f, aft- JfM'jv,, 7 ' . i...' i.K ' C . w -rsxw:- m 151. .. a -. , '?w5ia6'1 m (A KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER :i KLAMATH .titS Al i'w1 M OFFICIAL NEWIPAPE esrjte T lIMfiitli Ymr N. B.II3 ffl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1916. Pnes Frff) ? 5El?g Ifcitrnntg - . - M. " FOREI GN ER S ARE FLEEING FROM MEXICO rinrVnA, mmr - -. . i ., i fr FOUR AMERICANS IN CHIHUAHUA CITY V,,A ATROCITIES AUK FEARED IIV FOREIGNERS All of Kinlo of OiIIumIimn HohiIi and WittirfC'mrftaitiijrfainitaiHkor',!111 H,H,,"11 hy. I"c"1 Mn""Kt,r Quimiv. (he Metlcuii llMHriit KIiik Mining roniwtiileo Order Employe to Flee Front Mclio Immediately, Hayi m Kl I'iimi llNMtrli. United Press Service IX PASO, . ,ov. 7.- Fearing VII Hutu atrocities, Americans ami for clsners nro reaching the American border from all parts of tlio state of Chlhuitliiin. Only four AracrlciuiH re main In Chihuahua City today. All of Chihuahua south itntl went of the capital la hold by Villa. All mining companies are ordering thitlr employes to leave Mcxlro Immediate ly. General Trevlno haa assured tlio foreign consul that he doc not In trnd to ovacoato.Cfalhuab.ua City, Tin has hven repeatedly reported. ' EARLY VOTE IS " EXPECTED HEAVY WILSON IH 10 TO 7 FAVORITE IX MAX FRANCISCO OX NATIONAL RESULT AM) EVEX MONEY OX STATU VOTE. United Preaa Service. HAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. A aur prlsliigly largo early vote In being' cast throughout California. Wilson I a Itt to 7 fuvorllo In tlio betting, hero on thomatlonal result and In nt1 even money on the state. Nearly a quarter of tlio reglaterod vote wna cast In southern California ly 9 o'clock thla mortiliiK. Women nro active everywhere In (Ills Hlate. Tlio wotH mid drys are hard at work, each predicting a victory. s Safely Wwwulwl united Preaa Serrlot l-ONDON, Nov. 7. A Canadian oldler roccntly wlrod hla mother the lollowlng laconic measage: "Safely bounded." Austrian Submarine Is Sunk by the Italians Cnltcd Proas Service HOME, Nov. 7. An Austrian sub nwrlno was sunk this morning by a owroyer escorting an Italian trana Port, after tho submarine had at ckcd tho transport. The destroyer lo was sunk. Moat of tho crew of jtn the destroyer and submarine were taken aboard the transport, wnlch was heavily loaded with sold- and supplies, Italians last night raided the Dur , , harbor and sank one big Aus "Ian steamer. ( Waited Press Service "EIM.w, Nov. 7. There, Is llttlo II mm m m m iViSWAYMWWWinj WESTERN UNION MAKES RATES OX gUOTATIONH Ah a further nlil In dm Interests of u steadily growing business be tween thi! KiikI nml tlio West, the Western Union Telegraph company. nun iiiiiuu ui-tMiuu reuiiruons in us rntew for loiiuiicrclnl noH ami quo tiitlou aervlcea. The word ruteu be tween atate on the Pacific coaHt and Knatern atateH haa, aa romparcd with prevloua ratca, been cut In two. Paragraph ratca on the commoill tlcH dealt In on the various ox elinngeH, audi aa cotton, cotton seed oil, gialu ami provlnloiiH, llveatock ami butter and egga Iiiimj been added at nit ok which will enable local bual ncaa men to keep thpineolvcs reliably Inforuiod at all tlmea. Thexe reduetlona and added aer vlcea are expected to greatly aid In the further development and Inter change of btiHltiexH between the sec tions of the United States mentioned. SOCIALISTS ASK -FOR REE SPEECH AT MKKTIXU LAST XKJHT IM MAXU OK (X)U.(,'lli HKPKAIi OK OIUHXAXCi: OX HTltKKT SI'KAK- l.