"V.fJ ' Sfe ft. V'T w v.rjj M-Jfcr Mil "Pi "?,. . Vr' ' "" ' Jf ruff .D r ZS'? ' it. Sjyg jEmmfng Bmtffl V KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH fl -" ' T 5'V OFFICIAL .. 1"JS'..? 4 KierciHii Year No. n.tno n r (' I gn -fi" ,-" ; ? V'W4!1t.s KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1916. aw aiea, nwvMw' , .fKiaj tt inrs Ji ' Ji HyM Vr5JI Wit M.1Ui'1"f-M NBHrSMIVBflFV1 7J3S :Iim;j rf5is,rj ' ?T 1 -.illl--imMmufmB-wBJMw - . . "' aBBBanaBBsl sBBBmunnnnmanni sbbbbTbbbbbV bbbbbbb bbbbbbt "ananas anBBBBBBsV bbbbbbbbbbbbbw bbbbbbbb m . ' m anssaa i .--j. -j aTar ww gar sanaal aTanTal mmnm TaTsBBa aBBBBBj BnBBUJ naTaraTgnV BBBBBBuTSBSBV saaBaTsa aaam bbbbbbbbbbW .jaTsaTsaW ..a . -- - - - w SIKAHOKN ROAD TO GO UP LINK RIVER .-. I.i..rn.i.i.i.i.riiii ..,', if. -4-WSS'A CRUt INHIKTOIAI VB. M M VMA. M . . Vfl -J M AW BM M J M M M M H A rttV fas'IS . ff . J - . sb ana, nans' anr sk-a .-.. avma. MmMMtitei3.i ' . t T it -, TO FOLLOW WEST SIDE CROSSING IT TWO TIMES Crosses Espee Tracks South of Savidge Plant p i"" iyvinnnnnnjVLrLnj MILItO.M) HUILDKR ANNOUNCES MNK OK NEW ROAD On-gwi-CHllforiito 41 Eastern Will FulUnv HtrnlKlit Mih From Olciio to Mnk lUver, IIimiIhk TliruiiKli C'lly I'nrk (Irtiiuida on Lake Kntu m, Cmmliiic KhuMffi Avenue mhI Then Mnk Itlver Near llrilg. Now (hat tlio tcDlou"lncl(lontU) t t--)-uJ-uJJnj MEXICANS FIGHT FIERCE BATTLE tWHIUNZIKTAH AM) VILL1HTAM MIX IT ISO MlliKK KM)W IJOIl IKlt RKHUIT OF FIGUTINQ IS UNKNOWN .Hulled Crow Rarvlro; ! - . - - . ?7 1, 4)SIJtASO, Nov. 1$SJ tba rnllrond bond clictleBili;bocnj . .- . .i- ... ..--. -" . ' . :-. -S.-0 sacwnni rcneveafc aueauoB n.mins.. ruorUnaclilnff. Mr: h. m J " . -N '"' r n-T SHERIFF OFFICE COSTS HUMPHREY HUNDRED DOLLARS OFFICIAL STATEMENT SHOWS f 103.50 FOR CAMPAIGN Offlro of Coaatjr CommlMloMr Casta Uurrcl Short f 78, Mach of Which W For Gar Repair Oecatioaad Ity Trip After Votea RepabMoa Oave to the Ooaatjr Central Cobh inlttee. Some New Faces tor United States Senate r.IcSSMt-acoree Huronhrfo StOl.Ofc $$imi SBktiig -.. ... ... .. - i . . .'.... : ;;; . . -. I?. encra iy ocuanca unon the incn-tniitou rcniuraar nnu iau nigni uo- i"" , v ' ... wiiii 'tj. - - i i - tlon of (lie IIuq through tho city Uint lwcon """ "" arrmwiB iuu Robert K. Strnhom today remonda to mlle ,0,,t,, of tho International bor- llla HcrnM'B rcqueat for donnlto In- ,icr- Tho 3aUTC Krrlon baa !mr-Ltatomont of thU Mpenge ti not ln rormitlgn upon the Riibjoct. r,cu roiinorceiucma to tno scone r eluded. 