The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 03, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Copyright Hut SchafTner & Man
U is an interesting little story; if you arc
a wearer of Hart SchafTner & Marx clothes
you will be doubly interested.
The material for the best buttons and
that is the kind Hart SchafTner & Marx use
grows on trees in tropical climates. The
growth is in the form of a solid nut, which
becomes harder and harder as it ripens;
they finally drop to the ground and arc :;till
further hardened by exposure to the sun
and weather. Tjicy become so hard that
they arc known as vegetable ivory, and
for all practical purposes arc as hard as
elephants' tusks.
These nuts arc then turned into buttons.
Hart SchafTner & Marx use more of these
vegetable ivory buttons than any other
concern in the country.
Some electioneering of our own
WE ARE out for effice: we want to be chosen to represent YOU in the matter
of good clothes. We have a wonderful following now we want to increase
it, and here are good reasons why YOU should support us : '
Your interests always come first at this store. !';
Our salesmen are hired to work for you not us.
You get Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes here they're the best in the World
Because we sell these goods, we are style leaders ; our values can't be suroassecL
We ean fit anv man and guarantee satisfaction or vour monv haclr. ,v ' vH:
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
v. ttfHt
' , &
;? f j
'i .. ,',-t.i-tt
,vr,"- -ins
?- .
Fight Against Mosquito
Keeps Down Yellow Jack
(Utftcd Prew 8ta Correipondent)
RIO l)K JANEIRO, Oct.,1. (Hy
hall) When a moiqulto bttea an
American, doa the Americas tale
t'kone to the board of bealth with
1bf expectation that a gang of men
I1 be icnt inaedlately to awat the
MKjultoT He does not. He doe the
, (watting, usee what. He conaldera ap
propriate language, and lata it go at
'ot no the cltlien or Rio. If a
totaQulto annoya a mtlve of thla
jMutirm Brtilllat) city he awaU,
'. to the telephone and uaea what
he tonaldera appropriate languago
into the anxloua ear of a bourd of
Jlh employee, and "prompto"
there appear,! on. the acene a wagon
Mi of uniformed men, fumlgatlnc
fcUr,nl and llalnfectlng IrapleraenU,
h houie, gardon.and nelghborhnod
, CJ the nnnoyed natlvn la attacked,
raiuaukcd, cleaned ! dlalnfected.
"e td.qultpMa huatil to hla lair
l'"' tlin lair deatroyol,
f P n twenty y.s r;o f fa city
JWg scourged ann m''v, ,by yt'liov
Jvr. people died hopeleaaly and
wlpleaaly, in one year the eqldomjo
jook more than 35.00Q livoa. Then
"twaa dlecoverod that the moaqulto
M to blome that hla atlng taa the
ting of death., Relentleaa war waa
; led on the moaqulto and,- today
Wllow Jack""lmkown. There haa
jot been a death from thla dlaeaae
Tbe Braalllan atlll takea the mm-
. i ' :!tt"0 Mrloualy, Thara art 1.S00
ifjWoyed In thla city wttk tka gel
riJ?t fcllltap mi-qultOM. MUM
iitJ-LT cUv,t'r 9t thta Wrtat It
rr " aaeaec wiw aitre r leaa,
annoyed affection the "Corpo da
Mata-Moaqultoa" (Corpa of Moaqulto
Rio de Janelro'a board of health,
however, did not win the nrat prlae
at the laat International Congreaa on
Municipal Hygiene. In Berlin, on Ita
"moaqulto .record" alone. Rio It
also a "flyleaa" city, owing to the ac
tlvltlea of the health board. Tho In
ternational nrat prlae waa awarded
for advanced reaulta In general city
uanltutlon. Health atatlatlca here com
pare favorably with any city In Ku
rnr.0 or North America. The aame
wul the fly" campaign cry that in
vade' the North American summer la
hciitri here, nnd to thla la addwl
"dratli to tho flea nnd bedbug," for
It laa been learned thit theao limc-cta
ITi-imgato leproay. Aval nil thla lm
liorled plague and against tuborcul)
aln great progrea8 his beea wndo by
ttso Inceaannt war on InaHCt
The acopo of tho nour-l of iiealth'a
wor? la broad. All foud Is Inspected muat como up to at an Jar?, or It
la deatroyed. All meat la killed In a
Kovernment owped DlaiiBliier-houyo,
ui)rter tho control of Urn health 3o
pann'entf nnd the moat Kiiiat be aolil
to the ultimate conau'unr wltlilu 2i
hovrc'of tho tlmo It ia killed.
