""?r -37.' 'e'kv it jf i v 7: .- 1 TWtTivF'., J LW. :u . I2 ifc-, 14 hv" f KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Merrnth Yr-No. 8.IST Germans Advance In Transylvania V SUPERIOR FORCES CAUSE RUSSIAN RETREAT Athens Sajrs W0 VculseJoa Volunteers Are Captured and Taken to ffelou ika and 80 Arc Drowned When (term Habsnarine Hits Greek Steamer Amrllc UrllMi Take Macedonian. FortlSecl Town. United I'reu Service PBTROORAD, Nov. 1 The Oer bmds, Invading through theRcd Tow- r dm, have occupied Hakcvlfsa Tllcihltl. .....!. ffnlAH AjtAsa linlfn fnil 1 nupcriur ...w. .. ..... tb. Russians to retreat south of Mich-' UKonuv wooa. Valted Press Service BERLIN, Nov. 1. The Hermann ktve entered tho Rumanian trenches west of Predoal road and captured 10 cannon and 17 machine guns. The German offensive southeast of Red Tower paw la progressing, hut r (iNWhere la Transylvania there la no k"K. Repelled Russian counters tit Nnr-j ayavka have been repelled by the ifTprhs, who have advanced. $; , Athens report that 30 persons were drowned when a German sub - urine sank the Groek steamer An - gallc, taking 100 Vcnlaoloa colun- ?yjj) 'to Salonika. .-- -' ! "" 'IWted Preaa Service PARIS, Nov. 1. The llrltlsh have captured RarakllTAltimn, n Mnccdo-' altn fortlfled town. Tho Serbians have repulsed coun- Urs along the Ccrna river. Intermittent bombardments con- tlnue on Dolran and Vardar, Cnlted Press Service HKRLIN, Nov. 1. A strong llrlt- Ith attack In tho vlcnlty of (1uodo - court has been repulsed In hand-to- lifted nghtlng. tTnlted Press 8ervlce LONDON, Nov. 1, Tho Urltlsh hnvo raided trenches northeast of Fcstu brrt. Klsewhcro along the 8ommo tbere li lltUe activity. from llonauM. Wllllnm Woods, business man of BoDsnia, lg attending to busluesg nf '! In the county seat today. Interest of the Voters in Campaign Is Made Plain That the pcoplo of Klnmuth county . tho accomplishments and progress of reawakened to tho erloua condl- tho country under tho Republican ad- tloos cnnfmnti... .1 it .. a. . ministrations mid then u direct com lions confronting U.0 United States m w(m mwo wlt t0 rct,,rd of government and aro taking n grontcr!tlo preBcnt B.inilnlHtrntlon. While Interest In the coming election, wns the argument was directed principally Plainly ovldent at the big Republican to members of tho Republican pnrty, meeting held at Oonama last ovnn- It held tho undivided Interest of both ' It Is fiafo to Bay that no pollll- Uomocrata and Republicans, who were .Ml speaker has ever been accorded I present In goodly numbers. No per- unanimity of serious uttontlmi Inlaonnl erltlclsm, whatever was mudo Umath county than wn8 given to, of President Wilson for as Mr, on. W. Lair Thompson at Honnnaa. Thompson statod, "Tho American This was tho fourth of tho sorlbS people do not elect men to tho high f Republican rallies held In tho coun-!'nico of president whoso character y during thla campaign, and It Is1 and personal Integrity nro not. of tho M by many to have been tlo most! highest." but It was shown In In- uecessful from the standpoint of tho stunco after Instance In our foreign ,fM Interest shown In tho arguments relations, tho Undorwood tariff, Mcx- Wesentcd. lean policy and other measuros In- ? Horace M. Manning opened tho nugurated by tho administration. 