JWT V s sr i.e-witf-. W:;whk,. ' A VS.! -. "' v."V i A iK '"w- - 4 " ff m irv ' '" -W' Ik f r. ? IfK l U KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER W Klaywlli Veur No. ,! HUGHES SENDS HIS CONGRATULAH SAYS HE AWAITED CALIFORNIA COUNT W1LHOX THANKS HIM AND KX PRK8HKS GOOD WISHES fcllco, After ContrettUatlnic WIIoti, o'clock Hiturdny night. Now they ... .. , um keelng opon until 11, uml after, , H) Country Wwithl (let Behind , MCcoiiunoilnto Into turners. I'nulilmt and Give Until rlital Sup- A" ,mrl"'r ,10l, '" " "' n 1li(in1(HRliiK Day, iinurdltiK to on wt 8wkrtKlle In . Vr)i notinccmcnt by Uo Hean, ot the An I'nytHff Tliclr KImUuii lieu FollunliiK Cotircafcioii.. United I'row Service liAKKWOOl), New Joruoy, Nov. 23 Chnrloa 1:vnn IIukImw, TopublUan j tindldito for prcxldont, till mornliiK lekrxraiuii'u in cunBruiuiaiiuiin i. Woodrow Wllnon. He enld: 'llecauiie cf the cloBeiioMB of tin volo, I Iimvo waited for tliu oflldal rouut In Cnllfumb, hiiiI l now that It U ylrlnally coni plctod, erralt me to oxtoud to . you piy connrtttumtlons upon your ro-cfeotlon. I doilro oIho to rxirea my beet wIhIich for u luu-ciwful admlnUtrutlou." Unltid I'rcti Service. WASHINGTON, U. C. Nov. 33. Pretldent Woodrow Wilion leplled to Chrle E. Hughce' congratulotlone "1 am alncerely obllKod to you for your meio ot conratuln tloiiN. Allow mo (o aiwure you my good wishes for years to como." WIIroii'h A perusal of President telegram, replying to congratulation!),' from his oablnet offlcerti, Indlcntcs mat ho dooa not Intond to chnngo tho pernonncl of tho cabinet. United I'rcss Service. NKW YORK, Nov. S3 After con-t gratulatlng President Wilson today, Chairman Wilcox, of the national rn publlran cemmHtoe, declared It Ih now time vto give Woodrow Wilson the undivided' aupuort of the eutlru uatlon, "I would osuvct the democrats . to take the same action we took had they been In our position, but now (hat the counting Is over and we know of no Irrogu larltlca lu California." Chairman Wilcox aald ho did not know whether Hughes had any don atio plans for the futuro. Charles K. Falrbauks today tele graphed congratulations to Vice J'reeldont Thomas R, Marshall. United Press Service NRW YORK, Nov. 1 3. Blakohold ers today are paying winners follow ing Hughes, concession pt defeat. Over 3,000,000 will be paid today. Not Unlawful to Catch Trout; Freer Wrong It is not unlawful to oaten Ash from Williamson and other rivers In District No.' I during November De cember, Januiry, February and March. The law quoted la, yester day's Herald, over the algnaturo of WlUiim i, Freer,s,auperlatendent of Klaraalh India reaertatloa, la an old law'iad'waa (repealed about two mrs t;; The law'hiree now reads li fol lows; "Dtatrict'No, -rrou't ovorj I ItAltllKIl SHOPS WILL CI.OHK AT 10 SATURDAY IIckIiiiiIiik December 2, Klninnth 'Palls barter shops will clone at 10 1 Hean & KlUtintrlck hIioii. STRAHORN GOES TO GET MONEY uiiii, AititA.vui: ton iixaxcixc IIAIMKIAU whim: commun ITIKS AITI-XTKI) VOIlK OUT HLTAII.H Ol lltitil.S'MXd "1 ItoLcrt K. Btrnhorn, pica I dent of tho Oregon, California &. Kustcrn. left this morning for I'orlland after n vlrilt of eer two weeks In Klamath Knll, during which time ho saw tho 1300,000 bond Ibsiio carry ov.t- wholmlllK,y nml H!IW bfjrlnnlnKmitdo toward