Iaat yeor n, typhoid fever epidemic
broke out In tho city nnd It waa dle
coverod that, the dlaeaae originated
In truck gardena within the city llm
Ita. The bourd took Ita complaint to
the city council and a law waa at
once enacted banlablng all gardena
from the city. There ia not a yege
table garden within the prescribed
tone today.
Dulldlnga muat be built In accord
ance with plana approved by taa
board. , Taera la not ft bouee tn the
city without at leaat one bath room.
Strecta are widened and rebuilt at
tho command of the board. Buildings
are torn down, remodeled or repaired
for the game reason.
(Ireat Importance la attached to the
cleaning of the atreeta. They are
Kr r and waahed every diy and at
night apeclal ganga cunpleta thi
vork vlth aprlnklera of dUlnfast-inta
Vaccination ia compulaory .'n
;i''tols and in the army aud navy.
Kchoola, l.oHii.iilt, aayiuma e .' othr.
public aud f.nate Inatltim tome
under rigid I; apectton.
nd refnae la collected 'jy ' 'llm-'rtipa. each yalued at
peia publlca" very day -al burned
Kvery ho it tl elder la sonpelted to
pnek the :.y , refuae ia aulUtli
receptacle and leave It at hla atreet
door nt night for the gaibi.a cn .
lor. Tins pactice naa .-Amuee
Journalism School to
Give $9,000 in Prizes
(By United Preaa)
NEW YORK, Nov. 2--Priaet total-
'.l aarlB ,nB ,9'000 nd flva traveling acolar-
fi,&uu, win
be awarded at the Columbia Univer
sity commencement exerciaea, 1917.
for meritorious JoirnaMatlc work, as
provided for "under the" wilt of the
:,t late Joseph Pulltaer, founder of. the
an unique ;jcitlement ' grca Columbia School. of Journallam. An
Amerian ..' rr ration. Tho Stai;ila"1
Oil company chfpa keroeene mii gnao
lenc to nraail In flve-gallon tin boxoa
or rana The Piaalllan haa fo ind tho
empty oil v nr Juat the thlnj for c;hr.
tiiige catia. O naequently rlnht way
larera and omp doge are lnmlllar
with tli'jse licet outposti of Amcl
ran cnterpnK,
A fre t .mobile amaulafi nnl
hospital ae vice la furnish v. by the
bunr.l of health that t a marvel, of
efflcloncy. At all hours of the day
nnd night tho huge white auto
tmbulancea can be Been racing
through tho atreeta or heard clang
ing their way to scenes of dlstreaa.
All traffic makes Inatant
theao rescue cars, Hundreds of Uvea
are saved every month by their,
speedy service.
Even after death the Rio de Jan
elroan does not escape regulation by.
the board of health. Hla body must
be buried within twenty-four honra
after he ia declared dead. He ia then
buried In qulok-llme. He la burled
In reguia,ted cemeteriea and at a reg
ulated price.
The' atrlct enforcement of the
board of health'a meaaurea bag
changed Xlo da Janeiro from a "peat
hole" to a haaltb rtaort.
American teaching patriotic and un
ielfiMt aerylce Waaiifagton and tiri
coin excluded. '' . . ,4
Three of, the traveling achoiaraklpV
will 'go to the graduates' of the
School of Journallam to enable them
to atudy European conditloaa and in
fluencea, a fourth to America'' moat
talented atudent of mualc, and the
fifth, io Amerlca'a moat promlalng
art student to be selected by the Ra
tional Academy of Design.
while the boweUvBorea do. .
