,; x.y '& V?fx 4'p, for 4 "u A V , - A M' ! "Twai TTTiT?fcJKJl' iv I KLAMATH COUNTY'! Official newspaper yKLAUATHTMAM M- --.Tr "-- wMA- OFFICIAL ftu , . "ir Wr? j -I TKraBDaaaBBavyr. .. nra w i -:-"-.' v aWMBM. , rBBa .1 SvaPiBxHHnBBBBfcBBEg. .ass t -H 3bajjSBHHB v"ts Kfntti Vi No. S,lal Ht s'.;-s2 JQWjSfMtZ ' ' ivuamaim FALLS, OREGON, WEDJE3DAY, NOVEMBER 29; Itlf. J , JMfty,'lM;p . 1 .? ,. . " , " wwryw ' & '(fcSW ! (V T'fl 5-i &ESE: 'tirVVt.' nic-wi; f-JW.T..' tn-V , ,.. ,. ATTACKED CITY IN THE EARLY MORNING " nnnjvxJ'AMMtMmmmmmmmm AAAAA.aa .i . ..r .-.pr)ryyyvJJ jyjxAAAiXrvxruiviiiiit WW DOMINATES ENTIRE HTATK OF CHIHUHVA Aaarken Officials Are AmIon About ytl of Americana la Captured ItWwB- Villa Waited VhUI Trevlno "" r iTvrnnruiAAAnnAruvxAAAi ANDERSON SUED IIV MINOR TO RECOVER LIVESTOCK MONEY r JTasted UMt Hartl Ammunition Tlitti Force ClihWc in At. Arc Uilttd I'rcmi Horvlco Kii I'AKO. Nov. 20. CarraiulHtn ItUli hero till mornlnic offlclnlly! MHunrrd tlmt Villa captured Clil tMbun City Monday and now doml iiUt the cntlro Htato of Chlliunhun. Tin (,'arrna force dofondltiK Hiv dOr were cut to plocea and tpllt Into two remnants, then routed In tliu mtUi and Miuth of tbo city. , iatrlcan offlclala are anxloua for tte.fitc of ttio bIx Americana known toMm Uiinuaiiua city, thin morn iHtlwy niado'n demand on the Car tana offlclala at Juarcs to .obtain iMMoew an to th fate of foreigner. The latent advice concerning the ffcMar of tbo ettjr-aayVthat VltHatai 'rwlicd Into the citr at. 5' o'clock Mou thy nornlns nnd routed the tlefond n In a brief hand-to-hand atruRgle. Detail of the nghtlna; are meager, The Indication are tbat Villa tie the exact number of hell Con ral Trcvlno had, forced him to ue tbem all, and then attacked In forco. It li bcllewd doubtful tbat Villa tll attempt to hold Chihuahua City. The Yaqul Indiana In General Mur lla'i column have deaerted. To recover $118, Uuford Clouton I lin filed mil In tbo circuit court naulmit O. T. Andnraon, a stockman of tbo illy country. Clopton, who la o minor, U being repreaentod by Mary 12. Anderson, hi next friend. Tho complaint charge that Clop ton wn owner of certain boraea, mule and other livestock of the valuo of $818 and that same wcro told by defendant. V. II. A. Iteiinor I attorney for Clopton. Railroad Wage Investigating Committee at Work TEAMS PREPARE EOR BIG GAME ITMVKIWITY OF CWLIFOHMA AND UMVF.IIH1TY OF WAHHINdTON KI.KVKXH CliAHII TOMOlROW OX HKATTIJ: (lUllilRON - " -r-t ttJ .VT? I'tlSfd rres Service. EI- I'ASO, Nov. 29. Fearing a hohtale massacro If Villa cipturc Joarei, three hundred Cblnoto tbero re iTOcurlng permlaalon to come to! W J mo In enso of emergency. The Cilntn coimul there aaya th.nc are' "o Chinese In Chlbuahun City nn.l ImI Villa ha tbreatenod to kill nil el them. Hutch IteappulHtal viltad Pres Service BACRAMKNTO, Nov. 20.I)r. F. V. Ihtrh today wita reappointed auii Mlnlendont of the atato hospital for trm of four yeara at a anlHry of WOO a er. t; SKATTI.K, Wash., Nov. 29. Tho finish touches to their training for the big gnmo tomorrow wero begun today by tbo California University football wquud when they arrived here from IlcrkcToy. Head Coach Andy Smith and his assistants, A. D. Zlcgter