The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 08, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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mPNCHl'A V, XOViaiBBH , 11)10
County Candidates
For Circuit Judge- D. V. Kuykendall 1
For County Clerk CR. DeLap
For Coroner A. A. Soule
For County TreasurerGeorge Haydon
For County School Superintendent Miss Edna Wells
For County Surveyor E. B. Henry
For Sheriff George Humphrey
For District Attorney W. M. Duncan Si
For Circuit Court Clerk George Chastain
For County Commissioner Burrell Short
For Assessor J. P. Lee
I'rrrlnrr No. I. 122. U'llson 8G, llnnlcy i,
llfnion C. (Iroesbeck tin, Kuykcndnlt
Its. llaldwlu 117, Thompson 111,
llumllrk 115. Forbes 130, llyndmnn
58, Diitirun UG, Kent 104, Humph
ny 133, Low DC, DcLnp K.a, lliiwk
m 77. Ilinmll 72, Haydon Kti, .oi
71. Mrllatliiu !H, .Short 132. llian
itenburK M. Chnstnln 137. Huuli
U, WhltliHk !H.
i'mvIihi No. a.
IIiikIicx Sli, Wilson 83. Ilnutry 0,
llcnxin 4. (IrncKliock r(), Kuyken
dall 113. IIiiIiImIu S3, TIkiiiiimom 77.
Ilurdlck 72, Forbes 93, llyndmnn 48. ,
Duncan 84, Kent 74. Humphrey 90,
Low 74. Del. up 110, Hawkins 44.
Ilennett 33, llayden G7, Leo 74. Me
llitluii r.9, Short 99. Chnstnln 104.
IlrandeiitmrK GO. Soulo 84, Whit
lock 69.
I'rwlnct Xo. il.
Wllion 87, Hughes 98, Hanley 0,
ItnonO. (Iroesbeck 44, Kuykcndnlt
136. Unlaw In 93, Thompson 88. Ilur
dlck 77, Forbes 107, llyndmnn 1GG.
Duncan !G, Kent 80. Humphrey
8C, Low 0K. DeLap 121, Hawkins
. Ilennett 28, llayden 80, Loo 81.
Mclfattnn 80, Short 100. Ilrnndon
turg 71, CliiiHtaln 114. Soulo 82,
Whlltnck 94.
I'li'CllMt Xo. 1.
HughM 90. Wilson 127, Hanley 0,
Ilcnson IG. (iroesbeck 78, Ktiykcn
da" "2. Ilnldwlii U4, Thompson
. Ilurdlck 80, Forbes 118, llynd
'nn S.S, Diinuiu 110, Kent 100.
Ilumiiluey 113. U,w 102. Dol.up
'i. ilaldii 07. Ilennett 07. Iluy
eu 70. .ee 83. Mellutlnn 9G, Short
ii. Ilriindenburg 79, ChoHlaln 137
Nilo 112, Whlllock 10G.
I'rwlnrt No. ft
HiiKlies 127, Wilson 102, Hanley 0,
wnson ii. Groesbuck 104, Kuyken
y 1IG. Ilnldwlii lull Thompson.
H. Ilurdlck 104, Forbes 107, llynd
!"" 9'. Duncan 106, Kent 117.
umphrey 144. Low 8G. DoLap 124.
"awklim J04. Ilennett 73, Haydon
. Leo 74. Melluttan 90, Short 133.
"randenburK 128, Chnstuln 180.
Soule 12C, Wbltlock an.
1'iwcinrt No. 0.
Iiok 70, Wilton 82. Hanley 0,
"nwn 0. droesbock 82, Kuykendall
'? ,Wwln 78, Thompson 68. Hur
"' 68, Forbes G8, Hdynman 77.
"nca 7i( Kent ga umhroy 08i
.. . ,,(,u,, 6' "nwWnn 0. ncn-
Mtt M, llayden G8, Uo 30. Hcllnt-
'n y, short 70. IlrnndenburK G9,
ta,u, 89. Boule 02, Whltlock G8.
