. -.,' '.;'' r$r x. S-"J! IV P" jfcBTi - . ' I - . iK'Hffl iaBr V. J .HHBMW ' l ' V ' 3 , - ',.";;v HBBBBBV t " r" - i-,. J: - t ' -r 'JbbbbbbI' 'wV: -i.iWiHHB w jSBanaaaaaaaaam i'u l i s... a . fcj. i. j i " ii ' ' . i" j . . IJaaaaaaaaaE. ta . , J A ' j V . i1 J -.r ljjrou;li .aaaaaaaaaaai SS-. . KLAMATHALU, QMGONDAY, DECEMBER 4, ,.. JSS! WiflANS RFTBFAT 1 -TH AWMMERS MK ? t ' ' ..... .. ill ----- ; - , . .JMAWMMMM t J ,v m c 'CjBT''WuK&wy .v.'Jj.w:' v.'ot . ibv, daa r.v cfcA'w r s.ssss. jy ..: r . fjrr sr-ssr.,, fss.,:-s.::-r. rsss. ,.,.: rs. r.ssssj in. a.1 '.AiawnriM. ..VTn -. - i-tf T rfi 1 f BlV;KH7'WIUrKr. ' 7b'MHaSI!-:'-y4u''XX V '.". ' V U.':'ZV. Vy.; - "' - 'Bmmma:;-smmmmmsF.v.smmmmmmmmmm;'7mmmmmmsB - - aasaaasai - " " '- " " i " "VVT EJar'VKHftjHmnH 6:mmM-4irW':V-y.MMm SlK?irikM' M FROM CAPITAL ! : t PHOtAHND WUMtBN 51-'fiL. - -i------ 1m ( .M.,11, I IPQgP M IpW ,W 4VWV MrVM.1 OeoMB (Mkrt - IVf rofmd Ail. WUll HI Of I MM HMtHnf "irs M Wr awl Ai ftdi Wwr ImUm Of ftNCeMMM. "" nri"nn"iniTnnrMvirunjxwju MillANrANH t crushing RunanU at all ciwts. Jit at me cmet taak or tbe aeraaa arl u iuu war whs ui cruiR'BVIglUBi; With thn imtller countrli ouio( the way, the Teutons mar direct all their enernr aialut Eagland Prance and Ruaala: The iuccm of Mackenaen' work In tbe Dalkana haa been revealed In each dny'a dlipatchea. lie has -wpa at Dodrudja, h annihilated the'ltajaan. Ian detachment which croeaed the Danube and dared' to Invade Austria; he took Champulung, and.tbla after noon aUnds within ten asllea of Buch aroit, really to take the city. of Oele- LIUd Preia Servlee. llUCKBNSBN'B HEADQUARTKnS IN TUB DALKAN8. c. 4. The OtraaiM today are within tea miles af Bucharest, the easlUl of luaaanla. The numanlaa retreat la so pre (tViUte that, the OeraiaBS have lost all "touch wlt'U the advanced columns ef the enemy. ' Officers of the Teuton forces de lators that the. Raaaaalu aaerale hns ssea;brokeu. They 4o aot eipect a 'tottorn defense of the capital. IJ:- m. tvstBrsatasB " Vtitxi. Press Bervlee. PBTROORAD. Dec I. The retire ''Mtat of tha Rumaataaa south of N'-uai.---r.----k,Si--i-i-.v h Kaarcsris oaiciaiiy anoounceti. ' Tbo reinforced Teutons have cap tired Qradlshtea. GRAND JURY IS SELECTED TODAY llKGtNH WOHK OP INV1KTMIAT 1NCI CA8E8-4CVKRY JsOOfBEi J Hi A FARMER OR 8TOCKMAW. HOBB8 CASK IMPORnilrXf Valted I'reis Service. The new grand Jury was selected this morning and this afteraooa be gan Its deliberations. It Is composed of William Barks, foreman; J. R. UliSTKUMAD Dec. 4The ninth uTuowmBn' u,,". '- 2!r riacKUB, duuu il. nasviauiiu wu mw, Bhell. All are farmers or stockmen. Tho grand Jury probably will cora- Otraian army baa won the battle of argeiu, In Humania. ' Kaiser Wll atlf has ordered all church bells In tile empire rung In celebration of the victory. United I'rcss Service. COl'KNHAORN, Dec. 4. Oerman artillery Is bombarding Bucharest jkom a range of eleven miles. j. General