' ' " 'yt j-'' 't-' i H m mm ?!' :t3Sr,:; THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MOXmv, .Nv;,miu:u al my, M&: -yr UXtCkMhin. T' """ - t f fc. Ja. 1 lV, L - .'. S9lf & W'u.iJ -. i'wj liXM,l.& WA.VWS JKian'i ' Kr5i '. :.A". 'M"Ji u -iSa. ;, r la a-a-a afMaaaaaaaAaaat M Wt NMW ft HtM mVSnwviy In M Win m OMpvM vnifn ' . FOR SALE ffitfS X. t, V.i i ii m:?.--:y.: M..lif.B.TkM :i4' i'-y . wwr-L"- --V-- w&ii-. L' "!, - , . -t.-j- 'r' wi. wi. AM Airedale Inquire of I. A. Mills Add. school. 24-3t !W-5i Jwt- tyro Mil ehbw cases for sale cheap. 'fcradW 8upply Company. 26-3H : roll SAL Two-year-old rosn Dur haii'; bull; natural muley; well brad. " Inquire Ben Southwell, Olene, Ora. 25-U. FpRRENT WWNMNIII TOR- RKNT Nicely furnished, room with sleeping porch; furnace heat; close In. Phone 318 M. -et FOR RENT Two or three ihouse ffkeaflaareoms, In stone building. SI Mala 9t, to permanent tenants.' Phone 167J. i3-Ct The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor PuaUskad dally except Sunday ay Taa Herald PubMshlag Company of Ktamth raM. at US rmrta strtat. . atered at the aoatomce at Klamath rails. Oregon for trajumlnalon through the Balls na second-class matter. Who is the Champion in Fast Dressing? I&i V. uhecrlpUon terms by mall to any address 1 the United States: Om year -.& OMMtth . MONDAY, NOVKMBKR 37, 1I WILSON Will BE GIVEN FREE REIN V ' RAILROAD KXKCUTIVE8 DKCIO ,KI TO "PIT THK WHOLE THING UP TO WILSON"' HAVR CONFI. DKXCE IX PRESIDENT MISCELLANEOUS , Home, care in alckaess. Rates rea- aeaable. Phone 173 M. 14-6t MONCY TO LOAN oa city and ranch lands. Arthur R. Wilson. 14-tf WAKTEp Nurse maid for two chll dreh, hours 9 to S; references re quired. Phone 28M. 33-tf ttt Jt WANTED Dressmaking and plain elBer: both.ladies and gentle -men. Bundle' waahlag: and mending neatly done. Mrs, Bler.t 333 South rourth street. 35-4t By ROBERT .J. BENDER (United Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, D. C, Not. 87. The statement of Mrs. William O. President Wilson will he given free McAdoo. daughter of President Wll rein by the railroads of the country, aonT u ane Bad set a new record n In working out legislative remedies f.st dressing by patting on hot for Industrial disputes. It was learned clothes In twenty mlawtea aroused the today assurances to this effect have M "M " come from railroad officials. The reasons are two fold. First, It has become known the roads, devot- MkMMMnHiMiaMMMWMnMMMaMaMMaanaMHaaMBaHnMnn(a JgS&& You fed fine In a few momonlM. Your cold In head or catarrh will bo 'sonc. .Your clogged nostrils will upon. The air pnssages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely, No tuoro dullnoM, headache; no hawking,' muffling, mucous illschargea or dry- nts; no struga-llng for hreiitti lit ; night. Tell your tlruggUt you wnnt n smnll boltlo of Kly's Civam llnlm. Apply a little of this frngrnnt anti septic cream In your nostrils, let It penetrate through every air pamgp of the head; sootho and heal the swollen, Inflamed mucous membrnne, nnd relief comes Instantly, It Ih Just what every cold and en-; Inrrh siinerer ncca. uon'i may nturrcd up and mlonto. Adv. Ire of Mrs. Carter H. Harrison, wife of the former mayor of Chicago. "Once upon a time," said Mrs. Har rison, "I bathed and dressed in thirteen mlntes. I don't think I fouiil do It ngnln, but 1 did It once. Thirty minutes U a good average per iod for dressing In the morning iJust to drcsri, twenty minutes In fiint time." has been directed to the equitable dls i trlliution of food and to the ellmina- tion cf speculation.. They have made iiooa uistriouuoa ,,a Coiupctitlon In. commodities la elim inated, while the principle of aormal competitive price Is not destroyed. u , ''; t Hi wm mn wYCa afiivcrysials ". . .'