M .v"?,,U'i.--'..it. r-v.-Ar vi7rtst- p-s- r VK) rjaU. .-VT wvfi...t v'- i.-. ft t , :. tfc ' P '" KLAMATH FALLS, ORESTUMaSi.? " ' ' "' . ifM - .m. pipita - .., - .- . - ,iWLl -S i t v -,. , ,?. sigsK' WM( ' wwrwi """''i''m''.w. wwwwUwwwmmwwvW u . i i m ...fmw&tM- -'4 I. I . ri, i s ., - i ' J: M3.Jmi,--Lt4ifi.i. CS'JI ' J .. ! i -"jt.jru ti-(Hswn.,.wsrj. ,,j4.i '. -r .'. ,,'fc UTW wrf' ?I- .' i, -a ffi RUSSIANS SUFFER HEAVILY IN EAST r MMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMWWMMMM IN AND VIKNNA fAINH MICt-KtW IN CARTATfOANM i thfwt fkM tto WmI Art rmmi Rack, t Pro OMirr Mrccttom tb Dm trntm of RwmwIm CfUml HuM f Afwt nowwfMl Attack of Hie Omwi Troop. CBAZKD MAN TMREATKN8 P1UC0IDBNT WILSON Halted PrM i AMSTERDAM, Dc. S. Austrian Wauartra anaouacv that the Rut PH oacnaivB in mw virpiiann vvh- tiiwa with undlalalahtd Tlolenca. The Auitrlaas, howarar, hava ro atlled the ataeka averjrwbare, Inflict lac atoiulnary kiaaaa, aaya the offl titl itateroent. fl RKRLIN, Dec. 1. rThe baUle In fke.CarpathlaM ktwa the Awalro- i:PfraMB ana nvaawn (rsoaa eoauatit CtNar; with tk Miaaiy auCatlne; riaaTltr. r fffakai Preaa Sarrlaa. llfhrrROORid; Die. i.-u la a- amwa ibii ine itaauBiana aneaa t;ikaj Buchireat froai tke wett kave i.ea puthed back after aaralatent Twtoik- atUckh t.Thay. kave -re- tretted to the River Agree. F At Dodrudja, the Oeraiana kave i.leea forced to retire. ttalted Preie Service. PCTROORAD, Dec. f. The Ru awatina are aucceaafally wlthattail JM the Teutonlepraaaiira' toward 'mchtmt. All Oemaa atUcka be- flew Bucharest kaya beam repelled United Press Service. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. S Jona than Krause, crated with drink, Saahed a bit carving knife today at the Reading terminal and threatened to kill President Wilson v when he pas through Philadelphia this aft crnoon. Krause attacked one bystander and sent hundreds of travelers flee ing to safety. He fought three police men before being overpowered and arrested. Fears for Neutrality of the United States rand the Rumanian kave driven the Tntons from two Tillages. Iap omciai siaieateai aaya ihsi ine Mvoaa bridge. It cetalla further ?'fitvuces In tha,tJtuealaa ofeaslve. IValted Press iiiirvle. M BKRLIN, Dae. I. A klg battle ' qr enveloped, Mackeasea's front. M has smashed tkrougk tke flrst jnaaalan army and kaa taken Many JMiBHers. LOGGING ROAD TO ASPEN LAKE MAY MEAN Mill ItOAD'HAB BEKN HURVKYltD TO TAP TIMDRR BElVr I - ' ' ' ' Runs From Northwest Corner of tk Lake to Ttatber fai lAsfwa Lake Country and U Taken aa Iadlcn tlo of recUon of a Large Saw mill oh tlie Upper Lake Amoaat of Timber Tapped Is Large. I :frini That a sawmill or sawmills are to be built on the northern end of Up per Klamath lake Is Indicated by the surveying of a logging road this year ifrom the Hopkins and Weyerhaeuser timber around Aspen lake to a point not far from Odessa. The logging road take a general direction, of south and will Up and Immense body of timber In the large territory around Aspen lake. While the Herald is not at liberty to disclose Its source of Information, It is very reliably Informed that the logging road has been surveyed and that a mill at least Is being consid ered. The timber belonging to the Hop kin and Weyerhaeuser interests In snd around Aspen Iske for miles runs Into millions of feet and can be gotten out most easily by way of the CWhaaka CKy ttwnlma JtfcKed Press SanlM IBL PASO, Tex., Dae. 1. -Tke; prln Wm street of Chihuahua. City la in ,9""i. Nuella, a Spaniard bringing, northern or northwest eornor of Ifp iP . ssys the Terraga palace la per Klamath lake. From there It jnung. I cm be marketed easily. W 1 "Yi' leaottrs cxani "A "' 4(' n " " W 1 b 1-m.F m iinabon To Be HeM This Month f. '..!! 