m ' ' '" " - ' I i i I i i i ii I. Klotnlli Vir N'. KLAMATfl FALS, pkEii6NM0NDAY,rf NOVEMBER 20 1916 Price, Five CeaaB man Acriim fMewmmu i ntf ' W m m B - Bl M W' smMtB it '' BVLffl- w " "m . m m . ' X'f'WX . ' .a W H Bfl BBr vBM v Bfl tH Bfl BBfl Bfl flS BBfl BBfl BBfl flflfl aaVfli flfl flflV vflaav Bar flsT 1 dflfll ',. BBfl flflfl flfl BBfl flflfl sVflfl am 'IBM' BBB BBfl aVflfl BBB BB flflfl flflfl Bl BBB Bl BBB BBB BIBB BBfl 111 Vf X mM m ML MLMLwY MLmM'- Ult -M ,,sfl 'fsLtfl1 M -XBT - .Jr M JBl JBl JLaWfl? ! "esmsBSfaSBBBSBnmaa"' F T H Serbian Flag ' sfffl I " .; w ft i ! m - l. T WW 1 1 1 1 m 1 r lies uver utv Lone new bv the i urks jr" AWMVW AAAAAAAAiSAiMMVWVWMWWVMMVWWMWVMVMWWVMMVWVVWSMMMWVMM CENTRAL POWE m RSTO tf v L I; AVE ATHENS SOON ., t. l3, ,,,.i,l, -..! riU.VAMA.X'R HOUHK 1IKKKK CAl'ITAl. WKIIKW, (.rrntniw Kei'd HrilUtli In I'lulitlnjt li tin- Western Tltetr X 'r-tkr. Mbi I'urMie 2miiH:ii n. Tliey lie tmt Kntin Momullr, IfviicitHllMK It to the Kcrblan a4 FnmcIi Forc. 1H A ItKAIi I'AltTV I'nltnd 1'rcss Service HAN KHANCIBCO; Nov. 20. Tho DVKraKo' American who koc on a "m.iin party" U a plkjr IwnUo the 'heathen Chlneto" whoii ho goot out fur n Datshanallan carnival, accord Ini to Sergvint Manlcn of tho Cjilaa towii aquid. ., When th Chlne-,3 wants to go on a tear, he aurts playing iho drunk game, which uaually wlndt up, In "foata party aald Manlon "Thr Jsmbm la played ay any' auaber o( nen, aaa of wfeoaa aoMa oat a cer rittad Pre Service LONDON. Nev: I Atiaflla liteiBMifctJf,f tajera tulekly a4 2nnl . " a t Ljki2r Crow. Prtac-Allaiajlir at MJUl te-JI li'Uiw'w s J. . : - .-.. -a- 7n THf rvBBBIVBIIBKVJPBB P"'MoaMtlrJ 8 atltoa a)fft I folealka, It built at Ue weat) h ita pliae.ln a. recaaa'foftie?! . " '"..' - i..- -' t ..! clotty BMuataini. U Miawpenwi jih ,niri inuon lor. bimubj wi- ttov.tDd h. been tae'ftti4 ' tfcrj tr; uaa forces lor -many aieauH. - iav : (nri.'f ih;1v fiilwtata ,are r I 7 ':":. j;ij.i.i.r wu oaa Bumnw !&?? ; 5ome iYeu; Govefnots of Important States HWW.:lJH'W 1 ftiPA.'.' .." ',, HiHW-A B ft:- r":A.t MBV '- t4 -I a- i-"v jt-tj'-'i t -cwaw Ji 'k .?Msii!Tji Kit'Ww W-. $m V fci5S K '. vi ir ? 'J:"llfc' ce w sr:- -i .rTVVJf 4- - i"Wr,fcr' -aaaal Ba3' '.sbbbbbbbbI 'a: 'Baaw' TRANSPORTATION IS ,til4ati,beln,g aioatly aiUler o'rof - M W, f. ' , 4.C , jt j. ypllfd Preii Serrtee , U)NI)0N, Hfir;l'Ur--AhtM .T- Bdrti that thinUirkBV',flbtlt4 tM Gnaan. .Auttrlaa. BabiirMui , aaeV.altePreaa Servlyei Tnrkt.l. .-.. a. . tOW "! BllA'U.. II' lfire the country by Wedkiiiay..'' 8e clalmi that resewat "allied , 'f "J. J.