:$W$$?.Wr. ' -&v , y TO I'm 'i -yV i li-s ip-.' 2tyuittgi IMt v KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ? 'iff IK& : I' w . - . r-i w ABBtfY aHsV ' ' - ' m (aL . ! Hjercntli Year No. 8,lfW WILSON WILL URGE PEACE IN INDUSTRY MMVwm AS MESSAGE TO CONGRESS ALMOST HEADY Calls American limine to Moot Conditions After Peace U Signed. DerUtrx Industrial Hwwt Cui Down Maximum Industrial Work. Would Make Strike In Tbto Conn try impoKalblo In tbv Ftitnre. Called TrexH Serrlcg WASHINGTON, O. C, Nor. 21. A call to American business to moot tat unprecedented trade conditions fat will exist alter tbo war It the "" 'riVtfvwuumjj. POWFR PLANT ESI MAK OWN COPCO SPRINGS Ul WITH IOST. OFFICE OX SITE OF GIGANTIC DAM ANI PLANT IIUILT 1JV A LOCAL COMPANY. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON , XUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1916. i New Prohibition Map of United State Following fleet About two miles and a ball south of tliu Oregon lino a town has sprung up on tho Klamath rlvor wboro tho buslnctia developed (or tho postofllco department of the government In tho Itynote of President Woodrow Wl.1n, of mn" ! Parcels post doliv .'. m..e lo conaresa. Tho i.rMl. orjr h"8 cnu',0,, connldernblo ntten- ..... . . 1 1'0" 'rom the federal postofllco In- 4t I. completing bl. message today. mcil)ra n l0 , '" In his message tbo nation's chief, Increase In thu voIuhih f initrU .,,. MCUtlve Is expected to argue tlmt Maximum Industrial work Is possible only when there Is the minimum oft Vacknges destined for this place Hi In little town which has lately grown up on thu banics of tho Klum- iuiii rivor la inn munii nr ih ii..i Jadu.trlal unrest and expected oitll() of , caiifornln-Oregon Power sik tetter co-operation more con- Company In rushing to completion Us tdencc and lets clasa feeling between, wot power Installation at that point. employer nnd employe. President Wilson also will urge legislation making strikes practi cally Impossible, nnd other laws to tM railroads to expand nnd meet the additional stress after tbo war. Immediate action on the Webb tho nnmo "Copco" given to this now town nud rocorded at Washing ton as n postomrc Is rather unique In origin, being mndo up from the Initial letters of the. company's name. The town Is situated entirely on the power company's property, hna U1I nnrmlrtln A.rlr.. ..hnrlm u.i.ii..mu.i ui. BOOUlvHVe nunarea :o organlie without fear of nntl- ntl ''y I'sons. ns the rcsujtof jibe trust prosecution, will be urged. i"lVnt of throo Jiun&red and The menage Is expected to con- ilf,y m,tn by ,he company many of cladc with n request lor continuation '1"m , ,,ttV1?I ,0Cttt t Copi-iHi -of tEe preparedness work and "com- ,U,c,r '"' rh 'l "l'ol sletlon of (he rest of the nrocram un- '"".nw"7 w':n was rormcriy oc ,. -,.- ....... v-'Moaa "" v' ' -..f - .-, -. lliaiiiitiiistfl 7 ;;-; Mgaiii-: &&&x&Zz&Mr : HKittMNBLslv. . iftir AMKEPtY CAJIAL , jflsHsffifisHSslHfliBBBHiBBBBBBBlBBm . .sAlr X JtTB ""- f'i'ii slsBBBBm'HIHHBlHBlBlHBBBBBBBBBBPHBST Xtfllt- JMHoL- I - feSaMESali ininBIIKIiHBHH: Bofi i BsiH .iJBMnafSv forth-fact:iw cm?J3$m AcgVsffilwfflalsssssssBBK fflBstfCfCK-'ig ) Rpsoln'tloii' Poiafi 0-TW( .litter '. ' '' V CbbW BBnBBHHBB&rBBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsBnnnnnnnUMaanVnnnniBBnnBBn Tfa OT ' .. -r.