I'reclnct No. 7
iinihM 134, Wilson 1C7, Itanley
din ?!," 8 (,rooeck 137, Kuyken.
Mi I ' ,,a,dwn o; Thompson
21 "'l C, Forbea 130, HynU-
Xm !h : .Duncnn 177( Kent W2
ij. ' 'w w iso uvuai
tW ,?Wk'nH 108' nonntt 94, Hay
-.,., y .70 w ,. r,-f
wins 108, Dennett 9
, '-co 132, McHattai
II IlltAhJ t d
Rhon i,, " 132' Mcn
III., i,. , ' """"lerbunr 116, Chas-
," G2. Rouln IflK uri.T.L.u'ij.
-..- HU j iiiviutn iBi
I1...1 ,,'ec,,'t N. .
bcJS, U w,,Bon 26' n,oy i-
31 nV; 0rooaock 43, Kuykondall
dli'k B,,1WI 29, Thompaon 44. Dur-
il' pi"oa 35, Hyndman 36.
Are Winning
Diinrun 33, Kent 47. Humphrey S7, 1
I.cmv 24. I)...hh 41, HuMldiiH 49. j
llfiiiiclt 30, lluydcii 22, I.i.ii 2. Mi-
iiiman J7, Hiiort . lliniiduiiburK1
u, viiaHiniii as. Hoiile Gl, Whit-1
I'wluit No. II.
Hughes 84, WIIhoii 90, Hunli.y 0.
HriiMon o. (liovMbiTk 103, Kuykcn
dull CO. Ilnldwlii 0K, Tlioinpboii 04
llurdluk 74. Forbes SG. 1 1 iit1iti:i it 78
I )u lien n 99. KcnL 7G. Huiuihrcy Hi;,
Low SK. DcLap 82. Huwklui 93.
Ilflinim G9, llii)ilen 49, Leu 7G. Me
Hattuu 01. .Short II. IlrnndenburK
74, CIiiihIiiIu 102. Soulo 78. Whit-
lock 9!
I'm-lnrt Xo. (.
HurIios 28, Wilson 31, Hanley 0,
HeiiRon 8. GroeNbeck 20, Kuykendall
29. Ilnldwlii 29, Thompson 24. llnr
dlck IG, Forbes 27, llyndmun 17.
Duncnn 43, Kent 18. Humphrey 20,
Low 42. DoLap 40, Hawkins 18.
Ilennett 11, llayden 8, Leo 4G. Mc
lluttim 20, Shoit 34. llrandenburK
27, Chnstalu 30. Soulo 23, Whll
lock 29.
27. Kuykendall GO.
Thompson 43. Duncan
lluniphiey 24, Low GG.
Ilulilwln 33,
Gl, Kent 2G.
DeLap 47, Hawkins
llayden 30, I.ce 37
10. Ilennett 11,
McHnttan 32,
Short 39. lliiiudenburK 38, Chastain
:ir... Soulo 34, Whlllock 3G.
HiiKlieH 49, Wilson 34, Hanley 0,
HoiiHon 0. (Iroesbcek 48, Kuykondall
29. llaldwlu G 3, Thompson 24. Ilur
dlck 37, Forbes 38, llyndmnn 29.
Duncan 28, Kent 4N. Humphrey 33,
Low 49. DeLap G3, Hawkins 29
Ilennett 17, llayden 19, Leo G3. Me
llutlun 17. Short 04. HrnudenburK
31, Chustniu G2. Soulo 39A, Whll
lock 34.
Hughes 31, Wilson 41. Gioesbeck
38, Kuykendall 3G. Ilaldwln 42,
Thompson 20. Ilurdlck 42, Forboi
38, llyndmun 21. I)uncan 19, Kent
Gl. Humphrey Gl, Low 20. DoLap
GG, Hawkins 21. Ilennett 3G, llayden
13. Loo 32. Melluttan 27, Short 4G.
IlrnndenburK 22. Chastain 48. Soulo
43, Whlllock 20.