- '.xl''t MVKKMPLOYW OFJNINQ OOMi rAXl. RKACH WT COAST OK rMHSKO VAfKL AFTKn THAV- KUNG VIVTRKif DAVH. u i .f Bt PA0, Nov7l, The Alvaradb ajiaug .woaipaay ummj nwHmigri brief aieaaage that Ave American e: ttitcki near Monaitlr have been re!g'0yea ot the 'company fleeing from pelled. , United Prw Service BERLIN, Nov. 10. The Britlik live been driven from the weeteni ttrt of arandlcourtvjBrtttohattacka In the Ancro (llstrlct1 have been re pulied. ' -, United PreBH Service. LONDON, Nov. 20. The Serblnna nd French nro energetically purau Ips tho Teutons retroatlng from Mon tstlr. The Dutch minister at, Berlin has Ken Instructed to notify Germany of the "painful Impression" Holland has received becnuHo of German deportn t!on,of Delglnng from Belgium! r ', Parrel befere .VUto, tUcke It; haye reaeaed'qHiUero 'trweaco4t of afralco, ' r . Tie message saya: "Arrived iafe- ly."i The Amerlcanatravele4 horseback fifteen days through mountains ln- feeted wlthYadul Indiana, Kp Will' Hue United Proas'. Sorvlce". . -sV pranciSCO. Nov. 20, The Southern Pacific company, iodajr com-1 pleted preparation of an Injunction petition to halt, operation of the Adamsofi law. The petition will be 'Jed tomorrow or Wednesday. The Santa Fo, la planning. aimiiar;acuop. S ?f?!8PlBBaaaW fi S Mfet. n OaefssaeV 'M,MM ii L ..', jfwyfi .bTaBiTJafisKavjl B.Ai'V ! IV.Hrc'14 iHtf'S'VM9IPJfllBVAVaAr'',VrVr PaWiV "'iSiitaaaaaWl;al$Mf i utv wr v tacjav saaaaaaSE.' rt xv3i Ram v.r, i'-sBMriaaaaaaaaWr -& J-'fi: i ?r.r.i... 7vBatt.2aBBaaaBW-K7lMtJiifcJ t; syv ir-lsefaiBAiv:, ivacam-iv , jl -M"ujmmmmmmmmmmmi .m i mmmr amBB xjri" K' BAaBBlV.. -.JPI1 1 naBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBllSBBBBBBT U K.aBBWaBBBBBBBaV.vUJmnUu2iSBmBBBBlBW'ViJ a mymm.mrmuuuumjrmfmjmuuu.iKii S U KAaffBk"wV'BiBJIlViBBBBa-B.BBBBU i fflBWlMStaaHW ' (a7 I MafsBeeeffaYsaePMABBj" ' Jsffaf ' 1 H ' 'aWRyfM BBBsaaaaaaaaaaaJmk7r jP' x K- v v .t&saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw VmTBBBKzSIIHsBaaaamd. VasBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBsHsBBaaaaaaa Is' BBsaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW , . I;:rBsaaaaaffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf - .'j arar 'mmimmrr amamaai-BL' mrammmmn aaaisaia i aaamsr amamamm. 'ismammmmmmBmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi4 v -,. .." mg$i ZT' ZiZ:'2Z'T. -isaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafsaaaaaaaaaaaaak' P M ; lmJM&SSi& ,"' IfBBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW; te " --., . . .Jf.Sii-,.,' .tin BMi' .W '.l'.'UJi '."K ---' -m.;.iyJv m UUJL-iUW'ajJaafe iBBBBfllff.ffHlff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ffaiff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.B iaa? WlTOIlf Wlli' ifK9KH.HEIj il wjvBAtniinwat j nvm. .t aBBKiHnBJBbiHBfB7 ' -:' "gfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgF v: 'C i iniwf.iyiiiini r?(iK.w l4;HHFirr .,- r nnRfli unnun 1 . bBkpR' ' isisBHPkaBBBV I ft W-3HiHiaaH?hl WBBHiaWL '' '-,f jssssssssssssssmmmi I it Vf jnitvJsssssssssssssawmv i1 v?'ssBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeJ vtjsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV . r.aaaW.v-'dmnt tBsaal til "aaaaaaaaasssBBBaal "' ' ''' ' tV 'X aKWBBsaaaal 'I't' saaaaalsaaaaaaaaaaVi I K' 'BXaaaffatsBtsBaaaffsaaaaaK flBBsaaaaaamLffsssBBBBsaaal i : )isBii.vBif b1i....h9qh' ; isngs. m!.nwibM..