.., .'. 10c Mala springs SOe .C0e ..75c Watch cleaning , Twailai( J. . wvwvn -, , ,Two expert watchmakers., and en 'graveni .employed. Railroad watch repairing a specialty. AH work war ranted for .one year. Give us a trial and you will be convinced. T..O. McHATTAN, J?- -,.-s l&r" its , , . iMT i FOR SALE Beef by the quarter or larger. I havavfeaud the loet'Sayder cattle a atTlagmy patroaa the beneit ol aheap meat J. W. Hawzhurst. Leave orders with me or at Hawz harat market. 35-3t ' A War AagalarUy United Press Servlea LEEDS. Eng., Noy. T.-. clrcus rent oa tour wlthi -A local i grand- DR. F. M. WaTJTB BlafVla BaU XMsW MM M7 0d4FeBews AM4MMWMMMMIMMMMVWW 8kk-.bat year cheek coateg la rag- aaarqr; ro aeea to worry if yoa ing weir enure time in comoaiuna fooi, d,gtr,but0B a pUDHc utUy. tne consiuuiionauiy oi inc Aaamson eight hour law, have not considered formulation of a plan which would meet the approval of the brother hoods. Second, the road executives believe the president can be depended on by themselves, the brotherhoods and the public to put forth a feasible plan that will eliminate the strikes to which transportation systems now are subjected, and which would be sup ported by all parties concerned. ! It was admitted today after fre quent .conferences of the railroad executives to formulate some definite plan of eliminating strikes and lock outs; it was decided to "put the whole thing np to WJlson." In this connection it was explained that the exteutlves, have reached the conclusion that any such plan sub mitted by them could not be regarded "the best and most satisfactory,' since it might be looked upon' as measure constructed "in submission to the acknowledged power of labor and tempered with threat of strike by the. workers." mother over 60 years of age wearing the spangles of Hon tamer. After 'many years1 retirement she abandoned tho knitting needle for tho pistol and whip when her three sons were forced to enlist. DANCK At 0 ray's Hall, Friday, December 1. You are Invited, (load music and n good time. 25-Ct County Court Proceedings (!!) Term CoBttauetl) PAIN GONE! RUB SORE, RHEUMATIC ACHING JOINTS &.- 8$ pis . I I4?i, . aataa W4'y JETNU-IZE Xtmm HeaUh PoUey aaya year sar- aaa'a fees, gtras yoa fM a week la Ue hosaetal and troaa 13UM to ft ,. wwekly at aa. 7 CHILCOTE, AGENT ,., , .. .ayi.'Mala Ik. SAGE TEA KEEPS .i - YOUR MIR DARK WHEN MIXBO WITH SULPHUR IT RINM BACK IT BEAUTIFUL LUSTRE AT ONCE kawarar adraaclag age. We all knew the advaataaaa ;of a youthful appearance. ;'?.,'? -.t-imtt hair la yaw charm, if i."I .'-- . - ia i -, en .!. ih.i... istk.. i, - MH. X-r. gaay aad loeas strealud, Just a few a Z'&k 'v' . Pjlaatlaas af Ba Tea aad Salnaar aa- .llBBiBi tta aaaaaraa rayl W:j' . - BBBaw ataaaM taa laataa at i?vt''.A. : . : i . ..r - - !j; '' B 'S a kaadredrfoM. yaaajfl at few aay drag atara a Maaat hat- " tte mi "Wash's " mmA Salakn !. .,i rt- Is' N Wd r.-a, 6t ' T-J."t- 'iF Vf ' " A r.