. -,, i.w. , I ISe.HI iliM m fextming, Mzmth fi"' if j v Klrtrtilli Vmi X". 'U KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1916 Price, Fire Ceatw & :i WILSON'S RE-ELECTION IS NOW A CERTAINTY WWMW WWMVWMMWWMWWWMMMWWWMWWWWMAAAAAMMAAAAAMMMAA ' ", l 1 Eh NOW HAS BUT NEEDS ONLY 266 rtl'l'AUi:.N'llV CAHHICH CALUOIt MA IIV MMMI voti:h ti .Mrl o Kf'iim to He For Iniiiin. Ix-nt Mid New Hutttimlilro Now ' 'avor Him by Only Few Vote. ' Hugh Maintains lel In Mlnne Mrtn, Hut Nerds California Also hi Win of ItoiiMX-ratlr ("uiicliilalc Uiillrd Press Service N'BW YOltK, Nov. 10. Woodrow WIIhoii In re-elected president on ilio Iter or California returns, making IiIk rairjItiK of tluit statu pruct !:; 11 v a titinl. Newspapers eorywhoro nro con-cc-dlng the re-election of Wilson, iih California niul Now Mexico glvo him a tola! electoral vote, or 272. 'ntliiutl Chairman Wilcox ctlll re lutm to aiinounie IiIh concession to WJlson, apparently altliiK 'or of ficial retimiH, .S'uirly complete returtiH liutlrnto that Wilson will carry New Hump ihlrc by 1.500 otox. Hughes Ik 3,1 00 alieail In Went lr friols, with 1 It 1 precincts iiiIhhIiik. As the rcclieckliiK (OiitlnueH, New Ilemimlilre Is Ht 111 dotilitfiil. iingliis l lea linn In Minnesota ly 1,000, but the result there, nppur rtly luiiiKB on the militiamen' ote, now enroute from the border. Moth rr.ftlcH (lain) this. Fran el tliirgi-s In many sections of the nation are growing In nnmhor. rtdrral olllccrs nro KuartlliiK tho bil lot boxes In many states. I'nPeil I'reM Service SAN rilANCiaCO. Nov. 10. f.83.-i out of .'iSfiO pioclmtH In California ff WIIhoii 407,302 and Hughe tOi.fi.-.f Complete ollk'lnl figure fiom Hum- lioldt (ounty hiH( not liwm rccelwd h(ie may leduto WllsonV plnmllty h) about 1,000 votoH. ncpuhllcnn ('halrm-in Chester A. Howell won't ofllclnlly concede tho latc to Wilson, hoping for a split In 'hi elntornl ote or ihanges when trc ofllclal cnnviiKiM ur. made. L'nltrd Prcsa Rnnrlm CAN KltANCISCO. Nov. 10. With cnlv 23 piecliKts missing In the en tire itnte, Woodrow Wlhon Ik lead in? by 3,923 votCR. I'rlted I'resR Hnrvlco M:V YOltK, Nov, 10. National lUl'iibllciui Chairman Wilcox iMiiqd n (tntement (IiIh nftnrnnnn In which lie tali! the returns thiin far am maln 1 unofficial and may cluinge later. Ho lted errors In tho counting In Cali fornia, which were coi reeled yeter Oaj "We nwo It to tho country to tnlco tlie neccHsiiry steps to aeo nil errors corrected nnd an exact count nindo In the closo stnteg. Whon tho result ap parently was against Wilson tho dem "crnts announced tholr Intention to demniiil recountH," said WIIshx. Refm o this Htntomont was Issued "'o natlonnl republican commlttoo fonfcired, evidently to iIIhcubh In hnt dliilcK to contest tho votes. United Press Service, CONCORD, Nov. 10. Tho latest nvnllablo Incomplete rottirns show "at Wilson Ih leading In New Hamp 'hire by 139 votes. Kloven towns nre wlfilfg, Those nro strong onough to c,ange tho result nnd hoth partlea Halm them. Tho ballot boxes In tboc towns are under heavy guard. United Press 8ervlc BI8MARK, Not. 10. With IB pre tincte nlssUg, Wilson Is leading la " DakoU Vy ,U vote. ,fh 272 VOTES Iib1l niiH may III (lllx Mute. (leiiiand n recount United Press HerWco PAN KltANCIHCO, Nov. If). (2:1C i m.I All but 20 nreclnctH In this Mate glo WIlHon n lead of 4,144 VOllS. United Press Service. BT. PAUL, Nov. 10. The militia men's votes will arrive tomorrow and be ( ou n ted Immediately. Hughe In tow leadline the state by 719 with G9 ! InctB missing. BENSON GETS100 KLAMATH BALLOTS county candidates OX SOCIAL 1ST IICKCT OfTI'OI.I.S XA TKIVAI. TICKET IIV NEARLY TWO Til o.vi:. Exactly loo uvt weru cast for Allan ' lleiiKon, socialist candidate for president, by Klamath county voters Inst Tuesday. However, the socialist uindldntcs for county of llces polled a much larger vote than thin, 1., MorteiiHon recelvliiK 420 vote for the office of treasurer, with tho socialist ote In three precincts still missing. Frank Turner, socialist rnudld'itc for torouer, received 202 totes. Hon J Fans, socialist candidate for bher IfT, polled 177 votes. Mrs. Maude Zlnk polled 11C for county clerk nnd George .Ink 157 for county commis sioner. This Indicates thai many people who did not support the national so cialist ticket did