iipr.iP 'p-v -. -,jijiw';,'V' f" If. (.' fef , . V :! ''V 1BSBBBBBB S-iiJ,.'v ?'ft3?sMeanll,jnsnsnsnsnl Sir - a ' "-' i tf ''4?sjllsa3gfMSJjMSBBB ? '. .; 4.,, U. ,i-r '-?! -ri -jwISKsHm i-m $ , KLAMATH COUNTY'! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Merwth Year Jfo. .IBS ffllfg jugnfng l&ji KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, llf. Teaaav - i HliMMMiiAMMiriiiAdBiiitaMaiHHHBiiHL : THE EIGHT-HOUR LAW IS HELD INV m rr r -? u 1 . $'i'1 1L SH . srSk V mm Sassa. a ' fi v . ... . Bu! .') ; By BBBBr In ;fEM' ""'-? SSEWf - aW-saaV'' smf.- MRiMnrJPMnYt J?B ; BfJJBaaBvaaBSf '-V ''EESt fssr9BBSHr '" ' EWH'iEfl:''iEBBflBSr , ai I, i skHvsrnsM ,'jl l.ddBlflBHEEEEflBw " '; ' i4 h . aansBnV - atrahomueclares reople and a the Council Must Act Now Gives Facts Concerning Financing of Railroad RAILROAD UU1LDKR LKAV1NU ' ottier liro,er,y- ch ana franchisee, land any surveys, and all tho other FOR PORTLAND TODAY money and effort I am putting Into tho enterprise will be used aa socur- f I lly upon which I will proceed to ratio teles He Cannot Go Abead Willi Um the eventy-flve per cent of money .-j. o i w . .. 1.J.,no,, from the outtlde. Tlih will Hork of Haling Money to IluUd te done by bonding (mortgaging) Rend VntU ComwnnJttea of Interior " ,hMC Mwi wnlch w tetbcr I contribute, aa U alwaya done In rail Oregon (let TrralMla, IUghUwof. way flnanclng. and my aechrlng a Way and Detail. Arrange Many Other While arrangl for Portland today. Robert market for the bonda. . "Thore la no other way, to" my kSowledge, by 'wlilcbthVlnUHoM SneceMaryMo conitruct.and efltjlp the .f,riway ayitom"can ieT plained", and ng for hie departure anyono or orainary nuineMexpcr lay, Robert B. 8ra-',enco know" how ,,l!i It kern waa aaked whether he had any tain capital under preterit condltlona for audi a purpose ,eye,v wlh, full . . a . -7 ; -. - pan ng meaaage to leave ort the rail- compliance with tho above condition reaa miner, tie replied mat juog- it u thereroro apparent that my lag from aoino questlona aaked within handa are tied and further progress the last few days, noealbly he ought ' Imimsalble until all this asslatanco to aitln ato bU oslllcn twlth .ref- Placed In tanglblodr' definite' form erenre lo the organisation, engineer- tor, the bankers' to pass uimh' Just n Int. riant, of.wav. flnanrin and con.' would be the cage where any' money itructlon details aa follews: j lender Is considering a loan1 to an In- "As I stated In tho beginning and dividual, have many times since, my part ls "Tho responsibility for delay In to ortanlso the work, provide tho commencing construction therefore engineering, which latter has been J now rests with you people alone. I done at the cost of many thousands am pledged to go to work tho mo of dollars; secure the co-operation of mont you place mo In possession of the various Interior communities, whnt you hnvo sgreed to give, and I Portland and large Interests to be of-1 will keep tho pledge. My lawyers, fected, secure the rights-of-way over' your city attorney, and tho bond government reservations or other. houso lawyers have agreed on how public lands, and then finally to so- the city mint proceed. The program tore seventy-Sve per cent of the capl- thus laid down should be followed to ttl necessary to complete construe- the letter or you court defeat. The tloa snd 'eealpment of the lines. I general railway committee and