Hughes 40, Wilson 08, Hanley 0,
Ilenson 5. Grocsbeck 00, Kuykendall
47. Baldwin 49, Thompson 02. ilur
dlck 47, Forbes 08, llyndmnn 33.
Duncnn 70, Kent 40. Humphrey 6G,
Low 40. DoLap 58, Hawkins 48.
Bennott 19, Hnyden 13, Leo 84. Me
lluttan' 27, Short 84. Brnndonhur
29, Chnstnln 84.
lock 63.
Soulo 44. Whlt-
HugheB 48, Wilson 48, Hanley 3,
Bonson IG. Qroesbock 59, Kuyken
dall 52. Baldwin 42, Thompson 63.
Burdlck 40, Forbes G3, Hyndman 43.
Duncan 47, Kent 62. -Humphrey 50,
Low GO. DeLap 77, Hawkins 36
Bennott 28, Haydon 21, Leo 71. Mc
Hnttan 36, Short 77. Brandonburg
34, Chastain 78. Soulo 58, Whlt
lock 52,
Iluuhoa 28, Wilson 42, Hnuloy 1,
llenson 3. GrocHbesk 20, Kuyken
dull 40. llnldwln 60. Thompson 13
Ilurdlck 3G. Forbes 30, Hyndman 29
Duncan 2G, Kent 40.
Humphrey 32,
Low 3
DoLap G8, Hawkins 12,2.-,4 und Wilson 2G3 electoral votes.
Ilennett 28, Haydon 10, Lee 30. Mc-
lliillun IX, Short 48. IlrnndenburK
lb, IiUKtaln r.4. Hoiilo 24. Whit-
lock 43.
IjiiikWI Valley
(Iroeslieek Gl, Kuykendall 30. Dun
inn 48, Kent G4. Humphrey G2, Low Unnsas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,
32. G4, Hawkins 43. Qennett Kentucky, Louisiana. Maryland.
12, llajilcn 33, Lee 43. McHnttan Wyoming, Mlsslaalppl, Missouri, Mon
20, Short GO. Brandenburg 24, Chas- lana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Caro-
tain 02. Soule Gl, Whlllock 18.
Lost HIver Ihmanai
HuRlies 00, Wilson Gl, Hanley 1,
Ilenson 0. Groesbuck 72, Kuykendall
49. Baldwin 6G, Thompson 60. Bur-
dick 74, Forbes 03, Hyndman 61. Nov. 8. 4,413 precincts of this state
Duncan 07, Kent GG. Humphrey 85, glvo Wilson plurality slightly over
Low 41. DeLap 72, Hawkins G8. 9,000. The democrats say his elec
Ilennett 39, Haydon 27, Lee 67. Mc- tlon Is certain. He has carried San
llnttan 2G. Short 98. Brandenburg Francisco county by 20,000.
28. Chastain 101. v Soulo 80. Whit-
I'" 2. NEW YOUK, 11:51 A. M.,Nov. 8.
The republicans claim California and
Ml. Lnkl. Minnesota. The democrats concede
Hushes 44, Wilson 82, Hanley 0, that Hughes Is leading In New Hamp
lleiiHon 3. (Iroesbeck 96, Kuykendall phlre by a few hundred votes. It is
32. llaldwlu 69. Thompson 53. Blir-'Vnnnrte.l that Democratic Chnlrmnn
dick 49. Forbes 52, Hyndman 75. McCormlck intends to ask for a re
Duncan 08, Kent G9. Humphrey 87, count of the New Hampshire vote.
Low 42. DeLap 02. Hawkins 67. Complete returns form 150 Mlnne
llennett G2, llayden 8, Lee 75. Mc- gota precincts show Wilson leading
Hnltun 47, Short 84. Brandenburg by 7,000.