remnln with the l"'r wl,l' ll "u 10 u,tl"K on c0""- '.' "Olct-H. MERRILL VOTERS SCRATCH BALLOT (2KOIM1K OFFIKI.B 8AVH XOT A KIXUM-: VOTKIt JIAKKKI) A HAL LOT HTHAUiHT FOIt OXK PAltTV TIlHOl'dlHHlT. , ' Out or the 1C0 wites cast In Tule l.ako precinct, not n slnglo ballot was marked straight." said (leorge W. onield this morning. Mr. Offleld was n Judge on the election oard In Tulo Lnlco pieclnct and helped count the l-nllnls. "Tho nearest to straight hnllot was found was one mnikod for Woodrow WiUon and Captain J. V. heo nnd un marked for tho other ofllcos. This might be termed n straight ballot bo ut use I.eo was n democrat until de feated In tho ptlmnrlos, although ho ran Inst Tuesday ns an Independent." aoi:i) max ii:s AT (XH'XTV IXFinMAllV Jonathan Jaqucs, an aged man, died last night at tho county Infirm rry of bladder trouble. He had beon operated upon, but this did not save him. Jacquesg had been at tho In firmary about throe weeks. He has a brother In Tennessee, with whom Coroner Earl Whltlock Ib communicating. No funaral ar rangementa will be made until the brother ! beard fro. jRe - Bected by 272 Votes Tt-yt"Z &&nw4Cyw;xf&x?wms(!&'zri"r' "riZTt IJVBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBeeVeTSW .BSKeVBBBBBBBBBBSeVBBBBBBBBI . Ml i i I I I i I i A 1 a -. ... . nwMiiii 1 1 1 ihmiiw mmmm imi i i I WOOimoW WlliSO.V, I'ltKSIDKXT ELECTORAL COLLEGE On tl o basis of tho latest return . j. .. ..... Ilio electoral wiie siunos us iijiiuhb; , uniy me nossiuimy oi some misiar.e In the close states disclosed at the of-' flclal count, could possibly change the results: For Wilson Alnb.im i '2, Arizona Arkansas '. 9 California 13 Colorado f Florida 6 Ceorgla 14 Idaho 4 Kuner.s 10 Kentucky 13 Loulslnna 10 Mnryland 8 , Mississippi 10 Missouri 18 Montann 4 Nebraska 8 Nevada 3 North Carolina 12 North Dakota c Ohio 24 Oklahoma 10 South Cnrollnn 9 Tennessee . 12 , Texas " 20 ( Utah Vlrglnla 2 ; Washington ? , omlng 3 1 New Mexico Tolal 272 For Hughes Connecticut " Delaware '1 Illinois 29 Ii'dlana ir' Irwn 13 Mnlno 6 f itissachusctts Is Michigan 5 1 Minnesota 12 i Now Jersey Now York ' Oropon b Penntylvanln a' (thndo Island " South Dakota VYrmont West Virginia Wisconsin Total Doubtful PitUobly for Wilton, ktrt. 4. v .IR'J Nw Kap w .'v 3 OK THF. UXITKD STATKS OlthXJOX HAH CiOXK ABSOLUTELY DRV wnUf - Wl"?? Service PORTLAND. Nov. Ttnir1 now4 is seems certain that Oregon has gono Lsoju,e,y ..dry.- The majority in fnor 0f amendment No. 316 appears this afternoon to be too large to be overcome by returns from the few misting precincts. i:lf.ctiox IIOA1U) IS ALMOST RECOVERED The members of the Mills addition election board who hae been suffer ing fiom ptomaine poisoning have practically recovered. The board took the poison when eating supper election day. Many of them believe thpv did not become 111 from eating pineapple, as was first thought, In- asmuch as the pineapple hqd been in the open can only a' very few minutes before It was eaten. 4.000 MACHINE RIFLES RKCOMMKXDED FOB ARMY WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 10. The Immediate purchase of 4,600 Vlokers" machine rifles for the Amer ican army was recommended today tn tj,t. ipjiort of the special board In- WMtgatjK the charge that the Lew.'s gun was not given a fair test. 3c- relarj. 0f v.'ar I nker has appro r!d the rec mmendi.tlon of the board. Hunt on Sycan. J. II. Chambers. Prentiss Puckett and I., D. Moss left today for Sycan for a duck hunt of several marsh days. WI.TS AMI IlRVS DIFFER OX 1'AI.irORMA RESULT SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. The dr? say amendment one has been fr fi'iite.l. but tl.nl amendment two car ried uy coo r.r.jor'fp. Tho 's sny ntiiuhM' t'c Is J( ated by H. 0P I volt s. Wlieat 91.04 CHICAGO. Nov. 10. May wheat at 4 o'clock this afternoon reached $1.94, a new record. Wheat Reaches f3 Courtadea la Town. MINNEAPOLIS, Nor. 10. May wheat went to $1 and one eight cents this mornlrr. Wll4at ' axcttasaeht mlLu in the nit. Hour advaaes4.30 ,-, r ,,. cet aiurrei. FIVE INDEPENDENTS MAY RULE CONGRESS MAMAMMMMWMWMWWMMMMMMMMM All owners of nutomoblles are Invl'ed to Join In the parade to- moirow (Saturday) for the Wo- men'r. Railroad Mass Meeting. Please be near the White Pel- lean Oarage at 3:30 p. m. sharp. Tho parade