(J IX KLAMATH 1'AM.S. "To the Mayor and City Council of Ktaimitb FuIIh: "We. tlm people of Klamath Kails, In public meeting iihKomhled ou tlio evening of November C, at the Moose I, nil, deiunml that you rescind tlio free rpeech ordinance recently passed by your body." This N the text of a resolution puKK'il last evening by the people who gathered to hear W. A. Jacobs, na tional Miclallst organizer, apeak on the doctrines of socialism. Tlio moot ing was pi tabled over by W. V. Mor gan u local socialist end agitator. Tho vote on the rerolutlon was by nilslm; tho right luiiul. No hand was ralKed when the netntlvo voto ai naked for. Tho ordlnace referred to In the resolution was passed several weeks ago hy tho council and was fathered In' Mayor C. II. Crlaler. It prohlblta speaking on tho 8treets of Klamnth Knlls, excopt by porralaalon of the mayor or police judge. It allowa speaking In tho city park without a I crmlt. Ichnngo In territory occupied along ' tho Sotnmo, whore tho allies linvo lost 'hoavlly during the last few dnya in fruitless attacks. The Germans hnvo taken the bridgehead on the loft bank of tho Slochod. Tho AuBtrlans havo captured a height east of Klrlebaha. Ruma nian attacks on Waltachla havo boon turned back, United Preaa Service BUCHAREST, Noy. 7. The Ru manians have nvalanched along the entire Uobrudja front. Sunk by Submarine with Americans on Board IK; I'lWPW1 wwm mill"1 " n i Mm-raamumsvrr-?. -.irrfr.. .yT.jgajBicrii.?rva-rfvv3'ttitj t mtetrri tv& i.v:v!rje(?b;.iS&.4BStjnKaiBiiiiiHiisiiHBBBwni9a& . iiawo iiuu i,H.,:Msirmtfmii3smtMwKftmsmmmmmwmiam The auuk oil Ilrltlsh ''eainsblii M:irl.u the Irish coast by a German lug and that many members of the know if In this action Germany violated international law and her pledge HESSIG SUSTAINS INJURY TO ELBOW iii'stv xi:i:dm: is imuvi:x ixto KI.IIOW JOI.NT AXI) ItKMOVKO nvi.v i-n:it AV X.KAY was! ....... ... .-- , TAKIOX. John II. liesbig, tolphouo owner of Fort Klamath, sustained u painful and dangerous Injury yesterday when i runty bewing needle wiih rammed Into his elbow joint. Mr, Ileaalg was carrying an armful of wood and when passing thiough thu woodshed door the door was blown against the elbow. A rusty needle sticking In the door went Into the elbow, the eye-end fore most. After taking nu X-ray of the elbow Drs. A. A. Soulu and U. li. Truux ro niovcd thu needle. It had traveled inward for bo mo distance and lay along tho bono of tho forearm. Thorol Is danger of infection and lockjaw. I SEVEN 'POSSUMS AUK MOTHER AXD SIX 1IAIUES WHICH HK CACOHT IX AX OLD 11IKK OX 11KCEXT VISIT TO KANSAS. A mother opossum and six llttlo opossums nro being exhibited by Charles Uunait nt his poolroom on Main street. Tho opossums wero brought from Kansas by Mr. Donart when ho returned recently from a visit thoro. They wore mounted by his son, Walter Donart. Mr. Donnrt found tho opossums In tho trunk of a coffeo bean tree and pulled each out by the tall and killed it. Ho says ho is going to place a sweet potato by the side of the opossums In hopes of drawing the trade of all negroes In town. Will Build Shed, The council last ulght granted to J, .11. Maaon a permit to build chicken shed on Jot 3, block , Nicholas ad iKllon. . DONART WING . 11 T- ' ' -J - (!5SiS!W&iSfi!l$iU on her way back to-'Newnort News. Va.. submarine. First reports indicate crew were lost. Thi State Department 1 Onlted Pi -"- - NKW HAVEN, Nov. 7. Wilson haa majority of 1,800 In five of 16 local wards. United Press Service, UOSTON, -Nov. 7. Forty -out of 223 precincts here give Wilson 8,705, Hughes 8,011.