'S- if , irv IT ,-o -- "; vsvk JK . rwvwti att? tEurumt Iteral 4 I ? .E i -f " KLAMATH COUNTY'S . KLAMATH FALL . '' (s, -- i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER j v r OFFICIAL NEW! PAPER ' ' v?. W ,fr ft Xj?h. , 5J 6 Vcar No. 8,108 i".1 MT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1916. Pnctt Wtft fe OMPSON WILSON'S POLICIES kjM HMWIUBNT INVITED (illW ICIHMH K I'AIITV i b M KI"M'' nntl Able AiltltCi PiHfrrrd Paring This Campaign, 1 Met Hnwtur Tlnmipmm HevtoHN AtMwemrwtn of . O. I. "nnl , ftMt Otil HlMirtruniliiffit of, Demo-'- ntUc Administration. B(ora a largo crowd of voturs, Mk republican and democratic, LHm. W. Lair Thompson, Htiilo aenn- drfron thlit district, urn nigm spoke ot tin principal Issues an which thu retm muit decide next Tuesday. Ills ' nwrki were (Intoned to with eager wtkwlum, and applnuso was fro- (Hit. Mr. Thompson came to Klamath cent; at tho Invitation of tho Klam ilk county republican contra! com altlee to ipeak on national iMiir lid not to boon hi own candidacy lor atate lenitor. Attorney Horace M. Manning spoke m (be tariff Imiio and allowed clearly t folly ot thu Underwood tariff and wot need, especially after the war, ot i protective tariff.. Bmtar Thompaon'a remarka, In prt, wire follews: "The political campaign now wag. If throughout tho United Htatea la oaiof the most Important In the hi. I; of thli nation. During; tho paat three yea re the political party In (hart of tha admlnlitratlon of this imnuaint abandoned two great na IIohI politic pollclea under which wt kave prospered beyond tho fond eit dreams of our forcfHthera. They : First, protection of American Mws and American proiierty In for tlga Undi; Second, protection of AMMcan Industry ot homo.' "Tha democratic party In thlit cam puga tika ror a vote of approval of H policies of confluence In Ita nbll- "y to care for the prnbloma tho next four yeira will present. Such n ro .wt certainly Invites mill justifies """i invemigatlon and discus- of the policies we arc Invited to wroTe, and a conaldoratlon of the "Vr of those, policies to moot MMiUona that will obtain when nor W commercial condltlona nro re . Hut ashfe from tho fact that JM our )Mcn of government thu nm acta of every official nro tho y Mbjcct of rrltlclam, tho Ion w of the democratic party wna the Z." J e""riao and theroby Invited ."ileum of Mh ow ncUl and Policies. S.M?m,mr,,on of h,H l aJIWUj that of hla opponent. Prov ipolla. forgot that ... chief rrate of thu nation ho la prcal Z . .u ,hu ,,eo,,,0 ""d delivered Zi ... !?" n,0Rt virulent attack) JW the republican party that "JWlfrom the lip. 0f a master JS ,u ' courao of that .D nuarcM, tho proaldcnt trouble with the republican fffi in U ,m8 not had R new lJta.' ' nm not lenk rna uol Dpi, i ....... U a ii.,:... " "'" "PenKing ? Witorlau. r hov I ",i hive not fnmwi ... J. JW the republican rank.. " region I Hny the ropubllcnna Imvo Sg eitrL, , known how t0 do ny fcg "T 8lt n tho lid. tfthM ..;."'" """guiaea; aomo 1 1. I... ' "" uium: mnot .k ... . mw m o liik .i. wou,a rathor pray for UI1Q abme them. -h ii , " " .V"""- U., k rnww at he who critic- 'MIU e that 2 '"' acta may ot tfci:.;."B,,BT..M " ta ta- . i, ,n"y not De compared ," actions of thoae whom he ...TT No! Wk. . ti fa- . "' Wnen any candl- latelli..- "rwaet.io aaiati iHlalt C ff-Bot only of Its .. - uiiirn unrf..i.i U .." u ne countlaaa million. M we ' 'O0'tlttel tta roember.hlp .""0 COmpoied a m (.., -. iu- .StaiftJ.-.?