31. Chastain 97. Soule 47, Whlt
lock 80.
I'lno Grove.
IluclieH 48 Wilson 79. Hanlev 0.
Bonson 3. Groesbock 84, Kuyken- After an Illness protracted over the
dull 35. Baldwin 81, Thompson 40. 1 last few years, Mrs. William Barks
Hurdlck 39, Forbes G2, Hyndman G4.'dled yesterday at the Barks ranch In
Duncan 81, Kent 41. Humphrey 6G,jtne Mt JmM district. Mrs. Barks
Low 03. DeLap Gl, Hawkins 78.
ilennett .is. tiayuen io, no. mc-
Hnttun 33. Short 97. Brandenburg
39. Chastain 7G. Soulo 40, Whit - !
lock 80.
l'oo Valley
Hughes 33 Wilson 44. arobeck
43. Kuykendall 29. Baldwin GO.
.... a r, 111- o. nAl.A 1
iiiomimoii si. milium i, ruruuj
31, iiyuumaii 12. uuncan zu, neni
47. Humphrey 31, Low 46. DoLap
61, Hawkins 15. Bennett 10, Hay
den 23, Leo 40." McHnttan 10, Short
05, Brandenburg 18, Chastain G9.
Soulo 23, Whltlock G2.
HprttKue River
Hughes 26, Wilson 48. Groesbock
20. Kuykondall GO. Baldwin 40,
Thomson 30. Ilurdlck 29, Forbes 36, !
Hyndman 26. Duncan 42, Kent 31,
Humphrey 26, Low 48. DeLap 52,
Hawkins 21. Bonnett 9, Hayden 30,
Leo 37. McHnttan 43, Short 29.
Ili-andcnburg 19, Chastain GO. Soulo
Groesbock 7, Kuykendall 30. Bald
win 16, Thompson 21. Duncan 12,
Kent 23. DoLap 34, Hawkins 5.
Humphrey 11, Low 29, Bennett 2,
Haydon IG, Lee 24. McHnttan 17,
Short 18. Brandenburg 14, Chastain
22. Soulo 23, Whltlock 9.
T11I0 take
Hughes 71, Wilson 77, Hanley 1,
tioiiBon 11. Groesbock 86, Kuyken
dall 49. Boldwln 64, Thompaon 74.
Ilurdlck 59, Forbos 68, Hyndman 38,
Aviator Dropped
i2 s ' fs. .a ,' ttiBg5ui")iiiii
F f'lilM i ' III "i"T rtfi 1 i r'lTTT -i itrnT -rrr-nmiinTirir i ifn
The most daring and successful feats of the war were those of Lieu
tenant Daucourt and Captain De Be auchampB, who in separate aeroplanes
flew from France to Essen In Germany and dropped bombs on the Krupps
works, where Germany gets most of her munitions of war. Each made
trip of GOO miles. The photograph showH Lleutenunt Daucourt in. his
aeroplane ready to fly.
Early Bulletins
NEW VOHK, 10:07 A. M..NOT. 8.
The Brooklyn Eagle gives Hnghes
with California, Oregon and No.v
Mexico doubtful. Wilson wins If he
curries California. The democratic
national commute claims California
and the election of Wilson. Latest
returns to th3 hour Indicate Wilson
has carried Alabama, Arizona, Ar-
ltnii, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Caroline,
Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia,
Washington, Kansas and Idaho with
2G6 votes.
FRANCISCO, 11:51 A. M..
Bun - ered from cancer.
Tne funeral will be held today at
tha Mt haM church
- -
Duncan 60, Kent 76. Humphrey 74,
Low 63. DeLap 95, Hawkins 44.
Bennett 19,, Hay den 46, Lee 106. Mc-
n 43(8hort . Brandenburg
., ohagtl.!n 100. Soule 08. Wnlt.
lock 65
- "' -.m .
