V & - . ? i "j. 'ASF f. 1 !- - s j rt-J-r-i 'vW m V-M'l Pj iatpmng Uralti ny KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER f& KLAMATH PALLV -OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER n& i v. Uareatli Year No. ,1W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOty TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1916., Priee aTrfavGssrta Germany May Disavow Sinking of the Marina DETAILS CONCERNING SINKING ARE MEAGRE KAWKR AMH MAY OFFER REP ARATION Hm HINKINO , VYHI Do Till, However, Ouljr If llw gleamer UVro Sunk In Ylulatioa of i Hedge Regarding Submarine War . unM Lean l f Cw of Mar ias Are Mill MlaaJng, Powslbly In , eluding Americans. United Preu Service WAHIIINC1TON, Oct. 31. German offldtU hero any that Germany will j disavow the sinking of the British) teamer Murlni, offer reparation and punlih the submarine commanders. If It li proven that the Marina or the tteaaer Rowanmore were aunk In trlolatlon of aerraany'a pledges re tarding aubmarlno warfare. Secretary of State Lansing aaya the otkiil rcportM concerning the alnk Ini of tho Marina are unconclualvo. , The American embaaay at London hai ,bwn ordered to forward all Informa tion available Immediately. Tho In formation nt hand la not conaldored by thli government aa real evidence, ultli not known whothor tho Marina u torpedoed or aunk by gun fin.'. Other details also are lacking, Bwrctary tanning rofuaed to aay If the survivors have atnted the de tail regarding the sinking, only Buy ing that "hworn affidavits liavo boon received." Copies of all Information have been mint to President Wilson. United Press Service. LONDON, Oct. 81. Consul Frost bu reported to the Amorlcan embassy hue that thirteen memburs of tho Marina's crew, possibly including tome Americana, are atill missing. The others have been landed. The survivors aay thirty-six Ameri cans were aboard the Mnrlnn when be was hit. Consul VriM) l anrniiln tn f'tiutln. on to get affidavits from tho aurvl- or. vora. Tamer in Town. )on the revonuo policies of tho united William Turner la hi Klamath Falls. States and Is well able to discuss todiy from tho Turner aawmlll. on' them. Following him Hon. V. Kulr 'Bryant mountain, to tranaact busl- MM, Ha Big Heart-Might. A powerful searchlight has been Placed on tho atoamer Modoc, owned by ftthtllltl WI.bat.nM mA m..hmImc a-.H... 1, ,MUU HI1U UIIIIIHI f on Upper Klamath lake. Commodoro Alex Nosier aaya he has been told a I aigitlne can 1a ) An miio u.' 't If this light la thrown upon tho gtilne. Triple Alliance Loses 100,000 in Last Month v United Preaa Service LONDON, Oct. 31 It Is nfflclally ttn, here that the British have ' ""led, woundod and' captured during . Past month 108,966 soldiers of central powora. Of theae, 3,084 , "a officers. fctermltteat ahellijif continues to 'ooboth,idHottlwgoie. , IV VOaltwliirM.aw-4. PARIS, Oct. 81. The Italian arUl ;rh"1 ,,P"e(l the Buliarlana aortheaat of Deiren. - (Tbe French have occupied' the Bin- MMMMMMMMAMMWWVWN olenk willholda HALIjOWE'EN SOCIAL Tho resident)) of the Olcuo commu nity nrc nntlctiuitlng n jolly tlmo nt a llnllowo'cn party and candidates' soclul to bo held at the hcIioo! house Frlduy evening, November 3, at 8 o'clock, Tliero will be ghosts, witches and Koblliis In plenty. Ghosts will con duct tho guests on a trip through wltchlnnd and everyono will bo told their fate by a witch. Tho box suppers, to bo furnished by the ladles, will be sold for 75 cents each. Coffee will bo given frco with tho lunch. BIGGEST RALLY HERE TOMORROW HAM) WILL PLAY OX, STREETS AM) ORCHESTRA IN OI'KltA house , for nrc " roM-ncti; GATHERING. If oii (iitiiiot