-'V'"--:."'iy?r'vM;' i BEING INVESTIGATED ' s KMMMAyVWWMMAAVWVM Franchise to Be Talked i of fulm Meeting Tlrnt tho people may kBOW.Tkere-.uranted a franoblae.1 ,?fIf-YOtsr In Is tho reason the Klaraatk' OiW Slfrclal club In arranging 'far 4 br I 'k mass meeting for Nevember tli l( te city hall, when the' gutter of t 'Dowlng the Kenev Power 'CeaMWir , , ae Into Klaauta- reHe-.wUfbe r-wss?"!"' I 7;.1Ukyii M..K., - 'm'm. i-eL "' wuuwairsavs)Fj .'7 " 'rtloa to get feeem have . eoafaaaed an .Inability to vote ltalllfitlr ontkf quertlon. ' Tk- iintnerelal elub bM notlHed both the cqifcrat&OM P ewr SsSimBaIw'lielw tVM'?"'?? 0rP01 'JS&S5Sriw haTetyeV.10l of tk. .-'! dEjM;iiMVta:WJt -.tWtl.tfcJlW irfb)iJM,'iMajptaW' , -..-j,A WW...-W . ;, DtHH DI'IM nr. -i , TsiaBiuin - ..-'....;..' ... .. ';-.- ?, . towiaeta:iw;-is,isgi . f e &' 'Svvygrvl yy!; Jasjatiaaiisjt: earaaiei-.aaaeje: ts .AM it '., , .- vk't.. ;... -" rr.? ,s4 Wilson A Hears i LaDor 'ft c .IKITKKSOX COUNT HAS ' LOW ItATK OF ASSKS.S.MKNT fiOVKIIXMBXT OWXERSHIP AND C'ONTItOfj coxsmicnED CUI.VKIt Oro., Nov. 20. Jofferaon county wnn primarily formed to ro il uco taxcx, nnd tho levy last year did no, tho lovy hero being but two-thirds of ihst of Crook county, from which Jefferson county was cut off. During the coming year the levy will be! about three' mills .less than' that of the past year, If the county court votes the budget as It has been tentatively prepared, 'the new levy providing for a tax of only 15 ft mills. ' The budget provides $25,000 for reads and Enough to paall' the ex Intrmtnte Commerce jCommlMloa Be gins Kxlutustive Probe of Entire TnumportatloB, Problem, IaclMdtaif ' Telephone and Telegraph State Rallroaid' OMimlaalot. la Jealotw e ' Their Powers. '.". Jfl lsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgWBBBBBmWngs" eWjBBB' iBVVBBBBBBB'BaBV'X-BBBBBBBBBmaWssm mmm"" f ' t WlX"A F? if?faWsr,' ' IIDOT CflTIID tm atiiVfsamHHiimin IM aejitfsmjiiv tail 5MraTiti v whUaBir jmr Bat, tW laUrr, wmejaev.ayraUM.io caaiman wew- l-leser.-taai'JilitisMttlii. wirtela.-' new ter1gveMlaktlavttoitraB4iNirte -. i. tloi nroltfem l Wi IV ri: t.i.t 1 . . i,.u.ji. iS"?Y", "(w"" ' " --"t.lTr'V- -ml.-k -U i, . ,j iHun rvai.aii vt tula aavrBMsi . 'elKiBK witnesses ana ttkia aner vt.n weimiDB BRrcvnV uia':' : .. . .. . ww ........... ..,.. -, jbi an eaeeuure ssasiaai. ' Mum oood ' orr wpkrI ' '?W?m,l. -! asked 'lor " fcarsa of tfcalr kbLAatATH LAKB ANDBeaAlX'tloa. 'but' thus tar the brotherteeei " :-"- . r Views on Strike Laws -'"- . tH" V- I . . 'rtNBilAHY..lWDV BPOHT 1". P f " v.'. t " t It toaadersteod.tkat e varlona mIImS' mbWIu Iaaa4. km Witk the cold weatker of Ike tort-.,,,, '& to weaken tkelr. earn week haaeomethe Joy ef all boys aaT fa "' ,., .$, irla-i.tatlig.