- United Press Service. TOP1SKA, Nov. 7. One hundred and seven precincts in 11 counties glvo Hughes 7, 317, Wilson G.854. United Press Service. ROCHESTER, N. V., Nov. 7. (Twenty-five precincts give Hughes 5,538. Wilson 2.900. Wilson Is run ning ahead of his ticket. United Press Service nUFPALO, Nov. 7. The first pre cinct hero to report gives Wilson S36, Hughes 213. United Press Service, NEW BEDFORD, Nov. 7. Com plete returns from several scattered Massachusotte hamlets give Hlghca 2,933, Wilson 2,281. TWO-THIRD VOTE IS CAST BY NOON CHICAGO VOTING HEAVY COX FESSIOXS ARE MADE INVOLV ING PROMINENT POLITICIAX8 IN CHICAGO. United Press Service. CHICAGO. Nov. 7. Irregularities reported from several precincts In Chicago will bo investigated by the Federal grand jury tomorrow. Sev. oral minor arrests are reported. Federal Inspectors say tbey have confessions Involving prominent poli ticians. Two-thirds of the registered vote In .Chicago waa cast before. noon. Looinla Yialts. Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Loomis of-Lan-gell valley at county seat visitors today. FIRST FLASHES TELEGRAMS SET Jg K .. -, jlli axuHMum. vn . r"i -z wsi tjvA tTw.' m K with Americans in her crew, waa i the submarine bad given no warn- has not yet sufficient Information to to President Wilson, IILT TIIKV CAUSED WITHDRAWAL OP ORD1XAXCK VETO, SO MIL LER SAYS, "IT WAS WORTH IT," AXD DILL IS ALLOWED. Twenty-two dollars for telegrams. What do you think of that? The bill v,as presented to the city council last night by the Western Union Tele graph company and allowed In full. "That's pretty expensive, but It was worth it," said Councilman A. V. Miller. The bill was for telegrams to Keeler brothers by City Attorney R, C. Groesbeck and an answer from Keeler brothers. '.' be subject of the tclecr.ims h.i. I he objections uf Mayor C. B. Crlsler to the ordinance calling a special election on the Strahoru railroad bonds. It will be remembered that the answer from Keeler brothers caused Mayor Crlsler to withdraw his veto. WILSON CASTS BALLOT EARLY MOTORS FROM SHADOW LAWN TO VOTE IX OLD FIRE EXGIXE HALL AXD IS CHEERED WHEN HE RETURNS HOME. United Press Service PRINCETON, Nov. 7. President Wilson voted at 9 o'clock this morn ing, In a fire engine house, aftor nu'.nring from Shadow Lawn with his wit;, a Udyguard and correspon dents. While the president was voting a crowd gathered outside and cheerod as he rode through the streets on his icturn to Shadow lawn. He plays golf today and this even liB will receive the election returns by a piivato wire at his home. Mayor la Better. Mayor C, B, Crisler, who has beon confined to his home for several, day, was ubie to be on tbe streets for a short time today. ''VI 1 1 "WnMIl ILL PARTY VOTE IN EAST IS HEAVY fi HIGHK8 VOTHB AT 7 O'CLOCK, USING IIALIOT NUMBER 13. SAYS IT "LOOKS LIKE A HE PUBLICAN WAY.' United Press Service NEW YORK, Mov.' 7. Clear aut umn weath'er .prevails practically everywhere in tbe East today with an unprecedented eWly voting. In some states the voting at noon had equaled half tbe total registra tion. .Sudden snowstorms and a billiard in Denver, Colo., failed to halt the voters and a 90? per cent poll Is ex pected. Hughes voted this morning at 7 o'clock, casting ballot number 13 at n booth In an vold' laundry. A movie man vas odhejob to catch tbe re- piiEiican nominee as ne came rrom the polling place;'; In his walk to the polls Hughes told a friend accompanying him that it "looks like a republican day." GLASS MILK -BOTTLE IkV DOOMED TO GO Unlte4.FfB Service HXRRISBtmG, Pa., Nov. 7. The tteatb-kaeri'f" Uie gaB',nillinoitre In Pennsylvania haa-beeaisoundedr Dr. Samuel G. .Dixon, the state commissioner of health, says that "It will have to give way in the near future to tbe destructible bottle that will never be used a second time." This is taken to mean that within a few weeks the health department advisory board will rule that the glass milk bottle must go. Such rulings have all the effect of statute law. Commissioner Dixon doesn't like the danger of infection through the promiscuous distribution and gath ering of bottles, no matter how clean ly tho dairy or creamery may be. MEXICO WILL OBSERVE NEUTRALITY, SAYS AGUIiAR United Press Service. MEXICO CITY, Nov. 7. Answer- Inw t'nnlflniltii jAtnnn.4 that lfAvtyt I us ..b.ud UCU.