remember from the tlmo )u lead this until tomorrow night ul 8 o'clock that a llepubllrnu rnlly Is on tap, tho blnro of trumpets will icmiuil you. At least you will bo reminded If you nro ulthln hear ing distance of Main sheet. From 7:110 until K o'clock tomor row uvunhiK tho baud will play on Main stivut, iiuuoiiiiciiig tho hlgguit political rally in Klamath county dur ing the IDlti campaign. In Houstou'H opera house fiom 7M5 until S o'clock tho Harlow orchentiu will play; It ulso will render neleitlotm during the rally. Ho if Mr, Voter comes early 'or Into he is sure to bo entertained with music. Horace M. Miiuulug, local attorney, wl T'! tbnn "'".n" five minute address on the tn a twenly- rlff issue. Mr. Manning hus studied a great deal Thompson of L-ikovlow, state sonn- tor from this district, win bpcuk u tho other Issues In this campaign. Ho Is an ablo speaker and well qunlifled to discuss tho Issues. The rally tomorrow evening will he tho last ono urranged by tho Ho Ul' HIV ,W ...v ........ - publican central committee. lt is expected that tho nttendnnco will bo rnl breaking, both because of tho lability of the speakers and because of I tho importance of this election. tlorl monastery, west of Lake Proa- nlr. The Bcrblana arc progressing along tho Ccrna river. United Press Service BERLIN, Oct, 31. Too Germans ... MmniMit Heht French- attacks mt rmhoufs. Lnmalsonotto, Blaches and Ablalncourt. ThJre la no Infantry activity around Verdun today, Vienna reports that activity on tho Italian front la slackening bocuuso of storms. AAAAWWMWMMWWWWWMWWWWMWWM ii ywHiHHaHBiHiri Fa ieraJtKam. .sLLLHkklBkkklkkkkVkkLLi "" KLXyBmKrUwKkWm t'lOirritt!MitvJ - 1 1 mmmmmmtmmmmmkmtmmmmmamkmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmkmmmmmmmm s,rm"'m WS&rmilZiTr-ZiZZr&Z KWLWWJ'&:!Wr TIiIh I the llrst Kmel liotograili xlnre Strahorn Not Stop at Sprague River Railroad Builder Tells C. R. Miller That People Have Misunderstood Him--To Be in Klamath Falls Within a Week If Klamath Fulls gives $300,000 to help build tho Oregon, California & Kasteiu to Spr.tguo river, tho gap Horn theio to Head positively will bo built. This is tho word brought from Robert K. Strahorn by Charles R. Miller, local photographer, who re turned l:ht evening fiom Hcnd, after taking pictures tliero and talking with Mr. Straboin. "In out conversations, Mr. Stra horn lamented the fact that many people believe the railroad will be built from Klamath Falls only to Sprague river," said Mr. Miller. "Mr. Strahorn asked mo to say positively KLAMATH LOSES TO GRANTS PASS KCOKI-: 1H !S TO IX GAMK IX WHICH KLAMATH HOYS WKH10 IX HAI) PHYSICAL CONDITION AI-TK1I TWO GAMES. By u score of 13 to 3, Grants Puss high school yesterday afternoon de feated the Klamath county high school football team on the former's field. On October 21 Granta Pass lost tho gamo here 46 to 0. Defeat yostorday is charged to the condition of the Klamath playera. Two days before they played Med ford an uphill game and four daya bdfoie played the heavy Ashland, m mi. When thoy entered the fray csterdny tho Klamath boys were ur-t forlng from charley horses, sunnesa nnd Boroness. The boya went to Ashland from Latest Photogrqm of the United States Supreme Court i ft xJSL-KLm.