2'cher, examlnatloBB for state ltticates win be keM la' the eaunty school building, beawatsx Da- Wr Joth, according jK anaeUace IW by Fred Peteraea, eounty sup wndent of ackeoU. . examlnatloMJII aed m p-uTW-"'" rw-;: ' :.. i """" ?reaoea-u. , msr WjJwm. nH&hjquki Mkesday AJfteno Physiol- .. B, vwmrae?. san swaey ; aT History of Education, Psychology, Methods In Oeography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study (or Dbmestlo Art.'' Thursday Afternoon Grammar, ileograpky, Stenography, American t.itanttuire. Physics. Typewrltlsfi M.thnd in Language. Thesis for ITlmnry Certlflcates. liVMar Foreuoon Theory uud Practice, Orthography, Physical Oeog- raphr, BnglUh Literature, uubh. Phyilcal Culture. . Friday Afurnoon-School Lw, aeolW,Algebra. Civil a&wni. fajdwr '- Forf noen - Ojw"' atany. ' ' Saturday Afternoon flesaral lfe- lory, aikkeeplii. vvl5 TL-bbbbbbbbbbbW is) AGED PlOltf ER IS CALLED BY GRIM REAPER AT LAST WALLACE BAIAWIN IMKH OF IX. VIRJTIHKOK AGK aiaielaM JJ3 Years I -West When a Uoy. For. Years Hi KsMded iu Ktemnth County, and Is Kaiuwiiibjr.'l'ioneerM Was. Bora In Phil ft fv Ago. ami Nored a Saddle ad Good CitizeH:; In an address which has aroused much interest James M Beck, former assistant attorney general of the United States, said he believed the war In Europe-was the beginning of a titanic conflict. He aald the world Is likely to see n "seething caldron of internatlocal hatred for some dec ades," and It would be difficult, for the United States to keep out. DEATH TAKES A PIONEER WOMAN .MRS. JAMKH LINDSAY DIES AT GRANTS PASS AFTER ILLNESS OF CONSIDERABLE DURATION. LEFT HERE RECENTLY Mrs. Jsmes Llndssy, for years a resident of Klamath county, died at lOiO last evening In Grants Pass, ac cording to word received this morn ing by ber brother, Silas Obenchaln. The body will be Interred at Jack sonville, but the day of the funeral has not been set. The deceased leaves, besides her husband two brothers and a sister, Silas Obenchaln, M. M. Obenchaln and Mrs. Jeff Wilson. Silas Obenchaln and Mrs. Wilson left for Granta Pass this morning. The deceased left Klamath Falls for Grants Pass with her husband a few weeks ago, In hope of Improv ing her health. She has been some what IU for several months. BRITISH CABINET IS NEAR BREAK NEWSPAPERS CHARGE THAT THE COALITION CABINET IS TOO CUMBERSOME FOR EXPEDI TIOU8 DIRECTION OF WAR. United LONDON, Dec. I. Several new pspera deolare today that the coali tion cabinet of the British govern ment Is near dissolution. s There Is considerable editorial criticism In the papera of Pfemler Amulth. 7 ' Tke livening New report thai David, Uoyd Oeorge Is packing ,.fcja beroagtage -preparatory to teavktc tMW'otmfi'.,.. -1 I U it u said tkat tke eoaUUcav eablr . .-. 