)$$$&" rrtf't 7v ' . 1 ftLVJ "JmJvxt . r . .. . - Ml. , KLAMATH COUNTY.'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER i aiaa"'- "aais r ' w.Kn.1. w- ,mii RAILROAD BROTHERHOODS AND MANAGERS HOLD OUT M.VKIlXMIvNT IH ANXIOUHM WATCHING DEVELOPMENTS (kacndly llelleveil Tlmt Wilson Will Intencno If Strike 1 Called by 1'iiiployr Sides Ounmt Agree at fiwferriire Five Hundred Mult ARiiliixt Arianmon Law Expected In lie Filed Next Week. ' United I'rw Service WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. H. The railroad question, which rocked the nntlnn lat September, Ih again thrcAlenliiK to ovonthudow nil other qucillons, The Kovcrnitiont Is anxiously wttclilnc developments following tho failure of tlto nil I road h nntl brother hood to agree nt yesterday's confer ence. It U not believed tlmt n strike inn be called without President Wilson Intervening. Doth thi) brotherhoods and rail- 'It rcadt accm dctormlnod In their etnnd. United Prri Bnrnc CIIICAOO, Nov. 14. It Ih untl Ditcd that MM) aiiltH to teat thn Adiim on law will bo fllod next week. It Is expected that thn nttorncy Ronornl will Bi'k'ct ono for a teat ault. loily Hrloiv nt IIIIIIiikm Vnlted I'ri'M Horvlco lltacruri t . v. . . mionutiua, A1UIII,, nv. It. II aa 40 drgrc. hnlow aero at IIIIIIiikm thla niernlni: and 20 lielnw nt Iluitn The rnllroadH nro preventing n fuel famine by giving coal enra prefer ence. GAINS IN OFFICIAL COUNT UAH MAIIH till ADDlTIOXAIi VOTKS HV (WXVAHHINd OF OIFICIAI UOA 1 1 1 )S IMHCUKI'AXCI KS HKTIIItXH HHOW.V. IN 8AN FHANCI8CO, Nov. H. Al- "lough (lilt tiffin In I rnnvnua nf Hut votes In tho vnrloua California county wats show discrepancies In tho re turns iih first reported, WHaon la maintaining his lend In the state. Tabulations from twenty-one coun ties ofllchlly shows tho president him Mined 8C votes In the recounting. The oiiklul cunvasB In ten counties avo iugheH,220 additional votes, fcut gave Wilson 306 additional votes, i is in Crater Derauso tho snbw waa three feo! fP on the level and from ten to 'lve feet In the drUta.nhe road gliding f row , 0rator lMke NaUona, rk under Oeorge'K, Goodwin has "wn compelled 1ovt work for thla ' Mr, Qootiwjn ad crew came to Klamath Kaibj ydy and left this toornlK for PorOu'd ror the winter.! To irm v . ....'-..i..! ,i. "en had to use snow Blows, and In, .. ,u um uuw piUWI, UU IM winy places wan. oMo n mkt . nniv WILSON " ""' i mow atop Elje iEutntlng .,.l.,v)-unnjvuvvv W, 1. BALDWIN DECLARES FOR ROAD ch.n;i:h iiih iohmkii htami aoainst iiom) ihhuk In (iliin VIkdii'IIh ApidnuiM' by tai-fte Ci-ouil Wlin At H-mlnl Mum Meet ing S:i)n Ho Ih (ivttliiK Tliill of HcIiik 'nlll a "MiwHlmrk" Htra horn mill (Mlicrtt Mprnik for Amend-tin-lit HeliiK Votcil on TihIii)'. Holier! i:. Hlrnlioru, K. 11. Hull :tnd II. Diinbnr received hearty np- plniine (or their remarkx nt tho rnll roud bond Imuio demonstration Inst nlRht, but the mcHt vlKorournpplhuso went to JuiIku (ieort;o T. Ilnldwln, Htalo Hemitor-elcct, when he declared publicly In favor of tho bond Ihhiio nnd the KCttlng of the Oicroii, Cali fornia &. 'Hnatern for Klamath Fulls. "I urn KeltliiK tired of beliiB called it 'niOHshiik,'" said Judge Huldwlu. Thu dcinoiiHtratlou followliiK Judgo HiildwIuV speech for the IiouiIh lasted - ... " ,0IIB llmo nn1 W"8 hcnr,y Bnd 8'" corn Judgo Ilnldwln reielved tho :i)- pluuto of tho largo number of people nt the opera houso because only In tho last day or two has ho been In favor of tho charter amendment being i voted on today. A few days ago ho i of used to sign n declaration of hup- 1 port for the amendment nnd was con sidered as ono of Its opponents. 