f. o & ;..' l4 "' - '?'- '- -' 'iniriiii'lfci'"' -- ------jjMMuiMiMMiKMcraiiaiDmcm MiiMiiiKliliniliiiitlfn"t1lBWT1 7T'Tf11ffffli1i . i lif - tflMflTBIMmilMMiliMili n i 3BTBKj'.fwvr,aVi ,nui. - ,- v... ,- . u., . ... ..i, z-1 , .",. r;' '.fv"-t is, -;.."-- ji -w , -" .w" mHLVi v-afcj-, . :. 4 .r-s .:.-, "-v : --vji' -. .:.: -is .'I hw ' - lknaaaaaaaaaSa&W '' 4' s." v '.;-,' , .. -i. . . '. i" ob. arjh . r j. i. i nm'iBBw i m 7i j . x.- 3 j . . 'ini tl t - m kwk; -o.taiaHM. w' vm ii. ,:v B..A;U lint if -. 1 " - aWBIBMD( i '" aTa. . W - ' " - H , J U iBKSBr ifif.4. rtM ; r4,2$i iv'ji-rk.mmmw: t.t . Tsife sti isis: tt?AaW V. - . b try tt 1 t fvjK'SrjSi r-."A'itv" set 'iWWTie r .-- .mlL --. . - .- . - ' XiX nUrttlMt J? liuirMniliiva i V MHhonairess as ' , Mfpifal at the Front LFE UrGHKIok ,? i. A i : ' . eiiit jptikeiples of the cave iaa unit thp Morjln of tfce stone axe rrev- -.,". ,M'.l.'t.'l.4' i,i" Inl.r.llnt r'ajlivllt y.ln.i7MHtr aa6VaLkaocker;i :"i.?'V::r.rr,r; .u7 "r": B,Msr.rjrr Ky-i" LT?l.'7 T.re. "'-i'l.fc- :i-.i,t.orals.ln prjvate lire ana puoii ua ft A i!e';at;thV.fouadaUon,:t'huaii el SJ&fiW. 'He. Jmjbi'iietai (a hi. own Safe "mlwtoa anLaw,a glorious future for '(ChVlstlan'tty; jti, moreover, he. be- . '.lieved in Jerttsaleai an Palestine, V aii aaw "a splendid future for the 'Hebrews, of.whoin he.washe aobleat jgieba. If Jesus ha been thinklai. only of. the commercial and political Im- i'M!,, fepprtance.of Jeruialem, hevw Bot Shaveotced4nr.:optlalIra In more' KfJotear Vortla than these: "A city. m : '41W:oB'a'hhl cankoi.'be'hW;" '---TrVWe-beoW a' Vision." of 'the. future P51 Wean. KtaaaathFalls.. .the .cKy .Jet oii;, mil, wmui oriniu. i hibv, .1 Av"K it i-tw: -pj. fej'5 onndedpUPon theIll ,rmrce and WS-''-, .Voportuiiitir'- 'lteuatratesWijBoatUon vniw.1 IfeWtlrA',--; 3f38SSaiaiMl '&J &y.aa4ew:8rBBe' SSwsA'Jks' -'?l'--'-i'v-'it- &lmehlav:-.rH,M vxa .i er3 3i!!i,.r?. Uj ataada la the rlr :tr aa nine forts of 1.- 6M.M arW-tlH,Bert earth. k, irt . avaHtacjietom- tlic'farailDf ; 4M,r acre bow awaH;lrrlfatio,aB pore thaa tfty j thaaaaad , acraa si ayB57SaarMafi SFE , 7?-tTsfi&jrai(;'', ,- - inn " l m- i ru i ! f!T?qgialaiifH aataiT bu wiJwJiaiani lAMi aMhjm In tkA- rMlaBAttOA fe':;Vlrit--V:ilhtr.rea . V ehotea I T f' ;ka4 ;bW'p;; .uWortla, aa ..- ff:rieSa?W at Xi?,Mr:RMra.r-.TUa attr.la i teh wiU tj5lRJi itSSr".. -.v ,t.jJ" -'-? Wi Yvl r, -Wl mj. vlta tlM rfvM ta iMiaJitarfeoM to nnuak lUHt aa BMtor l,B!W:;Fta;thk oaau japaiaia..snMwi:ie-tae tiaHrihittw mlntatratlon 111; promote the pros perity of Klamath Ralls. , ' Strangrrs of wealth and refinement and moral worth who visit our city usually take a look at our schools nod churches. We would expect this. ( They have lived In an Intellectual and religious atmosphere. Thoy will bo favorably impressed with our