and Kddle Mnhnn, would not make any predictions, but It was clear that they wero hopeful of getting at least nu oven break In Thursday contest. Tho remirknblo form shown by tho UearM on November 18th, when they held Washington to a 13 to 3 score, I expected to bo duplicated Thura day afternoon. In fact, It I pointed out by Berkeley enthusiasts that Cal ifornia's form has probably Improved greatly slnco tho gamo ten days ago. On tbo other hand, It Is declared that tbo recent row between tho foot ball plajers and tho faculty of Wash Ington University, during which tho player threatened to strlko has not helped tbo condition of tho men any. Home predict that, oh u consequence nnd becauso of tho loss of Oromm, one of tbo Washington star, tho Dobloltcs will not present a strong a lineup ns In tho first game. Her Says Territory for Railroad Promising At the request of the Herald,' ""le. It. Miller, bead of the Miller "wto Company and one of the boat "own landscape pnotograpuera In Mt, Iuih written of tola Imprea 'wn of tho torrltory to be tapped by Oregon, California ft Eaatern "'road. Mr. Miller baa Juat re raea from an auto trip over the r"""10"1- ojceptlng the aectlon W Klamath Falla to Bpraguo river, ,, bpon ened to nake a eoU wtloa of pjctura. of the country, " Imprestlona follew: "baa been aald bjr . number of J" that It would be laipoaalble to bw-!.!?.9 8trhrii rallrfJla aaylfB Potltlon. , " ' myielf. w i ju.u'k.it .. luting the trip owitVe iatlr. tt Will hn luul.1 1. U I.'lJy """t time afK (tie cow- You who hove lived In Klamath for b number of yeara would very quickly roaent It If ome one would ay to you tbat thU country would not aupport a railroad, and you would havo a right to, so why pass Judg ment on the Btrahorn road without first going over tho country and see ing UT In going over the survey I paw every one of tho valley from an ele vation of from flvo .hundred to one thousand feet above them, bo i could get a panorama picture that would gve the moat perfect view posalble, but muit Bay that the picture taken raiiuot powlbly give anywhere near an idea, of the vastneia of thla great country, ' wCoelng at Bend, the aurvey runs trough about twelve miles of irrigated land which la almot " - Coatlaaed oa rage I h ton and Siaaa,'SeaMtora VHderwood, RoMawoaj and ti. -Kroiu left to rittiit Heiuitor Cummin', ltenraaentatlvcs Ha Ilrandegee and RepreoenUtlve Each. 4 Heated, left to rlglitRepreaentatlve AdaitMon, vice chalrwan, and Seswtor Kewlaada cbanawau Here are nine member of th9 Joint railroad Investigating committee of the acaate aad the house, one of the most Important committee which haa been appointed for aeme time. The whole (Mattes, not oaly oft the Adamson law, passed at the last session of congress, but of transportation ana abjpatog. to to be taken up by this committee, and the hearing promise to be of Intense iatereat, not only to the aaeaabera of the rafjway brotherhoods immediately affected, but to shippers and the public. NEW OFFICERS '-- -IIM6 KWAtXA KNCAMI'MKXT CHOtJKH OFFICKItH FOB NKW TKUM AT HKGUI.AH MKI-mXO HKLD LAST XIOIIT garter: stood ii mmm At tho regular meeting of Ewauna IN EXAMINATION FOR LICENSE TO PRACTICE DENTISTRY IN