- -t J aHslv EBECsBSSwIH&lBssa I VnnV. 1a. - aaABnaBsliaBnTlJBaWalBBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBBBnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n"T'"j "?? ar u aaBaBaBaaaBBaBaBsaBmaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaHBBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBLaBaBaBanBaBaBaBacBaBaBaB''BaBBan ' n F A D nllllrsHaViisyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir-iMslHftBIVW A -111 llnnnnnnnnnnmssilhagsttnnnm , NasBLnnnnnnnW. biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -. 'Pr-lSflBK aBBBBBVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBasaBBBBBBBBBBBBKBaKaVBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .V li -- V QAsnlWalVsBsVsWIHsniBnBslsllllnlnllllllllsa 'TTW- V' IKUUIZUBflBaVBlBBBllllllllllVBlllHBSB the clolng.of .the AmkmS&- '. . BnnnnnnnnnnlBmlinnmannBBannBannnnnnnnnnnnnBannnnnnBanTBWVBnnlanlann t Vf HIHsBnVLnnnlBnBnnVavSannnBnnnBnnnnnnnnnnWaHBnnnnnVannBnnnnnnnnnW v evening nytbeonneu.jTkeiitafJir aTxTMMBBaaWMBiSBPRl-v ' ; - Uon-wa, prepared, by ;CTtrttonU I;., " .. w HU A Vr -7V AtB." --.' M.XWWWI VII(BIVRB'MJia VaVinnnnnnBannnlBaVpalBmM V . " ""annVV v' 'sT t -j V-'avt--'i.'-.'P'' "V ' aiwiwtit?:-.:. 40.S-. ai F . Ckr Attonser . . . Vftw v jiW-JSV? v" ..A DiirtM mM ,Ii.-' rtSiiis;';-- vTv- J; J'-Ll " rtT.O "tri i "5-",j;-' ?;: :. .1 to Ae owtkip. jjmmm&tii -- ?- -: ,-M-.lJ'frl-.- ,To effe.H the canal under, the preirtelsarter"witk? mVtfK J!r.- 5fHft rSS Where this map Is black you can't, states where the sale of liquor Is or soon will not bo able to buy a J absolutely prohibited.' There, are legal drink. Prohibition won four, many more where .local option if more states In the late election ! making great strides. In fact, the Michigan, Nebraska, Montana and map shows that the United .States South Dakota. outside of the cities li; pretty dry. There twenty-two Thero is lots of liquor to be bought in California and Nevada; Wyoming, .Utah, New Mexico and Texas have tbelr wet spots, and Minnesota, Uls hourl and Louisiana sell plenty; East of the Mississippi Wisconsin, Illinois; Indiana and, Ohio have much dry territory. New Yorkand Pennsyl anla.wlth alltbejNew England slates, except MalineiMare etlli pretty wet. Utah, which is nearly dry,, nnd Florida which ,wW only -at the great winter reaoftaf elected: togls- tatures pieageaxaTproniDiuon. flnUbed Inut tension of congress. INSPECTOR HERE TO SAVE BIRDS BIOLOGICAL HUItVKY MAX COMI-M , TO OCT IXFORMATIOX OX HKC I l Hi l-f M li WMATIOX OF VAST HWAMI1 MNIMi AltOUXI) LOWKR LAKK. fcupied by two or three pupils from I no ranches along tho rlvor, Is now filled with, the children of the new resident and tbo genial pRlce-sookor always mnkes It a point to drop In nt tho little burg as ho realizes that this llttlo now town consists In the most pnrt of a voting population. GOFER BROTHERS BOY FIFTY FEET ! PJtOPKKTY IH OX KLAMATH, IIK- TWKKX SIXTH AND HEVKXTII. llltiCK STRICTURE WILL HE HUILT OX THE PROPERTY. ft To get Information on the move-! nwat for reclamation of tho vast: &,atirsn land rca around Lower fJClBth lake, George D. Cantwell,' i..W?ratlon Inspector for the bloloa-l-i pjHl survey of the department or agri Ik celture, has been sonndlne Hovoral ' Fifty feet on Klamath avenue, be- 4ya In this section. 