s tl "W f :iH irkttt ".., . I.J-1K. FT? ' 'i& . V. L 'ii& &x X V, & ' ln- k. i if., n , 8 - m lb -i I 1U K u l"r 'Jf f . 4. m. hf.-. ihi evx , W,1 . .mj W ' .. . 'r&?"l ;xi .11 V " g' U-S3r n iyv i ,!, WO vening Herald ;j. W. O. SMITH, Editor, r Pattahea telly except Sunday by W 'TM Herald Pabllshlng Company cf n.. viuuik Fans, at 115 rourin sireeu IW?:?, - . lend at' the postofflce at Klamath rallsVOregon, tor transmission through Urn mail as second-class matter. abserlpUoa terms by mall to any address im the United States: Oiw year '5.00 Om Month, 0 jTHUnSDAV, llKCKMIlKK 7, 1010 HeraM's Classified Ad vs. ----- ' mmmWi FOR SALE FOR SALE! Harnes touring car, ut good condition. Seo G. E. Arnold Howie Garage. "-If FOR SALl-i J300 Krell-Frcnch piano for $250. Mrs. O. E. Sclti. Call at 648 Esplanade or phone 2 24 It. G-3t FOR RENT Newly funrlslied apjrt- ments for light honsekceplng. in- eluding fuel, lights and water; nro-j proof building. Main. Corner Third anuiis -5t ma i.KSnnn voune driving hones, two young milch cows, and ten doien White and Brown Leghorn I chickens, road. Will Humphrey, Merrill 5-3t MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Furnished apartments at Oregon House, Sixth and Klam ath. -3f MONEY TO LOAN on city and ranch lands. Arthur R. Wilson. 14-tf FOR RENT Two nicely furnished roems: furnace heat: close m. Phone 273M 4-6t HOME CARE in sickness. Rates rea sonable. Phone 273M. 4-6t WANTED Job as night watchman or any kind of odd jobs. J. C. ' Llklns, room 15, Houston hotel or ad dress general delivery. C-3t Watch Repairing "- AT CUT RATE PRICES Watch crystals ic Main springs 50c Watch cleaning 50c Jewels . 75c Two expert watchmakers and en gravers employed. Railroad watch "repairing a specialty. AH work war ranted for one year. Give us a trial and yon will be convinced. T. O. McHATTAN. "Here's your -T:taa check" Mighty fine, when some jinx lays you up, to have yoHr wife liand you the envelope that cornea regularly from your -r"Etua JMsnblliry Policy. JETNA-IZE ami any little sickness or accident be comes a joke, f 100 to f2SO to you eery, four weeks; otber payments. 7 CHILCOTE, AGENT not Mala St. AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR A TEA AND tULPHUR TURNS RAY, FAOID HAIR DARK AND LOMY AMMat arwyaM knows that Sane Tw M4 atalylHir, nreperly eouBounded Ma bMk tke natural color and lus- Jx to tfea hair wke faded, streaked or . Yeare tte only way to get tala atlxtiire was to aaake it at borne, wMeh to mwuiy and troublesome. Nowadaya wa slaaply ask at any ing store for "Wyeth's Sage and 8ul- tker Coaspouud." Yon will get a large toUlt of tkla M Um rwalff iMfrar d hv tha addltioa of other innradiemts. !ler about M eeats. Everybody usee 'faig yrefaratlM aov, beeaiue bo one mm aoMlUly tail that yoa darkaaed yaw fcalr, at It does It so naturally and fCf,f i tfonlr. Yon tunses a sponge or soft kH 5oNw WW M, " draw tw trough sKV'VKvr hair, takiaa oae small strand at $tiyU Phlrrrnlw the gray bslr dta- ' VMMW row JMV asssasas eavu- y'-Mm yarn y ar. WweU's iiMt'imtmmimi to Mt. MtCiatsMaMto. K to to4-4a4 i"'m m mm wlpHw or nre.-u- m FIRE FINDER IS PROVED SUCCESS ositonxK Kixonu ron iokkst rmi:s found to in: si'tri'ss-j lfl'1. AND 18 SKXT TO WASIII(5-l TON FOll KXHI1IIT. PORTLAND. Dee. 7. Hltilet Pot-' efter George 11. Cecil of Poitland hai I .m nhiupcd a complete Osborne Iiro- rr.uvr outnt to vssni.it:iu u. .. iu ch bit purposes in tin: Etist 1 i,t inatrnnie.-f was Imputed by W 1'. Csbornc of tU3 Portl.ind oiVe or U' Forest SeM hv and hns pnwcd a T.n'plete succ. One bundled nnl '.onty-flvo oi ttio llro-nmlers v.iu used by look hi. mn on the Na Iiii.:iI Forests if Orowi and W.ish-j i'Piir. during th? -ji-" i c. 1I. II ii-tnl typo cf InbtrvtiiPnt that i m use nl the tMouat Hood lookout na tion 11,22." fee: ah've sta level. The ftre-Onder consists of n mots! piaio ji memr in uhuuv,, u...., a topographic map of the region where It Is used. A graduated circle iaia oui arounu me mi'. v w.v; center of the plate Is pivoted an aMdndc consisting of a straight edge Sand two sights, with an arm extend ing across the circle on which tho courso of the line of sight