school. Ilut-ihts most desirable class of peo ple, whom we hope to nail down here as Investors, have been accustomed te: observe their religious privileges in churches which in architecture comport, with the public school struc tures. And suppose they, Had their fAvbrlte denomination worshlplng.on a .back streot, and In a, tumble-down ahjck well,lt Is needless to say'ihcy ccncIadV the churches represent the reNgious ttatua of the city, .andjher pass "; We have.been teM (and we, sir.Vgers 'here.) that this Is a very hard f eld for. the churches, and this ls.net a chnrchKOjac city. Now that IsjlWHT buslaesa atatecy. Dont ever say sttch a thing 'to a stranger again. 8uppoe we shoald also be a stranger oVa kill hunt for a'henie and lavest- meet,- and should also represent sev eral very-desirable cltlseaa in the esstwho aeek Investments aai hemes: Remember, too. other clttea are cora retlng Vita Klamath Falls for this most desirable class of cltlsens. If the business men here are'not ia aympathy with the churches, they thelrlactlea. A. good bu.lae men. j' heJhfwn V M?!""!!"?!? t ia tiii --.- .w .. .j wounded French soldier at the Amer- w '"! VT1 ! IHWmil whkhrai valued by the best type of BMnand!women,rwhom we hope to i i Mrs.. William K. Vanderbllt, who was the' flrst woman to enter Verdun, lean hospital at Neullly, France. ne Is the chief donor of this hospital. Mrs. Vanderblit has since returned to the United States. THOFTnlK TOWNH, vmWl.K, MANNKMM AND WMTOMN OK DAY IN WHICH CHH1HT MVKD WIMi K DK- ... t , I'lCTKI) HUNDAV, w Sorvlcrs will be hold Sunday mor ning in tho I, O. O. F hall at II o'clock by the Kplicopal. chureh, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, an Illustrated lecture on the Ufa of Christ will be given In the club rooms of the Women's Library Club, nt Third and Main streets. Tl lec ture Is Intended for all women( no nmttor what church they way be lone to. This la said to be an opportunity to be com ftimlllar with the towns, peo ple, customs and manner of Christ's day. GLASS OF SUITS" CLEANS KIDNEYS tsfwgWat, httelH4kldMyl7SliV WUl nan. - ,-.. '. " ---v-- muitog.tti. Jad Halts Is Inexpennlw iura, mat,.. - j .. . "' llihla . manes a water drink .:' Uu if dollBhtri iThv IIIHl in ' t l; t . Li'; WaleJj IP YOUR'IACK HURTs) OP ii-AO-OIR lOTHIRt YOU, ORINK LOTS OPWATIR Whcn your 'kidneys hurt and your back feels son, dont get seared and tiMiWi tb . i, .." re" klilneya clean and, aciwi 3 ?? aino Keep up the wMw jjuftfJ no noubt you will wondef kaVZl2 of our kidney trouble and CLff1 Adv. '9!, an n n DcnmrMW m utu niuirr: TO DARKEN i a -. -.'rt-yl KOt TKA AND BUtPHUR TuajM ORAY, PACRO HAIR MRkW Almost nvsrwna knows thai list iiM, .Bq uujp.n r, prop,,), eotmsaiiii brlaaa back the natural color aai ZT tM U tha hair whan faded, itmLw ray. Years ago Us oa) ?