'tween Sixth and Soventh streets, was i bo mnrsn land proposod to be re- purchased ycHterdny by corer orotn tklmed form breeding places for crn from O, W. White, through a deal "ouiands of water fowl of mmy rltles. which has caused the blo Joglicsl survey to become Interested M to got Information on the drnln W of the land. Reclamation of tho mp ana tide covered area will DOTTOPPOSEMIW 8 it niirn lr I A 1U k TIE A If l?Jlll lf?r n& uM '?j BB BBBBW' SBBBl . BBBSL. Sl .'aSBBBSl BBBBBBSl, MhT BBBB . ' BM lBSl fX W M 'BB V SBBBBBBBBBSV 9 mM. BBBB 1 BBIM T BOBBl mW..1 'bVbbI T 1r' -T"! . m m K. j vh . j i j m m . -m a - mm mm v m m mm v sl . I"1 lm - Mill fisl M 'JIW ''' MlfBBBB BF V jHsH MB BBBaBflHaflsidBS MsttanV W awlfc flsV1 4LaW sssa iflb ssh sssV V tsaVBsVHB W F fflfeHM rt ' ' MWWWWWWsW Miller Tells Doty and Sheets They Are Skiddish and Says He's Surprised at Them Grpesbeck Lights the Pipe of Peace and All is Well. closed by A. A. Ilellman & Son. The property lies ndjaccnt to the wlsor than the people. "I want to go ono record rlclit now as being against anything above KlHiuath avenuo." Councilman M. R Doty. i "Vou fellows are Just as Hkiddlsli .. ... .. i i tt as a yearling con; i m suriinseu. Councilman A. 1. Miller. "Tbo people haven't told you to do anything except Issue bonds." Councilman It. J. Sheets. "And build i road." Miller. "I know, 1 know; we're not all so smart as you." Sheets. "That's all right; you'ro not Miller. "Yes. yes: I know." Sheets. And so oh ad infinitum. It all Hubbard and McDonald Handle Ebonies at Show Lumb proporty nt the corner of Sixth ntrnit ii ml Klnnuith avenue. Cofer brothers statod this morning that took place at last night's meeting of j thov rontemDlato eroctlon of an un- the council when the matter of 'wen tho nnmin nt.. . w.i. n.,ini iiricir tiniidinc nn iheli new building a railroad In accordance, fowl. .. iinidinir. I with the result of last Tuesday's eloctton. came up tor consxueruiiun. Councilman Miller offered n reso lution directing City Engineer Zutu wult to make a report on the prob ablo cost and on many other details of a railroad from tho lower end of Uppor Klamath lake to a point near Hairy. This Is where Councilman, Doty took the floor and with vigor an nounced himself as quoted above. Ho gavo no reason for not wanting tbo railroad to go north of Klamath avenue or to Upper.Klamatli lake, Councilman Sheets also had ob jections to the resolution, and after he and Doty had spoken, Miller gnve expression to the sklddisb colt phrase, ' . ' Sheets takes tho position that "We've got to hold Miller down," I and Miller rather bellevea that Sheeu, needs bolstering up. Mayne iney are both about half right at that. City Attorney R, C, aroesbecfc a mimed a usual rpje that of, peace? inaker for the council, and prepared the following molutloBi which wai carried unanimeusly: of the. City of Klamath Falls. to pro ceed to the construction and equip ment of a line of railroad within u lid without tbo city in a northeast erly direction. That the city engtner be and be hereby' Is requested to prepare maps nf route or routes conformable to such intention., and plans, specifica tions and estimates of cost of said railroad, such, estimates, however, to be based upon such amount of construction and equipment as will not exceed the sum of $300,000. That tho city engineer be( allowed un compensation for, the duties here in Imposed and requested. COUNCIL PASSES NEW ORDINANCE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPEC TOR, TO BE APPOINTED BY THE MAYOR, CREATED BY OR DINANCE PASSED LAST NIGHT. j f - COUNCIL SEEMS WILLING TO PAY HIM: FOR EXTRA WORK BEING CAUSED UY RAILROAD'NEGO- TIATIOXS, BUT WONT CREASE HIS SALARY. ' IN- jk , McUon'1' of Merrill and ."when Old Dili Dnlley Plays 'oannle Hubbard of this city will be Ukalelo" Jimmy i. en-raen In "The Blka Home "Meot Me at Twilight" - niiiiitrai " n k. t- ri: t...i.i.. mi.... ---.., w