the "This heavier financing, aa I have! community aro fully advised of what repeatedly stated publicly, is to bo Is necessary. If Klamath Falls Is as Msed absolutely and entirely upon united and determined to see this the communities and Intereata effect-, great work consummated, as tho ro cent voto Indicated, It can. put over Its pnrt In n month. Dut I would cs peclally urgo ovoryono to not only do his or her own full duty, but to seo to It that no small-side reverses, selfish Intercuts, or outsldo ulterior Influences are permitted to cloud the .. -i-,-i-,-,-l(-)j-u-yTJ-Lr(jmj main question. These aro bound to bob tip to embarrass and delay In every great big worth-while under taking. "Recollect the first section out of Klamath Falls must be built as municipal rauroaa, utilising your $300,000 as far aa It will go, and so far U my arrangement with the city for further construction la concerned, that Is the lasL thing which can be legally consummated. There are a number of Important details which must come, first and If I am to build the road these must be done In the order and in tho manner submitted to your commlttoees and the city council.. Otherwise there can be no road built, because we can neither raise the money on the city bonds nor on the railroad bonda I must is sue. This, of course, refers not only to official action by the council, but to the conpletlon of the rights-of-way and terminal work also. "These parting Injunctions ahquld not be taken aa a noteof-eomplalot. The splendid progress made by your progressive snd public-spirited" men end women in recent weeks Alls me with admiration, and nerves me for tne nnal hard task. But having been In auch situations' ever since boy hood, I know bow a very few agres slve, discordant elements who, either from lack of experience or a natural tendency to rotard or embarrass3, be cause some personal Interest Is not subserved, can undo or defeat tho work of a whole community of right minded people unless the latter are unceasingly vigilant and everlasting ly at work." ."5, r Austrian Monarch Dies ; at Schoenebrun Castle d. furnishing frco right-of-way, sta tion grounds and terminals, and all necessary franchise over city or wuntry roada, and caah to tho amount I twenty-five per cent of the total wet of construction and equipment. All such rights-of-way terminals and Freer Gives Warning oil Fishing on Reservation HOSPITAL SHIP SENTTQ BOTTOM OF AEGEAN SEA FIFTY FKIWONH AKK DIIOYVNED; 1,100 8AVEI1 r " l istsEgjr . LflR i iSak EHrBBBBB anBnmuBnJffisBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnaa JPsWaJssP:-MliWananananananananan SSKKi'H BssssssFJflMffitfnTnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsn ' SSSSSSSSjSJgff',r.JB73uSn ' KKKKmSKM ' 1 " BSBBBBwdDKSsnnvfitfansnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsns BSSfJBfJJBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSv flk sssssssssssssssssssssssssH ' Hk -' -vS&gv gEagEagEagEagEagEagEagEfl3? --; LfFT;v' v , I BPsnanH- i a'ss'an"""' li- , i ,-ti7m'r t ' -v W'ltK&pyKeiib xLimyrMg?'tia . v i i i?jIJii r au n " . i. ' .