fpztfP'T ,v" 'ANL . W-J-.4.TI " v . & 4t -or . i.i Imi KLAMATH COUNTY r OFFICIAL NEW1PAPER wrja jir Eleventh Year No. ,iei GERMANY IS READY M PEACE SAYS CHANCELLOR BSBasBasBgBJeaBI Von Bethamnn-Hollweg Declares German View KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 191 WIWMIMIIWOOMOIXW,),) ' i... ri-irinrvuuuiiuu H-WKK lll.'I'OHK GERMAN PKIHAL HKICIIHTACJ IM. ftrs Tim I Hliiro Alllm Do Not Want Peace Now, Germany WIN Go For. waul Willi War With Vigor 1. Irdmr 1111 for. "Mobilisation of nilwii-" ami Aslu for AM of .Nation' Civilians. TRADITION WINS OVERJJSINESS MANY AMERICAN BUSINESS MEN TRIED TO HAVE TIIANKHOIV. ING KAtLIKR TO GET. MORE WHIPPING DAYS BEFORE XMA8 GREAT MEXICAN RACING COURSE BEGINS SEASON ' ' 'rt'r, . '.v saf'.K-i. SSlHI 5 " - 7V W . , . h n New Austrian Rulers i i i w . r ? - ana ine Late Lmperor n Dnltl Press Service IIKIIMN, Nov. 30. "Germany Ih reiJy fur pence but nine tho allies to not ili'ilro It, Germany will go for witd with tho war with all the power ire ran exert." announced von Beth- rain llollweg, chancellor of tho Gnr- nllra-1" " tradition over "bual uan empire, before tho Imperial nl", irlrhtoK today. Merchants In ninny of the bg lli chancellor eloquently pleaded c,,lca' 'olng that the last Thurs- fcr Chilian nlil In urosscutlon of the."8 coming the int flay of the montb United Prr Service. WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 30. That Thanksgiving occurs today tho last Thursday In November Is a triumph of old-fmhloncd American wir, He Introduced III the relcustak a it bill for 'n national auxiliary ser-kIi-o callcil tho "raoblltutlon of cit-' miimaium: oavk no waitxixo, hayh lm)yim4 Ii'pIM PrM.n Hirvim LONDON, Nov. 30. A Lloyds dls Ptch ays that the Oermnn subma rlne xawi no wnrnliiK when It attack t the llrlilsli fishing floet Tuesday and Miik thiee trawlers and shellod the other vessels. Tho crows of all the vessel were landed safely. i ii Slay , Krce Delivery ro8tnia?tor Ford appeared before the city council Monday evening and told thni body that If' tho city would wnitruct the necessary cross walks nd order sidewalks put In whero hey ttcro ncedod, that the postofflcc detriment would put In free city do llfery at once. The council Instructed City KiiKlnour dould to prepare a ! iliowlng every building in Ueud, "I lldOWalkH lllld tho dIicm nnmllnv 'oewsiks u aid them in determining ie nsceswiry walks fossfller built at bcc. Head bulletin, wouia maae tno buying seasen: Thanksgiving to Christmas Kve a few days shorter than usual, sought to have ,ttie president praehim No- veaaliects Thanksgiving Day. The Jeweftrs'J)oanUf TradeOa 'Ifew- York sent President Wilton a com munication asking for the earlier day. Merchant!) In other cities expressed thonisclvea for the earlier day and several chambers of commerce adopt ed "earlier Thanksgiving resolu tions." Hut pilgrim trndltlon triumphed. IH ONK OF FF.W AMKIUCAN IX. HTlTlJTIOXSTIIIVINa Jiuiifs Jockey Club Has Mvcil Through Itelgns of Many Mexican Ieadero, llut All Have Irft It Un molested Over 200 Different Race Horses Are Ih Malls Waiting the Hcartefs Flag. CELEBRATES HER 110TH BIRTHDAY Some Advice4, BOHTII IIBT1ILKIIBM, Pa., Nov. "-Clnrles m. Bcbwab tendered this 10,00 banquet arid 11.000, m north of advice on municipal offl- "ucy. , SWEET CLOVER TF.XAM WOMAN IIOHX WHKX THOMAS JKKFKItSOX WAH OUK I'llKHIDKNT OHSKKVKH AXM- A'F.ltNAKY INTO THIS MFK. THRIVES HERE I'Un. MiiMKXTB .ON KLAMATH MXD AFFKCTKO WfM WH1TK fc"AM, SHOW THW CHOP W A WvcvJm, gAyg bxpkrt " i uZT cl,,vcr 8 ,ore crp-io bo Provnrf - PUUl wis I rl.i...L, 7 " y"r, cwuut K. i.,: '"'" raakMTa-aod hay. nd. ftUl")u,"t)y. m'III thrive on ""M conta nln. -ii.. !... .u. moti .t. " wui WBea h32hercroW wlii-Mttv, iir. One of thn'fc-;-tiL..