Von Mac'kenseh, probably tke greatest general of the war, la sow at the gates of Bucharest, capital ' tf aLlBBBBBBBBV J X'bibIibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj. M Bk!l?nBBBBBBBBBH9HlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf mMAcmw M .Rumania. To'blm and General plasnhayn were assigned the task plote Its Investigations this week, One of the most Important cases It will bo called upon to consider will ho that against Henry Hobbs, charged with the murder of Edwin C. Way, near the Algoroa Lumber Company's logging camp several weeks ago. Mrs. Hobbs who was present at the shooting, nlso will be considered by tho grand Jury, aa she waa bound oter to await Its action. IthCOXBTRUCTlOX M 1 1 V COME SOOX LONDON, Dec. 4. England la pre paring a '.'reconstruction" of her gov ernment, Premier Asqulth announced today. Ho said tho house of com mons and King Ocorge had assented to tho plan. Tho announcement csmr. following u conference .with King Cleorgo. 11o details of tho so-called ra-on sanction were not mnounced. but nrn expected to bo doclurod Thursday, i hangs In tho rnblmt are expected I'remlor Asnultli c.ild when making the announcement that Knglngd would compol tho restoration of Bet giMti and aubd w Oerman mllltnr!nn l-efwi consllotirir, jwacn, I --..- - December Term of Court ; Opens; Wood Case First ', t tr.t- ;. The circuit court this Bsoryiag ei ) Its annual Wlnter'a Vina' n't tmmmm. I i?' flr,t action of Judge D. y. Ku i ,kMall was to draw the artaad lurv rjfMvthen he began rlii'B the cue 5Ltb K'th rusl Oomaaay vs. ,; 'kwon Wood CoHr. x n The plaintla? iiiii.V u.r iWM, alleged Mgu. a. ,j,ay- SilSS n w-00;,niUhi. Tba avl-. iifMea wa 'in iiw'.L-'.-i-.iii" 2i a sim-i,; Si-iwasiViSssaKS U... a --';wspwi;sii wrT aadvtae Jry kf.l jurors v ee W. wUh.tMi: . i . . C"1, &-tbe CM,r 'immy Tlngtey, 0. B. King, L. O. Mills, W. P. Reese, Edgar Virgil. J. I, Ksllsr. B. B. Hawkins, Eldon Dealst Prsd Beck, W. A. Duncan and II. H. a Valkenburg. .,. -. ' W. H. A. 'Renasr and Ciuim J. FerfusoB- pn attorisjli !'? Klaaiath 'fusl Company ad W. a WHay appwrs far th JohasOa Woo Company. A auatber of cases In law and equity art to ha tri at taWtsm J eeurt and a few .criminal cases, qf taVerlmlnal cases, that against Doyle, charged with murder, It attrM Most attention. ms.rt:? r-W5ib t SSfrjIGj ..m m&B v'jAy.'sjs.- t'lTZ'J-iWt :swr. r.:s..rsvsr-.- i.!"jss.-js;wjja stSfSV J mL..ys. jf"2v v.-ly, mm iMTXammmiy .. adt'bbp- f-.t.:'i:smewM; Vm7Jtfxy''if'442'K 6mgtz2&?mn. 23biro 'y 'i:M wm-WX &&';.