""7" ' i't2$ JiHEMllMfc J3jP vi - ....- -WJ)Mweir "-h-m- - - r,i.!,,wjSM,,cv. . 5j, jet - tf,Kt"- i Sto , ' . ' ' .. ..rr: i r ' r Jg$lV( xoVpMBKW . "" THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON ""ff rTrrT(Wfi i a r. ." ' ',V Tft i an nmiwomont with llohbit.Mnrrill mmirr uvvmiuiti m. Co, thorn will lio a screen version of, thy nnrmtlvo shown In llluoblrd. rnoio-pinyM nt mo urpnmis theater T jjfov'mg Pictures I t -- utiyr AAAWWll " " " , fcTHn.,.t started tlio "Worn Vm"",y """ ",l",nJr wilnB, wiin California n tho old d..yM of tl.o RnLlw lid wnny thoiM,.l, '' Ww "?'' lu lively. 'flpanW, ocu,mlhii. Luis Lopes, n ' ,0V i wiih man oiIoilliolliw Mn,,' (lc"r,:0' ""J""""'! A'',( ,y " '" Bmnrtins under, tho yoke '.?! if 'ii- foljUto'ftt ioltl)HiR U",or U,"J MBrullotjblimxglnlnrprc- of the nilitocrncy, finally succeeds to 'o11. , .n-.,n..ii more ovui.lv. "" l,, ,,,,l,l,'K characters. Doeldudly hi arousing tl.o Kumewlmt torpid .Icmo ,wrltn ' " mtHjuKtiw ut,w 'Herald's Classified Advs. "The Yolre of (old" In tt glory of ". ivttitt - VVJUT-; , 1 - ' 5p '1 kkkk7egkV SkkkkkkkBl-eB Advertisements, Jn the Classified column are primed at the rate of Five Conts a line, Invariably In ad vance. Hereafter no advertisement will lie accepted unless accompanied by the cash. FOR SALE FOrt SALE Mots roadster condition, J'rlco $160. '1116 Crescent monue. From cranborrics, which a ago coh( 8 rent and now trtst 12 Cntf), to pumpkins that cost 20 cents good tn,'n ""d 30 cents now, all the other IntnreillnK In the method Chntllold Onrclu lo the Krcit liiitmllco Hint l llrueo adopted lo distribute- other being done to the people and per- licoiio money iiioiind the hMiiiib and Bimdes him lo Hot out on n mfmjlon hy-wayn and Jimt what !iuullQd him or rohhery to get the fundH with to "kIvo over" llio hahlt In the love which they are to free tho country, element that miiIm'h tlio Interest In lint on hla way to rob tho homo of the niihjof I Keen mid iinldlni; through. Potior Ortega he hefomoi Hlrnndcd on out tno uij iKiH of tho nhoto-p av. the dciert wlilioui nnv wmor. iin,iu! 0 readied from IiIh jiipilloaiiient by tT17"77" ! - m.. i i... . U,.,w. A-....1........ i i.i.. .. ... I Oil SALL 1&1C nioilpl lnrd f.i- Iti i in- niiiiijr iiiiiiiniuiiiH who inve ""' viunun uiiu inn imii(;Hi.'r --- - i.i , ,.,,,. ... ,. . ... rend I'lriuiur llnllouoll Abi.if. ..t. Curm . wl o sm olnir lo vll, l,,l, Pod wndltlon. Sco Mrs. Helen fc" 70,,.r0 w,lnt lurk?y "3 wj!) bniled dtorv. "Mnllv Mnlnullnllnvn." nilll, Ortei'.a. .Too acponinnnlfu ' M'er, Pelican City. J-3t -- -..wi.v.Vf - , -.....-, , them and booh falls hoforo tho Wltcs tvit af .. " "T7, .. . tiviiiiu iinii ini in jmi rosr 0I TlfA.VKHOIVIXrt 1 n fortnhe." raid one Washington 'JO ISK HKlllI'll TIII5J Yi;: doafor. . .a a .. , . . ffiVrn waueu rrcM Horvico WASHfNOTO.V, Nov. wn'l be thankful for pro-iporily nromlhln' ThanltftKlvlHK Day, be thankful, for sweet potatoes, unlesa they toonRctJi, f in on tho rise, which they haven't vr.f . f inns m mc yc:r o-ciock, i'i t j tents above laet year's priced, but, ai i, fe' If y6tinot)ier denier M'6rrcd' "Wd njtl't JM nothlrt', u m .Wf. .. .... , i ."T.T j no maxqucradc social tomorrow eve 1 . ?f A , . rnaHque, In Inquire i-Jt vos"zvonawr 1$ $' rauc social tomorrow evet t rfa,' firace M. B. church af8s '! You are welcome Como in M Admlislon 10 cents. 