5log In a thlrty-mlnute discus-! whore these policies wore working to ton o the tariff In which the gctunl the great Injury of tho American cltl- rt "wiii were shown under the Repub- fU n Democrgtlc policies. He ; V WMenlod a very clear and convinc Jt argument In which facta and flg- 7- nin Kivan whirl, onttiri nnt Iia PUted, - wnutor Thonipaon briefly covered ' aTl a , irriVvvuvuvAfArvAnjv SAY NO WARNING GIVEN TO MARINA FIFTEEN AMERICAN SURVIVORS of n.i- fated vessel make DEPOSITION'S AGAINST GER MAN SUII.MAHI.e United Press Service CORK. Nov. 1. Kirieoii American survivors of tho submarined IlrltlHh stoainslili Marina today uro making depositions Hint tliv Mnrlnii w;ih sunk wmt warnKi h afc American Consul taking tho depoHltlons. It Is bcllovod that live Americans linrlKlwul wlinn llin ulilu U'nnt ifftivii T(0 gurvlvorH Hliy tll0 (.lllta,u of t(l0 Marina was tho Hint to leave the hMik Tno occupants of one Ilfe-boat ,rwiiod when their boat crushed 'n)o t10 Marina and wan overturned. H0Vcrnl Hfo-boutB carrying survivors Urlftuit for eighteen hours, tho occu- ,,UMS Buffering Intensely from tho 'cold. .', 7,mmi COAL MIXERS I START RIG STRIKE ,rjnltcd Press Service, j McALLIBTBR, Okla., Nov. 1. Sev- .... (,0itrHiiU Okalhoman coal mlnurs today started a general -strike because I tho big coal companies would not nr- I ccpt j,0 cw HC(,0 proposed by the minors? Tho ludepeiulent companies have 'ucccpted tho scalu and their employes continue work. I MORGAN SAVS HIS NERVE FAILED HIM i.OH anckm:s, Nov, 1. "Tills said Prosecutor may be a dream.' Voolwlnu today, when ho heard Chns. Morgan, a negro, say that Thomas Moouey offered to pay him K00 to placo a suitcase full or explosives during the Liberty Hell parade last car. Morg.m said his nervo failed him; that ho planted an empty suit case and threw tho full one In tho bay. Morgun today was sentenced to 8nn Quentln for forgery. IfheM InIs. Ooorgo W. Offlold of Merrill Is In Klamath FallB on business. sren. Instead of to tneir Deneni. Tollowlng tho apcaklng the hall was turned ovor to tho gathering ror U big dance which lasted until after r.iuiniKiii. a. tui' m....-,..-- Ucrvod tit the Dnrloy hotel by Mrs. Pickett the proprietor, nt 12 o'clock. lEutftttna UmtUi KLAMATH FALLS, German Merchant Submarine Arrives London With "Cargo of Drugs and h SfjSUmBtKbXFt ' Ki ii v aaaaaRsaV '' s ' v'tTii w9 j iWaaaaaVaaC''' ' MW H S "'!'. mi c.LLLLLL7' Wt I aaaaaaaaaW - f lilt ? HRaaaaHfaaaaaaBaalBiBaSJBaaaaaaayp K MR&- fiCJ ?$ ii(tfJj?Z3aaaaaaaaaaaa V( 'CVyHVaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &,' OjiP'MiyF c SC ?V -fi'yiiKBrl'L jaaaaaaaiaaasrLfrfMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaFsPsaaaaaafc tliAmZjQ-wPvVwhy aj A VTW'WBsBaMBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa V'vK9HLaaaaaaaaaaaiBaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aasaMssaMsaaMswaMMBSimBsaBiimMsaMiaisaaMasaaa Chairman Wflcox lells the lale The prediction is being freely ox pressed that Charles K. Hughes will lit vc considcruble more than 300 elec toral votes was muuu todnyby CJiuir-. niuii William It. Wilcox or The repub-' llcau niitliinal committee. "Mr. Hughes will have. 310 elec toral votes or more," Mr. Wilcox said. "My reports show that Ohio, Illinois and Indiana will all go republican, us well as also New York state. "Wo also consider Michigan safe, .mil although there is a bitter light in Utah, I bellove'that it will go re publican. Tho democrats have been claiming Minnesota lately, but my reports from that state do not Indi cate that It will go democratic. "As to Wisconsin, there are a good many varying