1. . I A " t t Maker and -i-i After lying, close U the'. next world for many days, Wallace'. Baldwin, Klamath pioneer, iresterday after noon passed Into the great beyond. He breathed hls,last)atW:30 o'clock, while his close reUttlres sat at his bedside. A His funersl will be, held tomorrow afternoon at t o'clfck, and will be In charge of tk ajdd Fellows and Rebekah lodges sfWhlch be has long been a-member, a? i -Wallace Baldwin fra born in Phtl- adelphla.OctoberrUtt 133. When 8 years old he move! faith his parent to St. Louis, andvsrhe 18 years of age aaase to Saa''JKraicieco. From tberesk moved -UMarysville, and then to Rogue River, living with John Beeson; and the settllngon the old Wagner pre-emption. While there he waa married to Alice. Million oi"-Ah- land. From 1873 until 1885 he run cat tie In Jackson 'and Klamath counties; and in 1885 moved with his family to Klamath Falls. 8lnce that time he has been out of Klamath county twice. once going to Portland and once to Ashland. On a few other occasions be visited Bly and Merrill, but since 1885 he has not been out 'of Klamath Falls more than six times, according to his son, R. T. Baldwin, who Is now chief of police for this city. Wallace Baldwin was best known by, the old timers of Klamath county no the proprietor of a harness, shop. This he conducted here for years. He gave up this business about nine yenra ago, .while the old shop set on the spot, now occupied- by the- Hall hotel. The time worn structure now sets, unused, in the rear of the Herald office. The deceased has been a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge for nearly fifty years, and was a charter member of tke Odd Fellows and Rebekalrlodges In Klamath, FallB. He, also belonged to the Encampment. He is survived by a wife and three children, Robert T., Herbert and Mrs. John Uerllng, the only daughter, He was a half brother of Judge George T. Baldwin. Popular Vote Should Elect the President r " 1. BBBBBBBBBKBKmmBBBBBBBBBBBBBal '$ '(i mBBBBBBBBBBK''jHmBBBBBBB) SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb- x.'Jw3SBSBBBBBBBBT 'y- 'i'f SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW'raamBBBBBBB ? ? , i assssssssssmrgaffiaaajnHsaje ::', SUmmmFmmB BKaiBmmamaa-eaemaBaFi- -. v.s.i-j-jj,ava mammz-' - y j5-tf-s!N ' The Women's 'Missionary Society of tho Christian church will hold its yearly meeting tomorrow evening. .The services wfll be conducted by the local auxiliary., Mrs. Rambo will de liver the address of the" evening: Her subject will be. "India," where she Jiss spent thirteen years of her life. She fwns there through two famines, and hns an Interesting story to tell. of the country. " BURDICK 1. Wit HELP MEASURE WHITES HE WILL GIVE AID '10 DILL FOR STATE APPROPRIA HON TO GET MORE TOURISTS IN NORTHWEST. 'Assurance that be will work for the passAge of the proposed bill' to give state aid to the moye;;to get more tourist.' trade for tbe.PaelcNprth west Is contained In a letter from Deaton O. Burdlck, repreaeatatlve- eleet.from this district. Mr.vBnrdlck Iwrflke" to tke commerjeiai felub in. MS. ' ". " S - T-.r7T-T' soelatlon of Oregon, Washlagte aU u m BSSSSSmrrf (3EN516ta g;rrlAf1Ptatt:Ai?tl Senator George E. Chamberlain of Oregon will offer early inuhls ses sion of congress an amendment toth Constitution providing ffr direct election of the president tie pointed put that although vPresldeaJt Wilson had. a plurality of some tOCf.OOO 'pop ular votes, a change of a few;thou sand in California-might haWdefeat ed him. " v. ' X r -.!. ff.Vl v.