(r 2v "? V .J;tV lH' . ' . ' , "psvsrr -r fT.t . j ,i- y ttt '! KLAMATH COUNTY'S kHSSaf;-1 KLAMATH OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER --,riwVttV" OFFICIAL! ' vt . ' -TX , tS' )V. r iV .&? rtsr' l ' ( f..fe "S-f- r "1 arviuLjj' - . PPi-Ai . ca jW vc -A i Yon r No. 11,1 M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1916. fcasfAA- ...Vii T xivi i trr "nsmfsevT '1"'fflW ?"" -. . iW t . ,a' J. . r . .- ,-.j, -, t v jt. . -- '... r .-'"'' u. ' r i"'" ' ,w .. jy , . ., fft ' r V3 i 4 aft S If . ' i aaa1 bbbbb1 .a m w , IB v bIbbI bbbbbW . vnr itiiintntii -wpiam F rw . - . , p ' f 1 ..n s i f ittfnli t " w Tl mmmm RUMANIAN ARMY MAY BE FALKENHAYN SAYS THAT IS PURPOSE OF GERMANS . ......... ................. -i-i-i-ii-ini-inn ru-L1-L-tnnj-u-u-u-LriaarLa-ll1l-L tfdTtt.V (.I.XKUAI. CilVKK STATE. ME.NT TO UNITED PRESS Pa-larr A)ittotn Tell Him lloada Are llliuk Willi Fleeing Inhabl teat of Itiummli, Who Are Kv rsnlng Urfon' Admit i of fScrniiin. Sr H '"' 'r Wiiii I lu Itrarh lurh.ikt, ItuiiutnlM'A Capllil. Investigates Railroad and Labor Situation r- I'elloil I'Kii Borlcs. (IKN. h'AI.Kl'.NIIAYN'S HKAD QWKTKIW IN TUB TnAN8liYVA MAN AI.I'H (Hpoclnl by toloRrnph fiotn Curl W. Ackormnn, Unllnd t'nn Corit'ipoiidt'iit) Sov. 27. fitnt.nl I'Ulii'iiliayi) today lold tlio Ualiel ITms: "Our tank In to dunlruy tlio Hiiniitn Iaii trmy, mid wu nro dolnc Mint n ltd wc rnii, "Avintoi rvimrt tliut rundu In ilu oinla nro liliict with t'0i)' and kjiii iIpo'mk tipforn tho Uorninn WMjnTlml in thc.'trrlbfn part of r, tmt It ua,jtho' llumanlan'M tbclrc." Wlica nuked how r5on bo oxprciod tort-wh llurbnrrMt, ho rmdlivl that It 8 iinoiTtnln Hhothor ho want to Mich llurlnroit. fifiicml Knlkenhayn rofiiiod to predict how oon bo cxocIh to do itroy tho Uiimnnlnn nrmy. Greeks to Resist Orders of Allies mm.-n?- hSsfBlia f , S- raft Mr4 aaMiiamVSlMMBMNMM WALL STREET FEARS FOR ITS BIG WAR LOANS MONKV MCNDERH HTAItT RKCEN'T I'KACK TALK Alarm Hlion at Decrtwulng Muui. tiotwi ContractH American Itank or Fear for Loan am Kuropc Coa tltiur to Heap Up Credit Utf Kbit In (Jrcat Timidity Over Socurl lira Held In Thin Country. f r- 1! 'J DESTROYED J .Ai-TlSt. A WVWVVMWWWVWWWWWWWMWWWWWWJWtWW , ,' j-y ,-"vr?i! V .kit'Jrv'j! General Wood Congratulates Miss Ruth flaw on Aeroplane Flight WnM prcH Service LONDON, Nov. 27. Admiral Kour nrt, rnmmniiilltiK tho allied floct, IhhI alrtt icnt n noto to the Orcck gov Hnmonl demanding compliance with ho iillloH, dumnnda regarding Hiir-ren-lcr of xwir matorlali. -according FRANCIS J-Of WEWiANDSj Snntor Frank (!. Nowlnnds of Nevada Is cli ilrmnn of tho Joint com mllteo of tho Konate and housn to In vcstlgntu thu Adnmaon law, passed at tho Inst hohhIoii if rongreas, and the poBHlhlllty of the rallroadB being able in nay Iho Incioi'fed wngon provide I n the IZxrhtMKo Tolecranh. J.alor tnr Thh roiimillteo. which met In Admiral I'ournot expecta to aond an- Waihlnrtnn Mondiy. November 20, other unto nutting tho tlmo limit for will go Into tho whole railroad altua- mmplliiniu. Ho,,, The (Jri'uk army la preparing