wilt be led by the band. MUCHINTERESTIN WOm MEETING INDICATION'S ARE THAT A LARGE NUMBER OF KLAMATH FALLS WOMEN' WILL BE AT MEETING TO HEAR STRAHORX. No little Interest is being exhibited by the women of Klamath Falls in the meeting at the opera house to morrow afternoon to discuss the i: 00,000 bond Issue to help build tnc Stiahnrn railroad. The meeting Is Int'jnried primarily for women, but ncn will be welcome. The principal address will be made by Robert E. Strahorn, president of the Oregon, California & Eastern, but several other persons, Including wo men, will also speak. The women of Klamath Falls ap "pear anxlottsto-intelligently inform themselves on all the particulars re garding the new railroad and have chosen a mass meeting as the most convenient way to become conversant with the facts. It is urged by the women behind the meeting that every woman of Klamath Falls be present tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. BUSINESS MEN GIVE PREMIUMS REST WHEAT IS SHOWN BY J. H. VAN'XETTA AND BEST OATS BY SIDNEY LATTA PREMIUMS AT KENTS OFFICE. J. H. Vannetta was awarded the first premium for wheat at the Klam ath Falls Business Men's "Community Day" celebration yesterday. The other premiums awarded were: John Shits Sugar beets and tur nips. Sam P. Dehllnger Potatoes. Sidney Latta Oats. Al Melhase Barley. O. H. Hatch Squash. The premiums, which are In the form of orders on Klamath Falls mer chants, are at the office of Joseph S. Kent, secretary of the association, and may be obtained by the winners It they will call at Mr. Kent's office. rOSEY WILL INTERPRET COMMON' PEOPLE TONIGHT In "Just Common Folks," D!ck Posoy, the Poet of the Rogue, will delight local lovers of readings and interpretations tonight. Posey will appear at the Grace M. E. church at S o'clock. He will be remembered by the many local people who heard hiss here a few years ago in about tho same program. This morning he en tertained the high school students with Jae Wkltooak Riley's poema . vft I MAY HOLD POWER EVEN OX SPEAKERSHIP OF HOUSE Republicans Have 210 and Democrat 214 ia the Lower National Howse, While Other Fire Members Are Ned AfllUted With Either of These Parties One b Socialist from New York State. , : , United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 10. Five Independents (apparently will hold the balance of power in the na tional house of representatives, even regarding the seakershlp. Today's compilations Indicate that the republicans will have 216 con gressmen, the democrats 214, and the others five. The five men who ssay hold the whip In the lower house are: Randall, California, prohlbllitionlst. Martin, Louisiana, protectionist. London, New York, socialist. Schall, Minnesota, progressive. Fuller, Massachusetts, Independent. DIVIDED CONGRESS SEEMS CERTAINTY V I OWER HOUSE PROBABLY WlTl HE REPUBLICAN AND DEMO CRATS WILL CONTROL UPPER BODY Unlfd Press Service. NEW VORK, Nov. 10. A dividend national congress now seems ap-. parent. Incomplete returns Indicate a re publican house of representatives, al though the democrats will not coa cede this. The Democrats probably will hare a majority in the senate of twelve, or four less than at present. Apparently Miss Jeanette Rankta. 13 elected representative from Mon tana. CANVASS BOARD BEGINS LABORS COUNTY CLERK DE LAP AND JUS. TICES GOWAX AND OFFIELD ARE MAKING CANVASS OF ALL PRECINCTS IX COUNTY. .County Clerk C. R. DeLap, Justice of the Peace E. W. Gowan for Llnk- vllle precinct, and George W. Offleld, Justice of the Peace for Merrill, ait ting as the county canvassing board, today began their official canvass of tho Klamath county election returns. The board makes a complete can vass of the votes in every precinct ot the county, making up its canvass from the tally sheets of the precincts. County Clerk DeLap will keep oa fllu ono summary ot the voting; and another will be sent to Secretary ot State Ben W. Olcott. 22 Dicwa la Lake United Press Semee CALUMET, Mich., Nor. 10. The. steamer Casttlla ssuk ot KaaPesr Island in Lake Superior ta a mb stem tut night. Paly dm ef Hi crew of ? wts MM. - -f ? j- i' e ' Al ..SKfe-jf t - ,BI f- T ' 4 v h$ a, ..tfliiiEaA. M 4- tt , li'iiu'l'dttni.iiiiti MWa aVMsl; 34. mi kiutokt. m-ii UHillW'l wwvinfleawwc tymsiiiSMSMBaSass)SSei!!!i!T'