with Cnr Vt!trit) ltml t,f(JM blue irlmmlngi. nml vlrR ril, ilt.llIllll(, n,, 8hl.lly KIlRore, Km nk Doil nnd Alcxnndrrj -ml Vernon Dun can. iiaHHjjlWVWVIir! !! ' Klamath Floral Company We bnvo taken over (Im: bui nt of ll.o Klmiuillf Floral com (winy from Mm. h. II. lUtlt, nnd n III endenror to glre tlws imbllc ll.o very Ixwt of Mnrlee. All or dem for funernls promptly filled. Cnll nnd evo your onlera for ThaiikKKlvliiK anil Xiim holly anil doner. Office at Klamath Transfer Co. I'lioneK Offlra SOHI, Ilea. SIUY Mm. T. J. I'm! her anil Mr. II. J, Hliiiuiet-N Night Court is i 1 ned in Frisco I HAN FKANCI8CO, Dec. 7. Spend Iiik tbo ulKbt In Jill will become ti Iomh populur pnntlinc after tonlKht, becniiNe tho new city nlgbt nnd wo nien'n court opens tonight. Tbo flmt rno will be henid bofriro I'ellco Judge Timothy I. Fltzpntrlck of Court No. 1 at 1 1 p. in. Court hoh nIoiib will continue until 2 n. in. when tho judge retires. .Anyone arrested up to that hour provided he Ib not cbnrKed with n felony or wan not un der the Inlluenco of liquor when taken Into en h tody or nrrcHicd on n wnrrnnt will be tried nt tbo night court If he demandx. The week following Judgo Fltz pntrlrk'n hIIIIiik I'ollcn JudKO John J. Sullivan will iirculdo nnd bo will be followed In order by JikIkch Mnthew llrudy nnd MoitIh Oppcnbclm. i mil it fflmmt mmmm '" ?' ' -u)t ti.MZZJ-sei''' AIIIAL ANP LADY DEATT f The npi.olntmcutof Sir David Ueat-Hbnll Field of Chicago. They wero ty (o command of the grand licet of married hi 1001. Admiral Beatty Is (Jrcat Ilrltnli. Is of particular Interest only 45 years of nge, and Is conse to AiuerlrniiH, because Lady Hoatty Isuontly tbo- youngest man who has nn Amei Iran woman. Rho was IHhcl cier bad full charge of Great Britain's Field, tho daughter of the late JInr- main fleet. , Imwwwwwwwwwwmwwkwmw Cily & County Abstract Co. AHHTItACTtt IXHtltAXCK Mombor OreRon AiMclatlun Title Men . WWWMIWIWWWWWWW.WWWW W ' 1)11. F. M. WllfTK , Kye, Kar, Noae and Throat Kyc TeNtel ilaMc Kilted t!U7 Odd Fclloua Ilulldlng OrotVM Heron to Get AlgielK United 1'rcnB Service. II 10 I)K JANKIItO, Dor, 7. Sen born I'epn Cntarlo, nn enterprising lady of this city, Is mnklng n hand somo Income today by raising llrnzll- Inn herons, the bird tbnt produces 'tho aigrette so highly valued by mllndy'H milliner. Ecnliorn Cntnrdo claims tbo feathers produced by her birds nro more, beautiful than tho'.o brought In by hunters who nro obliged to kill tho wild birds to obtain their coveted head crests. Way for Distribution oi Relief Supplies is Open Athletic Girl Slapt LOS . ANGELES. Dec. 7. The Gummen'g Protective Union la un doubtedly speeding 'the tldlsga that It Is poor business to try to rofc, an athletic plrl nnd her beau, especially If the holdup It aa Y Interruption of their leave-taking. 'Two yontha at BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLES TAKBTALT AT PlRtT tlQN OF LAMM IRRITATION OR iACK ACHB The Aaerteaa aea aad weaaea must i i midnight' appeared before Lonla gM e itantly agaiaat klteey troti- Mln? nnd M!s4 Ellen Marria tost aa Me. taaame we eat toe MMk aad all they 'were saying "Goodnight" and! or food ta rleh. Oar Wood to Med commanded them to hold up their '"He add wale the ktdMya atrrre to bands. The girl and man compiled,' filter out, they weaken from overwork, but Miss Harris resented fte.efert of one robber to take her rlnga from her fin Kern and she slapped his face. Ming nt once landed a stiff right en the bad man's Jaw and the two youths fled. MAN OF 70 FATHER . OF TWIN BABIES become sluggish; the eUmtnatlve tis sues clog and the result to kidney trou ble, bladder weakness nnd n general decline In health. When your kidneys feel like lamps of lead; your back hurts or the urine to cloudy, full of sediment or yon are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; If you suffer I with sick headache or dlssy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you nave rhen- electing ofkers ot tn year 117 and lllfj CHAJ W. rtACKUuU C-11-lt-t -Hersefy I Passengers 0 - -' . ,I?wf Ja y amiDajiMR .1 . R." "!J,Jj Aiywlrfre it tic Gty I Qck Servicer 4J : . :fi PHONE 187 , POMONA, CaL, Dec. 7. Lew Mere- -.oe-. --,. the weather la had. dlth aee 70, of Laverne, waa long past (,, yom pharmacist