-'J '"ii wklak la aaaraly taa aid tkm by taa additloa of atk- aC U aarkaaa tka hair F000 EMBARGO WON'T GIVE AID C. C. Low, board of prisoners, September, 1914 C. A. Haydon. aaUry, labor oa plat book, September, 1916 Anna Rosa, salary aurae poor farm, Semtember, 1916 Geo. A. Haydoa. cash advanced postage county treasurer Underwood's Pharmacy supplies county 'offices, July and Angst. J. H. Beckley, gaardiagVprkoner (F. Worthington) v G. C. Mitchell, salary steak Inspector, August, 1916 P. D. Reader. traaaporUtloa. prisoner F. Worthington "Frank Hurry, traasportatloa, prisoner F.' Worthington a C. It. DeLap, cash advanced elections September, 1916 can ueai. aaaiuoaai oouaiy Beptemner, iie H. a. Bablngtoa, cash adraaced lections, Sept., 1916 E. Loree additional bounty. Sept, 19 1C W. C. Hackler, additional bounty. Sept.. 1916 Hen Grimtb, additional bounty, Sept. 1916 W. H. Todd, addlUoaal. bounty. Sept., 1916 T. A. Anderson, addlttoaalbeuaty Sept.. 1916 Francis Freuer. additional bounty Sept.. 1916 Karl Kerns, additional bounty Sept, 1916 T. Chas. 8wltt, additional bounty Sept., 1916 -. James P. Thomas additional bounty Sept., 1916 H. F. Caton, additional bounty Sept., 1916 W. S. Boyd, additional bounty Sept.. 1916 Geo. Montgomery, additional bounty Seot-1916 T. J. Nickerson, additional bounty Sept., 1916 iueo. a. i,i, aaaiuonai oounty nept., i9ie .. I Isaac Llnsl. additional bounty Sent. 1916 .. OF FOOL IB SOLUTION. Fred Morley, addtional bounty Sept., 1916 PROFESSOR HESS SAYS GOVERN-1 Bob Elliott, additional bounty Sept., 1916 W. L. Frain, additional bounty Sept., 1916 MEXT CONTROL OF PRODUC-' Kenneth Wilkerson. additional bounty Sept., 1916 I Love Chandler .additional bounty Sept., 1916 .... TION: AND DISTRIBUTION OF ' EH Wolfe, additional bounty Sept., 1916 k. k. watterourg, additional bounty Sept., 1916 Tom Delsell, additional bounty Sept., 1916 Peter Olenn, additional bounty Sept., 1916 Jno. B. Peel, additional bounty Sept, 1916 S. A. Brown, additional -bounty Sept., 1916' J. W. Stout, addition! haunt tUn .. IfllA 1 W. W. Fordney. additional bounty Bant.. 1916 W. E. Lamm, additional bounty Sept., 1916 2. CO O. W. Elliott, additional bounty Sept.. 1916 '7.50 O. W. McCormick. additional bounty Sent.. 1916 1 . 2 r.n r, an M.! t 100.00 r.o.oo 3.00 8.80 CIS 3.00 25.00 46.00 23.00 4.85 2.o0 10.00 2.50 5.00 2.50 2..-.0 2.50 2.50 2.!,0 2.a0 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.5Q 7.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 ' 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 . 15.00 5.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 Itt'll IMIN AWAY WITH A SMALL TRIAL HUTTLK OF OLD, PKNK THAT "ST. JACOB'S OIL." Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pnln only; not ono case In fifty requires Internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacob's OH" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson- out comes the rheumatic pain aad distress. "St. Jacob's Oil" U a harm- less rheumatism liniment which nev er disappoints snd doesn't burn the skin, it takes pain, soreness aad stirfneis from aching Joints, muscles and bones; stop sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up! Get a small trial bot tle of old-time, honest "St. Jacob Oil" from any drug store, and in a moment you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer! Rub rheu matism away. Adv. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY-TRY THIS! MI. u te !:" " "Hrt.iriT t A, loncH, docwtii I ii,?5hr dec;n..d, will , , Z, , ' HI ' ! IklMl... .1 t . I IIU . ... .. nasi u U(r f.. V ".UV'W. Jet; to ; coiiiirmniion 'bJ'iSvHV: uitllloj court, on bmiini.- ,W 'l 10 o'clock In , i ,,,,'? nl h hour Oregon, mi tl,"" iR ' ' Coa! nnd estato of Mar" A vn.ln," known n Mary A. .' Vlot ' fallowing described tl , ,0 "" Z "LSI!" !!