j. I"'- " , - . " ?-; ,V ' J. n vl . ,$. 1 KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Klevimtli Year No. II, ION ' " ( $ KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, 'DECEMBER 7, 1916. miWcm. Jlfl BU(MifllllYliANlAI GERMANS AN ENTIRE DIVISION MOO HOLIHKHH AND 100 OFFL CKR8 AUK TAKEN llHiiunilniiN Ibid to Fight IleNM'rtc))r A TlK'jr Retired From TlH'lr Citpl. Ul City to Make Way fur Teutonic Horde Evacuation Occurred at Midday Ycteritjr, Hays IHtrojrnd War OnW. United Press Sorvlco. I'AltIB, vDc. 7. Thu Rumanians htrc inncuatod Bucharest In go'id order, saving tlio army. ' It In authoritatively stated tint tbc Hiininnlnn renr was forced to flint strenuously to cover tlio rctrtnt AMSTERDAM, Dec. 7. Iluchnrcst li almost deserted of civilians as well set soldiers. It In reported that tlio city lian not been demolished. PKTItOGHAII, Dec. 7. The Rush Ii&i covered tlio retreat of the left fnk of the Kumanlana. The ItiinHlan war office announcoa r tost the ovucutrtlon of Bucharest oc curred ut midday ycatorday. The Hiimnnlana and Russians hao retired southward. wiih ru- IIKHI.IN, Doc. 7. An It IrrnlliiK the whole front of tho Itu moulan ninth army nnx captured hy thu (Icrmana yesterday, This division I s i.mdcup HrdetnalirdetnolHlirdlii li made up or 9000 men and 10C of. tiers. JURY IS EXCUSED UNTIL EIGHTEENTH NO OTIIKIt JUHV CAHKH AHK IlKAIIV I'XIK TIUAL IX CTItCltlT COIUtiuihik KUYKKXIIALIi UHTKXH TO AltGUMKXTH. Tim rii?,ii- tii-v ........i tn, , Vice In tho circuit court wna excused leitcrday nfternoon by Judge U. V. Kuykendall until Decombor 18. After he completion of tho caso of Blade Mlnst Mitchell, no other Jury cases' were ready for trial. I Between now and Dnrnmlmr lfith tho court will hoar arguments and j motions and glvo rulings In several fQutty and other cases. Fine Grove Farmers May Form Irrigation District To talk over a high-line ditch to rr'to tholr lands, landowners of " Pine Orove district will meet "t 8aturday at the quarters of the 'math Commorclnl Club. Prnctl- y every fnrmor of that district Is "Peeled to attend. Jno ''no drovo farmors hope to m e lnt0 ,n Irrlsatlon district sun Ket wnter on thelr ,andB by "Wng h, probably by electric r. from the main Irrigation cnuul wntali,ed by the reclamation r- ou!'il.U plonB of th. ' woik . Hie water will be pumped to n Wiv Suiting IteraUi CAPTURE SVW hmm, WWWXWMWwi, MITCHELL WINS SUIT Will RECOVERY MONEY A verdict for the defendant was ro tuinul yesterday afternoon by tlio Jr In the case of John Blade vs. 0. C. Mitchell to recover price of n stal Hen purchased by plnlntlff from do K'ikIiiiiI. The Jury wna out only a hort tlmo. It. C. Groesbeck represented Mitch- ell In the HUlt. LABOR PARTY TO BE REPRESENTED WILL IIAVK PLACES OX CABINET OF XKW GOVERNMENT HEADED IIV LLOYIMJKOHGK, O.VK A MEMBER OK WAR COUNCIL. United Press Service LONDON, Dec. 7. Tho Labor Party hait agreed to participate In the now government headed by David j Lloyd-George. 1 It Ir reported that this party has I been offered two places on tho cabl- j net, one a membcrfihlp In the war council. No announcement of tho resigna tion of cx-Prcmler Herbert Asqulth was made In tho Houso of Commons, I which adjourned today. WIMi IKSUK $IOO,(M)0,000 IX IIOXIIM FOIt FAItMKItH I.HI'.ed Press Service. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7. The Federal Farm Loan Hoard will declare a $10(1,000,000 bond Issue shortly. It Is learned that tho Issue will be declared before the new banks open for business, probably In Februnry. Ikiy In KiouerntMl United Pruss Service. MODESTO, Dee. 7. The coro ner's Jury this morning exonerated Lebllo West, tho boy who yesterday 'killed hlu brother with n sliotgun. Tho hoy testified that he didn't know "'0 gun wag loaded. , Mm. HeutliW'r Acquitted United Press Service, NBWAIIK, N. J., Dec. 7. Mis. Mnrcarct Clalro Hcutlnger today was acquitted of the chargo of murdering her husband, who forced advances upon her. high-lino