fi ?' 2 is? iv ,A'fc'J- J :. . (. v Xia.'T. ," f KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLT 5 .- "V "frt-1.- OFFICIAL NEWSPI ,. T" Ideventli Vesr No. Isr KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1916. Fwar 'j- 3 il;V(a3'i'!,.rai'. ,1 t .,vinrm.wnis a i hi r, j- i - . - OH . ' .' - 1 i . JWBWif5 a BRYAN WOULD MAKE DEMOCRACY DRY , , i Republicans May Support Prohibition to Gain Western States ' -" ..,,,. ,, t -i..nnarLrtrvvwu ' . j " j ' i'SlJW&k ! an ssniaiBiBiniBnn v m n na I i .', ji- .. n ,'J-;rfifr.y roMMnNPR ran arpsi tJlf lllllliri iiiiii at ! . norm wwamz ' 0 r n W b mm n AnwB Br flOr ownl f AM JBtOn VMBUnnnn' -t? "siT" " ' jn,Iitr iriSi, LtA MW irtvw-innnnrwuwuwu. WHAT MUST BE DONE GO.WIIATl'l..TI PEOPLE Til HI It PUIIMC SPIRIT ..." ---------nnruuLruLnj-uiA. 0y ornmriit. As thin nitiHt etnrt as n . munlclpnl rnllroml, tho first step will i lo fjir tlio clly council to Initiate nc- llon pro(llriK for tlio building of a inilroilll llnu from Ihn mitmr Inkn ll . I ' " '" "--. 1 Ralln.t.1 llulldcr Hajn "TliU ! My tliroiifih tlm city to a point In the . , ...... . . . . vciUy of Dairy nml Instruct Its cn- Klml of i Ton, lllth Uk. Klml of K,llocr l0 ,,.,,, l(in nnd raa of reopl. I Will He rroMd lo Trnlii ro,,, wUl 'tlnuto of probable cost. Thin bcltiK tlone, It will then bo noc Wllli mnl llw Klnil of a Country I cMiry for the council to adopt tho Where a Whole Trolley Car Load Died in Boston ,'A ' ' : tore to Develop" Ky Ho Will IK. All Ho Cnn to llclp. phiiH nnd roulf. Following thU, wH' come the necessary action to pro vide fcr the Usui! of I he warrant or londs to comply with tho veto of yr'lordny. Thou will i-omo tho jalo "I nm not only hlihly plcmod, but "f ",0 bon'1 '" ',c llBhest nnd beet (trpatly surprised nt the Urge major- "er. "r hih.ii tho city win bo Itjr of votes cast for the bonds," Raid "'a,1" l0 'et contrnct for construe Kotwrt K. Htrnhorn, president of the ,,on- Oregon. California ft Ksstcrn rall- "'" n of ,M "" cn" nt upon read, this morning, when asked for m-v -ty ro-oiimnilon In the way of statement following tho aueceu of englnccrlnR. lilcl. Is now being com tbe 1300,000 bond Issue voted upon l,,otwl hrougli Uih clt, legal dctnlld, XHterdny. marketing of IiomU nnd anything elite -Of course, I lmvo never had any '" h,ch ' "o helpful. 'II ta. of doubt about the bonds carrying." ho '"T un?era1,011d hnt,1. wMI bc aid: "but that the vote should bo rcm,y., nko ho,d of nml ."'"L"0!1" siruciion in any way i cnn legauy io so tho moment all theto formalities nro compiled with. It seems to mo I that with supreme ond continuous ef fort upon tho part of ovcrybody lo th Urgcat ever cast on any Issuo In Klamath Palls nnd to nearly unani mous as iinlookod for and gratify ing beyuntl expression. "Such mi object lesson not only In- Mre, mo to redoubled efforU to "-'ted, and especially with tho cor nsko tho whole central Oregon rttll.ln co-operation o tho city govern, rosd project ,, early success, but It UoiiW bo nblo to break will be very far-reaching In lt of- Br0,,' m cw ar'' Day ,,r vcry fects upon outside capital looking.80?" "c"f,ur for new nell, as well as vcry helpful' "M" I lh y iwrt of In securing a market for your"n1 w"rk '" "" ot,,er 7";'B"' u well as for those I must Issuo to,nn,,nl1 ,ov" lh" ,,r,0"08C, jrrtfm " complete the Dnanclng of other por.:0" n,H '" ,,10,d ;cct'" ,ho, ,"rscr tlon. of tho system. ' ,nimnclng outside, nut whatever "It Is also n very impressive lllus- pv"u " "' "", Z L Z7 trstlon of what organisation nnd n m! ?,d" m"Uer',' U T . ?... i -?,' purpose will nccompllsh. I wl ' ,,, Proper ,.ul and nn.h alto- hm been Intensely In "c,"ft 1,,cr,'1 ' lU ,?op'0f wtehlug the splendid work of your l,ou,d bo driving tho goMonapIko of iMders. d especially of tho ladles. " completed lino n. far at Dairy by which , simply heroic for the pa. "oxl Fo,,,,h of J" y' nnd a, "" a8 'our or flvc days. Klamath Fall. Is fnrKf I"ruo r,vcr .,,y th,B t,,n .'ndofntowniththeklndo pS lMwlw nl" votod "' T ! 