1 ho crowd appreciated him, both because ho hnd tho courage to stand for whut lln, thought was right and then bo- cause he was big enough to chnngo I'1" ml'1- I Mr. Straliarn told of ino nuvanco ' innnts made by Demur, Salt Lake City, Hpokano and other cities when ii,v i-i. i railroads and how each of them went after the rinds them selves, much ns Klamath Falls is go ing nfler tho Oregon, California & Kastoru. ii. 11. Dunbar, illy school superin tendent, pointed out that this city's I school enrollment had been at a ulAtwlMttll for tho last few yearB, showing tho need of something such ns a railroad to start development. B. n. Halt reviewed briefly the llfo of It. B. Strnhorn, and by doing this showed his character nnd tho qunll tles In him tlmt would cause people to hnvo conlldcnco In him. Jtoaa vvorH Lake Park With tho 1010 work completed, about Torty-llvo miles of roadbed has boon graded In the park, according to Mr. Goodwin. All that remains to bo graded Is twelve miles around the rim. and thla can easily bo finished next year. It will cost approximately 1100,000. When the last twelvo miles are ...i m, work of hard surfacing the entire fifty-seven, or more mlea of road bod throughout the park will STRAHORN ,r afafavatW Maf aiHIIIIW iHIHS aHHIW aiMlllllw BmBvBV BByBA BSa ' Tb - " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1916. QUESTION IS I,- fou; Larjfe Will Germany Make the of Poland, Ucrmany's announcement that the I kingdom of Poland would be restored, for the time being under the govern ment of General von Uesoler, and the nation would again live as ah Inde pendent government, excited Poles In tho United States much less than oth ers. They want to know Just what will coustltute tho kingdom. This VOTK TONIGHT! Mr. Citizen, If you have not already voted on tho charter amendment for Issuance of bonds to heln mffko a city of Klamath Falls, you can still do so. Thu polls do not closo until 8 o'clock tonight. There is plenty of time for you to get to tho pollB. Just ring up central, give your name and address, and say, "I want to voto." That's all. Before you know It, nn automobile will be In front of your houso ready to take you to tho polls. Tho voto thus far today has been rather light. STATE CHAIRMEN BAYS WINNING OF CALIFORNIA WAS DONK 'FOI THK CAUBK OF GKNUINK DEMOCRACY AND EX. CITKH ADMIRATION," United Press Service HAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 14. "The work of you and those aaaoclaed wUh you, done for the cauae of genuine democracy and maintenance of pro gressive policy, haa excited my alncor eat admiration, as It mutt hve won thu admiration of all who obiemd v . AUSTRIA - HUNGAW '0mL:"4 '. ' WlfUKOWINA j BB M PREf BMT EATTBRM XTTLE UME V- - - ' ''? 'i WILSON THANKS the devotion, spirit .and Intelligence n...vi t ,t. H.mnrriHr nt onmmiit.s. thn devotion, spirit and intelligence - , with iSStt wa. done," wire. .; WUXm dant WoodrowWIlwn today toCh.lr-ii.tea-headed by Jto "M.v 1 not exsresa tay aenae oi.ioya ana uapwui u. . wi",i'i vw '" ..--.-.- v.r. . reafgraUtude and jolg you In r.Jolc.cag.o will bow,, nnd bereaf.,r thej Ing over the.vlctory won for vie r Which She Promises map shows parts of Poland controlled! . .. .a n.. ..(.. I now by Germany, Austria and Russia. All Prussia waa once Poland and the German territory southeast of Berlin was largely Polish. The Poles have not the slightest belief Germany will give any of Prussia back to Poland, and tho Austrlans have announced Callcla, which was a part of the an cient Poland, is not to go back to the It Who Wants to V AM tired of being called a mosM.i,-k," announced Judge Geo. T. Bald J -win lat evening in a short talk before the railroad rieiixniNtration meeting, in hk-h ho stated that he was roIhk to vote in fnor of the bonds for the Htrahoni road. It is mighty good sign for 11 comiiiunbiy when business men publicly resent being classed among the reaction... les. It