reports from there, but I was told today by authorities from that state that It will be In the repub lican column." ESPEE SHOULD ADD EQUIPMENT PUIILIU FIXIW CARS SKHVICK COMMISSION' XKW HO.Y AND FLAT AND MOIIK MOT1VK POWKK NHF.IKI SALEM, Nov. 1. That tho South ern Pncllle railroad should take im mediate action toward acquiring an adequate supply of now equipment, especially box and lint cars, and neces sary inotlvo power is ono of tho prin cipal recommendations mado by the public servlco commission, following Its Investigation of tho car shortage .situation. It its findings nnd recommenda tions, mado public Sunday, tho com mission says that, In vlow or tho earnest deslro manifested by tho Southurn Pacific to co-oporate with tho commission and shippers in tho bolutlon of the problem, no formal action Is taken a " 'ha I the submission to tho company of, Kovornl suggestions nnu recommenna- tious. However, the commission finds that thcro Is sufficient evldenco to war rant n hearing ou tho assertion of tho tum demurrage rates of Ore-j company gon aro too low, and the average agreement unsatisfactory, ana inm, both were sirong lacuna m .uo...h j. aa - iisiitiinw Itlllia I.. IHUBIIIH This hearing Is ii... ulifirinim lied for November 24lh, In Portland. Besides the recommendations as to "ea Continued on Tago 4 OREGON, ftEPNESPAY, How he Big a iy rtl CflUpUlg v -AW. Tho electlouH6n November 7th ot Charles K. .HWglies" Is certain,' ac cording to Colonel George Harvey, thu most famous political prophet In the United States. Harvey generally is given credit for having put Presi dent Wilson in the White House. Four years ago Colonel Harvey guessed wrong as to only one state In his election forecast. In 1908 ho wru only seventeen electoral votes out of the way, and in 1904 only twenty-two votes from the actual count. In April of the present year, before a single stato had Indicated a prefer ence for the nominee, he closed an analysis of the political situation un der the heading "Nobody for Hughes but the People," with the positive pre diction that "rightly or wrongly, wise ly or not, the will of the people will provall, and Charles Evans Hughe will be the next republican candidate for president of the United States." In the North American Review to day Colonel Harvey predicts the elec tion of Hughes sb certain. He says: "Electoral votes' essential to a choice, 2G6. We predict that Mr. Hughes will carry these states: California, 13; Connecticut, 7;. Ida ho, 4; Illinois, 29; Iowa, 13; Kansas,, iu; Maine, o; Aiassacnuseus, is; PORTLAND Will HELP STRAHORN PORTLAND CIIAMUKK OF COM MERCE ASKS RAILROAD IIUILD KK AMOUNT AND NATURE OF ASSISTANCE HE DESIRES. United Press Service Uend, Ore.. Nov. 1. Bend received , ' I vrlili much satisfaction, the news that .llo portinnij chamber of Commerce had gone on record favoring the proJ ' nrMM.ni """ M "-" " """"'''"" of the Oregon, California ft Eastern railroad In central Oregon, in which It wag stated that the .Portland com mercial body would ask of Mr, Stra horn the amount and the nature of as Bistente ue aesireu Tho Bend Commercial Club, at Its ,.-.. oH.j . rm.iti ! ottna today, adopted a resolution to uiriTLiuK luuaii saa'ai. w i vhwi ata i - - - - - - "e directed to the Portland Chamber -:---',.--.,. u. t Commerce expressing Us pleasure W the Portland organ Uatlon has Joined hands with tbe central Oregon project. NOVEMBER 1, 1916. Politicians l. cIa:am UK L1CU1UU Michigan, 15; Minnesota, 12; New Hampshire, 4; -New -Jersey, ! 