vfiC" &&&&?? ;?,k-'i -A.Tte J "( V Trt&vJ" Pe lEupnmg Herald JMims v aril i KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER - ' . 'k-. & KLAMA' -- 1.Z; OFFICIAL :' Eleventh YearNo. ,107 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1916. L - , fjV u iS A). -. i- , -' !&CTJ JV "'- ? WPMlMi.-r . , tw hBBBRH .MrlMrjfli zsgms&m. m ASQUITH RESIGNS FROM THE CABINET Lloyd George Expected to Be Head New Government AGGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT IH TO. replace diplomatic jMdrrxhlp tu lU'vonntrurt Cabinet I Offered Honar !, Hut IHh lined. Ex-Minister of War anil Empire' Mot Aggre" Loader Hcem the Only Ioglcal HHrrcMior Co Auiiltti, H)r I-ontlow. United Pross 8enrlco. LONDON, Dec. 6. The ministry of Premier Asqulth collapsed when Atqullh last night banded hi resin itlon to Kins Qeorgc. United Press Service. LONDON. Dec, . Bonar Lawtbls 'ornlng fortuity refuted to neewpt tat premtenhlp of the British gov- 'rnment and 'form a .new cabinet. Xing George haa aummonad David Lloyd George, formerly mlnliter of war, to the royal palace. United Pre Service ". LONDON, Doc. 6. A conference nbose final declclon undoubtedly trill menu tho substitution of n fight ing government for the diplomatic government, which baa guided Eng land's part in the war to date, In pro grtulng nt llucklnghnm pnlncc this afternoon. Tho announcement that I.loyd (leorge, tho empire's moat aggressive leader, Ih appointed premier, Ih momentarily expected. King Ororgo In (coking to effect n reconciliation of all faction nnd ha summoned nil members of the old cablnot. Asqulth was tho lat to arrive. With Ilonnr Law declining the pre nlershlp, London regard Mod Oeorgo uH the only logical choice to brad tho new government. It ir known that be would Insist on a mln Ittry to back him of the most aggres sive type. Such nnnl selection would bo h complete victory for the aupportvrs of the fight agalnat Asqulth nnd diplo matic govornment. OFFICERS WILL HE ELECTED TOMORROW The regular meeting of tho Wo men's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the Emmanuel Baptist church will be, held tomorrow nfter- soon at the homo of Mra. W. II. Cox n High street. Tho subject of the aftemonn win Im. MUAvinn nfflmn for tho ensuing year ,wlll bo olocted "this mooting and nrrangemonta for the annual churcli. dinner mnde. ' Franchise Measure Gets Large Affirmative Vote The people of Klamath Falla yea "Ity told the city council that thoy banted tho Keno Power Company to bVe a franchlat to d(atrlbuto elec trlcy In thla cltyi The yotawaa 56C h'favor pf grantigg gifranchlse and A2 against such Brantluv.-. -' ,. r i i Tho voto waa' puraly'-givlaory and lisfji?0 c"cll hfa only r moral obllgri- mwwwowii aar ' IKSarUaf rwvSlBBH BbaflHIgBHKEBBa AVbbB BBBBBDaBBBSSlBHaaB&l iBBHjJli agggiggggSS&ligH IIKUUKUT AKVCITH v Who Urn ItcftlKiictl tl Premleralilp. DIES AFTER A BRIEF ILLNfESS MIHS KATIIHV.N ItU.VK, M)C.li MILMNKIt, LIVKS XNLV FKW IIOIUIH AITKIl TAKI.MJ HICK. ItltltlAli IX COTTACJK CItOVK. Kntliryn Kllrnbcth llnnk died l:iat night nl 11:40 o'clock, following an IIIiichh of only n few hours. MUs Hunk wah nt tho millinery store, con ducted by herself nnd Miss Knimn Schneider, yesterday nnd did not feel 111 until about G o'clock In the after noon. Death wns due to apoplexy. Tho remains will bn taken to Oot tngo Grove for burial. Knrl Whlt lock, undertaker, Is awaiting tho ar rival of tho brother of tho deceased before shipping tho body. ( Tho deceased is survived by her brother, by Miss Kmmn Schneider, n hnlf-slstcr. nnd other rclntlvcs. She was 47 yoars of ago at tho time oC her demise. MAIIK MAHTKK DEGHKK tXJNFKimKD MY MASOXH Klamath ampler No. 35, Arrh Masons, conferred tho Hoy.il nark master dogrco last evening. On De comber 19, nt Its stilted convocation, It will coufor tho past master degree. Tho annual 'election of ofncerswlll bo held nt tho meeting December 19. iinunliiiiH In Town Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank II. Downing, of tho Worden t-ectlon, nro business visitors In Klamath Falls today. council ItRoIf has the netuul power of granting franchises. Tho total vote of 788 Is rutl'er light, especially compared with th 1326 votoa, cast at the Strahorn rail road bond election on November 14. Tn-.