' f v'JSl).' V ' ... - 'rJ.tl ' ! '. I A-;5i;' .), PfA?(. ri "Kfc " j -seW JJ7V t ' i ' ' ' v ,! (W Tf f"TJ rt v - V'A "( ? - b&4 i KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -& i.it . nunmnin raiiUI;J OFFICIAL NEWlPAPUt;' wn 3w i (, ? aJ "i,Sll M' I r I ;! Eleventh Year No. 0,141 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1916. STRUM! HERE FOR CHECKING SITUATION Hm J ut Completed Tour of Entire System of Proposed .Lines, Includ lag HurjiriN Road Haya Knthunl. Mm for OrT(onOilirornU A Km tern I Unbounded In Every Sec Hon to lie Affected. - nFMfl WmH Forecast ofthe National Election as Given by the Campaign Managers nobort B. Btrahorn, president of the Oregon, California Eastern, retched Klamath Falls Saturday vo ting, having complotod an Inflection trip over all hla proposed Unas, tho lut day bringing him all tho way from Ccdarvllle, California. With him were W. D. Chancy of Seattle and Clark Khoadea, a prominent business Man of Dend, ' Mr. Cheney la heavily Interested In Read real citato and tho originator and father of tho famoua Emblem Club, which haa played eucn an Im portant part In the aoclal and ma terial advancement of that city. Ho oat alio had much to do with Inter filing Mr. Btrahorn In Central Ore gon. , Mr. Btrnhorn cornea fluahed with the success tolns achieved all alotix the line. Ho aaya all preliminary work and actlvltlca havo gained audi momentum that no local discord coulu now operate to defeat round lag up, of tho project, aa originally outlined. Tho think In twtnnlt ararv. where know what they want In thla' f"'"'' w,,'tr, rlnliiK'tl for HiikIm, ntul admitted liy DeiiuK-ratu ffMal laann anil tttav mlttv ,a have II, hu says. Meetings wcro held at all Important polnta tqgathcr up all loose euda of right-of-way, torml ml anil nthnr wnrlr nniuMtniw in . . . r,.r.,vl, , , , the final financing of the project, IMKnl running Im to right, In Hah, riamiMi ny iiepiihiicaii h Mltli Drmorrata rierlnriiiK doubtful. Horlxuntal llneVcmhwd liy Oe iiiimtiiIn with Itcpubllcmut iH'cIuiIiik -ns. Jf VSil .TW. ;'X? T . "3 . """ ? M ' J3 ' j", '".",TT7 m'-"m "- '( . '? agBj: gggg9w rv- r'S .-;j.r y maini v;4 Bii -- mmmmmmmM$ mwjmmm?L :- tiSSSter -TySS-i 3 I T ia. iSSS 'ACrravW JJBgPrtesSSa .s mm r-tiikiKA 'aTi:rvo Et vtcu ; tsW) a-Vw. K-Vg da5iterE15tM?HW9BW 3.-!a3H la. I - .- i-rM!iiti wmmmmmmmse&s&L ig-J v -4 & ys Kxwm'e" i i i i ga x. '?s rVVO0vON rooCVVSXVO fa. .rre- i KAMcic uicefnSTOZZ6iZy t I . a ASSSNW iNNyti ; .1 '"-"- ,B,wn. vy :7 ft mBBtm tT iroKTM 'jr yISSA' issxi g h vote . .l. .tb. rr.g TUfir afMMi tr r ru t iyNSNT I 10 t IH Z-rTggMBslMfci T! ' PFriifTm J tlialHBgBy rffSFI vK,iyAV.i nymragwgwf i 3 i XnS'7xZZ' y 2Mr --ui'MMli urn gge-ggeggfcMBfMiyiaMrlaMMgJBigggP . .' ' - iS SSSSSSSyyyzyiY aagg --t KlrialSfll U f ilMKMWLIWtMEWgHlllil m m m W ?' W :i . . B "' TVI BVgfBPIgSfEEHWVgfBBBVBBBHB(SlgSgiBBJlBBBW T giiiiiiiiHgHiCHMBiggfg' VggggggggggggggggggggBgggggggggggggggggfHIggggggggggrHgggggggggeBH Nj.ii.i itiftfir iiiiiimmi iiv iirniikrniiii. iiii aimiiiimi iitr icaiiiiiiii Bammmimsmm- rK u tnr..B ...... n. ........ -- - ...... .......,.... ... w.. ...... BHHMMHlV H - K . l i. f eBBBBBBeBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBaeBBBMiaBBBBm. W ' . rBBKBBm ' " lgfgfgcgfgfgfgflagfgfgfgfgfgfMBgfgfAlZfgfgSsSM ' . ''lgSsfgfsSwl. BB I iMeeMMMMMeMIP I 1 '.iBBMBeS i. c I)IiiK"iiiiIn ruiiiiliiK left to rlKhl, nti In Arizona, cliiiiuetl by IkIIi IMIilfM. 