nr",S :-V;L';tA - .' l- j . -A-" '! , KT- T -4 "". JSr' "' .. -t -f ..-'''StSft, kJ?V4 .,... - -.. ,..-,,- rk$i- tf?&$n , TTtT .' :-rv.irt'..;-'.A5WJ'; ' i. iV ! uTi T y' - ' niiiy; kTAJwif' " k MMMMiaMriMMMMMMHIl m Kllj;iDpttjy ".xygftXfctiifM f, :y - , ;( i1 "i1." W111 ' . i '" iVi.ii'fiiui'f'ii- lira i- ' -.4'' I ' . t. J"! J ' '-1 - , -v '.l 'W rf? -( - ' -'-k'" A..BBflBsggJBTav. -' li Itllt - CIALIIAWJHAMJl , - AM I . . J-' , VVImKSKJi.VRiVmi:Ba;fPV:: ..; vla1&, v BM'BsmEmKBKIScM'mM ' . - - TT-k7' i"F viJr SJTRLr mK1W&tWF18!m:m'jmii-4imrr - . f .. ' . f Jf "3Sf5 miMwr .,.' v ' "-;. . a ,t..' ., .. .'. . . ' SEP it. . (WM.. - I " - " .. : aBB-wB-- . . i a-' ' "v. T.V: "V.yv.. ' -; .- .i's , . L' ' ' ,,1 'L.''. , t'". , ' "' M"a wPlP" ! - ".'. . '" if i"r'llH , VAas. llmI'MHB ' emB.BBBBBBBmmix'' mbi' ammmmmmmmmi amnaauaw .. " "- - v'" 'w 'vai' r' . -i "-. -- ' fT.frif.i. "i .ft y. -':". ". : ',i1 " a.', - r k '.? iH ' i i uh. - n k. m m. r-m ia' m iaiaBLiaHBjHa.iHaHaMilHH1H.jHh mm,t, .mm jgg. J-mmkmim ( y. ui ni iui nv: pi;pku ufuriu cuiDv ?!-mW & ih. i . wrr i'J' 1 sIk. njrjxm. V.frffl HMV irar '.if ' FigaggsfePi ja $ m -H I'M.IU f 7 Ji Ifl iKr tetiwrtw Survivor ,yf rroiil' i! fe IrigedyUve - ' ai '' s io i eu Mory 1rA tUSi KJ-itV-S.ij li- "4-j vi .X r ai'ifiw(w -f'i"' L'ANK PIWV WXAUKCH. w'Ari..,'S..,? or urmmoAn'-- s.1- ,.(S - jtu: .j SS- , i .iSff! PMHTlTwr mfwrjim criv f: .flt,; t 'wSiWi MBHJKI .Hia&MfSWl UIMMi UH-.. '. THIIMTI p-t aw?gS5?J Ml NVH1 v Wv i!t IMVlfa hqtsc v, ' . r Hb ,vr ' i.v .,& 'its- faS&feR- vaMf in nf tiM mm ' St . colltoto. tiSTMA ; Jiatfw north otMagm k mitmutn 'COMMMMNIViiMlU 'mtm. Only OMnnhwrliMi t ,'tMmr baa Iwm Tte lone aurvlvor of the Retriever, a.aeaman named Doyle, "aay the tree hurricane blowing Bade launch liif of life boata latpoMlble. Both ateameni tank quickly, he aaya. , Bod lee of the vlctlma of the dla niter are being, waabed aahore on the Down county coaat. ' Baththe Conneatan and Retriever were aaaaU etainMra In the Iriah eeaat rvlet, ' -ts " .mmm OnHed . LONDON, Nov 4. A check of the BMeeaier llata of the Teeaeto'ahow that between e and 19a .nertohed In the eblUilon. Bo far only .onViinl vlyor haa been .found.. t mi$m ger ind crew llaia show thai noaiore rHwn.weeM:wefe,ibevlKHh alf -jszAL:- .--, --a t, .- mt JSTj j " i ;frl-;. Wfci to tit 'NedmaT Complete election returna will be 'thereceived Tueidar nliht by the Klka iinniirfi" n n n m n ffr' Ufll QftH IIILUUIIi IIUUIILU v UtLIVtK NIHL SPEECHES . UiVv WILHO.N 8I8AKB .AT HHADOW LAW.V AND MVGHKg IN N. V. ," Kooaevelt Will BvMwr Vadedtctoty; a reHUcMia at Bfidmeet Tew (Mate and Beth OHMtMntea BJae m Viaiir. is ifc ntMkh " or.latetw' -:: '' 'v ?