&&':: V','4,7: .. . ni : . . Sm .,S: S.' sj-.r ..5 ypRsss, A'ffrK : ".: -'-r r "'-' - -- L-.mzm gtAiu:tv.wfwwyftrfWaaiiWKita Z .ZSAsyA I mi mwmmmtteim!aftt&msesa4WM3t. t . .. .j, i1ife To left, around table, tosjfaalna; with -woma'ia lmmi-iWaV foreground Mian Gertrude XeUlgaa, Irwin KovaU, . MW 'kT.g: Kaaaosi, H.vOe4irlMg,;MlM Sbptita MkfUiia Leasle Pettlt, R. Beckman, Mian II. Halversoa, William Marker, Mhw CeU WUrox and H. fPafaslBj Health Commissioner Robertson of Chicago orgaa$ia among his employes a diet squad of men. and women to live on 40 cents a day each. He said, "the test worjareatest importance to the middle class which lives-on salaries Instead of wages. The mldde class flat dwelfiHP.'Jiho tries to keep up appearances, has more trouble making ends meet than does the wage. earner.!'. ,i:.? r..jE)St i ELKS MINSTRELS AWAIT CURTAIN GOOD SONGS, WELL"8UX, AKD MANY OTHER FE.TIIKK8 ARE PROMISED THOSE WHO SEE MINSTRELS TONIGHT. Tonight Is tbe night. "The Elks' Home Town Minstrels" will appear at Houston's opera house tonight In their first appearance. The ahow wll be repeated tomorrow evening. This season's show to expected to be equal, If not better, than any of past years. The songs are new nnd catchy and the performers are able. Tho program Is as follews: Recitation. . . . .Vr$ "Slneo-'Prlscllla High C'"...MI "On the South Seal?) Misses Beesie.Plel Geo. A., Cathay ted to Reach Viola Santamau II .t, Madge 8hlve The Great Hulu Hula Yaaka Dula Sisters Buckingham and Low Wocus Marsh Trio A Little Non senso:and'a Lot of Good81nglng Paul McDonald, tenor; John Hub- uaru, uaruone; rrea nuugion? : :i 'WgkaJTn Im.rlra" Mlaa Ti.lo T.nn.1 ..wnw wf. "V..W - WVB.O.-'vn WOMEN ASK FOR FOR INFORMATION OF C1TV ELECTORS City electors are requested to reg ister and vote in the ward In which they reside. Electors removing from one ward to another, .after registra tion, should notify the office of the police Judge and have registration card changed. However, the charter provides that removal from one ward to another after registration and the registration books shall have been closed, shall not work a forfeiture of a right t vote ,n tne ward wherein such elector was registered. In the recent city election, as np pejars from the returned, registra tion cards, there was a promiscuous RfGULATIOH OF si ". NATIONS FOOD TWO MILLION WOMEN APPEAL' TO PRESIDENT WILSON why he thought the United States should establish, government control of food prices. -" . "The storing of. eggs,, butter, meat, poUltry and like foodstuffs to boost prices Is only less criminal tEan the destruction of food to keep the mar ket up, such as I have seen in 8an Francisco. "I don't want: to appear nosey about the affairs of a country whose guest I am. but when .1 see high prices in the United States, where "tbert la no regulation, and' compare It with the reasonable prices and legitimate profits obtaining in my borne country of New South Wales, where food prices are controlled by tbe government, it IS a strong temp tation to say 'Go tlicu and do like wise.' "Every Monday morning the- pre vailing prices for-staples are an nounced by the government, tftnw announced price -Is 36 cents .for but ter, the t housewife knows she will pay 36 cents and ao more without am ple warning. In the United '.States the housewife reads a quotation; of 41. cents, for butter and prays all the Way do wntown. next' JBornlng that it won't'have Jumped a! nickel a pound overnight. ' ' wSiapki- to pur control, system, aemsewrres.i Byoneyaaa otner urge cIlfes'piyTtbout J5-eat8-arrof fofl the'.bestegge. ?Cai you1 imagine that for 'fresh eggs' here?