1 ilouhlful. IVrHinlUuliir lliutt. ndiiillUil Ii y IniUi imi-ticM to Ik ilouhtfiil. project, which Mr. Strahoru Intenda to taku up tlila winter. llcnd, Fort Itock, Silver likc, I'aliley, Ukovlow, Now IMuo Creek, and ttio Surprlae vnlloy town were niHiclally cnthuilnatlc, all reporting their rmiwctlvo parte far advanced tio Domocrntlc National Commit- LThMn.7r?n'n.T!,!;C3t Ct to claim. 31 atate. for tho coming log liclil at Ccdarvllle Friday nlxht attended by ,oplc from all over Hur 0,cc,,on- Tlu", ,mvo 3C0 c,eclf,rn' prlie valley, and, In fact, all along votc8- To olcct 26C nrc "clulrod' the SurprlHo valley line from Lake- Tho cblm for Mr. Hughes Ik 27 atatcs view to Klanlgan, tho Junction with wth 324 electoral vote. the Southern and Western Paclllc, Tho Democratic clalmx, and tho Ito- wai especially gratifying. -'' - it ;.- 1 IK . ,;:Jw! Tk i . li'J - ' . WiSl s- vl, fs4-; '" l ."&J1 ,. ' -.l.? &$&". ? ArtoiJ&s&&.'r. "2l . - ,mj. ' j "V-t- j ir -p-w. t ; J'...-, r " ' A. publlrnns ntlmlt, tlu-y will win those ; it Ktntcs of the solid seuth: Virginia 12, Democrats admit, electoral votes, North Caroline 12, Tonncflsee 12, South Caroline 9, Georgia 14, Florida C, Alabama 12, Mississippi 10, Arkansas 9, Louisiana 10, Texas 20. Total 12C. Tho Republicans claim, and that Doth Republicans and Democrats they will carry(laim these statejs: Washington 7 these states for Hughes: Wyoming 3, electoral votes, Arizona 3, North electoral votes, Kansas 10, PennsyUi Dakota S, Wisconsin 13, Illinois 29, vnnia 38, Vermont 4, New Hampshire Indiana IS, Ohio 24, New York 45, 4, Maine 6, Rbbde Island 5. Total New Jersey 14, Delaware 3, Connec 70. ' ticiit 7. Total 165, The Republicans claim these states, but the Democrats declare the result In them to be deubtful: Oregon 5i electoral votes, California 13, Idaho 4, Utah 4, South Dakota 5, Minnesota 12, Iowa 13, Michigan 15, Massachu setts 18. Total 89. Democrats claim these Btaleir-walch : the Repubglcan declare deubtful: Nevada 3 electoral votes, Montana 4 Colorado 6,' Nebraska S, Oklahoaui - 10, Missouri 18, Kentucky IS, Weat Virginia 8, Maryland ,8, Total' 78. Admitted "by bothito be doubtful,, 4T . ? 1 I New Mexico 3 m Mr. Htrnhurn xalil im imi m,t looked Into tho .ifii.M,,,. hr .This, ho liopcs, will bo equivalent to thercforo would reserve any com- n """"0UB votu '" ,nvor of tno meat on Hint for a Inter date. How- "". ns It woul.S nrently strengthen ever, ho has no doubt of tho success ,,,B PBltlol wl,0 " comc8 ,0 ncg0; of the bond election, the only quos- ,B, ,or tho ,arR0 BUm n880 t0 lion being tho alio of the majority. """I'Mo "" Project. Control of Congress Is at Stake This Election RAKER SPEAKS ON RECLAIMING LAND Till: CALIFORNIA CONGUKSSMAN KIHWK YKSTKRDAV AT ELKS' CL1TI1 OX MATTKHS OF MUCH LOCAL IXTKRKST. Tho unexpected nppearancn hero yesterday of Congressman John 13. tlnlfftM unltiiAoniiliii ton n9 Alt tlnHi kniiw California counties, accompanied by,K'nm,'! ProjomcVb,ef.or! U..can be ac- A discussion in which Raker, J. 0. Camp of tho reclamation service, President M. M. Motchenachcr of the Klamath Drainage district, and others rnrtlclpnted, regarding the reclama tion of the marsh lands of Lower Klamath lako by installing gates at tho