-" "a aet . j - BUUJSCU him aiwiTi"r" pouc,e" thoao of Wltlcai I'nrty to citlclsi and SCORES r A ViVrtVlrtruWWWmj romparlaon. Kapeclnlly Ih this truo when the prenldent'H criticism of his fcllowincu Ih historically Incorrect. For 30 hiiih prior to tho Wilson ad ministration, "Itli one lirlur excep tion, the history of (ho United Hlntes Is thu history or tho leptibllcuu party. Thu i'Ionh of tho civil wnr nw thu beKlunliiK or ii ureal Industrial de velopment. Thousands of moil re turned rriu tho buttlulleld with broadened vision, and buckled Into affairs of pence with mi energy there tofore unknown In this country. Ilus Iiiohh organisations woro effccti'd, the great transcontinental railroads con structed and thu winning or the west whh begun. This development pre sented new and lutrlcatu problems that wore solved by thu lepubllcan parly In the Inst 3f) years. The re publican pnrty enacted Into law the V. LAlll THOMPSON State Senntor Interstate coinmerce net, regulating the great transportation companies and the freight rates charged by them: then came the Sherman anti trust law, under which illegal com binations of capital were dissolved; the tintl-rebato law, under which the bu'ldlng tip of one town or concern ut the expense of others, was pro vend d; tho bureau of lommerco and labor was created; tho pine food hw was enacted; the safety nppllnnce law for rnllroudK, the postal savings law. thu parcels post law, tho law ror the physical valuation or rnilioads, in order that rrelghl rates can bo deter mined In i elation to the real value of these properties and not on a banls of watered stock, all were passed during this period by7 lepiibliciin lougress. Alro the constitution was amended io us to pave tho way for tho income tnx law; Independence was secured lor Cuba, tho Philippines wiyo re lieved of oppressive rule, the Panama canal, the greatest engineering font the world has known, was construct ed nt mi expense of over $300,000, 000, the major poitlon of which came from the ordinary revenues of the government without ereutlng a dcllclcncy, mid dually tho Vieelnnd Atdrlch currency law, under which tliftlhroatoncd panic of 1914 was averted, iiltljotigh the much boasted federal reserve banking lnw was then on tho atatuto hooka. What a won derful record of progress during those 30 yeafs! "Today In Kurope, mnny thousand miles from the United States, n tsr rilile war la In progress n war that Involves four nations of tho first class and a number of less Importance, Be cause pooplo of Amorlcn nro follow ing tho wnr and deploring Its hor rors, und rervently thanking (Sod that Its attendant misery and suffer ing arc not horo, our democratic frlonda, carefully pointing toward Ku ropo, havo adopted tho slogan, 'Ho kept us out of wnr.' Indeed! So has every president of this country for the last 70 yeora, oxropt Lincoln and McKlnloy. Ih a man to recolvo crodlt becauso he doesn't deliberately com mlt a wrong? No man m president of these United States could havo broken Into that war without toklng gome deliberate action for that pur- poae. The warring nations oi rurui are atralnlng every muaclo to combat Nono of the foea they now have. .. ' V "I... :: u,. ..m .;. mem are prepureu ui mm m ,...-.--. ..-,- -. - - take on n new foe as powerful ni th la largest sugar boots, and peck of larg country, They' Imvo not been so pre- est nnd best potatoes. pared at any time during the conflict. It required no effort, no Htutcsman- suip, to Keep out of this wnr. Hut It did leiiulro courageous statesmanship to protect the rights of American tlt- Iioiif mid retain the respect of for eign nations while kcoplng us out i.t war, iiiid hero thu administration was fojtud wanting. There nover was i lime since this government was or Knnlrod In 178U when American Uvea nnil propei ty were as cheap In for eign lands us they nro today. There never was a time when the American ling mount as little to foreign nations ii h It does today. There never was a time when our country was ho low in tho respect? of the world. Wli'on tho president dispatched a strong nolo to (ieimnny, i.ud through his tecre- lary of statu whispered to Amb.iasii nor uumiia that the note was for homo consumption and not to bo Concluded on Page S VILLfSTAS KILL TRAIN GUARDS; ROB PASSENGERS ni:.T (JKItM.W SUH-IKCT ON THU TH.UX HKXSKI.KKS Kier) thing Valuable on the Train In Taken, Hny C'ui miulstu Holdlcra. Train Was Kniiiiite from Juape. 