-Birt'tho election apparently wna ftbout what wns shown by n light vote, Few poopie wfi iu.".- -- It and election oooru v" t 1 -inr -i.-ui.--T-u-.nru-.njm. I I I'ltKHIJYTKHIAN MAZAAM WILL UK HELM ALIj MAY FKIMAY Tho Indies of tho Presbyterian I church will hold their annual bazaar iruiay. ucccmuer am. beginning nt i. .H.-IWH. in uio miiiuing jusi cabi .r l. itr..... ..., v. io rwm grwery, i no worn committee, consisting or Mesnnmes v. k, raugnt, 1'ercy Kvans, 8yd Evans, Vnnco Ilutchlns, W. It lloy.I, E. L. Elliott and II. E French, will have charge of tho fancy work and nprons. Miss Maude Carli' ton and Mrs. Don Redfleld will ucll cooked foods, and Mcsdamos Will Mason, 7.. C. Klmbnll and Fred Will iams will preside over the tabic whero hnnil-i'ilntcil china nnd tho grab bag will be on sale. The young peoplo of tin- Christian Endenvor Society will roll endy. MIbs Fayc Hoguu will have borne KlamMh County pictures on rle nr.d Mesdnmes B. C. Thomas, O rl Plnth and I.ylr. Redfleld will pro. side In '.'to ten room. 7lp reception r.iiuinlttee ionsl.-ts of Mcdi-mes C. E. Worden, CharlPH f 'int.; md J. IJ. Mison. WILL TALK HOG AT SCHOOL MEET OIlEfiON AGlUCULTUItAIi COI LfX3K WILL HOLD COXKKHKXCE FOU "XOT MORE HOOK, MUT MORE PROFITS" (Herald Special Service) CORVALLIS, Dec. 6. The hog has had his ups and down In Oregon, but he has como to stay, and bog produc tion should be put on a Arm, conser vative basis whore Itwlll not bo at the mercy of every fluctuation of the market, but yield a profit year in and year out. Tho day of praising and of abusing tho hog Is past. We are now racing a plain business proposition "Not more hogs, but more profit." This is tho estlmato of hog produc tion In Oregon by tho animal hus bandry department of tho Agricul tural College. In an effort to nnd the true placo for the hog on tho Oregop farm and put him there, and make the best posslblo use of him as to gain tho best profits for tho owner, the anlntil husbandry department of the Agricul tural College will hold a hog produc ers' school during tho first week of January. The formol program will open at 1 o'clock on Tuesday, Jan uary 2d, with an Inspection of the new hog barn, to be Immediately fol lowed by a discussion of tho problem, "How many hogs can Oregon profit ably produce?" by Professor E. L. Potter. This win bo followed by four days of Instruction and training In the solution of Oregon's most important hog problems, Including Judging hogs for breeding and feeding purposes, methods of feeding, feeding rations and co-operative shipping of hogs. Teachers for theso subjects and leaders In the various demonstratlona are successful hog growers of Oregon. Among them are C. C. Darnall. North Portland! Robert Wlthycombe. Unlon.4 and A, R. Bohasky, North Portland. The Oregon Swine Breedera Associ ation will meet Wednesday, when Thomas Brunk, president and O. O. Swales, both of 8alemrwiu be neara and seen In action. Oct Marriage License. Herbert F. Moelk and Margaret M. Nottelman, both of Klamath Falls, were granted a marriage license to day by County Clerk DoLnp. ?'''''w,',' Victim of the "Tell Tho politicians of the West arc pouring In on Joseph P. Tumulty, I secretary to President Wilson, to tell Mm how they carried almost every state of that section for the demo cratic party In the presidential etec tloon. This now photograph of the president's secretary at work wns taken tho other day before tho poli ticians reached him. one of tho smoothest diplomats nt tho president's call, and ho Is handling the men who won the West with the Bame delicacy and finesse he has shown to offlco seekers In the past four yC.ars, PUBLIC AGAIN IS -IL MADE TO LAUGH ELKS' MINSTRELS APPEAR SEC