'A yuu mny bo awnro," lio ay. ,ll "K,ll,,";- Durrel Short, elected county com- "we have run flvo nrcllmlnnry linen , II ' beveA that the battlo moans misioner, spent $7C In the campaign orertlmt mnny fcnslblo route. Thrco luul l,1 ll,l8"8 Bnin aro rJn .ltcralxed as follews: Advertising ty far' the nert two'yaai iiecoMlsfr to hbj oBclal sjbtment of,ep aaa filed' today With County Clerk DaLip, as prescribed by law. An Itemlied of throe linvo been found fairly nc- tnolato Chihuahua Cltly from tho bor MDtablo. Onn iinrniiM. th. Hn,.ii,n,n 'r. The result of the battlo la un- Ptclflc mnln line, necessitating loci- known lion or ynrds and tormlnalH pnt of tho or tho Soulhorn Pacific neir WARi:. MINTO 18 (he crntmlnp nt Mnln oiri. .nii,n. AHKKD TO HK8I0N Psmos nearly through tho center of (15, repairs on car $16, gasoline $10, meats $25, lodging $10. C. K,-Drandenbnrg, candidate for circuit court clerk, spent $74.40, aa follews: Contribution to republi can centra) committee $40, travel ing $18, postage $1, cards $6, hotel bills $9.40. George Cnastaln, successful can didate for circuit court clerk, ex- thc city. iH-ccHsltntlng aiuexncnslvo VnU" rrcH Smlco Inuiicl mill moro objectlonablo fen- SAMCM, Nov. 16. AlleRing that lures In (he wny of cutthtR un your Warden John Mlnto of the stnto pent- hot bimlnnsK nnd residential section, (ontlnry uses cruel nnd unnecessary, pended $33.15 In the campaign for vhlle tho third Is the route up Link pmilulinicnt to enforco good behavior the following Itema: Traveling $15, Kiver or rather this should be trni- In 'o ponltontlary, tlio stnto boira or cards $8.20 d is to routes, one up the east and control hits naked for the resignation the other up the west aide of (ho pf Mluto. Tho request Is the direct river. rosult of "hosing" of two prisoners 'This MhI named routo now acorns hy Mlnto. a most rospecta tho best, not Intot- ferlng with tho mnny beautiful homes nth nvenuo. Then for a fow hundred n the earn bank, or having any other feet through Klamath nvonuo to the objectionable points, except tho rlcr rlvor. After crossing, tho lino fol- froMlngii, i hnvo decided that wo lows na noar tho river bank as po.- III atnnil tor these for the general slblo to tho Upper lisko, whoro It re- (f00! and this route may therefore crosses to tho oust bank and pio- " considered ndontod. unloss sonia reed a throiiRh ShlPPlngtou to tho unexpected nnd quite aortoua oh- temporary terminus In tho vicinity of wis arisca. . I tho Pollcnn Day mill. "Wo are therefore making final "TiiIb gives us vory easy grades nil "cation, coming In on an absolutely tho way ou a routo which Is least ob- "int lino nil the way from Olene, Joctlonnblo from nil standpoints to Ing the Southern Biclflc main tho city generally, and the lino thus " on about what would be Third located will best sorve every Industry 'feet cxtouded, proceeding westward which over may bo established on 10 Point near tho city, blocks nnd Lnko Kwnunn or around tho lower 5" Park, over which we enter Klam- end of Upper Lake." Government Begins Its Fight for Adamson Bill A, A. Boule, coroner-elect, apent $26.60, as follows. Contribution to republican central committee $10, traveling $5, Merrill Times $4.50, W. O. Smith Printing Company, $7.10. To date, no other candidates have filed their atatementa of expense. These must be filed by December 7, or thirty days after election. . iWlKSSSSSTSmiiSimm i aamzmm i wsmmmm I BBBBBBalgHP-'l 1 saiVigifg1aam4 1 ; mSKm:Km 0 gm'iPaiaiaaaaaal :': 1 fJS BBBaaal4l!'BBlB 1 aBBBBBaVVaal .aaiHI I I Mutt mr mt B 4rfl s 3l?m. ' r. ?4. - i IsiTaVgtaBV kjT f - v. tn gaBBBBaBBBBJBJBKfV. V BBSBBSBBSBaaaKate. m sJaBBBBBBBBBtWA A BSBBBBBbVP'IESl 8 I -JtiBHBBBBBBBBBWtSW4' "iii'K ii SBBBbW'SA-- .'