4o ClilhualiUM City When Itall. Were Cut ami Train Htopiictf by Villa') IbiuditM. United Preaa Borneo ' KL PASO, NovT 2.f5iTa"uiTstas aunounco that 'Vllllstas 'Monday cut alt railroad lines at Lngumi, butcheied 2S Carranrn guards on the Mexican Central train, robbed 400 passengers, and bent Or. Ilnffcnor, a Uermnn sub ject, senseless. Kverythlug valuable on the train was stolen, Including tho clothing frm several passengers. Murga and Quescdo, Villa subordi nates, commanded tho bandits, nc (nrding to word received when com munications were reestablished today, l.aguna Is l.'O miles south of the American border. Cnrranzlhtas are lnirsulug the bin dlts, sny reports. When tho train was held up Mon day it was enroute from Junroz to Chihuahua City. The rails between tbr two cities are still bevorcd. It Is believed that Pancho Villa hopes to force tho evacuation or Chi huahua City by cutting nit supply routes to It so tho residents will bo r.irccd to leave to obtain rood. FARMERS TO BE GUESTS NOV. 9 U 11,1, EAT AXD HE EXTERTAI.VKII Kllll ONE WHOLE DAY BY THE KLAMATH FALLS MEUCHW1K. , PHIZES GIVEV. "Come ono, come nil, Community 1'iiy, Thuradar, November 9. Meet your rrlends In Klamath Falls.' So reads tho beginning or tlu pol lers announcing the colebrntlor. to bo stnued by Klamath Falls BiuMis? Men's Association for people outsldo of Klamath Falls. Tho day will bo strictly for visitors and not for resi dents of this town. Music will be furnished by tho band both morning and afternoon. At 13 noon a big frco dinner will. bo sorvod In the Moose hall to the visi tors. Free tickets to any tneaier in Klamath Falls also will bo furnished to the visitors. Community welfaro BpcccheB will be made by prominent men. Several premiums, each amounting to $2.50, will be given for products grown by visitors. Tho premiums may be redeemed at any store in Klamath Falls for merchandise. A premium will be given for the best nnnb nt null. llOSt' OfiCk Of WO. b6St neck of barley, best peck of wheat, ! rAhhaire. largest uumpkln. six How Women Orators Talk Politics bIbbbB ?;S W'wlKSlmi&SilKK BLLLLLv;ft: m?mkmBtmKeKBk LLbkw' bMbWJJfVBHsHbH iiiHiiiB? !! r " ''; tHBiiBxiK!iBBH BBBBBBlIBK '-':M BBHBLVBHBBBaBLB EKrllEP-V '"'" bbbbHRhbbHHLbbH iBamS'- llIbIbKbbbbbb '!.'iBBBKBBT,:?( ';:''-' tiaMBMNHBaMlK l.v BBBBBBHaBBp''i' i ' i HHMMHHHMM--MI mBm'-if''','M:i VA W -iWIbbIHI bw"""'' " "yJtiM '-' 'PPSibbbRp m .aiaaMawaLaaaaaw ; , W?MmWLy ? - I v ' '' W'","-'l"' y',, '.'?'?':',"'''' m '',."'-' IliBBBBBBHtaLHMi I fjf'fjr BBBfe ' . ' . jrt&t y JvfoAtjf lB rr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBH BB KtifrmKiE&ff $ j1" vtvifA b v.bbbbbbbbbbbbbhHbl3bb0I? 9 :BMf'A&' &;'?' VbbbSbV IKi WW liBBB "' jyVViMi " Mdk.BalBT-Wf wM JbWLBBBBbW v ''y S'" ," 'XrSS:' ' BTTQaVBBBBBBBBBr -" SLt W f M yi', vjvv .-7iMx. "mss. . .BP)BiuaaBBr aiiH mmmmmmmmmmmmmi-'9mmmmrmmmmmmmmm 'J ft "J? f 4HR7 L. ff KWBlBVB w' ' Wf5 IiBb & '" ' ff 7H''b LBiBBH': BBEBBBBK''- ' iuucemmmmmfmim mmmm I M.W. AUCS S. BUftKE- French Dynamite Fort; Abandon It to Germans United Press Berries BERLIN, Nov. 2. After blasting witli dynamite all the important parts or Fort Vaux and destructively bom barding it niter evacuation, the Fiench today evacuated the fort. In tho sector around Lcsbouefs Rnncourt the French advanced, slight ly today. Tho British attacked Courcellette, but were turned back. The Germans advanced north of Snilly and repulsed all allied attacks along the Sommo except nt