vWV MHH 'V-I HUOOUUIUP ttllU AJIIIIUU "On the Dack Seat of the Lytic ItatMtftt "" ' --w m and 6th, LJoyd.Low and Wnd Bert Hall will he the Into'r- sr-wr. &$ Smith will handle the taw . i. tP.J..'uv nstrels and the Wocua rSMrrii 1.1. . .. :; . iuiir :.'u B,,a r acu win eon' 1'ne rcl kTUi he first Dart of the show and It- Hcond nirt win .iiV ..,wi-- ''..ot..nt","gFr- W bf;?". iiier.;qne5to.' .Movlf, , Van Riper the Old Henry Ford". , , liesile Picket nud Madge Shlvo "Since Princlila Learned to Reacn il.'gh 'C ",.,Mim Viola Santanuu "Underneath the ritHi", . . ,,,... . ; Mis Clara Calkins "Out of a City of 8,000,000 People, Vby Old. Vou I'lck Me?". ,., , - iii"' ' v);t,'Mjr Mario iRamb') "AS'nke UprXraonlcn'Trt' r m Miss Jpsephlnp Low (In costume) INDIAN GIRL WILL lECTUREPICTORE RED WING, WHO PLAYS LEAD. Although, a, motion to Increase. the salary of City Attorney R. C. Groes-beck-to $83.33 a month was lost for want of a second at last night's meeting of the council, It Is expected that Mr. Groeibeck .will be given more pay while the added duties of his office are necessitated by work of building the Strahorn railroad by the city. The motion was made by Doty, but after being lost another motion to refer the matter to thetnance committee carrie: The connctlmen expressed "themselves as" 'favoring full reward for extra service by the city attorney,, but preferred to pay him with separate warrants for-those services, Instead of outright Increas- orlty. a. resolution ":U--tAtlkuU-m . Htti- 'nV.Vri.iwVis1'ii2iiaViis5i!& v r '.'i. - - f-:.--,ZiZ ta! "V;v- j-ia-HtV J TVWKSVS 9 live, following .muck ''irrDnAimiiiffJm'. l ..u .c -::... '.2--j 7: r.z?Tizi&wm&, service and. netwtlUewTtanXMii ath Water .Uiara'; AasffleUtlieHstS2 The resolution Mtj:fwth?ta'viv1 f ontractfhas- been drafted? irlaWBg- whereby the eitr? will .amlKflM? righta .and WntUmrot-t9iiStWiS3 ment to thelei.nttat-tlitfifl ST i it S ernment heretofore,; h'ai(deelln'el;,t?; mwi cih,- --"- - "-' -"""" t,.w',-.--iI'.iV4fc.-e,-5;''-.S.:'1 v i- " j ?;"t "j; "ii3i ,kr.'ot users' asfcctatleshad :. rettaqv its i uam in ,inernxi..Tne'. u vwvann -spa,vw.wHaB'r. - -, - fii . .i. ,'Z . . .a'V. r--r? umu--m tn:.wvrMinmimmm .fMBfm ? 'tea W: ' a ernment: 'epWisi -r:T1w-tkKTrtmaUrriJsr;: ,. AaUtlon6Ketnif?f1aHtJf.-" . ' y to dlreetor.?i 'l J iBg:to-thVWndowt:ef;.:A:;:V - Th.t thB nttr orKuh wwi- . ::; - -? the opfnW.;oJttiv powered under the nre.-tAarWr:-fev of the, city to enter into,eonmt wlthj me. unuea owie iiecwx;BtfinwriSS3 Hon, of .whtro-oikldieMuUj!nf. particular section 'of "said Jinn;SSft-?. r& "... Mtiszssmu, .-- ?'- :.. -;Jl.TJ'tiATl,: & N"M?i'S,l siw'l'But.Ai' , ing his monthly salary. .aJrL, The office of electrical Inspector for the City of Klamath Falls was created by the city council last night wuen it passed an ordinance Intro duced by Councilman R. J. Sheets of the first ward., The Inspector will be appointed by M:yor C, B. Crlsler. It will be the duty of the electri cal inspector to inspect the wiring and electrical apparatus in all build-j,,.,, u,; IniM1 tn etn a il that IIFk M1 MamF ,i ...BS . w .. -uu r.i- w SPACE IN BLUE BOOK may oe saiusuarueu. Mayor Crlsler haa not named the Inspector, but is expected to do ao soon, as tho ordinance became ef fective, as soon an paased. The monthly salary now is $50. CITY REFUNDS EXTRA TAXES.! PAID IN 1812 The city council last night passed to second reading, an., ordinance re-, funding to Klamath county $844,51 a extra taxes paid by the Southern ING WOMAN'S ROLE IN