from the Instrument to the fire is read. The plate and alidade are mounted on a short track which permits sliding tho plate, when necessary, to avoid a post or window frame in sighting on a fire. The Instrument is securely mount- mi nn n RiiimorL ai me iiruiifi iiuik.ii . for convenient use ard the map, oriented so it Is "square with thu world.' wnen useu in me open whe'p there are no obstructions, the trac-k Is unnecessiry. There is a rimple attachment rn the sights which remits reading the , e-tlcal angle of the Are und.ir oh- , servation When a fire Is discovered. the lockout man turns the alitlatlo tirttl he has a J.r.e of sight on tre ll-o and reads tl)-.' true bearing ou the' graduated circle. He then reads the vertical angle of the fire. Refej-rinf i to his topographic map he plats a pro-' hie of the country along tins line hi Bight, and, by drawing the line indi- c?lnd by the vertical angle, locates ornoo1 to adolescence is hound up with f nds the fire at the point wnere tnis Una Intersects "the profile. The wohle operation takes less than five minutes and the fire is lo- Mls3 JuIIa c ithrop, tells in herl cated without the necessity of wait-fourth annual report made public to Ir.R until a second course upon It is day reported from another station, est A' stuU. oflnfant mortality In Man was formerly done. .' Chester. N. II.. completed this c:ir. The Osborne fire-flnder Is already adds cv,denco that wnen t))e n general nse-ln this district and 1 1 . , aro ,ow or the Is expected that it will beome Irt . work out cf ,ho ,l()me th(J of the standard equipment for firei n mortaIIty rate te exceptionally lookout stations throughout the co-lhi Manchester It varies from try. Requests for the Instrument have, fmjr wherc ueen receiveu uy air. v.ecn iruui uic Canadian Forest Service and from a number of private timber owners as sociations. NOTICE (or deatn or tne motner lessens mo After December 6th we will make bay.g chancc8 for ,fe and health, only one delivery a day. In the morn- Th& i,ureau haa prepared a statistical Ing at 9 a. m.. delivery will leave tl(ly of materna, mortality and finds store for all houses west of Sixth that 1Sr000 mothcrs die year by year street-, at 3 p. m., will leave storey tnU country ,rom ,arge,y preVent for all bouBes east of Bixth strcFt.ab,0 cauges ,ncdent to maternity and This is done on account of the lncre;.3-'lhat tfce death rat0 from materna, ing. cost oi living, nnu we are iryinB to kepp pi Ices down. KLAMATH DKIT. STORK, 5-5t A. C. Giengcr, Mgr OP! BACKACHE! RUB LUMBAGO OR PAIN FROM BACK WITH HUH STIFFNESS AWAY SMALL TRIAL IlOTTfcK OF OLD, PKNKTHATINO ,JST. JACOB'S OIL" Ah! Pain is gone! Quickly? Yes. Almost instant re lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain follows a gentle rubbing wltl) "St. Jacob's Oil." Rub this soothing, penetrating oil risht on your painful back, and like magic, relief comes. "St, Jacob's QJ1" is a harmless backache, lumbago and fcdatlca cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. Straighten up! Quit complaining! Stop those torturous "stitches." In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back because It won't hurt or be stiff or lame. Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest, "St. Jacob's Oil" from your druggist now and get this bating relief. Adv. One Gone From the Quartet That Made War fijjyKSPv-BBnmsBBMMMnMaiienfnMf IK sk v , JPW JKHBHnBK&Bur anVvsW ivslBTHiBflBBBBK sl SKsl KAI5ER WlLHELMt SULTAN QF TURKEY Horp nr the four European rulers ,at war with most of the rest of tluilmcnt. Tito Knlsor of (Jcrmany and world. One of them Emperor Fmnxj King Ferdinand cf Bulgaria rcmnin worm, uneui muui - r.iniivii ..., Joseph of Austria. Is gone. Another, ttne sultan of Turkey, nominally rules, Industrial Conditions Have Effect on Child WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7. That children's werfare from baby- inaustrlal conditions Is emphasized b. tne rccent work of the Federal children's Bureau, of which tho chief. fathers earn less than $450 to one .death amone every sixteen babies where fathers earn $ 1,050 or more Miss Lathrop's report refers to the effect