-ffh'fS. I ., K,.jK . -J hederal Judge Ueclares It Is UnconstitutioBtJ . SMMsSAsSMSMSWsssksWsMS W -- sss-nsBssssssssi Sorletr Meets. The dleaAM Society ,of the PresbyteflaBchah Is seidlng oist a, very urgentlaVHatlon to all of the ladies Interested i attend an all-day meeting oV Thursday at the' hosM of the presldeat,.Mrs C. C. Hogue; 1S High street.' The 'hostess-will serve luncheon to -those -attending 'and tna ladies are asked to come by P o'eloek In the morning and to stay- all day. The annual baaaar Js to be held ra December" 8thf; and this, will be the last meetfagftbelerthtkat tlnw. m$M$c:m -,i,i---r i" v. .i6-.jwsc.r-i' , ,. -va jjk rL fiiv i , v ?fcms&. ,ti v .(..! MKKTWtMl , .w siswraftwrajMs '! Mating Hi ihlin - -i. 'wi.STicaVj- Utmim' SfiiMMMiw Tl SSTi aSrtllifc .""7 KTZZS. ftC mi "- . ' in- v sji5 V'-f "A iiKFn ir. hi '' -te '- .t.ii. r.. lv . fg&W AT WILLAMETTE 'X United Press Service VIENNA, Nov. H Emperor Frana Josef, emperor of Austria and king of Ifungary, died last night. at JBchbene brun castle,' after.. lingering' for three days between life and death.' ' ' ' The Archduke 'Charles Francis, his successor, Is in Vienna, and has' called a cabinet meeting. Frans Josef became emperor of Austria in 1848, on he abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I. He waa born In 1830, and before hla demise waa the oldest reigning monarch of the t jif-rf ,if --v.vsl. "rf. "world, both In age. and, in years of service on the. throne. Josef was crowned king, of Hun- I gary;'lnu,:18?7-a,ijy sifc- 1 - untu Juiy iJ.;(Arcnduke.Francts Ferdinand was,helr to the throne. He wasalaln with his wife at Sarajevo by a Serbian assassin, which made. Arch duke Charlea Francis next In line. Charles Francis la a son of Archduke Otto, who died In 1906. It is not believed that the emperor will be burled this" week. Kaiser. "yV helm of Germany and possibly the cxar of Bulgaria and crown prince of Turkey .will attend the funeral. I E XEvVSPAPEK ' , " OFFICIAL t. t j PAPER BPKAV8 vl-EIX OF THK - sz:mf.tfVi. - t. n FOimKRnMMOItrOF IiOCAL tfti&& Aajntost yIw.Mmsly'sstsnasi -It '-Jt t-1 Ji. .'?? i'. h'i'Jl'rtXim.". M V ' . -' la" uL'fluaiyrrl-S-i1.i k.x v- rP&rm&-'-- ram Mm&smzmi -1 : - J6,?.'ij' ., United - ICANgAgvCITT;rNov.(::Vi: FWsI Jaae Wallas Heetey ImM s Adamson elgnit-nolrMyisrltlidn'' uncctltutkar-andlraiHds'';g:' -He'- 'ifitedW7arastW: ' mentis naste;'f;fdlwlanni . it Um rjce'ennppllea'tIralfo;juf.in Uon annsfintloi?JtiHs M'JndsMBook.v hlaelsloaiitarHwssi rshita'esvtoi,tW' anpresM.eonrt aa rapidly m '-, J Heok gave thM mwishio; I T.T: .---. - - Tr-TjH-,,, vt. fi' KAMwmm&mm? Hc;la'tMi;atsMMtV: satasiktlslMa s3joearln;tli5 1 lassfanrhMT -i' eonstltnttoswl;,;: SS'W ' r&ftyKzy? . 'r . IFHflY iiwi.ranw4ffi a .4aiffci.Jfe-5!ia-?r-i.V '-E. . ,'f ""..w-"f'imI j , 9mm ' Sltlit. Was Either Hubnwrlned or Mined, Says London -Had Capac ity of 48,000 Tons and Was the largest IHsseenger Ship AMont. Waa Not Armed and Never In Transatlantic Service. In the following communication, V. B. Freer, superintendent of the Klamath Indian reservation, calls at tention to vlolatons of the fishing 's on the reservation and intimates Jht snglers had better bo moro caro l or suffer revocation of their per Us to flsh In reservation waters: i A largo number of permits to tan n the Klamath Insls reservation ve been issued to residents of "nth Falls and .othara. These (Hrmlts are granted with the under standing that the holder shall 6b rye the laws of the mat) f Oraaifin "h regard ta ia umii k 1 !'i!!?,n. triwnM'TMm .' '. " " "'w,smrfiya.ns):ina , ;,F "utntitlf. -r IrfiiiV.ftfalttif ''Wi'r'ltM-JUrd'a OrV JK " n ,RW- UVjilawfUl for any' 1 L ' mtrson to tike trout during the months of