- ," ' .Tr--as; V? m lodge at. the lodge teniiIe. Arrange-' menta have been made for a apecla'l wire and operator. The returna from CcmnemaraeiiladlrMSSii! r4wo prM;w"M-r ' 'AaVfevA. a .iaij.i 7T i . IT . - ... w MijOMHMB';iM the Kaat will begin coming about i J" i: S o'clock. Kjwiaim or iw itMt.-y Ashland Defeats K lamalh SC. mti7-ffiSSZ&t& :':lL..O?H uv iwven MtJBfciS:' -M ',''' .Vr$ ?: '.S'S 'i3k& .'& toSixSrorft -irMMlte- ' United Praaa BerYlee..a: ' . ri,h,itfj&2'-Vlt J flBHTTT ImiV.TllV1(' VJB3: deatlal canipalgnlBg'ena'a today wjtli" Preafdent Wilaon'a '"old home day", apeech at 8bdow. Lawn thla after noon and Hughea' Unal apeech Jo -The apeciar tram or women aup- poriera of Hughea antahed,lu-tour lait night. Tonight' Theodore; Rooae- velt makea hie 4 nal apeech. at, Bridge port, Conn., which It. la believed will be htV valedictory active poli tician. Supreme confidence In the reault of the election w felt by both candl datea. Meaaagaa expreaalng this feel lag are bnrelve4 by aeh.from the campaign, maeagera everywhare; Kach, party, la claiming, the'doubt- ui ;wifct ,, J.,i . - .. , 3y&e.u mimMmta'W. , fWMtliaMBlniaBiaaMii i ahould have- ' ' tW r&wm: ".pw'mantm. iwAahi'.v 3SS..SVPB'' nn Mnl foot- y eetertay f MnwiB aM'g'da4 .the KUmwmdJinii, 'ptcfcl fB by fjg, $jJtM&iHtg 1 de touehnfWa,ht.Aah f bUMah Wahid 1 jwaowa whHa Kik4a bat in mrimmrmi aW il ""i"Ai"wlB' twi Mtween the liaemmmu. --'Wf! et iiii, ' ' ? T "W ma warev:haikar.,ahed:tkA HMeat yealaraiwJ ; for-ioo !Fr; blBW tMA wnjr.rwn anajajWM 4M BAflaBnftl. MflkMArTA '." T IBBaPMkdnavviBmf bM wsmmiBtantfiw n p. rnaua Baaaaai TammmmmmamnF ahould have' boea called, but an at- temiH waa made to make the .alx yarda by" an end run, It failed, and Aihlaad took thb ball and punted out of danger. Again In the third quar ter' Klamath had .Ave yarda to go on the fourth down, had the ball on her rwk74s-yard line and tried, to buck ithea four yarda Inatead- of. puntlag. However, Aablasd pulled j the aame boner onoe and loat the ball on .j . '. . . ..Th gameneaa of the amaller Klam ath'team waa ahown a the very and ftbe iOBd quarter whaa Aihlaad l?atf'twafr)tiWaaow.- taiuth'aaMaa'werahlKh when the w7i?ru.'u; . -.a 'ku ?v ik. 1& llimm thi.iku t thmmliiii of the t-TT - ?;.. f . .. .'.'....!' It. i A.b. ttlig imKSE7ZISl!Wgfy!: atralght tovtha Ey-WMBii .'.'laa-haii.l aaaf v. . ! waafu'iSff iig-lfe'Pw"''- 'iantlon W'rtt MljtrtSS i o.t rabid faa aak la tStiirff K'W "' -k " hmZL. li "i!ff ."" iff lkakaMalavdreW,wa$Woai4aihaf JrM'tL'j 1.,: J'lH4f.ahd'fu1"oM;i;.Twof:th.a da-. ; eama.mmaUUy afUr aVhart W.-AW: ' MAlLV .vf ' 5winiroai Vth WfctH ;: rtoue Wi SW the Wmi i 3!w HM "W.fa") er In the i HUl f TMht aAiwWtfAdvwdwhi .STiuamath hoya wra aadly HP- flti. 