Wood River
Groesbock G5, Kuykendall 103.
Baldwin 108, Thompson 52. Burdlck
67, Forbes 82, Hyndman 60. Dun-
lean 85, Kent 80. Humphrey 78, Low
(94. DeLap 105, Hawkins 66. Ben
nett 26, Hayden 56, Lee 88. McHnt
tan 88, Short 74. Brandenburg 57,
Chastain 104. Soule 114, WblUock
Hughes 12, Wilson 14,' Hanley 0,
Benson 0. Groesbock 14, Kuykendall
13. Baldwin 12, Thompson 13. Bur
dick 8, Forbes 13, Hyndman 8. Dun
can 12, Kent 14. Humphrey 8, Low
19. DeLap 20, Hawkins 5. Bennett
3, Hayden 10, Lee 14. McHattan 16,
Short' 8. Brandenburg 5, Chastain
22, Soule 14, Wbltlock 12.
Klamath Lake
Groesbeck 34, Kuykendayy 30,
Humphrey 23, Low 61, DeLap 62,
Hawkins 16, Bennett 7, Hayden 18,
Lee 49, McHattan 29, Short 34, Bran
denburg II, Chastain 41, Boule 34,
Wbltlock 31.
the Krupp Works
The present fall of moisture Is
very welcome to most farmers as It
will help plowing. It bas been bo
dry that there has been muchlshr
dry that there has not been much
plowing done so far.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stansble of
Aubery, Neb., are visiting the Stans
ble brothers of Orlndale. They made
hte trip overland In an auto from
Nebraska and they expect to travel
through California, Arizona, New
Mexico, Texas end Cqlcrado before
returning to their home, which they
expect to be reached next summer
some time.
A literary society was organized
Friday night at the Orlndale school
house with a very good turnout. It
will meet every two weeks. Mr.
Elliott gave us a very good talk.
A. Switzer expects to butcher his
winter's meat this week.
Wm. Hoag has moved to Klamath
Falls. He Is working at the box fac
tory on Sixth street.
A. Switzer has sold his chicken
ranch near Klamath Falls.
Al Barrett of Round lake expects
to live on the old poor farm this win
Lloyd Kcncston and his father-in-
law, David George, have leased the
Sutton ranch of H. H. Van Valken
burg for the coming year.
Mrs. Charles Scvitz and Miss Rich
ardson of Klamath Falls spent Sun
day at the home of the former's Uls
ter, Mrs. Keneston.
Mrs. George Shell spent a day or
two with Mrs. C. W. Miller and Mrs.
Hilyard, near Pine Grove, last week.
Oda Cravens of Klamath Falls was
riding in the Round Lake country
for horses Sunday.
J. D. Gentry of Long lake made, a
trip to Klamath Falls Saturday, after
a load of supplies for his ranch.
Miss Lanle Helmbright of Round
lake visited near Pine Grove from
Friday until Sunday.
At Gray's hall, Pine Grove, Novem
ber 11. Everybody Invited. l-9t
Leaving town, selling at private
sale all household goods, including
piano, rugs, tables, chairs, electric
range and water heater, beds, dress
ers, electric washing machine, full
set carpenter tools, dishes, sewing ma
chine, guitar, etc. Phone 224 J,
7-5t No. 647 Esplanade
If U'e worth having, It's worth In
suring. Ask Chllcoto, 7
BMUnery .
Some more now gold and silver
flowers and ornaments.
Gertrude & Co.
Mt SOI Mala St.
County Assessor J. P. Lee, running
for re-election as an Independent can
didate after being defeated la the
primaries last spring for the demo
cratic nomination by Jasper Bennett,
was re-elected assessor yesterday by a
large majority. He ran strong In a
large number of tbe precincts, out
stripping both the republican' nomi
nee, Austin Hayden, and Bennett, the
demorcatlc nominee.
Probably the next most Important
county result was .the election of Geo.