tp re- ' uio Hltuatlon la regarded na erlouB. J.'nl'.ed I'reua Sorvlre. WAflllNOTON. D. C. Prominent' diplomat :Q Wall rpl In knilolli-fnV1 flclali high in the dlplomntlrfftprvlcei, . of tblf government aro authority Tor; tho statement that money lenders in spired tho recent peace talkx. Wall street Is timid over its securi ties and Is feeling much consterna tion over the growing decrease lu munitions contracts. It Is feared that tho huge loans made to tho allied governments will bo affected If Kuropo continues to pilo up credits as sho baa been doing in tho last year. bblI aTaBBBHaBaV'a -i'- ftrfrA -' v4&r miLrSBaBTLB 1mmss1t ioi bbHhHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLH " 1 rifl.' ,SK iAJbPSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV l I'lie CoiiMtinieM Ciacli(f bulled I'reHB HrviM HicokK KIIIn Self NKW .YOltK, Nov. 27. Joseph llrooks. a prominent theatrical man, n ... i.. ..iiw.ii tiiiu iiinrnlim from tho I IUII "I Jll"l"- - , eighth story of an apaitmenl house. Ho was killed Instantly. HAWIAMKNTO. Nov. 87 Pirn In Iho Roiithmn Pncinn cunhon No. :t "! niornliig dostrpyed four coachos! . u . , "d ca.wed damage approximating' Wont Anmii-c Siifet 00,OOO n hnt hour. Tho fl i LONDON, Nov. 27. England has lrted rrmn a gasollno tank work- refused safe conduct to America for nn were imlng to buru paint oK tho Count Trtrnousky, new Austrian nm- a;ueH. bassnaor iq mo uimuu dw Rumanians Are in Grip of Germans, Bulgarians United irp ari- i ,.in,. iii river Veds. This tends LONDON, Nov. 17. Berlin, Sofia, to confirm the Oorraan stajemont that "Ucaiii ...i ti.i j i a.. T..Minnn hold both sides ot Alex it.',., reirvBruu ara iniU' -- " mo uormans and Bulgarians are undria teadlly advancing and the RumuR. '"w falling baokr u?rlln announces the capture of lamiria and."hlntg, that a'lrlvlug oit acroes country Is the. only avenue ' CSCapo for lh Suatilin fnreaa. " stntemoniu.from' BllmiF inr. I. fieri it... .: ,,.-- r . . ilri.ii "erraana control nearly auu 1Sa'les of the n.t ' ' . .,-. tlOKrad iillnlf. .,' tli'riar. fcfD have placed oheervatlwi poata dt,- 'n..'i.linirnn rODOrtS llini VSHI Nlchalos of Husslu Is personally eu route to Rumania. United PrcsH Sorvlce. . HOMK. Nov. 27. A wireless from Petrograd says th.e flermuns aro cqas mittliiK horrlblo arts MILLER CANNOT ATTENDMEETING 9 IMJI1LIC SKRVICK COMMISSION Kit IXA1ILK TO' SPKAK AT MEliT IN(J TO DISCUSS FItANCHIHK FOR KKXO POWER COMPANY. Frank Miller, a member of iho slate rubllc aervico commission, will not bo able to ittcude' mass' meet ing tomorrow evening to discuss the proposed franchlso for the Keno t'ower Company, according to word rceclvfd today by the Klamath Com mcifivl Club. Commissioner Miller n as invited to speak at the meeting. Tho discussion tomorrow evening will bo on the election December 5, when tho voterB will decide whether thd Keno Powor Company shall be al lowed to distribute electricity In Klamath Falls. Tho meeting, which will be held at the cUy hall will bo public and anyone may speak. ai ' Switscrtaad Protest United Press Service. LONDON, Nov, 87, A Router's dispatch from Berne saya the Swiss federal council has Instructed the Swiss minister at Berlin to protest against the deportation of Belgians by the Oermans, mi Robbers Take Furniture United Press Service, , UODE8T0. Nov. 17. Robbers took ,.v , , . .. 