ditch and from It distrib uted over the largo acroago above tho main ranal, An Irrigation district Is to bo formed by tho Pine Orovo Und Dwnora hocauso tho government wishes hereafter to treat with or ganizations, such as Irrigation did trJcts, rather than with individuals. At this time tho government Is said to bo somewhat reluctant to encour igc the proposed Pine Orovo Irriga tion district, wishing to wait until (Hi Oiegon legislature acts this win ter cis iiroposed legislation affecting formation f Irrigation districts. American Ship Torpedoed by Austrian Submarine Goes Down With "Old Glory" Flying an Masthead yMl"ll'"'alllllM,MI,lll,IM,'aasaaa'aM'""Maaw i . .j x'" ju-t--. tZT5-.r3: cPSS JX--.v 'W 4 zi.-M.i"4, hz 'i',;, tAssfl i?Z:iUZi " JF-'MMMH' t , nwm -.rTTTT The Chemung, owned by an American firm was sunk off Cape Cata, on'the coast of Spain by a submarine flying the American flag. Captain John I,. Duffy refused to haul down the American flag when ordered to do m by tho Hiibmnrlno commander. All members of the crew were saved., LIBRARY ADDS . NEW MAGAZINE .NOW HAM LAIKJK MKT OF I'L'UM CATIONS FOIl FKKE IHK OF t iJuci. PUIILIO OX TAIILKS SKVn.V XKW SL(J ,im:s ADIIKO To meet thu Increased needs and more varied tastes of Its patrons, the Klamath Falls Public Library lias added a number of magazines to its. already largo list. These magazines, w'th those which always have been on the tables, aro for the free ube of the public, but cannot be taken from the library. Tho new magazines added pre Ktudc, Atlantic Monthly, Survey, Sys tem, Outing, Craftsman. The December Ktudo Is said by the Library Club to be Interesting. It tells what Is going on In tho musical world, and has special Christmas arti cles on music. Schumann-Helnk tells how to keep the voice In prime condi a ....i. .i .w,mi .riii. tlon. KUIilKU MUM oftwas "Viv f on neethoven are found. Tho following are tho magazines on tho library tables, not Including the new ones mentioned nbove: Every' body's American, Scrlbnor's, Saturday Evonlng Post, Dollneator, Modern Prlscilla, Good Housekeeping, Ladles' Home Journal Scientific American, Popular Mechanics, Physical Culture, Illustrated World, National Geogra phic, Country Life, Review of Ke- vlews, Literary Digest, Worfid's Work,,1 Current Opinion, St. Nicholas, Youth Companion, American Boy, Doy's Magazine, FEVER CAUSES ONE CASE OF SCARLET FEVEH IS IIEPORTED IN HIGH SCHOOL. IIAXGKK IS NOT SEROUS,. SAYS SCHOOL BOARD. As a precautionary measure against scarlet fever, the local high school Is closed -today and tomor row. Miss Erma Ager, a sophomore. Is suffering from this fever and the school bqard decided to close the school two days to avert any pos sible spread of the disease. No other case In the school Is re ported and no serious danger Is be lieved to exist. It Is expected that the 'school will. opeu ugnlu Monday inorulng. SCHOOL CLOSING HHHHHFf3raifi9 '? m ?z:,"t iu4Vr ,r ,rt VW'Vf J t f ' mm, - SY- KLAMATH FALLS WILL HAVE BIG CHRISTMASTREE i r- CKLKIIKATIOX WILI, V. OX STIIKKT8 CIIHISTMAS KVK Hiisinctii Men of Town Are Arning liiK for Municipal Trw for AH the Town, to Stir Up Cluistmas Spirit, (Jet People Out, and IJriiiK Cheer to AH Little Ho) ft mid Olrls on Kvo of International Day. KJamath Falls will luivo a big municipal Christmas tree this year. The wholo town will take part in the'celobrallon of the birth of Christ. This was decided by tho Klamath Falls Dusiuess Men's Association at a meeting last night. The commit- tee In charge will go ahead at once wilh Preparations to make the event ono ,onS l0 uo rememoerea anu one that will bring out all the Christmas Isplrit possible. The big tree will bo nt one of tho principal street corners and It will bo gayly lighted and bedecked with all that suggests Christmas. A sort of pageant, with song and folk dune lng and reprcsentitlons of Christmas In other countries by school chil dren, will feature the celebration Santa Cluus, with