liulldlnB of tho road from Klumnth Knits to Ilcnd. While uuay Mr, Btrnhorn will closely watch the progress made by tho Klamath and other Central Oro- iiron communities townru ueginuniK r tho raid building and will, during that tlmo, wrango fur tho llnanclng 0f (bo entire project of ocr 400 miles 10 SEEK PEACE NKW KMIMSHOIt OK ALhTIUA Hl'.MlAIIV 0)NKIIIMH APltUNT MUM' OK MINIHTKIW l'UT IX OKFICK HY (IIIANUKATHKlt. United 1'iess Son ho LONDON, Nov. 23. Saying ho will do all In hls'iiower to socuro poaco us soon as possible with honor to the arms of AuBtrln-Hungary, Emperor Charles VIII today beenmo rutor of tho united countries. Immediately ho Issued nn order confirming the appointment of nil ministers holding offlcd under his grandfather, Francis Joseph. 10 Inches In length, open season all the year, with hook and lino only. Big limit. ?0 trout or B0 pounds In any one doy." This Is Section 38, paragraph h. of the game laws. Supt. Freer says tho code in which he read the law must have been an old copy, He states there Is no de sire to prevent fishing on the reserva tion, but that the Indian ervlce ex pects strict compliance with tlfl state laws lii regard to fishing. CHARLES KLAMATH FALLS, " .. - - - - - - - - - - - " i Germany's Foreign Secretary Resigns; Zimmerman Succeeds V JliasaaMiaajajaaaMsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal1 itsssHft &i !EBKt'f& wftwKEm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV I 9m aLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM J-XVV" nd''TgsgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBlmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BSBBBBBBa rgaTaBBBnBBBBBBBBBsll ? '' IgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSSBBBBBBsl iiBgiBB&Rfff4aBSBRBBSBBBtlRH gHSIigigigiHglggigigigigBgigigigigl BBBBUSaWSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBaKKPejleaFgsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa! bhIbbbbbbbbI KKbbbbbI e, -L ?J 1 HKltlt VOX UKUMN, Nov. 23, It Is officially ftatod that Herr Von Sagow, sec letnry of foreign affairs, intends to re eTku his post because of HI health. It is expected that Under Secretary Kimmeimau will succeed to this post. RED CROSS WORK FOR IAS BEGINS 8KAI.S TO HAIhK MONKV TO KIOIIT TUIIKKCULOSIS ARK PUT OX SAliK vSKALS ARK NOT POSTACJK United Press Son Ice. NEW YORK"! Nov. 23. Tho ,m- mini Chrlbtmas campaign ot tho com mlttco on prevention of tuberculosis of the National Red Cross, to rniso,bcen extended to Frank J. Miller, a . .. I olfim nl ii f ill if til A I ,,!., .u. ... .,-... -- "" - wnito plague, is unuer way iuuhjt. Nino million of tho llttlo "Bonis" for adornment ot Christmas packnges are now avallablo at tho New York head quarters. It Is expected that at least 3,ti00,000 will bo sold in New York. Out of experience of former yeirs, ..nntnw iitix liann fHHiiml that tha ato are not postage. They arc I KtlnB a franchise to the Keno merely decorations. Persons using Power company to distribute electrlcl- .!... mn,i n..vnm. r -fln.'tyJn Klamath Falls. Other speakers. loned not to forget to put on tho re-l " v . . anlred number of postage stamps aB well. Criminal Caught t . United Press Servlco SACRAMENTO, Nov. 23.Cnrrol O'llrlen was nnosted today nt Fnilt-I -.