-, Ihia mIIui M..k. ,T... .' -.' TT . . " '" 'Raaa. wnw is rnuwy and trouMssoiTf ,' Nowadays wa slnmlr aak"S.J ;', ' -" " , ami , JIHI liore for "Wyeiu's Esse sailtl ' ?iurrCoirou.'id," you will m i2fd Mtte d tale 0(4 (laM rat ffl , d by tht addition of otsr i..JZZl '1 or about 60 cents. Rreryhf7iM hla trejaratloa an. kMiu. w ' ssn possibly tall that yog srbaMi' '"'' our hair, aa It iloes it so astiiinTS6" ?i VMly. You dampen a inm ' -; brash with It, and draw tlita tarsijk' your hair, Uklng ons small .strati a IIbm; by moratag Ihs (rsybBbb M ti proceed to load your st.Hnsch with . and aftsr aaaibtr laaiav lot of drugs that excite the fcu !. -.-.. Ti and irritate the entire urinary tract j rully dark, thlek and glessr, Ml taiM' Keep your kMatya clean Ilka you keep msi yaars Tsaaaer. WwsUrt jZ your boweis eiaaa, ay nusauig uMmtl4 BuifAar Cawaeaad-to a daisy. with a mild, hanalasa aalta wan fad tailet rMttoHa. Mtoaattaaia t - . ... .. . . '. ror laa nra, awigauaa ar VAMlgaflMat' wla as eltlsensandlnvestors in Klam-f to the rough-neck classt but twen tlaUi eatury wisdom eaters to that otaalaVJF OTf"i "M, ana aaancui. ateaotrywlisMrde,l l " waica iveBtBOwer awkMBMuat aWmato vk .- .i.-.. : ?aM l at tao"; gatawar: to Craaar aiUia aawstelwasiaVirafofs'taa wM4,th:aport -"i.i. b'j!.': Wo. 'A.' ;''vfburrylac aad poraaaeaee, to oar beat dtlos.' Bat, Kkuaath ralla- haais eoxiugh ehaream'MasiBle;tataorah of eombines and trusts aad eoaaollda- Bt"ll afl ' gH. ..J .... 1 Isf All I, amatjaiA -M H MatVlAnafl armaH. ! -.mavBajBaiaiB Iaf Ull VIUlllV 111 IJllaaklMIBIU Humor ously Described removes tho body'a urtaous waato aael aUmulatea thorn to taolr aonaoi aetlv ity. Tho function of tho kMaeys la to Alter tho btood. la U keara thoy straia from It to aralaa of aeM aad waato. !ui w milllir umAaemtmnd ika vital. baportaaoa of keeplag tho kldaoya ao-; ba ssNavraMtva)'Ba aV T tlve. ."&. Uoaa, i i '4 Am ir- - l.... y . w.-.rauiiaut. a .?f,'' no . more cHnrekea' than thoso InimMmd ;p "; ctrMMdaaaatt WlplIfJPHei'. LONDON. Oct. i. '(By Mall) "I ononsjoaieat itforgaaiJO'aBd bulM .jeara," wrtita a breasy EngUsb sport aad beaia to straggle, with hardshin '..tt., "ni'ihm r-a.BaiaWaviiaitirm1! r,Jff,SaJa4?Bap ,ada,afMi; tho London . ii i i nr i in i i i- i a rnraaaaaill - au iiwav-rsi JjMall" J - -----.. .- -- - - --:. . kT." l siMSBoa.mWo';soo;atetrtc T?i"T?, -T?""77! -jKHfi. "M"iTWiW,l4n a raatcn last.oaiuraay ai vjueens Drink Iota of water ye eaat driak too muoh; also got froai aay phama elst about flaw oaaoaa of Jad Salts ; take a UMosaooaful la a alaos of water bof ore broakfaat oaok aaoraaaff far a, few days aad year kldaoya wUl aat laa. Thto famous salts la tho aoM of. frapaa am eosablaod wR HtUa. aad kaa V.1 sum :. ft C DR. F. R. GODOAtt Ootaopathk MysWaa oMollaM.O.O.F.ToBfls RajantilDCR-I aamehirplN axajnlaatioa aad coassltatisa. ' FORTIIER This sUess yta dor ao obllgatloa, and yoa wal'tst no aakad ta take treatawai '&. Ueura: to 11:10 a. av, I bat; 7 to! p.m. 