-iVi It ffni ... . "r"f ' oi ins sue- toSlTwHw'tto mti iki ."" airWWMHUt was United Press Borvlee. WAXAIIACIIIIC, Tox., Nov, 30 Mrs. Narslo il'ifni, born wl-cn Tins. Jtfforson w.ih pu'j'.lcri of tho I'nlted States, will e.lrl.i'tte her 110th birth iinuivorsniy tomorrow. Her three fluuglitora, the oldest of whom is 89, pud many of her 110 grand mid c,rcst-grand children will be nt tt:u colebratlMi Mr Burns died thlrtv years ago, Horn In Madison county, Tenn., Nov. 86, 1806, the now Mrs. Burns, whoso maiden namn v-ns Ya'boro'ujjh moved to Texas wltr her fsloirj fr.mily at the ugti of ten, She has lived In the Lone Hiar State since. Her earliest momcuriu go bock to the llmf of hor arriv.i. She ' mrrM .f i,n Wnshlngtoi I'urtM n retarau. .f (-A- Texas-Met! 'iin and the Mel rAii var of 46-14. He later foitgli) on thi Confodari' ldo In the Civil 'o. "Actres" Is Old Offender NKW YORK Nov. 30. "Marian Qla,rke, tho movie actress," charged with lifting sao.uuu worm w mi net furbelows, today ws Identified aa Marian Arnhelm, an old ofender ar rested before, police declsred. m Father Obeys Judge (mited Press Bsrytce t , CHIQOOA. Nov, 80, Loud whacks tlieoWshed of Nlckjtrhere to day. Johnnie, 19, waaservlng the kcntence Imposed byUnlted' States Commissioner 'Mason after he was jcr t.M. chHiKOd with steolliiK lottars, United Press 8ervlce JUAREZ, Mex., Nov. 30. There is at least one American Institution which, In spite of bandits, de facto governments and disputes regarding the stilus of General 'Pershing's punitive force, will flourish the same as usual In Mexico tbuTwInter. Hch ginning with tomorrow, the Juarex Jockey Club, backed by American capuai, win open us annual loo or. more. days of racing. - To place the sport of horse-racing on a, more firm footing, and toellmj, nsto the danger of a bad reputation through tho whong sort of gambling on tho races, books will be replaced at this meet by parls-mutual ma chines? Race-track followers believe the "Ihon men" are the best book makers to be obtained and expect the machines to do much toward boosting the Juarex stock. Juarex, the quaint old city across the Rio Grande from El Paso, has changed governments many times since the track was opened, but every ye.T has found the uJeky Club pur sulnc Its buslnoss, regardless of a acmne guns, nnei; and cannons The city has been held at different tlmos by Porflrio Dlax, Francisco Madcro, Viotoriano Hucrta, Francis co Villa and Venustlano Carranxn, but none of them threatened to put a stop to tho racing, although plants. In other sections of the republic have, been shut down. I .tarry F. DroivoKnl, assistant nm::-' school approve so strongly of the ngir of the track, hes arrived here girls' daring that they are talking of from Laurel, Mr., where Maryluid i icitft recency held foiili. nr f i ex- """BRssissssstiajsssjM iMWHBRiLnHLi ymwzwz& wmmmmmwjwm I KlilEySSl0maMlKmSiirlL mf9MWtmiBKKmK&-''M mm':mtrrAMMmmLmm& mMmmmmmmmmm & eSxaxli m v,v" rvsnit .'"' " KBasBssssssssssssssssssssssssssBBsssss s '. , XiFt X ?i'vi I We ;MM0mgKmMwm mmm M-:nimmmma-- i -; rm xHLLmMaKLHI9xtoxtfllP t'-m&M&mBmMm i M,i .;g4.'