-: .. . ittt&2&xwz?y'V&yl . . . ru,si...v .:.,$;&,. vA.s, i:' -,-.:.. - Jf-J' " '!, . . . wm juj mmmmMmmm mlMkXmkmrs"i9i &2mmmlmwzhmaimmm&(mw?:wd Jusllred Ilrandls ami CIarlu of the Say si Road Will that ho has no thought of building only to Sprague river because a road bo short, while of value to Klamath county, would be unprofitable as rail road property. The road - is neces sary beyond Sprague river to make an outlet north from Klamath county to Portland." Tho Oregon, California & Eastern will run south from Bend to Silver Lake and then branch southeasterly to I.ukoviow. The .reasons for com pleting the short gap from Sprague river to Silver Lake is obvious. Mr. Strahorn was in Bend Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and left yester Grunts Pass last night and came over tho mountain in automobiles from Ashland this morning. None of them ate Injured, but all are sore and stiff. Ashland high school will play Klumnth at Modoc park next Friday afternoon. This probably will be the last game of the season for the local hoys this yonr, at least with a Rogue river valley team, FAXXIK OWKN8 DIES OF TYPHOID FEVER Fnnnlc, 16-ycnr-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Bon S. Owens, died this morning at the Owens home of typh oid fever. She had. been 111 for aomo time. ' " No funoral arrnngeraents have been made. Fairbanks' Mother Dead Uulted Presa Service INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 31. Charles W, Fairbanks arrived herethli after noon at attend the funeral of his mother, Mary Adelaide Fairbanks, who died last night. He has can celled fifty speeches scheduled to be made In Indiana before .election day. WWWMWVWMWMWrtMMVWVWSMWVWMWW United States Supreme Court bee me VWWWWMWMWMMaiMM day morning for Silver Lake, Burns, Paisley and other points. Mr. Miller says the railroad builder will be here by next Monday, and possibly before then. When Mr. Miller was in Bend he took many pictures of tho Shevlln Hixou sawmill and other industrial plants of Bend. He finished, this work Saturday and did not begin taking t'ie views of the Strahorn road right-of-way and territory adjacent be cause of the rain. If weather permits Mr. Miller will begin soon after Mr. Strahorn reaches Klamath Falls to tcke the views. Not only will the ground over which the rails shall lass be the subjects of views, but much of the agricultural territory and the standing timber to be tapped by the road will be Included In the pictures. It is planned to make the aggregate of the views into one great panorama. This work will require a great deal of time and will cost no little money. TO GET RETURNS FROM ELECTION EPISCOPAL GUILD AVILL SEBVK CHICKEX DIXXER AXD GIVE A MUSICAL PROGRAM IX I. O. O. F. HALL ELECTION XIGHT Election returns, a musical pro gram, Illustrated pictures and a cream chicken dinner will be enjoyed elec tion night In the I. O, O, F. hall.- ac cording to the local Episcopal Guild, who is staging the affair. The chicken dinner will be served from 6:30 until 8 o'clock, and from 8; 15 until 9 games will be played. During the rest of the evening a mu sical program will be rendered, and A, J. Knight, deaconess of tbe'Epl's coual church, will show pictures of her extensive travels, and election re- turna will be announced. mmmmmmmmfm 7itf& 'r&X rj a r .-. "i ..a afiW &. Jil.iii members, RAlLYjIDAtiCE ATI BONANZA TONIGHT FOLLOWERS OFTHE GRAND OLD PARTY WILL HEAR DISCUS SION'S OF ISSUES OF THE 1010 CAMPAIGN. Tonight is the date for the big Tte mbllcan rally and Hallowe'en dance mil party at Bonanza. Botb the Re publican central committee and the people of Bonanza are preparing for a live time. The Hon. W. Lair Thompson of Lakevlew and H. M. Manning of Klamath Falls will speak on the i! mes in this campaign. After the ipeaking dancing will hold sway. Music for both the rally and the dunce a ill be furnished by the Barlow or chestra of Klamath Falls. Several people from Klamath Fal'r, besides the 'pfnkcrs and the Repul lican candidates, ere planning to in