'MgswrjillBftw".' i'P. W"ia.i:wtl!ffMfef 'Mh aratlBf vmaavaa; w : maata Huaalai for hto wotk 'ttTwitalag vtW&ymKW aZu.MawIMaa'aaaaaW'ha.mVAmmmVlR.kal Jl u. u. a i AaaaamlmmalllBlBA an IM naamii ,.. ammejaiw Mtlk. mnmfM ,jaite4Hw1ltM TERAUCHI ST i., 2 nt4 i t'Jty&Sk' . .. mm DFlnN . f. s. KVK8 OF THK ORIENTAL' WORLD UPON MAN Wfl JlJMfBD FROM HOUHKrlHHlP TO hVAWMAN. , BMIPlLYrlsX: TOKroilBir'MaUJlay. luu:BM.llmWa mtn tn..the two greataat erteaUI em r i V aidtarhood toiataUamaaaht Wltkv',WaalMamllB the , anneiaiMHi e'jarBrrfwi!F dental worjd! aa vwall 'Umli vTeraucni u uaai;aeiiparaM,aM tarfulndMwarrlor,V.fH;tt6hlm iieVthan a mo,u:olfelKwmijia ore:be-pottedvatta jtwerr tuMaiera weuaawfi a wamifv lliira;lan V-.T. I ! trThlBmnlmm tR" , Mffjt "i Ivi". araUy tlWMMMi M ya' "taaldi tfta st: aiimmlaM:f jbll BHIMMlMMliBjUwMMll PB."PWitWpW3WIIlWlIIWllIPPWlIIIWaf'",","'''',","P MiHm4a-aaB-a-a-B-al HHKHBb.H V MPBBJMMK' ''mBmBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBl '- SHBBBBKl'WmmH ' If f-aaamaKlk V' V-' Bmaaaaaaaaaaaamml ' r'' JPHyim''' , mmmmmmmmmmmml fl f! EBByBBHBBBBBBBk --jK mmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm SmBBBBBBBBmBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm ?T SF -nmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmllmmB ' ' BBBBBBBBBBBT JgBBmBBBBBBBBKl I .' iBmaBBBBBBBBaaH'iff -,::BmBBBaB V' fmmKaaBmaaaaal4'il iammmaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBB f t :aflmaaBBBBBBBBBllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM:'i S &BBBBBBBHBaVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmmBr rf riafr' -JnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWnBBBBBBBT ' ' NHf '" amBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBaHiSmBBm " IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBilmBBBBBBBBBBBm W ' nmmmmmmmmmmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmi - ''', BBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaaBBBBMWBBK '' "'-' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam v &BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV1W&I if BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmlSi "?? BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflaBBSHme bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbH ? SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnaBBBBBBBBBBBBam MIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBammBBBm f'-lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' VlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaaaBBBHlBBBBBBBBBH - mmmmmjBjBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjBmmmim'' - BMMMimmHaHammmmmmmmmmmmmi ;ByBBaBBaBrBBBaBffir... hMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBB ' .ipMfmMTCppiiiHpnw SAYSVniABAlii ?? WVVimV BaVBBBBllPBflPav. m VBBBBlBBBBiBKjBl H ( KtB aBJMWBTe Bfm -. ;i:' Bi SbBBYsBVBMBT ..-;amB-YBl aaaKS mu BIS - am amaBrmu mrMMBI tti'ii6? u fP?"JBBvP f pp Majrin9 IKIIOII f titmM l rm FBHl''BalBBmn J'"; -r' ' '- - pUmlUIHpiHl a; 'w; -' Pf ,Mj 'IlllBaam.lmtlWftBl IPS-vJP'fl1--!! ffeT'T' Psrr : :4nm;'BBaamlBmBv-iii - HffT BBMsaT" BBm9' jpa3!a!s "5;"-?9.t" riykdltifiwlMKf;lt(N ' aaVthe' Mk'laetTM JBaWii'lMlafi Vaw rt'V"-.; i a he cava Jewi ' e-r -'-i--i''"-- ."