-- ..r.M ohnnfltif. nt n miintflhlA' MHO, !' ""'""..".. . i ujiovitiriv hroo times nftor tho lattera gun """" " "" ." . . napped Ammunition failing, tbo1.""" bones were 9und constable ran and hid under a house. "" i " n'orj.lng It U be leved vn, confessed to woundnug nn- that ho set the jl on Ore, hoping to ...i...- nffl. iniii uAflk whom the of uiiir. Mtww .mm ..-... -.- fleer was attempting to arrest him, Villa Attacks lly United Press Service. H Eh PASO, Nov, 23. Pancho Villa .x.. .Li.. n..i.. at 11 nnimk. according to Juares dispatches. The fightluK la fierce. Nc; details lya j been sent from Chihuahua City. I OREGON, THURSDAY, - " - - - - - - - - - - - j. j. ...... a. ..........j.. J.. - -- - - -- . - r JAGOW Srt'HRZSCwSB, MILLER INVITED TO SPEAK HERE CO,IIBRCIAIj CLUB EXTENDS IN VITATIOX TO PUI1MC SERVICE COJISHSSIOXKR TOTAIiK ON FRANCHISE An invitation to speak next Tues- d-iy nt tho mass meeting culled foe discussion ot tho uioposed franchise for the Keno Power company has ,omber of tho public, servtce com mission of Oregon'. The Invitation was issued by Klamath Commercial Club. ,Mi Miller Is considered one of the ablest members of the commisslop.: i ho comes It Is expected he will throw much light on. the question offRufus K. Love, director of the show, wresenUtlTei of Califor nln-Oi-oirnn I'nwfiP romnanv nnd till '- .u...u, u .!. "V a 1)ffvH iAMm nJ 4ltA Keno Power company., will be on hand. Prisoner llurns Untied Press Servlco. RKDDINO, Qal Nov. 23. Au un- .tft.i.fldontlflod prisoner .was burned to rfnath lnn nlirht. In thn Inll At Horn. escape. Dynamite Under Home United Press Service" SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23. Elgb t9en"i.sUcka of dynamite were" found tble morning undertbje,hoe etMel- viiln HchwarU. a wealthy, architect The police are lnYestlgaUng.chwarU hf ecelyed Twjhreaval,8er as he jkhqws, nns no euewi". V NOVEMBER 23, lilt. ' ' JACK LONDON DIES AT HOME IN CALIFORNIA UREMIA TAKES FAMOUS STORY WRITER LAST NIGHT In Accordance Wltli.Last Wktliee, Re nuikm WIU Be Oemated' Without Ceremony or Prayer Was Forty Years Old and a Native of Cali fornia Haa Several Rooks Which Are Finished, Rut Unpublished. United Press 8ervlce. QLEN EL.YYN, Cal., Nov. 23. Jack London, famous novelist und traveler, died last night' at his home here of .uremia, from which be bad been bcthered for several years. London was 40 years of age and wag born in San .Francisco. He haa written many novels, which have been read by thousands, and was at work on several others when his end came. He will be cremated in Oakland tomorrow noon without ceremonies or prayers. This Is according to bis last wlshea as he believed there la no hereai ter.v , j . "London's secretary says two novels, two dog stories and several Hawaiian have been finished by London, but not published. One novel la unfin ished. Mrs. London either wUl flnUh this herself or have another author do so. IRISH COMEDIAN TO BE FEATURED ROY RUCKJNUHAM WILL SING CLEVER IRISH SONG, WRITTEN RY FRANK MILES LOW WILL DANCE. HULU-HULU. A specialty by Roy Buckingham, the Irish comedian, Is the latest feat ure to be added to the program for "The Elka' Home Town Minstrels." It is entitled "If I Knock the L Out of Kelly. Shure He'll Knock the 'ell Out of Me:" This specialty was written by Frank Miles, local sign