2-Jt'r ,: llttlo ItcmH with which tho hero of ''r"It't attention to rental coller-f the day Is unbounded have been ,,0,,H' ClitKotr. 14 -; booved In prlrpji. An for thp hcro-.l "rnrl'cy i.rlce? Rnv. If wn m,,tfl CKAM CH! KlIV DI.WER i f At Odd Fellow' hall election night. bo ThnnkuKlvInK Day, wo could make CO centi. 3-4t will lecoitiilxo at oiuo thnt MnrKuer Itc t'lnik I Ideally aulted to pljy the "' "' chnunlns Carmen. Ashamed role or tho ilnllKhtfiil llttlo Molly, " "ten I from people who hno he one of the mom lovably llttlo rhnrar- frk-jided him, he retiirni without huv lern In all fiction, Thnuch tho charm. '" acionidlhed bin iiiIbsIoii, '.V-'Afl ? l( piilth ainotiB tno poor mid rd). I'I10" '"'n theiiry KroderJe g utani wrote ono of the mot pop. ulir of "hoit sollerH," eutltlliiK It tbc Social lluccnneer." Throimli lni utory Is nxxciillnlly romintle and (omle In IU main theme thoie are iom remarkably pathetlo linen and powni ful iirmuitlfl lnclilentH which i.otjliliie to in like thin FamoiiH I'lny- nPnrnmniiiit I'lcluic an exieptlonat pboto.play. "Molly Miike-1ielloe' When Joho roliirnti I.uir. bcrites him for being to tender-hearted and tnrtB out to take tho money hlmstolf. Hut by lbl time Jose has learned ron sali: Springs addition, Fremont and Ue lores Sis, Knijulro nt rojldcncc. 31-U MISCELLANEOUS BTHAYHD Oil STOI.BN One yearl Ins horse toll, branded with cross thnt f.ufx wantB the money for him- on ,e" ahouldcr; color blue or dark K'lf mid not for any Bchemo for tho Brny- Howard. Notify John Slade, betterment of tho people. Ho liiiRtcn lnC -Main 8t. 3-Ct rtD ft- W. 9 -grBBRtTrT"""-TT Taxpayers Should Vote For Their Interests And Ihew U no oilier plnie wliiie their Intel M,tM mo mi l tallf afTcitiil by public biul jhn iih In the iikocwmh-'h olllcc. Km It lfr there- In mIIwiI In KluiiiitiJi iintnty mer kioo,(mm.ii In tw. TIiIn niiiount will nirin be it luilf inllllon. 'Hie nuiii tlio (jUlrlhiile IliU hurtp'n iiiiioiik thn tiipn)ii uiiiot Ih caimbte, mrt'fuli n)Ktcninll', mid Miinr. Ho inut lime no KnnlKcs in Btinr, mid no friend unit ilrpeiulciilN to icii'hn nlllilal (iMilit micc. Tln limn uoeriilnit ainn'nt must lx etiforciil, when tmrpcrctt by reiinon nml JutiiiiH. The Hi It urn alile to iimke thriimcUc f) lien the law l not eiifoirwl, but tlio jump iiuiii'm only irolrriloii l tlio law. Tlio nw-KMir' olllco kIiouM i rtM't. UMInhiil in the iviMt mid rtmlldcmi) of tlio tnwiycr of tlio muiily. I inn not Hie caiiilMnto of any Hiik of pitwity oiwM'm, mid I will know no other lti(erctN but Hie lntrrt-t of the WIIOI.i; county. A Square Den J for All is a Square Deal for You SAFETY T1RST ,-., .-..., ........ ..- ... - . -. - ,...., In tiiuiuestlonahly one of the most "f,,'r ''",'' nl111 Hiicecds In arriving In H'tfirtly nympithetlf: charncterH MIns "wo to worn tho PrtesnB. Joso mar-j Clark lia over plajeil on tho Bcreen, rlw ""' beautiful Carmen, 'and Lulz, lepentinK of bin cll wn)H, retires Into tho fold of u -licltering monastery. "Tho Yoke of fiold" will appear at j I tl.o Orpheus thcotcr tonight. At tho Btur theater lonlKht. 