J;?- lfX K. , 4 Ti "7 'tjp i- Sfcp'V i l -' - "Vr!.T ,-iVrMl Jr.'61 . - a' .rf ., 1 g &': , - -TV"',, i.l y 1 $ . jsr h t.4' '., KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER efteventh Year No. 8,147 Bnnajmm j.i?, ) ? t , ' 'vf5SJYS I'i"' tf it u ntuui Iteaii E .HUWX ''' . . V i-V ft.uiv r-jij ; i i t- nm rUlli,V i Wifci'v! ft.3. 77 . .- '-& m Mi irJS&ii ii nnVgLamnnn..ma ' V m"mr '- OFFICIAL i P 3i- - "- -s -" ggfttfgg TVt-ny j y --1, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 191C. HUGHES AND WILCOX D0N7 CONCEDE LOSS HOPK OFFICIAL .COUNT CHANGE TIIK RESULT J .......... MAYi",,w,,,';;NH l,,VH GRAY IIANCH ON SEVEN MILE gehllrr Vote Cuts Into Hughes' Lead In Minnesota Eyes of Nation Arc On Official Canvass of (wllfonilii Vcta and tlotli Parties Carefully Wstrh ReaiiRs May Take a Week to Finish Canvass. rnlted Press 8rtc BAN PIIANCIBCO, Nov. 13 Tlio nation Is watching tho olltclnl canvass of tho Cnllfornla vote, now being mdo In ovcry county teat . Representatives of both parties everywhere are checking tho result. Owing to the extraordinary euro being taken, It may tako a week to complcto tho count. Tho Otlllu (Jiay riinrli of 110 ncroi Iiiih lii'cu iiiircliiiduil by J. W. Siemens nnil will bo operated by hi gon Jesse; who w iiiovo to thu now holdhiR IIiIh weuk, This ranch In on Seven Mllo crook nml consists of meadow nnd tlmlior. Them iiro 20 Inches of water from Aimu crook with which to Irrigate It: rs.'uiWt";Tj '!:- "w - - mmmmmammammammmmH Making the Weather for the United States STRAHORN w L HFLP NFW BAND EAII.ItO.W) IILII.DKH OFFERS TO rt'itxisii ir.vii-oitMs nn an t'l-TO.),Ti: IIA.NI KOIt KliAM ATI! 1'AM.S. :... . .; . - , i ..-II m HI IWILL SUGE liiilf Xi Klvo complcto maim from data tcle Kraphcd from all parts of the United I Htntcs twice a day are placed before iiviu tJiiua n w UUUIVI lUKJtUiCI 0 III Wnnhlngton, who thus have all de tullu of wcathor condltlonn In nil TONIGHT FOR BONDS AiAMA)WVMWWMWVWVW CASII'HKMj UUV8 BILL' FINLKV RANCH NKAB ULY imrtH or the country graphically Jaid before them for their Irork. One sun uucipuera ana reaai (code, meesiges to tbo expert draugjttsmen. Each map contains different data, for ex ample, one will contain temperature 7- anC Barometric condition, and an other will record', wind, direction (and Telocity, and ao on with each of the condltlOM aeeeeeary for a forecast. These forecasts are: compiled twice a day. Tnlted Press Serrtce NBW YORK, Nor. 13. HiightM ind Wilcox continue to be'llovo that Alt """' txnvx llohert E. Strahorn Mrhans the oflclal count Iri Cull for- to fnrnlHtt unlfoiiilH Iib Htartcd a nl. bcelnnlng today, may chniiKo tho uovt'itnjiit for nn up-tn-dato band for,,in,,,c nn(l address, nnd say, "I rMult of tho national election. Hughes Klamath Falls. Already thcr nro l0 vo,e- will remain hero until tho count' U vorn pood players In town and Thais all one needs to do. M- romnletcd. .others could he Induced to como from """Kcmcnts bavo ben mado whereby IF YOU WANT TO VOTE Tim Strahorn nillrcnd headquiir urs,lins mado arrangeraonts to carry o tlio )(t all persons who want to voln on the railroad bond Issue to morrow. If ono wants to vote, he or she may call central, give his or her want i Let'i Build a City - the bnnd Is- given United Pross Service ST. PAUL, Nov. 13 Tbo soldlvr voU from thirteen counties has cut Hughes' leid to 102. central will Inform the railroad head quarters aiid an automobile sent Im- Mosl of tho players havo their 0wn,mcU,,Uclr- liir.triimcntB, nnd with now uniforms the ontHldo If proper Hiipport AMERICANS AT PARRAL UNHURT IHINKSE MERCHANT JUST FltO.M THEnE HAYS YILI.IHTAH HAVE XOT ENTERED THE CITY VII, MSTAH CAPTURE TRAIN. fiirnlMiid by Mr, Strahorn a good hand sottnm assured. Tho iidciI cr h band Iri Klamath Falls t t'onsldiircd apparent. On many such occasions as those or tho pnst wcok thu auto parade Frldny afternoon ami Community 'Day a bnnd wan almost ludlsponslblo. FAITH ABOUT AMENDMENT TO HE VOTED ON TOMORROW ICE CAl'MEX .MOTOR IIOATH TO TAKE KESTOX UPPEIt LAKE The vote tomorrow (Tuesday) la upon the proposal to amend the city charter for the solo purpose of per mitting tlio city council to Issue an amount or bonds limited strictly to $300,000 for tho purpose of enabling tho city "to build, equip, acquire. . iinuh.