tend the rally and dance. m lirukeimui Loses Anna United Press Service REDDING, Cal Oct. 31. Fred Dodge, a Southern Pacific brakeman, 'oday lost both his arms when un coupling freight cars at Stelnman. He will live. Dodge has a family in Ashland, Oregon. Armies in Carpathians Fight in Snow Storms United Press Service LONDON. Oct. 31. Attacking tn the Volhynia territory, the Russians claim capture of trenches west of Lutsk. The Russians also have turned back fierce Teuton attacks In Gallcla. Despite a snowstorm, the fighting trom-tuUk to the Carpathian for ests Is raging today, Germany claims that, the Turka have taken positions on the eastibank of the Narayuvka, In Gallcla., The Rumonlans continue their JIu valley offesslve. Berlin claims that all Rumanian! adults. Have been re- STRAHORN SAYS HIS ROAD WILL BE INDEPENDENT HAS XO INTENTION OF GOING AF TER RAILROAD SUPREMACY Declare in Portland OregoaJaa That He Has Word of Big Traascoatl- neotnl Companies Tliat,Thej Have e? Xo Intention of Tapping Vast Oen. tral Oregon Plateau, Bat Will Help One Who Will Do This Work. - U" ta "I have no Inclination or Intention of engaging in a contest for railroad supremacy in any part of Oregon or California," sald.Robert E. Strahorn, projector of the Oregon, California 4b Eastern railroad, In reply to recent re-, ports that hla line was to rival the Southern, Pacific in4 a construction campaign through the Surprise Valley . and other districts on both sides of the Oregon California line. Mr. Strahorn, whose proposed road is to connect the five existing lines jn Central Oregon, baa started on an In spection trlp'of the territory that hi. rrSA m in un. Ha tnntatml. tutor W ho left .that hla project was entirely -. independent of any existing "yailroad enterprise, and that it will be most successful it.it remains an Indepeud ent carrier. - -- - . . ""TJnfortunatelyUor. Central Oregon and large sections of Northern- Call- fornia.and Nevada,'-' he sald.V'there Is no strife or competition) that I know of to sunnlr the railway facilities that ast, practically undeveloped region so much needs. When some two years ago, at the earnest solicitation -of hankers and other prominent business men of San -Francisco, Portland and the Interior communities affected, I sought to satisfy myself on this point. T was definitely advised by the execu- " tlve officers of all the transcontinental lines Interested that tbey bad no. In tention of engaging in any such jde velonment. That, whatever might be their opinion of the feasibility or nnanclal aspect ot.the undertaking, their attitude woult be that of cor- dial well wishes foe anyone who. had P the courage to shoulder aucb a load. "Thpv have at various timeB.slnco and quite recently declared' their in- ability or lack of Inclination to do it themselves under recent adverse con ditions In the railway world. "I have all along contended that these connecting links must be built' by local Initiative and financing, be controlled locally and entirely Inde- nendent of any of the five existing lines which have at great expense Continued on Pane 4 V pulsed and that 10,000 RumanUH have been taaen prisoner smjco .wiyj i.,. in .. . j & JST? ,.:' . .i. Jmirriiih.M IIICIO IB UU VIW ,, - -?7t''jr.ig rudja , front, although the'rfosttg,S lavs .? i... nf..v.. ' :?&& a stand against ri-uj du aMlaa U ,"- w-w -j , jt - "," SALONIKA. Oct, SX. A KWUta&; l of' Greek revolultoaary ,ttfft nntA n ihu citv. vera sttaekad tlUa " morning at S"M9M erul aoWlera ,wawjfMWl:jjs&"' This Utbt trat.aUa bia:tk . ouobalna OreekvtiWi,vUf '',. .. eeg-ajwieas&f. ; w V m .,)JI tf n - .. .& mi m, k,l" Wi....3!K