.C' C '':- ''IBBbV K n aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlOBTlBViJi ; I SBSBViR ;5 iBfc: y. :;;.-v.-, -"-.x U P ir rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW';lSSBBl i ' gHsaW'' ' r i : (' .'.JBBBBBBBBBBBBBB,'' . JsBBbI tt .?. .,-BBBBKW. ... .x.UbBbI iffls0smliaH mtjI r K aaTBBBBaVTiiiBBBBBBBl V bbbbbI W T fuWr" 8 -im3agbi:-7v j Abbbbbbbbbm w graBBHaV TArtr ... g-ssr-jnr sBKimr-u.-o ,. .-.- , . t 5. 7jaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBfSa2aBfi,( -7 jSBMKdBk. ' slBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVa jfjf.f&i SBBBBBBBBbV i I f .-tlBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBV H ' CXMbBBBBBBBBBBbV ' ?? aalBSBSBBlBSflaSiSBSBalBSBBBBaV ( 3 . ;-:? '' -BBBBaialBBSflBlBBx U VaaaaaaMBgMllBBBBBBB' ''N m'k X VSBaBBBBm 4- smPlaBBBBBBBBBBaTtafi Wf-' ''BBBBBbI f flu UX& 1CV 'ABaBBBBBBBBBBKiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr'eBr ' ' .t T f JZTy dlLl'MBtaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl J -;' ' TrSKssMssaaMET' :bbbbbbbbbbbbbbKvK Wli JrTI-t 9RF 'HIbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI j J ' JXi T5VA.xi i1 iiW- J"-' Kr.- - -bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV J ( XSB v VV iJ BBkBkfcll V.X OBBf BBS V 'AC - . JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT 1 BS BBBBBTKBBBBBBBBBBBBbW s i"V SSBBBBBBBBBBB; 'TV V SBBBBBH vSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH ( BBBBMmsaaY gBiaaiaBaf x v.ii i'ftt.Vj? BfrAfPi' r- 1 1HSKS " '-' l"?-7iftT, b. C'lHK ' SBS STRUGGLE IS NEAR Aa1MaaWajaawVMViMMMa,MV GERMANS, EJECTED FROM FESSOIRE IJtCNCH RKTAKK POSITION'S UTEIt VIOLENT BATTLE THW f MORNING CENTRAL POWERS RETIRE IN MACEDONIA. t oi"tBWft'r:ss. -: iiST S!lJKSSr& - lf"f jtfir1 AncifP MM 7.'1.TJI'. ' i lAi" nuai c niXUHk,'M J . di,S FIGHT OF THIS KIN fXffiS .j mm,,f: immc ffife'miv?-" .'rVJ-.wJil a.1.. .i-i 'i.ilL.t-i:''?-. '-ItsSSaSSSSSr to Lattnch War fer Bfcght Baw Day W;V- ?tati-w-"?.iviro! a2SLiBS: PARIS, Nov. lg. After a violent battle this morning, the French dis lodged the Germans occupying Fes Bolre, after the heavy attacks of yes terday. The Germane .used, three di visions of troops and lost heavily. The Franco-Ru88lan,JTorces are four miles south of Monastllr. The Bul garian officials admit that the cen tral powers have retied from tbe fighting here and elsewhere in Mace donia. rf mX a r rt BERLIN,. Nov. 16,-Tbe Germans tbe, eastern pari' of have captured Bttllly-8ailleael;f - h pnuBU fc'erre, woaP-QraaiseaK hum Un wipHaad lf TJaftnisVJ attaaaa-aetu: here and at seutheast: piL 'Beaumont and Mh JOttm Ki , -J;fK-"i': kuasiitAviffja Farm flldmti l-'iii,4-T- 1 i. atMC-X T jt-r. i. ,t, t . i . "J5 . T. 1 ff iv5.'ni-i for All lbot"tClaaijaa. ws. Jt - - ?!? UweAawM LWkm Sch a KeceAaaMaW aoa Law. &$$&?