-" IS t?tt Townahlp P)rly., 5i I R . . i '"' ' Thlrlecn Kil W 5 " Inn, coiitiili.h.ir i. .'"' Merld- I"R to th., i0l niin'SS"' ini'iil survey therwif (1T"' I will ho 1 1 mild renl'iimiM.,,. 1 ho whole the. eof, I,, 0 JT. ' f,' ,td col nnd tho phmhWJ , . Z ?.r,Wr- "" " ' payment of lh Ai." agalnsl inld ealMe, tog ether" l ? con h of ndmlnUiraUon ,"d Jm '! forta, and the bnlnnro tcmMnn.Ui ,1 A'3o'm3''"S- Nntlrn Is lrol.y Klven. that tb. nru funds.ln u, County rrrr U. redemption 0f ti tlZt rantj. protiMted on t.r before IW II' I I', I V I I , United Praaa Barvtee MADISON, Wta., Not. 27. ,'The only solution of the high .cost of living and, era of high prices under which the American people are now Ouy Sconchin, additional, bounty Sept., 1916 oeuuins meir dbcks ib, in my juag- ment In aovernment and control of the production and dls- "tHeaviiin, additional bounty Sapt., 1916 2.50 tributlon of food, and th HmlnttOn 'iv0.' ?'mrou?h' a on! P0 2.50 inos. w. sparas, aaaiuonai Dountysept., 1910 ... ; r 2.50 Philip Odea, additional bounty Sept. 1916 , 2.50 C. E. Huntington, addltloaal bounty Sept., 1916 5.00 James Cousin, additional bounty Sept., 1916 5.00 T XtT ... -.J.,,,-. A. .. AM ... ' -. - .. ... vwn, huuiuudii puunir B6DI.. IV in .r... z.r,o administration E. L. Arant. additional bounty Sept., 1916 , 2.50 tributlon of foods and the elimination of speculation, and extravagant con sumption." This was the statement to the Unit ed Press today of Professor Ralph H. Hess, of the University of Wisconsin. Professor Hesa Is nationally known as a' teacher,. lecturer and author, His university course on "food and prices" has attracted wide attention. "It is my Judgment that no such crude expedient as a Complete or par tial embargo can in any degree serve a ureful purpose," Hess continued Eugene McCormick. additional bounty Sent.. I9ifi I- ,W' Adk,n "MUM"'! bounty Sept., 1916 ?".?, Af.er' 8dd'0 tr Sept,, 1916 :...-.. W. Blakely, additional bounty Sept, 1916 Ross K. Sutton, additional bounty Sept.. 1916 Bushong Co., supplies county oScei Sept..' 1916 Todd Protectograph Co., supplies county offices June, 1916 .... Glass AV Prudbouse Co., supplies county offices Sept., 1916 Bushong Co., supplies county offices Sept, 1916 . . , W. O. Smith Printing Co., printing county offices, August, 1916 . . Glass A Prudbouse Co.. election aunnlles Bent., lata- t c,- Mrat, Poor farm contract Sept.. 1916 ...-, I Fred Peteraon. advaiu4 Mu.un on itii . ' - .-, ''. mmw ..nn,nifii v.., ., , v ..,.., 1 2.50 10.00 10.00 2.50 5.00 39.36 35.00 .81 15.25 29.50 4.08 245.00 7.12 588.-00 5fcJ VmUM - 14V alaaBfcsssmgi aia aaaWaaaaaatlaa wamraw vaamaw-aamap aw awaaaBsaj aajau asaaaaa r; s Yaaj aiolataa a aaoaaa or soft srHa It, drawlag tala UuwagH the aMaauiistraadataUaM. Ue fray hair dlainasars; Jfliaatlasi er two, Ka ,la rastarad. aad It ha gleaay aad laetreaa. aad yeuagar. "Kmbarao and orlce flslnar mnajiuraa Rurrouahs Addlnar Maihina On aiMinr BiBhinu. a.!., im can, at best, render only transitory 'W' - Smith Printing Co., printing county offices August and .-a ij....,. ,. oeuierouer. iio . - B1IU luaUCTJUBlO ICIIOl. I rnIil.lM A V .unnll.. ...... i a l ,, ....... -- "One must admit that the proposed kiamath DSlilSJSSTl- 'ZJ V.'v az&u cessation of exports on food stuffs) Sept., 1916 ...'.....,..........'