takes live, wide-awake iltiierw to make a prosperous town these days, nnd ft is indicative of the future success of Klamath county that there is a general desire, especially among tlit business men, to bo known among the list of "live ones." Tills is theuge of progresslvism, and this applies with equal force to the city, county or state, as It does t tho individual In business. People generally prefer to do business wit 1 a Hie, wide-awake lnerchiint, than with the man who conducts his busl lets along lines In vogue fifty years ago. Just so with a city. If wo want to grow and prosper, and secure fac tories, wills, and other eatabllshmtutj that go to make a city of import ance, It rests with each individual clt ten to show to the world that he or site can be rightfully classed among mossback? If not, don't take any show by your public acta Just wher TOURNAMENT FOR ELKS' BOWLERS ON I TEAMS CAPTAINED, RV LKSL1K ROGERS AND AUSTIN HAYDEN START HOSTILITIES ON THE ALLEYS TONIGHT.' t The winter bowling tournament on o-r asdAustin Harden meet; To taorrow evening Captain- Harry Art irry '. . . . 11 v w ..... tbepo-.l'WirBnt wm oe ew on oacn.ignaoiP. ,Wc ....., v..,.. u, (Tuesday aud weuneaoay evening.- - Iteralp .1 Kingdom to Re-Establish? Poles. TLere Is a large territory ye 1.. .iHiHomitAil nnaoooalnn nf HltKsIn In undisputed possession of Russia which was once Poland. This the, Ger mans cannot give to the Poles. What is now considered Poland reaches on the west from the German boundary to the Prussian boundary on the north with a narrow strip east of Prussia. It Is not larger than the state of Minnesota. be a Mossback? 99 the "live wires." Do youj want to be chances on being classed as one, but j you do stand. Rogers' team U composed of Vnu Bellon, Charles Moore, John M Moore, G. A. Cathey and George Chaa taln. In Hayden's team, are J. 8. Kent. L. W. Mehnffey, E. B. Hall, Os cir L'trson and O. D, MatthowJ. AcK ley has as cohorts W. O. Smith. W, L. Smith. F. R. Olds. D. V. Kuyken- dall nnd R. A. Mitchell. Those who bowl for Lennox are J. ,E, Bodge, G. v. ncusiuu, iciijr xjvimv, v.. i. u- j . . w I ens aua Aioen ujbwb. Rrief Is Filed . United Press Service, WABHINHTflM D. C... Nov. 14. The government today filed Its brief in the Dlggs-Camlnettl ease, now be- .in me oiH-uiimiitiii o, mn - I fore the supreme court.. The .overn-' - ,, that the Mann white' slave law does ,- H. n..ni.. nnn.MmmnpKini minr. state E . 1. . wee. v BBa afafafaW BBmBV . ' K5! .'1 W T. - -fS i UP AGAINt "MERE IMMORALITY - . - . NOT MEANT' BAILEY, WVWMVWMWWWWWiWWA 4,000 GERMANS ARE CAPTURED BY THE BRITISH CONSOLIDATIONS 'COVER FIVE MILES 2,000 YARDS DEEl' Curtain Fire Helped Ilritlsh Before All Advances No Change Today In the Situation on the DoUrudJu Front Germans Evacuate Wesa.- era Towns But Kay, Both Sides Lose Heavily in Fighting. United Press Service.' LONDON, Nov. 14,i After making 4,000 Germans prisoners, the British today are fighting on the outskirts of Oeaucourt-Surantre.j Yesterday's ad vances and today ,'ai consolldatlo reach over a five mile front and to a laepin 01 over s,uuu yaras. ( Terrible curtain fire haa preceded nil the advances of the recent fight ing. ' The British today also are continu ing their successful smash on Ancre and are seriously threatening Mlra mount. The French have repelled strong attacks west of Auberive. On the Peronne road they are directing ar- alllery fire at the German positions. United Press Service PETROGRAI), Nov. 14. The Dob- ludja situation Is unchanged. The Rumanians have been forced to retire in the Alt valley. The Germans have captured Bumneshtl, In the Jlul val ley. United Press Service BERLIN, Nov. 14t The Germans have evacuated Beaumont, Hamel and St. Pierre. Both sides lost heaYr lly In tho battle for these positions. British aatacks between Hebuterre and Grand Court have been repulsed. French atacks on Sallly-Sallesel have been repelled. .Henry George Dies United Press Service WASMmUlUIN, VI, s., nu(, ". l . -.....,n... n 1 XT-.. 