railroad crossing to divert the KInmnth strait down the Klamath Hyer, followed Rnkcr'a remarks. The prior rights of tho -Van, Brimmer ditch owners to irrigate lands from waters of the lower lake form a ser ious obstacle In tho way of closing tho railroad gates permanently and arrangements must bo made whereby these ranches will bo supplied with water from the main canal of the la delegation from Dorrls, Yreka and U1IIIM ITim. -... . . .... .,...!.. .. -" Vli OOrVlCB I lltlrf v.flvn VflfMlllplllfl 111 lin UllfMI 111 111(1 .iM.ni. nilttn vnllnv nnlnio nmiaail n WASHINGTON, U. C, Nov. d upper house of tho national loglsla-' hurriedly called meeting of the Com- ".'"J th, Knmo"n of !and to be lomorrow ho-ii 18,000,000 cltlMua'turo. Regardless of which sldo ismorclal Club and representative men "'med by closlng t,he ga,te8 ,s ne united Statos will solcct tho biicccssful In tho proslduntlnl raco, 0f tho city. Rakor spoko at a ban- compllshed. Total Irrigation of the Van Brimmer ditch Is 5,000 acres, rec-54,- The reclamation service SIX ARE KILLED IN BATTLE WITH IMAGITATORS KYEIIKTT C1TI.KXS PREVENT IX. DUSTRIA LISTS FROM LAXDIXG 000 acres. (Jnltnd Presa Servloa EVRBETT. Wnith. Nov fi Slv - - wM wuu IUIIB TIVV'I I 1IC UUIIIULIUIB HU - . w UIDkUDO DUUIV VIIU UIUIIDUIO . . - .,. ..., " - Presidential aspirant. It la certain ' JorUy. The 0. O. I has set out to mutual Interest with Klamath county lurn'8n water t0 ",e Va Brimmer were knied and fifty wounded yestor- a part of the constitution. day when the steamer Veronla, carry- urouin Dy statute. .people.' The marsh landowners de-' 1 ltBiv n Bi.law tej.-3A A..-Sjt-f- I the thirty-five to bo chosen, and ro- His publlo- talk was given at the utc ieujr io awnn mis n(C 250 Industrial Workers of tho California has two proposals tho ... t hrfimint ntrnlnnr thai 9n AAA amhab I ... ... .. . publican chloftlnna tomorrow will, Elks' club, at which tho reclamation . . " T. " J -, ".i world from Seattle attempted loiflrst, to close saloons and stop clun .1. but do not feel themselves In a post- scan with consiaernuio nnxieiy mo service ana tno mnrsn inna owners ,. ..,. ( , ore nnu olu BlTeei iutuuuB. uquor selling, enecuve in mo; me popular vote for sonntor In the thirty-, of Lower Klamath lako wero repre- 1" ' ' "'" "'"uuul ",BO ,or "'i shtrlff McRae and deputies aud li.0, other, total prohibition (including I V 111 Ml DfifAo fW ffAtfeinmnnl IamiIImI..- . .. ... I . .. ., ....., Bu.u.uuivui inuu in, .IMzent, wlin had linen warned of tne inntinrntiirnl. Rfferllvnln 1BZO. Thin three states whoro tho pooplo nro ex- sented, and between thirty and forty pressing tholr will on these candl- prominent cltlzons wero present. I the district. twenty-ninth. Uroildent and vlm.Ul.uv m.iol lop unimtnra lo hold mn-'nnnf In .l linnnr nl Tlnrrla Rnlnr.lnv Paks a l,r,ce of 4'62 PW acre from WW dent of tho Ropubllc, " jorlfy In the upper house, If they ex-' night and camo here Sunday at the tho raar8h ,an1d ,w"er8' PW"t o Although there are five "national pect to put through their leglalatlon. sollcjlatloii of Qeorge E. Bndnack T vo.r iirl0 of twent year8' for 'et tho Held, and one lone vice- The democrats nro now in the ma- to discuss some of tho problems of posing the gates and undertaking to "aentlnl aspirant. It la certain ' JorRy. The 0. O. I has set out to mutual I t only two of these tickets will "elect ten republlcnn senators out of citizens. "" very largely In the vote count ing. Tho twonty-nlnth president, thcre we. w bo either Woodrow Wilson w Charles Evnna Hughoa tho first "emocrut, tho aocond a republican. T"o unBuccesaful ones will bo; BOClallHt! Vn .....1.1.