&? NEW YORK. Nor. 16?-WIth italists employing 7.000.09bti)eraoiis. forming a Nitional InduairiaafCiaaiSP roronpa Fli-iav1 nsMnMli ar."A u JakfSvN closely all industrial lliW'k, eliminate alleged. favorltlsat'tai'liaior! proepects for, history's graThliiIJj trial struggle are increaiiMaily?r3R'jg?s m. . ' viLi...V"i; rOLSS. M .jrr l The conference, board-will flgbt Mi mm V.T.1..I. ....i. . k-?j tWLtl'i TheVallroada hare-viVimallikaM' doned all hope of aettllwirKKttiaWM brotherhooda.,ilUoHiihjilw:f4r7t,kiirtwr 41 ate iuj iu meet tng, TsaBBraaaaBI W'V -j ''"More' lnJgnctloa-Haaaalaria -u .!-: l.v-i-Ti;,. vur i- -4.MrStiS ":. ' Jl aumauB-iiwi are. iBcovraa' Kfaasasv. j.a?.- .. aratlen: M- . flSar. d.i : -1 ? v W -- . - : Advises ctlMkfoiwtlga -V 'rIXJNDON, Nor. -16. The Germans tlonar Induatrtof CoWtmBwilt J i ipr!-n toda are'dfiretinr fierce coun- Were discussed, torhyoolJ''ot:i MtttTitaffMht? .l. , WM: ;M. C ALDER NV. i ' MiaHl I Mft sftl i A" a i si c . i -'"(W -er ..c.avetl tkM aWwnwosafnvwiirt nnM ?u,wiry.y REPUBLICANS DO NOT ADMIT LOSS ADMISSION OF HUGHES' DEFEAT WILL DEPEND ON ADVICES FROM CALIFORNIA AFTER OF FICIAL COUNT IS COMPLETED The United States senate will, after March 4, look like a new body, so many sew faces will appear. Here are Just a few of them. One of the moat Interesting changes was that In the aenstorahlp of Rhode Island where Senator Llppltt was defeated by Peter Goelet Gerry, tbe wealthy young society man, who broke lute the house of representatives four eurs ago. Hiram W. Johnson, who was tbe progressive candidate for vice pie3ident, witl slt In the senate; Frank Kellogg, the trust buster, will be another new senator; James "B. yntson, the old timer of the house, will also sit there, with Harry S. New two of the shrewdest polttlcnans in the nation. Wm. M. Cnlder of New York has long been a figure In the house. twlnttacks on'ever allied position along the Somme. The Russians ln Transylvania have captured fortifications southeast of Toldvesh, After several violent combats tbe Rumanians have withdrawn from Arofu? toward Radacicestii. Tho Rn manlanE are retaining their poel'lons In the Jiul Valley. Th'e Russian advance at Dobrudja continues. SHOW CAST IS BEING -lsv, I -rgfi,I---.! iud -nuici mm r rnnmnnn nr iisaar InpnvenUon her ' " gggSfi The appearance here of leaders :of the railway brotherhoods la expected . Jal to calls a thft. InniiBniraInn nt BV'm4aUjs : wide-flght by labor tor:injihtmtTfP -r '--"f- - ,rzmL,n work, day for all clisses of 'the'; f ployed. 