W V ???, in.fir c 'v . j rvs.i'w '-. ',! T AV.' -1 -.T '. .v-fc&io :? . .-;.. .&. ''Sa, l ' Jvte fci- rv . vr KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL N1WIPAPIR l"Si 1- ft'fl ' Ml, MMtf tI-"?'a?-Ji $$': f... ' . I ) .4.. . ., . T asasiBBr bbbbT . mmXWWWwAmWWWWw JV .anslnw bsbbbbbbbv ' da .gaV ' .JL u rt i tw itnfttftrt 4MitttiYi 1 ::-'aiAiiiiK'iHiKi - OPFlMAIiHHHIHHrl Issanssss .sassA sbbbbbbbbbbbbf iAfL' 'bbbbbI Hx.i .'.:..,tK.H.' yK. ama asma. bbbbbI kJ . . annas! n,t WW aasM assam1 asaS r Lm H --- ! . 4 7 f" bbbbbbbbbbbi Suffragists Annoy As Message Is Delivered i J. . KLAMATH PAtLS, ORtGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, ltlfl " .. .'ii- .- Heckling Resembles i a! r l ?'Hi Acuons in cngi ywwwwwwwwwwwi IIWWWMXWWWWWWMWWWWWMW CRKNCKNT AtMtg'SVTFORT THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE GcntlomeB of the Con grew In fulfllllii'at thl time the duly luld upon bi.tho' Cdntltutloo of r.cmmunlcatiac to you from tlrae'in tin iBfonutloa .of the state aitdthe .Union a4 reeMimendlaK to jyour oonideratlta:mMi leglslatlre meaa urea aa may be jJdgcd necessary and expedient I shall' continue the- prac- v-.lm' HANNICR IH UNTORLKIl KLAHATM FUKt COMPANY : , mill ww. VIIiUST FHOM OAUJCRY or KOIMK ftaaMft Watoeaa Aaaww Mrfer Mity-tairtli Ogw Third Tlia tad Kwda AaaMwl Maaasae, m He DM Wheat Fin la the White Mow Aaxloiaa for UUtion Befere Mardi 4. Uanad Preaa lerfte WA8IIIN0T0N, D. ., Dec. S. Tollowlni the precedent ho eatab llahcd when he ret aaunted his , JCxKutlre dutlea In Ue White Home. ,': .Preildent Wllaon te4ajr.aRVMred.be- ;:'' 'far a Joint aeaelea ot'Ceacreea-aad CviHrtoMlly nUtati AlekiTetlohe v opM fo hay ttde.BV.tharee4)-. " -It ra (he third Vlniiae-hMaddred the kitty-fourth Consreaa. The flrat deaoMtntloD by auffra- aiatfjSucb', aapleakted the Britlah Jkwiie of 'Comniena often, occurred 'hi Congress while President Wllaon was reading hie aesaage nt the Joint session of the two honaea. Boon aft er the President, atarted. reading a Mg, yellow banner wan. unfurled In ia gallery by n group of suffrage sympathisers. Inscribed on the ban ner were the worda, "Mr. President, what will you do tor woman's suffrage!" rosident Wllaon continued un heeded. A page remoyed the banner, flosrda stood near the women. - No fuss waa attempted. Because the makeup of the next House may i-enlt In hard sledding for DemocrUr-Mftsures, the Presi dent hopodV'nyfowi appeal today, to convince thto Cbngreea ot the import Me of Immediate action on leglsla ttea be partlHrthriy dealrea. Th Rxecutlre box fa the House tilery was"fsirod for Mrs. Wilson and other member! of the Prealdeut'a family. Members of the cabinet also ere there. While Congress Is working on hla recommendations the President will away from Waahlngton but little. hould it be necessary, he may rec ommend that the cuatomary Christ mas recess be dispensed with. This Question ana been made already ty Speaker Clark and Chairman fjti ttrald of the House appropriations ommlttee. - There la much Ut.de betere March . the dat or adjournment. If the President's wlaheV are to be 'carried ft In full at this Mmeaad. hot en- t to tae sixty-irth ceniresa. ' ' AMKRlcANg IN CaUHVAMUA ARK 8A1TC, aUYi TMJMinAM 0l Preaa lervkM , bu PABO, 'Dee. 5,The Brat authentic Information from' the An.or i!w In Chihuahua Cltr reached their Wntlvea today in n toloBrnro from arles Elmendorf to JVL. Barron iiaaiqt "We are all well." OBlclals interpret thla to mean that alj Amer f" In Chihuahua City are safe. Judgment for 1101.44,, the entire amount aued for by plaintiff. waa awarded to. the KUmath; Fielem