1 lll ho proud to train with and ter"',y by "" majority a. you iwatod In tho kind or a eoun rv d,d ,M,I, n,,d t,nt my da,,y ndV,CC8 dearlv i, 'Vi,! .L ,'COUfllr!. ' from other communities and Inter- m bollevo thl. i worth whl lo cr8 nru e"Un,,y nK to ",0 raHroaro'wmutoinnlto ""T? """" ' y"r clly o Irresistible march to""010 "oJcct' . mlondld destiny, "Wo must not forget, however,1 To Contest Klect Ion lhat thoio . lots of hard work Im- United Trrss Service Bedlaloly nhoid. Immediate and very! noSWKI.U Now Mexico. Nov. 15. Miressho efforts' should bo put Alleging Intimidation of voters nnd wth to complete the right-of-way Irregulnrltles In tho manner of con ork from the upper lake through to ducting tho election, (Uo jepubllcans EPMguo rlvor and to securo the tor- today filed a contest of the election mlnaU when the plans for the latter In eight Clmvls county precincts, fe all worked out. Tho other de-, Wilson rhns n lead of 500 votes In l?11" nr" largely with your city gov- these precincts. Lakeview Bonds Carry by a Vote ot 249 to 9 I gasssssssfsssssassV I fgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgf SaggggSBVanHHtaHBBB J ITiPlBgSffiSvSSto! g gaHtawLBBBBBBBBLHH L4t4 fgagaTrliWgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTgaTga J ' aTaTaCXIgTaTBTaTBTaTBTaTH 0. w I P9WRgagHgagagagDia g1gEgblia' yS)iiMsgjtfi3j3AsMBrr "NO BOOZE" IS ISSUE XT. teMi WMMWIMMMMMM CAHBAXZIHTAS ARE CUT OFF Intted Press Service , EL PASO, Nov. 15. A column of Carranzlstag thirty miles south pf Chihuahua City are reported to be cut off by VlUlstas from the main body of federal soldiers. Communi cation with the column have been destroyed. Chihuahua City reports that re inforcements are arriving there. Carranzistas say they have reoc cupicd Santa Rosalia. BRITISH SECURE GROUND WON IN Forty-five persons are believed to have been drowBed or killed when a trolley car plunged through the open draw at Fort Point Channel in Boston, sinking thirty feet under water. The car ran through the open draw. This photogrnph was taken. Tuesday night while bodies were being lifted from the river bed by divers. Two divers are here shown ready to go down. By OVon a larsar nrnnnrtlnn thnn ' ki...L .. r i -.n fans ga,vef Lakeview yos "flay voted lao.OOOMwadMor tor mlnl and rlght.f-wayVThe vote 240 to 9. lhThe l)cPl of Lakeview was voting fj? Posltion almiUr to' thut' lii- SK?"!D ttfrtKtaa,atll ..-r-v yciierclHV. r Unn.l n 1- J t"ro ' A ..i nnn inwni already have voted' aid to Robert K. Strahorn, who is the central nguro in tne rauroau negotiations. With every town behind the move ment for railroad development, an ora of unprecedentel good times for the entire central Oregon plateau Is believed by nearly everyone to be cortnlu. . RAILROAD BONDS CARRY BY VOTE NEARLY 12 TO 1 OXLV 104 OUT OF l.OM VOTES ARE AGAINST ISSUE lly MmlsHdo Majority, Klaauth Falls , Endones Oregon, California Kartern Railroad Project and Of fern Help la DutdiBg RaUroad. New Line Will Meaa Saving of Over 100 Mile to Portland. The Work Has Just Begun By a vote of l.SSS to 10,4 the peo-l ii of Klamath Fall, yesterday voted i to amend the city charter to permit issuance of $300,000 bonds to belp build the Oregon-California East ern railroad. This proportion is al most twelve to one. The total vote of 1.316' Is close to the registration la thl. city, and shows the high Interest centered In the election by everyone. When the new. of the success of the bond Issue was known last 'night excitement was high. Even the Wlhonltes who were celebrating at the pavilion .topped to hear the new. and listen to ipeeches by Robert E. Strahorn and other, on the railroad situation. By voting the bond, alnioit unani mously, the people ot Klamath Fan. have taken a stand for progrot. 