of living conditions upon nioth- jers and points out that the sickness ,.. ,, nt ri(.prpn.l nGA 1S00. Miss Latnrop cays, in commciuing upon this fact: "The means of pre vention are the Instruction of tho mother, skilled supervision before tho birth of her child, and suitable care during confinement, nut she must have also nourishing food and suf ficient re3t and freedom from nnxlety in other words, decent living con idltions." Then tho bureau lias been con cerned with tho protection of the child himself from premature era ployment. It has published all the I child labor laws in the united States and has completed a report on the ad- ministration of tho employment cor- IHHmtft svRlpm In N'fiw York Ktntft In 'commentng UJ)0n fhe J0W federn, child labor law as marking a distinct (advance In the attitude of this nation toward that one-third of its popula tion whlcji Is under 16 years of ago, Miss Lathrop says: ''Merely keeping the breath of life in children is valueless to tho nation unless they are brought on to ndult life (rained masters of their full"."""" "" "ur "" ". ppy powers' of body and mind. The law ia a national measure and all attain able information for a- better under- standing of the ways in which tho',0' tn ne"I, soothes the inflamed or children itjiets free from labor mayiBWl",en mucous, memnrape ana reiiei tip started in life should be furnished by a national study. "It Is a matter of speculation ai to what proportion of children at work are dependent upon their own earn ings or support families In whole or In part. Also the number of depen dent children now supported by pub- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH KING FERPlNANPiv 1 TMPEROfc FRANCIS JOSEPH vj but has little Influence In his govern the two vigorous monarens among ino central powers and their allies. lie and private funds Is unknown. In fact," Miss l.athrop says, "our Igno rance of tho wholo field of depend ency Is great." The report gives figures nbout Philadelphia indicating that the ma jority cf dependent children aro mem ber of families and tho question of protecting them is a question of fam ily structure and support. Prelimi nary work toward a study of depend ency has been dono by tho bureau, and Miss Kathrop expresses tho hope that Congress may direct tho Chil dren's Ttureau to make a special In quiry Into the condition of tho chil dren to bo affected by tho federal law a. INFANT'S TltOUIlLKS KND IN 1IAI1Y C.tll SAN FItA.NClSCO, Dec. 7. Bight months ago a weary Syrian woman came to the Catholic Humane Ilureau and left a two-months-old babo. "I have been deserted by my hus band and have no money," sho said in broken English. "I have two children and cannot support this baby.'' And so the baby found a happy start In life. The child was given into the care of Mrs. flcorge McDnu gall. Mrs. McDougal went down town shopping yesterday and loft the baby, wrapped snugly in the baby cab while she made purchases. Some how tho child squirmed under the covers and when Mrs. MeDoijgall re turned the Infant's troubles had end ed. She had smothered to death. CREAM FOr. CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells from : Row Ta Get Quick Relief Head-CeUa. I?s Saleaildlj iii cue minute your clogged nos trllh will open, the air passages of youi head will clears and jou can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffing, blowing, hcaracho, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gono, Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream u ni - J fi a -- a nine of tnis fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage . conies instantly. It's Just fine, Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh relief somes so quickly, Adv, If you nre lookfewt for home In the city or country, Chlkote can save yoii inoaey. 1 FALLS, OREGON , . NEED OF BOYS IS REGULATEO WORK TM1B IUTMKR THAN DESULTORY WORK IS RKCOMMKNDED UV A MOV 8PKCTAU8T CONKER KXCK UICUINB FRIDAY. CORVALL18, Dec. 7.