peny yesterday by the' Jury' In,' Judge I). V. Keykendall'a court-lit, the case of Klamath Fuel Company vs. John son Wood Company. The' Jury, w out only a short time. W. II. A. Keener r.nd Charles Ferguson were attorneys for pla tiff. M1 MRS. KIMBALL ISi MADE PRESIDENT w- UtJBCtKD JHKAD OF WQMX LIKF CORPS YEAA.lNHTALLATIJCaiyB HELD MCXT MONTR ' Mrs. Z. C. Kimball waa elected pres ident of the Women's Belief Corps at the annual election held yesterday. Mrs.. Kimball Is sn active worker in the corpa and In many other womena activities In Klamath Falls.,- Mrs. Kimball's father waa with Sherman In hla march to the aea and fought In many battles of the Civil War. - Other officers of the corps elected were: President Mrs. Z. C. Kimball. 8enlor vice preatdent Mrs. R. R Brewbaker. Junior vice president Mra. Carrie Alexandor. Secretary Mrs. Paul Bogardus. Treasurer Mrs. Glen Johnston. Chaplain Mrs. Henrietta Brookfleld. duard Mra. George Davis. Conductor Mrs. O. W. Robertson. Asalatant conductor Mrs. B. B. Wlthrow. " Delegate Mra. Olive E. Sells. Alternate Mrs. Minnie Sargent. Preaa correspondent Mra. 8. Edward Martin. Patriotic Instructor Mrs. E. i. Ramaby. Musician Mra. J. B. Duncan. Color bearera Mrs. Sella Arnold. Mra. 8. Edward Martin, MM. W- B. Beebora, Mrs. Carey Ranuhy. Joint Installation with the a. A., wUl be held January 14th, -when a auppar will be served to the pest ad corps. ,, ? .Support for a 1390,000 government appropriation for Improvement of the harbor at Crescent City, Del Norte county, California, haa been asked of Klamath Commercial Club by the similar club of Crescent City. A let ter wab received thla morning, and action may be taken when the direct ors of the local club meet. BONO ORDINANCE " ' i GETS ' W 01E COUNCIL I'AMKM WITHOUT QUES TION ORDINANCE CALLING FOR BALE OF faoe000 IN RAILROAD BONDS ' FOR HARBOR IMPROVEMENT r'' Wh,h ' hM bCn CCept" laoie 10 you, or leaving to the reporU of the aeveral 'heads of the executive departmenU the (elaboration or the detailed needa of the public policy with which It sterns necessary and foaslble to deal at the present ses sion of the Congress. T realise the Mmltatlona of time under' which you lll necessarily act at this aesaioa tad ahall make my euggestions as fa' as possible; but there were some ihlngs left undone4e'L'!e"t,,ieW at tho last session which there, will now be time to complete and which it seems neceaaarv In lhA ln(rt nt MttA "m.ttlli. A A Mi MMm In the flrat nface, it seems to 'e Imperatively necessary that the ear liest possible consideration and. ac tion should be accorded the remain more deliberate consideration of them. The fourth recommendation I do not deem It necessary to renew. The -power of the Interstate Com merce Commission to gramt an In crease p'f rates on the ground referred to Is Indisputably clear' and recom mendation by tbb Congress with re gard to such. a matter might. seem to draw in question the -scope of tho Commission's authorlty.br its Inclina tion lo do Justice when there' is no reason to doubt either. j' The other suggestlons-the in crease In the Interstate Copmerce Commission's membership and in its facilities for. performing Ita'hianlfold duties, the provision for full public Investigation and assessment of. In dustrial disputes, and the' grant to the Executive of the power to con trol and operate the rallwsya when necessary In time of war, or other use pudiic necesslay I now very - "'smnjvjeyJJeYJgsmamV , .