about four! i.j aisc wiieu .uOU uu, .. ounces, of Jad Baits; take n Uble "grandpa" before he decided it waa ,500, ta a giu, ot water before time for him to settle down, marry ,,. tnr m. r rfan mm mr fcM- and raise a family. As a result'of bis n-YB - then act ana. This famous " marriage a year ago, twin daughters .., . ,.. trom .. -.,, of mTim ' r . - ... . -aa : ' t arrived at tne Mereaitn Bousenoti. .d wiiiaii tole. eawhlnod with uthls. and fcaa ham. need for maeratioaa to . ,v w ir its worm naving, irs wona w ouilnir. Ask Clillroto. ' 7 Westers Trusftr Coawaly w -s;-". rrvy A. "4lZ ? ' .fl '? tr? r "AWUmmlm Y(3H Ev-y Drop" MM Oat a eaa aeday frsaa KaMMeaV yew hardware er ere. MWMjinpW carydaalar. fSBBBBBBesBBn flush nnd stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralise the acids In the urine no it no longer ta n souree of irritation, thus' ending bladder troubles. 1 Jad "alto to Inexpensive; cannot In jure, makes n delightful eServescent lithla water beverage, and bekmae ta every home, because nobody can make n mlatage by having n good Kidney flushing any time. Adr. GENERAL ELEOIIOK OF THE HORSEFLY IRRIOATION DW- TRIOT. I Notice Is hereby given- that on Tuesday, January 9, 1916, there will be a regular election of the Horeefly Irrigation District for the purpose of new sap FOR 'MEN 'AXB aWOTi' OT iz &.'& A.S fin . amduamy aastftaiaVr sbbb? sjalm.tVk saaai! boy- rtK:iw.;i. w. -- 'll anaUn kLVr JVUT vaVnUB7nrB PRPa 3 avJJaW, TR jmdlnalsjat.; )fMWA mt aid asMSS) SBsflI lUr.i'.ry - . M " fMejvTI UBWvsufHJnuTgsj' Brine ta. yewr eld havens anre f-aFSWf 1 ' FboneXSO Tl 'wj: Af ,A Jr "Ir Hurety bonds hllo you unit. Se) Clillrnle. 7 It's remarkable bow children out-grow their smocks nnd frocks, their playthings, their childish ways, und most of nil their photogruphs. Only photographs will keep them ns they nro. Mnke the appointment today l'HONK :l WMUWi Opposite Court House 327 MAIN STltKLT YOU CAN FIIEK YOURSELF Suroly from old age, poverty and desolation only by your own foresight and prudence. You cannot depend on others to pro vldo for your comfort. A sav ings bank account started while you nro young will be your sal vatlon In Jater. yeara. Better tart it at once. .school every day. I gave tho teacher some money to send you. There are soma things I would like to send you. 1 We are going to send you some more ( money laier on. 1 hope to find you In 1 peace. I guess you are not happy be cause, you nro about to starve. Prom your friend, Dl'incb McClelland." Not only tho pic&ldcnt In hi? Thanksgiving proclamation, bl,t the Fcdeial Council of tho Churches of Christ of America, and tomo of tho lending pastors of New York, and oll'cis. Including Dr.. V. T. H.innlnc. rector of Trinity church; Dr. John H. Jowott, pastor ot tho Fifth Avenue Presbyterian chinch, and Hon, Joseph II. Choate hao Issued niij appeal urg ing the churches of America to take offerings for foreign relief. Studying North American Way SAVINC feril.. ANK FIRST STATE M SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON United Press Sorvlco NHW YORK, Dec' ". Tliat tho( way Is open In nil tho war-stiicltcn countries of Europe nnd Asia for tbu distribution of relief funds and sup plies, 13 tho statement upon tho eve Thanksgiving, of ticasuiers and other officials of orgaidzatlons for war re lief, nearly all of whoso headquarters nre In New York. Among these treasurers nro Finnic A. Vandcrlip, Henry Clews and Cbniles It. Crane. This situation Is true of France, Ger many. Knglnnd, Belgium Austria, Pol-ind, Itusbla, Serbia," Armenia nnd S.Mila with exception. Dlstilbut'on Is not so easy In some of these coun tries ns in others, and not so easy In lome poi lions of so:ne of those coun tries as lu some other portions of them. It Is certain, however, because It U being done nil the tlmo, that funds Intended for r.ny 0110 or tho suffering countiltM nro distributed economically and vltb lltllo dol'iy. DltRrulty ns to cllsti tliutloii or relief It lt longer u rea?ou for withholding Klfts, If It hcj beirn reison at nny time Tills li truo of Poluul oven, nc eonlli'R to tho9 in netted with I'iO fund ft-r PolitU lui'eL 'hoso founder nid bend H 1bi'' Pa Torewskl nnd whosotrensurcr I.' Frank A. Ynnder-. P I ''The only real difficulty