1 J Former Congressman Henry tleorge Jr . .nnn., r Dinria tn v I and representative In congress of the District of Columbia, diea nere toaay. Crater Lake See Much . The following from tho the Port- ,nnd Journai indicates" an Intention on . ,...,. HnnrtniBnt IHO UM t "i Hs .. r- . . '., vt.i 1 .v to oeveiop uraier imrv nuvwiwi with tho help of Oregon. Assistant Hnrrninrv Mather, mentioned in tho article will be in Portland when Geo, B. Goodwin, engineer In charge of the 'construct ,on. 1 . ,- --- ., to this .merning: "Stenhen T. Maher, assistant secre tary of the Interior, In charge of the - -t ., . .-. - -, -. - . riHjH,a nniiiiiiiti uuikai an .... ...a w j .u w.w -,Tff 'aSS Crater. I-V.ke. The department hopes' to get extensive co-operattou 1 . vr '4- u KLAMATH. FALMfr OFFICIAL NEWlPAWMtJ tvt. - i-s . f , 'TO? I.A-SKXATOIt ARGUES FOR DIGGS tt! AND CAMINETTI Declares Law Is Not Intended' we Make Outlaw , of Man" Beeanee He Cross a State Line With a" WHUa)gJ Woman and That Such Coietrac tlon Would Place-Hlaa inClaae t With Illicit Trafflcer in .W United Press Service WASHINGTON! D. "C, Not' JH Arguing for Dlggs and Camlnettl before the United States supreme court today, former Senator Balley.of Texas, defending an Oklahoma 'case combined with the Callf oralaTcase, ,t contended that the Mann white, slave act, does not apply to eases of "mere Immorality," but to. commercial Im morality. , . ., . "The law. is not intended to. make nnsslhln Ann and tmnrlsonmant f or a a...v .. .k .A.kt.. Ml.ll a .! . . ... ,j . l'v J jA taice, not intenaea iQaaae aw out- v . . Li- . 1 :- - - - -ii -bail lln will. tvllllnv wnrnn 'taAfil -. j&sSkj J Senator Bailey.., , 5. ti "-Kfll Such construction of would, put -a-young mm ,ia4kwiMfct,4 clrcnmstances.'in a class t with the ri! wretch who profits' from' the body of women," , ,, t lr expected that the arguments In the cose will be completedloday. - -, NO WORD FROM ! 4' fU mi? tm TEN AMERICANS GOVERNMENT OFFICERS SAY A9IERICANS AT PARRAIiMAVE " NOT BEEN HEARD TROM FOR NEARLY A MONTH. r KL PASO; Nov 14. Anawerfng numerous telegrams fom v1reltlveB, o,. frtanriii nt thA tJBAnanricans be lieved to be at Parral when VIlijk'Mp- tured that city, government army ou. fleers "here are "admYting tha 'they have received nowprd froni any of the men for nearly a month. A fortnight h"a p'assed since, the . Villa raid on Pafral., , ' " It was learned today that.tne uni- ili ij aJ'. - v - i - nese merchant wnoreporieayeawrj. dv that Parral and its mnapiianta were not attacked Jeftthe W Dtj-. ,:r mu '"" .,v.t..fc... Park May f"T A t.iJ" 11 Development '" - si 4??s;c:v5.r!&? it Cjft " vif -v ri3 ...1.1. .r. i,sinn mnn'of Portland for i -Ti" L ... II iVU-U .rf V ff null yi """I"1". ,--- . -rT-T-r thn itAvninnmeiiL oi,iue uuciimi may become, as popular. 9W l'MS& those that are better known tbrouf&ggV the East. Mr. Mather, will alvafibe;m' night, of Njvemberl4tJOfe: spend the day here KnleSiwitb, $?. the offlcHlsot tbeiCbambef ...nrnn anil ntllAra IntHTGated. and Oregon, de?el5pnt?rini, pointed out thatpark JtiyiiipiMplf ,1 V' being bkaea-on'tho dgrsejf.. j tav 'Lt. A.?LAA.kAiiL. samjaiiva-J1'ya . Otion mo ne'g"a5'Wwf'Fv ,' toward imiwm, iioriiniirt-Bntfii" tno MaawiaaTTev: alronglyj ' Jokfa StWailal lued develop the Yoaimttfc'A.J.V' " ueipeii l&rL .yft M CJ H . ti '.' tZ ' . f,?. a. ? "; .s C 'j- a e '1 : jr- m'jjSfl J-a?" "t -M - r r3 fe" & V 1L . m .-t ' & Mix 1 i-7 I ym . , jfcl l " r Lt.M 'tAEKj! 5K&:x. WliKiont difficulty. "', ho begun ..V??Jl -iV. V V.I'tTfi' -'' V - --