Novembor. December, Jau unry. February and March, This In, therefore, the closed season for trout end the persons referred to are vio luting tho stnto law. it U such abases as this that caused the Indians to consldor prohibiting fishing by whim persons on the reservation sltogethor u year or more ago, "I should like to have the puu'lc understand also that it Is unlawful for persons other than Indians to nunt game,. Section HS7 oi tne revmu vUtutes of the United States peual Iree the violation of tnln law by the forfeiture of all guun snd ammuni tion In the possession of parties vio lating, the law. 'TkgibiiM'you In nntlclpatlon, I um, very ruly yours, . , , "WM. 0, FR8BR, , gupsrintendont. ' United Press Service. LONDON, Nor. 31. The British hos pital ship Brlttanio was sunk off the coast of Greece, in the Aegean aea, yeaterday. She was either submar ined or mined. Fifty were drowned and 1,100 sayed, The Brlttanlc formerly waa a White Star liner and was one of the largest ships afloat. It was bringing wounded soldiers from Salonika. ' CONGRESS MAY PASS EMBARGO ON FOODSTUFFS CHAIRMAN OF APPROPRIATION COMMITTE WILL ASK THIS United Press Service, NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The WJjIte Star Company Is 'practically certain that the Brlttanlc lost yesterday It Its liner, the biggest British passen ger skip afloat. " She waa completed only last year and Immediately requisitioned for hospital service. She bad a capacity of 43.000 tons. ' ORolsIs of the company say, the Brlttanlc was never armed, was strictly non-belligerent vessel and waa never engaged In transatlantic cemmeroe. ' Club Women of San Francisco and Hay Citle Will Ask Wlleo to Stop Shipmewte of FooOetnffs to For- .- j ebjM Cowtries W1U Urge State Markets and Rigid EcononUee In the Home, i United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 32. Chairman Fltsgerald of. the house ap propriations committee, announced today that he will Introduce a resolu tion calling for an embargo on food stuffs aa soon as congress) convenes. United Press Semee SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 33. Club women of San Francisco and tke east. bay cities are preparing monster petityaa asking President Wilson to plaee an embargo on wheat and canned goods. ..- -" Tk woman, also are, eonslderlag the Hasllekmeat of s44e"nurkts, abandonnisnUot luxMvnadbe lag et their own breed.Thejr eeJre "tke moaoMly In bread kUAbiitUr la "faa, outrageous and 'Mdrai (si mAHAnAlH ah illisa mtifeanigilikast. a nasi ! PARENTS DANCE AS BABIES AND NURSE PERISH FLAMES CONSUME HOME ,OF CLYDE LEUAROX AT NIGHT, . Oil Lamp Explodes, Setting Fire to .Bed Clothes and Tho Childrect and ' Aurse ,Dle- One Pertehee la Red and Other JnT; Nnrso's Arms) s-' She Tricsj to Bscape With the; Lktle Ose to, tteMj, ITmIsV-v 1Ba.-v.ai tta.-f-v-. ' SANTA ROSA, Noy.33. !Iyaei aged two; Robert, age one, sobs of Clyde Lebaron, a wealthy1 dairyman, and Mrs. Charles, who waa caring for the boys", were burned todeath last night lit the Lebaron 'home at Valleyford.weat of here.' J ylfr v 1 Ibarba,kiskwlf andftworgeets were attending a .daaee at .the; time) v -An oitl Ump In Mrs. Nask's room . l- " . - . - ,. exploded, at midnight. .Igalted the bed clthes-bf ths bed sse oceupi. fiheiupjped from'p'ed, selsed'yotinger child vand attimpted' toiiee:The Igines. .spreaterapllSrMviv Naak fell sxkausted atUkditonof.lka irniii :.'