now," said tm ofllf'i'l of n woil-known relief or Kf.nlatjoii today. "In tbu way of nde uunte icllof Is tm.' tbu rocrican peo- lpl do not yet re-.Ho Ibo awful need, nor Mint tbo reet'. i daily lncronslng' The P.dgian comifis.ric!. nserts that thii need in Pelglum 1 greater tlnn OVPr 111 spile OI U emumon unit. that the need there bur In large meii uro l'i'eii lellovel He'iuso Amcrioa hns ghen il3,O0OCi-O for Delglmi lellef Two hundred und fifty million dollars hns bscn spent in America by tbo comnflsalsn for food, clothing r.nd other necessities, but it is pointed out tbnt America hns glvontlo-s than five per cent of tbnt amount. Tho relief onircrs in New York note thnt tho children or America are re sponding to tbo neod on tbo other, ui.io with IncreaslnR amounts. . Tho f incoming mails contain many tbous-'ngrlcuUml and public works mlnls nnds of most Interesting and touching tor in tho Argontino republic, has letters from Amoilcim cblldron, surh been In tbo United States for somo as tho following from a llltlo girl: tlmo to mako u study for tho benefit "I urn bo sorry you nro starving lo of his people Ho hnaxbeon entor denth. All of our schgoUwlll get us tained by those .Interested In Pan somo nouoy to send you, Wo go tof American nffulrs. ( '! asBBBBaS?lvViWBBVPP WMnawwwllaBewsiSMHi Dr. E. It. Mexln, who has beon both JUMP FROM BED IN MORNING tm jr Jfy w 1 4 f y 4 '. iv Vfrr , :pi DRINK HOT WATER &. J3l W&&&, .rrj i' I" "1 V5: t. w .i.r, -' Us ! Open "sluices of system each morning and - wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter, says authority. s.. ., ' :m$x -&VT"' - -j,. . . . - ? m'- -m A glass of hot water with a teaspoontul -olv .- limestone phosphate in it, drank each. morning before breakfast; keeps us looking and feeling fit. u'W Life is not merely to live, but to live well, eat well digest well, work well, sleep well, look. well. What a glorious condition to ' attain, and yet how veryasy it is if one will only adopt the morning inside bath. Polks who are accustomed to feel dull and 'heavy when they arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, caninstead, feel as fresh as a daisy by open ing the sluices of thetsystem each morning and flushipg out the whole of the internal poisonous stagnant matter. . l. -Hl fying the entire alimentary canal " ; before putting more food intd . the stomach. The action of hritftfJe ' water and 'limestone phosphate $!? on an empty stomach is winder? tfJ&i', fully invigorating. It cleans' but t. an rne sour TemienuiuoiiH. gunua.i: v. w- - --- - - - - w rw w .- s-tiTi -" 'W'Mil nrne4a n-nrl A.il.llf'ir nvi1 nrilTAa SYMA a splendid appetite for breakfast.,; A ?A While you are enjoying. youPiAai breakfast tlie water 'and phbivf phato is quietly extracting a law,.; volume of water from the blood JWa and getting ready for a thoroughVl flushing of all the inside orii',j The millions of peopp; whow are bothered with constipAtipnl TaQss Everyone, whether ailing, sick bilious spells, stomach, trbubie, "S$$g or wen, snouiu, eacn mormng, - rneiunausm; omem wuu.vnyownr-, before breakfast, drink a glass sallow skuia, blood msorderRBD(v' SlCKiy complexions WV WTua:;-- get a quarter pound of liiniaKOitt.lev' nhosnhate from the ,dru':st6alfe which will cost but Uttte,!$Mt C tU suflScient to' make anyonettpNKY l - l tiouncert crank on, tne svojeetiOtT internal sanitation. .Atw.t of real hot water with a teaspoon ful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible -waste, sour .bile and poisonous toxins; "thus cleansing, sweetening and puri- yj$.m& 'tiit4- t-'- " . . UJiy t v, r s? f' , &sam&& T-'tf ' ",7 - C .."." i 1A-JV. i ... n v a i' ' 11" i ' " .' . .1, .. vf mrtw vm' , d & .j b Wi M V fe-1 m : rvvri - "&, 3,i j'.iitti- ryrTTi.' t ic ;. ,", j ,rmi IP r-A- ij. V M ' fr'r. fhl&$ i3-? ft iit it4.i k's . 'Aru . f . f -as. ' 1 "&' oSK-: '.-8.i ?iit' r?a?j irJ aKX.fig, r 'fi-IVUiS- &&& nml' fei ?;l."?3 m vmm "& MM r-xxan,t y.Mm W'MM MiwrJi pssata n .. 1 IWaGK" mk i SSiKr' ' fbai-r ;mn .Tf-in "V VJ6 sv W-T,8, j.. 't -.ri WM mJr rsKfSt.toff 1 itZsm&.l py&sf & 1 sesar mn 'ASSW 3 VSSffiVJl m&L m' mn Wm mr tK hk. ; p; &9 rV'f : r MS& Afrit $. i - PM.J WW; $,? ,- SlWsflr-v. sXJSiffirt. FM f , M( JV " .te vj vto ".". v A, .ssr'." '-ivj