-, unu, uuraiu janu mainiam An Inch of Ice on tho lower end of Uaya within and without the boun- Uppor Klnmnth l.nko this morning w,mo ol luo W- tor tne oonent.nnil nrnvfiitml tlui calkins A Hamilton "so of thc Inhabitants thoreor, and moliu- boats from making tholr dally for l,ro"t" I ilp up thu lake with mall. Automo-I Tbo nmendment to bo voted upon j biles wcro pressed Into servlco, ono tomorrow authorizes tho city cbuii- jtnklng the mall up tho cast sldo and ell to Issue such bonds in tho 'another mi tho west sldo to Odessa amount of $300,000 for the purpose KI. pa ho Nn it i pi nml oilipr noliiis. of building n railroad for the cltv. I mtrchsnt arriving from I'arral today TIih Is '"l)' for Ho !' freeze. 'nnd which bonds can be used for no old Consul Edwards at Juarez that Tho Ice this morning extended as far other purposo whatever. Vllllitas hav not nir.i Pnrr.ii ,..) as Hear Island, it la thought that bo- Furthermore, tho present limit or that Americana there are unhurt. tnT l"B '' boats will have to bo dty indebtedness Is not changed In Carranilstaa say that 300 mountad abandoned altogether, ," parucuiar. ine city council Is viuistss are enrnute from Onllcgo toward General Pershing's outposts t Klvale, it Is not. believed thoy will illitck tho Americana. Covornmcnt agenU here say VII- "ta have captured a train load of Crrnilstas at Fresno, Just outsldo ( Chihuahua City, and forced abundou- went of the train. i:i.KS SHOW MAXAUEIt TO AIIIIIVE HERE M)OX AmhrogetU I, erc. authorized to Issue $300,000' bonds nnd no more, and expend the proceeds In building a railroad for tho nconte 'nr llilu nlv- To direct another show for tho) No furthor bonded (Indebtedness local Elks lodge, Rufus K. Lovo will D0 created except strictly in ac arrlvi) In Klamath Falls Wednesday cordanco with the provisions of the or Thursday from Hnnford, Cal., city charter ns It now Is. whoro today nnd tomorrow ho Is stag- The dc'bt limit provision remains s ing a show In that town. jt now exists, nnd tho only change "Tho lilks Aiinstrois" is mo nnino of the show to bu stnged hero and j roomasco Ambrogettl, local slono tho dates nro November 27 nnd 28. "won, left thla morning for" Ban Mr. I.ov.o directed Inst winter's show, l"nci,co to apend tho winter, "A Night In llohomlt." British Make Gains in ing Today Western Fight butted Preu Service I United Press Service. M)NOON, Nov. 13. Oonornl Hnlg, LONDON, Nov. 13. Continuing ? ""nmand of alt lirltlsh forcos on their pumil.t of tho lloolng Dulgar o west front, struck another tro-Mnna driven from Polog, tio Serbians ndoug blow near Ancre today. Af- luivo captured Ivan. Tho fighting lr heavy artlllerylng, the British .continues. nu d Beu,H0t and Harnel, seven Tbo French nnd Serbians aro at- waiter DanauMe and also osl.: toiulnff succosa In a violent natiio tho proposed nmendment makes Is that $300,000 bonds may be issuod for a single purpose, namely) for building a railroad. Tho city cannot be called on for any further disbursement for such purposo. All Incidental expenses In connection with and for tho purpose of completing the plans necessary to the building of this road for the pity will be borne by private subscription, nnd it Is understood that these plans nro well