wR,"?E$r .4'' H i OREGON KQMM iwcroitinat i .T ,w Select Your Gifts lor the Men's Xmas P3 ' -jrtfA tf - ---' ""--- j . r . - , --,-"l: .' - tVIMita HWAT.n KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I :. . V 'V - .T?':-- . -- , ' -- g ; ij-zzzzzllzz:1ZZll f r -'iiiiMsiMi $ I t- ' '?? !:-? i.1??; fear i fel";lmmmwsiaissst7fliw ' " - - Wim"9KBMxrMmaWJ If - .- v . .. ,- HilSOKKp.l 1 Smoking Jacket ';':: lMa1MiW , Sweater Coats iSilKPPrJmMMIl fll Lewis Union Suite Shppe .,? v nm, BSBBsn-SMJt'Jt B inmn 9SImYAAitfIsSSvmmmmI. . - HO VKHLWQHff 5 1 EBiffiSPPnn ' ' m- gssmw fen- 4m?70 "jKflmmmmll -.- sew . jS&nOB' m GtsammmmmMI ' iir laMsMWi " $"ff -' MVansssssssas; -r -V BBBBHHBNBBBHSMHSaiBSBvHHSsHBwBSsSvSlHBSMHHIHISBBBaHIHIIHIV At this big store for men; here you will find a great assort, ment of sensible and useful gifts at very modest prices. Give gifts that will be used and appreciated; a few suggettiom; Neckwear A Good Overcoat Bath Robei Traveling Bags House Coats Mackinaws rs Silk Mufflers Dress Sets Sox in Xmas Boxes And hundreds of other articles dear to the hearts of the men. Watch this space for suggestions; let us iicifj yuu mane yuur $111 sciciiuii iui nun. MW, C.r i' N. K. KL K. Store-Leading Clothiers -Hatters rsof" IIBIIII -rLtLi?"3'" VP . ML 3SS-T- rw. j"jja2ar l' WW .,ei acs- I . r . -9,'V I I -i" ' I wwwwvwwwl moro loronrknblo whim you consider Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Iluit. TS iiPX -p ,-l-''-A FRANCHISE ELECTION n&4- LOCAL HAPPENINGS DECEMBER x. -:'i ' j . s ,' ' i 'sW.'ji'ii- blc--. 1 ?? . 'Vcc-.-;. ..-jft I ..VOI'''. ' I1? 5, .1916 i ' -ivr?irr. To the Voters of Klamath Falls; The following are some of the reasons that you should' "vote for the franchise permitting the Keo Power, Go? to enter the local field in cemfttition with theCaWornis 1 4 " and Oregon Power Co. ; J 4 " ?' ' J .(1) It will bring to Klamath Falls genuine competi tion in electricfservice for at least fifty years, aa the fran chise of the Keno Power Co. wfllvbe nonHMlabk without the consent of the City Council." " . (2) It wUl bring to Klamath Falk "a rate for electric . service based on actual construction costs and not on! a ' high, purchased .value wrikA. the California aiKl Orexon Power Co. are laboring' under.. -. . '' . """"V "'" - (3) ItwiubrmgtoKlarnithFaU.anaotio ; horse power for immediate , use, while the' company has tm iuiius ucvcniian ovcr.icn UKMHnaBOIC Hr froaa Ea1e HMge, Joha S. Grljth and Tom Llttloflcld rctorned yeatsrday to Katlo Ridso. ! after a abort Dullness visit In Klam ath Falls. f . . iivtmcomem nemrrm. v Alice J. Knight, denconcss of tun '.Episcopal church, left yesterday, af ter conducting services in Klamath Falls for a few weeks. ! 1 SIMM !!! llil i 3. C. Wright, a promlnont farmer of the valley south of town,, has pur l-chased a new low-lift manure spread er from J. 8. Mills & Son. tlmt all our cotton muit be shipped from Hnglaud or America, as we grow none, "Of course, many of our dealers chafe under tho fair pilctt system, Jut-t as they would in tlio United fttuteu, but thnt doesn't stop the regulation, Hero, it scorns to m, they are per mlttcd to brloud tho Issuo. 'Much might I'd done by tho In dividual state:! to tolve tho prlco rsg ulatlnn problem." OIUNDAI.K NOTHI I.HtUr to Pelican Hay. I Mr. and Mrs Frank WooiIh. who )... '.... j, - --. . oiiiiiruuj spent a wcok In Klamath Falls ou Allen 8ln!ibiu and family, V. A. WhltUtch and C. (1. Hunt and wife wcru county scat callers from Orln dalo Saturday. Chester DcLap and family were county scat callers from Hound take i.-e,.;A Ti . Tl fitA.