--Uoys fre quently fall to hold Intorest In their work because they have no regular .,i.rni of nctlvltles In It. This Is at least tho view hold by a number of Mending hoy specialists who will as- slut In conducting tho activities m tho Hoys' Conference to no now in Corvallls for threo days, beginning with Friday of this week. "Tho American 8lnndard Program fn- iinv." has boon carefully worked am hv tho boys' work socrotnry of tho ininmntionni Y. M. C. A. and tho opinion of specialists regsrdlng Its value aro reported by somo oi mora as follews: i iiriiovn tho nrcgram will dii tnnco anything of Its sort which hasi ever been prepared." W. II. Durgor, Now York Y. M. C. A. "It appeals to mo strongly. It has two particularly strong points In my opinion It takes boys upon tho per fectly natural grouping nnd then loivo more than tho usual plan to tho Initiative of tho boys thorn sel ves." A. n. Dale, 8tate Secretary North Dakota. "An excellent program of activities nnd nn opportunity for the associa tion to bo of real scrvlco to the church by co-operation with the church In putting It through." F. E. Ouglo mnn, Rochester, N. Y. Tho American Standard Program for Ro8 will bo presontod by J. C. Mcehau. sccrctnry of tho boys divi sion of the Portland Y. M. C. A. War Oddity United Press Service. ZURICH, Doc. 7. Native Bohe mians nro working up an awful flilrst. Tho great Pllscn breweries are reportcU to have been closed when tho central powers requisitioned their grain for foodstuffs. New City Laundry AM, HAND WORK We carefully lanndcr all silk. wool or fancy dresses or nlre! good. Wc have a insll laundry, but do nice work. Work railed for and delivered. PIIONK 151 127 N. Fourth St., bark f First National Hank atrLrrwMinrwirVM'VVVrwrrYsriJTrsr FADE & SHANNON PLUMRINQ AND 8TEAM FITTINQ Stoves Bought, told and Repairs Furnaaea Inotallatf SHEET METAL WORK OF ALL KINDS 1023 Main St. ymV AMMWWl BOWLING Is proof against rheumatics, and Is a safe and pleasant Mesh re ducer for tho corpulent. Swing a -regulation mlneralite bowliag ball for three games dally and 'the air 'pumps In your chest win give jror the digestion of an ostrich. - PALM HOWLING ALLEYS Ibisement I. O. O. P. BuMtag MWrVXrrrVrrrrMwVwwM Ve Leave No Stone Unturned In our search for the beat quality of Wood and Hay for our customers. Seesorn GETZ Wood Phone 11 622 Main Street gUNMONi In Justice Court, In and (or the Dis trict of Llnkvllle, County of Klamath and Hate of Oregon. Kleaatft Hardware Company, (a oerpopatlea), Plaintiff, vs. M,L. Weill. Defendant. To M. L. Wells, utreuuaiu, auove Dtfeudant, annve uawed. I""""" ' willful uotlton ass. i In the name of the 8tte of Oregen: J part of the defendant for moreik. You are hereby required to appwr(one year previous to tho inttltutln. and answer the complaint im,uus sun, nmo i.rlvlk-so to . against you In the above entitled (icuuii vm , w.w. ...- . --..... n hf.nt ma sotn uv or. it..t.P laid, that bslni tho last day of tee time prescribed In the or- der of publication of this summons, nnd If you fll so lo appear, plead, demur, or otherwise move, for want . ... -.... -.11, . ....! ,1.. tnereor, piaumw wm iw court for the relief prayed tor in its complaint, to-wlt: For n Judgment against you In the sum of one hundred thlrty-nlno nnd sa.iao fliso.go) dollars, for goods. yed for In Its warei nnd merchandise sold and de- iivrod to von. and costs of suit and thit the property attached be sold to satisfy Judgment that may herein be stained. This summons Is served upon you, the ssld defendant, by the publllcn tlon thereof In the Evening Herald, n public newspaper of general circu lation, printed anil puoiisnert nt Klamath Falls, Klimath County Oregon, once a week, for six cni' ci'tlve weeks, the first publtcitlon he Ing made Novcmbor Id. 101", nnd tho last publication Decomber 38 191C. by order of E. W. Oowen, Jus- tlco of the Pence. In nnd for the Dls trlct of Llnkvllle, County of Klam ath, and 8tate of Oregon, which said order was mdo. entered, dated aid filed In this notion on November IB. 1916. W. II. A. RBNNER, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1G-S3-30; Dee. 7-H-21-2I. SUMMONS ' In tho Circuit Court. In and for tho County of Klamath and State of Oregon. ' Jennie Sawyer, Plaintiff, i vs. Robert Sawyer, Defendant To Robert Sawyer, Defendant, above