..g . Vc-, i - faxeKxaxeBxaBfe.jB r;i':r.,r-iiAMyi( sfs mh'.v' ft.N mHMtijngHL'..: ,: ci tmibi rtiiiti i ,,::. awaaaawf;PBinBa t nr i. --- .. . r mi i i r i w ' iBfliBHlAv V" J-. "--.erf-i-v. l7l- KavVBvBHeHBuHPGSH 1 &?&?., J&mmm SjfBSBlSSBak BBS M M m ' f tw- r- ... i.ti.;v;.;' W&S (jtKMANS CAPTURE 1 yrv .BkaaiBBaasaa .A. ' - . . rf " ZjXM CU A MDin I mUI1 TzIxRw 4 I I I s I H H H tl ii III Ll H vb . m 'I LrflK' 1IB a Vlll AITMA VlJUl 1 VI 1 IIWA V a,rfc,v"krifVvviAnAAJUVij BANKERS AREN'T SEEKING PEACE v j .. jr. ..iirt "- s'3$F&i&& - . f -tXi i3i",?, 't Jin Jr inirt post ih IV xoitWaBiiis'.iBw.-.' :--: t. O -e H !r-jrff. ,i-tTT T1 . '-. rWHYfc-ri.5W L--r vr Rswmmrr, tj MANIA, XKAR BOltMUt Advance of M WALL STREET FINANCIER DK-! NIES RE1HJBT THAT AMERICAN IMNKER8 ARK FEARFUL OF KI'ROPEAX WAR LOANS L'nlted Press Service. NEW, YORK, Nov.3p. "The Inan- clers of Europe couldn't, prevent the war: The financiers of America, bare no foolish idejthattbey,'n atop It. One of the, biggest bankers' la Hhe United States today gave this as hn uaawer to reporlii that Wall street H bshind the pn-tcr.t peace '.talk in America. "If we were worried about loans tb3t have been piling up, the Toans would fall off," he said. "The end of our lending would occur automatical ly if the loanc were not attractive from a business standpoint. "That's the cold-blooded ftaancial view of It. Personally, I don't sup pose there Is a( banker in the United States thatwoVldn't Uke to see the war end' tomorrow but thie, keaiom are net linancial; they are iHMiak. s "What could we do tojatiip the wcr iitop lending meser bermanV hasn't borrowed any money, and al though ;t Is a pusilq to me how sneis financing hert lights che.Js ,delngl: Mk.;r-hW' .'i-wyfirv rtTatiiXf J . '.it . .TTT 'TTTTwrTE S ' 1-mV.W. JffA-K'.Wi Z?$i7Jnil.t i'i,.i i -"ftifc.-J- yyvJ''; 'V? iTT. i - . jawmc.WJiiia(,iv iv . Anskiu ' y-v.iA.-'jrtr.jgffl,- v iX-MvCiS.UV v43slySiLJi'?iJ&ic5 Uimea, roia.;Mw,TMea;xl,4a r"- ivr--. .,'i .- - n. fc nflasTsiif - .' .':r---aa.52.v.'' v - - - - - ... -.... - xasssi exssssKW i- a wtij..j.."-. '' ,ir-iii t .... .-- -"TSi , 3fiES9Sa?S? .- ' ..i3 :v: !'' -. . i .. -t-, -r-,- t, j. b'i -35?J fi jf. 'jfea .e;i.'ii AX4 -. - .. ,u. lmperor of Austria-Hungary, following jon the 'ether nand, thealRea stft! the death of the aged Emperor Fran" have their own funds.. 'They've been United vnvrvr.TWihiwA V & o-jchtiti-.-V, nave captnrercai nertheri: scntsr- of tHtsaii?atsai laklsg erf this Uofthreti burg pes. for araale of tonic lerces MeRiasMlst ..kSJJ: -ju2T'l-,;.-a .v 'r-''TTZ--.iS- "'"".J'sni we immissj-itsss'ft Jrs-' and Maeeiir,ii,: ."S WSlVrT .. continue, rupilon. m.-. t. itfia!i'!?rAivii. In the northwest fn&jkpmjJgfr fr ' Valley..- ThrJ5 ..; Is by adlrectaiBwehiiiifii jfeUff jr, $j BavarfcuHf hateeapt.'res.fim'! otneers. l.ioo ;Ruxaalan teiiisr3v m iiSsssr 'r1 s - rrs:-? sea has'eaeUrel.f ' S '"Vr t -v--! '. ns, naaou uuvam n)!:n ',, -. 1 EMPEROR ,fRAlSClS;Jp)Er!t wliiKiwiu wmiuuiiiiiHw m-$0mvm'lkmm els Joseph, Is only twenty-nine years of age. He has been actively fighting since the beginning of tbe war. He succeeds, to the throne which, would have been taken by Archduke Fran cis Ferdinand had he not been assas- r sinated at Sarajevo. Such Hosiery. Such Hosiery fighting on borrowed capital, and would still have their own capital to fall "back on If the United States loans were shut off. . . ' 'It doesn't seem 'likely in the' least tint a peace move at this time will have any result but It IS not