-Jb . . - . gtflxib,w''' tr. LLOYD "" - WT 'SSE J-Wr - nirr of rif ,tA'V0AA0AfcVV&&i0Vli0JtV PlLL'PROVnH six. '- YEAR PRESIDENTIAL TERM United Press Service. WASHINGTON; D. C, Dec. S. Abolition of. the electoral college and election of tbe'Presld'ent and Vice President of the United 8Utes by direct vote was ask'ed'today is a reso lution offered by Senator Bhafroth. The .bill provldea also for increasing me f resident's term to six years, In stead of four. ' The bill was referred to the com mittee on Judiciary. The necessity of such legislation la Concluded on rage .3 m r If Oil Kias Dies United Press 8ervice. TARRYTOWN.N. Y Dec. 5. The body; of. John D.- Archbold, SUndard Ihg measures of. the programme,, of " magnate, who died this morning The ordinance calling for sale by the City of Klamath Falls of $300,000 railroad bonds waa passed, to the.eec ond and third .readings last night; and next Monday evening set u the time for voting .on the (bird reading andTnal passage. ; . .. j. . The afirmatlve vote on the ordl- settlement and regulation which bad occasion to recommend jto you' at ine cioae oi yoatR,issi session in view of the public" 'dangers discloaedi by the unaccomaaedated dlfflcuUle which then sajeted, and which "still unhappily continue to' exist, between the railroada of .the country and their locotaoUveengmsss, conductora and 1 then rsceasmeed: , JlreV JSmedlatw provision -for the enTinJtad$dInistratIre Ve ofganfxatlon of the IntersUie Com- WeMM Hd PrMerviee i WAIHINOTON .-n.sirt IlMrt. Repeal of those aaattiMa of fc army ''"'tJwi WU!, eoaeefala mill lZ Pifa' win be asked br Seaa- -. ,. . " wf tjriwre laT . rah la rsselutlon to """'"Miisan laasssiMsi '.Tv-v-tt saSMaaWc&lT-vWL'.- il i,'A.i. a. w Jj.vvT'MT','T-tr.-;. rr M.i: -.rri?' 7' "- - ----- narilt 'fh-ywBeil- hM-iMamd M.he41d:a Cesbsssracy Trial Oyesm Untied Press Service BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5. Hy phestsm. war talk, ancestry, racial prejudice and heated argument ured prominently in the opening to day of the trial of Frans Bopp, chhrged with conspiracy against the neutrality of the United States. Three Jurora have been. temporarily accepted. , m - Tes Case Begwa r United Press. Bsrrlce. RIVBRBIDB, Cal., Dec. B. The flrat twt case of tha antMHan land law waa begun today in the,aetion C the State of Calif oral against Jollosjl Harada, a 'Japaneae propsrty owntr. ' " V OMNpijiiMa si '' f ' , UnltadPrsss tsrviea; , j ed'fleld.artuisr wius n,n formally araiies w" ZL-Z2i OestaaUa and: Adimi (or tha alliM. : nance was unanimous. Laatweek'tbe.mT? wasmissts along tte lines council held an informal session and "-'rH1- MlJS6' " diecuaaedtieoTdTnanceVit won intro-! th Hoise of .'msarssestatrras and 4aclaid'iMuMtoWrdrea'drnVtastlnov''valuM etloasay the Senate; night without debate. - ,B ,'aw uommissien jnay oe. Th ordlnknce provides that 100 enabled to deal "with the many great boada of 11.000 each ahall be Issued. I aaJrtoueduUeaBOWdswelving and that they shall bear 6 per Centj,,,0Bl';iwlt, Promptaessiaadjthoi', Interest. Tie money la'to be used to ounhness which are..wltk Its present help build the proposed Strahorn consniouon ana -.meana-i; or .action, railroad.. (practically Impossible. Fecond, the establishment of an olght-hour day as the legal basis alike of work and of wages. In the employ ment of all railway employees who are actually engaged In the work of.op- eratlng trains In Interstate transportation. Third, the authorisation of the;ap- pointment ny the president ,- of :a email body of men to" observe the; actual results In experience of .the adoption of the eight-hour day In rflll-J way transportation alike for the men and for the. railroads. Fourth, explicit approval by. the Congress of the consideration