matured toward campletinn. It Is oxpected that all preliminaries nfter the bonds are completed will be closed promptly and that actual '.vcrk on the new road will be under wny this winter. THE VOTERS tomorrow trill My whether KteasaOi Fall, .hall remain a one of the hMdiwi. of, ers M Am state, of Oregon, or whether It shall this opportwuitr s4 tafeette place to the race to be come the second city to the state. The Herald favor the bond Issue for Use cessjtractton of. the railroad, but cur principal rcaaon Is one digeres. from that aemsdly beard in its favor. Instead of Increasing the tax levy, we Believe that the construc tion of the railroad villi be the Means of events radndns; the todlvld. ual laves of the citterns nearly one-half. A study of die tax levies of the cKJen ef the state shows that It is the smuH town that para the. biggest tax In KSfertiou to the total valnstlon. Thc levy for Klamath-Falls Is comparatively htoh today, Being thirteen mills. Klamath Falls 'lias pavement, rewers, and other nxalern conven-. Icnccs eqnal to any other dty of its stos to tne state. Tet the town of' Merrill, to onr own csjsmty, wtthont nny. of 4hsss eonyeniences, is paying vrrr near as mnch. their levy for'l10 hetog twelve"nsU!;"on irwotTieT hand, the dty of Pendleton, which is considered the second, dry In wealth In the state, pays 0.S mills, while Fort and, which has leaned bonds for ev ery imaginable purpose that wonld add. to the growth and development of the city, lias a levy of 8.3 milk for IMS, nnd the levy for 1915 wns 7.5 mills. Just half the levy which the people of Klamath Falh are paying. Umler Judicious and business-like management, the larger the dty the less tho tax levy. The property owner In the small city usually pays the most taxes. Madras, in Jefferson county, without s foot of pavement, lias u levy of S5 mills, which Jacksonville, hi Jackson county, has a levy of 22 mills, which is greater than either Medford or Ashland, both of which liure hundreds of thousands of doll m of outstanding bonds. v We do not believe in promiscuous Issuance of bonds, and are opposed to bond issues or large expenditures of public money, unless It can be shotvn, as in the present Instance, that It wiH mean the growth and de velopment of the city, and thus by Increasing the preferty value of the city tend to reduce the tax levy- By a deal completed Saturday aft ernoon, Walter R. Campbell becomes iho owner of the William Flaley ranch of 1,440 acreK near Bly. Thbj ranch conslderedvone of' the very best In Klamath county and yields about 1.000 tons of hay each year. Over 800 acres are in meadow and water from Bprague river, Irrigates the land. For many' years Mr.- Campbell was in thc livestock business In Langell valley with his brothers Will nnd Aubrey, but' the lai't two years has operated the Stanley. Pedro ranch on the reservation. v. . i T?r.j,:f&xwjixZxji .A. -r JKnmiMmir; at rriflU AXUTHU JHltmnj x m; ;W-.S1 Sttv&r:; .-.-.a-. --J.gw .( horn nnd 'mterters CksrUw $tm&m r,tS'iK?'' ?"i,Vv'f?-: WvKVFW;i W K", Voters ftfttf.tMMP& ' , ;1 , to itS? "1TM ? 'J' -i The last Mg denmstl wasmms8&. ,(Wi- BALDWIN WINS -. BY ONE VOTE t ELECTION OVER W. LAIR THOMP SON OF LAKEVlEWUY MARGIN of one Vote is confirmed UY OFFICIAL RETURNS Judge George T. Baldwin ot Klara-. ath Falls has been elected state sen ntor from the 8eventienth Senatorial district over VIJ1i4r Thompson of Lakevlew -by a 'margin of one vote ' ,Ai LABOR PROTESTS BILL TO COMPEL ANY ARBITRATION THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LAROR GIVES WARNING n.. . "t"nnw auu nn ,l0M l0 the depth of a mllo, Berlin, Nov, I8.r-In the Gyorgye f"J"la, the Germans captured ih. UI" dVwM!ea on both sides of oitus paw have been repulsed. HUCHAREST. NovT 13,-Tl.e Ru "nirne hsv h... . tn.A ii.i fIuU"(,.on the riht side of tho Ale' nlong tho Monastlr-Florlna rnllrqad. IlnllniiM lujured. " Mario Camtnl and companion Buf fered Injuries' Saturday 'night when the For In which they were coming from Pelican City skidded when go ing down n small bill and turned oven Dr. F. M. White, who was called, statos that unloss severe internal in North of Vellseles the Serbians nro discovered, the men will .. 