true, la my opinion, that wall street has sought cr ever will seek to bring any influence for or against peace." --r DENVER, Nov. 30, "Odd Sock' day Is rapidly making North Denver high school famous. Tbe twenty-four girls who wore suspended from school last week for displaying radiant, but mlsmated, hosiery, are still under the ban, and uow the boys of the declaring a sympathetic strike If Principal Brown persists In. bis res pecting the most successful meet in'.fusat to allow the co-eds to return to tbe history of Juarex racing. Col. M. J. Winn, manager of the track, anticipates a big boom at the local courso slnco it has been deter mined to put In part-mutuals in stead of tho bookmakers. He be ll vea It was these machines which lisved the sport in Kentucky and ex- fpects them to do tbe same here. More than 200 horses have bqen shipped hero from the northern rtiuks. Juarex is said to have lost money at Its last winter meeting, but this. Is not preventing horsemen from shipping their steeds here for this winter's af.'eir. FEMALE SHERIFF WANTS JOB BACK) WILL FIGHT United Press Service HACKENSACK, N. J Nov. 30. M,lss Constance 'Kopp, tho demon under sheriff (ex) who, when in of fice, was a four-time winner on any thing abe undertook, Is still loser In her. battle for her Job. Miss Kopp wad fired when John W. Courier, republican, slid Into the sheriff's berth on the O, O. P. land tilde in New Jersey November 7th. He, take It from himself, oouMa't Sad a thing for Miss Kopp, "demo crat, to do, und bo boanced her. Mies Kopp, hewevsr, claims that the ae.w civil service law, 'adopted JuH the republics glided up. to the, fleshpota, guarantees her her Job, She la still off the jwyroji, ew: ever, but has' not given" up the fight s. " their studies unless the parents of tho suspended girla visit the prin cipal and give assurances the girls will be more moderate la their hos iery display hereafter. The Incident has added to tbe song repertoire of tho school. One popular parody sung yesterday was as fol fel fol eows: "The hours we've spent In tbee, dear school, Are very pleasant memorles,v Alas, we've cracked tbe Golden Rule With hosiery, with hosiery. Each pair a dream, each dream a prayer That we may ever stand and staro At odd socks on each limb so fair Such hosiery, such hosiery!" LAKEVIEW WILL DEBATE KLAMATH ItiRKXHIC CONTEST WILL Utf man ix this city to settle CHAMPIOXSUIPv OF THIS BIS 1 TltlCT DECEMBER 8TH Pjauatt-8iilaiailiJ nvmww ,i uansuea eaarea jaavaa & . -i ,. tomorrow moralaarA .TWWi-HmW:A?&.S& which' Is the snnual'ccvaaoei bVtai Christian ministers ofOreaWWMlKSl lngton. 'Idaho. ani,'MoBbii'?ita'f:'''-iC' from December.-4-to,7, -PMi&fiMl Rev. Rambolalto-wfirTWttf'sWrW; who Is attending SpekaBeTJiiversHyr &$$ ! Itmm 80: Forty-fira:s, CLOTHES MADE BY GIRLS AR SHOWN WINDOW OF BALDWIN HARD WARE STORE ILLUSTRATES WHAT STUDENTS OF LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL ARE DOING, Dresses, petticoats, -, shirtwaists, blousss, tailored suits, and msny'oth er articles of apparel for women, all maae uy gins or tuamain county nign school, bave been placed on exhibi tion In tho display window of the Baldwin Hardware company, The girls who did the sowing belong to tbeVclasaes la. domestic, acteaea and are of thVhlgh schoolandrmade tbe Karmeatf" throughout by themselves, except v 'or ,'lnet ruction from Miss Mabel Hears, teacher of this work. Not' only. are the article ;a-ckta at;the, ceat Ina .theaualvea showa of material In each ts'glvfB.andUha riatlfada. Uf najiiflurtaV nui Kivuri; wiut miwniu)iii'W FIRST GAME IS DATED FRIDAY TEAMS FROM KLAMATH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL WILL PLAY MER RILL HIGHTEAMS ATMSRRILL TOMORROW 8.i.riHnWliii L.UHCU rms bwtim NE5f YORK. Nov,: Riirrlsnn nrth 1 u..i.. utlt-.