by the Interstate Commerce Commission of an Increase of freight rates, to meet auch sddltlonal expenditures by the railroads ss may have been rendered necessary by the adoption of the eight-hour day and which, have not been offset by admlnlatratlve -read-Justments and economies, , should the facts disclosed Justify the Increase. Fifth, an amendment of the exist ing federal atatute which provldea for the mediation,, conciliation, and arbitration of auch controversies aa tho present by adding to it a proyl atok that. In case the methods ot ac-. HORSE CASE IS HEARD BY COURT ATTENTION OF JUDGE KUYKEN DALLV COURT TODAY IS GIVEN .TO CASE OF BLADE VS. MIT CMELL TO RECOVER MONEY. following an operation .fpn appendl jcltls.wlll rest in the family mauso leum In the north end of Sleepy Hoi low cemetery. ' ' CONGRESS BEGINS r- FIGHT 01 H. C, L - -VT 'Y i." 4 COST OF LIVING TO WAOE.KARV. . r . r .. 'i- '.. -i.m . ' ,.,ti;i i DnbtlMll.. . I ! ' lii-ji v '. ,WVW W r-Mr - , v -.wss.gooa. .WIIX"BEntaTf myBSTIGATED HY CONGRESS. 'X ". -' .-Ol ' i 't. Trial of the case of John Blade va. George C. Mitchell, fo recover sale price of a stallion, waa begun lata yesterday afternoon In the circuit court and la progressing today. Plain tiff alleges that the hone Is not aa represented and wants hla money back. Defendant denies he misrepre sented the horse. C. C. Brower la attorney for Blade and R. C. Orocebeck is representing Mitchell; The Jury-U composed of . B..klng.Aaes.Lttady, Joe ICesseLJ Fred Beck A,. E. BeMUgar, AUesU Blosn B..B. Hawklna, Edgar Virgil, F.;w Reese, EMon Dennis, Eugene Spencer and W, A. Duaoan. LU' Arths la United States United Preaa Service CHICAGO; Dec. B. Federal of fleers stated' today that Jack John son, negro ex-champioa pugilist, is in the United States. He Is wanted here for Jumping r white slave bond, after conviction pected soon. . . as ' Oats' TweaUetli 'Atrshla .' lnlted Press Service. : ' . t PARIf, Dee, 6, Lieutenant Nun gesaer. a crack French gunman, to day dowsed two German aeroplanes, maktsc hUitotslVprer,la aereplaaes reach. la mars oi.vwsso . r .W . .. . ''! VJ S-M Ifl thilrsd Press4Wrrtee J '-'-,- .'. - ii. UNIONTOWN, P., PM.JTH OaWn',;tel,r Tar who waa injvrec inTtse fUl crash on the speedway fttrdayr died MrtrwM;'' JHaa.r edatmodatloa now provided ;tor ahsMild rati; a fulKpnbUe invettiga tloa of the merits, ot 'every sucludis pujte ahall be Instituted and com pleted before a strike or lockout may lawfully, be attempted! And, sixth, the lodgement In the hands of the Executive of the power, in case of mllltsry necessity, to take' contreTof auch, portions and auch roll ing atock of the rallwaya of the coun try as may be required for' military use 'and to operate them for military Hla 'arrest 'ek-l purposes with authority to draft into tae. military service or tne unirna States such train erewa, and admin istrative officials as the circumstances require for their safe' and, efficient The second and tMrd of these rec omJHndaUosa the. Oenfrass imme dlately.acted en: U established the Iflht-heur day aa ths( legal; sasia of werk';e4Jwages la train asnrieefaad ItVauthorised the-:apelBtmst,of.s commlssloate-vObsensVfad'rapsrt Vt;tM'prarsflts these the msMum'abast' ImmedUte-" lyneded; hut upon the other au opportunity ahouldhs, offered for a ' '.wis.' vi ''!,! "XTOf?.!' Oklted Preu Servlcs"-' " WASpiKGNDr C.1 Dec' ii The flrst conelonal''actiou't6ward relief from the high cost of living wa taken today when, 6nm6tion of Representative Keating- of Colorado, the House 'concurred, in tne?8fhate amendment to hlj'blH jtrqtldjnf f6r. Immediate