Humphrey for sherifT over C. C. Low,
who has held tbe office 'two terms,
and sought relcctlon.
Much to the surprise of many Kent
supporters, William M. Duncan, dem
ocratic candidate, won the office for
district attorney over Joseph S. Kent.
' Another successful democratic can
didate was Burrell Short, who won
over Thaddeus McHattan for county
commissioner by a comfortable ma
jority. Judge D. V. Kuykendall was tbe
successful candidate for circuit Judge,
winning over R. C. Groesbeck, demo
cratic nominee.
C. R. DeLap, Incumbent, was an
easy winner for county clerk.
Qeorge Haydon had no trouble In
election for treasurer over L. Morten-
son, socialist candidate.
Dr. A. A. Soule was successful over
Earl Whltlock.
E. B. Henry for county surveyor
and Miss Edna Wells for county
school superintendent, won, having
no opposition.
George Chastain, democratic can
didate, defeated Clyde Brandenburg
for circuit court clerk by a good
If you re looking for home la
me cny or conntry, cnuBote can save
yon money. 7
No man or woman who eats meat
regular can make. mistake by flash
ing the kidneys occasionally, says a
well known authority.' Meat forms
uric acid which excites the kidneys.
they become over worked Croat the
strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the
warto aud poisons from the blood, then
we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism.
headaches, liver trouble, nervousness,
dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary
disorders come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your hack hurts or if
the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, stop
eating meat and get about four ounces
of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take
a tablespoonful in a glass of water be
fore breakfast, and in a few days your
kidneyB will act fine. This famous
salts is made from the add of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lltnla.
and has been used for generations to
flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to
neutralize the adds in urine so it no
longer causes irritation, thus ending
bladder weakness..
Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful effervescent
lltbia water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep the
kldneye-clean and active and the blood
pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney
complications Adv.
,, 3B
BaaaaaSSaaasBaaSaaBflBaaaSaSESOBaS. '".'
!iij$ga8B8laaaBBBaaaaaaaTiiWifaaaaaaaasam Jif-
bbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB , i
SMaVgagBBHaiaBHafr -"
.bbbbbbbbbuIsbbBbbbbbbbbw f
BTIsMBsBBTtl afllaBBTT ' " K-i
IS9Bb1Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbs1bbbbbbbbbHHb V$?
H .bbbhV l Hr&&-i
BbbI sbbbI'A- JStV
I JTATURE never7strttaiiy? $gC
bcco alnSt any exception, jf li $ M
Br "21 ' J J mtJ tww (Abb1 ' JhBB
H. i - ) 1 - SVfi' iLsBS Tkl3B
waiimm ;
- - -wv f
Wcstcn Trawfer
. ..
e anil
"We Move Anything MovaM"
Qack Service
ReastiiUe Rales
Phoae 1ST. Mala, near Ttfla
Steves Beught,
eld and Repaired
1023 Main St
New Cty Iamdry
We carefnDr bunder aH sfflc,
wool or fancy dresses or colored
goods. We have small laaadry,
tat do aloe work.
Work called for sad delivered.
127 N. Foarth Bt back f first
National Bank
The Truth About
Coffee with "catchy" names,
which are put up in "hand
some packages and "boomed"
with persistence, "free of
ers" and premiums appear
every day. Their real char
acter Is often disappointing,
and no wonder, they don't
last long on the market too
much premium and not
enough coffee.
Close & SajhWri $
remain In favor year after
year, and have increased
largely in sale because they
are always the same. Their
flavor la always smooth and
.dellclously rich and we pride
ourselves in "being able to
give our customers such su
perior and high quality
goods at prices no higher
than unknown brands of
doubtful quality cost
25c to 45c
Any grade is a good grade. "
Try it.
Van Riper Brot.
. 3Lri
VSiil TV
7 .Aiir
a-asv 1
1k !;.
. .tH
' A,
, &