- No, but; there Is no legitimate, reasons. why'U shoulda't'be. '?? ?v 'nSt-" ,I'.vf,S . DIFFBRKXr.PIiAIAai xl . sirriiirriB'i;S&s5ffiij& mzmi'i ', -.. -. .v---., .VJl'S j. " -ic. .rJ?wti!&M&& . '" It ' wr-2ijX: .v ',-x &SV!ffliS1& )itJj N.02 Vi;. AgftfeiST'- t i t- . ' . .,iiiriaTSMjv!ata -". '-x . . ;.. irmBn;immwniiut.mmnmmr:Tmwmwr:- r . . -.',-."':,' n w'&K4?i??L'fe:',' u " Kbs'e-'WJwa4aiA:flBT3i--;.. ' -Staple. hAf,sA,oi;itt:ysjti1;', - sr "c i iv rr rv. jr4v --'i- "Jl7,.tffV'!T7-$--V.i, r; .&swHta' J s.r!. '- 'A&3&&&&i mmsmmmz. WASHINGTON." ;D.;G4Dse.4S t..i.ii.Ii.i.ij --' -T- 'yj. n,Ba.B.vB uwnai av. cosCof. llvlng'marl f jt-'fr Z. r X.hH7J.4i '-- js -M WM-. j:iz$i&m,i B3ssSy1 JjaSJCf!" .Vf nf thA iinlliinai 'iiiimmp '--J J w..-. ,, . rr-AZT?ttJ!g.i?&m'iteir ' n 1 ... . ... I a'-'i " '- -wwj'y . , - ncprcacmauTV niBusuatasaBK'ijilt,'-l ", of, ho forcfavjrtnstafssBW ,- anembargo-gDn ejjabtfijartff ., supplies. -The. otf m.imifcrSP'' - . ,RepreswtalTe--ParriPmmsr ' Jt vanU propoW an emharsm; Government ConnMissloacr For 'Now South Wales Explains Australian System of Food Qpaittvl ami, Urg? - Ita Adoption by Tills Country Is Much Like Whitman's Move for Regulation la New- Work. By GEORGE MARTIN (United Press Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK, Dec. 4. Formal ap peal tor government regulation, of'ttie Interlocutor, Beet Hall Bonos Paul McDonald and John Hubbard. Tambos Lloyd Low and Wlllard Smith. swearing in of electors In' the dif ferent wards who were registered In country's food supply was forwarded Overture Tambos and Bones otner wards. This constitutes a to President Wilson today by therep- "An"d They Called It Dixieland". . double registration, and a, violation resentatives of two million women of WllUrd Smith lOB clSrier SUU mo BIHID lW m mBiwuvum uuonea f '"u !"..' r,'l'a' , uun. lw". Contusion results aa, a conse- Simultaneously Patrick E, Quinn, "On the i Old Back Seat .of a Henry Jn the permBnint reglstrn-' government commissioner for New Ford,' Bessie Pickett. Madge Shlve record 0n fl,0 , the offlce of tne South Wales, explained tbe Austral "When Old Bill Bailey Playe the j poce judge nnd th6 elector's "legal Ian system of food control to the Ukalole" James Lytle, votng pMe g jeft jn. doubt. j I'nlted Press and recommended Its "I Never Knew What Love Could j in the case, of a close vote on the ( adoption by the United Stages. Tho Do".., Mrs. Luke Walker election of councllmen from a par- plea of the housewives and the", re Violin Solo... . . ...Mrs. Paul Satterlee tlcular ward, the situation might be tpedlal r.ystem outlined by tlulnn "If I Knock