4;- New Mexico, 3; New York. 45; North Da-, kota, 5; Oregon, 5; Pennsylvania, 38; Rhode Island, 5; Utah, 4; Vermont, 4: Washington. 7: Wyoming, 3. Total 269. ' "We expect that Mr. Hughes will carry Indiana, 15, and Wisconsin, 13, 1 a total ot 28. ! "We believe that Mr. Hughes will carry these: Delaware, 3; Ohio, 24; Maryland, 8; total 35. "We allot to Mr. Wilson witnout Questien: - - "Alabama, 12; Arkansas, 9; Florl- j da, 6; Georgia, 14; Virginia, 12; Kentucky, 13; Louisiana, 10; Missis sippi, 10; North Carolina, 12; Okla homa, 10; South Carolina, 9; Tennes see, 12; Texas, 20. "Total, 149. "We regard as doubtful:: "Arlsona, 3; Colorado, 6; Missouri, 18; Montana, 1; Nebraska, 8; Neva da, 3; West Virginia, 8. "Total, 50. ''The grand totals are: "Hughes, 332; Wilson, 149; doubt ful, 50. "Hughes surely wins. -Probable maioritr for Hughes, between 145 and 175." G. 0. P. TO RALLY AT OPERA HOUSE UllLE SPEAKERS WILL DISCUSS I ISSUES OF THE CAMPAIGN ANDi HAND AND ORCHESTRA WILL PROVIDE MUSIC. To night Is tho date for tho big) Republican rally at Houston's opera , ...... 14 ...111 h. Attn Inn hlV Wltlllf IlllUBU. 11 Will MU IU7 WDl UIB IMt.J or members ot tbe grand old party before election day and Is expected to draw people not only from Klamath Fulls but surrounding territory, 8everal ot the largest Issues upon which the voters must decide Novem bei 7 will be handled by Hon. W. Lair Thompson of Lakevlew and the tariff Issue, over which more words , have been uttered than over any l other question since the civil war, wltl i. riii.oii.nM hv H. M. Mannlna of -wm . - r , , , . ntu , Klamath Falls. moaincations in structure aesign. The rally begins at 8 o'clock. The! Ten of the new submarines voted orchestra will play from 7:45 until .ior by the, last confress are to he a onH th hnnii win ninv on the1 built on the Pacific coast. No bids streets from 7:30 until 8, at New Dye Stuffs WhatM'Cormick Says About It ''I see by the papers, said Tance .McCormlck, chairman of the demo cratic national committee, "that Mr. Frank H. Hitchcock claims the elec j-tlon'tif'-Mt. Hngties,' and give v Hal of states that he professes to believe the republicans will carry. Of 'the twenty-six states be claims for Hughes I do not resrard six as certain for the republican candidate. The Wilson sen- timent In Ohio that makes Mr. Hitch. cock concede the state to the demo- crats doesn't stop at imaginary state .lines. It extends all over this sec- jtion, and by this token we know that Illinois and Indiana also are for the president. The same sentiment Is 'sweeping to the Pacific Coast "Icon fidently expect the president to carry Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia; in fact, the situation now looks as if these states are to be no longer In doubt. The swing is toward the president, and there are no signs of abatement." VILLA CUTS ALL WIRES AND RAILS CHIHUAHUA C1TV IS CUT OFF FROM ALL COMMUNICATION WITH AMERICAN BORDER. TRAIN SERVICE STOPPED. United Press Bervice , EL PASO, Nov. 1. All communi cation, between Chihuahua City and the American border have been cut. Eveu train service has been halted. Viillstas are reported to have cut al! wires and railroad rails within 1 120 miles ot Juares, Would BuUd Cost Plus V WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 The Union J iron Wrks of San Francisco today offered to build for the government two scout cruisers for