01 .V JAHI'HIt HKXNiriT, W)H ASSI'SHOIt. yj. urs "zp J . - uiiA J 4 Pendleton Normal School Proven Necessity (Copied from Portland Orcgonlan.) MONMOUTH. Ore.. June 26. Tho Oregon Normal chool opened this week , , . students enrolled 75, larceit oa record for state Normal In Oregon .... how to care for large student body a problem .... S00 being crowded Into auditorium with seating ca pacity of (.0. dallcrlei filled with extra chairs In aisles. Mora than 1C0 students scaled on platform. New boarding housea completed, additions to room ing houses built and tenia used. One hundred girls sleep oa upper floor of school. The official school report gives ISO grade puplla la Moa-Boutk, for teacher practice. RmuI what theae you kave elected te haadle the attain of year state a4 who are thoroughly informed retarding school ceadttioas ia Oregon have to say ceaceralag measure 308 oa the ballot at the coming electien: y Jamta Wlthycemae, Oovernor of Oregen: "Oregon Is unijurMlniiulily In nicil or mum normal school work and I'cnillriun I llm loskul plum (ur u ihool ot this cUms'ln Jnilrin Uii-koii' By J. A. Churchill, SUte Superintendent of Public instruction; St i .'' trunt that the voters ut the Hut lll uxhIhi In JU.ifc '"'"''IK the landmit of nur HtlmoU vy miuiaiitliliig u ' '" Hlutv Normal Hihuul ut I'.iiillituu 1 By P. L. Campbell, President of the University of Oregen: "At knit ona addltlonM Normul Hrhool U uiccntly netilid In Urraoii." By W, J. Kerr. President of the Oregon Agricultural Cellege: . ".Since the people of IVndli ton urc Inlllatlnic u tni'iiiir for tlio c.tuliUSllinelit lit a Nonnul Hcliuul ut Ihul pUcr, It will Klvu mu lruMur! lo .uiirt IIiIh nuumiic" By J. H. Ackerman, President Oregon Normal School, at Monmeuth: ' "A mnful iinulysht of tho situation will routine, any on (hut Ort-soii needs a Normal Kilmol In Kumerii Oru ii'U uud I't'iiilietuu rills Mil the .owrnnunt requlitnnniil." By the County'School Superintendents of Oregen: 1 "ItMnlvrd, thnt It Ih the untt of the Cmiiily Sihnol Hupuiliilondt.niH or tho tltut. of On con. In iiinveut on aN nibli'd, Ihul the hHt InlermtH of lliu wIiooIm or thu Hlute ilruiunit IntrviiHtd Mdllllim ror the Iruliilria ..of UniiiDrN, uud that we, llu-mfori', cinlorh thu liilllittlw muiiautii to t'Stuhllsh m Normal Hihool ut i'lmlhtim" By Mr- Charlee H. Castner, President of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs: "I niont heartily oiidom llm locution of ald Normal fcrhnol ut I'viidlnton " Prof. Robert C. French, Former President of the Normal School Located at Westen: "An ImmuJhiliS CNtulilUhmmil or mn.li u sihonl at mimn crntml imlut suth iih rendition would prove u Bitut usiet to I hu Hiati of Orion" B. F, Mulkey, ExPresldent Southern Oregon Normal Schoel: ,,"l Hlmll mippnrt tho loiallon of an Kastvrn Orrcon miiiiuI KUiool'ul JMiulvtun," , Stntc Hoard or ncccnts of Orofion Normal School "cclnres (lint "llic ncccssily for Hthiitionul Normal school fticililics in Orvifon is anpnrcnl." ''"rtlimd Cliiimlicr f Comniurce oiulorses measure M mid say IViicllelon mosl logical locution lor Nor ''il htiluiol ill Kiialcru Oregon. 