the 'L Out of Kelly" a serious, one. dovetail with Qovernor Whitmru's n.n.ii.h.! :Under the law. only, those electors i move for the regulation or . now ''""'"' ""L t .,,. I who are not registered are .entitled i Vork'a food supply "by a state food 'Since Mother aoes, to ovie , i Jn e,ecUon d J commission, Both Quinn and Mrs, Shows . .Mrs. Clayton b. wneewrjtherefore Q elector registered In the' Julian Heath, president of the Hoiise "Wben the Right Little Girl Comes jgeeo w8rd( for inatance, caunot wives' league, ' praised Governor legally' be sworn In aa an elector of the third ward on election day. , A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge. Along" me W" Assisted by little kiddles. "Missouri Walts" Misses Josephine Low, Marie Karauo "Yaaka Hula Hlckey Duia" , . .John Hubbard Prftttv Baby" Mrs. Hattle Immel and the Misses' .. . w.u.l- Ufalira TaMthl PArl HUB BBMKUltB. 1IBIIII WVvww. --, Bolvln, Mable Martin, Elinor Dre-?Fellrws lodge, SYullace Baldwin, . latlon," Whitman's action. Tbe. housewives' resolution, adopt ed by the state chairman of the lea-, gue from every state In the union, bases its appeal on the assertion that WALLACE BALDWIN "the people of the United States, nre BURIED BY LODGE t suffering from- exorbltantrprlces due ,' to shortage, of .crops, increased ex- 'Vlth the ceremonlCa of the OfW ports, decreased' imports and speyu- h.r Nellie Buckner. Viola Santa- Kiamath pioneer ana chsiter memHr Tbe league's appeal urges the gev: ... Tnhin. Fink. Ida Thomas., of the local ordr. yrM laMMo ret, ernment--to' determine by all possi- IMBBUl vfvy.i -- i , . 4 ..-. ":'..' J t-rv. Resneet van pald.to lilm by a'ti feed the people of the UBifadi .. ..... cms. J. "? .rM BUMw,r of OiH'Pelldws. Rebek-IStites and to, take measures to limit: BaterllskCy. we arest "',- .M otoer f,.cn:i,.,? -v v sales, for exports the 'surplus 'over the Royal Conservatory or. Th,oral oC.Mnaare many and domestic requirements,''' " , v, Overture. Remarks Felix clan from Vlega. f'Why Did' They .Pave Main. Street j With Angel Fooar-. ..,.... , , , .Miss Jbsle Low and Jimmy Lytje, "Out of a City of'ite Million. Peo-v .: nil.- t-lM Vmt Plink On MeT'-' ' ..r.,, ,.Mss Marie Rambo .iQfutUul.- Mlsa angn.a"Parker san At the, same tlme.aa egg : bpyeett a lew hymns and Uv.C,'T. Hur& was spmalaraBldlraiidfpyosaisjsa V)l brleiy, .. I -'.- .M'?KA -H? 1 . y " s ' Tim.''iw",VHw(r,Ji." Mm. Jiio.'L.-':ivri. ; " ' i i. the heads or tne American ;peopie. ... ..&..l.'. ..MMAM MMaMjI.dMAai V -.1-7. J "Your American eggfbarons would like to hit ne with' some ;o their storage goods' for saying ttj'n'o doubt.' but the reason eggs' are nof25 cents here Is that the speculators' are holdr Ing a pistol to the, consumer's head; At home we provide a reason able profit for the producer, one': for the wholesale mid ore tor the re tailer, and yet sell many articles of food 'at half and less than half that you .pay' 'here. 