- ELKS WILL PAY .! . ' ' f.-sj-i-i 9- i. '! 1 . ftuf t HONOR ,1 '"! tiii- mm ATHENS IS SCENE OF HARD FI uMMmm:' , K3SSS5?3!Sf?fa v"--: . lt?Tl'-3'.J'- -,.." .V -".'. ,vsswaw?ffr MISSIONARY SOCIETY WILL - MEET1 AT CHURCH TOMORROW. CARRANZA MEN NOW SURROUND HOW COLUMN IS ORDERED TO ., MAKE ATTACK siTM'- ' - ' tttafe Desrtmrt U AJatherMr' for " M tPif, ? &r!r?i- Xet-, f-aJnasiiaVAMiPike Thae Mta1HiAa,a -, sr)Bhm )" tared City Left It Before JFlghttag .... . - -L-f.-.-r BeBReyagees.Say Via) Or- strtcttTjm'.f - . iC' -Vi iJ"1""-!!! tl clcred No Looting Wheat Be, Got Ppesesskm of CUkaaba CKy. ANNUAL MEMORIAL EXERCISES WILL BE HELD TOMORROW EVENING IN ELKS' TEMPLE AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. ' " Tho annual Elks' memorial exer cises will bo held tomorrow evening in tho Elks' Temple, at. 8 o'clock. On the same evening every branch of this order wllj observe' the occasion' in memory of, the departed members of the order., , - Attorney wiison a, wuey wui ae Uver the oration and Dr. George A. Cathey will give the eulogy. The Peerless orchestra will furnish music and the Elks' quartette, consisting" of Lawrence Mehattey, F. R. Olds, Willard Smith and Of, Aj, Cathey, rll sing. The exercises are public and free.s TWARSfe STffCK SHIPPED KIAMATH COUNTY LIVESTOCK IH LOADED ON TRAIN FOR MARi KF.T8 IN iORTLAND, OAKLAND AND SACRAMENTO. v. Twelve carloads -of .cattle.u hogs and horses' made up the weekly shii ment yesterday'-'of'Kmmatkiwunty livestock to outside iwlata, ( W, (). DaUop('Jieae;4 of the Cart ranch, shipped five -cars ofijcattle'to the Weatern Meat Company, of Oak land and rredkHuk,ot Herrlllteent three cara.to;swaMtn.A-.Spn.H.w-raaaentb.--t M WlyM: United Press Service. EL PASO, Dec. 2, General Gon zales, commander of the Carranslsta' garrison' in Juares, announces that a heavy column of de facto troops, under General Jlurgla, reached Chi huahua City during the night. 7 . The. city' is surrounded on -two sides and General .Murgla( has or dered an attack. - ,. ; Consul Bravo has not learned .whether or not the' battle has started: f ' . ' tr- V United Press' Service ' " , ..WASHINGTON, D. ,C..lDecil. The state-department says all Ameri cans lft Chihuahua. City before.Villa began his attack on .the. city. This information li based on,, the stories of refugees arriving here "and at Juares. The refugees' tell '.that .Villa ordered Tthat his troops notUd loot the jtty. ; Jt is uenevea inaijtno toreignera were killed except the? Chinese. r '& ", 'F!mK-" .. .,' ''j ., ,. tr i.-. ResMeaito f Cftir. Are laalu lifehslB ' . J1i&rg ; Mmmw,wsmm wmwmmtwwmmmmwjT' .j ' 3J?.vC &j?tti&H&vS9ra tVa . '' -ViwrlSSTiJ-VT, .-J ,. --.-.- .'j.7i'-a:-r;r,--vv:; of Bnil. nf rllllll Sliill'n SK' rf? a ' , . . .fA&ivSiSiS-if --jSAjZr'i .1 .. Jrr "'7IK'."7-rrf-"'Mr',-w-KJ? .i'-'i; ' - ' --... i. v. . J ." l-6 'Li.TWA'ffi5riliii?; 7Sff4 - 'JTi ' "T krRj?Jj.?'.a-'J?'V1 j. Jtrxy ' --M - "W T" -"lTTrr.'Mvrw .T-?.1! Palted Pre fjKTlM '-" ,"- i.ta'jv?r2irsm: J f- iMNuot;-vm.MAn'Vmjmmii. :- and the Oiks keeateeteelu tMeV; , ... mw iiS'MMrwwvnsaB;, - t'Jjsj .-. '--. i..T. fM-.mJ. . ' r - . &', ' J !", I!!." '-. "? . Franco-BrHhik.ayaIr' mlstleeJkMrfalWMfe. '-V 'Tke'SleIimjlrfilsv-I aS.'JTTSSaJSP.-.