'to.B1l . -i ( .'T' rzkvp- Sfifa Hrt v vivtrafe l -- tjn':-t iti 'Labor leaders say tljey - Intend toj,.,. ?,&. I... ..... HU9 ni.u na IVIWW WDUT'j J&.V Itself, and not wtthHilaUoB, '$m WILSON DAina ?u. u. '-.'?a.fi&ti : .T. T? ,r. rr's'3Tt Vi I nmyjsm &SiAsQf& mmmw t:tA w4 mwwMm United Press Service. NEW YORK, Nor. 16. With only a few precincts missing, oAclal and 'unofficial returns give New .Mexico to Woodrow Wilson by 1,089 vote. The recount In Hennepin county, Ulmiunli whfh Innludaa IflBBBktW. Dt(1 Press Servir. mn n.n iiw rausina a strike, the lis. beaan today.' Huiht Iwtte IE 11 . -" '' I ...VHV V ..W ..", - T" . .-- -- V "AHIIINrrrnM .n n i ...m ku lh rillriudi ih ililii nnw hv iill TotM. . j '' '"'llcatod hero today that tho responsible for interference with ln- it la indicated th Republican ad alnl.tration is ready to start understate commerce and compel them mission of Hughes' dafaat will dt- ...,iV0 ng),t . . Aammann tn Bhll!l, bv th0 iaw-8 nrovBlons. Ipend upon what, oauroinw iMfltrs iniirniifi fc.il - . ' .. . i... " " "( Government oIHcIhIh Prenaratlons for government bc- JodVO t,lnl ,ho "rta.of the r.ill- tlon. are proceeding rapidly, twin n ,J "' 0Pe"atlOB of the law It Is prouauie mat uemurrers i V' . ;' I tho Bnt filed by the rallroada yestor- i HOmn ii f n . ' . I . ... ..'.. i...i ..- ..iii. 'itlsar resment Wllaon's ,nd- aay win quicaiy unpa vm I;ikt ifC.?rea,ea ine oplmtoa today tlonallty of tho Uw before the aup t 4 ' "'t, rMrMaSMil.iJMPfe. romo court. Klamath Falls Business Houses kRODADLY no city of Ha else on t lie coast 'is u well suppned with re- advlsa after the offielal couat'la that state ti finished. Jennie Sawyer i plalBtt In a divorce Jsuli filed yettefdy agalut Robert Sawyer. w;h. A. Reaaer is counsel for Mra. itawjrer. ,' this cky, la evfry line of btsriaeaa, are i'ctitlomilly well Ntocked anil of "far a greater variety of goods than thoe ln much larger cities. Klaauatli Falls la now attractiuK the attention of Investors and busi ness Men throughout the coast and l.i ituno dlotant Mutes, and it hi safe to Mgmre that within the cowing moatlut nuuty inqulriea will be made by business meti In all lines, with vK'w of local Iiik lu Klamath Falls. Now this county neetki more farmers, sawmills, hit tor lex nnd pliinu tliat' will give twiploywent to tabor nnd add to the growth and development of the county, but It Is a mistake to figure that mora stores nnd business houses, tinder the present antply suplktl coudlilom, will mean loner pricee for foods, On the "contrary, too. UHMy stores in the same line will mean a divi sion of trade nnd the lona of pre4U both for the stores already established ad for any new ventures. It naturally follows that with less volume of . business, retail pricee must advance or such stores must operate at n loss, which means only one thlna--bankrup'y. We believe that some, steps should ho .tajte.to furnish, tellable h foraiatktn to aroenecta