j"" !T '" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER ,. ,.,, T " .' WjJClSl IMiPfc ? v . . ; ? H , rr - s. laaa I V II"; T .V III A ' a SLAYS CAPTURED CHINESE mm . jm lr, i J. t ViB if -.? ' ;" J - -S3Btt 'Jaurez in Fear ot an Attack by Vistas r , s FLEE TO - --. 'rri"Mvrw"nvumjfi)Uu H I BORDER TO ESCAPE KK lUO AM) OTHKIt !"' IlKPAItATlONH MADK MH! ii" wii vi - ,CMUaM of Tluwatctieil Cllr Flw to ;'v$ lit I'awt. Texae- III Kara Track i.41',. .. . ... . ......... "M- m Jrr ifi-M-a lcwierway bm ,,4T PUmaed, Weafit A(raMM of KIhjc ef OatlaMw, and In AaMuml Iro jmlw..w--. ...- .., iri.i-u-L-L-UT.T.n. IIHAKDHLKY IIUVH FIVK ROOM UOVHK AND LOT tfi J fX r.VMiM rrtM Bmw f '' v tifUiwH- Dion riM i Viii.HfiM Jh 'VltlUlA nOrW nn .1nr 4Iia fn. ; yT7" "j " "T "." w ,, -rr vrivivivyyvvvvvo,) i4 NewMqytq Go to Cong J. O, Ili'iirdKley becomes owner of u llvo-roem house nnd a lot In Sec ond Hot Springs addition by a deal clonod today by the lit K. Smith Ileal- ty Company. O. B. Iluclfcr of Or itiiKo, Cal., In the seller of the prop orty. Ihirn ar nrtmarlnv (i rfn. '4hdAkA)rlr BllaVUfci'h'i 'iu iii oulpcwU Mtablliked. Ht T' cJrlllaM'ot the cltr'are fleolnr itward Kl Iaso. Wl OB rumor hat It that If Villa at-1 'tJ.. Ik. -I. II St. .1.1. .-! Mm uiv kii uv uiitmhuih Ktirri- 'S won't actuallp realat, but this U lliendlted.. i- .i...!... i t.-ii win. vnm i iiuuniw ncre .WHeiiicr tiiib JJI attack JMarea. W "i:r PHplte th activity of the bandit i-j i . . ... Bonaarn Mexico, ine juarei ' iaHrack. ppa4-yatway after C?! aenraraoaalia, CarraniHta anaer, anaouncad that ha would tMraatte protacttoa to forelgwra it Jaarei. k 'It hai not Lt hmtkt luniJ liar ?5T'.Uii,.V hi ili'ttUiiiii'l. IaX' ' rklku.k... mi l- T &trz7m &1J2Z ,fttoewn lato paale thki oralat Ut , "-tm daybreak by4irla tour aitlea 1 tata. Many eltlteaa ruahe4 to the ?E??tlonrt ww. The nrlni la f x . mm m r If J BT!Taaa eX-- ?ivr t la? W !'' tti . BFv v'l y t fi tf - -t ! ORDER TO GET ' VILLA STANDS, SAYS OFFICIAL i i t 01-FICIAIi HTATKMKNT T THIH KKI-XTT IS ISRL'KD OoHdllloM la Mfxlco Klnre Pualtlre Bxpedltion Wa LaNnchetl 'Hare Chaagrd, Hajra Department, Which Win (awe PershlnK to Await Freah Onlem, Vsltm Opportaae Ttme.fer Ktrikla Artaea. i ft l;-7Tt"TILlfiT7v-.trT',JMtrTa-ta;a--------'--;-- ' v-r,l1-,;a-W.'a----B-(---------f-Waafri-a'-, r -yA lUTff lliei rUM-UT AM VaMtemr r .vfM2BVKXamBaaav.4.rABaabAasaaaaSaaaaBBBi v aaiuk.o ,.. '.'" . -?aaa.-BaaiLaaaaaaaaws!DBEaaab''.' .- --v '- - --j. . - .- - . aw.-ti , Jtri.rM--i MWr?TJlftSf . - wrdliii-to'atateaaeitioffiiawMMH WlWWilla " "-vlod-.yT.i JrefiaaistmWi I ' I" il Ill ' i ill I i III II il 1MI JWiiaHamW -V ......,.-... ' . , - --r' ,swms 5.SV71sKs!SSi; 1 rwr.nwiA.yxK8aaBMaasa8MsaaaaHBaa i r"y ,M""r l 'i.o . ftrao, TO&iBiSi i in i ii i i i i j i: ta. tt&&&gm - ' Hiiiaan tha tii i 1 1 i i i i n i i n ? --si pHtiBU v nnas. .& a riK -i bbbbk bbm-j i .-ii.n .