1 . ml. .- riulllnli hnlln lltlfAn Hit- glUIIHIgt illO UrillBU IlllU HII, i sltioiiD north of Ancro, Holds That theVPrlndnle Involved to Voluntary Institutions Is Key to Personal and Industrial Freedom and That This Principle Is More Important Than Any Other Censld- eratlou to the Toller.. . personal and Industrial freedom and that this principle la of more Impcft- ;at:ce to them than any other consid eration. "The Immediate problem Involved Is a class problem,, but the principle Involved In compulsory, institutions-, even for a class In our republic. Is of concern to the whole republic,, foe we know that the republic cannot be lu-.inlalned part free and part slave. "Involuntary and compulsory labor once enforced, even for a single hour, will not salt, at its temporary en forcement but wfllgo on and become; permanent; , i "la human Institutions when fWMaMMssBBMsnHssnmsBSBanmisnnsnssnum f -fc Jvt'-H VwW. SnffmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV -v . - vf49nRnmmmmml ' t', t w3t? jrisnnnsMsnnnnnnnnns .' s t ,it''-- X";,yannmnmnmnm '!;.. &KAj?mBmnmnmnnMvt, jxMti- if2mmmmvr it iV t-Scmmnnsnm! ' y-o&,vi'n MAx VnnnnnnnnnBBFr. mnnnnnnnnnnnmW ?.4mnnr3annnnnnnml ''' '--:' 1'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnH 'IBVlnnnnnnnnnnnnn1 ! lV VdanTJwnPjJRm? t "InnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnH ynSkvannnnnnnnm 4 JnTnSnnnnnnnnnnnnnB Judge Geo. T.Baldwin i y, " r- i IfUnlrlpf ivhlph nvnnlam, IC1otnnli' rte': uzmsmsmm denMHnrtratiesittafns- cure passage at tossoiiww'siWesjrlcnS?! of;.the atrahoni railre4Tt msUJ willbesUgedtoeJahtatT.'SN when .W .,..wlll'Tl'ilJiu.'.- ' 'tj-l"'' fuss twantsniii i.-u Si - -i':r-'.V'!f.I.';.i-Lii'' a " w-nj. nnx 'ftW'' nmss c- '- ' ts.V been busy since ihntnranr fnnnrnnnt mak Ing prsoarst losnta ,lsj ysntap to the. polls .tonr:v sltasA.- meeting atthe btMrnhennnV: AutqmobilewnetaayssmjmtMt to be; in frontf the ta-lwinkstal? before 1:lg'frS&'l&jiti&r$ Jtoberf E.' sHral5.'sinW4L" . local men will addrew'tl nsmsJZ' ::. , row. The nUlros4'kea4nactatn hann r been busystnce'ietalaW::nMiimsi',-. , Y4- one;, whose stan'rtnM;;issnWfnt . ' -ksowa-bsntrrehariis ' imMmml r? jK.jWW'Pi lies- in recBrtngpirsJsat 4ml. ' .ilj7'' .. 'laflnnws ,".-.! ri jifmm.is-.r--.. i -J--i-. ,-i. S.,.' JL S. j 1 nu mmwmte;iimm&; .the ritem.afjsnfc j on' tomorwjwiu mmrjt.fMi ' "' ,or i-oipsr:csnt,' rugmF-"iy-'t , ,--, ,.,.,1... . j ml Avn&:fit& vtvr' yiV'i.r-.-w;A w 7-; i-vi;sfcjtii:i , &- mt smn ssmniSBmknnmf ai snusiAa..7T.iKi ,i every- rai'AP - !' The ofllctal returns from the entire ftlRtrtpf ivhlph nmnlaM. IC1otnnli' ..., .. ,. . ..., i.aKc, urooK and Jefferson counties, shows that Baldwin is elected by ouly one vote. In Klamath, countyhe re ceived a majority. of 336, and' in ; the other three counties together Thomp son received a majority of .315. This race resembles closely the race two years ago between. Just Ice Charles L. McNary and Judge Henry I.. Benson for supreme court Justice, After votes had been counted and re counted. Benson Anally' won the oH.ee by one vote, and is now sitting in the court as an associate Justice. in. winning over inompson. Judge ;at . '- . 