--i, -- ".-'2 ',-. life w-mj -. -Tl ri-." -i - --X- V-i i -t"--...--tf1, i 'S1 vie aathaaubiaet.uBaailuadBOAcen at. work-f; two dava before aha iLLVfiii-j;. L.:f -1'i.i '&'k.i:.v.-ul;ri ri-2Si wi'il2Viiii2- imaaO&.tluaamlHf & $& Vife.lHMl -t?"??.,: BIEHH SELL 45 ivffr llllv ttlUR is'i HI A:awMWmij!M:W&mMfz i0WWmm& lHiYMai M:roiTOiaJtPiWaaai, nrnj Sj"!1?- ?-'&" ilKiR i'auaa ataHPUY.giMwemn a IJW O! NSW HOUMPH ill !.h1;raaliy dealVv mmimimm& Kffi?iSWa&5M?. -AJSXW5S Anot .'kid:. hart I yeateraay waea j; w.'. aaei Csat -of the Flrat 8Ute . .f'ff'.W '.t " '" ''i aaKn pureaaaea irom ua fortyva'.leetoKKonaror 1 ."' .-'. "iU.v'j.Sf:" 5."ilr. .. "-i KraKfii'MtaraNny. ;wa ,...lhj.v 'i)i.r-i-j.t tii-!- ..jrArTTST'-zr! &xxzii euawi;MW.,,wjiaeinieBw,;;, the ': Doaartpaol room, the : - : : .1 i VL. ... .. ..'- ,, theSeKy JcouBCll.It eoet'tha .etty ' j f ""' a' Vial 'r aJ" AJ- m '"4,' " tit " fU,VVf UUbll t, tBJBIBa'W TBJPMifS moneyoaaibay?; aeeordiag to ? Coan cllmin O.D. Matthewm. wa haa W eadeavcaiortaalaat'thMi'yeara to; g; thta-eaglaif fI'city" ; T --. rr -"fr"' - 57 -!S -.'i.J -r,K"l-,'",,i -' i-BeBaw-eagiae, ia raa,ay.:. ninety erae power; awnor aaa ; aaa a.aapae- wte AttachlUlt.Ml.lfeet wM.r l; t. .rtea.1 fcU, pa' &tgallo; chemical tank; ran ly mator. li feet of eaammat hoeeVtwo hand caamleavtaaluaa other para- b&The ' aaotor can -eaertaVareaearp iJZJS.-Mi'titi-'f J.tVr SiiSit.Nfiaii wd Vpauada -r) ' .' W JO'Wtfi i'aeHlha'the eaalaeaadt .i-leaitv or iaatii art tfc- hm mifeaMaladNWriy1l!4S ,5 t-ftfa,- ". a----'- ri.lL'm'Zi Vr - -a i w:s'lt .i..T',.- ,v ..jssa'irwi kildatai' brelt:eteaia ahop, and the Bp Viihutmera ainml; ft, a "leITtta'; prloa. waa ahoat ; IIe;a f .BlaiMnilwai poaOr.whather'er.iaai' ratwohlWlDghitobe( tkliioaKy.ttlarvmor wi i Meeaawruetaanaxt h mmm Wi, ,v -KiM...' .'i: BBlmBH-mmV' Bma aaAV )ii ki r" y. itt flavUBW. lamW ynns N1 j ". , ... 'H- . - ..J iJ.i K ' . J?. . "PJH!Pr' "' aanejl i- . ssrH' 4 ; :3Z.- ..MBBfmmmmVaNIiBABBl 'hBI wf vej ! ;y 57f. .. i .'-'.'.. ..- - ' " ' sr. w ip '."-- .1 ; ,v -,.... ., t ifliS-lE5-' Mmmmw:,PlMt -"S.-SSW.T. ,"i;!'- ' ' --.j -iCi.-iUi'-iw ,aatf,'Uto',w Matjmaaaaw :W'.V.s. .. -"4,iA ,-CT" K ; .rtr.t' . (..!-, V W'S-f'.'f'i'irt," '" A.'tff-'i,. "i-r .,'.-' " r JTA4 r ,T ia -T: . 'tm-tJ m;Twmmmrpm aajwapwpm t pweefey. jiaa itinaal - iiMi - jubbT. aoiMimf HPBFBjp3 BBp "ffW- ' Jl ,liWf& It ha aan hr th)e IfaM. W. WfleWewaWBlli lr"W,1 "r1' f"j2?!ammaEmmia( da. Ifc WBBBBBBJm, BBBQPBBJBmBmBBBmJPVBr mmmj mr" v ':. '-" ' .. " - .v a . m Bfei aBaWkBmmmV BMmmmmmm BmmmS BBBBBBBml' W BBaBPaBBBBBF BBBT"mpp .VBPV mmmmmp Bm"Tr r A'Wtt'.W n? I af-tf, &A- VAtl. ABB lHmmmV .taBma I ! mBhrnaamaamw jt VPPWpBWPTrJVMt IWPB ffTl Wm ''"w r? ".' 