4 development of thl. territory'. ntL. ....aaam a tkA nutaulsi IUi4P --' w-,,ww - -j . m .&e- aa.ll. aiAWaa at-l MaB- from iviamam r Tr , n ts early completion to oonnact with' the line from Bead, to Lakeview. Klamath Fall. get. railroad - connec tions wotnly ?lth tJlMtffiHwrr trnl Orogou, but with Portland,nay- WITH the voting of th 9800,000 bonds yestrrday, the work of e curing a railroad for Klamath Falls lias in. reality just been fairly started, "fills will probably provo one of the easiest of the ninny steps nccefoary la the construction of the propose! i-oud. Their still remain rights-of-way, terminal grounds and ninny other cllllk'iilt pi-oblems to bo solved. The vote of yesterday shon that the people of Klunuitli Falls are overwhelmingly In favor of the railroad mid tluit they are gladly willing ' (o asnisC flnancially. Tins favoralil e vcte, however, iiiciuim nothinj; farther than that tlie people want the railroad, and while , many of them did not fairy understand Just how t ho money wus to be used, yet they voted for the bomb on the Htrength of their confidence In the ublllty of the City Council nnd the members of the committee J. V. Siemens, K. R. Renmea nnd Mayor Crisler to prctct thefr iutcicts. There will be n number of dlfllrult legal problems to Holve before the money can be actually spent, and -the duty devolves upon the Council and ntewibciB of the committee to see that definite contracts are entered Into and -all necessary steps are taken to safeguard the interests or tho city, before tho bonds nro even offered for .sale. It was generally under stood that many of the plans and details could not be made public pre vious, to the election, but the Herald will acquaint the people, from day to day. with the progress of the work nnd the plans for the construction of, tho rslilroad, aa they nro worked out and developed. ANCRE FIGHTING FIGHTING THERE COXTIXUES WITHOUT ANY HALT y;'-vs.: 2WJ ""7.S..1 J... "."S-MS ;. 5r sa- 'tsspf r- r-&B8i . .:ri.4f ttiuu uir. .iiiai rutin aausJtB ssfrw- FOR PROHIBIHIOX CAUSE' fwS --? icSae -" i ;sl Says Democratic Party Cannot ' a55' , , w i Points Out That .Wilson Received ,M -Support of Prohibition States nnd. '"-5 "Immoral Side of Moral Ho Owes Nothing;, to troling Wet Votes. jj. j United Press Service .. m -l Af,S oJn. rSm . f . i. 4 ! Zi . im - v?t irz. t? 1? ; mj&il atPsM t. i, fa' ' J-,T. i'. NEW YORK, Nov. 'lS.-WajataUSg Jennings Bryan, three tiaes dif sated Mm iur iJreatuvua. vl uv j im wwaWnWfJrwr --Vw tcday.announced that be fc' v -r -?vrS ti the democratic Barur"dryl?SaSlfE& " ' J. ' l ' 7 a i z. L" I'-'r: 5l" "fc . K i vtjTSn A f- .3 . ford to take the ImmoraUsIdeof'a nyVjJ.,' -. a . fi tftkt 'tls-,e-'.' t. ehy VNt l ewu'-rtijrt .... . ..... -'. -'- WjftT.'f".1 noner. "rroniDition, nwioiwis.'aarGM: U the. big issue now, Th'&MW&fi cannot allow the party 'to bo burled ecSS ., : .. . ij. o it great moral issue," in u drunkard's grave." Canadians Capture Trenchcw in Very Heroic Fighting Beliiad Curtain Fire Germans Cause Rumanians to Give Ground in Fighting in Two Different Valleys Submarine Com mander's Report Transmitted. United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 15. The British have completely secured the ground recently won in the Ancre region. The1 fighting there continues unabated. imp-' Bryan pointed out thatTthe?dry ,&: - - "ITS' - -n t curriLurv ui iuh uuliuu ksvu nauunm Wilson a considerable majority on rsovemner 7. owe anything to the bosses who con--skr'- .! .k. ... n.o-- " " .. !.' -T t5ii The commoner remarked that hoH heiievnd the rpnubl Irani nT BIlDaort 4!S? pfohlbtlon to" win back, the: western " states. , .