For every ounce of food and drtak
taken into the stoaaaea, :eariy 'Tnit.
ouacejof, waate. material aanat'ka;er
rled out of the body.. If this waataaaar
terial is, not eumlnaUd day by day k
quickly ferments amd gawatWjiiK
ona, gases and toxiaa wkteav, ar''asV
sorbed or sucked utbtk bkwd i
through Ue lyapk dBots "waieail
sack only'noarlsbm i to attataJa' Mm, ''
A apleadkl hMlta mMann.m.; 4
3r.jav, .
drink, befora bnakfaat
nouncement baa juat been made.
Candidates may obtain full Infor
mation by applying to the aecretary
pC the. unlverMty. Nominations
must be made on forms provided and
must be in before February 1, 1917,
Five of the prices are to be aa
follews: (1) One thousand dollara
paper on S ''5!iM b-tJW.lT raiders,
Curfew Betl Stopped
United Preaa Service
PENRITH, Wales, Oct. 21. (By
Mall) The old curfew bell here,
which has pealed every night since
the daya of William the Conqueror,
has now ceased to ring. The practice
was discontinued as a precaution
the School of Journalism; (3) A
gold medal, valued at f 500, tor the
most disinterested and meritorious
public service rendered, by any
l American newspaper during the
year; (3) Ono thousand dollars, tor
the best history of the services ren-
way for deced" to the public liy "the American
press during the preceding year;
(4) Five hundred dollars tor tbe beat
editorial written during the year;
(6) One thousand dollara for the
beat, example of reporters' work dur
ing the year.
Four other prises are: One thous
and dollars tor the, best American
novel published during the year;
one thousand dollara for an original
American play, performed in New
York; two thousand dollars for the
beat book on the history of the
United States, and one thousand
! dollara for tbe beat biography
Wash the eleene and tealnefrem
systtfll ff, Wrttlfl0 M6f9
am ln-'tJaj hafklMM' sMsmammrnvt smnmmV
dlamsm IsmtmY IM MM aUHsW
eajW w fIFe "'1 .wVaai'i wsJsjmje .
or 'real let. .water WK, ,'lesV. ,
seoenfal of, UmeatosWbeepbata ml
potooaa, gaaes and toala. from ta , f;f
Btotnaen, UvatV kidaeya aid 'bmrela;, -l-X
thee cleansing, sweetening aa4;'fresaV. ";
sing the entire allaisiitary mm xk '' - '-'&
tore pntttat.Mre food Into M't'-img;
en. - -'i-r&w&w. i;:S
A - -. -.-.-..i . '"t
a e,Mnrer ponnajOt umesione 1
pnate costs bet Very; Uttle at'tne'i
a tore,' bet U seSclent to.aaake i
an eatheaiast on Inside bathing.
wake urn with a duH. iefciM ka
hare furred toegw. bad testa, neety t
breath, aallow eamataxlra: atkaM iih YiMMl
have bilious attacks, aeld ateamaeh eri:.MMftl
constipation are assnred of preaMMMaeei ' WMM&
Improvement u; aotknealtk; ae4 a WiMWi
..a;, mmm
" " T'r ''.'''". . "'$$'& iMM
tS,, '- 'V, W'
',.'" S"-
pearance saortly.r-Adr.
T .W vF.1 if'
Don't goffer!
Waah yourself
ties. Into the blood, caeetag, IWaeea,
Thla Is vaatly more impertaat bsaaase
the akla pores da net absorb impart-
i.Ut 3c,k-Klk i
..- J w&zr. ,i
I a w, h -v Jiet,v
isneg ; aiaaaaaa -, y zwssmxM
KTau ean 'altar Meefkeal 'aadaelliaalS JifosJH
iwa.wvG. a?-y n
y;7sad.see efttJsi.dWKjSg
new ter esewae paasame .earn mmt,mmrsimlrgfxwi
Jrwm-'l' :.-:-
slawWlfajil yWaV wM
ee eva wgemmmsmw, wealP
WeeW i VrVwrVeBe MM " sWae "7 fsmmm , mmj
!107eVp MVMH VyN MsVV JF- pPI
l.' 'SL
".v i
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