1.. wo.lnrn a dravioaa 01 iurauur f SsissiSKSS:" ROAD CONSTRUCTION TO BE STARTED SOON uuwMmm0m0Wiwwt0Wtmm0B - &! "( S 3 .- TjS) toStsS3t r".i &zKsru.'w iv" - r.w.vrai.a ;mm i SsS?l . "r:tw JTi" ti 1 ! -r--WI r.?4g:i '(S&&m! &sa :a.sast'j . (toward Silver , Lake, Mr., aHrrtota J STRAHOR.V TELLS PORTLAMD OF said. For the pwet,!lwwfk;,tlj$ railroad' builder wo14;aot'lMUryf PROGRESS TOWARD ROAD . , r- . -.. i -.. . people or Portland, tret We,ra-,u &s&it$i ComnmHltiea Have, road committee of. the .Chamber; oVlijS .- - " " "' . ' In Intcrrlevf la Oregon Journal, Pres ident of Oregon, California A East' em Says All Kept Agreement and Actual Work Will Be Started When Terminal Matters Are Settled. on aiaes. , , i.vc-iw S8.ssa.s With .11 nul.lrf.' mninlUiivf " """ ... .1.F- Ul jfli), COS ..- .. . k, ' .sr."ias2ja.v 1MB HUB VI ,IUB Ht0'lFWi K, Mr. Strahorn aald.he ready to sutfsiira prepoaKkm ?ZJ is . sow 'eJawet-'. ',iFir&&i flpaj SflRP 'V alnavMnwaM tfA asmaltwl aea' i laal 1 1 f what this proiltlojCwoaWlJCi TswrT-T n tJifSJiJ!?SSCW?' : . J. r . k .i r jt v r tj m nDCPnsj nicztitimm vwmwmim A6GIES EA aa T'?" $xvm?w '.'iitu sKi4i?l 'JS53a2l XS?iaiSSXS yrg'L tfsJj'VtW Vt- K' i. 5l'Jyslri,v?Si.H ;Li.&is; tTPMOfiIBB- 3aftS3Si.- TEAM v The following is taken from the Oregon Journal of November 24:- Actual'work on the construction of the proposed Oregon, California Eastern railway will begin Immediate- i UNIVERSITY ly upon the final outworkings of cer tain legal formalities at "Klamath Falls and Lakevlew. With everything working without 'bltclr, this Is pos sible of solution within 30 days.' Robert E. Strahorn president of the railroad, made this announcement today on hls return from Klamath ,'aiis. wnere ne naructnatea in tne lniaaign leading to the specUl.elec-H i:&...x.v--,-?f-zt ,jT'.'"The MmmkaUleaaatWiko or me proposea railway bbvb the bromlses thev made . my mldsn'mmer "trlD.'"-''exi)lalDed Mr. i nowned niih ovorvthinv thsv, ninitomi and in straicbt fooiDcll. andnCaBtata BeekaitSMissS " r' jlS 'lV Jt -l .Wi Lakevlew and Klamath Falls ewiec- maueanoiner ix S ftf 4"r" " A f J&i- record optto mnw'nhH&mM SEASON BY. WIMWIKOsBWAtaTXi CHAMPIONSHIP Br XTJfOfMWmSf li ---3.'j.i vi'5K&T - ' if r K.,' I --V-T. T-lEj .SJ;3SK3SS s? 31 4, ."-s 4H?-!fS f-t Northwest . f ootbaU , htotorjr for" ta past fifteen miTCamta4.ttaaiC.c HaJaa naalHa -T a. at aakdBBBkaaaBVV ' 1( y ' i- ?.acmx RtiVviiiiuM. w . ' upi, ivnaa ii n Dv- w -r -, y-v .- - -jtT.. . . r j't.---' -" ft-tTBlvWi Orgeat lgaMC ' " c - " " -" 5?ir" ii:ii,ti--i .. ......r.'.. i..irf.-.:;i.K-ay- f - nrina Bhy HunUngtoa. 4$&8&Bffig. .ttKiH ,'', -g-?T j iigy; V'1gt'v,Vo,jai onarterbaokr madetetarai H-IkJT ji. j iATMuWI.