-j i- ji P ' -i.t.u " i- - V W ilUMS" WW&ftfettWji ! UttWlSMrto aWfo?taaf-ifefirJ-tt !!M Mi5f c : Letamd Some wm " w y-wLPreaa ganrlea A; ORTf.AMn IUa "' ' T XI Tl. fiitoUBt KenaralaMaanr of the tfawn areinc, utaraiac iroai a waraV aUeaee, brlff 'ekadrtac ra- '''121' ' ""OfHC eiuiaiKHi vt t. wi im . la . erat lac a aaw i. iii'.. -..j'a1.,:" r. u.rr- i ttt. The cart wilt ' H dWrlaaUd -J rtroviaowt ta "Kkfra Patie.terrttory. aa4 Ore- ' fM will tietftta w ahBM. aalaaaa ItA-ilMuirhA.U ik.4a.fj.. i.i- i: :"WHI IM.rHUKi JBHBK-IH lam- - ,... , v -w ; arwri ur Mvn M r. Dnr. . ' ' " ' AaV J J1 '( IrfhlaiU'iT i rii ' .'JWlA tWflwfts' l .TRRTTQWN N, Yf ' Dee, . 1, 'D. ArehlbaM pmlaeatV.th. t r5l!tt"rtTf. ,K WM aapaCa ' w MLiii. 'T ,'"'."."" ' if," m rraaa MMsn'tX1 ... ' ' , r I k. .,. . . .'- ij LT IJ"T, ! PrM U lnata akVAflrUa fl, .M ''TiT, , -r T.-7T,VV ' S " ,w awaw-w--- . ruiuMtf' ii.j;MrrA. iiiii-.ii.-rf'"""r,T..'v,'f" a -"? Vw WW i"a. vpHpi WASHINQTON. D. C, Dee. 1. The original order from the depart neat of war to General John Penn ing to "Oct Villa" atlll standi, ac cording to an official atatement la aued by the war department thla morning. The department aaya, however, that conditions In Mexico have so altered alnce .General Pershing started Into Mexico after Villa that he will await freah orders from Washington before making a move. ' Yet, If the opportune occasion arises, he Is authorised to strike a quick blow at Villa. Qeneral Pershing has 11,000 ,regu lara at Elvalle. One hundred thous and, militiamen aa. 80,000 regulars are patrollng the barter. r lUUNDkNBUBa'rROPKRTV IS BOLD TO MAGUIRK ft i i.i tiw.-zm" tr"m iiiii i im j ii ii. ii i ij .in i mi m t hi itintmmnmnmtrmblmiim IIFITIHIimVl! ris?i iUlllntUlli;M4l-F? mimmmmmm . y. ; , k$rsrAmmim V ''W " sSit ;. MTTLK HOPB HK1VD FOR ICAX8 I V CHIHX7AH17A V f". Kacaped .to Hills, BatLIf IsaerM ffi J" .fflfi'SM y wMa ' r-irk j. . " , JJZeXttK Whea It Fell IatoAwela'ef aael' xr . . .vi . m . . v . r -i,.i MP-.. a,J MhMMte ,b' iwiti4 V ' T f t j r , w v , iwtJJVAw oMTp.jiaaeBV nCB ' BU Ala) f 'i:v"iy. 'PJ5i U Bee- a V mM : . yaw pyWfslH J C. D. Bleakley, newly elected member of the House of Repreeeatattveg from Franklin, Pa., found alaew way to reach Washington when he rode thereto learn how to drixe it, and will as a member of the House make his -trips to aad from his boat) In the air. The macaia'e was handled by Sergeant William C. Ockert of the Aviation Corps of the Unite I States army. Mr. Bleakley's Invitation to President Wilson to take a flight haa not been accepted. The Brandenburg property at the corner of Eighth aad High streets haa beea sold to J. T. Magulre. The warranty deed for the lead has been led with County Cleric ueip. tub purchase price la 11,150. This property la to be need aa a site for a Catholic school for gins. m r Woa't IM Gavdlwl Go. traitad Preaa Senrlee ' AMiTBRDAM, uee. i. ,fi" parted that General Von Hissing. fJarksM cosnander of the foreea la BelgUm, baa refuced phml-0 dlaal Mercler to go to Ro.to Ull PaiwUeaedletabout the 0rn,d- ' ..i. m taa. Alttaftn. i aTia.iem - ,... . UMMed Prota