-' '.M anaieiTv.'-- -. rswBit' WejsW my J - :-.-Sf1! 5 started' aa Greek ore sklmieaMK-tln;esl'i ..UklrU offAtk.;Ti tanaee afievua;xSBBmBSBssimB;-' refused' to swredef "tN .sat Jfajs, Oreeka. ,-s fiSefHr Tae.aUWd'leet i attkj Twe'wketl 'm)loif ? The realAeat oT J ThewaBeta?:; fsunft t' - $BSk IBmM'WMRKEHE, ' -j is&;t ;jejSBjpBBBW?wv . . J ;WleafiJllt'-' " -' the ,heart(5?RKp;t T .1 '- . t tsiWimmmM' a a a a . snsBBsmiMru'ii, M.HIIIIl.Mirai '. v. ?S? k, ram's-" m ' mm A ;V(-;: .L" -Tt5fetHS7-. 3Sil. wm m ; tf r"ii. tf5l VI .2U.K V? C fc IKiliiniHHHM; J- 5 II aBBBUftaaHBBBBBBBasmAsaS . , urrii ngmwi r m; vjeeivvwww mar-mpmBisBBBs-mtw ".?T.JBT".r7iJ rTiaieHlS.'.HWjt "-'--'- v-ft W PTVal HCABTINA i HAS S. 4.V?'' 1SK'S?fS t DA?fSl!'ljl: THER BANfllmil - 'Tiui&Z gMK3 If -ZZ u!." .(" rv-A-'i i MPfPW next"- rnmiu' nmu all traces btl iearlaBV peered and.the'otty, 'given , the sooU a' el? sB28L- iwra n- va. i yrfitffl-iJ.lJ V'J VlsBBBBBBm''' ':'''-. .i'Tjmar - ' . jjs feiM?tiWVS: 4 '1 frJtp" i tKFt kAvst dbtai ',-t iSx- ns 4cf-. ' . ' - ' -"il iSssSai .T . iBfi- . . iMi,-. , ' TStisKS-'lf . . Tbe schools', were eeeaetaJJ eala ;; - 1"t. . 1 iVtii ' 'li. . -if . " v- ' - ' . uftr : I - t: week.raa; a pruUmry japjaumjigcf;..-. jd.V- --.-.i f., 1111 " T' Vi'ssssi! 1 I II HU Ull II ' Ar- sv7 IBL y'" ?-. at ainL- dBk.ajeT m .: eTVsTJaeaeiah'-BT 'J'MMl . Kvri-WW;VA.?MJs&;iJ Pi!sBis1Blf 'i'a nouiraaise k 1 Y2 ' 'V4 llllp3is;l SBWTiaBHsiiitmmBBBm'. AJllV'' r-"' . rt;3l SK:-?3W' : t i,n)f.V. Ar 'jB i.v'Jii. ' jt '&&friiil WtitfHft ". A ""V-fiST- --Tt'" "'-,. " .- .t7 I v (T.l ' V, 'w' '.''1 ,.'.! 1 5"f '?, rvjxi BBhJT V .r ,BBBBBlu 'dSBBBBBBBU.BBBBBBlBBBBH msrL 3BWmvp-nmEm BTsB-Ti agSBBBKBBKV"BBBBBlL " mBBBBBBBBBB.' mf affsaBTmr BaVmW Vr- BBVHBmVfll' Ttttllrl llLtf BBBflBBT.- ABBamrmVBBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBV1K ttVJtfapifoMsJNsl ..' wrw; 111 p . bjbj;s iorStfvJe6uii$Ji-!'tiifai fl',ft.ffCitk. re4ijtlit eoukty.' high 81.10 Wf; Jsva,?;, eJ.lUMiuy, nuiafslmVotaisMjr : for. a sch msHllO far '): utr;etrkt'aitry aad;.'pkeldmg w JsaH'eelsa. . st!iauaaamHv', ,vjsi BSMSB,aBBBBVr ''JtH 'i'..WIf. t wmmi" m - . - m. -i '.ui .. ,.. Ld r. . r . .m. a. - j . -t a ,ioi r tio.Vsrft will b Uvia.' .11 The. lvr of-Mrrier'-. ---isil rtl ' " iT -. 3t - v - 7 T ri 1 tl '.. ..- on. Kjsmatn couMprpperyJ! nei ouagei maaetout pyiae cvnij touii. and publishedIp tay'aHerald. la ultimately auurovedf'ln full. 'A . " vLaterrthlsrniojnth the,it.sourt f lll'meet andAkWr objection, totke .budtke wHljldeteri minewnwjiH;pB.vmT WV ably It .wjIKHJTMW-1 860. when' tnl?y;fttedaffmay,be smaller., ?J IkhXi 'Ji? Probably most vlmpertaatiamoag . ,.--.- Vwi' kUjUfl."saa,aaa &: ?r The' lnM&NJNtW I ' ".. ' .. N : ,V1"'"i-i,r. vv... 1 .. - 'school ;grmoTaS!BBOAfa mlv bul!dlngr IskeWfitet' br;th. coukvm 'ath' T&J)&MMto: st'rueta;fdr katker-ati'eei eMa"sitt'' mm:m,m- Mkle4lea;:T;:;t .'; ?.!' '"' 5StSSltS?) jWc.' ifiR.ee n W'teert rfflBH Mtrji , w fMi. fkrran41 tebeip A;rtokef;kor.5irmT.raklvMit . ..iifii.i vi. .'Y'i,".-wAl boot js1S widow. fWr;nAf EI M Mill HIM smJml itiritwH uaiBinuiB. " 'i , iJwtvw"iiwiiMf(""s1 w Ti.'. i.Twfts3.rr.T;a "ti .. v..r.3i'issca.. .At-it-r ,('...-. i.tsrjn Ileus aireviiu " "" !i 7 r-nr"'- .? ' l-fcr.y ' Vu" ''S & ,.--- rorsaansiaruameiie. J&lv" v v T! '. 1 - '&&.. .emmmiimmmmr'mm