painter. Lloyd Low wishes to annonnce that be will not sing at the minstrel show, but will do a Hulu-Hula Htckey Dulu dance. The Elks' Gaioot will be off the press In a few days, according to IMHANS WILL BE TOLD OF FARMI.VG The beet .methods and praotlcea In farming and stockralslng will be ex plained to Indians of Klamath Indian reservation next Saturday when they will gather at Williamson river bridge, E. E. McKean, farmer for the reservation, win make the piin- clpal talk, but he WIU be assisted oy Dan W. Ryan and other whit far mers of experience and ability. Tho meeting will last all day and Indiana from every part' of the Reser vation are expected. to attend. Last year a similar gathering was held near Chllqouhi, when Prof. Fpwpre, or the Oregon Agricultural upuege, and' other psoke, , ' ' t' Lakd Beird Sues. ' ." . vM Thete Jaa4 lKHtrd. jreraeeme4 by Charles J, Ferguson, italattoraey. today nled.ault egalnst tH( OPettlt tv quiet title 'to "3.11.7 6 erea o.aBd In township 40 sduth.'raage'ieeiutf t -------- - - - X- .. ..- - -. J. . ALUS TRYING TO fir. " rii m inn? mim mm Bat mm Rat Bfl Baf aaV BBi Bat am Bat I Bal sbbbbbbm H BB sbbbbbbbI tB.-SMaasVktleScsaBBBf V fJeaHal .? Algllel aVgllll MM 000iaAtm0wmm00wA0 VIOLET DRKHEB MARRIES RORERT CLAYTON CORNISH in. fj - At the Church 'of the Sacred Heart Miss Violet Aloy'sla Dreher waa mer ited yesterday 1 6 Robert Clayton Cor nish. The brldels a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dreher and graduated from the local high school. Mr. Cornish haa resided In Klam ath Falls for the past few years and is employed by the reclamation ser vice, He is a son of Mrs. L. A. Dav idson. ., Mr. and Mra.'Cornlsh will be at home after, December 1st. BORDER PATROL PLANS DEADLOCK JOINT COMMimiONERft CAN NOT AORCE ON COMMANDERS FOR I'ATJ OF' INTERNA. TUMf, ER. United Preaa Bervlee ATLANTIC" CITY, Nor. 28. The joint commission's mutual agreement whereby MexicjutroopsHwouIdL be al; lowd tocroMvjthe international vWor der pursuing baadlta was halted be fore consummation today. The. American commissioners Will agree to this If the patrols on both sides of the border are under Ameri can commanders. The Carrania com missioners want a Mexican to com mand the American troops on the patrol. Neither side baa abandoned hope; of a satisfactory settlement. -r ' ' Jordan Takes Stand United Press ..Service. SACRAMENTO., Nov 23. fiecre: tary of State -JoWanjMtieiPthe fol lowing statement: - . 'They can rout me all 'they want to, but I am going to stand on the declaration' that 111 withhold certifi cates to 'presidential elector ,uatll I Know tne vote rexurneo oy cuunij omcjala to be complete. I am not dolng"thls to be stubborn; there is a principle Involved , Wonld Be CWee. George Miller a native of England, ueurs miiw uma ui Bnia,; today filed application for second naturalisation papers. SbtP. Mnn BBaasasf BakVaffamlaBiasBrasBr bbbVW sbbbVbbbT effaV af Would tut """ United Preaa Service. A(N ' ' yASHwaTON, d. c not. as.' An Increase la. the nation's transpor tation facilities would help lower the living cott,of.tke' American people, according "Ai,H. Thomas, railroad counsel, who teetlBed before ike coo gresslonal'tavesilgat'ora today.. ' He said the reJiroa'ds have beiaun: der a burden,1 reveAng?aueeBsful marketing ;6f tkelr'aeeurltlw, 5'a4l caualng lack c?deTeeeeatiTJw exfensof raJlro.4. Wnew areaa VouW'atbr the' hbrtag offeod.sae piles, he 'said, Tf ; 4 '" ? ; Th.' inrMUgittea UWg .le 'wH4 by ta JeUt eeaimlitaea el the we.hou'lJaUf4ta'eoaaewe. me yaMrtlay)i'l;pl' by PrwIdeatWll July ;ll,;eJthH --. J v . -; t:- r' j & raQuZjRsvaW "Mflttfi V ;M T5!r KLAMATH FAtiT OFFICIi ' t jtfif '35 &W 15 aV,BBBBBan.lH Bm w I H IBwsk laVKsV'iBMt ' i. gV V4ggagBBBB.