- jMrmKhii' jr t- T T . "-" . - ' " -. y -i '- t---i - -- -i-J- n Btranorn. -ah nave come cnrquBnr";"""' vj5 '" a,22",W$sfisftvH H iisHITH MV5tf IflrMaWI When Miss Ruth Law, 28 years of. from Chicago to Hornell, N. Y., 590 ago, dropped down on Governors U- wiles, without a stop, and the follow- ....... , , ing day she flew from Blngbampton land. New York city. In her airplane iJ y . mUe8 ghe from Chicago, sho had broken two jhad BJjde the wh0,e dgtance of 897 American endurance records, and, miles in 8 hours 55 minutes and 30 General Lcoanrd Wood", commander, seconds. Her flight to Hornell broke of the Department of the East was American so-stop records, and her ona among many to recognise the ira-j completed flight to New York city portanco and daring 'of her- flight: broke all distance records for the She flow Sunday, November 19th,1 time. No More Notes; German Divers Must Be God United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C Nov. 27. if Germany agalu violates her pledges to the United States regarding sub marine warfare, this country will break dlplomatls relations. This Is ftho understanding In Washington, following today's conference and luncheon by Secretary of State Laus Ing,' Count yon Bernstorff, Ger many's ambassador to America, and American Ambassador Gerard who Is here from Germany tor a visit. None of these omclala would make any announcement after the lunch eon, but It la understood that when Ambassador Gerard returns to Ger many he will carry a notice that America Intends to write nV more notes. Then If Germany violates her submarine pledges! relations between the two countries will be severed. ASHLAND TO GET BIG SANITARIUM WORK ON FIRST UNIT TO COST 00,000 IS EXPECTED TO BE STARTED WITHIN THE NEXT TW'O MONTHS. it . i. ASHLAND) Ore., Nov, IJrr-JUt construction work on.a aaaHarluai. theiratut of which wfettfiA. 000',,wll'fc started wlthl'the rieat two months here Is assuming the ear marks of a fact following tentative, announcements made by a local repre sentative of outside capitalists. 7 be Ashland man has given out that providing the charier ''amend ment guaranteeing that the lty w)ll properly care for the park which is to be voted upoa tomorrow.scarrleg, and a satisfactory arraageajfeat (or tho surplus mineral1 waters belonging to tht city la made, Work on the sani tarium will begin within ejdays, A $100,009 Oregon corporatloa.wlll be formed, according to report halt of this amount having already been sub scribed. Portland Journal. lfcra Croat MerrW. f Paul B. McDonald, a merchant of Merrill, Falls. spent Sunday: In Klsmath 1. .siiBalodh-lfetSi.' lally tbey were practically unani- uregoaa;riantfenvs,bU8iiBiTowea;;ijjgi ' 4P -iVJbr'zF. mous. which speaks well for an early ribs and .may not be- able. .ipTplay.' nnd faibrable outcome, f Klamath against the Unleslty of Peaaaylva- iWi'l FalW still has passenger terminals to provide and rights-of-way through the city boundaries, besides scatter ing rights-of-way through the city and out to Sprague river on the Klam ath Indian reservation. " That Is In tended as the first Important objec tive out ot Klamath Falls. It is the largest valley on the reservation; the trading point for all, the reservation east of Upper Klamath lake. ''Both Klamath Falls and Lake view have' legal processes to complete which I estimate can be done within 30 days, If the councils co-operate as cordially as the vote on the bond Is sues would indicate. nln team at Pawiden'i, 0B,,New,Year's "& SrlK Day; when Oregon plays, thenr, . if- Tho Aaatna n nutriaaaed aiiav- .1 O.J. I MW.