all his glee and be there. Hundreds of bags of candy one for each child In Klamath Falls will bo distributed by Santa. Christmas trees will be placed soon in front of all business houses of Klamath Falls, reminding people of the one da) of all tho year. T lies a trees, decorating tho streets for somo time before Christmas, will give tho town a beautiful appearance and tell visitors from other places that Klam ath Falls lsgolug to make Christ mas n big time. Tho celebration of tho coming of tho Savior will bo held Christmas Eve, which comes on Sunday. The committee of tho Business. Men's Association which will direct tho affair consists of H, N, Moo, Paul Dodge, W, J. Roberts, V. E. Seehorn, Percy Evans ond E. W, Vannlce. j Goat Getters in Chicago Today CHICAGO. Dec. 7, This Is goat, day here and reference to tin cans, will maintain an uptown offlce for his or other shoddy wit involving the dig- Klamath Falls steam laundry, nlty of the whiskered Billy and bls This offlce formerly was occupied nannies are In bad form. Tho Araerl-. ly the Klamath Transfer cpmpnny can Milch Goat Association Is meet-1 and Johnson Wood company. Thsso lug. Goatralsers are here from many Arms have moved to the brick build states. Goatgetters we have always, lug nt the corner of Eighth and Malu with us. . streets. .. "... " immmmmMzjzmam ; --y-- a VJtmHCt," "mtw S-AJ. ss.i faA t r ' r ik , wrS" &&& wwwimin - -"" .. ' mjM:'''" "'"", ,y s S-tittjf V, rf. ,Arm"i'"-;:.'"''irr.. b; wmmmmmtmmmwmnmfmmmmm wwmi n imiiiaiii WILL BARE GRAET I OF FIVE MILLION v AHGKXTIXK'S XKW PUKSHIKXT KXPKCTKD TO KKVKAL OHAI-T WOltSK THAX I'KXXSYLVAXIA STATK HOUSK SCANDAL. United Piess Servlvc. BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 7. The ven tilation of scandal as awful or worso than the Pennsylvania state house scandal connected with the construc tion of the Argentine national capital tcdny promises to be an early inci dent of Hipolite Irlgoyen's recently begun teglme as president. Work on tho caplto was started about ten years ago. It Is uearlyVbut not quite done. The original plan was to spend 0,000,000 pesos, or $2,040,000 United States money. In fnct, 32,- 490,000 pesos, or, to be exact, $14, 295,696.80. 1ms gone into the build ing. It has been charged in print and practically proved that, of this sum, about 12,000,000 pesos, or ?G,- 280,000, was "graft." It is understood that President Iri goyen is getting ready to start civil and criminal proceedings against the persons accused of sharing in the plunder. They are said to Include somo big contractors and numeious politicians of great prominence. The building Is a small edition of tho Washington capltol and Is popu larly known as the "palace of gold" because it cost so much. OPEN NEW MAIN STREET OFFICE O. W. ROUERTSOX AND W. PAUL JOIIXSOX WILL HAVK UP-TO-IIATK OFFICE AT CORNER OF SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS Laundry service and real estate will bo sold from the new office being fitted out for W. Paul Johnson and O. W. Robertson in the McDonald building i nt Sixth and Main streets. Johnson will handle real estate and Robertson GERMAN ANSWER IS REGARDED AS WEAK WAIMVWWWWVWVV HANSON SUES TO GET CHATTELS FROM SMITH To recover chattels valued at $600, Ir.t Hanson and wife have started suit In the circuit court against Herbert 3 Smith and wife. W. H. A. Ren ncr Ic counsel for plaintiffs. Hanson and wife allege that several cattle and other chattels belonging to them are now on the former Han son ranch, near Keno, and that de fendants are withholding them from plaintiffs. , j "ANTIS" MEET IN WASHINGTON THOUSAND MEMBERS OF ASSO CIATION OPPOSIXG WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE GATHER AT NA TIONAL CAPITAL TODAY. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. ' C, ?!.. 