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOB YOUR CHILDREN jjaatcrn'Oreilon Stato Normal Hihiml Comnilttue. U'uld Adv,)1 t Hy j, u, rjwlnn. UecyPendlulou, Om. "The Kteape," a nox-cupenle gclenco drama In Bcvcn )art, will ho shown at the opera house Sunday and Mon day. 3-2t "Tin: hscait." cn.Mi.vn TO THK OPKHA HOUHi; I). W. Orllllth'a i-a en-part film dramatization of Paul Armstrong's famous story, "The Kscnpe," will bo shown nt Houston's opera house on Sunday mid Mondny et citings. It It claimed that tho story was taken from life and portrajs truthful con dition! as they exlut In the tenement districts of our iarper cUIcb. Tho LOST Wednesday evening on Main 81. monogram pin with Initials P. H. 8. Kinder please return to Mrs. C. T. llurd, 1113 Main St. 3-lt BT11AYKD Brlndle Jersey yearling heifer, branded 3C on right hip and under bit In each car. Notify C. C. Chltwood. 2-4t LOST Yesterday eenlug on Main St. monogram pin with initials P. II. S. Finder please return to Mrs. C. T. Hurd, 1113 Main St. 2-lt FOU SALE Lady's long coat. Im ported brown elour, fur collar; valuta $45. Will sell for $27.50. J, A. Goldsmith. 2-tf i LOST Hunch of keys; return to the Herald office for reward. l-3t 'gaMKaflHOrEl aaaaBEgaasitBawfQ 'Ma 1 i iMwwtiBiMwxiiMwMMm. 1 uSaBBBBagaBBBaSBBBBJBMM navBsasnBsasav"saBB-K sw I W HVBJWj M agtB(Hi,,T sazri mXJmmmm BVsanK!li; m laafiH, m sl WMmmUr-f' 1 laaargi -bw-'t V gaVJgH'- I M'gBgeaB-jgaVBh m ?eS Jalga'gasM.4 k gKgn' ROOM AND BOAItD In private fam ily Ninth and Oak. 1-Ct j MONEY TO LOAN on city and ranch lands. Arthur II. Wilson. H-tf HOCIS WANTED reedcrs. Enquire Matt's second-hand store, Sixth st. J. AV. Burke. 25-lmo WANTED To exchange a residence in Southern Calltorniu for a farm near hero or in Klamath county. Fred C. Hobert, Malln, Ore. 10-21-lmo 3 TOU TltADE Flve-passehger aulo- j laoblle In good shape, for furvt e.iwn?C". wajon eic. J. 'A. Thompson, Vlfilmnd. Orer " ? 2S-0t , i Baby Clothes Mothers will find pleasing, varieties in our splendid stock of Infants' Wear . at prices that cannot be equaled else where for lowness check your needs from this list: : nOOTKKS Closely woven in fancy weaves in wool yarns, with silk interwoven. All heights, at 15c, 25c and 35c. 8ACQUES AXIJ SWEATERS Link and link, cardigan and other fancy weaves in fine wool yarns; all styles and sizes In the most desirable colors, frT5m 60c to S2.50 KNIT SETS Cap, leggings and sweater to match, from $1.25 to $2.00. CAPS AND HOODS In and wool yarns; all colors styles in an extensive from 15c to 75c. silk and, variety. WHITE COATS Bedford cords,,, all sizes and styles, at all prices $1.75. $2,00 and $2.25. DRESSES AND SLIPS of dainty, lawn, In embroidery and lace trimmed styles 65 c, $1,00 and,.. $1.25. v y The Most in Vane J ?