'nMaal LIOAL NOTICE! sjjBjstbansjiBjappWlj'sJhb Vsallaa eft a-si east an' ko m ma aim at a J aW aaal4aaaL; ?i! TZrZLX'ZEZJZi "SSE Hf mrv nm .vtmmwmmrnr:T' CII lO 7. NIW, naUhMMMb?!1 Tuili ii if falaiial ii Sf (lisaailsiia malaiala aaa oaaraUxranaasa Ssf 1 .. " ' ' i iuiT -. a-. W - " iU or, inMiraaaa oyerBwa w,wini la the Couaty Court of tha Mate of ih5 ???.?.' fSf-Itt; i.BBBBVW. aIliH. BBBDBiBiB Orosjoa. la aad for Klamath ir.i tntrii. u to briw;i r .Vw. w-..www j w;-"-: , for tha eoadeatMUOB or tasasj m. - .t.- -... .. VIU . A ? MarAsfwiU;ievBerodlt toythe clob.' .jf-2-..d-.-JieHy'ad'lodtaasnaaMe faetara ! tbaV' beat devetooment of Its lntersow. Wa feammsBtosVaasmltf'a the future not :; nii.'.-"i'U,?1' '-?i'-ai 'Amt r -'-rlT: - J . ! . In the king's English.. tSat's .about what happaaod. Tho. Joarnallst with thittve-galloRihat.tod,' to rusk J to .IPwlathOitandhcBtch'hla MoBday sporting extra ao mi hm tm.AVfr-as llSmf'wSS ,Waaiat imll&MwWao;aoaia:ii!a mmmmmmimmw Mimfefetawaaadatof,ifaiaiotaa Sii!! lt ::C.' - fc'V"l,,ho,fer a aw Boauaaa aala ISf mSMf last saeb nat-ral trHii.j. nHll it J II ill J Jill hraakfuk '---' i rr-Ihla5kfoataHao);ad '.ihrlftaad W: atWWill'aoolf fsl S?'?fe,5ji- iidTOoibiew'iaMfiratlliaaros: JviRiVflnm 'itWSS'iwA '" r t Warw ' J' 1'i?' ,'"'"'j" saWPaTaw" r7sur ' v.iaw aao roauaa yoa taactao eiaas a Llfa JM laM. aoa, .wh aao Iho'boao' aad 'Ij iami 'SkP$i I'c'wPPNSf 'i!,V???''''5tS,!';' his story was klad of .brief. Ha r throng, sad bear the hum of lad - ..? POwr ,:.'- - j ". . J&. -.k . ' , , - r.vj' ti'w-.r'r'; "-iww. , t ,.-.- -i. . . . . 3 tao futjtfo wroada oat be- wlfe,. CITfc " feir-detaJla such as tho Asm irors iB-mruw- runner oathlrd also overlooked Ba the esf ebotaole to tba,devel-i lean catchers skill a a o taa imme rrce. of ilag to second with a : am iiawmy a ot , lamara raiia ana. none out. ho a fto-ate'iat;ja a goat in a heliotrope! watraaapoft'allwrTao;B .irwvamii ii hk lW'twl BB'"' I" ,w ,'. BUT .r.7. . -..- .(W ,rf -t- V1-. -Af . 5 Sri, .' . ', '' The heliotrope shirt wouad ap with aBig Bea atoremoat, eoavulaod aad 'ahot the ball to i rat, iH,aa. Ro tmAMttMA f'fuw Tiara araa .' .x'.i a.1 lk . oloar. i ual.l pOUBty, ."" r" "?'. " ."- r i lfc . 0r tha nbitau of awssuai1 arivato proporty for pusne ass, am form but be dMa't sooai to beloag tot11 "!I,ALI j? "?v M -") boirow moasr aad faad Isdfsa i. . ' r a s j - a- unwaanm-ai a BaajaaaaajaaaaM . ;r r . . i (ha elahl. Aavwav.hAwaa.toa.nraao i iiissip:iJiiS25s: to atop holed under tha alab-houao ptepa. TrJK! '11-17----Saak -tr to the aggrmu aawuatst Rolands took second aad tha Caaa illiHiWin Maialn if frlchtful. one.. Th. nt du.d .. i- froat. ??" -h " r -aallaod aecordn . T, b.