.""' -.V.-It 'luii .wi'iJJ: autinaa, aaa-ar "- ;TO-'(,P waa. urned;jnSk-tbli.. &$$ Albert MeilowM.' aoMtlssr atesnbor wi f lVM mnWB9HQBt9&m0Wftf,, EBpBBmaUpsErWBjj 15IIBHW ?el:t,?iXrs3:Wi. - -1 cunrAiyw by TnnMi " - CHURCH. Wfr- L. ,r .,Mnin t' ... - -l Coming wltk';ti highest reeom- tJ!Bllr4Ta?ft source, Kev.iic. ,u. -Kicnards now holds, the position -oi education on, the faculty of Willam- ? wmtiftwhi? ix io. nip .inu important najjuwi. tae president and faculty are fortunate In securing lils t services; Prof. Rlcbardsfa a graduate of Morningside, College, Sioux CltTj Ip.wa, also, having done post graduate work at Boston University. He waa for several years one of the alumni trustees1, of the Alma Mater during .which time be waa closely connected vrith the affairs of his. college.. He is keenly Interested in student life and tne students or Willamette will uno in nisa a true .ana geniai:inena. It Is to beregretted that most of bis time will be spent, on the fleid.asnis pleasing personality, bnn made him jK-uii'ftron the c vii;lready. .J1 ,'-jHhls work for did Wllamette, Prof. Richards will have th. greater sharer of-the- reappnetbUity1for lhe extension work.of the.unlversUy.'The securing of 'new students "wlipcoine undehtaijdepartmeat,tandinsthis connection heT will ftdufS tkeatste, speaking at hlghV schools and churches'ln the interests of a greater HtudentodyHe plsas.to remaiii n j; cachftownfoV':Wverat daya.'ln order! that he may become acquainted wlk blgfBChoorrradiates who contend nlMfitw:aBapnlla t ' f "--.Z rrwT"-T' - . v.. , Ftoance, kleo&eoaea, under chargelihd; he wHlendeavor terest-bMneH-aten in the.i t ma .a , aaaanlaf naJaf''nf 'vlaar Umete-Col1eg!an.Vr, "'WZ ' JtMefig ''A'i ' r, swtssn m thrttrfsPsssms- SBMSaaaM SBSsnanaSBalk' P-S C'4-1 TUM CAPTAIVlaD BY Msm'ARC arVRNJlt mismsmm PnmpjLcfBs Jfspjjsnw BfJJpW UUiaaM' watsJiiaal .'m SM-??!'-"?! :!& rsenssNutmnw . tm The Blk'a kaw: - - -( JjJ f jj- oy;.ta-ie ease- are now e tor.ni of t the aeeondsoj A S I'W.-l'!"!1,'. ' evening, in, wnienai two of tbe,three games. .Tke ptayteg last nlghtisaowedco-ld-Mkhie rs provement oyert.ihe;nratSmmae;ad tlte'averages'sslshyVta'plaO'.oa! ' both' tUikmMJMif' -" Tonight? AeUey'sfusdHsMett'l -7a teams will pfauratkn I .- S" '. . rfl. .!.. I "J..-. Ellu-aUeyf, ?3&a&mb!t mnl" 1 ' ii-ii'U I "iar'iT-V- MJm -43,5? WJ"J :We-.f- is??,-r. brf-nA .wMJi'uirrAj i M 'Q!.1Mts& i , .'SW-wp- til -J-..; i.J- VJi,TJtX-.i: r -aJfi'lT; IK2TJ5 his sfv:?4asjEapT' fiiM 1i "V .iJ. ' . Wi 02.'MvVjn-U sPJ aanan..sV'i inrverslty .Lne53Trsr.? ' .1. jiff SW wiii! nk'wAdd'v'L'trc-siU'tOTx ;!?. smn). ' lanv-r' Biaflfeili: : ri T vs .(i! .vi'ni,s . '.! .ia shj pBHSS .aVv 1 Via. 4 i fi sE uiPssiegiaidOiineM i uviciaLmvnii! 'A-' tv I ', y& ,! 'i UitJI .1 , . - "("'WHW A. "Li iii .11. X .'XimiVfL. --...' ... Jf IV w '. " Wt t.'t-f."k.'it- jgfy1 fjft 3T ftOW .'. r-a pfe-te! monopoly on the auushUeaad air." ' death Nfcre' M'lMl'.ottUisseulp tral daaaaairaaaaiail n'fiu'M-'i :'uaUaikMai:!J'i'-i!S:vw;i... .v- i" iil"i?ISi :'1iLj? ai P enwena)aMpBSBspsBssBBBsnMy' SMWsnsejaB sssssMSBBssf wef'tslBals-a nii'-teV''jaSMBSW t&Jir-nmhW1 UMtM rSaHHJanfWIsiv. -. -.v-.vf-ifi-r'v ie'Wascepssnaissnsienv eajsM ef'tnt ki'ffc. .'i.:5W5'i.1flV'ijt. "is : S1 Uerp 1V.WBJ. WKW ' Rw SP$ Teto areab liflatlTsI tk '&9mm ij ftw w i fT-Tt.?T tl T " .W .i-J l- I "' .. I ;!!)", t. rf 4f ,'. j.. , u s . r."-' ' int' ,f , '