-rt. ffiraF -6 H$MH .Rowcr' of water now goingto:,waat.hithe;fae;:ia p$$$$ -.' "Sot passed at thb election, the C&U&kmiSlfaik wiil lose forever the use of thu clieap.rpower.which wilt be diverted to other fields drawing the users of ge blocks of powerawayomiKJarnAFaB?c ;,.w ''.. " , i .. The following iaa;conrWof Wptfelaf tBe.Keno Power Company and that of the Calitormaa-d OregonPower Company for an ideaUy, Quipped reeidei: Id , K.p:Co. : Cfte: Fiye40-watt & two 25-watt Lamps.S 1.37. ' 1'M-A'3R- . Electric Iron "... . ;,. ; 12S"ff - ' 4r""i50 jaectnc washer 25f .- Sewing Machine Motor ..... .. .25 Vacuum Cleaner -. .25 J Coffee ' .25 Two Horse Power Motor 2XM) 1000 Watt Air Heater. 2.00 c v, Electric Pan, .25 Horse Power. ... .25 l :J Electric Range, 3000 Watt. 4.00 t& :- -l Water Heater. 2000 Watt,.....: r:,-- ftAfl Vibrator ......... f...,... .25 business and pleasure, returned yes- Lterday to Pelican Bay lodge. Dasurtiter la Bern. j A' baby daughter arrived Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. (J. Swan of Merrill. Mr. Swan formerly was county school superintendent. i" Mr. and Mm. (lo. Shell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keutton, Mr. George and Mr. Smith took Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mm Charles Sovlti of Klamath Falls. Allen Stnnsblo entertulned at din ner Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Ja. Stansblo and' son and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Laura Hemllwrlgat -visited from Friday until, Sunday with Mr. Janes 8tansblo of Oriadtle. Al Barrett made a trip to Hound Lake Friday, returning Sunday. The literary society metUng at Orlndale last Friday waa well at- tended and a very nice program and debate wero enjoyed. The sjuaetlon for debate waa; Resolved, Tiat aft la more pleasing to the ay than na ture. The decision of the Judges waa two for the affirmative and one for mo ntuH-, mo boii question lor debate for December 18th It, Re solved, That the barbarlin la happier than the civilised man. ORPHEUS THEATDtl Mneklrd PfHttopUys Inc frawiei A RTRANaKIt KHOM HQMEWnsm Featuring Franklyn rsma u4 Agnes Vernon In an orltlul tw.j, drama. "' Also m Utnx (hir n Vmtif HRVKX ItKKM (MOB Mjho ADMINHION to CKXTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY K0t ItKNTT Two nicely furnished' rooms; furnace heat; close in. I'hone S18M. 4-6t HOME CAKE In sickness. Rates rea sonable. Phone SUM. 4-t. Ooyeland Leaves. , Al Copeland and wife leave to- ford morrow for Portland to spend the! Mr. fTofMtland fa omnlnvril By Whltbtch and son and Jlr. Mum- 0'M I.OHT -A pair of full-rlmmed spm- t Helen. In or near the Library build- lug, on Nov. 17. Reward. I'hebe Knmmers, Klamath Falls. Phone i . BBsVVsammTmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .IU ' . 'At-V ; ? .so 1.90 300 ! 5.00 boiidavs; 1 lf" 4 ' . . t . M . , liar; the Bean & Flusatrlck barber- - shop lee Is Oat. " I The motor boats which carry mull land freight to upper lake points re sumed their dally runs yesterday. Tho Ice in Upper Klamath lako has prac , tlcally disappeared. l-'OH 'BAIM 40-U. p. touring cat: Mr. nnd Mra. By Whltlotch spent, flirt-class comlil'on; cheap If 'keu rb 15tb. Inqii'.ri 'it Crescent Av. ri.jno 3I4J. j.r -tffyf. j JS0 i'- jrt"1 &'-!?. Monthly (Signed) Totals e "' $1412 k : KENO POWER COMPAMY J. W. Keris. $23.05 Wsaei Ask ftr Rephtidi f NatmTs Fsod j (Continued from Fsge 1) prices for the benefit of the people Is not living up to Its obligations as a democracy. "Can you Imagine a' two-pound loaf of break selling in the United States for seven cents T I think not. Yet, that is what' the Australian state bakeries do. "Take a spool of common thread. In Australia the housewife gets 3000 yards for a nickel, The American housewife gets 1000. This Is all tho SmlBsssssssmmmmmmmmmvLmmV FOR It KNT Furnished apartments at Oregon house. 