-- -, - , -, --, . - . All Dtnofli hAYlRff cUlMfl amtmst 'mi I J ojiaf.lMfeaMWV taAAIa A Al-am. Maasad . same -asf- oaaw aawawov aawasaov- avw fwewr- ,Magaaay- s , a"u . jv Doyle fsnaM.. A pitched ball went 7"i HWTt """ J"Vf "T 7"r" hm.i m. ;-i bi... lh:ly varlied aaoordtoc to law, to VI ;! rj?:7rr-v. SWa Por oTMarfoet ad "00: roportolre.'''t r" 'V':- " 9mmmmmmmmnix im 12. ''.il'i "IV ",1 ,&" "" mJi ' vl - . - Ivory , itria ah .aa tha llltlav'aaL t OMiataraat. of 'wwiBt77 ''waa""r-ni-ma--'with ' aaMlaa' la- h;M:Oaraetfvar;Ha policy, to J cMoaU andIfiaataoutirKh ta etwMa or tkoriob valleys to sot-!keoa,nhoach taltalamlobla rivalry. 4MitaHralrod, otata-wlda The Canadian throweri bowled vary ajyway,aolm.to.arosatir-y'gJ . .,;. - ,ilcag ,te:earry.ant taay.oae orajjPMfs . -r..-.r. . ...... -.-;-K-lr in Molla. U kiMi la Iktt ik m.luM .. v i..nl.. aS:aatlaa'i the. throw aad the wi-gam- '- :.""'. " .-":7" 7. "" "-.""- "TinT3 v '..-" -.i ', .....'- ...- ;aorMBBaa aaa aaan bbboibioo ay laoiao aacotMBia warraaia or aaiv, :r.V.rJT.rrirrirfUirao haadred .thousand . n av w waw wwaauv, of.thc plate ad wasafe while Near- gard, the ehap. wltn the odd mask, fondled tha ball. A bomber, Noargard. scored. Other ; baiters eaase up aad, a-at .nn. thrnua-h rfavlmia lutuv '. .-,-1 ). f-"t-"" .'"-'i-ww "r , 1 . . j- .. r . '. . . .. " ". .- j ' though ao oao goiia hit Kvoa tha -t lJfW:ff.fM aeorge C. Ulrtch, the authorUod rep reaeatatlva of ,tho aadoraiiaodat the oAohU aeoror laac hoart and aoBo'taf0!0' 3ntUm aU "tha from OM oawMi aoorer wa Man bbb. bobo aa-f . . tiiELatff. lv;iUt x vX 4 .- rr;jv. -s.-i ;;. y F-rfiMtevaii. aotloarto,well ra-afwwaa J J J4. b ly, , , art tb BobHe raltef aad tha Mttlr ' O.'ell. t-.-. ha WawUd lollr wall sn'wrtaBKy U bay ad aad oj .Tha' Camadlaa atrtbors? ba-d will. thaaTBiawayoasBpaBy too;aadHhVretHitwllfW.sM.look. UM" ball until tho easulBg momeats. Kroryeaa bat tho raaaora .took h haad la throwlBt tho H ball "-.aad overyoao - booted H. Throe.ruaa wont la before It waa oyer aad sot a hit had boaa made., J iTao rest of the game was llkolhat. Of nurse some iBaJags wore dlferoat boeaaso' tad Yaaka were woraeVin some spot thaa la other, And all tbewhlla a .huataa friBgo of khaki SL A '.m .. . i - 'a.r ... Dated Oetoaor 1. !! v -). ; 1 oaxmoi r. owiHOf. Admlalairator of tha, Botate of.'Baai' ffluol T. Owhna,Dassaasd. J-lg-17-14-1.. ,V .aaaaaaaaa k..l. - - aot mora thaa sis psr csatuai ( Jf i ceatum) psr aaaam. aad pinw ;1 aaatl-aaaually, said wsrrsatojjr ,!j awialii ha navahla la BH to SBMH ..'' art ill vaara. and BrOVMIagat 1 tha levy aad eollectloa of i iJJt-i aanuai aa valorem us on ?:. ? ahla aroaartv la aald city, la Beets d ta all "athar tales. ssBclsat taiPW :i tha' priaeipal aad latorsst tii ..... . kiiaat aacarilaB IB tBBW aainMna w - w- i ... - 'aa4 raaaailBB SB7 aispaanw - rrT ' . '- - -. .i aia af tao caansr, i ---x waiai" 1 IfMIALCITT KLBCTION teta or oragaa hss steadfastly refasod to seH; lands (lag auskplatW a rlppiag gaaia as aotxraiagfto agreemeat.BBd ao; has.wkket keepor; '" eta-HllB the way of airocrasa lnOre-l ' The AaMrkaas olared "' i7" l1-.. V- -.. ' .. . vlt"1. !.'" -..