. A ,'. .,, . . . . ... . ? teems plausible; and if a plan could , U; B 8,,vy' ,bor-at Pr fr". P1 l . be managed whereby the trafle lnlBYe!tnS,JnJJ"ter P -r'ra courthouse Aug., 1916 w.N vwM afUAav wuni uarui ibu, iu ovi, ivio, fi(iu: UDDllSW HOOP ffBFBl AtfBFUSlf 1Q1H II 7R Roberts Hanks, supplies court house Sept., 1916 Roberts A Hanks. aUDOllaa noor farm Rant 101 Ward' aV Obanehaln. aunnllaa iwi, fo.m Aiiana, A oni lain orce. of iTustry ;oTd IToulc rorces or inaustry wouia be quickly pionaer Priatanr elactlon nrtatiaa aanr.. 1 a 1 a . - - a it - m A M .- .. . .a 1... . " T" " r"-w"a r- w mi La ttobbI raaa nrnniitMiAM ta run' vmna naHatvakawa- nai.iu. ...... . DR. A. A. HOULE Physirlaa ami Surgeon Has opened new offices In Emma block, a Issues also scientifically fitted and adjusted. 27.50 20.00 27.75 ,50 non-food materials could be contin ued, we would have the unique satis faction of filling our belts and fatten ing our purses at the same -time. The lffea t s' ' 'eeeeetf'eeeee more profltable lines of export goods, thus reducing the food supply. "Falling In an embargo, there re mains the possibility of price fixing by public authority. Even in Oer magy oftclal price fixing waa soaly teatatire, aad has largely been abaa- dosed, Ofiklal attaatloa ia Qerauay 37.25 8,95 46.55 32.39 7.60 11.50 6.00 236 38 BHniBBa jsBaaaaaBiBi .!-. ..--.... -x m H M. Msanlne-. assistant nroaMutlar attontAv Ana.Baht" '111,: ri'i'n h w- J?0. itla fas state ra. (,'ouslus , ; ,'. a!70 t,e Pioneer Priatary, prlaUag county ocrs Sept., 1916 vvvmt9 Xia" woof. ." "B a,Bire ,' . . ,.. f , v. mr" mmf B"aaaiaa,aca ateigs, juvenile court E. B. Heary, salary county surveyor Sept., 1916 1. m. leenatca, saoviag roex crusher aept., 116 I. E. Icaabfea, aMTlag rock crusher Sapt., 1916 veraoa. naeuegs, ". a..., i'. ...... bounty ctalm., ...... . balaaaa daa atUitleaal Busaaag Ca,, raaallaa wuaty surveyor Sapt., lfflf t. ', Mra, . , BoberU, eUetlaa asaahaa May, m , y, f; , , , f , . , , .' 91.00 32.00 3.00 12.50 6.00 6.00 i-ii ba Jewelry Christmas FIRST, because sentiment which distinguishes be tween a prenent and charity, prefers, Jewelry, and the thlngH a Jeweler sells, since they nro much desired by everyone, and freo from the Implication of gratuitous aid. Second, because prices have not soared to unreasonable heights, as bavo prices of necessities. Holiday displays of Jewelry are complete now. Fancy Pins Scarfplns Bracelets Cqff Links Earrings IJeltBuckles Rings studs Pendants Waldemor Chains Brooches Fobs Watches Vest Chains It is a wonderful collection or exquisite gift things, rent onably priced, Selections will be held at the store, If desired, on pay. ment of a small deposit. Frank M. Upp JbWwIvT aeuthem Paalfte watah WaUh Keaalrlaf a fipnlalty aye glasa of hot water with aheaphate aefere breakfast waahta out aalaana, - f To sco the tinge of healthy bloom In your face, to see your skin got clearer and clearer, to wake up with out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, In fact, io feel your best, day In and day out, lust try Inside bathing evcrr morning for one week. Before breakfast each day, drink a lss of real hot water with a ten spoonful of limestone phosphate In It as a harmless means of waahlng from tha ston.ach.Uver, kldneya aad bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, hour bile and toxlna; thus 'cleansing, sweetening and purifying tha entire alimentary canal before putting moro food Into tha atomach. Tha action ot hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach la wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out all tha sour fermentations, gases and acidity and given one a splendid appetite for breakfast. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost very little at the drug (.tore but'ls sufficient to demonstrate that Just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water and limestone phos phate act on the blood and Internal or gans. Those who are subject to con- utlpatlon.blllous attacks, acid stomach rheumatlo twinges, also those whoso sain is sallow and complexion pallid, nro assured that one week of Inside bathing will have them both looking and feeling better in every way. Ad. Notice of Hale of Ileal Property by Administrator In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for tho County of Klnm- ath. . In the Matter of the Estalo of Mary A. Wilcox, also known as Mary A Jones, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that In nnr- sunnco of an order of the County Court of the Htato or Oregon, for the Comity of Klamath, madn and en- 21 ,2(1(1 22,u$d 3.1.07t) 23,190 23,351 23,395 3,434 23,464 23,503 23,512 23,691, 33,630 23,730 33,833 33,921 23,930 23,953 23.06U 3.i,ui;r. 33.983 23.9UI 24,021 24,041 21,064 24.0K4 24,103 24,119 24,146 24,166 34.1 lis 24,193 24,217 24,233 24,247 24,262 24.371 24.327 24,338 24,349 24,363 24,359 24,379 24,426 24,443 24,450 21.491 Intercut 22. 3l 8 2 2.U SI 23,101 23,316 23,357 23,111 33,412 23,178 23,501 23,513 23,5114 23.ax 23.7C3 23,8X7 23.921 23,'JU 23,115', 23,Ut;2 23,969 23,981 21.007 21,028 21,(152 24,0713 21,088 21, km; 21,131 21,118 24,168 21.170 21,200 21,218 24,237 24.262 21,206 24,276 24,328 24,310 21,360 24,351 21,360 21,388 21,427 21,145 21,487 21.197 (Ml tllO !'ure Decen 22,111 22,038 23,108 23,319 2 .1,365 23,113 23,441! 23.11(2 23, SOS 23,651 23.603 23,988 23,778 23,890 23.527 23,980 23.956 23,903 23,930 23.98R 24,012 24,031 21,01 24.077 24,089 24,113 24,130 21,153 21, 1M 21,177 24,203 24.224 24,246 24,260 2I.2C9 24.278 24.336 24.346 24,351 24,357 24,369 21,395 24,428 21,447 24,488 I3.4K 33.151 33.150 M.MT H.4II 1,4I 21.411 21,511 21.55: UM 13,111 H.lll 21.111 IS.JIJ 32,151 23.15; 33.111 23,111 23,tl( tl.tll 11,013 31,0(1 34.411, 24,014 24,111 24.1(4 24.111 24.1(4 24.111 24.241 24,211 21,341 24,341 24,213 ' 24,211 24.111 24,341 24,111 24,351 34,211 2.4ir 24,443 34,441 . 24,4! . amo will mm from dale. Dnted nt Klnmnth Kails, 0ro, this 32(1 day of November, 11 (!i:0. A. IIAYD0K, 23-Ct Comity Treaiurtr. .NOTICE Klannth Full. Nov. 22, Mil. : There nro fumlx on hnml fortkw d dempilon ut bunds New. I, 2. 3.oni Hower Unit. Interest rcanej iromi rein her 1. 1910. ' Dnted nt Klnmnth Full, Orrioa, i this 22d day of November, ll. J. W, 8IKMKN8, 22-r.l City Treamw. u.... i..'..u uiiii,. vim wall, "el CM,,' , ,,".... n - fl.ll.., 1 ,,,. .,', Perfume Atomizers Tho daintiest uml moat roH'iiilrnt meth'Ml of iiipliRil ?? in tlimiigli the use of an Alrnita. An allmrllva Atomlwr " quite an aildltion U the tolkt table. Wo Iwvo 1111 ecllent aajwl? ment of Atomizer, nnil our prlrrN lire very reiiNounlde. imnmi n KLAMATH TALIS OREGON li-?--f!if.vL WrlCltC WutTieotAft fo-LK UY TNI.I" dbuo YOU CAN FREE YOURSELF Surely from old age, poverty aud desolation only by your own forealght and prudence. You cannot depend on others to pro vide for your comfort. A sav ings bank account started while you aw young, will ba your sal vation In later years, Better Hart It at once, im; TtTrrT'"' ,4 IFUl V i sa"fJBJfTiAAn'l 1 1 1 C ivnn'llll..aaaml -11 ZaaaaaBBBaJfJBaSBaSBaSBBBj ,J " I s I ,' SAVING ' I bank T v ; FIRST STATE AJlfi SAVINGS : XLAMATH JTALtLial. ' . x- I .,.. w.vmw- ww r ' V- ... f.f r tt.il ft u'fS .v 1