Lesbouefs-Rancourt. Russian positions south of Vltonles - were taken today by the Germans. Tho Russian losses In men were heavyjnlong the Cerna river also have been 1,!00 being taken, besides 10 ma chine guns. Purely local enterprise are being carried on against the Russian ad vanced positions north of Dorna Vntra. Bakers Advance Price United Press Service REDDING, Nov. 2. Bakers hero announced today that they would dis continue making small loaves and advance the price of the dime loaf to 12 cents, Simultaneously local hptols rained table prices. Crazy Man Kills Son SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. Sud denly becoming insane, Henry Fink today barricaded himself In his home and shot his son, John, when the Ut- ter attempted to enter Me hous. The police were called,, and. overpowered Flnk, who Is very old. jm&:Mtmt0jiiomM H? RUZAgCTH "Fueerwir Here is proof that women campaign orators are as earnest as men. These photographs of members of the Hughes special, which is making a tour of the United States, were taken while the women were doing their best befoie rar-westcrn crowds. United Press Service. PETROGRAD, Nov. 2. General Mackensen has halted the Slav offen sive at Dodrudja. Bucharest says that to check this offensive he was forced to withdraw several reelments. from the Transylvania fighting. Except around Red Tower pass, t!o Rumanians are holding their own everywhere in Transylvania. Teuton attackB In the Alt valley continue. United Press Service BERLIN, Nov. 2. Enemy war ships have unsuccessfully shelled Con stanza. Rumantan attacks on the Germans invading through Predeal pass have failed. Serbian attacks unsuccessful. I 8TRAYED Brlndle Jersey yearling heifer, branded 3C on right hip and under bit In each ear. Notify C. C. Chltwood. 8-4t Missing Girl Found United Preaa Bervtc PORTLAND, Nov, 2. Elisabeth boyle, aged 10, missing since. Mon day and believed to have been kid naped, was found today asleep under the steps of a synagogue She said she went walking and feared a scold ing If she returned home.. Go After Ducks. G. J, Walton, A. S. Mack, Rev. 0. H. Bennett and M. R. McFerrin left early this morning for Agency lake to hunt ducks. They will return tonight. Armef Merchantmen Disjwte Is Up Again N'MMMMMajdUg'iagwyaVai LOW RAIDS GEM ROOMING iUS E BOOZE MIW. ACIIUFF IS CUAIIOKD WITH COXOLCTING fN U18ANCE M4A When Her KutabUifjnft Is Ilaidcd Girl and Man Are;. Found Ilcside V uwuuaiiig Mjnguur' ' iimjutcr Is Being Taken Before District At torney Irwin, WMWUI Decide w; What Will He DonA'AAalnst Woman On the charge ofy conducting a nuisance, Mrs. Achuff ' Was arrested at 2:30 o'colck this morning by Dep uty Sheriff Lloyd Lowy't assisted by Chief of Police R.VtBaldwin and Patrolman GeorgeW'nder. Mrs. Achuff was arrested at the Gem room ing house, an establlsh'nient on WeU muia sireei, over uenii Gem saloon When Deputy Low i red the par lor he found, besldw,Mrs. Achut. Georgia Bennett and'Hjfo. Wntterj. Tlolh are being hel.Vjwltnesses. t Tnrougb nor 5jJt.51e) " H A Rcrmtr, Mrs. AchufLhppeared before Police Judge Leavittitiu afternoon. No action was "tak'enKT'Oie 'case at this time as the authorities desire to bring the matter before District At torney John Irwin for- prosecution In the justice or circuit-court. For some time Sheriff Low and Deputy Lloyd Low have suspected that Mrs. Achuff was conducting a disorderly house and was selling liquor. This morning a raid was planned. Low rapped on the door and threatened to break it down If it were not opened. This caused Mrs. Achuff to open It ana expose the Ben nett woman and Watters. Low started a search of the rooms and in the bottom of a trunk found a small keg partly full of whiskey, which was taken as evidence against Mrs. Achuff. Although the charge against her In