-. All "won, of New York, and for vlce wiidont, fjoorgo R. Klrkpatrlck, of w wL'moy. nwiDiuaniat: j, Frank Hanly, of chusett Umbr,tn' or M""a' 4 oi8'81 Ubor! Arthu" B- Relmer, "B8chusetta, and Caleb Harrl 9 of Illinois, .Pregressive: John M..' foliar, of --iaB. Sheriff la Woumlwl Former Sheriff Killed, and Citizens mid I. W. W. Members Killed and Wouiuled til Rattle When Steamer Loaded With MO Agitators Attempts to Hold u Street Meeting. dlnance. More than 1,000 shots were filed during the battle yesterday. United Presa Service EVERETT, Nov. 6. Former Sher iff Beard of Snohomish county died today from wounds received In, the battle with Seatttle Industrialists yesterday. His death makes the sev enth. , The Industrialists . have wired to Frank P. Walsh, asking him to de lend the accused members now In jail In Seattle. I SEVKX STATES, TO I EPISCOPAL GUILD OFFER PROGRAM 3 THIS WILL BE GIVEN TOMORROW EVENING AFTERv CHK7KEX, SUPPER AXft GAMES-rELEC-TIOX RETURX RECEIVED. isiS' tv. fen The local Episcopal Guild Ii mak- VOTE OX SALOOXs',DB n,any preparailona for the'dlnner anq enienainmem in ira i, u. v.rv; hall tomorrow evening, when the re turns from -the national,, state and United Presa Service NEW YORK. NOV. 6. Prohibition is a hot Issue In seven: states tomor row California, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, Nebraska, Michigan and Arizona. In Idaho the proposition is whether the electors shall make prohibition It now has s ATI ?'H o5l p.,; XA m Tfe -T I Following the meeting at the Elks' coming of the steamer, gathered at fight is bitter on account of Califor- dates, Introduced by aeorge uradnack,1. " "" " -"""' j tne oock ana iom ine pany ii couiu nms wine maustry, rne arys say ni in thn Benntorlnl raco 111 Im- Rakor irave nn Interesting discussion .?11, Mr. Roker.wn8 enteft'ned at'not and, Snot8 from the boat started the first proposal is likely to be "Its. vice-presidential candl- portnnno, comes tho voting for con- of tho advantages to the country of dinner at tho White Pelican hi n ' Ian irrigation project such as is lo- fp ' cltlaens. He left for HTUBHIUIIUI IIUIHIIIl'Vn, ...-.. ...wvv -mw. . .. .w- , .,,,., ., .,,,. , Thitro aro 433 mombcrs of (hi catcd In Klamath, of the timber re-, . " " ,,'"',,,. B' . ..... i ... l,-,l .,. onnnl u.,rra lrlh.,nrV .,d h wnnHnrfll ' Am0I,K h t,,0r Visitors OCCOm- lUnVI IIUUDU IM tfU VIVVIVU, liuk -w.. ..... w- .. ..?. ..., w tw..w... u battle In which one citizen of Ever- adopted. hls.ntt nnd tlvft I. W. V. mom be is wore! Mnntnna vnfpa nn ft: rflfflrftnrtnm killed. I prohibitory statute. South Dakota. The. vessel then tried to dock. It with 400 dry towns agalnat 99 wets. Ing territorial delogates. '.The pres-l tourist possibilities of this entire sec-' Pan,n M"" , "kT ve.?v.I?'