'I -jn ... -V-3BW.L '.A ?. ,'tfL." . . ". -.-. -TfiffiB- .fv.ffik' BtJO !Si ,,-: r. :atUMu. ... ?? w. 'eeea1naai'', rlllKeeter cialraaaU,'ha ;arrMISthatmtw 'BJBataaa, Hwaa by thatiepi ApiaiX. C.ja-1am- . ..... r-Ti. jj- ... . j.- ifa. .-j. mail a rm; aairataat- mr.;aa laaadmlad the ft WaTwBMBBBBaeJwa aajea, wf rW" "BiBBm- WmBp- te'mmi.lcmmi- ." W tT JCf. P"tFI -lgaBBFmll ---laatK-w JhaHtJ BBBBJtB amimmmmmBB Bmm "wSP BmB"5Pa" hag Hi ee: aeiraa ,v' tnaMle;amit Wa.iaa'J amflt Haet, a. fa ' C '""r"' '- Wi-taa-aeew-"- ut'Mwi-jMj Baviham gtoalkfam PH "Wr 1 baaaaai n r taa tka'am aaA.-i4M' s i.-'j ' m i aMOT a !;; ;IMHifc: --.'. ..' 3L.Vi;i.'r Ktmaa JUnawleaa-damaCaHft: Rhyiaiar' ...,n2fcSalt; . aca naav Pittp ,!5r: tor'ftM,;a a maaad M Baatat,' katataaaa amaaanaaaaaaaf- ma :v N.ii. wmwmwaipanaaaaaaMaammmBmmmmmmmmBmaaii . f ' ACUl0Bm7iJel?t! ".riK',WkM'UB.lM'ylJ 8?aS9S5u,Wfil525 , AHmamberaatqe ilMtlaa boarda L t. KlanWa.-ralla1 hava':baaV'aahed' byi'-:.:;; I HKTHHIV' HHlHCjHIH-lflV - ' I T -t:-,."i " j..1 ' . -pr. : -. .-' " . - m t- '-i . .aaaaaaw . aw HE be. deHver I i "" !! th athralkt art wilt altMrtBaaaa 'tl ' KBBO HOA&.W-.! v-SMAWI BBBBr.1 aaaaat m aaamm - aamaaav t we aaa .. aaiwaauaawaa tjahaaieaaawa--.mi tij- ' - r , .-' ijiSii-'aaSlMu' AJ-ttftfe F!J"" ;;--ariiTlL:iIL.Vw-ii '!I1'- '. . rMnaHMlf i '-'": BS .BMPMS.1BW, VBJBBJBJ-. aBJBBJk aBjmjri i "1 ?' "? vciag aiarta at I Vetaea, ( Iw aaha ihal an baanm e'- MNi-i 7o;mSn s ., ? ;? ,, A !i-fr-i - . ' ------ -.. .. i . . JfiSfa'S--. ,.,. V "-. -. . - ' -r "& ' J V.T.. Wr . 1" I' ' . . msa Jrt.a-rtf-ia.y s?fiSii TO'J BwWBwJ JBBJBBBmBM -w ' WTW wVBBBpt MaallMBairaVt f AaamOaaKaYv Mmf 1 toBBBliBa fI!. carrrlaa .ea g? ooataat far m4llfs&. u"ii"iiii' ....-.v.?. -. t.i,uul ar kaa aeaaa IVHHiHIHBi.' Kk . MSSMMa . J ?T- i ra!WkinUeaeoraiaKaJUJtbe VT y iyVBBjBJeBP'BemAewm mmigi 'ammammmammmw r -. . hatha ioa:iBmbera'laaar a ,i' aocket timameat wm ba-atiwn, ' .' I-- " ; At !'' aBinn hM lait MOiiikllJ aka' 'l"-'.- l7T- -..'i- ii , . . fc4. ahlkk aaw a wiwr aww wa nw pppjw - .- . ! Bw J .. - - I BBBmffafet eMfV -feffaf . apaMlmaii .haaOhaltav srssfts Bgjaa, "k ni '.-1 4Wi,.-ai,.-,..Aiji-,.,7T-,,. ,v ..V.-.RJ,irm' IUI : JiLlC a;kamWlaBlf aitr iaa- aBirnni Imffl I ITFT w M,-Art a krt art waa aaaat OtMiM Drew baaaat tamiaaaC fwWMt-WI a. . yln; .Mu pa " r ttp t j. v t; wBrnmH M(?rBr-i , .:'. ,' H iS rT .iiffttof.'t.F"'K ."r ,V -,,. T" I Vv Whe. the Ur-M. wmAm'm tyM0Cf:lwejf. uhPtcwhy, oa? 'Wmm 'BU.ku.-a 'ill '. .BeSHl Brth i --BBiaBaBBBrBamiarmL r a a vtaaimra awaaaaw """"t 'mili'WiBBmWffial-l wBJhi 'mp5eaawea Vp alA I.. -Sj '. 1 mi WjSfflBIa .y. .&.y4 .j lk2atl ot th i I ttotMatj .1MMHI 1 Joaatofa mar hte afthetM4. iaB5K ffi' 1v,X. L !' 4aaKa?i?s "'.'& out. ;!iv BBBBmmmmmV " ' IllBMBBBBaVBBBBTflBBamm