Nrflet. . v , , WsUVRyiIl.. W. uwv ,'7. Much Is Expected From Irrigation Iff f jL Meeting PORTLAND, Dec. 1, What is ex pected to be the most Important con Terence ever held by the Oregon Ir rigation Congress will be the conven tion to be held In Portland, January 4, 6 and 6. At that time It la hoped to assem ble all members of the Oregon legit lature and to Invite them to attend the meeting and to take part la the preceedings: The program will pre aeat Matters of gravest importance la the development of Oregon aa a etato, andfwill cover other aubjecls than those of irrigation. Thla wilt be dona because of the convention Immediate ly preceding the meeting of' the Ore gon legislature at pale. Approximately 600 delegates are expected to be la attendance', clear talnklag men who are giving earnest coaalderatlon to development prob lems. Among the big propositions will be a session devoted io consideration of tk construction of the Oregon, Call forala Bastern railway through Central Oregon. The.gtrahork proj ect will be preeenied by the presi dent of the company, Robert B, Btra horn, and It Is expected that the ooa grees will develop means whereby the oommunttlea of the lUte may get be hlad thla great enterprise. v v tAaother proposition of tremendMM iBBportance wlU'W, propoaaJ rff vice the irrigation laws of the ttate. other chasiae la said to, be seeded tn order to auke irriajatioB district bonds aeeeptahle to Kaatera buyers. At least one aesaion of the ooagrets wlU bo devoted to a dlseusaloa, of new federal leglslatloathat star be recommended for the laid of Irriga tion. Another will be given to papera on "Irrigation, Practices" by practi cal,' farmera and .engiaeers. ' a ' With. most of theembera of the leglsUture In Portland, it is easily Imagined that the concrete will fur nish the drat big debate la advance of the openlag of the jeeMelature. C, C.Caapman hat.aoeepted the appolatmeat from Prfeleeat J. W. Brewerto arraage theprbgram tor the cenveauon. He:anecta w aa nouncethe Ust of tpehjara very toon .The, .Oregon irriaMeafaongreee haa some mighty cr ikle work to Its credit. It waa,. responsible for the construc tion of UteTumalo project, and the aurveya made by the ttate on the Detchntei, lllver Lake end, Malheur projects, aa well 'a for much of the preaeat code of laws. The coming sixth annuel convention is" expected to rate Vlih any previous nJaTeee, In the mtadi of many Irrlgatloalets alp way muet be foaad forexUadlnf the beaelta of the rural eredlta lawn ef th. sUte and natmvtovlrrlfatloa projects. jThematter ls;gO;latto be foreed before tbe entMmUM'ft the .".. . ' viU7iv-... jt. .iivi i.' ..- sftM actrsutrti of the legislature belnr gueats of that body. ' V r S) The oaloers of the. concrete are: J. W. Brewer, President, The Dalles; Harvey H.' DeArmond, Bend; ,A. b, Anderson, Madras; C. C. Clark, Ar lington, Vice-Presidents and Fred-N. Wallace, .Tomato, Secretary. J" SNOW CAUSES A LONG RAIL TRIP . . . "w (.. w , "tvvrx? we ,eix( Amerieaaaiaaowa rtae 'mMivml, Chihuahua ,Clty.wBmvuja1teette (!M town. , "j ,;, r,, fck&V,', Si iWSfi of these Deonle. Thev.aaav kavB'eW ' Xlli . h hiii. ,.. i .