4- "The solution of your storage spec ulation problem, seems to me simple. Legislation prohibiting' the sale of cold storage products altogethet Is tbe solution. ' '' 'There is plenty- of -food; of all kinds in the United State's. The spec- ... . it.. t.v.. rphA .." -.OXNARD.'CaJ?; raised the false cry of 'Heavy exports I slf-dgMOIWsltM m on Bfrnnnt nf th war and", then !?" "ealoOO tOdSV have boosted prices on thatartISc-t5,c,' lal theory.' This Is a situation that could not exist In-New South Wales. "In Australia we believe that1; a government which cannot control! - . : .- - t.V'' . - "W ana. LABoa o(tNewc.TasssjsmM'..' 'B4riaiiiMrssiX4 1 -" !WW44Ns9is V-V i senUi':il:'m-'-' , aouncerthatihe !&&&m&$&&' . urhSiimitmMihm- liho rimmimmi 1 7in aS..SJ?rffc!&; J& r" r,?"-l.Tl-.r...V:V.7's,A.V. ' tbe reaaie;at Tr 'kmkW,-., !J ...M...T mt.it ii.-Ni53S..;-,fi.!.'V: 'J. R. Elllrtt. aJarroa-t M,. rilioad.1,wa?s;tr?w?JV in the county aeat.rafsUwJlaisjl'pS evening. .M.?a .ggteV United PreiierTltV The. coa.tyfo5a mmmS vlawlnv tWmf.'itlM-t1Wmm.X'4l''J'. ' i; Jl?i '..m .i ?s.rf ! .-.-. i. .', 1SH."iV',3 R-temath Fls rosfclw :i. "ri rri-yi4Ci 23 r ZLmzzr.. ei This secikofHSe ; roasts efpis!i,i v. '-hslfr-aft.' f.T.-.-.'f.-irjs' . a fei-J .T3SKM-, 3AV.T.V:'if 733W-, U UUIN.II1II niiiiw .W,Wtl :9Vp- Contlnned ra Page 4 .?A i.4fc!Nrajsrts:.K,f. -. SMt ..J smsresfWieaf,wnkSM 1 v .:i- --TgaSti.v. .T Yaa Dyke Resit;?) &, ,-XfSa - 4, '-it.i --.. ma a;rl:,.KY!iV"KVftf''s-4J7 'i. Z-jfTa,fc. . washingtpn;'o4d Henry yaa;..Dyke;YAmjeBSv.Bkfiltfc. ' - . ,..w..- . ..,Bt iwy-cy,fleiqr- v -"--' " 'av-nr-,. .'. .- rr .- ii' .ti. w .lllslf btI sT.-atl Msl.71 M sWfcsWsrWJMiBBSBm. - . ;- g? :;s Be Votd on lonwrrot skia-aM' :, fl Tbe question- of granting to the Keuo Power Company ai franchise to distribute electricity In Klamath Falls Will be, voted upoa.by ihe people' to morrow, Tbe vote automatipally. will net: give a franchise, 'evea it the pro posal. "carries It wlft merely he aa expressJoBtthej cjtjrtfdlt the will of the people. The 'couaeM at- chlse.,,,-. ... ; . V; jhii . .M.uch Interests ceatere. Imths ctRut4:i'iW -.. BUB. At clectlea. oththi Kao Power Com- srgytbe; rany awdthe CaWwtojrH'PfW- tltHr of l-r?y fc.'i...-r--'.MAi..4biM .b.wii ., FW-,' thateler. nfy.pubMe ;sass.MMM;: mavor:. or eouncllniaatjmajr. : 1 ttrtfcwse- xomMmmr fine proyoaea iwi,,-i"aBWst .- "to saJdKeMcPewOssBsmilM right, toereetmBtalssisiJss) a - aoye;:poles,Wtieajs-igsiaii - sMBe a;aMaMiM:mww lag. aad isslag ee4rteltr ta, sa.upoaaay aatfsMs a48ia.waya'i,tpa-i a;ftatoKashitmsi'st1 svasmn m fiJ! "WHJ- ' MbsF It'll! i aJW::; sijhf'is' sj(lP"i,?S BmHsYlH - - a- ! aBk a. :j u-.k t. .j-.i rwi in ,ii.ir jl.' i - aaLk.aaaaaaa vaaraa -.- y " . , .. -." .... r'- a.a.1-. JA..'..U.atU.. .UtMas sUaasMiltilMgJ CUH.IH. insWUaVJkT.-rr, ! ; Wi.1 BSBVosm JsnSBBBBBMsVej mornlngtor riuMMfo -': fl-v' measure.,'saldpuln.telHag;l ..jt ltlae V& "W A r-..i i?T i .".