( TJeBestinQaality: t , - r i ' rt i ,& , t. jamr. ? blfWSf. - ; theme Is sex-eugenic science, and the story Itself Is a strong argument in support of birth control among the poorer classes. While the director has chosen a subject with many thrilling and sensational situations, his main object appears to be to drive homo a warning to coming gen eratlons. Mr. Orlfflth has uced the principle acton and actresses which appear In his one greater production, "The Birth of a Nation." Blanche Sweet also has a leading part. Seats now on sale at the opera house". , HOUSTON'C Metropolitan Amusements J 3 H , I .. - KA- t S j i nf K , lIHr -ir,1r1 HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE Tno Dnyi ComiuencinR S V X D A V , N O X K M K R 5 D. W. firlmth's Famous Sox- EtiKonlc-Sclonco Photo-Drama "THE K8CA1M1" aillili-cu IHe, Adults 35c, Iteticrved He4its fiOc DON'T MARIIY UNTIL YOU SEE "THE KSOAl'E" STAR THEATER Dumiel l'roliiiuui Prchentri MAIKJ UKUlTi: OLARK In an adaptation of Eleanor Hallo- wel Abbott's delightful story, M O L L Y AI A K K R II L I K V K A Paramount Picture produced by the Famous Players Film Co. TEMPLE THEATER "THE TRAIL OF THE THIEF" A thrco part American drama fea turing Winifred flrcen Wood SEE AMEIUOA FIRST' Komio Knrtoon. l'ATIIK NEWS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION RICTURKS ' Tl'KSDAYS AND SAT,0RIUY8 Merrljl, Oregon DR. P. M. WH1TR -Ky. Gar, No and Ttiroat Eye Tested Gsaasea Fitted S07 Odd Fcllowa nuildln; ri,m00m00 I ', Don't Take a Chance x U Kl th Falls i People Should Act la TLaae If you suffer from backache; if you have headaches, diiay apella; It the kidney aecretiona are Irregular, don't delay likely your kidneys are sick. . , .Klamath Falls people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's a Klamath Falls wgman's experience: ,- Mrs. Chas. F. Stenvwell, 811 Lln- cojn.stree, jKlamathFalle, says: "I ami subject to backache and kidney disorders. At times, my back gets very weak and lamo and my kidneys act Irregularly. In a general way, I feel depressed and run down. After I bavo taken Doan's Kidney Pills for a few days, my kidneys act regularly and I don't havo that awful pain across my back. They acf as a tonic to my wholo system." Prlco 50c, nt all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney roraedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Stemwell had. Fostor-MUburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N, Y, Adv, osr Economical coffi can buy r il "i HSMp Moots x CV J"M w i rrfrn Turther . K -: m e 5. 6i 3. iJlZ ?? E8I nt" SM ff ui ORPHEUS THEATER Tuesday and Wotlnesdny THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Dorothy Davenport In "THE YOKE OF GOLD" A Red Fenther drama ot,old Cali fornia n flvo reels. 'SOMI-5 HONEYMOON" Ono reel Nestor; comedy. Six Reels OoihI Music ADMISSION, lOo . Comliiu; 'LIHERTY'' t SIX s REELS GOOD MUSIC "i , Admission 10 Cents COM1XO "LIUERTY" VactUB pecked by special process Our Guarantee . Your grocer will refund the, full price you paid for M J.B. Coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can, M.J.B. is scientifically blended bom the finest flavored and strongest coffees grown in 'the wocld-that's why you should use leu per-cup.' JV V :;tis &'' V-' fi'i M 2-lb. Uns $l- 1 40c. per lb. 4( h v 1-lb tins 45c. mi Am :k4.A1&a&W' P AJ&1 r. r. i' 7 mmmm,mmw si.:izi