- . .... .. :. .4X-J1 --,( ' . goa. .:fi; aaa oy, iu avarioioua, poller tho? third laniag.fs After that, tteyrrldlag "li'w- '.T TTV' - -T r l!7'.rr m'w7?F'l-, 77 " ""i" Pwaer, iaoy, aiaaoa uertoa aaa oag i?Sfftr?fS?1'J!" kto, PPH;of;tiooU duag creepy music Couaty of Klaasath CHy of KUmath FalU aad Mho. CaaadlaaaoMlers waltlac ' '.' la horoby gtvea that oa ,. ".? taoaaraeoyarlag , vamber, A. D. ltll. at tha faHuwlag frona wouads, kept ap a world's ser- named polllac pUeos, ta the CltyU los ire of aotoe. Whoa they weroa't it tha ' uA'f'f hWrs do Bet tare out the:stsad-at buneh.of dlrootors isad oloct some pro- grewive man.- Aad now tao prosideat loathara , Puia jmwW.. VaBdbteBdIrtalla.KU.aalh T;MMmH nave, Vaa NaU. tha Amerieaa pitcher, they kidded Oortoa aad bag- all :cvarMtaa,plaaal . A1 eat .of drum farmers atllUraaaiighog-wllJi.mi the lm ' a aa '" a ' 'H . r .a J - V.a, pataa-w f :t f the ball Aiiaaa '" J - ... -". f'l-. '-"a - V a.- . 1- ;j7WWKV:!?ftip to.Amarleaa oars. eouBt xnotteo, oae. aaa oao.. kowboc, tho soidierB'skortker worked 'a" pass BeoavtBo, prMU rrom-h-ribvsl-raad tha boys from the treaehes ylppod FWimmtWi ' harrago:, Aaa .tvr;ao unu umymiTBUWBjtlw;mQ a,wA7iiate ABifriei 'i " . . -. ri -' ' , nM.",rtfc' ;tavPortlB(snd' tiMldoorldr, 'V ? J 'VA-.ypoHy;Hk.,th.ofi. 1," HiUiar.aita j,of sainted memory utwaQ TrawiiBKlOB fa IBSWOTia BBa maayyaara In the east aad seldom ,TfJi,f 7--"?0"' "W SfWr intirwim, wtNv. ltuiiHi itatBianflBryaua so tho Bloaeoly pelleyof tk -Wtt a-T rwPH.-aan. Mo;aopt' yrogaa dosod to tha world and kor mourns .:Aa4;U:tlMro M;'roUof froarn i tMa latriirablivlaislsBSi:saJ .'S--a'. --- aitaTa'4-!i Vatf.-." A.'T,J?rrrT.ivr'L7vi,'"p. ' w"J? ""-IS?? Ar w,fv-b'S (..-: lproTlaad "W'f'': wegaphWai oarrfed dallcata com-ll- ayaaVla.Vaa'ilaJ.VWU.ti.a,'' ' . ' '. ' " .maiiTa msriiB oars.'. . , gomebody sold ihoaeora was alaa to oae whta It was all over and ao one cared oaeugh about It to "uar rel. Vaa Nals lost aa uphill flght far T-iyStifr?m tho gladea of his native Brook--,Waat''vnl. allowed only seven hits at that: He walked afew men, .say otners, nut; way not, when they'd get on on 'the third strike even If hVdld strike them outT . But' it waa al( a Joke, aad If any body .won money bo probably gave It to, tne .uanaauHi wounded ; s, wboae wives sad children got the sUters- i oalpte; Tka; atUnaoaae. ',; i tW waajseea streaking aerosa and out of the park through the free gttO.'