OND TIME AT OPERA HOUSE AND PLEASE FULL HOUSE AS ON THE.FIRST NIGHT. Again last night the Elks' Min strels pleased a full house. The show were enjoyed and the expenses only because of the experience gained by the actors and actresses. The minstrels were a success fin ancially, according to Leslie Robers, treasurer of the lodge. Good houses were enjoyedd nnd tha expenses only normal. Again last night every drew applause from tho, Eoch showed Improvement over their appearance Monday night. Mrs. Luke. Walker and Mrs. Paul Satterlee again' delighted in mus'cnl numbers; Miss Bessie Pickett nnd Miss Madge Shlvo appearing In a duet, entitled. "On tho Old Back Seat of n Honry Ford" and , In "On the South Sea Isle," drew pn-j cores, as they did Monday night. Dr. G. A. Cathey well rendered "The Cre mation of Sam McGee." . ! The rest of the cost cannot be men-' tloned because of lack of space, but their numbers made the audience! laugh and feel bettor. j Much credit is given by the EJks' Lodge to KUtus ri. wive, wno uirocieu the entertainment THE UNORGANIZED MAJORITY SPEAKS United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. 0 Dec. 6. Sinister rumblings from more than six hundred dissatisfied railroad tvnrkftra wnre heard today as nuin - be8 of petitions from tho "great organised majority" of railroad em ployes from all parts of the country demanded that they be Included ia any olght-hour legislation, -' --. .'-.-'J' ..---" alVBBr.BBBBBBaBaT I mi ii awawmnmrrrrr--- 7T' K.'Km I "' , yWK" ' t y"vs W, '" , - - aaW aaVBBHBBBaal m ' 'ijmr ,',' .BHHBBHlY'iaBBS9BBBBBalS JrMmP'"r1 aasBsBsBsaf : V IsHIsbsbH 1 IMKHtzi H fHaBBBBBla i f!T'lH4lBtaa.aBSBnBaiiH ; :.. IbwbbbbbbbI m ,:'' if ; -. A B ' 'flBBaBaaaBaaaBaaaaaaBBBaa 9) vbbbVb1bbib1bbsbb;.-:';v' EsbIbibibbibbibbbibbbI st rdSKKBSIKk&ma --' BbbibibbibbibbibbibbibbibbibbibbibbibbibbbV i ',! 'tOOSE PH'-F.-v'-TUMUL-TY-' NN l H - i ii ' " ' ' " - It to Tumulty Clubs CLUB WILL GIVE CHRISTMAS HELP WILL HOLD SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY TO ARRANGE FOR AID TO FAMILIES WHO SANTA CAN NOT PROVIDE FOR. A "sunshine day" will be held by the philanthropic department of the Women's Library Club on Friday aft ernoon of this week in the club rooms. The object of the meeting Is to ar range for Christmas cheer for the families of this community whom Santa Clans might pass up. A literary program, consisting of a talk on Christmas In Indin by Mrs. ft illlllSlifl U: II Mr. Tumulty is -r,mmmifr;wj?.?mm BiPJ gsaB 8 Y'tyFmmW; .aaaaVl W1MS 'aaaaH I ;.:i?;'iBaWsBm iBBaBaaal ."$"'' BBaavaaaT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 81 ''' ifaWaaV jaiBBBBBBBl al number w B Bambo ana" a sol " M,s' B hpnrori c Thomas, will be followed by n kpu- eral discussion of the work. Light reiwnmenw " so . rt" i-'" "" ""!'v""' lnB the needy are nv ted by tho CJ,1U to bo present, whether or not thoy are members of tho club. FOOD LAWS WILL AWAIT CABINET XQ CONGRESSIONAL ACTION TO ME TAKEN UNTIL REPORTS COME FROM INVESTIGATION MADE MY WILSON CAMINET. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D, C. Dec. G, Congressional action onnny legisla tion affecting the price of foodstuffs will wait recommendations from tho cabinet, Such recommendation will bo bHsed en reports made from Investigations tby government agents. President un-hVllson already Is receiving some, of tlieEo reports. . Title plan has the approval nnd en- AlreiDjMnbcratlo support of. the-lower house, BUCHAREST BY GERMAN ARMY AAAAAAMAMMWWMMMMMMVVMrVMrVWW SUFFRAGISTS WANT MANNER RETURNED Tnlfpd Press Service. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. C. Miss Hazel Hukins of Billings, Motif., and MIe3 Bessie Papandre of San FrancUco, guflrago hecklers who waved a banner before Congress ye terday while President Wilson was I reading his annual message, went to the capltol today and demanded the return of the flag. RUSSIA CONCEDES GERMAN VICTORY ADMITS FRONT OF RUMANIAN FORCES HAS BEEN PIERCED BY .c.n... m...v... ..c .'naJrn w,ttt combined forces, "alaahed HEKCE.TEUTON ATTACKS AND tnrftugh Rumanlang efendlBtlielr CAUSING RUMANIA TO RETIRE. i capital and took the city witB.eBt'illir " 1 Acuity. . . ?? p United Press Service -''PETRO'GRAD, Dec. 6, Continued German, attacks. onBijchares.froia the north are admitted to have been successful. The Rumanian front has been pierced by this attack and they have been compelled to retreat. The attacks have come from1 Ter govlstea and Pelleshtt.' United Press Servien PARIS, Dec. 6. The Serbians have conquered more strong positions north of Grunltza, the Bulgarians re treating northward. The Franco Serbian forces have advanced In the same region. WITH 5,000 MEN VILLA IS QUIET EXPECTED HE WILL DIVIDE LOOT, RE-EQUIP MEN, AND SCATTER THEM INTO BANDS TILL AGAIN READY TO STRIKE. United Press Service "eTTpASO, Dec. 6. With 5000 men. Pancho Villa is making his head quarters at San Andreas, west of Chi huahua City, according to mining men arriving here. He has aban doned Chihuahua City, to Carranxn. It, is generally believed that Villa will divide the loot taken during the last few months, ro-eqlp his men. aud ! scatter them Into small bands until i One Horse Takes Two Days Trial of the civil case of John Blade vs. Dr. George C. Mitchell in Judge Kuykendall's court continued today; Lit was -begun Mouday afternoon ta'ud Is expected to- go to the Jury by 5 o'clock tb(s afternoon; Afterjall lestimony bad -been takon thl-afternboh.theJury waa taken tq boo a certain sialllon oyer which the OT,''Hk5fJ -wV Ssl?'55iJij--J--aii:i -T---, ?T-' nfnniinTn?TT7nTvmfg ' TAKEN y-J NEWS OF FALL OF RUMANIAN CAPITAL NOT SURPRISE ' r Official Dispatch Seat Oat, by NeW Agency Says Reports Claim Fall el City to Mackeasea Cky Take by Germans After Long, Fightis Through Rumanian Forces, Which Gradually Crumbled. United Presa Bertie - BERLIN (Wireless via Sayvllle), Dec. 6. The official news agency, thla afternoon declared that it "was of ficially reported' that Bucharest' Bad been conquered." The agency also says PioestI fell before the German forces. '- " Generals Mackensen and Falken- ICIPIEM i-Zsg&ji?- iA i 4' IS i-v f m trt,,njj .( sfltoln nr,l STARTED IN HOME OF DR. LBON.? ARD JUST BEFORE NOON FROM " TEA TOWELS PUT UP TO DRY BECOMING TOO HOT. Fire which started this forenoon fiom towels behind the atoveiin tho home of Dr. W. A. Leonard was put out before much damage was done. The towela were hanging: behind the -? stove to dry when they caught Are.' The fire spread to a table and 4waa' Willa. y t i "" No one else was in ake hf use at ike time. 'X , f& The alarm was turned ffk and ,Ia remarkably quick time tthfv big ire engine was on the scene,, but waa not needed. ; NEWSPAPER WOMAJT IS ., .CONVICTED OF MURDER EXTINGUISHED " t. l5$. United Press Service , ;ivt THOMPSON FALLS. Mont., Dec'6, Sfe Miss Edith Colby, a Spokane" iewaf, "r&k imiui. wnmnn Inilflv raa cAavlftftjMl of SbJisl' (ufw. ..- .v.. .-..., ..- ...-,-.-, atvsnj mnnli, lw ihit ind Ammta iCar...V'T.'' shooting A. C. Thomaa'.-a-Bfwalaaa"3 Kopnblltcap, last Soptember.tte was sentenced to nn muetermMHK:,iiK5 renltentlary term of ten rtJwriWjm years. The defense havegiyea MWi; Wm Ba. . ; -. BaBHT' ffMiAv.vii!':tsi VJ fcWE&b&iSM? n,, i -Splter Courl suit arose. BUde '.V.1-.1' msreprewt4 taatlUi a 11 (IralwVtithV Mtyimt P0'.? fusMswr, ue SlUe sMWaaa chaMarlce or. the ., , n. , ." itt". "!ln i'ni-i., l VaO,roar) la teHtla WW battle, t ,- T -"T r'rJf. ' W i- w . " fbr Slade,aa4 EWW 0. 1 beck-Is apuearlngror Wtmm. .Ch - H t Ma- &&&$&. . - - rr Li .n jFt--i" .Tj s 1 v,i -tvt a rjjirr 'J.trirc-'7v wWKiWfStx. WffltrfWm '" tlllMl '.' tA.MJSl V " rf. i tr$ PWf 'sfl 4W, - .&1 ."t! , 'da , . . . jji u Ssl " "&: t 1 '"li.fj'l FJi I ,4 ""rVl - -"i .,V, '.i . 1 I - m .v &" ?,.!", v$S ru--i t . vs S261 e rtFtfiXW "& m , -, "f - " & .1 f Ci? r-zz (wrf. 3b i hio 0Day.iJ8p6JM'a i-HVUnes, Tho I rushed, K . --. ftf jrjr&SS itv :aef. "1?. ."S . . i.tyff?.fi. . i.?rfr.twj'. -v .- W,