4-3t 75 Cents , A week will, pay for tftW Vfetnlt. Why not invcotlgate v)" Christmas rnrnt for aM "let family? HHKI'.Utlt PIA.VO DMfOt Next IhHir to PottoaVe, mwiwwwmwi.w tmn0000ifi0itttittn0f PH. P. M. WHITK Kys, Ksr, Xoe sad Tbntl Kjres Tcstel aUsses Fmsi' 907 Odd Fellows Ilawnsg What are you going to do about the question of Shossf ?p THilMt . 'WHAt? -tf WhoUseltoflav IKZK. CHRISTMAS prou. lenut so!reil wltli a tloseai of our ilioiri pliotograptis. HENLINE Is tlie Pliotographer of Klamath Falls U27MmIhHI. Op. Court House Are ye gwtttsjc an mvUcvJar saUsfaction out of your sOent piano? V f ' K Are ear ye tMfcsi ism, left ji'- WstsntyefMask? or have yea all give up Tx maaanst rsal saUsasctkm and snap wto yor bewe life by trilmlg?" that lfcUe smed siano as part psymeat toward -sjood PUyer. AmooawUjtrftmMmjmtoHnr the werW's best wwalc and Inter- uUi u i. i..iiL . u.. .... .J.. .. .... . r wr w sews yew Hraivraaaaiy, atHyoi:a play ... ' . .... . - : lv - ' Vf "fff !. "anp different wars that yon' woalfl tf .. lv - 1 TtJei H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements tahsr-m i 1 f WM rtaefsajrer to to pattj; your own sota into SwsMes yon to StWs, gtvea he drudisry at thaasme tlma? , flee, ;reat 'y!-. -.'..:?-. 'iLiK.'''if. f. . A J nsstra. f Uw JM a :. m-.-, rm.: ? im---':&'l ' -,-t;i JFrrrir rr - fc J,f? sKwyfwsfi ,yiais) "sbbw v, JIM ur mst&f, i:' : -ysidmsa'uMtbe -', -' y-f. ; ji, -,-n i. fTeaaa ,,... . Vf - rianoUepot Kkmatk Fatts, Oregon Ur A v , h k- HOUSTON , OPERA HCTUS1C DKCEMUKR 15th and 16th, THK L1TTLK GIRL NKXt DOOR" DKCEMRKK i" , Klilson-H-hlia Lyeeim;. "THK ORIOLKtfV Miss Orah Harkncss, Reader,' ' Miss Ethel Boyd, Soprano. Miss Madge Becker Whistler. DKCKMBKR M SKOVGAAHD Deniwark's Greatest VkRjt and New or MetropollUn Company. mWwKB. iiii 'Immmi HsMmmmPrn BHmMt"'' I -- 'JssmmmmmrlSF' a SHb1BBbbbI$ ammV -mflRIf i vBBB9r .ammmmmmBf ''NnflaRsavaTK. 1 ' " aSmmmmmmHkiSmSMsTWllrBl .1 - ! flsiiiCi ; - alllllllBa IB? ; "w"' smmmmmmmmn;immBau. !-t 1- i 'v, BmmmmmmmVaaySasJSjmmmBmlfe-a C mmfaH - WKKBmMi Bmml . ' i9smmmmmmmmm1rlU JassKammmmmmmmmmV SSSassw W!Sw r? 4 1 - - .' ' rnmrnsf 'UmW"5 '1' Lw ' 31w -. IK . " k;;. STAR THEATER Trlannle Production FMiurtoa William S. Hart in "TflK DISCIPLE? Aleo, All-Htar Keystone Comedy T R-M P LI THilT w.m !'lHrlmauoip0 Haixards, of Helen Series ponMe-Barrrted Courtsfclp," Aaiem comedy "A Featnre," Title Not Oiven, h . f w Tnvnie .. . .i . .. l -.i.j-.m4- 1 o nara to gtc fOM isttMr sua gooa worKinap - , s fair.iort e prJca today., Many a manufacturer tsmstad ia tklmL 'k.M U . k ictn. We in pettwtf ' Aur'ltiuA'ta ..! 'iiLi. L;..M'.,avnAr rnrteBM SJSIS, ? asa ea iaTaSZ. J sf ,r, of "'' w u wrsw. tbs Rsfai pmic nave siwsy rp "-12. IBS VHMTtr. flaaJ mJ tl ttm -- vnu and for (! S"' 1 .hnperunt usa cvr ilus stssea. 1st ut show yu m,.l! -. w tiak Yen will aad ye slss in your k " "Tji fe, , . Seed seuad satker. haaMil7su. assd cemfortsble fie, U V prises yen cm afifsrsa ajr, .- - i .. v t, : US it t sWrffti', '. .- smsBSitai--T- I'll wk4 f: Zl i tr1: A'l ftfc A -,J A . " . vvw ' . ; i ?gg WVMAeJWM jtf r bbbbbbW Jama. Aiam 1 iVBe mmsVmk . sma Store h : S 'l 01 It Is 1 t (ft tei IK l,t rJ 'J.T ," J. ",- u" .taV"; -t T Wi ..,'. . j ' '' ,w J5 v-5V ;"''' ' ,: JiV IVnv'BmmmBBmmml , t aSSSSFBtssBfamT bbWsw