the police coffrt is conducting a nuis ance, it lies with District Attorney Ir win what charge, if any, will be placed against her in the justice court- May Identify Moouey United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. Chas. Morgan, the negro who told the Los Angeles police of bomb plots here- aboil tfr, wns brought to San Fran cisco today. The authorities are clicking up his statements. He will be taken to the jail to see It he can identify Mooney, Billings and other ("ofendants in the preparedness par ade outrage.' Lassen SOU, Puling United Preaa Service V REDDING, Nov. 8. Mount Lassen continues "pulling," sending black smoke hundreds ot feet high every ten minutes The largest eruption of the year occurred late yesterday. AND GE i A Last Football Game at .jS?C W V wJj "Bk m ffVl modocrarkiomo 9 , A ." Tn what probably will be the last interacholastlc footbalf'game of this season for the local school, the Ash land and Klamath Wgk .'schools foot ball teams 'will meet toisorrow afternoon- at Modoo park,' Winning at 3 o'clock. ! Despite the facfWat'Aahland de feated Klamath at Aakland a waek ago, the game tomorrow la expected GKUMANY NEVER HAS ADMITTED THIS RIGHT IX NOTES Officials In Washlngtoat Predict that Germany In Her Negotiations Will Maintain Armed Merchaataiea Are Not Included a Pledgee Made to United States Concerning Sub marine Policy. United Press Service WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. Secretary of ',"ete Robert Lansing indicator to day that the reopening of the entire armed merchantman controversy with Germany is certain If It is proved that the British steamer Marina was armed when she was sunk 'by a Ger man submarine a few days ago. Secretary Lansing admitted that the right of a merchantman to arm for defense Is EtlU n open nuestion and that it will be the principal question of negotiations with Ger cany over the death of Americans who were on the Marina. .Germany never has admitted the right of merchantmen to arm. Even when it was raised after the sinking of the Lusitanla it was an unsettled question. It is expected by the state depart ment that Germany will maintain In her negotiations over the Marina incident that-armed merchantmen are not Included in ber pledges to 'Amer ica regarding submarine warfare. Secretary Lansing is withholding all findings In the Marina incident'' from all persons but President Wll- son, who Is being appraised of all de velopments. ESTABLISHES NEW NON-STOP RECORD AVIATOR FLIES 450 MILES WITH OUT STOPPING AT AN AVERAGE SPEED OF 109 MILES AN HOUR IN TEST. United Press Service ERIE, Pa., Nov. 2. Victor Carl strom, an aviator, iaattempting a continuous flight froaaJ Chicago to New York, today waa-jforced to de scend here because of a leaky gaso line tank which was fast Uking his fuel. Carlstrom flew 450 miles In four hours and 16 minutes, averaging 109 miles an hour. He established a new American non-stop record. United Press Service ERIE, Pa., Nov. 2. -Late this aft- wrnoon Carlstrom resumed his flight.; He hopes to reach New York today. Stewart Vllt. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stewart are In the county seat on bualenss. Mr. ' Stewart is foreman of the Gerbor- Stewart Btock ranch In Horsefly. rrow to be close. The score at Ashland was 13 to 6 and the' differ t V touchdown In the-trengtliV'of the ,$$M. , teams may be overooW fcytkr y&$rj vantage ine ioci ooya. wtf j;iw1A -.-ir the horn fleltt ana wi,')f) ;; " crowd, . j , , -:WJ vi m . Im, aj kVAIlti'lkAoK A i m at tmrrw i nnmwiv ! ibbusb i m .,i'-v . able to gain tkrojiVlW&Ji!fy Klamath atoo aa atraiigwiiwm. .swjj . .. . .( csa t. a t a j .. v ?s y -?.! .i ! ! . s 1 -, & in. v-i .TRKjFi ns; -cHBNE' 7' "iT ' i iS'sPi Sjri!" .' .yjt- '. 'AWft 4 ff .'b ii. , v V mwfri K )Ai Ji'H