7-J The 'antls''-bad their lnnlhgtodny when 1000 members of the National Association Opposed to Woman's Suf-; frnge convened here. This was the first national conven tion in America of women who be lieve progress for the sex lies without the realm of politics. The "antls" are going to try and down tho old "destructive" bug-a-boo, and show the constructive sldo of their organization the ultimate union of women of all creeds and classes for tho advancement of wo manhood. The Immediate pbjecttvo the defeat of the national woman suffrage movement Is going to be nitore or less relegated to discussion along these lines. President William Howard Taft, Ellhu Root. William Cabot Lodge, Charles W. Eliot and Lyman Abbott have been Invited to attend the big banquet. Sirs. Lansing, Mabel Board man, Ida M. Tarbell and Kate Dougi las Wiggin are present. Tho association is composed of twenty-five state organizations and has an enrollment of more than 350, 000 members. France Blockades Greece PARIS, Dec. 7. A blockade of Greece as a reprisal for the riots in Athens In which French marines were flred upon, will be announced to morrow. To Arrange Inauguration WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7. Tho House today appointed Repre sentatives Rucker, Garrett and Mc Klntry to arrange for the second in auguration of Woodrow Wilson as President. Lakeview Basketball Team Play s Saturday ib The Lakeview high school basket ball team will clash Saturday night at the pavilion with the team repre senting Klnmuth county high school. This will be the first Interscholastlc game of the season, in this city. Maurice Graves and Jake Stelger will play forwards fpr Klamath, Clarence Lennox will play center, and John Houston and Clarence Montgo mery gunrds. The substitutes wll KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPK 1 . -inumVLruut iit- CLAIMS SUBMARINE COMMANDER WAS MISTAKEN Thought Passeagpr I taer Arabic Wm a Trafbrt, Bars Ofidal Note tn This Government fa Abswvt (n Evplnnatini for Submarining Vet--m1 German I .yc She Win "Draw Appropriate Coaseqaeacea." United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7. It was announced by the state de partment today that the German note received yesterday sets forth the con tention that the submarine command er who sank the Arabic thought the steamer was a transport. Germany says the commander ad mits that he sank the vessel under that impression. In her note the German govern ment agrees to "promptly draw ap--propriate consequences," if the United States shows that the vessel was an ordinary passenger liner and not a transnort. -Jt Is learned. that this government " views' the German "explanation' weak. ,ts, PART OF HAND IS AMPUTATED DR. HAMILTON MAKES SUCCESS FUL OPERATION ON THOMAS ANDERSON AFTER TUMOR ON STUR HAD DEVELOPED. A portion of the left hand of Thomas Anderson was amputated this morning by Dr. R. R. Hamilton to save the rest of the hand and possi bly the arm. The operation was suc 'ceastul and Dr. Hamilton aspects quick healing of the hand, - A few years ago Mr. Anderson lost his third and fourth fingers, but of late a nerve tumor developed and was paralyzing -the entire arm. Dr. Hamilton was compelled to ampu tate the lower or outside portion of the stub left after the two fingers were taken off, ., Mr. Anderson lives between Dorris and Macdoel. American Is Hanged United Press Service EL PASO, Dee. 7. It Is reportel that Haword Grey, an employe of Aa mining company, was hanged ty VU llstas a month ago in Farral. . si . Vat be Motschanbacher, Dow, Perry an4 Adams. WRW?.1 As a preliminary to the maia'trar.yvfi., ! vlrl' lun if ih tTkminmdy$ .- , soDhomore classes wUl play .fa'sjiisav' :-.J The LakivlewVesV-ytl-IW? rill high team MUkm'Mttlr lng. The Klamath4arjit. sji Is tomorrow nlgbVwFtJta MVM4.F Lakeview basket MUKgaase sjimrajsy night. i ivT. A v?,f j.Wi ... r L,r,w ft 4W- m$ :hl. SlJ' "t5 VR W 3S v . . f I v I & rttJt i ri .Jit " -! r 41 .t$w 1 a - i "tOf m rs VSI w at .JfVi ' SJ. I OJjt'ftl J i '. 5 $ '& CSaF . Pfit"!l7l ' iwl wt:nm.i .1 ) V 1 M "?. .. i. fr'S.'f '&1AH w?i.ra . iasK n fViVl