-U.. ...-. . maintain neutrality rcgaraing me German submarine reported to be op- crating in Mexican waters, Foreign DaArnl'irv Aertilni. aM InHlV tllt Secretary Agular said today that strict neutrality wo'jld be enforced. He declared, however, that the be-t way to Insure friendly relations Is to prevent German divers from leaving Germany. From Logging Camp. L. D, Hurt, who U employed at the Pcelican Ray Lumber company's log ging camp, returned to the camp tnis morulng, after a frhort business visit in Klamath Falls. , Reduction in' Rates A concise result of the work of the Klamath Commercial Club and the Klamath Falls Business Men's Asso ciation toward getting better freight rates comes In a decision of the Cali fornia Railroad Commission, filed to day and received by Secretary Fred Fleet by telegraph from Bishop ft Bahler, attorneys for the two local organizations. The telegram follows In full: San Francisco. Cal., Nov. 7. Fred Fleet,- Commercial Club, Klam ath Falls, Ore.; ' Decision JUst rendered by Califor nia Railroad Commission In north? ern California class rate case.' Call- HUGHES WINS IN FIRST PRECINCT GETS 17 OF 23 VOTES IN SMALL PRECINCT WHOSE POLLS WJERK CLOSED THIS MORNING AT It O'CLOCK. "X Dnlted Preaa Berries PITTSFIELD, Mas.vNotr7.5New' Ashford, fourteen miles north of ben, is tbe first precinct in the United States to announce election, .results today. Its polls closed at 10 o'clock this morning, after 2 3 "of the '2 5 reg istered voters had voted. Hughes got 16 and Wilson seven votes. United Press Service ' NEW YORK, Nov. 7. The demo cratic national headquarters sa"y: the New Ashford vote shows President Wilson has gained three votes over his poll last election, or an Increase of 75 per cent In this precinct. The republicans declare "that the result in New Ashford is indicative of the result everywhere. SWANSQN BOY IS 'f?ii ilMflxTHMFn -T-J .(&&, " -. iJ I s"siss TWEEX; JHEj FEET OF" "TWO. '. HORSES WITHOUT RECEIVING SLIG T INJURY. James Edward Swanson, small son of J. E. Swanson, narrowly escaped serious injury and possibly death this morning when be coasted, oif hta hand sled between the feet of two horses. Tbe boy was coasting on the sidewalk on tbe east side of, Fourth, - street just as the Ward transfer was, on came out of the .alley back of tljov Golden Rule store. t , f Tho hnv nnd the team met. and be- f)re eltner could, stop-the aled, naa.i rftn under both'Aoxses. between' the. , front and the MnKa of. each, the ,,, waa unhurtbut badly icareil. . f . .- m .. The near accment was no xaui. $y Mr. Ward, who did not see, the bpjr on his sled until he drove out of te alley and onto the sidewalk. Fort People Visit. J. E. Vose, Fred Hickman, F. W. I.oosley, Evelyn Fatland,.-Mrsr C. B. wJJ lioyt, wrs. noy mc-uunu " "iww Dixon were among the Fort Klamath, residents who spent the week-end IiL the county seat. y 1 Freight & Is Ordered fornla commission has jurisdiction o' Vj state line only, Class rates froJBBw.j to" Dorrls ordered redce4tpsjfWiK Baately 40 per cent by Jaauary l.'JJrf-ef UOUUiCUl wmm ".- to Klamath Falls., whlch'iwllltrediitejrS- DUDieuii vaiuv anw ammsr-riTm your rates at eMt J,fveaVsj ' ier follows, T. -CUV.WM: ; United Press I liN VRAKflll fornU'wcthertWKsjWfiljr, ripir. The early Teiele sMIT ' (TH-.! . -4 k !.'l ; . -mi cri.i"-mT t v . i livm u-'- f c'''.