-'eir,pie" -.tuV. .lkM.J t. Uaraak ve availed tfcjtaelvea of the flie Mni expreea 66manlee aad llveetee Iceoti yBBer'Klamaik'take; the flrtt iij, BaT, tilegraBkettr- asking taiv of the aeaaoa. -' ' -'' 'hearings.' J - "' " This Is ibmewhat earlier, than the. , . m V. ' lakes tMUallyfreeie over.' Bvennow, j MuiWiii Otfallfj '" however, the Ice strong 'enough' to . support bne'a weight does not extend united Press Herjrlce out far from the ahore? y " L AUBURNv Noy. ?0. Edward K mtt ! Lily, confessed slayer of Thomaa R. .. . ,, " '(Barfleton, today was sentenced to Ufa GKE8K PLKNTIKUL) , i Imprisonment at Folsom. The aherit . K -ABK . KIIAKD i0tt f0r the penitentiary with th' - prisoner immediately. ''' Altnougn tnouaanas oi geese are now feeding In the Tulo Lake coun- try, the, many hunters who went after them yesterday returned with only fair bags. No big kills were made, yet few, If, any hunters returned, with out geese. m If SK ' fr United' PfBaa Service ABHlHOTPN, . P. C ..Nov. 20. Vresldeht Wlli'pn late this' afternoon conferi with the executives of four of the railroad, brotherhoods at the white house, 'it Is declared that the brother hoods', chief desire Is ''merely to pay their respects")to;the president." They V will visit him Just before Oils confer; ence with (Congressman Adarason on tfie proposed Industrial' disputes e 'tlement legislation. "- i ,v ,, It ls believed lllcely; Xtlat -the brotherhoods will tell President Wil son their personal opposition, sup ported by that of the American Fed eration of Labor, to, any legislation impairing the right of ,labor,te strike. New'-C'.AfTrvlae: . PORTLAND, Ore,, Nov. l8.--p,far Orate 'a ttm as UatarsiKMtoryf aad mortare eemlag at tM rate o Iftatavto twrtr jWi.'iafw? Beya Play Bear- Brothels Shot United press Service. , I -, HBDDINO, Cal. Nor. J-qhartea PorUr, agidrlO. toUkl kla kre ther. Allan for lw,,Bot'j4.klllBd him ft,!tkU oi,tatt night. Atha torrfvto.ja w keeH readlBC .wfmt'ynnmm- Trevlno Expects Attack United Press Bervlve. '' BL PASO, Nov. 20. Refugees aN riving from Juaros say Chlhuahna City cltltena momentarily are expect- There were many hunters hid InMng a VUlieta attack. General Tirsr pits, and much shooting, which had vino, Carronslsta commander lsj- :rjp ik. .af.l m lii.nlH ha VAneA lilavtl tt1DvIVn lT IAA DlfV 1 mnPAaUIIIV mgal . -? n the air. - I men Into' 'the, army.yj JXl .i& '-fmt '?m :m BasKetDaii rraence is . Started at High School y ' . .." -t5 With forty-four girls and twenty eight boys haying; declared their in teatloa W try. for positions on, the teams, basketball, praetlee- for" tlii eeya and, glrlaVNuada t, Klamatk County Hlifc sckooKaUrted tkla aeteo boob,': Praetleea1 wttl ka ill is tka ByuMifttjirtk a KtemaU j 'uPIbbW't T?Tr BjiB:nilWi ' fJrJBf;l "Wfjp t,if"i '-- .-" . v- - . .'." -. - --- , -jb. -.- a " imtJBBBtaaaaari BBanBtaaraBBBmBBBU maamaamBBSiB bbbbbbbbbbbb ff?--BBClhi5j8jf7Sr-l basket shooters and expects te e4 velop a strong team. He has seaa fairly good iaaWrwl'asWI waeaaldtreel UBueeemaer m , ssaasj.ssicwaB i.w peeted to be played ,wHk sm Uk. - ftowHUh aeelteeji a-Iaar $& galem Ml aim ,aM- :. v;iv3 iP , i b ytp l,l'.l,'"L - ft ,xta jyg; J"-'.t. 5.' V " A'.';"' J .' . " ."'?' ' .( ', ' B,A,Zls -. ,f .ft ,?, iiahifaii in, mli rfi i ii iiiiMjMiasagejajsjsBBBas fr VJST 4ftJvAW:''' a,;itn".i