-4 "?s-'jji ctjf uukio ui iub nauie oaiuiua, in u u "I??5 field was muddy, and? time out waa v --rN called several times to allow mud to" -.'v-T'Cl be wiped from the faces of players. , , -$m'&k$$& a. gooaiy numoer.or bvhu people are planalng toati social andfeaterUla:Mina .Tif.f?fvwl &ttT. ley rtnool Wei orchestra 4oI"tkalaeat'ili will assist the'Henle4hoolilajUwdg& "f xz. " ' - . t -n" r'ti:: -yjt an Bli Taiai bib -"Tit.Xf.''". S J'. Qf' iwJ &? PJBSfl laaa.'JatSrtsSssi-a 14 years, and 20 cents tor tMkM&&$$& under 14 yearsT " ? f$'$Sm "I have left the case with the peo ple. My hands are tied until Klamath! ments, the admtselan wt;be50 cents Falls supplies the terminals ana right-of-way, and until official action caii be closed. I am pledged to begin work Immediately these things are done, and am prepared to do so." Certain other large interests have agreed to assist to the extent that as sures the completion of the line from Klamath Falls across the" reservation S3M 'entertainment. Inalla refresh-' i i .. -....' ..'." . t . ments, tne aamiaaiaai vnaaaaa'eeaia,, T.ij Iah laa1aci i4R' AantaAB AkllallMik Awaua . ,jl 'ifJ vB,1 t. .uH.,r.., v-..-.-Trr,w MV fji M IUul lb 1 United PreesSerrlo. fc.' "1 ROME. Nov.. 37. Athaw4reeSv " T -- ft. that the reslgnatioa cabinet Is imminent. Man Who Saw Lincoln J1 L 1?n Passes to His Reward Wv?l."K 73ZA?fc SJfeiK, J6BS i-'V ; t ',.J. ft After eeelng 71 years and eight months ot this life, Corwln Kline Belts passed away at his home In Hot Springs addition Saturday afternoon. He' will Lo burled Wednesday fore noon at 10:30 o'clock, The local G..A. R. Will conduct tbefuueral ser vices at the cemetery. The deceased waa bora In Ohio and spei t mest of his life there, mov Ing to Klamath. Falls a few years ago. 'He If 'survived oal by.awltd. I otWln, Kllnq, gettsuutllJihle.-d-mise wai.ono a the. scattered living tew who had seen Abraham Llaeola aud feltabe touch of the, great. men's nauu.Y ajariy in ibb vtyukwar ";. . ... j . - mi -rf ..Tnju ". - - - fWt SVsfrf-ii'W . .t. j. j2Sea iiij in nhln 'a . druaaaar .BawiwswSWi 1 and one iday whe the 'tnmiMkiWA. being .laajtedbyJJncoJalkfaal seen.by thewreeldeaU.uOSf'jMM M.wnw.wllWtftgMl4aMBjfcJiJ " a a iL '.m a 4h& uAUaa tl v( .vj '-V naa Tawaam.aiaaaa aaaaa aaaar km aarag i-aaaaaaaaai i -t i t ff ej-wPF r. r 'v..! . ':r.,w;j memorable e;eU',fouat tyaburg' aaelajaMiotneriaat the Uooayrf&liBiU (Bi4i CBBrae a aipMjaiu!. la aecredRM' Mh. , iasejl j r; T2sas wsssTr fS 4Jt? t. bH. ' ' ft'T 1 K& : t,-A.l A w-L. . . . .; . i - .. 17 s . ' . .. . . Mi-Vrt, , :. 'Sv s i ?v"tv 4 s ' .-s .: '- m-"-' jtJ u?:, -Jii iJr . 1- ' ' ,-.