THE; Pclic to Klamath county (n ll?. A clerical error caused the railroad company to pay to the county ten" times as much taxes as were, due nnd the city's portion of the extra taxes, amounted to $844.51. , ', j, . SQUAW MAN," WILL APPEAR AT STAR THEATER TONIGHT. In the orlgllnnl costume she Wore when the picture was fllaaed.Red Wlrig, .Wlnnemucca Indian' girl who takes tho part of Nat-U-Rlch, will lecture while "The Squaw Man" Is being exhibited, at the Star1 theater tonight. The costume Is on display la the window of. the BaldwInHaTd- nd b Ittrgeting The Klamath country will nave' space in the official Automobile Blue Book. Secretary Fred .Fleet of the Klamath Commercial Club has re ceived an invitation to write the air 'tlcla for thuTsectlbn .and. he now f is ;busy preparlng.it. lied upon being as follows "SectionjSl. To purchaie,i'reelTeF;is'.- ana noia in tneamejor tne.eity.any ,v or an Tana wier nsnis ere.ln;any ditches or ..: -1..4- " " .il-'l-,:2.e-Li.L--iXl i.r.n ?-l .tit-j'&Mi ns"a -menace to the"pnWic';henRlfnWi (ovuroYiae wriw ,nMer'-wt,.flBeipii.viT. . ditchea.or canate." .- 5mffiSjff,f3 t .. ... .t Vi .j:. :.fiir;iiiwsffB:-Mi i nai HnaerHnuinorHy,joienBnis,il -jj .mIA ! --.---. - - .--r, -r- .. .j. deed (same; being? omce .or me ; eofWOTetasK oi i guaHmnsiaigsM a uii.lr . ffrmi"-- mWimtM.nAlm-''.''-Z, .wiVr.J-Wl a, J . wn. r n waterrrlghts 'inwterlWWjri except- acquired. erty property Klnrnwa.'' SaSSSfI 'iy i -.- - - w-ii'li-' -vi j-. iivjr,??-::-;-:-' , J Ired, one Isiltetedna thpiwS; of A. D. Carrlck anione,toftlaf?ig:.: arty' of &cte9Wi&$V?fiMMi: H holnv tnno. 4iSaUI .1'.Tllf ill7W.?S?- WS ther of the etor said. aeeeW:,. personsmakW-inVen'tnmplkt'ttnJlj,; of the' salF'waterightr'SfiTttifef city .is 'adYlsed.bF; 1&mm9m& ueltbcr Jof eaidrljhta.jcantheUftr f 1 byany Mraonr,tiiei.aietetagjBnr; ;m lng.nbeen'clodUait3wtta -"M " "t"??-;TATr'.7gg-,Ty.v V'A to any belr or leaWt; ajidsnld rlfMav " Uaylng be.jfen"iimii- That under 'the. prnpniedve ertnaet-I . ,? ,ifr3',."y Vie' ' ',VJti;i'. -jk CoejtlB,a4;m;ynmX' 'i "" wr ware- Cbmnany inuph attenlleu, :.f - -i' M , i '7 'T ,7M. T Red ;Wlng la spendliif rhr vaeg- an; Klamath1 all Hnnten Life Klamttu After spending, ten, days as the guest of W. C. Dtlton at the Carr igneh't'.. O. Waiker,"i, A. LltU:an' W., S.-lmende-returned this mprn-j Ins to San Francisco. .. They came here by automobile to, hunt duckabe . succeeded and geeee and killed IntbeTule take country, with m. mhwI tinresslnn of the hunt central., newers ini'totbo.hndli.klamath.Mr'.sWnU tot GiMajtftttfaje . ,M. vij'vt, v a onlransyrvamaKraat ; ' .,H :sBr,.SMi X'i'T.I' TP . C all, they, wanted cqmpnnnj, ny.v .tuwmawsmiB,' t They.kft w.hoI:feleafheea vteeoae-atOMruCM ker.U.Brealdeat of 'the CalUornl ' Hardware: riKt' AsebeIatWan ng .. f...-f .ik..,'?--ir1A 'r'v iMm : Mr. -' mi ,.- vennirnew' qk,-smm United Presn1 Service ' k LONDON; Nov. 11. Buehareet porta that General 'Falkenhaynwltl - - . " .- -. " .....'.rf" in tne, TransyiTama Ati.jrMtnMhrtoi rt:lMfarW'-dma .a j -. -j,-" j-j. ' i: '--rw zu liM'uaavf4n,nmMBHn4vX.nifw jiaiilui ui l.:Vvr .'OfiBa : 'aAa - .--- t.-i...-i. 'fe'rwiw rsldlast aliht la? ?.ettt ,-. ,..-.', 'BSKlH, fantry a, ueeiMefHr fivSVSaWw'''' I 4 k?TiVM"f' isLBiif munmummt JjL. w-r:twr ..t - "I 'W'.fc- " r ii r!. 'v Ir'WTj I Resolved, That II. im I.1IB 1ULUUL1UU mmWHtl J l v. .- ;- ipww i t , 4- j:, ' . .- . 'M .TT-. ."'J " Jt. . - tj-- -.ift.:kT. JMtV . f Y"-" a a & iriiHHr 'rxw w-h ii . r i.tbch. j. v.s.1. a ;,; ,:mm&&kmmmmmm:.. 0 -..