-tiM- ijh"MaSW';ii!&w -I "" - " v wrsaoet. ay 'Jt&g&S&si&i. I German boat, arrlve.todayjTaarafel stm JllW.'-iiii;,'.rlS-?----'t call the torpedoeiai delllieraaiiWl der. 4They sarthe)MarlBaaarwBM Secretary itot.-iWar;. '- TaataI2?adL Y'-- , - J3 I ill; Vlvrif ss , awarded, coatraetafor .twoiaa4llaSip? j, to the NeJrkShWMlili,!, f pany and, two othertaajtaaNewpbrtiTSv- News Shipbuilding ' irfl--. m Vi, .'-KSiVS. T vi ni-.ia-i;. i.5'w:iKW"i LA7 ZT rz&mi?7pA v &x A fakeylew vs. Klamath Is tbe debate card for Friday night, December 8th. The elash between the debating teams of the two high schools will be held in Klrmath Falls. Tbe Klamath team this year Is composed of Mlsa Emma Honxlk, Miss, Beatrice Hensley and Clarence.Len nox. They are working diligently on tbe subject for tbe -debate, and are expected to make a goad showing., To get practice tbe team will hold a practice debate early next week with Clarence Williams, Clinton Hurd and Cecil Adams, a opponents. This practice affair probably will be staged at assembly period. j " " ' CHRI8TAN1TY STARTS . DRIVE INTO EGYPT ifciuriiisiun,! 'Mass., Jf ? T'rgW'.C !fw Have an apple sauce' egg , Art Sawkea r , feeds hlsens"apple saueeland(sellaI;r; H thel? eggs .? $l' i'HSHJSl ttjtierttM' on the, market tbiifit$im.-ii , m..( 2LMZmMm :m r'ti. .. s.-'itffiw rva? NEW YORK. Nov. 30, Feeltng that the strategic moment for a drive of Christianity into Egypt haa come, To play the first interscbolastio games 'of 'the .season, the Wisketball teams of Klamatn hlghscheo will go toiMerrlll tomorrow.lo aUy the teams.af, Merrill high achoolS 5 Both the girls' and the. boys', team will Mrs. Wendell Clelaad, with her hus- raake te trip, and tw.ogaawe'wIUbe" band, wlHaail for the tend of the playad.'t'1 ' Kl' Av ' "h ' f JNIIa. la.DecemaeV? engatevlafU- uoi. saads-of tbe. ieeaif school , aroaary woric.y sae ir aaoaugatar have aeeajpraetlclngdally'uader the 'of New 'York State tldmptroller, Eu dlrectioa" of Catch Hugglns."isome:geBe M. Trafls, Mr.'Clelaad la to real ability has been dlsDlayed." The (become professor-of English la Cairo turnout for bpth teams Is large. ' University, established ,.urider an vln;; 'jmi, ( oi i ill jnw, nw o iitnnraiHv.i inniu u uwifn. aieattofl0wye4 wHitaa U?ft thVlpurrwetheaaai. itams irom iaaaview nga acnooi. coratag iu iu 'Wnwn,tuipii The basketball' tea mof thafe'ashool of PiaiadBlahlsto give the Mo Witlaccompsnyhedsbktlngisaai to s;Chrletlatf art,wao .wlli- Kiaatata raiia, waere ua gassas ana iriy.TeoBwreBatr;aw'.aiMisi KM HAY P t yvi xA m Sxsxa Cam aaaa V .. xataaaaY gxal ILI IILUVHaVlaaUf r-mmmm '" LLnUIiflUIIII T-&r7' imp: WKSfKa :.'.. ' S) .3- i5r : fe aaaMaVaaam nAtV 3ZWMB'$W.',- . i. .jt, 1. Jf.v, r,-'-. . - HOUSE ;OF NATNAIiCIOr'cy-i,'3 -t . . t.i!SSw.iMi,.-r. , GRKSS MAY RRMONTmARHM ; - OF VIRGINIA TO aWCWPPD-JG -' f a J' . . j'i, mif-M .'flJ ral United Praaa Hnm&2&&i ASHINOTOV. I lw'H tffPn ayi atoW Joha.tKara-ac ThaIeadaMU saaka 'Saaatltaxalai i waw -jawaw aaaaiaaBaBa. Early aHttvata: to diet tatagraa. WJ iKSaWUgftaai ,'sMiWaiMni r rnMaaf.i IMtlaMf. ,l.4tolWli ilWWrf. b.l,-tlI.-'M.. -, V ST.-i lW;.jW(;9ej-5;MW ,- -a f.' '.iie:.-