leokiac fpr business locations in Ktamnih FnUs., aKastaesa taMarai are a InWI'thlngfor any cowmuarty, and the, wen who have aaready nnade beavjr taveetaaents here, nasi are, giving such excel teat service, deeerve te protection of the cltiaeas who arebensHteil, Thai ttaMiw herae la Mai ai'iurnuing InfoirawtlonJ' He .sureniri' . i. '- ..' .:.r.' v. -- 4i.,-'3sv,' w.. mt ncsnni wm. -sm tewm as nwnys ofe. v ' fi'p. -"...ti. ." . MANY OF LAST YEAR'S STARS AND MANY OTHERS ARE IN. CLUDED STRICTLY XEW SONGS ARE PROMISED Following the first meeting last night of many members of the cast for the "Elks Home Town Minstrels," nut as K. Love, director, says a good show Isj assured, and positively will be staged November 37 and 28, rain or shine. , Lawrence Mebaffey has been ap pointed to get older girls for the cast and Dr. Fred Westerfeld has been delegated to secure small girls to take parts. Dr. C. E. Wheeler la general manager of the forces that will secure a cast. Every Elk hRa, been asked to aid in. the work of pro curing the best talent-Klamath Falls will afford. f All the songs will be. new, and sev- eral real hits tn this line are prom' tsed. .' "" The first big, rehearsal Is, ached uled for tomorrow evening. " n BfnnuiT v f, - J. NOW LEADS IOWNTiraifUV. frl'S'.ii-iliEli.l Str k s.-&fizrj-!? 'iS&mkm ilmkv&M v JStfSfs-. ,a vPisa: IIK a'i'TiJJ'J-.ti J vn fWrcvra-ftv. ! un Mr!m.Qk- Atr&.VVtl .i urrvuu nmvwio m-tM.wp Virl 107 HUGHES LEADS IN CH.rt?E KRS BY 987. W j " " ,Hii-WWfcgl H'Xi .""! .. 'I ?rj&m. -ir" -. ' Vfl,iK, W35. . Norr;i6-OBlM" United Press" Service SAN FRANCISCO, cinl returns from'sifofallfariiia'af 58 countiea give WadrdwfW'lleeanJCS lead of 10,108 popular ,fotee.thH, Mfffl Is it sain or 7. am ttm mm amn-:-;-J'r-;? ..A " L-....t'' ..TiC'-sv-SS uvk uauaiciniijr cars itiwou s-.jws-,. i. tv '.TaAj; In tbe counties wher th aaiswlW count the rla riot completedHughaa'.WlnMV unofficial returns, hyt;M7; ':MMm s i Vi V A'VW ruca uivorcn ruv a", A Cecl) Griffin versus Preatke GrtMn Is the tltlo of a, divorce, sutt. filed ,(n the. circuit CQurtby 4W, HkAaXM' ner, counsel tor pisinwn,- i 'i ' Mrs, StonerSmiiU'ef-DalUsroT? "irrlved- hst-(ewl)r'toVvisit'-l -her. S'ASlJSS? I PMI1IAU n Allllsfsa I ksslgtlllW UlllgwI'iiLil V iinniiA iiumiRi ii'fiif-it.fi' .. .ri.iK,j.ri' LTft.ir.,e- 1WM J a v&Afj-kMM i a. am an saTav aaaa aaa. gem an ibA aaTi Mm a: V" V I al n Til linaU'al BB -T aaal T ' mu wmm jr ' m ?xw& ., w&fci ; IV 'i -t' A .. J'-fxTts i iyr( t-. ' .v'.'w.'rffli&.v,,.fi ?.-.j rF77?'WSif1''- rnu iud nr( .irsscus-.insafiaj' winter bowllng'tour'nament;OVKta r -'' .-p . . . - s1"... rt-. wr teams catttatned ttMjl.riaiiA Ijumv aMAlaW 'LaigbYnlp; three straight games from I ley'a ephorta;raH;Tnk1i "y,j.T' "'."-" 7 v!3 W'Biag -.r1 .!?- TS!v.WBr?;i Rcrst.,7j Hy. ..SSiSs. llMhriP 4ay wlWaUaja; a;tUetraaofor,Ue ) &,. .if.CKiiCl3. i' 44,i T T iKa ji Sfe. t ys S'w.v w