Investigation of 'the cost of. livlBg-.to.'wageHwirners lntfl)e Dls- trlcV of Columbia. - Senator' Msrtine 'offered the reso lution In the Senate. ELKS MINSTRELS PLEASE AUDIENCE LOCAL PERFORMERS FEATURE IN INSTRUMENTAL SELECTION, SONG, JOKES AND ACTING. SHOW REPEATED TONIGHT "" CANNOT A1 tffe ;S ?rv ABQUrTH ON'WARlHfer After 4 u. . ,Viruf.6fcft4?J M . w - .Bftfr&i Tll,,t-e Js,OiamBBtilife Pre-W Not . MbW. "U'..:- ' ' Georgw Leers siaitiiiVWssWMjp Aeexamsss: B.rLlTtfvt '"'-' .f-'-y " nwssiBjB visawsi m amswisaw -w.j.'s., United Press ffervice. l J'iiiftl:-Sf.f,m-.i ..a-i!w!feffiiW.,.r BSH IPtJtrtlt 1xite&-('li HSJE jfl. - sz?!jl ,s-.7 , j,h . & .t,v;,.h London. Dae. i. Tn si' in iriart " ;. ' -Z 7"T-V . 'V-iTOr ,m ..k- i. .--AtfiiL-aS';-! ....., . mm ""Mawmai .. !,. n.j f.u.i'S2i'iSMaJi rz7Li7-Z- ify-Tdmma 'i " ise eeH;--1WM3flffiS!$;l ml. -. "-T - --. rirVlSrl'-Z3., ise resignauoa wasranafaMl3f!i ..r Men'.jwppien and children-laughed ast mgni at tne iia' Minstren. Tiiey. anplauded the splendid, playing and singing of practically tne enure list et: entertainers. The house was packed, and about everyone went away pleased with the performance. ItvWlll be 'repeated' to night. t Much credit is siren by the Elks for. ths-ssork-ol theniany eatertsla- fji- them Mra. Luke Walker drew repeated applause whWCsaJiisa'-andijiwata When she appeared, as Professor Felix Saterllsky on the"iiano. Her'actlna hwes-umanett.. .-- -r'-iv rv Gnlted Pros Service , ' WASHINGTON, D. C.,' DecT 5 The first' step 'by the department -of agriculture toward a pn.lcy, thit is expected to reduce food prices was taken today when the embargo on Canadian potatoes was lifted. German Conaul Abducted. United Press Service , WASHINGTON, D.- ,C Dec. ,5. Abduction ot German Consul Vpgel at Matamoras.by Vllltsltas Is reported in state department messages., The German vice-consul at Chihuahua City is reported killed in" the messages. Americsas Injured United Press Service. WASHINGTON D. ,C. Dec, s6. Several .American marines were' In jured! and eleven Dominicans killed When, the Americans' established a military government In Santo Do mingo today, ., Coal Famine Is Feared United Press Service SAN FHANOI8CO. Dec. B. A coal famine confronts all of northern Cali fornia, according, to J. C. Ewlng, president of, the California Fuel Deal era' Protective, Association; ' , Asks About Submarining ' United Preas Bernee a WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 1 5. The United States .today afnt.te-the Auatr.ln,jovernmeat an Inquiry 'eon- cerning the .sinking of the "American steamsr gaemupg;jy ,m, sitinu sujyarlne, , w V.. .HSSiLiAJcrr' y z ThlSn was ' given' uittl1 January "I.; to ;show' felimatloa of erlmlaala'and ds.' ..!.... ICmo Inv.lM " ISVITra H"V ,PfJH. ..T'i sent to Premier AsaWkb mUmr Tl.4 Uiu.' - -' - "- ' -" -" '' . Mim vim, l.w wm JBUMS-1BJW tin. h- Kk Mu.::-jHit''1 -;. to agree to a pUn fors-wsieeia of which Asflulth was 'tmtlpsjs: member. "SV19&5 ui ununii (oat iJUMffVueevaw, had decided to resign, th Telegraph added that the 'formal an nouncement '-will be" made lt ijriiii .i3ni5;B5t"l cat fu,- maam , sevspwsww4H. f r - t 'r vm ir ru si ;"Tifl VS-lfn-. PaiiI. SatterUa.na tkA Tlnllnl ,- ?z- - - " Tzzr--'r FT'j'q. antt-Mrs. Cj-.B, WBeeier in. "Since mother, .Goes.