-.-'- uii--ii" "hJmli :r -r -:"" "" "'-T'. 'tt-t- " . i the city it-la almost certain that tkar ri AfJ hare W mrr-ls''.:.-:-: oatcial today. iMK4igi m&m&m ; mam JOB RINOO AND FAMILV ARK COMPKUiBD TO TRAVKIi HUN l)Rfa)SOFMlUalTOAaaaMI CKBBKNTTp;OiAMATHFAU M 1 ' i Because the read between Fort Klamath aad jCreeeeat la Impaaaable; Joe Ii, Rlago aad family wereeoni pelled toygo to Bead,:uke the trala from there to, Portland, aad'itaea to Klamath Falla.1 They arrlved,lat evenlag, Mrs. Rlgo aad, the ehlldrea to tpend the winter here. Mr. Rlafle will return to' Crescent eoon.r-j No stage ruaa between Fort Klam ath and Crescent and no people live along the road; except John Kaott at eBaver Marsh. Heaee, the road la blocked aa eooa aa saow tteef ualeee one wlahee to break a, trail for;abot m mil. . ; rrrtiK; , mr. Kingo.aaa si. aemeatetaw CreecentJad; operate the 'Creeeeit hotel, which' buraedreoeatly.; S ' Rotwodl Btdteea Called Preea lervlee ' JUARMlv,i:-veadi. iT11WdfB,4jrfJtlNB Diitted PreaaaWviee 'i i-1! . i . vTv?s7v'TmrxK! i":jiwi'5 u -WiMt tk.'-H-ai-vi-' ;.W ' lMLVVIW- bT aT- " 1 ssFaaBl wi Lu V n LUItVLP WwmWi 'vc&mmi wm -- -h ----- i -, AIifJ'- Xf1? Tri i .Aii -fin '? NATK)y DKMAXP OF OOXORsaal Ht ,nfc 11 fBJt9raifM . W maMnatasrar a aaa-a-a ? ema-nyem m eakSBwV. W u. V i i t'. "i t . i,i t'y 45.Wjrt PERSONS FROM AliLPARTCfOt j ft s p. f"1 .j-,vivWor ,ji. r . i5rV itifl its:, J fetMtt: Tii .i uu aagraS 1 , It to eamtalWvClmPM 1 federal eommiaalea before nrtMm Mm$ 3 la taken' br emaifiaalV ' lSSs -8 :,ae ar J , w i-jjv' W ' .w?r,?t. "ji,''r''l w UaMed Preea Service, W J ,4i WASHINQTON,C.!feDeeli. '4 !' aeereiaiT eiwir waaiew -i.7 ;? F l' x. fraarai wist tii ibibm ubiii , f - 'HkiI vara aaf aw-wv ' a t -"-i tt. . i t.,.ts.T a-!?r':7 -T"-.. --ii i. .. .u-- tkml OreaNMal-MaV ,. . t;A"S.V... jl i . a : mm ,-. bbbbbb aiti. bk -bbm-bibbbi m u bbb bbbbbbbbbbbth aaVTVTa-vii . r v-- -- - -t- --B-BBBr-v-v'. l .:. --.. t. - .:-tii'kt-u r..-rM .. -mh i--a tt- r . .--. b. - -t. t-jl-bt.. j ItHBA V 1BU. 1 ' BfBBlBftB -BB-Bl-B'BaBB-BTBaAIBBA BBBKW !.- B - -T"' t7 . -B. . WW"- . -TT .. ' . T , . -. ' , . 1 "Si . n-jT- I 4V -ik.'. ..-- 7-fc -.i."..-! B1 1 ' K.B T. j 1 1 l B MBMBmBa ,1 aaaeaaetm v.g igyAwi .? todayttaat'BUurtlaltow;ka(ae a ?3;i Ws : , Tjttp-anla etwakee Wmltee dtotiat f'WHlW TjaBttri;otWlnW MmnW' : -' MM t-Siiaao --- '&JS!ff-!B? " ... memm flwJlap-3-; Wtll ("J r ni a r',pw Mt tale .. . TWIF-"- ! "!. IV . . " 4.1atW4.a--..-ldi' Ta ! -"aaMPI-mwl I M BBVxexeBaVl fja" aWBBTBTBfTBWrTBMlagh !-"T I sTsbM-sWlT"" JT"P'riiT ---Tr ,5!-TI. riTWTa -" .-V'J-"-LaBBa JF-jed" '" . asMJPaxel faaVJataxl ' IB - MWPBj--"T"trw -, -t , -.nl-..fc- - f - - -- -" " -v - - -- -- -- -a..---.-.----t - - .-.bii mTjaflMMM 1MB . afsmWeS.-aV. IMVsstmBJItmEsmSemBmVsmVmBVJam w9Btl SS Wutv ?-But . .v ,sKvx 'k&&WYtf"? ' "' 'rvrwi:Mw, r ...iaBiva.jvi: w , ,