- " ; - .? -$&fitS' i ----ajJ J.J.J." - - --. & . ju. fB ".- -?vi j , rwafVVi J i'yirss - i SBMB ' "---as, ' ., kStfXSlgf NO WORD RECEIVlsO Fiiott mutmi'sSS'. ARRST RECARMNO FLl0aW'4cg lu ' d. zsmh . . '" . j v ze-?i! f- .rwa.Mar . v.,j:;''--s.j'i. t. SrrMaM Are a'Mee,.Ba'ef;MaBf - eMM froaa WaaMfc&aTsasaWB:? 1 S .. , TSWKSi?1 -? thm to weueve-tuwaiawiaaMi igg'J lleved the Teetea KaclreMajf Mewg&i' fcmi Msmm un iiihw dir. &-ml UaltedPrese'Rerrice J ,".? M" .. TftM Kti xL m w.-r LONDON, Nov. 23. -Nowert,iua; TV 3 been "received slaee . Bundarfrom Mk rrfpyjjf Bucharest movements The con tinned advaaee of the alliea'';kv north of Moairtlr U eatoc the hfoM that' the Teutons will witiiAhtv IfWaMl n isrrs'rS'TirESKasssi Ramanlani, The Serbians noware JratUea enai' .,. n -.,ii--i;'i.'.v.ic.'i3i. j"" "TMTT" &JWsir(i TBrlUsk'aaval;aree4ae:hve 'WmViv oewiuuy ajOBBewaMKjena; . ..a.3, - -j"-- .-- tiTiIrnotan timttltM'm1 L$$ Ijy-WSl Jrt4?j$mmmmmmi0p4jR T js -n-r. r, aX-Mu..!.. The,s French . jtftlaJ, United Vtm Renrirev SLW. 3 ernoon Bucharest ToorUM"1hmt-.mi : nntnatil.fui. tvm?Tktol -Mil 7 A i- . " if 2y veiJ'V ? craiova- aae, are. setimac,, saw-.weir s old positions ln'tke VAjnXfsA This is taken, to tadleaeerttet'tM German eaclrcllag. been foiled; 4 l p v., -. 'T' . ...Til tt tj.i 5S:lS. ?SaJWWr' DRYSPAV MONEY .. ?"W4srS2 r it ..' i .j. tP j.,r-,, i-(i r-r nvvfuiir vnnewriclwt T ..5 - r"; fir 'ir . r. 'v-s. OIT-CU 1kTvv -L.Tk kmH-Stmllinm T'rna nt rinnn esnaaJad t4.Cl:4i?nki lathe recent campaMfljoppee4iii;l-; the brewers' amendmeet; and U-;: half of the-'-lwne-drr'MMadmtari according to .eJt'tfrjyewZtolalWfaatjf filed wltbTSecretarr;iss01ettii by,R. P. HuVonV,aunertitfee. -the league, .t The deeaw eoMpMi- slonal committee for tWmnksusnrkt expended 1418,89; li:aeec' the;; candiaaey or aaarar weemsuuiaraJ -J the Unn'County I!! HM ,, , opposing the brewaaeBwJfeeAr," ,. ' - -.- .-.w-. ifif A . riumnn Novi'SS.-HaaSitV lleved to hi43AiCmmiUm4: ' ith nniulu h& iin'ii'il' ifTli1nnn .. w- .- - t"J7-j f y i. ' -" , banauet inJy,,iBnthsuewa'ap I n.d tnJav i BnBUlln::Kttb: u: RailrnadV ? ' 4B VaPVflBPMaaaVWnpi9pBFT, t v S V ww&lijif.'sassw - . ,! 'VTi J7;V4JU, ..' ' &&w ""J KH8SjgSA.ir. e3r. fo;jiBtV$i terstatecoameree house and. i subject of the ssTBJeeat wmlaU aad .control of ) ft' Lf BBBmaVBSaSBBBBaBBBGBBBBBBBBBv BV SBBBsl !& BBjVr' r!sBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBjgBJB. aat..'aniPtm77,llpaMWP J- :. .-mv-iAmar.-rfSSft. -; ,, iiaiB- japjajaniispiip," tolnTiaikw tkv inuniiunuiww ,W"-" ' 7" fT1' .i nreeentayatalteojrpBRWfll common earnerajpiuiipnaw jn thejtotereUteeepif ' aiCHi, aesi .wse Tsjwewi -ea i ownerahln itejl - i alnaiaev 4 . t 'w.v tWp rw ; '!' iWttUr' af. MCa.-4; lamraa UnMi mm t .taL5n ' . i . tEti r-jis e m . 0 '&? V t && . iv. 4 ,- sr tfTv . i. v.-'sa -vit y i rt Lf iJ.J iVl