.A'C0U,',n't nd 800n the en,noer. us out house of representatives ahows tlon. He advocated the abolishment JJ'J' ""!' "J X" "' wfih,nB lu" "peed . nri.in. miHnritv for tho democrats of the Klamath blrdreservo and put-! "arnnw myr or "ea J08PP,and took the a working majority for tho democrats of the Klamath blrdreservo and put-j of twonty-threo votes counting 187 republicans,, six progressives, one In dependent and ono socialist as the minority, against 239 democrats. Republicans hope to sweep this vrniia Ih. ... ..-.. . ... k...... .."" ,aiaasiiisj ana vice- majority into tno aiscara. tMu V c"MWtt re atrug- Briefly summarized, the two great w . ui"Upr,maoyi Wylikt men parties will stand tomorrow for these weklng election to the United great lasuea and in this list aro -KiZi . ln TOtttttg,re of rreiy leas lmnortane. Thar ' Importance, There are' Concluded on Page 3 tins the territory Included to creator usefulness, declaring that he Intended ( SOCIALIST SPEAKER WILL TALK TONIGHT to work for thla in spite of the ad verse criticism he was sure to re-j -t celve for his octlon. Co-operation of. To speak this evening at the Moose northern California and southern hall, W. A. Jacobs, national prganl Oregon oast of the Cascades in an of-'zer for the Socla!?t party, will arrive fort to secure better highways was this evening f'cm Ashland.? Mr. I'lso urged by the congressman, who Jacobs la from Milwaukee? iWir. J promised every assistance, he could Music will bo furnished' thhrevenlng rondor In tho mattor. I hy lion Clifford, tp? Unyaeea pjanlct, votes on statewide prohibition. The Mighlcan fight Unimportant In view of the fact that it Is an Indus- worse bloodshed. Sheriff McRae nnd trial state, whereas the. larger indus- nlneteen citizens were wounded. The trial centers have heretofore been baok, broke the rope steamer out, saving a Industrialists were armed. When the steamer returned to Se attle, all the Industrialists were arrested. wet. - t ibrys claim that Hanly-and Lands rith will poll a surprisingly large vote becttise of growing prohibition sentj- Bttterness between the I. W. W.ment and, also will capture certain men and the people of Everett has. voters who.oppose Wilson, and Hughes been growing for aome time, follow Ing passage by the city council, of Everett of an anti-street speaking or. on principle... v' Arizona will yote on, prohibition amendment, 'i county elections will be received. , Supper will be served from 5:30 un- vi til 8 o'clock and will -be a cream- '' cnicaen menu. 5 -t Qames will be played until 8:45 o'clock when the following programs wi; be given:' Selection Mandolin Club.- ., - Vocal Solo C. W. Eberleln; with Mrs. Eberleln as accompanist. Violin Solo Mrs;, Charlotte 8at- terlee, with Mrs. L. E Walker as ac- (.nmnQntDt' ' Selection Mandolin Club Reading Miss Edna. ,Wel!s,, W Y Voca Solo Mrs.; .A, J. Vojre, wltk , vioun onilgeuo oy narrytprei, mmvu. , Mn PI R Hanrv. ariviiniunvtar.A" '. .Cv. . ,... k-, , ..wH., . w. ,. W-A iTiVjif.!- Whlle the games arajbelnc. BtayedJIitx .i, i- k. r.in-'Wiiii'uMj,.-.vii-il ' 1 . .1 i.i Jjit iwi?.l ..si?; jasi'SH 'VtSi early In the eveainrWilllli:MlMte;j'??; ten's Mandolin Club will' turul&W$E music -f Wf$W::r . '$ HAXPREDKli I nuiBBai, Charles Etjiasv - . '-f-...': "5 or Yictorr.K . Iea a peraoMa. mind reader' and; trkJka.aaar ilulLu.. HUMl caIvchI 'ra" (isBMial nlrltM'whtA - 'laKSS WPi.s-"a;i mm-' HViggrfMFaTaTrlgY ( r , fcl'"i'- .. K5ffy?,",'iU' 7T' .ti ,'Smb iMwa, ' n ,- vt mHmfmWt.M'.mtUt-- " guiib r''Hr. -ataaiias' ' v, . K -1 TXZ I 1 ?l I ! 1 1 8,-lfet r - .,.... - -. - j,-