- &&& L4i ."T-t. J,W&! i .. . 'T.TI-TTTI taken tne offensive, especially ta tne . Oitu valley. United Press Service PARIS, Nov. 15. have progressed tu 1 Ple'rre-Voasf valley'ij liBT " vkj&&!. , Hsf6 Bt : fr Ltrrf s "'"afei -1"" 'll"vife ler in ,, the-St. ,Hgl ...-f -- - j-1 5- .wKI , , 1 Fierre-voast vaiiey, fer a Dosaaara- rjsj The Canadian troops, behind cur- ent of thp q coin-fl In fire, with bayonet and bombs, t havebeen repiified. . .- V'5wl Ing more than 100 mile, lu the- dls tance to Portland. The proportion of the-vole for the! bond. .how. that results came frcml tho persistent efforts of the Strahorn railroad headquarters. 'Several local cltliens have been 'busy for several day. lining up the voter, and talking! with those opposed to the bond issue, in hone, of winning them over to the. GAIN'S IN OFFICIAL COUNTING OF WILSON'S LEAD IS NOW 14,541 affirmative aide. 80 successful were their effort, that only 104 voters cast a negative ballot. sn WARSHIP SAYS IT SAW A SUBMARINE United Pro.. Service. CALIFORNIA BALLOTS DIG COUNTIES HAVE NOT FINISHED THEIR CAJJVASfC United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO. Nov, 15 OnV clal returns from 46 California foun tain carried the last section of the Regina, trench. It is believed that General Halg has begun a move to encircle Ml remount. United Press BERLIN, If ". -vtSl i . n-ifVfSl" Service t.M -M -tftSS: Nov .15. British attacks tfkiifcfr-F i.-.V ..a.l.-M A .ma & bAan Anlw .nan. 5 ikii' Pm OUUtU W AUV1V U4C irein wniv'P"" j; VfiA 1 tlally successful: ?;i&jgr9g$&i nnltsil Praas flnia' BUCHA.REST.Nov. l'-i.l!3 (Tnited Press Service PETROGRAD. Nov. 15. The re inforced German troops have forced the 'Rumanians to yield In the Jiul valley and to suffer loss In the Alt, valley alio. north 6; Ceroavoda andbavpro-!, elsewhere the Rumanians have greased along theentire ttpmLsiLi&ss. 1 . " iKLsf4ti.J i "JP-Ml55naW3W ! ing the offensive in tho Dporudfc'iSW,-, nghtlng. the.Russlans audjRunWir liavo occupied Boaslc, Jlne. &&$&$''?' m Wocus Marsh Trio Will PROVlDaWOB, Nov.-15. CapUli. tie. give Wilson, a net gain of, 436 Ryan ot tho liner Howard, arriving votes in these counties. If la lead hare tad.. raoorU.thata, rUlshlover Hughes la now ;i4.541.., warship sent hUa wlroltM assge These returns do not Includo-San! tfiat a asrman" submarine i. off the Francisco, Los Angeles or, Alameda j MVUern NeWrSMna OOOK couuues. ine canvass ui siiouiui .IIMnthawnr.hlpdWotdlyulgobn thesecountles will not becoui Itr name or location,, " x jpleted before Saturday, , Fred Houston and Paul McDonald AUiiarttcomolPOpUi t;atney. . it. uias, w; u..dwiib auf .T..tfttve?,QSS' "i 1 ril " MM 'iMsiiiwn neaa c ks minsneBi Ready to begin renearsals tor "ThelC W. Mebaffw wnMfMI .ftrt J Elk;- Home Town Min.trel.7' Rutu. Swedish. t'SM&L J T . 1 .-Tiin fhaMi will ib'lssntaas nnv.;- .liiwi K. Love and wife arrived 'last even ing from California ana aireaoy anjThern,i. n(tblg busy with preparations for the show.tre preformVnW'iSfv IV Will uo Dtnvu V HWUPtv. , w-.w house No'vember 27 and,28,k ' Ona of the main, fealuree of tho mtn.ireU.wlll 'be "the Wocu'Marsh 1 ." j w i i 'ti.i, -.. jl Xo coiupuseu oitJumuiv nuwiwrur 'Mr. LoveaV:iMial toallVho'tcbtf-W year to be at the J Tomdrrpw -f aftei giru lw '""4 ,,,,. h- ,,-. . . -. , (WW ,OWWr 'M&m xrmm ':."V'; nnu in ii vr t .'a. .. ')?; tJi-:rt ,. . " f i V,, .-- &&&cr. ry, v n v ' t ' -w "C V -- -n m