ORFXiON, LOCAL BOY IS SUR PASSED ONLY DY JAPANESE in cnoi cost (: i bw bw . w ar w w aa- ar -a, w -v 7V i '- wmMMmmsinn 1 MMWwmzx M.aMwrmrsm iuuibnfb,uu SALARIES OF THE JUDGES AND CLERKS ALONE FOR NO'EM. BER 7 ELECTION REAVES 1 ' $75, SAYS CLERK. BUCHAREST FEARS rttawrrsrV W7W&&-. fasne; - yj aaal bbb H I ' aaal aaR aaam lam aaaB Jaaaaf aaaa am m aS iWaaaT fe aaaaaaaaaaaaL aaai i mi iiiiyx MAY IIMU ft msmfrgpiatF ?j mm-m:; : W fT-Tfc ZS-t&.!fii lii.VBtfi WANTS UNITED STATES TO ASK FOR SAFE PASSAGE United Pre gerTic WASHINGTON, D. C, Nor. 29. The British embassy here aald today that England's retuaal yeaterday to permit the passage of Count Tar aowaky, new Austrian ambassador, to thla government, to America la not final. The embassy indicated that England wlabe the atate department of thla nation to make a formal re quest for aucn passage. TO HOLD UNION CHURCH SERVICE ALL . PROTESTANT CHURCHES WILL WORSHIP TOMORROW EVENING AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT S O'CLOCK, KAiriM 3iTJ "& 3 , MOVED ID JAaMrr-'fj mf ttt J -I . ?&32J3 wrsss'- 'shs riViSt&iHxi 'ft .f . aaiBaaaBajMa v?- t -" ' f" RaoawaUaM Ate YMdfag an aHaaW.yfe?' Say. Be.la, Gieefc -Oaatfl c. to BUM MiMafttkH . w.ytBs.i.'HfTS!''- M A . M "'-'. "Jtt'W-.V mmt ah Aiwa .! C?if.VV CMtoeM Be Sun'tngareaV'"'fB Deverutlo. of li.0i MVmrn United Preaa Service - . &Jv W0Wi LONDON, Nor. JtThe alS'' official stateaeat todayaaya Vitk'm'S Tentona conUnae Mte the enUre, WalUcaiaa' iWategaBjSMp" oecvnatlOB J & A-ft f-i All forelga leaetteM a4 aahe rtfsUWm'? 1 Buchareai hare tramaferred'u" UmKZs&&& 1 . t-ri - r- - r 1.. (..r, fjsjr tf?v;v- rearing uenaaa CKT BStOB. v - - . -, '. i--iiK2i,-S;!..' V .v. rtir Kr5rfl'' - 'TTieRBBBaBtoBeareylelftBeaagS;- wara in dtoordey." aaya BeBafcvslVi Paria aaaerta thattlteSaaii'i kavn Mntnnul kUkl.k;V3?i: fc-ff?TO ' i aienraai bb araa raaaaai i aawaaaaiar aaaaaaraai hi r i ' . i, Ttj ' 1 KJ?S. V f ' ' " .'-wsi r ftm fka . m. ----' -li-. ll; rr.rrzrrvTt 7ttW&F7i?&zr'$-r - wBerayyaagBiiiJiy, . ; LAdiaiee! Tbanksglvlng aervke will kCkaM lathe PreahyterkB'ehB aw ay ereafiK ffiA .itMM nf fi AVnlMvthklflr Aa .-w .. v. - .-v -.. . J .ItrfT-. uc ,. -1b.i tjfli!i3a Ilvered by Rer. W. E. Rambo of the Piae; '' ?Sjs&z:J3:?&s . , . . -. .-; . -ii" -"" .r""-Vrl rannmiuniiM tarjUKnr'j fe.- For salaries of Judge and clerks With the honor of passing the Encampment No. 46, LO.1 O. F held stato examination In dentistry with aione. the recent election for national, last night tho following officers, were second rating, Hardin Carter returned ,tate and county offlcea coat Klamath chosen to conduct the affair of the Mast evening from Portland. Fifteen county $975. In1 addition to thla graduates of many dental colleges mUBt added the coat of election took the state examination with Car-i auppUe8 of naii heat and mealg on ter, but only one. a Japanese atudent election day and' other expense, from Northwestern Unlveralty. made) ChtriM r. DeLap. deputy county u higher grade. I clerk, esUmatea that the election Carter is a graduate or the denUl CQSt ,ometllIllc 0Ter f000i school of the University of Southern. m California at Los Angeles. He ex-1 poets to ojmjii an office In Klamath Falla soon. He