the actual cost 'of construction and materials, plus , It allows also a' profit of 15 per cent thut the government may require anjr j have beeu accepted for any ot these. KLAllATk'FAlif OFFICIAL NEWftPAPSK wm&iik&x. , - Afcsfe Jr . ."r .ff.tgr: terns taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMBH F i '.v fl HERE ON SECOND TRIP TO THE:Ii: 1 a ' iJ'iS' u-tuiuuiiianiHo ,; ..1$ ARRIVES .AT NEW IONDOW BOON' ,' AFTER MIDNIGHT Cnpialn Koenlg la CuiiBiiaaJ, Wttb Same Craw m Before Voyage Arrom the Atlaatlc Froai Genawajr' Made by Sabegarlae MeraaaataMNi jr Jn 21 Days Docks Nest to Mojliar ; Sliip Wllleteicl.. ., A ' J, I'iTIJ United Press Service V ..-t NEW LONDON, Nov. 1. Tho fo- i mous oerman lUDmanae DeutscBUtKl g:: arrived here tiioitly after mldiflil.t " ,'. on Its second trip from Germaiiy to - the United SUtes. Captain ,Paul Koenlg, who piloted, the diver qBthe,1, first trip, is. in command, and his crew' Is practically the' same as the one ' , ' that made the first voyage across the ?f Atlantic. The Deutchland docked next to the liuer Wlllehad, which was, sent here weeks ago as a mother ship, .. - . The Deutschland crossed the At lantic in 21 days. .. J- Few local people knew she was la New London until this morning. ' United Press Service ' !- "WASHINGTON.'D. C. Nov. 1. " The government announced, today; f.-.$ tbnt It does not Intend to gWe, asy more cognisance to tke Deutseklaaft. is than to any other commerce, vessel.. s-V viuuuhj. Ttiii wuriv fuo yyyfcp aUfl"srlt'T admission of tho Deutschland . to hb ' merlcan port is'n merchantmau if NEW LONDON, Nov.' 1 The cargo of tbe Deutschland consists of drugsV medicines and dye stusts, all scares ar ticles in this country.-arid-.ls.vilaed at $1,000,000. . ' V Captain Koenlg says he Intends to unload hurriedly and to take back to, Germany a cargo of nickel. Members of the Deutschland'a crv say they saw many allied warships Iu tbe trip across tbe ocean. Once they were compelled to run ten hours un der water to avoid .a fight with a British warship. Storms encountered a few days out of the English channel made several members ot tbe crew seasick. The crew confirms the report that the Bremen Is lost, saying she was due to arrive here soon after the Deutschland'a first trip, to America. They do not believe she has been cap tured, but probabltmet with accident' to machinery. - , - Amerlka, the third of the fleet of German submarine merchantmen, is, not ready to sail. say. the crew. A heavy guard is stationed around tbe pier here where the Deutschland, is docked to prevent unknown persons v.. talking, with the crew or going aboard 3tf& iue unci. ., n.js.9 AMSTERDAM. Nov., 1. It .was learned here today thatHbe U'SlkM reached a German port, the sane. v..y;,: which Is unstated. The U-53toek 3SEj part in the destruction ot six freight 5c 9 MAH. nr ka AmaplMn nmmt ra Jrj-Jm fltnuiOlO u w sas.v -www --v IVVI raniiv. - . &iexm m v- Boats tor . r.f-'j 15 Per Cert ' tE'&WT The Seattle CosUwlo. IM A dock company W.tM.ogiir;Bfsvaspf v i der, oertM.toysaVlilIJ .A The offer, of. il:;fii cern comes as sstslstajMssfay ( following theV HtUlky,it; mi agoot anotlliKes'pwllJg , , to bid oa thr.vtWsRssnM.-'. bine between! ass;s;tstt turers wtiwmtnmmKmmm wester.r: i'! "ii .V r, asaSW. fv W ! faffi i'-yiL . j ii '. &'& ti'-l i' "? ?! . . if' 'm iji. 9 ft I. I M J S5eT - ? TI -. $4 m M i v iif, "XI -;., I vV ' 1 VrfJ&ri ,J?i: . . i j,C it-V,;', Xv, i-l"' ftrtN. r K,r-,i