'v, a: . h .mmi .w. uvro. ta I: fflisointfe m DEMocUTs;-itAnoi'Mb 1 WoedrowSwUsoaj KlaniaA yeoimtr UDBUCTBU wnk'nnaMBWmv mmunnnnnnlnnnnm'mnn ,rrr mmSmm-'' M United Press Senico fUiilli'd Press Service BERLIN. Nov. 13. Tho aormana soon bo about, ?nln!fnr -'-"- -, - - , . M., f,. rtlll hold tho eaatorn edge or Bauiv- Bioamers mwK nnu nuw, vu ujijrer miiirR,.! Klamath lake, is areaging pniiili uroiink of hoatllo dotnsh-. clmnnel of Wood inont fnollns their way along tho pump to enable hlra v , .. I MlVr bu en the Itfifthev have ad- Danube havo attacked the Teutons' the rlver L iUHri ' ' T .1 . r. ii. dnllnw 'alAomAa In '.- - li.fl llnnU III IHO IJODrUUJU UBIItdlH, , BWHU.V. -. ... . -. flfrman minu. ri... ..,:....., Li ...... i,....oi.mn.iiu imvn iieen forced yesterday, the Modoo had to :w tuFur i ; i-nom m,ck Mnn 8outu, .BALTIMORE, Nov. IS; Warning that union labor will oppose with all its ppwer any attempt to put through congress a compulsory arbitration bill,, as proposed by President Wil son, was given today when the exec utjve committee ot the American Fad- I .ration-of, Labor, at the federatloa's thirty-sixth annual convention read Its report. "The wage-earners of the Untied ' -M tho niMfl Ktvlll nnnna. nluuiltlAii tn Imiinaa 'ininti Hibaa towing them behind his lcom;niIiory institutions .which ills In coining down the lake". gulrV' involuntary servitude. Thoy. Dredging Wood River, Captain, Wlckstrom. owner. of. the out' tho wrongful-eevrss has been pursued it.Ba'dwn defeated a man who has been loevluWy Is ient or. driyen on. to, its ln the Oregon legislature several logical conclusion of error. Then year8 and last aesslon was president there' is aO 'retrtsvinr 'excent bv .of the senate. Both-Candida ter made oersla-wfiri conitaVeHuilsuppiiftj 'at ?teivwvlHol Klamath. 'cHnry i-bpvilfitstaii nt . , lirbeeliKAedwl.tt'e'sliiWfsJesn. ' " lege meetsjfcy.7 tft&iiil&Qgg i. Not' only did tk s-s-. : J success on the national sstV11sty; 5J won in the raee,rw''shsdg;,iii.a)i - sloner '"--"- --" -- - - Ifeaw Usy'are.bunnltag cer joy 'iasride J on', some.- or.ir tonwrwir; iisjhi , ' .y. 2, W,A1WS?WWWsjgt' mt, ,niwr iitHnmi m ?L.'i' - "-- "-' -i'- -' . , evenlnif rlyer wlt aaandi States ra to get toga down , any oi convuisioa orougat aoout ny a revo lution. " "The human labor cower which this, law compels wage-earners to give to employers against their will Isjn separable from, the body and the personality of the wage-earners. It is part of the men. and women themselves. They cannot be forced to works for an employer against ttielr 'villa without rednelag them to. tlio; legal conditio, of slaves and trans-fr-'n.ing their 'minds hndsivnts Into thoso of staves. No romo ilnger(us proposltiea has ever ho.i proiioncd than this compulsory iuve4tigaton jretcfure," , If eenciasion the cjjmiiio r.i;- uDimsnasn tasi ine coaver.tiot: tans a stronr etaad against It iindv'' in favor of' the malatinan- uf insti tutions and opportuatMoi for tr.o-Hered. denj." a strenuous campaign,, ,.,, ni' jkrZniM&U&yi&-m!F:' mmmmmmmmmmnmmmmnnmnmmnmmnnnnnnnnmmnmnnnnnnnn xJ In. " -; m--i4AsnnT'lim '"'4 llPKA An Aisiniirnav ininr - 11VI V VII IsVAmUA IsIVW T "wnAmannvm - : x.idiiwmmrrmm , . . . , break hpld Mux, thef,prlnclpje-.li)rplveid, In voluntary lBstUutlons Is "the' key to IISCHSBg The mercury weat down; te. sls-dOr Kreestaoovv lerqioajsresy msai as to seven above last' aikbt botai' thai' Klamath is not nearly so cold as the Rocky Mountain!' regioas, whp sev eral points beloWiWoj;were.regt- a . - tH-'l '.iMIo A '- -w " -h- '. 'foi tlSWfeS wxihgmtim "tt-5 , ?!. 'i.v iV.Mtri'tlo'n prlncl- KUm'athUV , fi i7jT,t r? tettriy;nfufi mttanmi; on , famjji. ' i lake, iyii'ln many liquiei m;w$ mmm JW.'wjsfc Uniw'JChtaMStn' housesjn Klamath Valkiwitertnli DBNVSI Msrr U. dt ssssss rAtlnynWi ' at Poeatalhi Hantri 1- annajpnmmmnjs .'"" IV. ' n , . sSTE assfsB cH'- xS "'". - . I '!!. . l T( I ".' - . ? Vi. . C'i' : THiJt.ft.