is a bob of Mr., and Mr. O. h. Ccrter, and attended and graduated from tbo local grammar uid high schools. camp during the January-July term: Chief Patriarch P. L. Fountain High Priest W. A. Masten. Senior Warden R. A. Emmett. Treasurer Nate Otterbeln. Scrlbo L. J. Bean. Junior Warden II. II. Ogle. COUNCIL TALKS OF ORDINANCE NO FORMAL ACTION IS TAKEN AT LAST NIGHT'S MEETING, BUT BOND ORDINANCE IS THOR OUGHLY DISCUSSED MORE NUMBERS ADDED TO SHOW The ordinance, which If passed will provide for sale of f 300,000 railroad bonds by the city of Klamath Falls, ch considered last nlgbt at an In formal meeting of the city council. No motion waa made, resolution In troduced or vote taken, but the pro vision of the ordinance were delved Into thorougniy oy me councuimm and Mayor Crisler. ' The next meeting of the council la achedulod for next Monday evening. Hence that 1 the earlleat date at which the ordinance probably will be acted on officially. m " ROGERS' TEAM STILL HEADS BOWLING LEAGUE By winning two out of three genes laat night from1 Harry Ackletyi bowl log team, the team capUlned.by'Lea. He Roger maintained ,lta nlaoo at' the head of the lka' bowling tornameit! Austin Hayden'a team and the bowl era under Dare Lennox wiiragni u out on the BJkar alleya tonight. MIXED QUARTETTE WILL AP PEAR IN' NEW SONGS AND MRS. LUKE WALKER HELP MAKE SHOW BETTER. WORK ON CHURCH STARTED TODAY CONSTRUCTION OF NEW BUILD ING FOR EMMANUEL BAPTISTS IS BEGUN AT CORNER OF ELEVENTH AND HIGH STREETS Construction commenced thla mor ning oa the new edllce for the Em- WHjmanuel Baptist church at Eleventh and High treat. The new building will be one large room and will be built la bungalow atyle, to appear aa linn ha X Two new number mat are ex- . . whM, thtt -.-.-.tlo- . pected to help make the ahow a realtbte tQ mt a ,arf() gfa, ,B hit have been added to the Program i,. h ft or.h, -.rtui,,-- -in ha for the Elka' minstrel nterUlBmentipUte(,,nUieBUIlft,owaB( tnebu,d. next week. ,nf averted Into a paraonage. Mr. Luke WUlker will atng Tbe . of U(1 Km.aBuel "8uanne" and "Drip. Drip, rlp. ' B,piltt church are taHdlng th' work A mired quartette competed I of Mleaof Mr w H c? wh0 Josle Low. Mlaa Marie Rambo, Law-jhM OB,y uuottt M renco Mehaftey and Jamea Lytle will I fj Utt MjM fca ,jicrB1 Ue alng aeveral new numbere. ,tae el the- coBgregatloa. helped to Rehearsal, for the i ahow are WjWh, property for the ehre; aad held regularly and the work sahib- Ut work m htt,Mlif f0rwtrahlp. ilea at taem laaicaws terUlnmeat will be well werth while. E. B. Hall aaya be believe, lt,wm m W, O, DakoB and ifo art- fromHhe Cafr ranch, belaw MaMave Ji business. Oaiaial,flaaai Laat WorA StMjl.ttfTlea.; , , fASHWOTON, J D.rrC Ney, 1 hiifrOearcoferB vwJh Priali.at Wllaea tale atttBa-U Mate taal taatrMetlaaa hefeaaaaH- !v;wt l.. A- AuUuM n "91 " Nm wr nnmmr, . Christian church. Rer. C. W. Cog of tbe. Baptist church and Rer. G. H, Bennett of the Methodist church will also assist In the service. Vernon Motscaenbacner baa pre pared a program of special music to be rendered as a prominent part of the program of the evening. It fa as follews: "The Prayer" ,....,.... Toatl Mlsa Josle liow "Ave Maria" Mascognl Miss Claudia Spink "A Psalm of Thanksgiving". . Allttsen Miss Augusta Parker "Song of Love" .