- to rMovle - Shews,'; pleased everyone. Miss Marie Rambo and. Miss Josle Low, singing a duet, and again in sin gle numbers, both entertained, and made their bearers 'laugh. James Lytle performed with a Unease that would earn him on the stage more than a Job in a hotel. , In "When Old .Bill Bailey. Flays .the Ukelele." in a duet witb.Mlaa. Josle Low. and again in "When the Right Little Girl Comes Along' be pleased all. The Wocus Marsh Trio, Paul Mc Donald, Fred.Houston and John Hubi bard, was good in aong, acting. and Jokes. .They furnished real harmony, McDonald came up. from, Merrill for each rehearsal to help the, show sad 8urey he tjelped.lt. Hls;characterl xatVons were. good. , - RoyBuckingbaro appeared. In, an Irish characterisation and agalnaa a Hawaiian with .Lloyd. Low, and both times delighted, Miss Viola Santamau well, enacted the character she tried. to portray in "When Prlsclila Tried to Roach High ,'C Bert Hall made an Ideal interlocu tor, and wlthWillard Brnlth. Lloyd Low. ' J'ohn :HubbardasdPaul Vlfc- Donsld. as, end men. got away with; many good Jokes.; Tho little kiddies, in pretty dresses, gave variety to the program,' Little EJIxabeth. Powell well played her part' pf the' "right little glrr with James Lytle In "When the Right Little Girl Cornea Along.." Besides the performers mentioned, the following appeared In the cherus: Miss Pearl Bolvin, Mlsa, Mabel Mar tin, Miss Waive Jacobs,; Miss: Ida; Thomas; Miss Josephine ,F1ak; M Helen Magulre, Miss Elinor Dreher, Miss Nell. Buckner,'sid Meserst Lawrence Hehaffey, -Claude Maxwell; George Walton,, Wilbur Arnoldand F. R.- Olda, n - K 4 ii I i mmimimmmm mm , M rriffe w ps; sspyr ,$ 'M4t3-Wte -i LOOAlt aytOC9dMnnIBM ' -aWMIWTsw-'t-2-Sl-i-.' ., stock to j&MJOmjm:Tmx$am!?3'?i . SIfii ' 'i . -;.- i. " ... .:.TY? am , naaHitai -svtfrki : ai? g&!h,& -5Vt temzoi&vimsm viummm n.. UlZzi zsi. ..!-":? i. w.":-.-.ir :jAr tm&Zk sits8e 'stockdealer'to.the Inalstla;TJriu; ? )earHtasn'iiwo-yer4id--fc havebeen sold by J, li'BesWsr,' heifers will be delivered at sWssatmt-. -jm& Agency and will be distrihntedi Indians' of the KUmath IalM-rBetwC -Ml VHtionfor bredlnc wiximttiexiZ&m :?m. ?- -fvFm United Press Berries.; w rT IBRWNiiDee.,! S-Frlao. yon Hohenlobetbdi WM.isBPated.Biln- isterwneiaMSfwsoTsi ?RJf i jVWUWF" ..ai.h -rwr.' r fvj?ii3t, UaWMfFrsaiC;s7, A . M m im r--11 'brs"; r?VL .. r i&rzz .ttui wholesale ?nc of v enamr.-' s'lumWlia"cenU' pw;kunre4;wssis,' DBJR? fet toiar lugieslonswntst ; ait .The' helferire;eVfts;iMJI'S herd end are aald to be ssne immp of young stoekjaa .WrWflOtmiSsS ath county. - -' -- j..-.',.,ffl ,-sl and,Bssed ir4Wi'MMfji i.-A2 m'Ll s.a.-- :.'i'-- I? ' -. jM bureau of animal yindswt ITfsVMllslffi 1 States ilmisi imiisl nf ailsiliirissmsi -' '- 1 States deeartmeat;of The heifers are. at eraoon and' win Agency by Friday; over to Wi B, of- the-reaervaUon. vice hsa purchased1 mm. Indians in aafeadeavwr:te dlans to raises hotter mde' i X, ".fri mm'' ? 4W9VW9mrn: .5f?w:rJ Vsia j&frJrlCr. .y1 SS)A'in..v.4-.r. . 1 rTWJiSsXHPSK - stistMV,-l tavKiSA TLt W i-j-A-m.i e1Tless.ffycSi United Press BewleerW i ' i fiV': "!i ? r" '? jT? . ,vS?flW?A jp? :ti l'w. ",''. "w.V""""yt'.e. sxewTjas,!, -,; rudla with mueh .'loss of hMad :hrsi4r. enemy. The BulaWrMssel Satiskeulaad Vi'SS! M .' i' fei '-:.q C"iiv'l!i'!W., r-' . ".T, !rW.-!!S:'B' mum. -r.owca! js6"Ti? ss'fe'st kszv h. V i; j.JJ'v. T.f A."? KUI.fv.', - -- mt vmr " Ua'l4fef' WASHINGTON., t:-iMJ.sMe' BSW ... . TrVHlJflg...'gar esaissssIsm'-sfmsB - '''-.- lftWS! i? .Mf The -AaerlcaaS.FsdsfeAltutetU today, appealed .to ? for1 a: federal, wv ".Tlnnrlun inl'' if 'Mllhil "' ,-.. W-. -.W-, , --. J rs UaMed i&A&& ..: WAsHINOTOPt.Dv, ,. A.'motioa toMva.th Of thexAdanirtwlef iriiBMi , i;.i.j nnw todajrbrrli m ty.' i - Davie w-.V-' JW .yj- UaHtdFrej "apjtiki F:SW ttafMHl assBsfJ at ;fe VeM1 z':. l.r."' .3i(W!Jr" vmtmmim ;iW wm ua ' 'W"RR SP""S1. fcl ; . " t $' ....- t 7