-"'' ' '' r ' WYr movemeBt fbrtaklng oyer ' the' gouth ara Paclic railroad, la this state' by the Btate of Orefoa, we ahall And re lief. The JUte of Oroaoa has brains enonghaad rnoasy eota' to operate Justly ;and suoeosafuMy this y little ataia ;;ua .i.v .-' xiaaMta riL, Oracoa. tewM: . . . ?".'o. First Ward PtHHag.BUee.Bs-k flaaiBi;. r-",i eoatlot Usrewlthi all of i Bartleuiariy sex mm a it ass. aaasM evod on the 14th syof jBQS's' 'iTTtT'sata-.r.haVittlBB aeM afia ! ,., v. .! .--- - Ik. sat W a) - --, Y JMi .Wt-St a ofrOrogoa raafraiM Witt ateta, weald ,tery: Hto Thona wan -" - -- aH n tao oeauguoa. vaUars, aMaos aad ibaa the la show Tho aaem go Mrattkaaaaaaui ." A " . f-si 1 -.f: 'eeoad Ward-Polllag ateee THow atyHaii. ..-..- -rtvvki; i Thlrt Ward Polllaa aUoe. gaa- dorsoa bulldlag. ? " i'R roarta wara Foiuag piaoo 'Ma Doaald'e atoro, ,i? 17 '; ',&& J Fifth" Wsrd-PolHBfplaoo, Reed building, FalrTlowA4JlHloa::'!W-' A special eleettoa wUl be boU, at which tbora wtU be submUtadi7 tho auallflsd voters of said elty-for thotr approval or rojoeitoa, parauast to dlMnce No.tf.?pasocd aad vap- pruvoo 0BiBeiata'ay or A. D.-ltll. anamsndment 7, Article IV.. of the ehartar City ot; Klamath s :Falle$prepoa adcutedaad submittsd M. tbaieom- aion council to the .oaallllod;, voters of, the. city. , ;,;1, -sf s,' -m fPald prbpeoed .md-ieniN Is printed In pamohUtfomi by tha Hip t to the voters Klaaaath FalU!" ' ThraaM epeclal eleetlea beM eomauaeiBg bib- tbe asoraiag aaa i rm aaama)H"AlgrBV A'MOCB I T7?-.. VJL. & IflB.M'BUa BUt Tha judges aad torto A are,' . w'Pig'V'Ii'aat "M&xsrssti?- " '.m aflj, -raaa-w. ,aj u. av, nfiai . ia.vr,-. MeCoy.v sE t rdrudiasofWW. 'CleraJOf.aaasPWi:, ..1. nraaa. if-'-:- . -ks. iii w, i ,fi l Ml 90w Doaaia,. laatMariv rfit? ad eoploslatallad to? ;;Bery illegal voterr WltUa ;bha att7 whaaa addMsa umtt'zmsz iukhi apprleati . ' vv ?-'"' r-' j f The- aaordl asuraart "tat aald -. ahar fMfM''- ?' JhWf'HPB.tJNi jMJ lice 1 aavos ittio aaogtai B?Pl..Wi:fMI"i idaaf AaaSaLoihaammaaBB jaaaLaaaaafaBaa . . 1 -iJ rBBa gate Clerks of moKieai t. Araistroag.ir:", mi mt .zr--L- a aval a'iaeoa4,W'd'-''a ?Jr!l?IK"WSh: li'miHim v""- ".- i. i; u.knkiriH aravH. "- rv.BS. Bsrg MMoajjjJ v.v ayaMaiB'' Ward Judges 01 a..A.... n'lT: IfCl SELZm ' ..Glarks Of iSiniAH.Ur. ISI-WK"S ter;tKirWofh?'.!;,"-;;?s; i ,--"" ...i ur rno'iiuniui' -. ".14 laaaa -:4k&22! ha ?S orVlho. ooomag ithe .PVileei?n elorks prset may " ,a--oB present - . W.. ,. .a-l AJtHJl affOJ wa-1 ,STcw a' -a-aaa WIW swirCLTai'thefl ""- - -Tai aai Barter v a ai ftISrl ; i . '.no aoraoa ajsr H aaa BOO, sum aaw tao SBMtitfjttt.w,ff.r ssrift iVaVsMIMJnvMBIIl N OT WWajlliV'WaBjBrHl.r '.;?si "S. '?!,6.v'. 'aaifcf,'lajs1lNPi1 WW 'cltlSLS '""wl'it"' " i aaajammmamBBSBmi aatJJOditoJB:aa tel .1WMiliMiMll fW '. ?J!& f, ' ?t1 aaPBga