-. v Hlne Mixed Quartet Robbers Get $19,000 (Tnlted Preaa Service HAZELTON, Kan.. Nov. 29. Four maaked men this morning bound and gagged the boy operators of the local telephone office, looted the safe of 'the Haselton State Bank of $12,000 and escaped In an auto, taking the telephone operators with them. Night Shift to Quit. Tomorrow night will be the laat for the night forco at the Ewauna box factory until next spring. Be ginning Friday, only a day shift will be employed. , e1tam'WftvMtil .-,WI t- tJmTVj JJS??:f A' T?L ridge, and helgliU;U BakowUia, ; 'J.. '?, BBtS"n'Jt'':ii ' ai. --- -'"-' ' --- K.-".ty-"swyois -" w.. .a- nn W"V'ftrSiT. council aa. aeeUeel to'ifae'yd. ::-;;v;-: to jthe alllea' demaaaaTfor amrreaaarJv,' ITMtfej OK arSEaal. -tMUv) "tow AaW as United &x83&i. ;; i -ry:ci - , r i "7S ar a-&&tjrTm r3 ' 'SiS.. ? I -'m-Wim - . .. .. ' .' J". .":7-,i.A -&&$, uvnuvn, nor. a. wr JOBB'JeHirTiw coe baa been appointed Krat aea'lord? 4il of the" admlnltv'SHrtkst .AsatoalN,?tta',tsf - T' - ' . 1-tnS'' v".s.i Beatty haa beea made eommaader-oCiJt'.SKf J retiree aa aea. lord. Amntrdmm Z'fmnnrtm ttjiijO . - mans have deported aryoatlrfraaTtM:, 7ZTJZZZZ?JZSEm. HVMNW 14 WWfc UUVinHK TJSBrX-fi-lX. pare to go ., CAFES ICKKAK sSL3gt!B&m -mB.4mmBm m 'K-, f&iW I h.V.W-! r .:.VLtf .yi."wi.,?!r'' rs&iFvwipmi&wt "' i"'t Pi&mt&:7hti.i.i Cl TTnlflul Pnu lUtilM ....,.....; , .. .KwW!K8Ja LOB ANQELEB. BBT;gt,-rJ TmV?X$ Reataurant Tfnii's iaaasls iia' fdar'- ""- announcediaa lncreeae ot 20 a eeitt ":$-?IS'Sf .. . - j" (ta- .-'. krTn it!w - in tbe price of all eatablea ;T.i; '.?S j... .... m." ' .a. . '-i -.-' ft-? ' T.iWifti? scoeouie win eaeeuTa aiaFf5sfessfj All reatauranU affected. declare, tiatsi1 the coat of feedlBgfwetaIefeT creased, 4 ewtstftt cenU a doaon. ,IV. t Keno Power Unnpaiiy Franchise iBMIaalHBH-.ajaai KrtS'Ti": fiL: iih5.ii'WSlW5LM. ' Reasons for and agalnat, granting a franchise to the Keno Power Com pany to distribute olectrlcal energy la Klamath Falla were advanced laat sight when local cltlieaa gathered at the, city hall. Charles, F, 8toae made the prin cipal talk in favor of granting the franchise and Alex J. Roeeorough'e waa the mala address aghast, em action, stone coataaded' that .corn- petltloa .would mean, better rate for electricity: that Kent toothers, owbt gra,lof4the Keao.Fower Ceaipatar. wara'eaaebte bMtaesa atea aad aat la eht; tliat liafkae)- made a;aeeeea atVMM, reeiamatHMi n iaoBksaa eauBtry,-, ,t$&,'i3-s5. Mr; Roaborouf malBtaiMiiUM WimM Disctssei .. akk. ' i in aM 't- n lu cuiuyHlVB w-jfT(B" would not mean cheaper e that It would meanmo'seajii streets; tnat toe ivano, rower. pany la unable to aupplyi triatty to aaaae aay,raa taaf,oao.atrltYal.il JilWsa! waat wagoa aeea petlUoahtttmore.ea. BBBgfBBBi Wf BBBBWBBBl.e Bt BBBBBKaBBBBy m.jsm- mm&&'& MTNiafi)WM.fil taw-' Wfwfc-lal, waaaoa.ywr Pi-38 "'.' ;. fc. Li.i.ui-' iaavaK -. m yBfts? K d "W" ; kntaMat (.' i" Widm ' -::XA PIWaPB-Jft!lfc ..-!''fcA3 IT.L JiaBBBBBVS - lfaHaaaaaaaaaH , y- flKflli njamBaBaBaBaBWal BBBBaaBu'MaM '.'t,"lif),StrSt' hi n '-ti. '"T r'r' , 'V ik ' y.. r fSTy js -a i v - LI 4 ;,4at. 2 j "t '.,