named. In the name of the Stale of Oregen: You are hereby required to appear ond answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 30th day of Dectm ber, 1916, that being the last day of tho time prescribed In the order of publication of this summons, and If wi fall n tn annear. nlead. anawer.TK domur, or otherwise move, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for tht relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and dtfendant, upon the grounds of willful desertion on the part of the defendant for more than one year previous to the Instituting of this suit. This summons Is served upon you, tho said defendant, by tha publlca- ( tlon thereof In tho Evening Herald, a public newspaper of general cir culation, printed and published nt Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Ore gon, onre a week, for sis consecutive weeks, the first publication being made November It. 1916, and tho last publication December 36, 191P. by order of the Honorable D. V. Kuy kondall, Judgo or the Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oregon, which said order was mado, entered, dated and filed In this suit on November in, 1816. W. II. A. RENNKR, Attorney for Plaintiff. 16-23-30; Dec. 7-14-21-28. Nnmmoaa (No. 837 Equity) ' In the Circuit Court, In and for the County of Klamath and State of Oregon. Alma Warlnor, Plaintiff, vs. C, Edward Warlner, Defendant. To C. Edward Warlner, Defendant above named: In tho name of tho state of Oregen: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Sled against you In the above entitled suit on or before tha 12th day of Decem ber, 1916, that being the last day of the time prescribed In the order of Toilet Articles Make practical, useful gifts. The selection of surh ! , good Judgment on the part of the gi nl ure uW Ju recipient. UrMsttae, Toilet Bets, Manicure Bel", lines are being told at our regular everyday VnH' W'KLAIWH WUXS OREGON TlftfflSD.lv, iu:ciiih:h ?, uu IMibllcnllnn of tdin .,....." y" mi . to ..;,,; '' "tl.crwl.0 , ove ',0rTr; court lor the reiki muTLX ' Tor a dcr dl0v, ,hi . of matrimony ,l0W M" Mi uu piauma una dfcll(Blt bn":." former iminu "f Alma 1'otont.i... ''otoriuiotr, '.. . . . . . "v'"m upon you iiii luiuinui h unr....i .... the snld dnfemlant. bv n. ....i.....:: tberoof In the Kvoiilnn llortld i 1'ubllo newspaper of general clrcula. t'"n, irlntml and published it Klin "Hi Falls, Klumnth county. ortSn' IlllfU It Wnb. fur .1. ... . vnl " ' ' "'"Wiiiyh ''' r"i numicaiKm leliigmsdinM. " i i.uncninm feliignndiorta ' -; . nd the lt imbllcatlon iwimber 7, lino, ty nrdw of th v"onnr",,1, V. Kuykcndnii, jttdlof circuit court of Klamath ro... OrcRon, which nnl.l order wt( mad,' ontr-rcil, dated and illd In Ihla salt .' October 2R, in id. w. II. A. IlKNNBn, a , ,',t'r"7 ,or I'WrtUf. 2fl.3.D.u.83.30.7 01 tii-nnito Infiii iiMiilim hImiui uu 'mum M. tlillnur. j Watch Repairing vrrrr iivikpiucki . ...10c .,$(e "' "le'Rliig It Jo ..lie T ;o expel t wiilclimnkcra ind n grinds nniiloyed. Itnllroad wntcb t ojinli inn n npiclalty. All work war. rnnled for oik- )t'r. nirt ait trial nnd yWf ulll bo tonlnced. T.O McHATTAN, AArAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAMVWMWMMM WOOD Just phone IN? and ak for Pfj. Ion. He I the man nho raa ssht your mxmI problem fur joe. Klamath Fuel Co. kWWWWWMVVNWMMWMWMWWVMMMMM mwww0W00mwA0WW0t00. DR. F. R. GODDJUD Osteopathic Phyilclaa f Suite iiiu. I. O. O. F. Teauds HKMKMIinU-I never chsrnfsr examination and coanultttloa. KUllTllKIl This pUcfsyoe ai der no obligation, and you wIDaet bo nuked to take treatment. Heurs: to 11:30 a. m. tie I; 7 to 8 p. m. PhoneSt! Itraldenre Phone 338K Van Riper Brw. lll(Jlli:ST CLASH flIWOKIUIiB. TIJAH AM) (WHISK Tea, "Kiihlnimr,' a fsarl KK IUIi llrenkfarl,l lb. Cea nlMer w Mired IVarlies, "(VtMrjr,M I con, Jut the slie for awaill family, per raa., Ilk gNCttrtAftll, ran nt , "8. W." arossjmn' W V new one, Pkg -" Two pkgs w just lUwhMU a HHff? Tru-lllu Cke, WJ7 Kclalr. (YeoleajMJjr llngtn,llutfr,ChMeM7 I,us and Chocolate W Get the Habit 1)11. A. A. w ' piiyslilaa and "" Has opened now M" block. (Masses alio KM""-" fitted and adjusted. i i" iRWLWi